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The Being of Bhasha: A General Introduction

(Volume 1, Part 2)
Chief Editor: G.N. Devy
The first volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India brings to the reader the journey
undertaken in 2010, by a group of visionaries led by G.N. Devy to document the languages
of India as they existed then. The aim of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India was to
document the languages spoken in India’s remotest corners. India’s towns and cities
too have found a voice in this survey. The Being of Bhasha forms the introduction to the
2014 978-81-250-5488-7 152 pp ` 790
Rights: World 978-81-250-5775-8 (E-ISBN)

The Languages of Jammu & Kashmir

(Volume 12, Part 2)
Volume Editor: Omkar N. Koul
The twelfth volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India documents the languages of the State of Jammu & Kashmir. The
book is divided into three parts—the first part covers the scheduled languages, Dogri and
Kashmiri; the second part, the non-scheduled and minor languages; and the third part is
devoted to Sanskrit, Persian, Hindi and Urdu which have played an important role in the
state and also influenced local languages. Though Urdu is the official state language, of late
there has been a shift in the linguistic profile in Jammu & Kashmir as there have been some
linguistic movements towards inclusion of local languages in various domains.
In the discussions about the languages, there is information about their contemporary
status, their historical evolution and structural aspects. The linguistic map included in the
volume also gives an idea of areas where the main languages are spoken. It is hoped that
this volume will not only engage the reader, but will also stand as testimony to people’s
perception of their languages.
2014 978-81-250-5516-7 440 pp ` 1,500
Rights: World

ntin e fr m fr nt f a PLSI he P t r a
provides an overvie of the e tant and dying
Another si ea le section of the volume is
Volume languages of India, as perceived y their
1 People’s Linguistic Survey of India
spea ers It is the culmination of a nation ide

The Languages of Kerala and Lakshadweep

devoted to the variant of Malayalam, D eep
survey of languages, documented y linguists,
Malayalam spo en in La shad eep, hich
riters, social activists and, most importantly,
varies considera ly from that of the mainland
Volume ifteen mem ers of different speech communities he

he Languages of Kerala and La shad eep

or chronicles the evolution of these
M Sreenathan and

languages until 11, and incorporates their

Joseph Koyippally

(Volume 15, Part 2)

taught at the Mahara a Saya irao socio political and cultural dimensions
niversity, Baroda till 1 6, efore leaving to Critically, it encapsulates the orld vie of the
set up the Bhasha Research Centre in Baroda spea ers of the languages

and the Adivasi A ademi at e gadh here he

has since or ed to ards conserving and he r e comprises state and national
promoting the languages and culture of volumes he former document the languages
indigenous and nomadic communities He has prevalent in each of the different states of India
een the recipient of many a ards for his he national volumes ring together the

Volume Editors: M. Sreenathan and Joseph Koyipally

or in literature, tri al craft and language languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the
conservation, including the Padma Shri He is Indian Constitution and dra attention
the Chief Editor of the PLSI series simultaneously to Indian languages in the
diaspora, foreign languages in India, the Indian
r at a is Head and Dean,
Kerala and La shad eep

Sign Language, and language census, survey

Department of Linguistics, hunchathu and policy
E huthachan Malayalam niversity He as

The fifteenth volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India portrays the history
formerly associated ith the Central he monumental People's Linguistic Survey
niversity of Kerala and Dravidian of India focuses e tensively on the languages
he Languages of

niversity and also ith the Anthropological of indigenous people, minority communities
Survey of India His research e perience in and the marginalised, and compels us to ring
anthropological linguistics includes or on them to the centre of contemporary language
the Paleolithic remnants of the Andaman and

and evolution of Malayalam, the majority language of the state. It also looks at Dweep
de ates in a glo alised orld
Nico ar Islands and among tri al and caste
groups in mainland India

