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Students’ Experiences on Online Learning

During The Pandemic: A Narrative Study

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Study

Chapter One covers five parts: Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem,

Significance of the Study, Definition of Terms and Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background of the Study, gives the overview or rationale of the research


Part Two, Statement of the Problem, mentions the general and specific problems.

Part Three, Significance of the Study, gives the importance of the results of the study to

different persons, organizations and institutions that directly or indirectly will benefit from it.

Part Four, Definition of Terms, discusses the terms used in the study, which are defined

conceptually and operationally.

Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, cites the coverage and limitations of the study.
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Background of the Study

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) was a disease caused by a novel coronavirus now

called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-

nCoV), which was first outbreak was verified by a respiratory illness in Wuhan City, Hubei

Province, China (Cennimo, 2020). On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared

the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency.

On the 11th of February 2020, the official name for the disease that causes the 2019 novel

coronavirus outbreak was announced by the World Health Organization which is Corona Virus

2019 and abbreviated as COVID-19 (NCIRD, 2020). According to Ducharme (2020) on March

11 the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic with over 118, 000 cases of

coronavirus illness in over 110 countries and territories across the globe and serve as a high risk

for the population that is escalating worldwide in countless days ahead.

Amidst pandemic, a new strategy of learning process acquired by both learners and teachers to

adopt the new normal situation to protect them from a highly contagious disease that causes

major catastrophe on both mental and physical attributes of a person. The education that takes

place over the internet was called Online learning or e-learning among other terms that go

beyond the parameters of traditional classroom-based learning (Stern, 2020). Online Learning

can be advantageous for the students for the following reasons: first, students can acquire

flexibility in terms of the fixed schedule which is highly distinguishable in the traditional

classroom since most people believe that it gave them power over how they will delegate their

time on their own specific time frame (Community College of Aurora, 2020). Second, Heap

(2017) explained that studying online requires self-motivation and time management skills since
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

most of the course requires self-paced learning without someone who would keep in touch on

deadlines. Lastly, according to (Stern, 2020) online learning offers an increased depth of

understanding and retention of course content; the meaningful discussion that emphasizes

writing skills, technology skills, and life skills in management, self-discipline, and independence

to name such. Online learning gives convenient for both the students and the instructors for the

following reasons mentioned above, however, it’s time to look at the other side of the coin.

There are major drawbacks in terms of online learning, and these problems often lead to

disadvantages of online discussions. These disadvantages are first: the students may not be able

to work effectively in a team setting due to a lack of face-to-face communication between the

learners and the teachers (Tam, 2019). Second, Trent (2020) explained that technological issues

serve as a hindrance for the students to complete the course on time since some computer

software require an upgraded version of the central processing unit where it can lead to some

technical problems inside the system if the software fails to upgrade to the latest version. Lastly,

according to (Tam, 2019) Feedbacks from the instructors to the students are limited. In the

traditional face-to-face teaching process, instructors can give an immediate response to the

students who are experiencing problems in the curriculum and can resolve them in a direct and

quick manner.

As the world heading up to the new normal situation, things around us change rapidly at the

blink of time. Adapting to a new situation can be both an advantage and disadvantage depending

on how the people accept and embrace the new normal situation. Strategic and systematic

planning in terms of the new delivery of learning aligned with the mandated minimum health

protocol on both instructors and students considered a beneficial factor to protect health and

well-being. This study was conceptualized because of the following reasons: First, to determine
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

the struggles and strenuous factor that affects the learning capacity of JBLFMU-A students

amidst the prevailing pandemic. Second, to know the experiences of the students when dealing

with online learning as the new mode of gaining knowledge amidst pandemic. Lastly, to evaluate

and address the learning obtained by the students using the modern platform as a way of the

teaching and learning process.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aimed to determine the narrative on students’ experiences on online

learning during the pandemic of Marine Transportation students of John B. Lacson Foundation

Maritime University Arevalo (JBLFMU-Arevalo) for the second semester of school year 2020-


Specifically, this research attempted to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the students' expectations on online learning during the pandemic?

2. What are the students' difficulties on online learning during the pandemic?

3. What are the students' coping mechanisms on online learning during the pandemic?

Significance of the Study

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

The findings of this study may prove important to students, instructors, school

administration and future researchers.

The main and foremost beneficiaries of the findings of this study are the students in the

BSMT department. The findings will inform them as to what have been their expectations,

difficulties, and coping mechanisms on online learning during the pandemic.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of enlightening the readers of this investigation, certain important terms

were given their respective conceptual and operational meanings.

Pandemic is defined as occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries

or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population. (Merriam-

Webster, 2020)

In this study, “pandemic” refers to an outbreak of the coronavirus disease that occurred,

affecting the learning process of JBLFMU-A students.

Students are persons who are studying at a school, college, or university. (Cambridge

Dictionary, 2020)

In this study, students refer to persons enrolled in JBLFMU-Arevalo for school year

2020-2021 who are experiencing the new mode of learning system which is online learning and

who served as respondents for this study.

Coronavirus disease 2019, also known as covid-19, is an infectious disease caused by a

newly discovered coronavirus. (WHO, 2020)

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

In this study, coronavirus disease 2019 refers to a disease caused by a novel corona virus

now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

Experience is defined as a direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of

knowledge. (Merriam-Webster, 2020.)

Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to determine the narrative on students’ experiences on online learning

during the pandemic. This study will be limited only to BSMT students of JBLFMU-A enrolled

for the school year 2020-2021.

The respondents will be randomly selected out from a simple random sampling method.
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Chapter Two incorporates studies which provide basis and insights for the present


It is composed of three parts: Researches on Online Learning, Researches on

Challenges Faced by Students on Online Learning During The Pandemic and Strategies and

Coping Mechanisms of Students on Online Learning During The Pandemic.

Part One, Researches on Online Learning During the Pandemic, provides different

studies related to online learning during the pandemic.

Part Two, Researches on Challenges Faced by Students on Online Learning During The

Pandemic, presents the different studies related to students’ challenges on online learning during

the pandemic.

Part Three, Researches on Coping Mechanisms of Students on Online Learning During

The Pandemic, presents the different studies related to students’ coping mechanisms on online

learning during the pandemic.

Researches on Online Learning During the Pandemic

The sudden outbreak of a deadly disease called Covid-19affected all aspects of progress

especially the education system across the world. The said disease caused by a corona virus was

considered a pandemic as declared by World Health Organization. The current situation

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

challenged the academic institutions as well as the educators that relied on traditional mode of

learning delivery to shift entirely to an online teaching-learning method instead of closing a

whole academic year or even more in the coming future (Dhawan, 2020).

