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SDMX 3.0 RESTful web services cheat sheet, v2.0.

Structure queries: Default Multi
type The type of structure: datastructure, metadatastructure, categoryscheme, conceptscheme, codelist, hierarchy, * N
hierarchyassociation, valuelist, agencyscheme, dataproviderscheme, dataconsumerscheme, organisationunitscheme,
dataflow, metadataflow, reportingtaxonomy, provisionagreement, structuremap, representationmap,
conceptschememap, categoryschememap, organisationschememap, reportingtaxonomymap, process, categorisation,
dataconstraint, metadataconstraint, structure, transformationscheme, rulesetscheme, userdefinedoperatorscheme,
customtypescheme, namepersonalisationscheme, vtlmappingscheme
agency Agency maintaining the artefact (e.g.: SDMX) * Y
artefact Artefact ID (e.g.: CL_FREQ) * Y
version Artefact version (e.g.: 1.0.0) ~ Y
item ID of the item to be returned. * Y
detail Amount of information: allstubs, referencestubs, allcompletestubs, referencecompletestubs, referencepartial, raw, full N
partialraw, full
references References to be returned: none, parents, parentsandsiblings, ancestors, children, descendants, all, a resource type none Y

Data queries: Default Multi

context The context of data retrieval: datastructure, dataflow, provisionagreement * Y
agency Agency maintaining the artefact (e.g.: BIS) * Y
id Context ID (e.g.: CBS) * Y
version Artefact version (e.g.: 1.0.0) * Y
key Key of the series to be returned (e.g: D.NOK.EUR.SP00.A). Wildcarding supported (e.g: D.*.EUR.SP00.A). * Y
c Filter by component values (e.g. c[REF_AREA]=CH) with support for operators (e.g. c[TIME_PERIOD]=ge:2000) Y
updatedAfter Retrieves what changed since supplied timestamp. Must be percent-encoded (e.g.: 2009-05-15T14%3A15%3A00%2B01%3A00) N
firstNObservations Maximum number of observations starting from the first observation N
lastNObservations Maximum number of observations counting back from the most recent observation N
dimensionAtObservation Id of the dimension at the observation level N
attributes The attributes to be returned: dsd, msd, dataset, series, obs, all, none, {attribute_id} dsd Y
measures The measures to be returned: all, none, {measure_id} all Y
includeHistory Whether to return vintages false N
Legend: Mandatory path parameter / Optional path parameter / Query string parameter (all optional)
Data validity queries: Default Multi
context The context of data retrieval: datastructure, dataflow, provisionagreement N
agency Agency maintaining the artefact (e.g.: ECB) N
artefact Artefact ID (e.g.: EXR) N
version Artefact version (e.g.: 1.0.0) ~ N
dimensionAtObservation Id of the dimension at the observation level N

Data availability queries: Default Multi

context The context of data retrieval: datastructure, dataflow, provisionagreement * N
agency Agency maintaining the artefact (e.g.: ECB) * Y
artefact Artefact ID (e.g.: EXR) * Y
version Artefact version (e.g.: 1.0.0) * Y
key Key of the series to be returned (e.g: D.NOK.EUR.SP00.A). Wildcarding supported (e.g: D.*.EUR.SP00.A). * Y
componentId The id of the dimension for which to obtain availability information * Y
c Filter by component values (e.g. c[REF_AREA]=CH) with support for operators (e.g. c[TIME_PERIOD]=ge:2000) Y
updatedAfter Retrieves what changed since supplied timestamp. Must be percent-encoded (e.g.: 2009-05-15T14%3A15%3A00%2B01%3A00) N
references References to be returned: codelist, datastructure, conceptscheme, dataflow, dataproviderscheme, none, all none Y
mode The resolution mode: exact, available exact N

Metadata queries: Default Multi or or
provider The provider of metadata * Y
agency Agency maintaining the artefact (e.g.: ECB) * Y
id Artefact ID (e.g.: EXR) * Y
version Artefact version (e.g.: 1.0.0) * Y
type The structure type (cf. Structure queries) * N
detail The amount of information to be returned: full, allstubs full N
Useful HTTP headers
If-Modified-Since Get the data only if something has changed (If-None-Match is an alternative)
Accept Select the desired format
Accept-Encoding Compress the response
Accept-Language Select the desired language

Supported formats
SDMX-ML Data application/;version=3.0.0
SDMX-JSON Data application/;version=2.0.0
SDMX-CSV Data application/;version=1.0.0
SDMX-ML Structure application/vnd.sdmx.structure+xml;version=3.0.0
SDMX-JSON Structure application/vnd.sdmx.structure+json;version=2.0.0
SDMX-ML Metadata application/vnd.sdmx.metadata+xml;version=2.0.0
SDMX-JSON Metadata application/vnd.sdmx.metadata+json;version=2.0.0
SDMX-CSV Metadata application/vnd.sdmx.metadata+csv;version=2.0.0

Period formats
Daily/Business YYYY-MM-DD
Weekly YYYY-W[01-53]
Monthly YYYY-MM
Quarterly YYYY-Q[1-4]
Semi-annual YYYY-S[1-2]
Annual YYYY

Useful response codes

200 (OK) Life is good
204 (No content) No results. Mostly harmless, especially if you used updatedAfter
304 (No change) No change since the timestamp supplied in the If-Modified-Since header
400 (Syntax error) Your query checking you must
401 (Login needed) Only available on a need to know basis
406 (Invalid format) Not a supported format. No worries, SDMX is all you need
413 (Results too large) You know greed is a sin, right?
414 (URI too long) Write short sentences
422 (Semantic error) The syntax of the query is OK but it makes no sense anyway. Tolerated only on April Fools
500 (Server error) Someone somewhere is having a bad day
501 (Not implemented) Feature coming soon in a web service near you
503 (Unavailable) Try again later.
Special characters
* All
+ Latest stable version
~ Latest version (whether stable, draft or unversioned)
, Or
. Subpart operator
+ Multivalues attribute

Operators for component-based queries

eq Equal
ne Not equal
lt Less than
le Less than or equal to
gt Greater than
ge Greater than or equal to
co Contains
nc Does not contain
sw Starts with
ew Ends with
nd And
or Or

Tips and tricks

• Trust but verify! Check the identity of the web service by connecting over https.
• Know your mime type! Specify the output format you want, using the HTTP Accept header. Else, the web
service will determine the format and this choice may change over time (for example, when new versions of SDMX
are released).
• Laziness is a virtue! Don’t lose time, resources and bandwidth processing the response if nothing has changed!
Use the updatedAfter parameter if you can handle deltas, or the If-Modified-Since header otherwise.
• Travel light! Compress the response, using the HTTP Accept-Encoding header.
• The answer is 42. Or not. Check the status code of the response. It’s not always 200 (or 42).
• Read The Fine Manual. Check the SDMX RESTful specification (Section 7):
• Contact us! You think a killer feature is missing? Drop us a line at [email protected].

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