a taught English at Jamia his fifteenth volume of the P

Millia Islamia, Ne Delhi and the niversity

Malayalam, spoken in Lakshadweep, which varies considerably from the variety spoken on
t r a e an a es
of Hail, Saudi Ara ia efore oining the
f era a an a s a ee is an attempt to
Central niversity of Kerala as Associate
conte tualise Kerala's language ealth in its
Professor in Comparative Literature He also
translates from Malayalam into English social ecology he volume deals ith
Malayalam, its history and evolution as a

the mainland. The volume also looks at the tribal languages spoken in the state and tries to
speech community and provides a description
of its linguistic features and sho s its current
a a is an artist, riter status as a ma ority language of the state he
and educationist ho has contri uted to a volume loo s into the tri al languages,
rene ed understanding of cross cultural ecause in Kerala, as in other parts of the
themes in artistic pedagogy, in Indian and

adopt a people’s perspective towards its description.

country, the language rights of minorities are
international conte ts He has received ignored, often y treating them as dialects of
several a ards for his or s, including the the state dominant language he or tries to
Padma Bhushan in 1 ISBN 978 81 250 5 27 0
right this y adopting a people's perspective in
this matter and ithout any scholarly
ief it r: N Devy pre udice, treating them as separate
er ima e: Spea ing ree’ y ulammohammed Shei h
it rs: M Sreenathan and Joseph Koyippally

2015 978-81-250-5627-0 360 pp ` 1,375

( r m Kaavad: Home) Digital collage,
er esi n: Baaraan I lal Sreenathan and Koyippally (eds): e an a es f era a an a s a ee ntin e n a fa

Rights: World 978-81-250-5999-8 (E-ISBN)

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 1 23/11/2015 12:50:38


The Languages of Meghalaya

(Volume 19, Part 2)
Volume Editor: Esther Syiem
The nineteenth volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India documents the languages
of the state of Meghalaya, beginning at the grassroots and involving speakers from all walks
of life, so as to bring to readers the linguistic and cultural heritage of the state. Apart from
the dominant languages spoken in the state—Khasi, Pnar and Garo, the varieties of these
languages too are described in great detail. Care has been taken to record the voices of the
informants in the true nature of the survey, so that the volume is not a mere cataloguing of
languages, but mirrors the spirit and world view of the speakers.
In the discussions about the languages, there is information about their contemporary
status, while the sections on the main languages also contain information about their
historical evolution and structural aspects. The linguistic maps included in the volume also
give a general idea of areas where the main languages are spoken.
2014 978-81-250-5517-4 456 pp ` 1,575
Rights: World 978-81-250-5905-9 (E-ISBN)

The Languages of Tamil Nadu

(Volume 27, Part 2)
Volume Editors: V. Gnanasundaram and K. Rangan
The nineteenth volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India documents the languages
prevalent in the state of Tamil Nadu. Critically, the book encapsulates the world view of the
speakers of the discussed languages.
Apart from a detailed study of scheduled languages such as Telugu and Malayalam, that
involves the discussion on various linguistics features as well as the literature, The Languages
of Tamil Nadu brings to the readers a wealth of information on Tamil, as also the languages
spoken by other speech communities like Saurashtri and Tanjavur Marathi. It also documents
the languages of tribal communities like the Irula and Toda and nomadic communities such as
Narikkuravar, most of which are on the verge of extinction.
2015 978-81-250-5537-2 528 pp ` 1,920
Rights: World

Indian Sign Language(s)

(Volume 38, Part 2)
Volume Editors: Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Nisha Grover & Surinder P. K. Randhawa
This thirty-eighth volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India is devoted to the Indian
Sign Language (ISL), the language of the Deaf in India. The articles in the volume are
divided into four parts. The first discusses both its formal linguistic and ‘orthographic’
features; the second presents the sociolinguistic themes of the ISL such as bilingualism
and language variety as well as language planning and policy issues. Part Three presents
various synchronic aspects of the ISL. The final part comprises articles on themes
interfacing Sign Languages and other knowledge systems. This very first collection of
articles on the ISL is a critically important contribution to the discipline.
2014 978-81-250-5489-4 240 pp ` 1,015
Rights: World 978-81-250-5520-4 (E-ISBN)