According to Adnan and Anwar (2020), the emergence of COVID-19 earlier this year saw the

arrival of an alternative way of bringing knowledge to the learners that have been affected by the

worldwide pandemic. As it seemed that the conventional way of learning, the face to face setup,

could be no longer applicable to the situation, various academic institutions across the world

have opted for online lectures and classes as it is the most feasible way of continuing education.

As far as the student’s and faculty’s health is concerned, the online method of delivering

education seemed to be appropriate, however, it is perceived that this method is not as effective

compared to face to face learning. In countries with low Human Development Index and less

developed industrial base, the online method of learning is expected to deliver undesirable results

as the majority of learners in these areas don’t have the opportunity to access the internet and

gadgets due to monetary and technical issues. In addition, the insufficient time for feedback,

deficiency of communicating with the instructor, and unavailability of face to face socialization,

are also the contributing factor that makes online learning produce an undesirable result. With

these difficulties that have arisen amidst the situation, the findings of this study have suggested

recommendations to the educational institutions such as redesigning the content that is suitable

for its online based lecture, enhancement shall be done with its curriculum, and educators should

undergo training to improve digital literacy in order to achieve a desirable learning outcome. In

the part of the learners, they should urge themselves to learn computer and technological skills to

maximize their time and learning during online lectures.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

The global crisis that is brought by the COVID-19 has forced many educational institutions and

systems to shift into a more contemporary approach of learning - the E-Learning. With the

challenges that is brought by the pandemic in the educational sector, E- Learning is seemed to be

the most feasible and effective way of teaching method in terms of honing the student’s abilities

and capabilities. As it was expected, the authorities from the educational sectors have paved the

way for a new and alternative method of learning, and this requires learners and educators to

have modern technologies such as phones, computers, laptops, and the internet as this is the part

of the new learning method. As far as the suitability is concerned, this study has approached this

E-Learning as a method which is suitable for everyone. Due to its availability and convenience,

the E-Learning allows the learners to access their lectures and modules at their most convenient

time. However, this study have determined many difficulties on both parties such as poor internet

connection, and lots of technical configurations in application such as the Zoom. As there were

no other alternative learning method that is applicable for this situation, the E-Learning method

has been the most popular way of gaining knowledge amidst this pandemic. (Sathishkumar et al.,


Researches on Challenges Faced by Students on Online Learning During The Pandemic

With Covid-19 pandemic, it has become clearer that education system is susceptible to

external dangers (Bozkurt & Sharma, 2020). Ribeiro (2020) rightly noted that this digital

transformation of instructional delivery came with several logistical challenges and attitudinal

modifications. Feldman (2020) while addressing student assessment during this pandemic on

how districts can legislate unbiased and evenhanded grading policies based on these

recommendations; (i) pandemic-related anxiety will have negative effects on student academic
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

performance, (ii) academic performance of students might be affected by racial, economic and

resource differences, and (iii) the larger parts of instructors were not effectively ready to deliver

high-quality instruction remotely. The challenges discussed here are limited to digital

transformation of instructional operations during the period of Covid-19 pandemic.

In the study of Ahmad (2020), online learning is an effective way of learning as students can

access the lessons and learn new skills through the worldwide web. But majority of the surveyed

higher education students have reservations about online/digital learning. Lack of access to

internet facilities, lack of proper interaction and contact with students and instructors and

ineffective technology were among the major challenges faced by higher education students of

the new generation especially in the third world countries where most of the students do not have

the opportunity to have gadgets and the access to internet because of poverty. The sudden shift

from traditional classrooms and face-to-face learning to online learning has resulted in a

completely different learning experience for students. Most students do not have access to high

speed or reliable internet services and are thus struggling with online learning.

Personal focus is a big problem in facing online learning. Online learning has so much of

time and flexibility that students never find the time to do it. Students want two-way relationship

that is often difficult to introduce. The learning process cannot achieve its full potential until

students practice what they learn. Students believe that lack of culture, technological challenges,

and difficulties in interpreting educational objectives are the major obstacles to online learning

(Song et al., 2020).

In a study, students were found to be not sufficiently prepared for balancing their work,

family, and social lives with their study lives in an online learning environment. Students were
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

also found to be poorly equipped for many e-learning competencies and academic-type

competencies. Also, there is a low-level of preparedness among the students for the use of

Learning Management Systems (Parkes et al., 2014).

Researches on Strategies and Coping Mechanisms of Students on Online Learning During The


In the study of Dela Rosa (2020), the lockdown and social distancing measures brought by the

pandemic of COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed the daily routine: work arrangement,

socialization, and even the educational settings. These changes may bring anxiety to those who

are directly affected. Higher education institutions are continuously working to address the

immediate academic concerns brought by the pandemic. They are on the process of establishing

protocols to meet the needs of both the teachers and students. Many are now on work from home

arrangements and engage in online learning. The lockdown and strict limitation to socialize bring

worry, and online interaction is an additional factor for increased anxiety levels. Several

engagements on social media and digital communication may bring a feeling of shock and

frustrations. Not only has that, but online learning also brought anxiety on teacher’s lesson

preparations and students’ engagement in online learning. Anxiety is a normal emotion to a

particular situation, a small level of anxiety can be considered normal, but severe anxiety can be

a serious problem. Academic anxiety refers to performance related to academic tasks. Both the

teachers and students may suffer from this kind of anxiety, especially for those who are now just

engaging in online learning.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Meanwhile, Dela Rosa (2020) added that the following are a few ways on how to cope

with academic anxiety; Make daily plans, establish a good connection with your family and

friends, Limit social media interaction, Set boundaries on too much media consumption, Manage

negative feelings and Connect with mental health service providers. The existing uncertainties

that are happening now, may evoke the feelings of worry and frustration and the changes on

usual routine may cause anxiety to many and despite all these, learning must continue, whatever

learning modality that educational institutions implement, and moving towards the new normal,

it is necessary to take precautionary measures on academic progress and mental health as well.
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Chapter 3


Chapter Three consists of five parts: Purpose of the Study and Research Design

Respondents, Instrument, Data Collection, and Data Analysis.

Part One, Purpose of the Study and Research Design, presents the reasons on why and

how the study was conducted.

Part Two, Respondents, presents the participants in this study and how they were chosen.

Part Three, Instrument, describes the number of items and structure of questions.

Part Four, Data Collection, presents procedures or steps in gathering the data needed for

the study.

Part Five, Data Analysis, describes the method used to analyze and interpret the gathered

data in the study.

