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Girard School

2nd preparatory
Unit 4 worksheet
Complete the gaps with the correct word derived from the word in bold:
1- We weren't sure of the rules, so we asked the teacher to_____________ them. (Clear)

2-They don't want anyone to know about their successful deal, so they aren't going to___________ it.


3- The only way to learn Latin grammar rules is to_________ them. (Memory)

4- When they saw the man coming towards them, they decided to_________ the alarm. (Active)

5- It's hard to _____________ what this area looked like before the town was built. (Visual)

6- The twins are so similar that it's impossible to ___________ one from the other. (Different)

7- We tried to___________ the document so that everybody would understand it. (Simple)

8- My brother's attitude____________ the way boys think in my country nowadays. (Example)

9- Last year the government's immigration policy__________ a lot of its supporters. (Alien)

Choose the correct answer:

1- My grandmother wears thick glasses because she's extremely short …………….................…
(hearted – headed – sighted – blooded )
2- Anne wouldn't listen to my argument because she's so………………
(fair-haired – narrow-minded – thick-skinned – short-sighted)
3- Rob is very thick ………………… so he takes no notice if other children insult him.
(sighted – skinned – headed – haired)
4- My sister is very………………………… , so she usually makes sensible decisions.
(narrow-minded – level-headed – kind-hearted – cold-blooded)
5- My aunt spends most of her time helping other people she's very ……….........…..
(fair-haired – kind-hearted – short-sighted – thick-skinned)
6- Our class tutor never seems to take offence. He's quite…………… skinned.
(thin – thick – cold – short )
7- The murder expressed no guilt about his crimes he was quite…………………
(cold-blooded – fair-haired – short-sighted – right-handed)
8- His brothers and sisters have dark hair, but he's blond. He's ………
(narrow-minded – fair-haired – short-sighted – thick- skinned)
Complete with a suitable idiom :
1- He keeps interfering in things that are none of his business. I wished he'd stop……..................................…
into my affairs.

2- It's better to get something…………............................ than to keep worrying about it in private.

3- He said he didn't want to contribute to our campaign, but I'm hoping that I can

4- Nobody seems to know what's happening about the plans for tonight so, I think we'll have to play

5- Could you …………………. on my bag while I get a coffee?

6- I really put ………………………………. in it when I asked her about her party. I didn't know it was a surprise

7- Don’t worry, she isn't being serious. She's only….................……..


Complete the sentences with the correct present and past simple forms of the verbs
in brackets.
1. 1. When _________ he ________ (arrive) at school?
2. 2. Lili _________ never________ (eat) Chinese food.
3. 3. We __________ (travel) in the Sahara desert last year.
4. 4. Laura _________ (buy) a new laptop yesterday.
5. 5. We ___________ (see) the party last week.
7. We __________ (wait) for half an hour and he's still not here.
8. Andy __________ (not finish) washing up yet.
Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs using the present perfect and
the present perfect continuous:
Dear Sabine,
Sorry I ___________ (not write) for a long time, but I _____________(have) a lot of work recently,
and I ____________(be) too exhausted to do anything in the evening once I get home. Today is a
holiday though, so I ___________(write) e-mail all day to try to catch up with all my friends.
Guess what! I ___________ (moved out) of my parents’ house! I _________ (live) in my new
apartment for a week now, and I love it! I ____________ (already/unpack) all my things, and it’s
beginning to feel like home. Please come and visit!
The bad news is that I ___________ (split up) with Matt. He __________(travel) so much recently
that we ___________ (not manage) to see each other much, and I ______________ (meet) someone
else. His name is Carl, and he’s a coworker from the office. We_________ (see) each other since the
beginning of the summer. We ___________ (have) three dates so far, and I really like him!
Anyway, I have to go.
Please write soon and tell me all your news.
Love, Sophie.
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the correct
full form of the verb in brackets and write four words each time.
1- Paul met James for years ago.
Paul----------- ------------- ----------- ---------- four years. (know)
2- We went to Ireland in 2006, 2007 and 2009.
We ------------ ------------ ------------- ----------- three times. (go)
3- when did you move to Oxford?
How long ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------- Oxford? (live)
4- They bought their car in April.
They ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ since April. (have)
5- Laura qualified as a teacher last year.
She ------------- ------------- ----------------- ----------- for long. (teach)
6- The last time I saw Keira was in July.
I ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------ since July. (see)
7- The match started at 3 p.m.
They ----------- ------------- ----------- ------------- 3 p.m. (play)
8- The train left at eight and it’s ten now.
We ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- two hours. (travel)
9- Jake was unemployed from March to August.
Jake -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- six months. (work)
10- I studied architecture from 2004 to 2009.
I ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ five years. (be)

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs between brackets:
People _________ (play) video games for over thirty years now and most households in the UK
__________ (own) at least one console these days. The design of these machines_________ (change)
dramatically since the launch of the very first prototype. The console that currently ___________
(lead) in total sales is the Wii, which _________ (compete) with Microsoft’s XBox 360 and Sony’s
PlayStation 3. Since its launch, the monthly sales of the Wii __________ (be) higher than its
competitors across the globe. It _________ (appeal) to both gamers and non-gamers alike chiefly
because players have to get up and move around when they ___________ (use) it. It is the Japanese
company Nintendo that ___________ (make) the Wii and far they __________ (sell) over 70 million
units worldwide.
Key answers:
Complete the gaps with the correct word derived from the word in bold:
1- clarify 6- differentiate
2- publicize 7- simplify
3- memorize 8- exemplify
4- activate 9- alienate
5- visualize

Choose the correct answer:

1- sighted 5- kind-hearted
2- narrow-minded 6-thick-skinned
3- skinned 7-cold-bloode
4- level headed 8-fair-haired

Complete with a suitable idiom :

1- poking his nose 5- keep an eye
2- off your chest 6- my foot
3- twist his arm 7- pulling his leg
4- by ear
Complete the sentences with the correct present and past simple forms of the
verbs in brackets.
1- did – arrive 5- saw
2- has – eaten 6- ‘ve waited
3- travelled 7- haven’t finished
4- bought
Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs using the present perfect
and the present perfect continuous:
haven’t written – ‘ve had – have been – have been writing – ‘ve moved out – ‘ve been living –
haven’t already packed – have split up – has been travelling – haven’t managed – have met –
haven’t seen – have had
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the
correct full form of the verb in brackets and write four words each time.
1- has known James for 6- have not seen Keira
2- have been to Ireland 7- have been playing since
3- have you lived in 8- have been travelling for
4- have had their car 9- did not work for
5- has not been teaching 10- was a student for
Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs between brackets:
Have been playing – own – has changed – leads – competes – have been – appeals – are using –
makes – have sold

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