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III. Practice exercise 1

Question 1: Japanese scholars have been _________ for ages about why these tall, slender buildings are so stable.
A. mystified B. mystification C. mystifying D. mystic
Question 2: With its special shock absorbers to _________ the effect of sudden sideways movements from an earthquake,
the thirty-six-storey Kasumigaseki building in central Tokyo-Japan's first skyscraper-was considered a masterpiece of
modern engineering when it was built in 1968.
A. increase B. dry out C. dampen D. augment
Question 3: More surprising is the fact that the individual stores of a Japanese pagoda, unlike their counterparts elsewhere,
are not actually connected to each other. They are simply _________ one on top of another like a pile of hats.
A. tied B. placed C. glued D. stacked
Question 4: The cost of food has now reached a point where a growing number of people believe that it is far too high and
that bringing it _________ will be one of the great challenges of the twenty-first century.
A. up B. down C. forth D. back
Question 5: They added up the costs of repairing the damage it caused and came _________ with a total figure of £2,343m.
A. on B. up C. by D. to
Question 6: In China, farmers had a more practical approach to pest control. Rather than relying on ________ intervention,
the Chinese put their faith in frogs, ducks and ants.
A. natural B. chemical C. artificial D. divine
Question 7: Frogs and ducks were encouraged to ________ the pests in the paddies and the occasional plague of locusts.
A. snatch B. break C. swallow D. consume
Question 8: But little children who are so filled with anger and fury that they commit ________ murder are not the
products of a healthy upbringing.
A. cold-blooded B. hot-blooded C. kind-blooded D. cool-blooded
Question 9: The ________ criminal of the week is a guy who fled a sobriety checkpoint in New Hampshire after handing
over his license and registration.
A. quick-witted B. fast-witted C. slow-witted D. low-witted
Question 10: Where X mealy bugs proliferate under the ants’ protection, they are usually heavily ________ and this limits
the harm they can do.
A. parasite B. parasitized C. parasitic D. parasitizing

Question 11: Many others certainly don't see it that way and are adamant that the late politician was largely to blame for
having a(n) _________ for the vision but scant regard for the detail.
A. eye B. ear C. nose D. tongue
Question 12: Having three sons under the age of five keeps Jana on her _________.
A. knees B. feet C. toes D. legs
Question 13: Teachers cannot be expected to _________ all the blame for poor exam results.
A. back B. face C. head D. shoulder
Question 14: Although he only just managed to get his degree, when he left university, he _________ straight into a job in
an excellent company.
A. walked B. run C. went D. jumped
Question 15: It's a good idea to make a _________ of switching off the lights when you leave a room.
A. routine B. habit C. custom D. rule
Question 16: Philip dressed in strange clothes and wore a mask on his face for a party. He was completely ________. No
one knew who he was.
A. recognizing B. recognizable C. unrecognizable D. unrecognizing
Question 17: The government ________ major changes to the education system recently.
A. warned B. declared C. announced D. expressed
Question 18: Although she would have preferred to carry on working, my mum ________ her career in order to have
A. devoted B. abolished C. repealed D. sacrificed
Question 19: I've just taken ________ sailing, and I'm going to do a special course next month.
A. to B. over C. up D. after
Question 20: I ________ on the news that the price of petrol is going up again.
A. looked B. listened C. heard D. watched
Question 21: 65-year-old women with fewer than eight years of schooling are expected, _________, to live to 82. Those
who continued their education live an extra seven years.
A. on average B. in general C. on the whole D. on the one hand
Question 22: In laboratory simulations of challenging activities such as driving, those who felt _________ of their lives
pumped out lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol.
A. out of control B. in control C. under control D. on control
Question 23: In my mid-twenties, I joined the staff of a language school. The pay wasn't brilliant but I could make a
A. existing B. being C. living D. staying
Question 24: People also need to _________ the same warnings in mind if they use mobile phones and email.
A. take B. put C.bear D.have
Question 25: But, one should be careful before _________ to conclusions about what the joke implies about the teller.
A. jumping B. running C. stepping D. hopping
Question 26: When I was a child I always ________ my father. He was a real role model for me.
A. looked up to B. looked down on C. looked forward to D. looked out for
Question 27: To come ________ somebody means to meet him/her by chance.
A. into B. across C. between D. up
Question 28:1 am considering ________ my job. Can you recommend a good company?
A. moving B. shifting C. making D. changing
Question 29: What you wear for the interview is always important because it creates the first ________.
A. appearance B. performance C. expression D. impression
Question 30: They appeared ________ pessimistic about their chances of winning.
A. surprisingly B. advisedly C. firmly D. repeatedly