Purpose of the Study and Research Design

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

This investigation aimed at determining the narrative on students’ experiences on online

learning during the pandemic of marine transportation students of John B. Lacson Foundation

Maritime University Arevalo (JBLFMU-Arevalo) for the second semester of school year 2020-


Specifically, this research attempted to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the students' expectations on online learning during the pandemic?

2. What are the students' difficulties on online learning during the pandemic?

3. What are the students' coping mechanisms on online learning during pandemic?

Research Design

This study utilized survey as a research design. A descriptive survey uses the same set of

questions for large number of individuals (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2010).

This design is qualitative in nature. The qualitative aspect used the narrative research

design. According to Creswell (2007), narrative research or narratology is retelling of the

experiences as expressed in lived and told stories of individuals.


There were 332 respondents that were utilized in this study. These first to third year

students were officially enrolled at JBLFMU-Arevalo during the second semester, school year

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Meanwhile, simple random sampling method was used to select the respondents.


It was divided into two parts. The first part was the personal identification data of

respondents. The second parts are the students’ expectations, difficulties, and coping mechanism

on online learning during the pandemic. These online questions constitute the qualitative part of

the online questionnaire.

Data collection

The data gathered were in the form of responses from the open-ended online question.

The responses from an open-ended online question comprise the qualitative aspect of the study

specifically narrative inquiry or narratology.

Data collection covered from July 5, 2021 to July 27, 2021.

Data Analysis

In open-ended online question, themes were used to explicate the results.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Chapter 4

Students' expectations on online learning during the pandemic

Themes Statements Literature

Difficulty Student 13 said I expect that it was a lot harder for the students to According to Dhawan (2020), the
focus and ameliorate the situation that we are facing right now in this sudden outbreak of a deadly disease
time of crisis when it comes to education. Student 31 replied a new called Covid-19 affected all aspects
phase, we, as students would find really exhausting. Student 33 believed of progress especially the education
it is going to be hard since it is on an online platform and we also have system across the world. The said
to cope with the sudden changes. Student 102 stated I expect it to be disease caused by a corona virus
hard and much complicated than face-to-face classes because of the was considered a pandemic as
barriers virtual or even in blended classes. Student 112 said school declared by World Health
workload after workloads, more laboratory exercises, and inflexible Organization. The current situation
learning outcomes. Student 116 replied online learning during this challenged the academic
pandemic will be quite hard for students due to the rapid shift on the institutions as well as the educators
mode of learning. Student 126 mentioned it would be difficult due to the that relied on traditional mode of
limited resources from lockdown. Student 130 quoted it gives us a hard learning delivery to shift entirely to
time to adopt to the situation. Student 137 stated learning will become an online teaching-learning method
harder and understanding the lessons provided to us will become instead of closing a whole academic
difficult. Student 154 said I expected it to be difficult since our course year or even more in the coming
focuses mainly on practical activities. Student 162 believed it would be future.
difficult as we are not yet ready for this kind of set up. Student 179
quoted it will be hard as it is not as consistent as in face to face. Student Feldman (2020) revealed while
200 answered everyone will gonna struggle at the start of classes due to addressing student assessment
the complex way of delivering learnings to the learners. Student 220 during this pandemic on how
stated online learning during the pandemic is very difficult, due to the districts can legislate unbiased and
fact that you need high grade gadgets that can perform well during zoom evenhanded grading policies based
classes. It also requires strong signals in order to participate on online on these recommendations; (i)
classes. Student 246 uttered it would be difficult for most of the students, pandemic-related anxiety will have
not all students has access to a fast and reliable internet. Student 299 negative effects on student
replied it is difficult since it has a less class interaction. academic performance, (ii)
academic performance of students
might be affect by racial, economic
and resource differences, and (iii)
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

the larger parts of instructors were

not effectively ready to deliver
high-quality instruction remotely.
The challenges discussed here are
limited to digital transformation of
instructional operations during the
period of Covid-19 pandemic.

In the study of Ahmad (2020), Lack

of access to internet facilities, lack
of proper interaction and contact
with students and instructors and
ineffective technology were among
the major challenges faced by
higher education students of the
new generation especially in the
third world countries where most of
the students do not have the
opportunity to have gadgets and the
access to internet because of
poverty. The sudden shift from
traditional classrooms and face-to-
face learning to online learning has
resulted in a completely different
learning experience for students.
Most students do not have access to
high speed or reliable internet
services and are thus struggling
with online learning.

In a study, students were found to

be not sufficiently prepared for
balancing their work, family, and
social lives with their study lives in
an online learning environment.
Students were also found to be
poorly equipped for many e-
learning competencies and
academic-type competencies. Also,
there is a low-level of preparedness
among the students for the use of
Learning Management Systems
(Parkes et al., 2014).

Comfortability Student 7 stated in my opinion, some students expect to be According to McKenzie (2021),
comfortable at home through online classes. Student 9 answered I expect despite the challenges and
that It would be better because we are at the comfort of our homes. shortcomings of this emergency
Student 19 uttered it becomes a safe environment. Student 24 quoted transition to remote instruction, a
much way better in passing requirements. Student 27 mentioned it is majority of students want the option
easier to search for available resources online. Student 54 believed it to keep studying online, according
gives us too much free time. Student 55 replied lessons in online to new survey results. The survey
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

learning are easy to understand. I Student 75 said expected to be easy includes responses from 772
and not stressful. Student 78 stated I thought it will be convenient and teaching faculty, 514 academic
less work. Student 80 answered online class is adaptable and no stress. administrators and 1,413 students
Student 105 uttered I expected it to be new and adaptable. Student 123 who were registered at a U.S.
quoted self-centred learning at your own pace. Student 158 mentioned I higher education institution for both
expect it to be smooth flowing. Student 163 believed learning materials the fall 2020 and spring 2021
are much more accessible and there will be more in-depth discussions. semesters. The majority of students,
Student 164 replied easy to deal with since we don't have to go to school 73 percent, "somewhat" or
and we're like just sitting infront of our phone/laptop. Student 166 said it
"strongly" (46 percent) agreed that
would be fun since it's something new and unusual way of leaning.
they would like to take some fully
Student 177 stated my expectations would be it would be much easier for
online courses in the future. A
students as we will be able to stay at home and we can balance our time
in our 'studies and our time for our family. Student 230 answered I slightly smaller number of students,
expect an easy platform of learning with less activities and more on 68 percent, indicated they would be
discussion. Student 305 uttered I have a flexible time schedule. Student interested in taking courses offering
311 quoted it is a passion-based online learning experiences. Student a combination of in-person and
313 mentioned I could create more time for the self-improvement. online instruction.

