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Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety and Health System




Mechanism 5.0 – OSH Requirements for

Medium Risk Entities

Version 3.1

March 2017
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Requirements ................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Medium Risk Entity Requirements ........................................................................ 4
3. Document Amendment Record ........................................................................................ 7
Appendix 1: Concerned SRA and other Relevant Authorities Contact Details ............................. 8
Appendix 2: Training Attendance Register .................................................................................. 9
Appendix 3: Personal Protective Equipment Supplied Register................................................. 10
Appendix 4: Occupational Injuries Register ............................................................................... 11
Appendix 5: Hazard and Risk Register ...................................................................................... 12
Appendix 6: Hazardous Substances Register ........................................................................... 13

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1. Introduction
This mechanism is designed to define the minimum OSH requirements for sector entities that
have been assessed by the concerned Sector Regulatory Authority (SRA) as medium risk and
do not require a fully compliant OSHMS to manage their risks.

OSHAD-SF - Mechanism 3.0 – Identification, Assessment and Nomination of Entities outlines

the process that the concerned SRA shall undertake in assessing the risk of a sector entity.

This mechanism has been designed to ensure fair, transparent and consistent implementation
of the OSHAD-SF.

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2. Requirements
2.1 Medium Risk Entity Requirements

(a) Entities assessed by the concerned SRA to be medium risk shall develop, implement and
maintain OSH records that comply with the following OSH requirements (in compliance with
Federal Law No. 8, for 1980, Regulation of Labour Relations) as a minimum:

(i) ensure employee training, including:

1. site specific OSH induction training for new employees;
2. task / equipment specific basic work rules / standard operating procedures;
3. identified risk and hazards;
4. hazardous substances; and
5. first aid / fire / emergency response.
(ii) ensure hazards and risks are assessed:
1. what can go wrong?;
2. who can get hurt?; and
3. what control measures can be implemented to make the workplace safer?
(iii) provide safe and appropriate plant, equipment and tools:
1. ensure plant, equipment and tools are installed, operated and maintained to
manufacturer’s specifications;
2. ensure plant, equipment and tools are inspected regularly and have relevant
certification, where applicable (e.g. lifting equipment, etc); and
3. ensure plant, equipment and tools are only operated by competent persons and
utilized for tasks they were designed to perform.
(iv) provide safe and appropriate safety and welfare facilities, as required, including:
1. first aid box / equipment / personnel;
2. fire fighting equipment;
3. drinking water;
4. toilets, showers, hand basins, soap, towels, etc;
5. place to store clothing / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), etc; and
6. somewhere to rest and eat meals.
(v) consider health issues, including:
1. supply of appropriate PPE;
2. appropriate immunizations (if applicable);
3. protection from exposure to hazardous materials;
4. appropriate ventilation and lighting;
5. reasonable work temperature;
6. appropriate space and equipment to safely perform the tasks; and
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7. clean workplace with appropriate waste containers and waste is disposed of
utilizing approved waste service providers (by the Center for Waste Management
Abu Dhabi).
(vi) notify concerned SRA of all OSHAD-SF serious OSH incidents as soon as practicable,
within 24 hours in case of a fatality or within 3 days in case of other serious incident.
Refer Appendix 1: Concerned SRA and other Relevant Authorities Contact Details.
Note: Serious OSH Incident is a work-related incident consisting of or resulting in:
• Fatality;

• Serious Injury;
• Serious Dangerous Occurrence; and/or

• Serious Occupational Illness / Disease.

Note: For more information on Serious OSH Incidents refer to OSHAD-SF –– Mechanism 11.0 –
OSH Incident Notification, Investigation and Reporting.
Note: OSHAD-SF – Form G – Serious OSH Incident Notification Form shall be used to notify OSH
incidents to Concerned SRA.
(vii) record all OSH incidents and perform OSH incident investigations (serious and non-
1. discover the causes of the incident – find out why and how it happened - what went
2. identify what to change or improve to prevent a repeat of the incident by controlling
or eliminating hazards and risks?
3. Keep records of all incidents and incident investigations;
4. In case of a serious incident, report the completed investigation report, to the
concerned SRA, within 30 calendar days of the date of the incident, as an
attachment to the completed OSHAD-SF – Form G1.
Note: Form G1 is to be submitted by entities to the concerned SRA to summarize Serious
Incident Investigation findings. The full OSH Incident investigation should be attached to the
completed OSHAD-SF – Form G1. OSHAD-SF – Form G1 can be accepted as a full
investigation report where the information within is suitable and sufficient in relation to the
complexity and severity of the incident and covers the requirements of clause 5.4 of this
Note: Form G2 is for Entity Internal Use and Recordkeeping and shall be used to record non
serious injuries. All non-serious Incidents not requiring immediate notification to SRA should
be investigated and results recorded internally using OSHAD-SF - Form G2.
Note: refer to OSHAD-SF – Mechanism 11.0 – Incident Notification, Investigation and Reporting
for further information.
(viii) Complete an Occupational Injuries Register on an annual basis and make it available
to the concerned SRA, as required;

