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A globally recognized University upholding Second Semester, School Year 2020-2021
excellence amidst rich cultural heritage GOALS
I. Course Title: Criminal Law (Book 1)
To provide well-rounded graduates who are
II. Course Description: globally competitive, morally upright and
Produce employable graduates who are equipped with excellent knowledge and skills
morally upright, socially and culturally in the fields of Criminology profession.
This course is primarily intended to lend substantial
responsible professionals through quality,
assistance to Criminology students to be able to know the intricacies OBJECTIVES
relevant, and innovative instruction,
of Revised Penal Code. Such book consists of 113 articles that
research, extension, and resource
includes the following topics: Concepts and Principles; Felonies, Graduates in this program are expected
Circumstances affecting criminal liability; Persons criminally liable for to pass their licensure examination and
felonies; Penalties; Extinction of Criminal liability and Civil liability as will be able to:
well as the basic concepts and important principles/doctrines of the
subject as well as the salient provisions of and jurisprudence. 1. Lead in the fields of law enforcement,
1. Academic Excellence
investigation, forensic science, security
2. Strong Research Leadership and
administration, fire protection, criminal
jurisprudence and correctional
3. Sustainable extension and community III. Rationale: administration;
2. Exemplify the values of discipline,
4. Excellent public service and good
This course is basic in the program of Criminology as it integrity, leadership and accountability in
serving fellowmen, community and
ushers the students to the field of felonies and the respective
CORE VALUES penalties imposed. As future police officers, the students attain a 3. Demonstrate criminological skills
degree of knowledge that will enable them to understand the through practicum and other immersion
1) Excellence commission of felonies, the stage that are attendant to the crime, and activities;
2) Faith the circumstances that surround each and every criminal act. 4. Produce criminology-based technologies
3) Integrity
through quality research and
4) Service
development undertakings; and
5) Creativity
5. Extend community services in various
6) Cultural Sensitivity
fields of criminology.
Rev.00 (Feb. 04, 2019)
IV. Course Credit: 3 units

VISION V. Contact Hours: 3 hours per week (54 hours/semester) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN
A globally recognized University upholding VI. Course Objectives:
excellence amidst rich cultural heritage GOALS

At the end of the semester, the students are expected to: To provide well-rounded graduates who are
MISSION 1. Demonstrate extensive knowledge of the Revised Penal globally competitive, morally upright and
Code Book I in applying law enforcement and public safety equipped with excellent knowledge and skills
Produce employable graduates who are 2. Define felonies, concepts and other theories in relation with
morally upright, socially and culturally in the fields of Criminology profession.
the offense committed
responsible professionals through quality, 3. Identify and Illustrate the different circumstances under the OBJECTIVES
relevant, and innovative instruction, Revised Penal Code Book I
research, extension, and resource 4. Distinguish the different principles and jurisprudence used in Graduates in this program are expected
generation Revised Penal Code Book I to pass their licensure examination and
5. Develop critical thinking in applying the different principles will be able to:
GOALS OF THE UNIVERSITY and jurisprudence in the Revised Penal Code Book I
6. Lead in the fields of law enforcement,
5. Academic Excellence investigation, forensic science, security
6. Strong Research Leadership and administration, fire protection, criminal
Culture VII. Grading System:
jurisprudence and correctional
7. Sustainable extension and community administration;
engagement 2 1
Midterm Grade = x Class Standing + X Midterm Exam 7. Exemplify the values of discipline,
8. Excellent public service and good 3 3 integrity, leadership and accountability in
governance serving fellowmen, community and
2 1 country;
CORE VALUES Tentative FG = x Class Standing + X Final Exam
3 3 8. Demonstrate criminological skills
through practicum and other immersion
1) Excellence 2 1 activities;
2) Faith Final Grade = x TFG + x MG
9. Produce criminology-based technologies
3) Integrity
3 3
through quality research and
4) Service development undertakings; and
5) Creativity 10. Extend community services in
6) Cultural Sensitivity various fields of criminology.

Rev.00 (Feb. 04, 2019)
Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning
Course Content Assessment Task Resources References
The students Activities
Week 1 Preliminaries

1. Explicate the VMGO of 1. The IFSU VGMO and Core Orientation of students on Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, zoom and IFSU Manual
IFSU and the College Values IFSU VMGO, Core graded recitation, digital platforms, LMS,
of Criminal Justice Values, College VMGO photograph of written printed modules, radio College VMGO
Education 2. The College VGMO via zoom, or videos in essays send via messenger broadcasting networks,
youtube and facebook or email bank of questions, video
2. Promote IFSU core groups recorded, laptop, cellular
values in daily living
phones and android
3. Advocate the college phones, mobile
VGMO applications, and storage