Some research show that on

average, students retain 25-60%
more material when learning online
compared to only 8-10% in a
classroom. This is mostly due to the
students being able to learn faster
online; e-learning requires 40-60%
less time to learn than in a
traditional classroom setting
because students can learn at their
own pace, going back and re-
reading, skipping, or accelerating
through concepts as they choose (Li
and Lalani, 2020).

In a study, students were found

comfortable with online class as it
saved time for them and that their
performance had improved as a
result. They experienced more
contentment with online courses
because of their physical ease and
because being within their comfort
zone reduced their anxiety. It gave
them more satissfaction because
they were able to spend more time
with their families (Khalin et al.,

Ineffectiveness Student 2 said online class makes us to learn less. Student 21 In the study of Siskawati et
replied it gives us less learning progress. Student 38 believed I expected al., (2021), the application of online
to be an easier yet less productive way of learning. Student 51 learning methods that are done
mentioned I expect it to be problematic because of a lot of factors. suddenly puts pressure on
Student 56 quoted it is ineffective compared to face to face classes. instructors, especially those who do
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Student 66 uttered it will be very poor and stressful. Student 67 not have expertise in utilizing
answered online class is lack of learnings. Student 70 stated it would be technology in the learning process.
boring, no interactions. Student 136 said based on usual narratives, The pressure experienced by
online class is lesser effective than face to face classes in terms of instructors creates inertia that can
student's knowledge and skill based effectivity. Student 171 replied be an obstacle to successful online
online learning may be inferior compare to traditional face to face class. learning methods. In addition to the
Student 259 believed much more stress to come. Student 265 mentioned obstacles in technological change,
our knowledge will decrease. Student 303 quoted it will reduce our obstacles in the change of
learning motivation. Student 306 quoted anxiety brought by the new
interaction between instructors and
phase of learning experience. Student 330 uttered it has higher
students are also obstacles to the
education demands and tuition hike.
online learning process. Online
learning as an alternative pedagogy
in education during a pandemic. In
addition, it also explained that the
implementation of online learning
at the beginning of the pandemic
had reduced student learning
opportunities. Not all students have
a decent home environment for
online learning. For example,
related to technical problems,
problems that arise include the
unavailable laptop owned by every
student in their home, bad internet
network access in some areas in the
suburbs, e-learning platforms that
they have not mastered well (Flores
& Gago, 2020). Technology can
help students overcome scheduling
and location barriers to learning.
Students' engagement primarily
emphasizes the time and effort they
put into online learning activities to
achieve the desired learning
effectiveness. Despite the benefits
of online learning, facilitating
students' learning on online
platforms is still challenging
(Panigrahi et al., 2018). According
to Magalhaes et al., (2020), most
studies agree that online learning is
beneficial to students' learning
outcomes compared to traditional
learning but the learning
effectiveness is arguable when
using online learning systems (Pye
et al., 2015).

Productivity Student 1 stated I had expected that this online learning would be According to Meyer
as productive as the traditional learning scheme and the expected (2014), eleven experienced
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

learning competency be met at the end of the school year. Student 14 community college faculty
answered I am expecting that learning will be easy. Student 30 uttered members were interviewed to elicit
online class would be fun since it would be on a completely new way of examples of how they improved
learning, and easy because Internet would always be accessible. Student student learning productivity in
34 quoted it helps us to learn more by the use of mobile phones. Student their online courses. The 11 faculty
39 mentioned Online learning something you can borrow or exchange members represented eight different
ideas through communicating in your classmate. Student 44 believed it states, nine different fields or
will promote continual improvement. Student 79 replied it would be disciplines, and all were permanent
easy, less work, effective and not boring. Student 92 said it would be a
or full-time faculty members at
systematic learning. Student 107 stated it is productive and efficient.
community colleges in the southern
Student 115 answered to attain the same amount of knowledge we had
or western states. Based on a
during f2f classes. Student 117 uttered I expect that online learning
during pandemic is time saver, and requires less effort than face to face thematic analysis of the examples
classes. Student 127 quoted I can learn many things because everything given, improvement in student
is on the internet. Student 159 mentioned much more comprehensive learning occurred by (a)
discussions among students and teachers. Student 209 believed it would emphasizing seven approaches to
give us a good quality of education. Student 210 replied online learning increase student engagement, (b)
will open more opportunities for students to develop self-learning and to using six different structuring
be independent in studying. Student 224 said I expect it to be flexible, tactics to focus student attention on
organize and productive type of learning. Student 231 stated I expect learning, (c) using assessment
that I will be learning the same amount as to what I will be learning techniques to improve learning, and
during face to face classes. Student 238 answered that the competence (d) pursuing a personal passion for
and standards the institution hold dear would be met, practically and online teaching. These findings
theoretically. Student 240 uttered it'll fill the gap between the student's suggest that faculty can and do find
and the difficulty in learning despite the situation. Student 285 quoted ways to use different tools in
more interactive and adjustable schedule of passing outputs. Student 317 different ways to improve student
mentioned I expect I will complete required assignments in an opportune learning productivity in community
manner. Student 320 believed I can learn more advanced skills through
colleges. The purpose of this report
the distinctive courses that you will take during your program. Student
is to support educational
321 replied I can develop interpersonal aptitudes for taking an interest
as a part of a web learning community. administrators and policymakers in
becoming informed consumers of
information about online learning
and its potential impact on
educational productivity. The report
provides foundational knowledge
needed to examine and understand
the potential contributions of online
learning to educational
productivity, including a conceptual
framework for understanding the
necessary components of rigorous
productivity analyses, drawing in
particular on cost-effectiveness
analysis as an accessible method in
education (Bakia et al., 2012). In
the study of McInnerney & Roberts
(2004), there are three protocols
that can be built into the fabric of
online courses in order that a sense
of community may be enabled to
exist, and productive social
interaction can occur. These are (1)
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

the greater use of synchronous

communication facilities (in
addition to, rather than instead of,
asynchronous ones), (2) the
deliberate design and inclusion of a
‘forming’ stage, or ‘warm-up’
period, incorporated as an essential
component into the course
structure, and (3) a much greater
emphasis on the provision of (and
adherence to) guidelines for
successful online communication.
The paper concludes by suggesting
that by creating an online sense of
‘self’, the participants of an online
course can alleviate feelings of
isolation, and create an online
community that assists the learning
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Students' difficulties on online learning during the pandemic