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 2 23/11/2015 12:51:21



in~eJh x.ks'k ,u- nsoh (tUe 1950)] us fofyaxMu dkWyst]

Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k
lkaxyh] f'kokth ;wfuoflZVh] dksYgkiqj ,oa yhM~l ;wfuoflZVh] People's Linguistic Survey of India
baXySaM ls f'k{kk izkIr dhA mUgksaus o"kZ 1980 ls 1996 rd PLSI Volume Part 1
Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k
Chhattisgarh Ki Bhashayen
egkjktk l;kth jko ;wfuoflZVh] cM+kSnk esa vè;kiu dk;Z fd;kA
mudh iqLrd vkÝVj ,Euhf”k;k (After Amnesia (vksfj;aV Part 1 Part 1 khlx dh Hkk"kk,¡
yk¡xeSu] 1992) dks 1993 dk lkfgR; vdkneh iqjLdkj izkIr
gqvkA MkW- nsoh us vè;kiu dk;Z dks NksM+us ds i'pkr~ cM+kSnk esa khlx dh Hkk"kk,¡ fdlh leqnk; dh Hkk"kk osQ fuekZ.k esa dbZ 'krkfCn;k¡xqtj tkrh
Hkk"kk fjlpZ lsaVj o rstx<+ esa vkfnoklh vdkneh dk xBu gSaA ekuo leqnk;ksa }kjk fu£er lHkh Hkk"kk,¡ gekjh lkewfgd

(Volume 7, Part 1)
fd;k] tgk¡mUgksaus vkfnoklh ,oa ;k;koj lewgksa dh laLo`Qfr] lkaLÑfrd /jksgj gSaA ;g lqfuf'pr djuk gekjh lkewfgd
dyk o Hkk"kk osQ laj{k.k o fodkl ij dk;Z fd;kA mUgsa lkfgR;] ftEesnkjh gS fd gekjs gksrs gq, mUgsa ^fo'oO;kih Hkk"kklagkj* dk
vkfnoklh f'kYi ,oa Hkk"kk laj{k.k osQ {ks=k esa mYys[kuh; dk;Z lkeuk u djuk iM+sA vkSj blhfy, ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd
gsrq Øe'k% lkoZQ (SAARC) jkbVlZ iQkmaMs'ku vokMZ] n fizal Hkkjr osQ yksxksa dk Hkk"kk losZ{k.k fd;k tk,A
DykWt vokMZ ,oa fyaXokiSDl vokMZ ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gSA

nsoh • dj
mUgksaus lkfgfR;d vkykspuk] ekuo 'kkL=k o MsoyiesaV LVMh”k ^Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k* Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa osQ losZ{k.k dk

Volume Editor: Chitta Ranjan Kar

tSls {ks=kksa esa vaxzsth] ejkBh o xqtjkrh Hkk"kkvksa esa iqLrdsa jk"Vªh; vkanksyu gSA fo'ks"k rkSj ij [kkukcnks'k] rVh;] igkM+h]
izdkf'kr dh gSaA og viuk ifjp; lkaLo`Qfrd dk;ZdrkZ osQ :i }hi] taxy esa jgus okys leqnk;ksa vkSj uktqd leqnk;ksa dh Hkk"kk
esa nsuk ilan djrs gSaA dks le>uk vkSj mudk nLrkosthdj.k djuk bldk [kkl
MkW- nsoh Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k (PLSI) osQ izeq[k iz.ksrk o edln gSA ;g fo}kuksa] ys[kdksa o dk;ZdrkZvksa dk fofHkUu
izLrqr k`a[kyk osQ eq[; laiknd gSaA cksyhµleqnk;ksa osQ lnL;ksa osQ lkFk lk>snkjh esa pyk;k x;k ,d
fgUnh] Hkk"kkfoKku vkSj vaxzsth esa ,e-,- kjtu dj (tUe vfHk;ku gSA ;g losZ{k.k ,d Rofjr] xSj inkuqØfer] lkoZtfud