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(ix) complete and maintain at a minimum the following OSH records and registers:
1. training register;
2. PPE register;
3. occupational injuries register;
4. hazard and risk register;
5. incident investigation records; and
6. hazardous substance register (if applicable).
Note: Standard Templates are included in the appendices of this document. Entities may use
other formats as long as they record the same information as a minimum.
(b) Comply with the requirements of the OSHAD-SF - Codes of Practice as applicable to the
undertakings of the entity

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3. Document Amendment Record
Revision Page/s
Version Description of Amendment
Date Affected
2.0 Feb 2012 New Document N/A
Change of Logo All
Change from AD EHS Center to OSHAD throughout
Change of document title: AD EHSMS RF to
EHS changes to OSH Throughout
Minor amendments and editorial changes to
provide further clarity without changing Throughout
Change of scope of document from low risk to
medium risk
1 July
3.0 Clause 2.1(a) updated 4
Clause 2.1(a)(i)(2) updated 4
Clause 2.1(a)(vi) updated 5
Clause 2.1(a)(vii) & (viii) updated 5
Clause 2.1(b) updated to Clause 2.1(a)(ix) 6
Appendixes updated from A,B,CD,E,F to
Appendix 1 updated 8
Waste Water SRA removed from Appendix 1 8
Minor editorial changes to provide further
clarification without changing the requirements
19th March
3.1 Clause 2.1(a)(viii) updated 5
Clause 2.1(b) added 6

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Appendix 1: Concerned SRA and other Relevant
Authorities Contact Details
OSH Emergency
Sector SRA
Contact Hotline
Building and Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport
800 555
Construction (DMAT)
Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport
Commercial 800 555
Education Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) 02 6156 999
Abu Dhabi Water and Electrical Authority
Energy 02 694 3666
Food Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) 028181111

Health Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) 02 419 3666

Industry Industrial Development Bureau 800 555
Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority
Tourism 800 555
Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport
Transport 02 617 4515
Center for Waste Management – Abu Dhabi
Waste 800 555

Abu Dhabi Authorities Emergency Contact

Abu Dhabi Police 999

Ambulance 999

Fire 999
Emergency and Disaster Management Operations Center -
02 419 3666 or 02 419 3660
Poison and Drug Information Center – HAAD 800 424

Coast Guard 999

Water and Electricity 999

Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) 800 9990

OSHAD 02 404 3800 / 3900

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Appendix 2: Training Attendance Register

Training Attendance Register

Entity Name: Location:

Date of Training Name of Position Type of Hours Employee Trainer

Employee Training (eg Attended Signature Signature
Induction, First

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Appendix 3: Personal Protective Equipment Supplied
This register is maintained to record the supply without charge to the employee and/or replacement of
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The employer ensures at all times that the PPE supplied is
manufactured, used and maintained to appropriate International Standards, as per OSHAD-SF – CoP
2.0 – Personal Protective Equipment.

The employer ensures that PPE Supplied is appropriate to control the hazards and risks of the
employees under its control.

The employer ensures that each employee is trained in the correct use and maintenance of supplied
PPE and there is suitable facilities for storage of PPE.

Personal Protective Equipment Register

Entity Name: Location:

Date of Issue Name of Position Type of Quantity Brand of Employee Supervisor

or Employee Equipment Equipment Signature Signature
(eg Safety Glasses,
Safety Boots)

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Appendix 4: Occupational Injuries Register

Occupational Injuries Register

Entity Name: Location:

Date Time of Name of Position Nature Treatment Further Employee Supervisor

of Treatment Employee of Injury Performed Treatment Signature Signature
Injury Required
(24 Hr Clock)

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

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Appendix 5: Hazard and Risk Register

Hazard and Risk Register

Entity Name: Location:

Hazard Risk Supervisor

Task Control Measures in Place Signature
What could go wrong? If it happens, how bad will the
outcome be?

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Appendix 6: Hazardous Substances Register

Hazardous Substances Register

Entity Name: Location: Date:

Name of Substance Supplier Manufacturer Maximum Safety Data Sheet* Special

Quantity Conditions for
(Chemical or Stored Copy on Date of Use / Storage /
Commercial Name) Site Issue

* Safety Data Sheet: Must be within 5 years of date of issue.

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© OSHAD 2017

This document was developed by OSHAD and shall remain its property. The document may only be used for the
purposes for which it was intended. Unauthorized use or reproduction of this document is prohibited.

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