Themes Statements Literature

Poor Internet Student 5 said having bad signal, interruptions when having an Limited internet connection is a major
Connection exam because of slow internet, sudden error in sites. Student 6 said the concern when implementing blended
learning process relies on internet connection and sometimes there are learning as identified by Garrotte
some circumstances where it is being affected with uncontrollable Jurado, et al. (2010). Due to issues with
factors. Student 7 said internet problems were the difficulties I found on Internet connectivity, students'
online learning during the pandemic. Student 33 replied as mentioned, experiences throughout the Online
Internet instability was my topmost problem during the online class. based course were harmed, and the
Student 70 mentioned limited signal or connectivity. Student 85 quoted anticipated online component of GHL's
our difficulties on online learning is the internet connection because if
blended-learning architecture was
there no internet you can’t communicate and participate well in class.
jeopardized (Dridi and others, 2020).
Student 105 uttered a lot of difficulties including the poor internet
According to the study by Howland
connection. Student 109 said signal is the number one difficulty. Student
111 answered unstable network connection is one of my major and Moore (2002), because of the
difficulties. Student 129 stated low internet connection, power internet interruption, students and
interruptions, and limited data. Student 130 said the major problem that instructors were unable to
I've encountered during such time was having a low internet connection, communicate with one another. One of
I have to go outside our home just to find a stable connection. However, online learning's flaws is
by the time passes by, it become easy for me and I already used to it. communication delays. Furthermore,
Student 131 replied unstable internet connection leading to poor according to Howland and Moore's
performance of a student. Student 133 believed the difficulties that the research, many students indicated that
students encountered during the online learning are power interruptions getting clarification on assignments
and poor internet connections. Student 136 mentioned based on recent and other difficulties was difficult due
studies, students face difficulties due to slow internet connectivity to a lack of contact between the student
affecting student's productivity rate based on a general level. Student and the instructor.
137 quoted difficulties in communication or internet connection will
most likely be a problem. Student 140 uttered slow internet connection
affects our performance in class. Student 157 answered the students'
difficulties on online learning are technical issues such as poor internet
connection and power interruptions. Student 159 stated unreliable
internet connections and sudden power interruptions. Student 163 said
frequent power loss and unreliable internet connections. Student 167
replied my difficulties are mainly technical issues such as frequent
power loss and unreliable internet connections. Student 168 believed the
pandemic have given us a lot of difficulties with regards to learning such
as poor internet connections, sudden power loss, and adaptability issues.
Student 176 mentioned access to the internet is unstable and being at
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

home is distracting. Student 177 quoted most of the students like me

suffer from slow internet connection. Student 183 uttered the difficulties
that we have faced on online learning are mainly related to connection
aspects. Student 184 answered my difficulties on online learning
includes poor internet connections and frequent power loss. Student 185
stated the major difficulties that we are facing are unscheduled loss of
electricity and unreliable internet connection. Student 198 said technical
issues such as unreliable internet connections, frequent internet loss,
and expensive data promos. Student 226 replied some of the students
face difficulties in online class like poor connection, brownout, and etc.
Student 227 believed signal fluctuations during rainy days. Student 228
mentioned there are some difficulties faced like power interruption, low
signal and internet connection. Student 230 quoted slow internet
connection lead to difficulties to understand the lesson due to the
inaudible and unclear feedback. Student 243 uttered can’t comprehend
well the lesson since it is online and due to slower internet connection
and power interruption sometimes you cannot attend your zoom meeting.
Student 276 answered difficulties in internet connection for passing
outputs and files. Student 291 stated time frame of schedules for passing
outputs and closing time of exams because of internet connection.
Student 296 said as a student the difficulties on online learning is the
connection because if the connection is very poor you cannot open the
mrooms. Student 317 replied incapability to finish the tasks on time
because of the loss of connection. Student 329 believed Power Shortage
of electricity and Wifi connection (Internet connection). Student 331
mentioned schedule time of outputs and pressure in submitting early
outputs because of internet connection.

Inadequate According to Jin and Sabio (2018),

eLearning Student 11 said lack of financial support and gadgets. Student mobile devices have the potential to be
Resources 19 said limited access to online learning because of the reason, I don’t used and adapted for educational
have my own laptop and poor performance of my phone. Student 20 purposes. However, in the study of
replied lacking of gadgets to use with regards to online platform. Also, I Cleofas & Rocha (2021) poor students
don’t have my own personal laptop which can be a big help in doing do not have access to laptops or
paper works. Student 20, 21 and 22 have the same answers not enough desktop computers, and their internet
gadgets to use in joining zoom meetings. Student 31 mentioned lack of access is limited. In addition, a survey
learning materials such as paper chart, navigational equipment and by another public institution in the
facilities. Student 38 stated loss of internet connection due to promos country found that students are ready
subscription and lack of errands that may interrupt you during class. for online lessons, but that the cost of
Student 46 quoted money for the payment of monthly internet. Student 54 computer and internet rentals in cafes
uttered lack of usable gadgets. Student 72 believed devices to be used
is a problem (Yra et al., 2020).
incased of having troubles in double meeting and hectic schedules.
Student 99 answered about money issues and gadgets maintenance.
Student 116 stated gadgets needed for online school, difficulty in
learning the course materials from the teachers, etc. Student 139 uttered
materials is a hindrance. Student 158 said some student can't afford load
due to lack of financial needs. Students 188 replied outdated hardware
and software because of lack of maintenance and financial support.
Student 196 believed expensive internet promos, and technical issues.
Student 200 mentioned the difficulties that we encountered on online
learning are outdated gadgets. Student 212 quoted unstable connection
to the internet because of old devices/gadgets low specs and capabilities.
Student 229 uttered the difficulties of this online learning is due to the
fact that students will have to spend money on laptops and data for a
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

better learning experience. Considering the pandemic, we have today

and that many have lost their means of income many students are forced
to stop learning. Student 267 mentioned lack of gadgets, load and
financial assistance. Student 270 answered facilities, gadgets, and
student assistant for effective learning outcome. Student 278 stated lack
of gadgets that will be used in online learning. Student 322 said need to
provide materials for the laboratory which is quite expensive. Student
replied 324 laboratory materials are unavailable at times. Student 332
mentioned tuition hike, facilities and other resources needed in online