Question 1: The police were baffled by the attack as there seemed to be no apparent ________.
A. design B. principle C. motive D. plot
Question 2: If you want to be sure of receiving a copy of the magazine, I suggest you ________ an annual subscription.
A. put down B. take out C. Write off D. send up
Question 3: After feeling off ________ for days, Tom finally went to see his doctor.
A. food B. color C. fitness D. balance
Question 4: ________ the phone rang later that night did Anna remermnber the appointment.
A. No sooner B. Only C. Not until D. Just before
Question 5: There was ________ evidence to bring charges against the man.
A. insubstantial B. inferior C. ineffective D. insufficient
Question 6: The instructor blew his whistle and ______.
A. off the runners were running B. off ran the runners
C. off were running the runners D. the runners runs off
Question 7: In the early years of the 20 th century, several rebellions ________in the northern parts of the country.
A. turned out B. rose up C. broke out D. came up
Question 8: When he started that company, he really went_________________. It might have been a disaster
A. out on the limb B. on and off C. over the odds D. once too often
Question 9: We regret to tell you that the materials you ordered are________________.
A. out of stock B. out of practice C. out of reach D. out of work
Question 10: My sister is a woman of ____________age.
A. marriage B. married C. marrying D. marriageable
Question 11: Of all the paintings in the gallery, it was this one that really ________ my eye.
A. grasped B. snatched C. caught D. seized
Question 12: She had made a firm decision and wasn’t________ by anything I said against it.
A. detracted B. prevailed C. induced D. swayed
Question 13: We might have to change our plans for the weekend and, ________ we’ll let you know as soon as possible.
A. in case B. if so C. providing D. supposing
Question 14: I was reluctant to ________ the subject because I thought he wouldn’t want to discuss it.
A. raise B. originate C. advance D. provoke
Question 15: My attempts to solve the problem only ________ to make it worse.
A. contributed B. functioned C. served D. attained
Question 16: _________to British universities depends on examination results.
A. Admission B. Admittance C. Permission D. Permit
Question 17: When you do something you should_______________.
A. pay through the nose B. turn over a new leaf
C. weigh up the pros and consD. huddle into a pen
Question 18: 45. He left the country __________arrest if he returned
A. in fear that B. with fear of
C. under threat of D. with threat of
Question 19: They decided to move away from the city to the countryside for the sake of the children.
A. speaking about B. talking about C. dreaming about D. thinking about
Question 20: Did Mr. Tan ___________the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital?
A. take away B. take over C. take up D. take off
Question 21: I would like to ________ Mr Fukuyama to present the trophy to the victorious team.
A. call over B. call out C. call upon D. call up
Question 22: My neighbor is ________; he is always showing that he never cares about his bad behavior.
A. grim-faced B. faceless C. face-saving D. barefaced
Question 23: The teacher doled ________the chocolates to his students for having done well in the examinations.
A. off B. on C. out D. away
Question 24: He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth ________.
A. came out B. came through C. went out D. turned out
Question 25: “I call ________ you at 6 o'clock,” said James.
A. by B. up C. for D. in
Question 26: Birth control methods have__________women from tile endless cycle of childbearing and rearing.
A. free B. freely C. freedom D. freed
Question 27: The use of computer aids in teaching,______________the role of teachers is still very important.
A. yet B. unless C. despite D. where
Question 28: She ran in a marathon last week but_____________after ten kilometers.
A. dropped out B. closed down C. broke up D. made up
Question 29: A huge amount of solar energy___________the earth’s outer atmosphere.
A. reach B. reaches C. that reaches D. is reached
Question 30: In China, there are still a lot of_____________families sharing the same house.
A. extent B. extension C. extended D. extensive
Question 31: Nathalie seems very tough at work. She's a different person at home, ________.
A. though B. although C. as though D. even though
Question 32: I kept out of the conversation because it ________ me.
A. wasn't concerned B. wasn't concerning C. didn't concern D. didn't concern to
Question 33: Hats like this may have been fashionable in the 60's, but now they are ________ the times.
A. behind B. over C. beneath D. under
Question 34: Henry was overweight, so he went on a strict diet and ________ twenty kilos.
A. missed B. lost C. failed D. fell
Question 35: He was arrested because he answered to the description of the ________ man.
A. searched B. pursued C. wanted D. hunted