Week 2-3 Chapter I - Introduction

1. Distinguish the different 1. Criminal Law Defined Online discussion, lecture Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, zoom and The Revised Penal
branches or division of 2. Characteristics of Criminal videos in youtube and graded recitation, digital platforms, LMS, Code (2018) By:
law Law facebook groups photograph of written printed Modules, radio Judge Marlo B.
 Generality and essays send via messenger broadcasting networks, Campanilla
2. Illustrate the exceptions Exceptions or email bank of questions, video
to the territorial  Territoriality and recorded student reports,
application of criminal Exterritoriality
and assessment rubrics
law  Prospectivity (Expost Criminal Law Book I
Facto Law and Bill of Laptop, cellular phones and of the Revised Penal
3. Discuss when does a Attainder) android phones, mobile Code (2011) By:
criminal law will 3. Theories of Criminal Law Estrada
applications, and storage
become an expost  Mala in se vs. Mala
facto law prohibita
 French rule vs. English

Week 4 Chapter II - History of Criminal Law

in the Philippines
1. Differentiate revised
penal code and special 1. Royal Decree Online discussion, lecture Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, digital The Revised Penal
penal laws 2. Act videos in youtube and graded recitation, platforms, LMS, printed Code Criminal Law
3. Commonwealth Act facebook groups photograph of written Modules, radio, bank of Book I 1-113 (2008)
2. Discuss the evolution 4. Republic Acts essays send via messenger questions, video recorded, By: Luis B. Reyes
of criminal laws in the 5. Presidential Decrees or email laptop, android phones,
Philippines from 6. Executive Orders and Batas
mobile applications, and
Spanish colonization Pambansa
storage devices
7. Republic Acts

Rev.00 (Feb. 04, 2019)
Week 5-6 Chapter III - Felonies

1. Differentiate intent and 1. Felonies defined Online discussion, lecture Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, digital The Revised Penal
negligence or 2. Impossible Crimes videos in youtube and graded recitation, platforms, and LMS Code (2018) By:
imprudence  Mistake of Fact facebook groups photograph of written Judge Marlo B.
 Error in Personae essays send via messenger Printed Modules, radio, Campanilla
2. Cite an examples of  Aberratio Ictus or email bank of questions, and
impossible crimes  Praeter Intertionem video recorded
3. Stages of Felonies
3. Determine when there 4. Conspiracy and Proposal to Laptop, android phones, Compact Reviewer in
is an implied commit Felony mobile applications, and Criminal Law (2013)
conspiracy 5. Gravity of Felonies storage devices By: Leonor D. Boado

4. Distinguish light, less

grave, and grave felony

Week 7-9 Chapter IV - Circumstances which

Affect Criminal Liability
1. Determine when does
self-defense apply 1. Justifying Circumstances Online discussion, lecture Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, zoom and The Revised Penal
 Self-defense videos in youtube and graded recitation, digital platforms, and LMS Code Book I
2. Discuss the liability of 2. Exempting Circumstances facebook groups photograph of written Understanding
an offender who is  Lucid Interval essays send via messenger Printed Modules, radio Criminal Law (2016)
under 18 years of age 3. Mitigating Circumstances broadcasting networks,
or email By: Atty. Victor T.
or over seventy years 4. Aggravating Circumstances bank of questions, video Tulalian
old  Recidivist, quasi, recorded student reports,
recidivism, reiteracion, and assessment rubrics
3. Distinguish recidivist, and habitual delinquent
quasi recidivism, 5. Alternative Circumstances Laptop, cellular phones and The Revised Penal
reiteracion, and  Relationship android phones, mobile Code Criminal Law
habitual delinquent  Intoxication applications, and storage Book I 1-113 (2008)
 Degree of instruction and devices By: Luis B. Reyes
4. Explain when does education of the offender
intoxication a mitigating
or aggravating

Week 10 Chapter V – Persons Criminally

Liable for Felonies
1. Distinguish principals,
accomplices, and 1. Principals Online discussion, lecture Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, digital Compact Reviewer in
accessories  By direct participation videos in youtube and graded recitation, platforms, and LMS Criminal Law (2013)
 By inducement facebook groups photograph of written By: Leonor D. Boado
2. Differentiate principal essays send via messenger Printed Modules, radio,
 By indispensable
and accomplice in the bank of questions, and
cooperation or email
same crime video recorded
2. Accomplices
The Revised Penal
3. Accessories
3. Discuss who are Laptop, android phones, Code Criminal Law
 Accessories exempt from
exempted as mobile applications, and Book I 1-113 (2008)
criminal liability
accessories to the storage devices By: Luis B. Reyes
Rev.00 (Feb. 04, 2019)

Week 11-12 Chapter VI – Penalties

1. Discuss when does 1. Retroactive Effect of Penal Online discussion, lecture Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, zoom and Pointers in Criminal
retroactive effect of Laws videos in youtube and graded recitation, digital platforms, and Law (2007) By:
criminal law apply 2. Measures of Prevention or facebook groups photograph of written Learning Management Edilberto G. Sandoval
Safety not considered essays send via messenger System (LMS)
2. Differentiate penalty or email
and punishment Penalties
Printed Modules, radio
3. Classification of Penalties broadcasting networks, The Revised Penal
3. Explain the extent of  Capital Punishment bank of questions, video Code Book I
civil interdiction  Principal penalties recorded student reports, Understanding
 Accessory penalties and assessment rubrics Criminal Law (2016)
4. Distinguish reclusion  Bond to keep the peace By: Atty. Victor T.
perpetua and life Laptop, cellular phones and Tulalian
 Civil Interdiction
imprisonment android phones, mobile
 Subsidiary Penalty
 Fine applications, and storage
5. Illustrate the execution
of destierro  Destierro