The seventh volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India contains information on
1948) Hkk"kkfoKku esa ih,p-Mh- ,oa Mh-fyV~- dh mikf/;ksa ls ijke'kZ vkSj ewY;kadu gS] ftldk y{; fodkl osQ lkaLÑfrd
laiUu gSaA mUgksaus ch-,M- dh Vsª̄ux Hkh yh gSA os iafMr jfo'kadj izHkko dk vkdyu djuk vkSj lHkh osQ LoRo o vkRelEeku dks

N khlx<+ dh Hkk"kk,¡
'kqDy egkfo|ky;] jk;iqj (N khlx<+) esa lkfgR; ,oa Hkk"kk Lohdkj djuk gS] fo'ks"k :i ls Hkkjr osQ yqIrizk;
vè;;u'kkyk esa izksisQlj jgsA mUgksaus xq ?kklhnkl osaQnzh; cksyh&leqnk;ksa dkA Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k dk funsZ'ku]

the language and linguistic variety of the State of Chhattisgarh. The languages included
fo'ofo|ky;] fcykliqj (N khlx<+) osQ vaxzsth ,oa fons'kh LoSfPNd :i ls laxfBr jk"Vªh; laiknu eaMy }kjk fd;k x;k gSA
Hkk"kk foHkkx esa ekun izksisQlj osQ in ij vè;kiu dk;Z fd;kA
mUgsa iSarkyhl o"kks dk vè;kiu vuqHko gSA muosQ izdkf'kr xzaFkksa izLrqr [k.M N khlx<+ dh xSj&vuqlwfpr ,oa ogk¡cksyh tkus
esa Hkk"kkfoKku ij ckjg iqLrosaQ] Ng dfork laxzg] rhu leh{kk,¡ okyh vU; cksfy;ksa osQ lanHkZ esa gSA izLrqr [k.M esa N khlx<+ dh
,oa vLlh 'kks/i=k 'kkfey gSaA lkFk gh] vkdk' ,oa l=kg Hkk"kkvksa] tSlsµvcq>ekfM+;k] dekjh] o¡qQM+[k] xksaMh] ?kksVqy

in this book are: Abujhmarhiya, Kamari, Kudhukh, Gondi, Ghotul murhiya, Chhattisgarhi,
nwjn'kZu ls mudh okRkkZ,¡] lk{kkRdkj] xhr] Hkk"kkikB] ¯pru ,oa eqfj;k] N khlx<+h] naMkeh ekfM+;k] nsokj (ikjlh)] nksyhZ] /qjoh]
ifjppkZ,¡fu;fer :i ls izlkfjr gksrh jgrh gSaA mUgksaus Mh-fyV~] iaMks] ikj/h] cSxkuh] Hkrjh] eqaMk] ljxqftgk o gYch osQ losZ{k.k
ih,p-Mh-] ,e-fiQy ,oa ,e-,- osQ 'kks/k£Fk;ksa osQ vusd 'kks/
C;kSjs rS;kj gq, gSaA bl [k.M esa bu Hkk"kkvksa dk foLr`r foospu
izca/ksa dk funsZ'ku Hkh fd;k gSA muosQ vaxzsth] fganh] laLo`Qr o

muosQ Hkk"kk {ks=k] rRlaca/h Hkk"kk;h ekufp=kksa] bfrgkl] Hkk"kk dh

Dandami Marhiya, Dewar, Dorli, Dhurvi(Parji), Pando, Pardhi, Baigaani, Bhatari, Munda,
mfM+;k Hkk"kkvksa esa vusd vuqokn Hkh izdkf'kr gSaA
fo'ks"krkvksa ,oa O;kdj.k] lkfgR; o 'kCnkoyh osQ vk/kj ij
fd;k x;k gS] lkFk gh ikBdksa ,oa 'kks/k£Fk;ksa dh lqfo/k gsrq
mnkgj.kksa o m¼j.kksa dk fgUnh vuqokn Hkh fn;k x;k gSA

