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Airah Lynne C.



1. Collect 10 activities integrating the teaching of language and literature in the

elementary grades.

• The literature component of English aims to enhance the learner’s language

proficiency. The following activities helps in the teaching of language and literature
in the elementary grades.
• Storytelling
This activity is very common in elementary schools. It is believed that storytelling
allows the learners to develop their skills in listening, interacting, socializing and
critical thinking. Teachers should first know their learners. It is important to capture
the learner’s interest before reading them a story so that they will pay attention in
the reading process. Also, teachers should unlock first some difficult words before
telling the story in order for the learners to fully understand the story that they are
listening or reading.
• Rhymes
Nursery rhymes help the learners how to pronounce words correctly. When the
learner is thought rhymes from an early age, they will be developed to be more
creative and has a wide vocabulary of words. Nursery rhyme words assist learners
in developing language comprehension by allowing them to associate words with
people, objects, and events in their daily lives. Aside from improving speech,
chanting, reading, writing, or hearing, rhymes constantly enhances listening
capabilities and memory retention. There are many ways on how we can integrate
rhymes in different activities. We can have a singing or reading activities. These
activities can be done in groups so that the interactions skills of the learners will
also be developed.
• Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters are fun and effective approach to teach learners proper word
pronunciation and enunciation. Also, it helps in stretching and strengthening the
muscles in our mouths when we speak. This activity allows us to determine what
words the learners are having trouble in uttering. This enables the learners warm
up and develop speaking ability. According to Nunnery, some performers and
speakers often speak tongue twisters before they come up on stage. This activity
can be done together or individually. The teacher can post a reading material and
allow the learners to read it fast. The teacher can start with an easy one and then
proceed with some challenging ones.
• Word Games
This activity can be very simple but can help a learner in developing the language
at a young age. Learners are fond of guessing and using their critical-thinking skills.
This activity allows the learners to also widen up their vocabulary. In doing this
activity, teachers should first give the meaning of the word. Then, allow the learners
to ask more clues. This enables the learners to speak up more and enjoy the
learning process. The teachers can also make use of pictures and videos to add
clues for the learners.
• Songs
Most of the learners in elementary schools are fond of singing. All aspects of a
child's growth and skills for school readiness, including cerebral, social-emotional,
motor, linguistic, and total literacy, are sparked by music. This activity can make the
learners be more engaged in the class. Lyrics contain a sense of rhyme and rhythm,
so singing along will be simple and enjoyable for them. Songs helps the learners
to learn new language in addition to enhancing their musical ability. Learners who
are exposed to music early in life are better able to develop the sounds and
meanings of words. However, teachers should always make sure that the song they
choose will be age appropriate. Lyrics should be suitable for the learners in
elementary grades.
• Role Play
We all know that learners always enjoy dressing up and act out. They also enjoy
the process of practicing their lines and scenes with their classmates. Parents also
take part in preparing the needs of their children because they’re supportive like
that. They enjoy seeing their children happy and learning something. Role plays
allows the learners to explore, investigate and experiment. Also, it develops social
skills as children collaborate with others, encourages learners to share their
thoughts and feelings in a comfortable setting, sparks creativity and imagination,
and develops communication and language skills. When different characters are
introduced in the play, introducing of new words can happen that could help in
building the learners language skills. Role play is particularly beneficial for
language acquisition, both for children learning English as a second language and
for native English speakers. Teachers can do this activity by providing the learners
a topic and then giving them time to make a script and create creative materials
that are needed for their play.
• Discussions
The learners focus can be maintained by combining lectures with discussions. This
process enables the learners to engage and participate in class. They will be voicing
out what they want to say that allows them to develop their language skills. In
many professional settings, speaking in a group is essential. Teachers are preparing
their learners to speak confidently in front of their peers. We all know that public
speaking can be developed more effectively with practice. Discussions are one of
the many ways where learners can practice the skill.
• Reading
When the teacher reads to their learners, it helps the learners with language
acquisition, communication skills, social skills, and literacy skills. This process helps
build crucial language, literacy, and social skills by stimulating the portion of the
brain that allows kids to perceive the meaning of language. Also, reading helps in
improving cognitive skills and help along the process of cognitive development.
Some studies shows that children naturally have a capacity to dream big and use
their imaginations. Through reading, the learners can use their imaginations to
places, people, times, and events that were mentioned. However, learner who
reads, develops their language skills effectively. Also, they will build up more
confidence to read in front of their teachers, parents, and classmates. Reading
more enables them to widen up their vocabulary and speak more fluently.
• Speech
This activity helps the learners express themselves better orally, gain confidence in
public speaking, think rapidly on their feet, and develop leadership and
communication skills. Also, it increases the ability to comprehend and express
thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Moreover, it enables us to build bonds, influence
decisions, and inspire change. Most learners want to acquire the skills that are
expected for them so that they will not have trouble in exercising it in the near
future. This skill is one of the skills the learners need to acquire. As we all know,
public speaking is one of the most important forms of communication.
• Tell me about it
I encountered this kind of activity when I was still in high school. Before we start
our class, our teacher will ask the class if there are any volunteers to share some
stories about how their days went. I believe that this activity is also suitable for
learners in elementary. We all know that listening to the stories the learners want
to share makes them feel that they are important because they are heard. This will
encourage them to share what they want to share in class that enables them to
develop their skills in public speaking and build up their confidence. The teacher
will instruct the class that in every meeting, there are only two learners that could
share and will be given 5 minutes to do so. Assure the class that everyone will be
given the opportunity to share. By this, the class will be excited to share and
somehow will be practicing on how they will deliver the words.