Geographical Student 13 said one of the difficulties students are facing was Better Internet connectivity at home
slow internet connectivity, especially near or inside the province and contributes to a wider range of
Location connectivity problems due to my remote location and cannot ask direct technology use and improved digital
question to teachers. Student 14 replied I live in a remote area, so, it is abilities (Hampton, 2020). According
hard for me to find a stable internet connection. It is hard to keep in to Bauer (2020), those with low
touch to the events like Google meetings, Messenger discussions. broadband connectivity will get less
Student 77 mentioned at other times, due to the location I am in plus it is benefits from the digital transition than
compounded by the weather (It rains here that cause of lack of internet those with rapid Internet access.
connection). It takes 30 mins to 1 hour sometimes before I open my
Rogers (2004) mentioned that the
Moodle. Sometimes I climb in our rooftop in order to send my activities.
Internet has primarily spread among
Student 145 quoted studying is difficult because of the low internet
the very wealthy and educated in urban
connection due to the environment. Student 154 uttered it was difficult
for me because we don't have an internet connection at home and I only regions. He pointed out that most of the
rely on my mobile data connection which, unfortunately, is very slow. infrastructure required for rapid
Student 190 answered since our place does not have a good signal, I Internet adoption is not found in rural
have to wait for certain hours that the signal is strong for me to do my areas. Those who reside in rural areas
activities. Student 225 stated the ways to connect to a class gave me must travel to the town only to have a
difficulties because the internet connection in our area is limited and it better internet connection. The
is very hard to find a spot to access so that I can pass and start my university was unable to adopt
output anytime. technologies that required a fast
internet connection due to the poor
connection. (Casillano, 2019)

Learning Student 3 said our course requires proper discussion and hands eLearning, being the latest wave of
on activities to be able to acquire the knowledge needed on board. education, is already having a fair show
Issues Student 4 replied lack of considerations because of being newbie when it despite posing challenges for both
comes in online learning platform plus the unorganized mode of instructors and students (Kumar, 2015).
learning which will affect the student performance. Student 9 believed I They might be preoccupied, distracted,
have a problem when the zoom meeting is only one session per week or just uninspired. We live in a time
sometimes two, if possible, because we're only students and we need the when people's attention is in short
guidance of our instructors. Because it is our obligation to read and supply and they have more information
read and read for us to gain learning but sometimes, we fall short for it. than they can process. As a result,
Sometimes there are terms that we cannot understand. Student 15 education has changed dramatically,
mentioned learning more about online platforms. Student 27 quoted no with the distinctive rise of e-learning,
idea using online platforms and hoping for the best instructor to give whereby teaching is undertaken
consideration. Student 91 uttered less teacher-student interaction. remotely and on digital platforms
Student 93 answered less discussion from teachers and self-learning will (Lalani, 2020). All of these stumbling
practiced. Student 103 stated the new platform is complicated for us. blocks keep people from actively
With this internet-driven kind of situation, one single loss of connection participating in online learning
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

can lead to great disappointments if no consideration is taken. Student programs (Shanahan, 2020).
106 said teachers that are not considerate and giving a lot of quizzes
and assignments at the same time. Student 148 replied can't understand
the lesson. Student 153 believed nothing efficient enough to explain the
lesson. Student 166 mentioned hard to find an authentic and genuine
information. Student 169 quoted the information from some of our
instructors about a certain topic doesn't satisfy the needs of their
students. Student 210 stated that one of the difficulties on online learning
is that some of the instructors do not consider reasons such as power
shortage and sometimes don't give students enough time to pass their
activities. Student 215 uttered lessons that are not thoroughly explained
because of lack in time on zoom. Student 220 answered some lessons are
not easy to internalized because it needs more guidance to the person
who has a particular experience onboard rather than just reading it on a
module. In times of power outage, you can't really access online classes
and it's very difficult to cope up with the lesson without prior knowledge
on how to do task correctly. Student 241 stated lack of familiarization
with technical aspects of the courses and excessive activities. Student
256 said we are just complying with the requirements without any
knowledge or ideas learned at all. Student 260 replied hard to reach out
some teachers for clarification purposes. Student 303 believed
insufficient information from LMS. Need to search from the internet.
Student 304 mentioned concepts in the learning module system couldn’t
satisfy the needs of the learners.

Poor Time Student 1 said multiple workloads with minor subjects giving For students to better manage their
more activities than major subjects. Student 2 replied multitasking curriculum and achieve learning
Management between household chores and online classes. Student 18 mentioned objectives, time management behaviors
managing the schedules and deadlines when passing the activities and or skills are argued to improve the
outputs. Student 28 quoted managing my time with multiple task a day. positive academic output. The aim of
Student 30 uttered teachers' requirements were uncomplyable, some the study is to find the impact of time
were giving out too much unnecessary tasks and homeworks while some management on the academic
were requiring us to have some things we done have which forced us to performance of students among the
go to faraway places just to have them. Student 35 answered distraction diagnostic radiology technology
from my leisure time and classes. Student 43 said what students struggle students at KAU. (Alyami et al., 2021).
the most is the ability to manage time well both in learning and Students who lack time management
responsibilities as a person. Student 52 replied overloaded activities skills wind up putting off things until
given by the teachers. Student 74 mentioned the amount of projects and the last minute, causing them a great
quizzes in every subject takes too much time to comply. Student 80 deal of stress as they strive to catch up.
quoted overlapping activities which will give us pressure to every You may completely miss deadlines if
students with regards of the activities we need to pass. Student 101 you've let too many tasks sit. The most
uttered distraction from mobile games and cant pass activities with evident result of poor time
regards of the schedules. Student 117 answered overlapping duties of management is procrastination.
home and school responsibilities. Student 125 stated it is difficult to (Catherine, 2016)
manage my time and to learn things on my own pace because of different
barriers I encountered during this academic year. Student 150 said
distractions are always present and I could not finish my activities on
time for the deadline. Student 151 replied we are easily distracted by the
internet such as the social media and online games, affecting out time to
finish our activities. Student 174 believed losing focus because of the
different distractions when online, losing more time for us to study and
finish homeworks. Student 175 mentioned learning environment can be
distracting affecting the time and attention dedicated to our studies.
Student 204 quoted being at home creates a lot of distractions leading to
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

poor performance at school. Student 253 uttered there are a lot of works
that needs multi-tasking and it is very difficult to cope up with the
deadlines urghhhhhhh! Student 282 answered its difficult to catch up
with the lessons and schedules during zoom meeting because of the
heavy workloads. Student 300 stated can't sleep properly due to