Question 36: The year-end party was out of this world. We had never tasted such delicious food.
A. enormous B. terrific C. strange D. awful
Question 37: As the clouds drifted away, the pattern of the fields was clearly______________from a height.
A. apparent B. visible C. foreseeable D. evident
Question 38: Peter is not a modest boy since he often shows______________his prizes
A. around B. up C. off D. through
Question 39: Women in some parts of the world are still struggling for______________ job opportunities to men.
A. equal B. various C. suitable D. legal
Question 40: The manager________his temper with the employees and shouted at them.
A. had B. lost C. took D. kept
Question 41: It was the third time in six months that the bank had been held ________.
A. over B. down C. up D. out
Question 42: I know you didn't want to upset me but I'd sooner you ________ me the whole truth yesterday.
A. could have told B. told C. have told D. had told
Question 43: As the drug took ________ the patient became quieter.
A. effect B. force C. influence D. impact
Question 44: The dawn redwood appears ________ some 100 million years ago in northern forests around the world.
A. was flourished B. having to flourish C. to have flourished D. have flourished
Question 45: His comments ________ little or no relation to the facts and the figures of the case.
A. reflect B. bear C. give D. possess
Question 46: She was tired and couldn't keep___________the group.
A. up with B. up against C. on to D. out of
Question 47: The nominating committee always meet behind closed doors, lest its deliberations become known
A. privately B. safely C. publicly D. dangerously
Question 48: You'd better leave now if you want to arrive early for the exam. Break a leg!
A. Good luck B. Good night C. Good bye D. Good job
Question 49: ________stay the night if it's too difficult to get home.
A. By all means B. In all C. At all costs D. On the whole
Question 50: Let me please_________my memory before I get down to answering the questions.
A. resume B. ease C. awake D. refresh
III. Practice exercise 2
Question 1: The reason for this ________ existence is chiefly historical.
A. dichotomous B. dichotomy C. dichotomized D. dichotomist
Question 2: In the space exploration community, it is not uncommon for environmentalists to be regarded as ________
people who divert attention from the more expansive visions of the exploration of space - the 'new frontier'.
A. retrospective B. irrespective C. introspective D. prospective
Question 3: There are fascinating and ________ stories of everyday life and insights into how different people live.
A. thought-provoking B. thought-bound
C. thought-controlled D. thought-executing
Question 4: Many people ________ the advanced learning of some children who take music lessons to other personality
traits, such as motivation and persistence, which are required in all types of learning.
A. distinguish B. accredit C. criticize D. appraise
Question 5: If listening to Mozart's music increases intelligence and encourages ________, why aren't the world's smartest
and most spiritual people Mozart specialists?"
A. spirit B. spirituality C. spiritualism D. spiritual
Question 6: But the costs to society can actually be quantified and, when added up, can amount to _________ sums.
A. staggering B. staggered C. stagger D. staggeringly
Question 7: We are paying for our supposedly cheaper food in three separate ways: once over the counter, secondly
through our taxes, which provide the enormous subsidies _________ modern intensive farming, and thirdly to clean up the
mess that modern farming leaves behind.
A. propping up B. holding on C. putting away D. putting off
Question 8: In Britain, the immediate need to supply food is less urgent, and the costs and the damage of _________
farming have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible.
A. new B. serious C. intensive D. massive
Question 9: There are reports of igloos losing their insulating properties as the snow drips and refreezes, of lakes
_________ into the sea as permafrost melts, and sea ice breaking up earlier than usual, carrying seals beyond the reach of
A. running B, pouring C. moving D. draining
Question 10: Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to _________ and
let outside experts tell them what's happening.
A. stand out B. stand to C. stand up D. stand back

Question 11: - "Why don't you ask Tom to do it?"