Week 13-15 Chapter VII – Application of

1. Differentiate degree Online discussion, lecture Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, zoom and The Revised Penal
and period of penalty 1. Penalties for Complex Crimes videos in youtube and graded recitation, digital platforms, and Code (2018) By:
and Special Complex Crimes facebook groups photograph of written Learning Management Judge Marlo B.
2. Compare complex 2. Penalties Periods and essays send via messenger System (LMS) Campanilla
crimes and special Degrees or email
complex crimes 3. Penalties for Principals, Printed Modules, radio
accomplices, and accessories broadcasting networks,
3. Understand the of a consummated, bank of questions, video Criminal Law (2015)
computation of attempted, and frustrated recorded student reports, By: Dean Gemy Lito
penalties in crime and assessment rubrics L. Festin
circumstances affecting 4. Rules for the Application of
criminal liability Penalties with regard to the Laptop, cellular phones and
Mitigating, Aggravating, and android phones, mobile
4. Determine the specific Habitual Delinquency Compact Reviewer in
applications, and storage
penalties if there are 5. Penalties Periods and Criminal Law (2013)
combination of period Degrees By: Leonor D. Boado
and degree of penalties 6. Three Fold Rule
7. Suspension of the execution
and service of the penalties in
case of insanity

Week 16-17 Chapter VIII – Extinction of Criminal

1. Distinguish pardon
given by the president 1. Total Extinction of Criminal Online discussion, lecture Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, zoom and Pointers in Criminal
and pardon given by Liability videos in youtube and graded recitation, digital platforms, and Law (2007) By:
Rev.00 (Feb. 04, 2019)
the offended woman of  By the Death of the facebook groups photograph of written Learning Management Edilberto G. Sandoval
sexual crimes convict essays send via messenger System (LMS)
 By service of the or email
2. Differentiate pardon sentence Printed Modules, radio
and amnesty  By Amnesty and broadcasting networks, The Revised Penal
Absolute Pardon bank of questions, video Code Book I
3. Discuss good conduct  By Prescription of the recorded student reports, Understanding
time allowances which Crime and Penalty and assessment rubrics Criminal Law (2016)
a convict may earn  By Marriage of the By: Atty. Victor T.
while he is serving Offended Woman Laptop, cellular phones and Tulalian
sentence and for 2. Partial Extinction of Criminal android phones, mobile
loyalty Liability applications, and storage
 By conditional pardon devices
4. Compare pardon and  By commutation of the The Revised Penal
parole sentence Code Criminal Law
 For Good Conduct Time Book I 1-113 (2008)
5. Determine when Allowance and Special By: Luis B. Reyes
prescription of crimes Time Allowance for
will be suspended Loyalty

Week 18 Chapter IX – Civil Liability

1. Distinguish restitution, 1. Persons civilly liable for Online discussion, lecture Online quizzes, zoom PowerPoint, zoom and Pointers in Criminal
reparation, and felonies videos in youtube and graded recitation, digital platforms, LMS, Law (2007) By:
iindemnification 2. What is Included in Civil facebook groups photograph of written printed Modules, radio Edilberto G. Sandoval
Liability essays send via messenger broadcasting networks,
2. Understand the order  Restitution or email bank of questions, video
of preference in civil recorded student reports,
 Reparation of the The Revised Penal
Damage Caused and assessment rubrics
Code Criminal Law
3. Determine when does  Indemnification for Book I 1-113 (2008)
Laptop, cellular phones and
civil liability extinguish Consequential Damages By: Luis B. Reyes
android phones, mobile
3. Extinction and Survival of applications, and storage
4. Enumerate who are Civil Liability devices
subsidiary liable for civil
liability in criminal

IX. References:

1. Books

 The Revised Penal Code (2018) By: Judge Marlo B. Campanilla; Rex Books Store, Manila
 The Revised Penal Code Book I Understanding Criminal Law (2016) By: Atty. Victor T. Tulalian; Wiseman’s Books Trading, Quezon City, Philippines
 Criminal Law (2015) By: Dean Gemy Lito L. Festin; Rex Books Store, Manila
 Compact Reviewer in Criminal Law (2013) By: Leonor D. Boado; Rex Books Store, Manila
 Criminal Law Book I of the Revised Penal Code (2011) By: Estrada; Rex Books Store, Manila
 The Revised Penal Code Criminal Law Book I 1-113 (2008) By: Luis B. Reyes; Rex Books Store, Manila
 Pointers in Criminal Law (2007) By: Edilberto G. Sandoval; Rex Books Store, Manila
Rev.00 (Feb. 04, 2019)
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Instructor Program Chairperson College Dean

Rev.00 (Feb. 04, 2019)

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