Sargujhiya and Halbi. ISBN 978 81 250 5745 1

Part 1

koj.k k % ^^ ih dx h** kjk

xyke eks en 'ks k
eq[; laiknd x.ks'k ,u- nsoh

2015 978-81-250-5745-1 264 pp ` 1,225 [kaM laiknd fp kjatu dj

^dko % kj* ls t y dksykt
koj.k l tk % kjku tyky Devy, Kar: Chattisgarh Ki Bhashayen, PLSI: Volume , Part 1 (HINDI)

Rights: World

Himachal Pradesh Ki Bhashayen

(Volume 11, Part 1)
Volume Editor: Tobdan
The eleventh volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India contains information on the
language and linguistic variety of the state of Himachal Pradesh. The languages included in
this book are: Hindi, Kanashi, Kahluri ya Bilaspuri, Kangri, Kinnauri, Kulluee, Gadi-Pahari,
Gujjar, Chambyali, Chinalbhashe, Churahi, Tinan, Stodapa, Pattani, Pangi, Punan, Baghati,
Bagali, Bhoti, Mandayali/Mandiyali, Mahasui, Lohari-Lahul, Sarazi, Sirmauri and Spiti.
2015 978-81-250-5690-4 372 pp ` 1,495
Rights: World

1 13
in~eJh x.ks'k ,u- nsoh (tUe 1950)] us fofyaxMu dkWyst] Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k
lkaxyh] f'kokth ;wfuoflZVh] dksYgkiqj ,oa yhM~l ;wfuoflZVh] People's Linguistic Survey of India
baXySaM ls f'k{kk izkIr dhA mUgksaus o"kZ 1980 ls 1996 rd PLSI Volume 1 Part 1
egkjktk l;kth jko ;wfuoflZVh] cM+kSnk esa vè;kiu dk;Z fd;kA Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k kj k. dh Hkk"kk,¡
Part 1 Part 1
kj k. dh Hkk"kk,¡
mudh iqLrd vkÝVj ,Euhf”k;k (After Amnesia (vksfj;aV
yk¡xeSu] 1992) dks 1993 dk lkfgR; vdkneh iqjLdkj izkIr
fdlh leqnk; dh Hkk"kk osQ fuekZ.k esa dbZ 'krkfCn;k¡xqtj tkrh
gqvkA MkW- nsoh us vè;kiu dk;Z dks NksM+us ds i'pkr~ cM+kSnk esa
gSaA ekuo leqnk;ksa }kjk fufeZr lHkh Hkk"kk,¡ gekjh lkewfgd
Hkk"kk fjlpZ lsaVj o rstx<+ esa vkfnoklh vdkneh dk xBu
lkaLo`Qfrd /jksgj gSaA ;g lqfuf'pr djuk gekjh lkewfgd

Jharkhand Ki Bhashayen
fd;k] tgk¡mUgksaus vkfnoklh ,oa ;k;koj lewgksa dh laLo`Qfr]
ftEesnkjh gS fd gekjs gksrs gq, mUgsa ^fo'oO;kih Hkk"kklagkj* dk
dyk o Hkk"kk osQ laj{k.k o fodkl ij dk;Z fd;kA mUgsa lkfgR;]
lkeuk u djuk iM+sA blhfy, ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd Hkkjr osQ
vkfnoklh f'kYi ,oa Hkk"kk laj{k.k osQ {ks=k esa mYys[kuh; dk;Z
yksxksa dk Hkk"kk losZ{k.k fd;k tk,A
gsrq Øe'k% lkoZQ (SAARC) jkbVlZ iQkmaMs'ku vokMZ] n fizal
nsoh • xqIrk • flag

^Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k* Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa osQ losZ{k.k dk