- "I don't know whether he is ________ to. He sometimes makes things worse."
A. possible B. afraid C. easy D. able
Question 12: You can ________ what is happening on the other side of the world by telephone.
A. see B. make C. hear D. learn
Question 13: It is our ________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.
A. consistent B. continuous C. considerate D. continual
Question 14: I really want to become a pilot when I ________.
A. grow up B. talk about C. agree with D. get up
Question 15: I found it very stressful living in the centre of town, so I was pleased when we moved to a quiet residential
area in the ________.
A. edge B. suburbs C. estate D. outskirts
Question 16: And fundamentally it is the government telling you how to behave and if you behave in a certain way, then
the government will be _________ enough to hand you back some money.
A. beneficial B. benefit C. beneficent D. beneficently
Question 17: Provided you know the rules, investing in a _________ car is an ideal way to get your hands on a sporty
roadster or upmarket saloon for a fraction of the price you'd pay for a new model.
A. classical B. classic C. modern D. unique
Question 18: Thus we can expect _________ down cycles caused by oil shortages and higher prices to happen very fast.
A. economical B. economy C. economic D. economically
Question 19: Drivers are more likely to respect a _________ approach to road safety such as locally controlled temporary
limits, as used successfully by a number of other councils around the country.
A. sensitive B. sensible C. sensibility D. sensitize
Question 20: If Cong continues in this vein, it will be a brave man who bets against them winning a fourth _________ title.
A. successful B. success C. succeeding D. successive
Question 21: I'm so sorry! I didn't break that necklace ________.
A. in order B. at a loss C. for a change D. on purpose
Question 22: Although many people use the word "milk" to ________ to cows' milk, it also applies to milk from any
animal, including human milk and goat's milk.
A. refer B. prefer C. mention D. address
Question 23: She was a perfectly dressed woman with an air of chic that was ________ French.
A. mistaken B. mistakenly C. unmistakable D. unmistakably
Question 24: Although both political parties wanted Dwight D. Eisenhower as their presidential nominee in 1952, he
became a Republican candidate and was ________ President.
A. elected B. chosen C. selected D. decided
Question 25: Please, ________ with your presentation. I didn't mean to interrupt you.
A. carry out B. carry on C. come on D. get off
Question 26: Schools across the borough celebrated another _________ year as GCSE results improved again.
A. record-changing B. record-holding C. record - keeping D. record-breaking
Question 27: Unless and until she stops talking like an eighteenth century Tory oligarch in a rotten borough, the committee
would be _________ to pick her as a candidate.
A. ill-advised B. ill-tempered C. ill-affected D. ill-behaved
Question 28: In addition, mastery of the subject does not imply a memorization of _________ formulas or methodological
recommendations, but rather a logical understanding of the material.
A. ready-mixed B. ready- made C. ready-making D. ready-sensitized
Question 29: They suggest using a powder, applied with a fine but firm brush, for the most natural and _________ effect.
A. long-living B. long-lost C. long-acting D. long-lasting
Question 30: Councilors were also told that some _________ services and grants might have to be withdrawn, or charges
for services introduced or increased to plug the gap.
A. low-priority B. high-priority C. low-paid D. high-paid

Question 1: He sent his children to the park so that he could have some___________________.
A. fresh and quiet B. quiet and peace C. peace and quiet D. fresh and peace
Question 2: I_________to see Chris on my way home.
A. dropped back B. dropped in C. dropped out D. dropped off
Question 3: There is___to be a serious energy crisis in the next century.
A. reputed B. known C. foreseen D. bound
Question 4: Another __will be drawn from the experiment.
A. conclusion B. attention C. contrast D. inference
Question 5: In studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars.
The first_________of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth.
A. indication B. print C. mark D. trace
Question 6: The runner got a huge blister on his heel where his new shoes ________.
A. scratched B. rubbed C. scraped D. gripped
Question 7: The size of the pop-star’s personal fortune was the subject of much ________ in the press.
A. doubt B. guessing C. speculation D. wonderment
Question 8: Jeremy’s friends were fond of him ________ because of his generosity.
A. at least B. still less C. even less D. not least
Question 9: The thick fog ________ out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning.
A. ruled B. struck C. stamped D. crossed
Question 10: Looking down at the coral reef, we saw ________ of tiny, multi-colored fish.
A. swarms B. flocks C. teams D. shoals

Question 11: People are encouraged to take bottles to bottle-banks, and only shops in supermarkets which use packing.
A. environment-friendly B. environmental-friendly
C. environmentally-friendly D. friendly-environment
Question 12: - I think the main problem in this area is the lack of a good bus service.
- You're right. You've hit the___________on the head.
A. nail B. wall C. lips D. hand
Question 13: Jane is a very sociable girl. She likes parties and_________________.
A. rituals B. ceremonies C. celebrities D. celebrations
Question 14: Of the two sisters, Thuy Kieu is the_____________.
A. eldest B. elder C. eldly D. most eldly
Question 15: She is walking on the__________. She doesn't know how to say.
A. air B. road C. street D. garden
Question 16: Can you tell me the ________ of these shoes?
A. charge B. price C. amount D. expense
Question 17: It is too early in the ________ to expect many visitors to the town.
A. term B. season C. time D. calendar
Question 18: She took up so many hobbies when she retired that she had hardly any time ________.
A. on her hands B. in hand C. at her hand D. at hand
Question 19: Please leave this space ________ on the enrolment form.
A. absent B. blank C. missing D. undone
Question 20: After the flash flood, all the drains were over flowing ________ storm water.
A. from B. with C. by D. for

Question 21: Someone who is inexperienced is_______________.

