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for the SBW Berlin Scholarship

Your personal data

First name: Rahma
Last name: Mahmoud
Birthday: 13 /4 /1999 (day/month/year)
Civil status:
Academic Status: academic degree
(still in school, studying at university, academic degree, etc.)

Monthly income:

Current postal address

Street & number:
ZIP code:
City: Qalyubia
Country: Egypt

Contact details
Phone (landline): 01210699501
Cell phone: 01210699501
Email address: [email protected]

Social media profiles (fully optional, not required information)

LinkedIn: study shoot

Page 1 of the SBW Berlin Application Form

Your photograph

Data of your mother

First name: Nagwa
Last name:
Country of residence: Current occupation:
Monthly income: not income

Data of your father

First name: Mahmoud
Last name: Rashad
Country of residence: Current occupation:
Monthly income: not income

Members of your household

Number of siblings:
Age of siblings:
Total number of household members:
Total household income:

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Most recent school or university certificate
School/University name: Banha
City and Country: Qalyubia
Date of issue: / / (day/month/year)
Grade point average: 87%
Best possible grade would have been:
Minimum grade required to pass:
Main subject(s):

Highest school leaving certificate (already obtained degrees only)

School name:
City and Country:
Date of graduation: / / (day/month/year)
Grade point average:
Best possible grade would have been:
Minimum grade required to pass:
Main subject(s):

Highest university degree (already obtained degrees only)

University name:
City and Country:
Date of graduation: / / (day/month/year)
Grade point average:
Best possible grade would have been:
Minimum grade required to pass:
Degree name:
Main subject(s):

Name of thesis:
Grade of thesis:

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Current Occupation
City and Country:
Start Date: / / (day/month/year)
Expected end: / / (day/month/year)
Expected degree:
Main subject(s):

Desired career (studies and degree)

University/Academy name:
City and Country:
Start of studies: / / (day/month/year)
Expected date of graduation: / / (day/month/year)
Name of the desired degree:
Main subject(s):

In case of applications for vocational training

Training company:
City and Country:
Expected monthly pay:

Internships and professional experience

If you have already gained work experience, please fill out the following fields in chronological order,
starting with your latest position. We are interested in all kinds of work experience - whether as an
apprentice, intern, trainee, employee, freelancer or entrepreneur.

1. Last work experience

Start Date: / / End date: / / (day/month/year)
Name of the Company:
City and Country:
Areas of Responsibility:

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2. Work experience before the one above
Start Date: / /
End date: / / (day/month/year)
Name of the Company:
City and Country:
Areas of Responsibility:

3. Work experience before the one above

Start Date: / /
End date: / / (day/month/year)
Name of the Company:
City and Country:
Areas of Responsibility:

4. Work experience before the one above

Start Date: / /
End date: / / (day/month/year)
Name of the Company:
City and Country:
Areas of Responsibility:

5. Work experience before the one above

Start Date: / /
End date: / / (day/month/year)
Name of the Company:
City and Country:
Areas of Responsibility:

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Foreign languages, IT skills, etc. (please also indicate your level)

How did you discover the SBW Berlin scholarship?

Have you applied for a scholarship before?

If so, where, when and what was the result?

Have you already traveled abroad?

If so, when, where and how long did you stay? What did you discover?

Please name a few of your hobbies or areas of interest:

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Have you already worked as a volunteer for a non-profit organization or have
you ever been involved in a social project in your country?
If so, why, when, where and for how long? What did you learn?

I declare that all the information I have inserted in this form is true and allow
SBW Berlin to check it if necessary.

Date: / / (day/month/year)

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Additional documents
Please don’t forget to include at least the following documents in your application:

 a motivation letter (1 or 2 pages long)

 a copy of your last school or university certificate that shows your grade point average and a
grade overview
 a copy of your highest academic degree (high school diploma or university certificate) with your
grade point average and a grade overview

If available, copies of the following documents should be included as well:

 university admission or evidence of your qualification for university entrance
 a copy of an internationally recognized language certificate for the language in which your
studies will be taught1
 all previous work, training, apprenticeship and internship certificates and references
 if you have already started studying: all so far obtained university certificates and records of
achievements (graded and ungraded)

We recommend all applicants to submit the following additional documents, which are not mandatory:
 one or two letters of recommendation from professors, schoolteachers, employers, etc.
 evidence of the net household income2

The application and all enclosed certificates and supporting documents must be submitted in German or
English via email to [email protected]. If a document was issued in another language, we also ask
for a translation into German or English. Simple copies and simple translations are sufficient for the

Your letter of motivation should answer at least the following questions:

 Why have you chosen this field of studies?

 What are your career goals after you have finished your education?
 Why should we select you as one of our scholarship holders?

Applicants with a grade point average equivalent to the German 1.5 up to 2.0 should also outline their
project idea.

Only complete applications can be considered.

Data Protection
Data protection is important to us. All documents that you send us will be handled with the utmost
care. For further details please see the data protection declaration on our homepage.

Such a certificate will be required during our verification process at the latest.
If you only provide information about your income during the application process, we will ask you for proof
during the the verification process.

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