2. Select an issue in language teaching and learning in the Philippine context and discuss
how it would be addressed aside from upskilling the teachers.

There are lots of issues in the Philippines regarding the language teaching and
learning. Forgive me, for I will select two issues that are very evident in every school in
the Philippines especially the public ones. Lack of teaching resources and a large number
of students in each classroom. Let us start with the lack of teaching resources. Before the
pandemic hit Philippines, the students are found in classrooms. I experienced firsthand
that most public schools lack some materials in order to teach the learners effectively.
When the kto12 curriculum was implemented, the people under the system was not
prepared with the sudden shift. Until now, the curriculum has its flaws. I can totally see
the benefits and advantages of the new curriculum. However, I cannot stress the fact that
some materials are still not provided or some of it have problems. For example, the MTB-
MLE, the teachers are having a hard time doing the translation because of the inadequacy
of instructional materials. How can a teacher effectively deliver the lesson to their students
if the teacher doesn’t have the knowledge and materials needed? There is a saying that
goes “You cannot share what you do not have”. On the other hand, when the pandemic
happened and the DepEd decided to make use of modular learning, still, the learning
materials are lacking and somehow is confusing. According to the news from Philippine
Star, “the ACT said the DepEd has failed to provide learning modules for some subjects,
including Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health for Grade 1; Araling Panlipunan for
Grades 2-7 and 9; Science for Grades 5-6; Filipino for Grades 6-8; and Math for Grades 6-
8 and 10.” “It also cited the lack of learning modules for Grade 11 in the General
Academics; Humanities and Social Sciences; Accountancy and Business Management; and
Technical and Vocational Livelihood (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) strands.” The sudden
shift happened again, and again, the system failed to provide the materials that are
needed for the teaching and learning to be effective. Second is having a large number of
students in a classroom. A huge number of pupils in the classroom causes a lot of
disruption and stress for the teachers as they have to put in more effort and work to teach
such a large number of children. Also, since the materials are lacking, some students may
have the need to share their materials with each other. This may allow them to develop a
bond or friendship towards their classmates. However, the acquiring of knowledge may
lessen for they will have a high possibility to just talk with each other away from the topic.
Nevertheless, students can somehow develop their language skills with this but in an
improper way. It is difficult for teachers to teach a large number of students. There is a
very big chance that the teacher will not be able to cater all the needs of their students
all the time. There is also a possibility that teachers will be focused more on disciplining
the students rather than actually teaching them. It is very stressful for them and the last
thing our teacher needs is stress. They already have a lot on their plate so reducing the
number of each classroom can somehow help them.

In order to address the issues mentioned above, DepEd should assess and modify
their Kto12 curriculum. Also, they should provide proper and enough teaching resources
for teachers. Furthermore, they should reconsider the number of students being placed
in one classroom.

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