A. red B. blue C. black D. green
Question 22: Although the conditions weren't ideal for a walk, we decided to______________a go of it
A. make B. do C. run D. carry
Question 23: In order to________their goals in college, students need to invest the maximum amount of time, money, and
energy in their studies.
A. manage B. catch C. establish D. achieve
Question 24: She has changed so much that I didn't______________her right away.
A. reckon B. recognize C. acknowledge D. realize
Question 25: Donald Trump has suggested he could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants who have
not_____________________________serious crimes in what could be a major policy shift.
A. committed B. took C. served D. done
Question 26: Many a leader ________ fallen due to pride.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
Question 27: If you want a good flat in London, you have to pay through the ________ for it.
A. month B. car C. nose D. teeth
Question 28: Employees who have a ________ are encouraged to discuss it with the management.
A. hindrance B. disturbance C. disadvantage D. grievance
Question 29: William was as ________ as a cucumber when the harsh punishment was meted out to him by the judge.
A. cool B. cold C. placid D. impassive
Question 30: ________ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve.
A. At the bottom B. At the height C. On the top D. In the end

Question 31: David was deported on account of his expired visa. He______________it renewed
A. must have had B. should have had C. needn't have had D. mightn't have had
Question 32: A good leader should not be conservative, but rather_______________to new ideas.
A. receptive B. acceptable C. permissive D. applicable
Question 33: ________individuals are those who share the same hobbies, interests, or points of view.
A. Light-hearted B. Like-minded C. Even-handed D. Open-minded
Question 34: The child has no problem reciting the poem, he has_____________it to memory.
A. devoted B. added C. committed D. admitted
Question 35: After several injuries and failures, things have eventually_____________for Todd when he reached the final
round of the tournament.
A. looked up B. gone on C. taken up D. turned on
Question 36: Humanity has done great damage to the environment in its search for ________ materials.
A. live B. raw C. crude D. rude
Question 37: ________ the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather.
A. Leaving uncovered B. Having left uncovered C. Left uncovered D. Been left uncovered
Question 38: One way to let off ________ after a stressful day is to take some vigorous exercise.
A. cloud B. tension C. steam D. sweat
Question 39: Salaries have not ________ inflation in the last few years.
A. Put up with B. taken up on C. done out of D. kept up with
Question 40: After three days in the desert, his mind began to play ________ on him.
A. games B. jokes C. tricks D. fun
Question 41: Garvin is__________a new computer application to see whether it works.
A. looking after B. putting on C. trying out D. turning up
Question 42: Terry is a very imaginative boy. He always comes______________interesting ideas
A. out of B. down on C. up with D. in for
Question 43: Sorry, I can't come to your party. I am snowed under with work at the moment
A. busy with B. free from C. relaxed about D. interested in
Question 44: A number of young teachers nowadays____________themselves to teaching disadvantaged children.
A. offer B. stick C. give D. devote
Question 45: "Sorry for being late. I was_________in the traffic for more than an hour."
A. carried on B. held up C. put off D. taken after
Question 46: We're having terrible weather for our holiday. I just can't ________ it for much longer.
A. come up with B. fed up with C. keep up with D. put up with
Question 47: His wife is a terrible snob. She ________ almostall his friends because they have north country accents.
A. looks up to B. looks forward to C. looks out D. looks down on
Question 48: John: This grammar test is the hardest one we've ever had this semester!
Mary: ________ but I think it’s quite easy.
A. I couldn't agree more B. I understand what you’re saying
C. You’re wrong D. I don’t see in that way
Question 49: Nga is very modest, always________her success.
A. keeping down B. turning around C. playing down D. pushing back
Question 50: I wish you’d do the accounts. I don't have ________ for numbers.
A. ahead B. a mind C. the heart D. the nerve