(Volume 13, Part 1)

DykWt vokMZ ,oa fyaXokiSDl vokMZ ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gSA
mUgksaus lkfgfR;d vkykspuk] ekuo 'kkL=k o MsoyiesaV LVMh”k jk"Vªh; vkanksyu gSA fo'ks"k rkSj ij [kkukcnks'k] rVh;] igkM+h]
tSls {ks=kksa esa vaxzsth] ejkBh o xqtjkrh Hkk"kkvksa esa iqLrdsa }hi] taxy esa jgus okys leqnk;ksa vkSj uktqd leqnk;ksa dh Hkk"kk
izdkf'kr dh gSaA og viuk ifjp; lkaLo`Qfrd dk;ZdrkZ osQ :i dks le>uk vkSj mudk nLrkos”khdj.k djuk bldk [kkl
esa nsuk ilan djrs gSaA edln gSA ;g fo}kuksa] ys[kdksa o dk;ZdrkZvksa dk fofHkUu
cksyh&leqnk;ksa osQ lnL;ksa osQ lkFk lk>snkjh esa pyk;k x;k ,d
MkW- nsoh Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k (PLSI) osQ izeq[k iz.ksrk o
vfHk;ku gSA ;g losZ{k.k ,d Rofjr] xSj inkuqØfer] lkoZtfud

Volume Editors: Ramnika Gupta and Prabhat Kumar Singh

izLrqr k`a[kyk osQ eq[; laiknd gSaA
ijke'kZ vkSj ewY;kadu gS] ftldk y{; fodkl osQ lkaLo`Qfrd
je .kdk x rk (tUe 1929) us ,e-,- iatkc ;wfuoflZVh] izHkko dk vkdyu djuk vkSj lHkh osQ LoRo o vkRelEeku dks
lksyu ,oa ch-,M- lsaVªy baLVhV~;wV vkWiQ ,tqosQ'ku] ubZ fnYyh Lohdkj djuk gS] fo'ks"k :i ls Hkkjr osQ yqIrizk;
ls fd;kA os fcgkj dh iwoZ fo/k;d vkSj fo/ku ifj"kn dh iwoZ cksyh&leqnk;ksa dhA Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k dk funsZ'ku]
lnL; gSaA os ,d tq>k: usrk osQ lkFk&lkFk ,d laosnu'khy LoSfPNd :i ls laxfBr jk"Vªh; laiknu eaMy }kjk fd;k x;k gSA
lkfgR;dkj Hkh gSaA mUgksaus nfyrksa] vkfnokfl;ksa o efgykvksa osQ

The thirteenth volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India contains information on
izLrqr [k.M] >kj[k.M dh xSj&vuqlwfpr ,oa ogk¡cksyh tkus
mRFkku osQ {ks=k esa dk;Z fd;k gSA mUgsa lkfgR; o lekt osQ izfr
>kj[k.M dh Hkk"kk,¡

okyh vU; cksfy;ksa osQ lanHkZ esa gSA >kj[k.M dh Hkk"kk,¡ nks
muosQ mYys[kuh; ;ksxnku osQ fy, vusd iqjLdkjksa ls lEekfur fofHkUu Hkk"kk ifjokjksa ls vkrh gSa vkWLVªks ,f'k;kfVd vkSj
fd;k x;k gSA nzfoM+A >kj[k.M dh vkfnoklh Hkk"kkvksa vkSj cksfy;ksa us rks
laizfr os jef.kdk iQkmaMs'ku dh vè;{k gSa ,oa lkfgR; ,oa fiNys ik¡p gtkj o"kks dh laLo`Qfr] bfrgkl] vkLFkkvksa vkSj

the language and linguistic variety of the State of Jharkhand. The languages included in
lekt lsok osQ dk;ksZa esa layXu gSaA fo'oklksa dks lqjf{kr gh ugha cfYd mUgsa latks, Hkh j[kk gSA
lnkuksa dh Hkk"kk esa vk;ks osQ iSQyko vkSj foLrkj dh ixèofu osQ
izHkkr o ekj l (tUe 1966) ,e-,llh- o ih,p-Mh-
lkFk&lkFk tutkfr;ksa o ewy fuokfl;ksa dh feyh&tqyh laLo`Qfr