Lack of Self- Student 26 stated struggling to adapt to the newly implemented The teacher’s self-enthusiasm is a very
online platforms which would likely affect my mental stability and my significant factor in terms of
Enthusiasm passion towards learning. Student 50 said decreased motivation in incorporating the ICT in teaching. The
learning due to the sudden changes in the school's learning formats and Chalk & Talk, as part of Traditional
the lack of proper supervision from the teachers as a result of the teaching approaches, provides them
ongoing pandemic. Student 192 replied my difficulties includes loss of with comfort and enjoyment. Many
motivation due to the fact less engagement to my fellow batch mates and reasons for this mindset have been
seniors. Student 315 believed loss of motivation during class discussion proposed by experienced teachers,
since the topic are not well discussed by the instructors. Student 316 including aging, lack of interest,
mentioned frustrated and having learned nothing. This totally made me control over learners, and laziness.
lost motivation in learning through the online platforms. However, they actually require strong
motivation and counseling to use ICT
in teaching in order to apply their
experience and knowledge to the
student community. In terms of
feedback from peers, pupils, and high-
level administration, the enthusiastic
teachers expect recognition for their
innovative efforts using ICT. This
inclination can be observed in almost
all teachers, and their motivation can
be recognized through incentives,
rewards, and plaudits, among other
things. (Renukadevi et al., 2018).
Although enthusiasm may appear to be
at odds with the traditional qualities
that an academic must possess in order
to thrive, we argue in this article that
enthusiasm is a crucial component of
becoming a successful modern
academic (Freudenberg &
Samarkovski, 2014). Academic
enthusiasm has been related to
encouraging student engagement and
excellent learning outcomes (Evans,
2007), which is beneficial for the
institution and the sector as a whole,
therefore the dwindling of academic
enthusiasm should be of concern to
everyone in the tertiary sector. If an
academic's enthusiasm for teaching
wanes, this could have negative
consequences. The importance of an
academic's excitement for students'
involvement with the learning process,
as well as the academic's ability to
solve the concerns and challenges that
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

they confront, was stressed in

particular (Freudenberg &
Samarkovski, 2014).

Students' coping mechanisms on online learning during pandemic

Themes Statements Literature

Time Student 9 uttered that Some students like me uses The purpose of time management is not to increase
Management my time wisely, eliminate distractions like social media the limited time but to increase the quality of the
and actively participate during class discussion online. activities carried out in that limited time (Erdem &
Student 11 mentioned that Doing my task and pass ahead others,1998). Effective time management
of time, and after that if I have extra time and made extra eliminates distractions and boosts concentration.
effort to finish other task, so that I can know free from Distraction impacts your time management and
burden and relax so that, I can maintain a healthy living. lowers your productivity. Time management
Student 19 said that time management and patience are techniques ensure you have the time freedom to do
my coping mechanisms in these difficult times. Student 50
more of the things that matter most to you. (Pettit,
emphasized double time on studying. Student 66 reiterated
2020). One of the best ways to manage your time
that he Make a schedule for class time and homework
better and get more done is to work to help you
time. Student 90 commented Study hard and manage your
time well. Student 105 asserted that Looking for good clarify your goals and develop a clear plan and path
space and time to cope and study well. Student 124 to plan and prioritize your time more effectively
commented that Improve time management skill to be (Pettit, 2020).
more efficient by being in control of how we spend our
time. being focus leads to better efficiency. Student 159
said that My coping mechanism on online learning are
planning activities decisively, and practicing efficient time
management. Student 169 stated that My coping
mechanism are being adaptive and practicing time
management. Student 171 stressed that Having a time
commitment and management is a must. Student 190
replied that Managing time wisely, removing distractions,
and staying organized. Student 192 cited that I try to do
everything ahead of time in order for me to cope up all the
deadlines. Student 215 expressed Time management and
advance reading to the topic. Student 227 stated that He
shall Try to stay updated on objectives and try to finish
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

you work on time. Student 229 mentioned that I learn to

reinvent myself to handle new mode of learning like
investing my time researching topics I don't understand as
well as I learn to manage my time effectively. Student 262
emphasized that Composing myself and doing the things
earlier in order to avoid multi-tasking of work-loads.

Social Media Student 1 stated that different social media have Existing research on media use and coping clearly
Streaming & been of a big help for me to get through. Seeing someone indicates that media exposure is a commonly used
Playing Video posting about their struggles really motivated me. Student tool for stress coping and can significantly aid the
Games 71 uttered that I usually watch movies and play games to coping process. (Wolfers and Schneider, 2020) The
cope up with stress. Student 81 copes up through Reading use of social media can be beneficial with regards
books, playing games, biking. Student 138 mentioned that to problem-focused coping strategy as a source of
Students tend to cope up in terms of spending a vigorous information, an emotional coping strategy as a
amount of time on leisure characterized by online games distraction, and a source of social support.
and surfing the internet. Student 147 said that I utilize
(Demirtepe-Saygili, 2020). There is evidence that
social media platforms to relieve stress and improve
video games can help people cope with and recover
morale. Student 149 commented that I play video games,
from difficult life experiences, facilitate catharsis
riding bicycle, and talking to classmates on social media
to forget the problems. Student 152 have asserted that I and mood repair, improve wellbeing by satisfying
play online games to relive stress. Student 153 cited that I basic psychological needs, and help people cope
stay connected thru messaging apps or social media as my with and recover from difficult life experiences.
coping mechanism. Student 205 responded that I stay (Philips et al., 2021) Aside from being valuable
being active on social media to cope up with the tools for training cognitive processes, video games
difficulties on online learning. Student 206 mentioned that may also help to reduce stress and anxiety.
I use the internet to as a tool to relieve stress and as a way (Pallavicini et al., 2021)
of improving study habits. Student 240 answered that My
coping mechanism in these difficult times are playing
mobile game, surfing in the social media, and sleeping.
Student 243 have expressed that I play digital games to
relieve stress, making projects with friends and asking for
learning resources from associates. Student 276 replied
that I watch Kdrama and surf over the social media as my
coping mechanism. Student 287 said I play video games
and Video making as my way of dealing with stress and

Leisure Time Student 8 emphasized that he Honestly indulged Students can unwind and stop stressing about
with foods and talking to friends and classmates. Student school or other stressful areas of their lives during
68 stated that Doing breaks and having a leisure time to their free time. Youth, particularly students, regard
take care of each other's mental health. Student 73 and leisure time as a vital chance to improve their
177 mentioned that Spending time with family and unwind. physical, mental, and personal talents (Cruz, 2014)
Student 76 said that Having a rest time and being free to When people engage in leisure activity, they have
the stress brought by the new set-up. Student 109 lower stress levels, better mood, a lower heart rate
commented that Having a time for a break and doing and more psychological engagement — that means
things I love. Student 118 replied that Watching movies,
less boredom, which can help avoid unhealthy
learning to manage my time efficiently, I unwind from time
behaviors (Zawadzki, 2015).
to time, listen to musics and have enough rest. Student 121
reiterated that Staying positive and avoiding too much
stress, and maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle.
Student 218 said that Take a rest and spend time with
family and friends. Student 270 mentioned that Food while
having online class, workout, and exercise to compensate
for screentime, PC, and mobile games for stress relief.
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Student 258 stressed that Talking with my family and

giving myself a break or enjoying my own free time.
Student 290 said that Swimming and jogging every
morning. Student 330 cited that Playing Basketball,
Online games, and Watching Netflix.