III. Practice exercise 2
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 6: Although the tract of a tropical cyclone is very erratic, the Weather Service can still issue timely warnings to
the public if a tropical cyclone is approaching densely populated areas.
A. complicated B. unpredictable C. disastrous D. explosive
Question 7: Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American
A. advantages B. probability C. method D. qualifications
Question 5: You can use a microwave or cook this kind of food in a conventional oven.
A. unique B. modern C. traditional D. extraordinary
Question 9: As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researchers have become
increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks.
A. possible B. harmful C. primary D. unknown
Question 10: Not until all their demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on strike for more welfare.
A. rejected B. sacked C. reviewed D. deleted
Question 8: We really appreciate your help; without which we couldn't have got our task done in time.
A. depreciate B. are proud of C. feel thankful for D. request
Question 13: Tim is thinking of leaving his present job because his manager is always
getting at him.
A. hitting B. disturbing C. defending D. criticizing
Question 14: The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the century coincided
with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling.
A. was influenced by B. happened at the same time as
C. began to grow rapidly D. ensured the success of
Question 15: We should find ways to improve our products in terms of quality and service.
A. for considering aspects B. in spite of C. with a view to D. in regard to
Question 1: Students are expected to always adhere to school regulations.
A. question B. violate C. disregard D. follow
Question 2: When Susan invited us to dinner, she really showed off her culinary talents. She prepared a feast - a huge
selection of dishes that were simply mouth-watering.
A. relating to medical knowledge
B. involving hygienic conditions and diseases
C. concerning nutrition and health
D. having to do with food and cooking
Question 3: Congo's presidential election is hoped to enable the country's first peaceful, democratic transfer of power
since independence from Belgium in 1960.
A. transplant B. removal C. conversion D. shifting
Question 4: Although more and more companies are beginning to accept bitcoins, the percentage of purchases made using
bitcoins is minuscule compared to other online payment methods, such as credit cards.
A. considerable B. small C. minimal D. increasing
Question 11: "It's no use talking to me about metaphysics. It's a closed book to me."
A. a book that is never opened B. an object that I really love
C. a subject that I don't understand D. a theme that I like to discuss
Question 12: We are having a surprise party for Susan next Saturday, so don't give the secret away by saying anything to
A. ask anyone to come B. tell her the secret
C. go to the party D. find out the secret

Mark the letter A, B, Ct or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the
following questions.
Question 28: The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.
A. odd B. explicit C. implicit D. obscure
Question 29: Biologists long regarded it as an example of adaptation by natural selection, but for physicists it bordered on
the miraculous.
A. adjustment B. inflexibility C. agility D. flexibility
Question 30: I need to catch up on world events. I haven't seen the news in ages.
A. go ahead with B. catch sight of C. become outdated D. watch the news
Question 19: Telomeres are the tiny caps on the ends of chromosomes that protect our DNA from damage during cell
A. guard B. shape C. attack D. save
Question 23: "Be quick! We must speed up if we don't want to miss the flight.
A. turn down B. slow down C. look up D. put forward
Question 24: If you say bad things about the person who give a job you bite the hand that feeds you.
A. be unfriendly B. be ungrateful C. be thankful D. be devoted
Question 25: Doctors and nurses of this hospital have worked round the clock to help those injured in the recent
A. permanently B. interruptedly C. continuously D. accurately

Question 20: Contrary to their expectations, there was widespread apathy among voters on that issue.
A. interest B. obedience C. resistance D. opposition
Question 21: Never punish your children by hitting them. This might teach them to become hitters.
A. bring B. reward C. give D. accept
Question 16: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"
A. hobbyist B. optimist C. activist D. feminist
Question 17: It is widely known that the excessive use of pesticides is producing a detrimental effect on the local
A. useless B. harmless C. damaging D. fundamental
Question 18: His dreamlike villa in the new residential quarter is the envy of his friends.
A. something that everybody looks for B. something that everybody dreams of
C. something that nobody wants D. something that nobody can afford
Question 22: The first year at university was probably the most challenging year of her life, which caused her plenty of
A. tricky B. tough C. difficult D. easy
Question 26: "Do you think it's OK for me to wear jeans to a job interview or do I need something a bit more upmarket?”
A. cheap and poor quality B. high quality or expensive
C. trendy and fashionable D. brand-name but old
Question 27: Polish artist Pawel Kuzinsky creates satirical paintings filled with thought-provoking messages about the
A. inspirational B. cost-effective C. discouraging D. weather-beatten

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