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Department of Information Technology


Title of Micro Project: Case study On Credit Card Fraud Laws in INDIA.

1.0 Brief Introduction:

Credit card fraud happens when someone — a fraudster or a thief — uses your stolen credit card
or the information from that card to make unauthorized purchases in your name or take out cash
advances using your account.Credit card fraud isn’t rare, and it could happen to you. This is why
it’s so important to take the steps necessary to help prevent it.

2.0 Aim of the Micro Project:

The aim of this project is do case study about credit card fraud happening in the world. In this
case study we are going to see various type of laws against credit card fraud that are done by

3.0 Action Plan

Sr. Details of Activity Planned Planned Name of Responsible
No. Start Date Finish Date Team Members
1 Selection of topic 20/04/21 20/04/21 Divijay Devare
2 Topic research 21/04/21 21/04/21 Divijay Devare
3 Start Creating case study 22/04/21 23/04/21 Divijay Devare
4 Report Study Development 23/04/21 24/04/21 Divijay Devare

4.0 Resources Required

Sr. Name of Resource/Material Specifications Qty Remarks
1 windows PC Wndows 10 1
2 Browser chrome 1

Department of Information Technology

Title of Micro Project:Case study On Credit Card Fraud Laws in INDIA.

1.0Brief Description: (Importance of the project, in about 100 to 200 words)

Credit card fraud happens when someone — a fraudster or a thief — uses your stolen credit card
or the information from that card to make unauthorized purchases in your name or take out cash
advances using your account.Credit card fraud isn’t rare, and it could happen to you. This is why
it’s so important to take the steps necessary to help prevent it.

Digital evidence is defined as information and data of value to an investigation that is stored on,
received or transmitted by an electronic device1. This evidence can be acquired when electronic
devices are seized and secured for examination. Digital evidence:
1. Is latent (hidden), like fingerprints or DNA evidence

2. Crosses jurisdictional borders quickly and easily

3. Can be altered, damaged or destroyed with little effort

4. Can be time sensitive.

 Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the contracting of non-primary business activities
and functions to a third-party provider. BPO services include payroll, human resources
(HR), accounting and customer/call center relations.
 BPO is also known as information technology enabled services (ITES).
 When a company plans to cost effectively carry out non-core work by an expert, they
outsource it as a project to countries like India

2.0Aim of Micro Project: (in about 100 to 200 words)

The aim of this project is do case study about credit card fraud happening in the world. In this
case study we are going to see various type of laws against credit card fraud that are done by

3.0Course Outcomes Integrated (Add to the earlier list if more CO’s are addressed)
 There are various laws in India against cyber crime.
 We have done case study about laws in India.

Department of Information Technology

 Section 66A of the IT Act defines the punishment for sending “offensive” messages
through a computer or any other communication device like a mobile phone or a tablet. A
conviction can fetch a maximum of three years in jail and a fine.

 According to the IPC, Section 420 states that whoever cheats and thereby dishonestly
induces the person deceived to deliver any property to any person, or to make, alter or
destroy the whole or any part of a valuable security, or anything which is signed or
sealed, and which is capable of being converted into a valuable security, shall be
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven
years, and shall also be liable to fine.

 According to section 468 of Indian penal code, Whoever commits forgery, intending that
the document forged shall be used for the purpose of cheating, shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall
also be liable to fine.

4.0Actual Procedure followed

(Write stepwise the work done, including team member did what work and how the data
was analysed, if any)
1. Selection of the topic.
2. Information gathering about the project.
3. Making of the project.

5.0Actual Resources Used: (Mention the actual resources used)

Sr. Name of Resource/Material Specifications Qty Remarks
1 windows PC Wndows 10 1
2 Browser chrome 1

6.0Course outcomes

Department of Information Technology

Department of Information Technology

Name of Student: Digvijay Devare Enrollment No: 1810900126

Name of Programme: ETI. Semester: 6th.
Course Title: Information Technology. Code: 22618.
Title of Micro Project: Case study On Credit Card Fraud Laws in INDIA.

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet:

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total

Part-A Project Part-B Individual Marks 10
Project Methodology Project Report/ Presentation/
Proposal (Mark-2) Working Model Viva
(Mark-2) (Marks-2) (Marks-4)

Note: Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3
columns and individual in 4th columns for each group of students as per rubrics.

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Department of Information Technology



Any other Comments:



Nameof Faculty Members: Shonal Vaz Mam.


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