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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name John Kayongo

NEBOSH learner 00645407
Learning Partner name Aspire Training and Management Consultancy LLC (908)

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0009-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec21 © NEBOSH 2021 page 1 of 9

Task 1: Obligations of employers to workers

Question 1
As per Recommendation 10 of International Labour Organisation R164 – Occupational
Safety and Health Recommendation, 1981 (No. 164) the following has been contravened

The above recommendation applies to employers who are under the duty of care towards
their workers in regards to health and safety in the first instance. The absence of worker
representatives as seen from the scenario with whom to raise specific safety issues in the
said bakery organisation clearly demonstrated that management has failed to exercise its
roles and responsibilities to their workers.

In the scenario, employer failed to provide appropriate job training to the new staff which
is after they have joined and gotten in contact with the hazards of the workplace which is
a breach the ILO to give necessary instructions and training taking account of the
functions and capacities of different categories of workers.

R 164 of ILO states that employers provide a safe plant and equipment for the health and
safety of their workers who might be exposed to different hazards in the workplace. In the
scenario machines are quite old, they frequently need parts replacing and possibly
servicing you can say.

The Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation 1981 (R164) which places
obligations to employers to achieve a basic goal of a safe and health workplace. In the
scenario a newly promoted maintenance engineer and younger worker unsafely
accessed the bread oven a clear breach.

R 164 of ILO explains that employers have obligation to develop safe working methods
also known as safe systems of work (SSOW) if it was developed the shift manager on
duty would not allow a young inexperienced worker access the oven for maintenance

R 164 of ILO also explains that employers have to provide adequate supervision to their
workers while carrying out tasks in the scenario it was demonstrated that the directors
who hold ultimate responsibility for health and safety allow workers to ‘horse play’ that is
cut corners while performing duties thus resulted in breach.

R 164 of ILO also emphasises that employers ensure so far as is reasonably practicable,
the health, safety and welfare of its workers to ensure they are safe from hazards arising
from work by putting in place a written safety policy of reporting accidents and near
misses which was breached in the scenario.

R 164 of ILO explains that employers have obligation to their workers this includes
provision of a safe working environment and adequate welfare facilities which was
contravened the temperature gauge not checked.

R 164 of ILO further explains that employers have an obligation regarding health and
safety to gain confidence from their workers that workplace is safe and free from hazards
not demonstrated in the scenario some of the workers felt no longer work at the bakery

The employer also has an obligation to provide proper health and safety arrangement to
eliminate or control risk. In this case risk assessments carried out are outdated which is a
breach and therefore not suitable to the new hazards in the work place workers are
exposed to.

The above recommendation also explains that employers are required to provide, where
necessary, control measures to deal with emergencies and accidents, including adequate

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first-aid arrangements in the scenario it was reported that workers at the scene were not
first-aid trained but did their best to help their colleagues a breach of the obligation.

Task 2: Influencing health and safety culture

Question 2
The negative indicators of health and safety culture at the bakery organisation are

The presence of a blame culture is an indicator of a negative health and safety culture. In
the scenario bakery was under pressure to get an urgent order completed allowing
workers to cut corners hence workers blamed if target timelines are not reached.

Lack of management commitment for health and safety is also an indicator of negative
health and safety culture. In the scenario the directors do not believe that H&S is a full-
time job shows lack of commitment.

Health and safety receiving lower priority than business is also an indicator of negative
health and safety culture. The directors say there is no budget for health and safety in the

Lack of strong leadership from management is an indicator of negative health and safety
culture in bakery organisation. In the bakery the directors pursue objectives of getting the
job done and downplay them.

Lack of proper and adequate training as in the scenario induction a lot of people received
first-aid training but was a long time ago lead to a negative health and safety culture.

Poor management system and procedures such as no formal reporting of incidents and
accidents as demonstrated in the scenario is an indicator of a negative H&S culture.

No appointment of first-aiders on site in the scenario everyone was frantically trying to

help but there seemed no-one in charge to take control of the situation all this are
indicators of a negative health and safety culture.

Wrong motivation or fear of financial losses are also indicators of a negative health and
safety culture as is in the scenario waiting for the engineer to come back on shift would
have caused significant down time.

There are no written job descriptions and also improper induction and training it is evident
in the scenario that new starters are shown how to carry out their role by someone else
this clearly shows a negative H&S culture.

Lack of consultation with the workers no representatives is also an indicator of negative

health and safety culture within the bakery organisation.

Superficial incident recordings, reports and follow-up action not taken or ineffective and
mainly focuses on blame games in the scenario all these are indicators of a negative
health and safety culture in the bakery organisation.

High staff turnover rates and poor morale from the workers is also an indicator of
negative health and safety culture from the scenario the workers were traumatised by
what they had witnessed hence took extended periods.

Absenteeism as a result of extended periods taken by workers could also be argued as

an indicator of a negative health and safety culture at the bakery organisation.