(,aFkzksiksykWth) gSaA mUgksaus >kj[k.M dh oqQjekyh Hkk"kk ij dkiQh
dh Hkh tkudkjh feyrh gSA izLrqr [k.M esa >kj[k.M dh

this book are: Angika, Asur, Bhumij, Birajiya, Birhor, Gondi, Ho, Khadiya, Khortha, Korva,
dk;Z fd;k gSA mudh rhu iqLrosaQ o iSarhl 'kks/ vkys[k

vafxdk] vlqjh] oqQM+ekyh] oq¡QMq[k] dksjok] [kfM+;k] [kksjBk]
izdkf'kr gks pqosQ gSaA mUgksaus vusd jk"Vªh; o varjkZ"Vªh; lEesyuksa
xksaMh] ukxiqjh] iapijxfu;k] fcjft;k] fcjgksj] Hkwfet] eko
esa Hkkx fy;k gS o 'kks/ vkys[k izLrqr fd, gSaA
Hkk"kk] eqaMkjh] 'kcj] larkyh o gks Hkk"kk tSlh l=kg Hkk"kkvksa osQ
laizfr os jk¡ph fo'ofo|ky; esa ekuofoKku osQ izksisQlj gSaA losZ{k.k C;ksjs rS;kj gq, gSaA bl [k.M esa bu Hkk"kkvksa dk foLr`r

Kudukh, Kurmali, Mal Pahadiya, Mundari, Nagpuri, Panch Paraganiya, Sabar and Santali.
foospu muosQ Hkk"kk {ks=k] rRlaca/h Hkk"kk;h ekufp=kksa] bfrgkl]
Part 1 Hkk"kk dh fo'ks"krkvksa ,oa mlosQ O;kdj.k] lkfgR; o 'kCnkoyh
ISBN 978 81 250 5 89 8
osQ vk/kj ij fd;k x;k gS] lkFk gh ikBdksa ,oa 'kks/kfFkZ;ksa dh
lqfo/k gsrq mnkgj.kksa o m¼j.kksa dk fgUnh vuqokn Hkh fn;k
koj.k k% ^^ ih dx h** kjk
xyke eks en 'ks k
eq[; laiknd x.ks'k ,u- nsoh x;k gSA

^dko % kj* ls t y dksykt

[kaM laiknd jef.kdk xqIrk ,oa izHkkr dq ekj flag

2015 978-81-250-5689-8 koj.k l tk% kjku tyky

400 pp ` 1,675
Devy, upta, Singh : Jhar hand Ki Bhashayen, PLSI: Volume 1 , Part 1 (HINDI)

Rights: World

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 3 23/11/2015 12:51:45


PLSI Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k

Part 1
Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k
People's Linguistic Survey of India
PLSI Volume 16, Part 1
eè; izns'k dh Hkk"kk,¡

eè; izns'k dh Hkk"kk,¡

Madhya Pradesh Ki Bhashayen
fdlh leqnk; dh Hkk"kk osQ fuekZ.k esa dbZ 'krkfCn;k¡xqtj
tkrh gSaA ekuo leqnk;ksa }kjk fu£er lHkh Hkk"kk,¡ gekjh
lkewfgd lkaLÑfrd /jksgj gSaA ;g lqfuf'pr djuk gekjh
lkewfgd ftEesnkjh gS fd gekjs gksrs gq, mUgsa ^fo'oO;kih

(Volume 16, Part 1)