Adaptability and Student 101 stressed that he Make way and Adaptability in the workplace refers to the ability to
Flexibility improvise. Student 135 stated that Being adaptive, alter and be flexible in order to succeed. If you are a
resilient, and able to think outside of the box when there is rapid learner, it is because you understand how to
difficulties along the way. Student 160 said that he Needs adapt. (Doyle, 2021). A joint's or a group of joints'
to become adaptable to the situation. Student 162 flexibility refers to its capacity to move through an
mentioned that the coping mechanisms on online learning unconstrained, pain-free range of motion (Davis,
are practicing time management, being motivated, and 2020). Workplace technology, norms, and systems
learning to adapt to the new mode of learning. Student are always changing. Learning new technologies
170 cited that My coping mechanisms are being adaptive,
and incorporating them into your business is an
organized, and resilient. Student 186 asserted that To cope
useful adaptation skill. (Ariella, 2020)
up with the difficulties, I make sure that I stay motivated
and adaptive to the challenges that comes along the way.
Student 187 explained that Being disciplined, flexible, and
adaptive are my coping mechanisms in online learning.
Student 193 mentioned that Taking enough time in order
to focus on lessons that you need to learn and being
flexible in such a way that you still learn even though your
instructor is not teaching. Student 217 emphasized that
Trying and doing my best to adapt this kind of learning
method. Student 226 testified that We have no other choice
but to adapt to it instantly.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Chapter 5 consists three parts: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations.

Part One, Summary, presents the major points and findings of the research study.

Part Two, Conclusions, presents the conclusion drawn from the results and the general

statement of the study.

Part Three, Recommendations, presents the suggestions and advice for further

development and improvement of other upcoming research studies.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City


Based on the themes, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The students' expectations on online learning during the pandemic are as follows:

difficulty, comfortability, ineffectiveness and productivity. Adaptability. At the start of the

COVID-19 pandemic, the education sector has been instantaneously affected, and this calamity

has forced the school programs come to a halt. After a careful analysis of the situation, various

experts in the field of health and education have concluded that the only feasible way of instilling

knowledge in the minds of the learners is through distance learning. However, this unusual setup

has made both the learners and students unprepared for the transition and thus, experienced such

difficulties that were expected to happen. Nevertheless, the adaptive nature of the human being

has allowed themselves to adjust and respond to the educational challenges brought by this

pandemic. Few have found that this current system is more comfortable and suited for their

learning styles. As for others, they experienced what they have expected at the beginning, the

ineffectiveness of this new method. However, as a 21st century students, we have to be adaptive

with the situation in order to attain productivity especially with the limited resources and ways to

grasps for knowledge during this time of pandemic. Certainly, the COVID-19 and its emerging

variants have really tested the learner’s capacity to adjust to disruption. In this way, it helps them

to be more adaptive to the current situation which can further nurture ideas to help meet the

expectations of the future.

2. the students' difficulties on online learning during the pandemic are as follows: poor

internet connection, inadequate eLearning resources, geographical location, learning issues, poor
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

time management and lack of self-enthusiasm. Flexibility. In this time of pandemic where

education system has drastically transitioned, students are given no choice, but to get in

situations where flexibility has to be learned. The students’ difficulties on online learning during

the pandemic has brought traumatic, psychological stressors to many that have been increasingly

manifested over time. However, if students are to be asked, regardless of the rigors that have

confronted them, majority would speak to continue getting into school, otherwise, it would mean

a total delay to their education years. Poor internet connection, inadequate eLearning resources

are much of an expected matter as we are in a country that still has to go through improvements

in such fields. Learning issues, poor time management and lack of self-enthusiasm are more of

an inbred, intertwined personal knots that we have to untangle to understand that whether we like

it or not, education is nothing but a space where you have to adjust based on its demands.

Finally, the geographical location which is an essential element to be considered utmost. As

students learning under the atmosphere of online world, our home is our comfort zone. But just

like how flexibility is being denoted, when there is a need for a resettlement in order to join the

class, we have no choice but to do it, and it speaks about how important being flexible to the

situation even if we don’t want it at the very place.

3. the students' coping mechanisms on online learning during the pandemic are as

follows: time management, social media streaming and playing video games, leisure time,

adaptability, and flexibility. Given our situation amidst a pandemic, students often face

difficulties because of the sudden change in our educational system in the form of online

learning. Due to such difficulties such as poor internet connection and inadequate eLearning

resources, students are forced to become more innovative, adopting new ways and strategies to

cope with the sudden changes. BSMT students make a significant strategy to cope with the
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

difficulties brought by online learning and Time Management is to name a such. This process of

consciously planning and controlling the amount of time spent on specific activities, to improve

effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity has been observed by most of the BSMT students to

create a more efficient outcome out of their learning strategy by developing new ways on how

the BSMT students achieve their intended tasks while taking all the known obstacles and

conditions into consideration. With such an innovative approach they became ready to face or

adjust their thoughts and assumptions. The stress of online learning is undoubtedly comparable

to that of learning in face-to-face. Since learning online requires a certain amount of exposure to

the internet, the BSMT students used this opportunity to alleviate the impacts of stress and strain

by playing online games and streaming social media. Too much exposure to the internet on the

other hand may also cause serious psychological and economic consequences. As a response,

some BSMT students find other ways to alleviate stress such as having leisure time in the form

of physical activities instead of using the internet. With the help of physical related activities,

some BSMT students can unwind and stop stressing about learning online. Most BSMT students

regard leisure time as a vital chance to improve their physical, mental, and personal capabilities.

For BSMT students, being innovative along with adaptability and flexibility are the key elements

to cope with the stress and difficulties brought by the new mode of learning. Flexibility and

adaptability are some of the vital elements embraced by the BSMT students to suit their demands

of learning in various and diverse conditions.


Based on the conclusion derived from the study, the researchers further recommend that:
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

1.In the future, the school administration may also develop an innovative and helpful

approach to address the concerns and issues of JBLFMU-A BSMT Students during online

learning and face-to-face learning.

2. Teachers, parents, and school administrators may work together to reduce the

difficulties and enhance the coping mechanisms of the students that promote a safe and healthy


3. Students shall seek help and guidance when they are undergoing psychological

stressors brought by online learning in order for them to acquaint an immediate solution by the


4. Channels of communication on online-based learning need to be frequent, clear, and

succinct for the students to obtain a piece of rational and comprehensive information. 

5. Faculty and staff must be prudent in planning a significant approach before the start of

online learning to deliver a smooth mechanism and implementation throughout the course.  

6. Further, researchers may be conducted a quantitative approach (research) regarding the

expectations, difficulties, and coping mechanisms of students both towards online learning and

face-to-face learning.


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Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

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