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The workers are not completely aware about the health and safety policy of the
organisation and also not sure about whom to report in case something goes wrong as
these points are negative indicators of H&S culture.

The workers not complying with safety rules is also an indicator of a negative health and
safety culture poor supervision in the scenario the shift manager under pressure
assigned inexperienced young worker and newly promoted maintenance engineer.

Task 3: Financial arguments to improve health and safety

Question 3
The following are the financial arguments that I could use to convince the directors that
health and safety needs to be improved

I would convince the directors that the injured worker will ask for compensation by filing a
court case in civil law courts and the bakery will have to pay the compensation.

I would convince the directors that the investigation will take time and the investigation by
law enforcement agency will also take time and will disrupt business which will cause
financial loss to the organisation.

I would further argue to directors that sick pay and medical cost need to be paid to worker
and these all are financial losses which will affect the business hence health and safety
must be improved.

I would convince the directors that hiring a lawyer and legal proceedings will cause
financial losses yet again to the bakery therefore the need for safety improvement.

I would convince the directors that in the past too due to similar accidents bakery had
suffered financial losses in terms of fines and will continue to suffer so health and safety
should be improved.

I would convince the directors that previously an enforcement led to closure of bakery
and now again enforcement action will be taken again which will result into fines again
therefore actions should be taken to prevent reoccurrence of similar accidents in future.

I would convince the directors that the bakery will incur huge costs of payment to
authorities for their time investigating the accident hence the health and safety needs to
be improved.

I would state to the directors that the organisation would lose more production deadlines
and contracts as a result of moral of workforce as evidenced in the scenario workers felt
could no longer work therefore an improvement of health and safety need be.

I would convince the directors that the organisation would have to invest in buying new
plant and equipment costs following accident.

I would convince the directors because of accident; the bakery reputation is lost this is
demonstrated in the scenario clients not wanting to associate with it hence health and
safety needs to be improved.

Task 4: Investigating incidents

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Question 4
As per the scenario the lagging/reactive monitoring measures that could be put in place
by the bakery organisation include:

The number of accidents reports as this would clearly demonstrate importance of a

health and safety management system.

The number of fatalities would also be identified and corrective action taken to mitigate
their recurrence.

Types of injuries or illness rates would be known if health and safety documentation are
well kept.

Recordable injury frequency is also one of the monitoring measures that could be put in
place if implemented would be beneficial to the bakery organisation.

Total lost work days is another reactive measuring tool that would be of help to the
bakery organisation.

Restricted work days the times the bakery organisation would lose business following
enforcement legal actions for the bans.

Number of lost time injuries could also help the bakery organisation know the magnitude
of injuries and their effects on health and safety performance.

Asset / property damage statistics would be helpful to the bakery organisation as these
records are necessary for future company performance.

Workers’ compensation costs as these would be of importance in measuring and bench

marking performance with other similar organisations.

Comments from interested parties for example clients, insurance as in the scenario not
wanting to associate with bakery organisation.

Task 5: Prioritising health and safety issues

Question 5
As per the scenario the safety issues that health and safety committee meeting should
prioritise include;

The health and safety committee should look into the idea of formulating a good health &
safety policy which sets out the bakery organisation general approach because in
scenario there is no commitment and no budgets no priority for H&S.

The health and safety committee should prioritise risk assessments are carried out and
records kept in the scenario current assessments are not effective means outdated.

The health and safety not given priority with other business objectives its clearly
demonstrated in scenario management is unaware of importance of H&S.

The health and safety committee should prioritise reporting and investigation procedures
for accidents, incidents are made thorough and implemented.

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The health and safety committee prioritise occurrences of near misses repeating with
fatalities as seen in scenario but they are formal reported.

The health and safety committee should ensure management receives sufficient trainings
to enable them implement actions required because in scenario directors feel it’s a waste
of working time.

The health and safety committee prioritise setting up worker representatives this will
facilitate consultation arrangements which is missing in the scenario.

The health and safety committee should ensure operational rules and procedure are
adhered to avoid blame culture in the bakery organisation.

The health and safety committee to prioritise first-aid arrangements, emergency

procedures as in scenario no one was aware of how to take control of situation.

The health and safety committee ensure review of HSE policy by following PDCA cycle
which is most important for continual improvements.

Task 6: Training recommendations

Question 6
Based on the scenario I would recommend the following training for different types of
workers to make a repeat of recent accident less likely.

The workers should be given trainings on compliance with site safety rules. If there was
adequate awareness of site rules and (SOPs) standard operating procedures. The young
worker may not be aware of site induction.

Based on scenario the workers who were trying rescue the two workers inside the
conveyor belt were not trained (First Aid) and could not provide the initial first aid to the
workers and died during rescue.

All old workers and experienced workers should be given training to familiarise
themselves about their roles and responsibilities in relation to health and safety such as
not engage young workers and inexperienced personnel in heavy machine operation.

It is also important to train all the bakery organisation workers the system of emergency

The workers should be given training about whom to contact in case of an emergency or
an accident the workers did not know how to react because not first-aid trained in the

All the workers to be trained on confined space training and before entering to any oven
the bakery organisation should have signed a work permit system and this could have
saved from accident.

Bakery organisation shall train the workers and directors, shift mangers about reporting
system and importance of reporting of any minor accident or incident.

Emergency response training, bakery organisation should prepare emergency response

plan and explain it to workers/ staff and how to fix the breakdown by concerned

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0009-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec21 © NEBOSH 2021 page 6 of 9

Bakery should update the risk assessments in the first instance and all staff and workers
be trained accordingly for all types of risk assessments.

The bakery organisation shall train their workers and staff about PTW system and should
implement at their work area.

Task 7: Emergency procedures

Question 7 (a)
Emergency procedures need to be developed because of the following reasons:

Emergency plans (at least good ones) will maximize probability of most workers in bakery
surviving and these plans need to be practised and everyone need to use them.

Emergency procedures need developed for effective emergency preparedness if in the

scenario emergency contact numbers were easily accessible would prevent loss of

Emergency procedure will help in awareness of the procedure to be followed for a

particular emergency again in scenario evident lack of first-aid training workers were not
aware of what to do.

Emergency procedures need be developed to enable workers in real emergency handle

the situation without the director’s support and subject to regular review.

Emergency procedures should be in place to control likely incidents e.g., fire spillage in
said scenario temperature gauges were too hot possibility of fire cause more harm.

Question 7 (b)
Emergency arrangements are very important segment in case of any emergency in the
bakery, there are no good management of emergency that led to recent accident as

The bakery organisation in the first instance not carried out a risk assessment of the
hazards as this is the first step in preparing emergency procedure.

First aid arrangements & trained first aiders are not immediately available at the time of
accident because bakery workers not given adequate first aid training.

There were no quick communications for first-aiders in scenario to immediately instruct

the other workers to inform emergency services to call the ambulance for the injured

Everyone in bakery organisation not quickly responsive and alert along with shift
manager about the accident.

Emergency service response. Emergency services not informed about the accident in
scenario as the injured workers could have been taken to hospital

Workers were not aware of the emergency procedures and no first-aid trainings were
provided in the scenario.

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Regular drills and exercises not conducted on the premises of the bakery organisation to
prepare workers in emergency situation.

There were no clear, written policies to designate a chain of command, listing names,
monitoring response actions and returning operations back to normal.

Absence of specific instructions for shutting down equipment and production processes
were non-existent in bakery organisation.

Systems e.g., alarms to alert other staff/workers had not been fixed indicate poor
arrangements in bakery organisation.

Evacuation plans of people disabled, vulnerable to agreed safe assembly points were not
considered by the management of bakery organisation.

Any equipment needed to deal with the emergency ‘LOTO’ systems Lock out Tag out in
the scenario could shut down the conveyer rescue the workers.

The absence of other key people like incident controller to provide technical onsite
specific information.

There was no plan within bakery organisation how emergencies are communicated
clearly to employees i.e., posting appropriate notices.

The emergency procedure if in place could have reduced the loss of the two workers in
the bakery organisation.

Task 8: Setting suitable health and safety targets

Question 8
Below are the comments for the suitability of the target action for bakery organisation;

Bakery organisation in setting up targets which are ‘SMART’ specific, measurable,

achievable, realistic and time bound if implemented benefit top management who view
H&S as a no priority in relation past performance.

By setting H&S Safety targets there will be continuous reduction in accident and incident

Monitoring compliance is achieved where in scenario high risks of accidents will

necessitate closer supervision.

H&S Safety targets need regular periodic review all aspects of particularly operational
safety arrangements put in place hence bakery organisation be effective.

Top management will receive feedback on H&S concerns from views of interested parties

H&S Safety targets includes ‘bench marking’ comparing performance with other similar
organisation in turn improve organisation reputation which is down.

H&S Safety targets improve confidence of the various stakeholders who hold
management accountable for performance.

H&S Safety targets will generate management focus on achieving safe work

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The targets will be used as a basis for continuous improvement cycle and therefore
improve health and safety performance.

Suitable H&S Safety targets can determine KPI’s Key Performance Indicators allocated
to a business unit enabling planning for bakery organisation.

H&S Safety targets will determine number of risk assessments to be performed in


H&S Safety targets will include awareness campaigns through team briefings.

Management should be optimistic H&S safety targets if monitored improve health and
safety management system put in place.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 291 words (excluding text boxes and footers),
which you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word
count function.

Documents and NEBOSH International General Certificate Revision Guide

sources of information IGC-1 Management of International Health & Safety TUV
you used in your NORD (638)
examination Aspire Middle East Training Institute NEBOSH IGC
International General Certification in Occupational Health
and Safety (908) IG1 Course notes

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can be found on the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0009-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec21 © NEBOSH 2021 page 9 of 9

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