Hkk"kklagkj* dk lkeuk u djuk iM+sA vkSj blhfy, ;g fu.kZ;
fy;k x;k fd Hkkjr osQ yksxksa dk Hkk"kk losZ{k.k fd;k tk,A
^Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k* Hkkjrh; Hkk"kkvksa osQ losZ{k.k
dk jk"Vªh; vkanksyu gSA fo'ks"k rkSj ij [kkukcnks'kksa] rVh;]
nsoh • tSu

igkM+h] }hiksa] taxyksa esa jgus okys leqnk;ksa vkSj gkf'k, ij osQ
leqnk;ksa dh Hkk"kk dks le>uk vkSj mudk nLrkos”khdj.k

Volume Editor: Damodar Jain

djuk bldk [kkl edln gSA ;g fo}kuksa] ys[kdksa o
dk;ZdrkZvksa dk fofHkUu cksyh&leqnk;ksa osQ lnL;ksa osQ lkFk
lk>snkjh esa pyk;k x;k ,d vfHk;ku gSA ;g losZ{k.k ,d
Rofjr] xSj inkuqØfer] lkoZtfud ijke'kZ vkSj ewY;kadu gS]
ftldk y{; fodkl osQ lkaLÑfrd izHkko dk vkdyu
djuk vkSj lHkh osQ LoRo o vkRelEeku dks Lohdkj djuk

This sixteenth volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India contains information on the
gS] fo'ks"k :i ls Hkkjr osQ yqIrizk; cksyh&leqnk;ksa osQA
Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk yksd losZ{k.k dk funsZ'ku] LoSfPNd :i ls
eè; izns'k dh Hkk"kk,¡

laxfBr jk"Vªh; laiknu eaMy }kjk fd;k x;k gSA

Hkk"kk fujarj cgus okyh unh osQ leku gksrh gSA ftl izdkj

language and linguistic variety of the State of Madhya Pradesh. The languages included in
fofHk ty lzksr unh dks lcy cukrs gSa mlh izdkj vusd
izdkj osQ 'kCn] Hkk"kk osQ :i dks x<+rs pyrs gSaA izR;sd Hkk"kk
dk viuk lekt gksrk gS vkSj ml leqnk; fo'ks"k dk viuh
Hkk"kk ls yxko gksuk LokHkkfod gSA vFkd iz;kl ls rS;kj

this book are: Urdu, Hindi, Kachwaidhari, Korku, Kauravi, Gondi, Jatwari, Jandomati, Tordhari,
Hkk"kk osQ bl nLrkos”k esa eè; izns'k dh vuqlwfpr (mnwZ]
fgUnh) vkSj xSj-vuqlwfpr Hkk"kkvksa tSlsµdNok;?kkjh]
dksjowQ] dkSjoh] xksaMh] tVokjh] tknkasekVh] rkSj?kkjh] ugky]

PLSI fuekM+h] iapegyh] iokjh] ikj/h] catkjh] c?ksyh] ckjsyk]

cqansyh] czt] Hknkojh] Hkhyh] eoklh] ekyoh] jtiwrh]

Nahal, Nimarhi, Panchmahali, Pawari, Pardhi, Pati, Banjari, Bagheli, Barela, Bundeli, Brij,
yks/?kkjh] lgfj;kbZ o fldjokjh osQ losZ{k.k C;ksjs rS;kj fd,
x, gSaA bl [k.M esa bu Hkk"kkvksa dk foLr`r foospu muosQ
Hkk"kk {ks=k] bfrgkl] Hkk"kk;h fo'ks"krkvksa ,oa O;kdj.k] mlosQ
lkfgR; o mldh 'kCnkoyh osQ vk/kj ij fd;k x;k gSA lkFk
Part 1
Bhadawari, Bhili, Mawasi, Malwi, Rajputi, Loghdhari, Sahariyayi, and Sikarwari.
gh ikBdksa ,oa 'kks/k£Fk;ksa dh lqfo/k gsrq izR;sd Hkk"kk osQ
ISBN 978 81 250 5971 4 losZ{k.k esa mnkgj.kksa o m¼j.kksa dk fgUnh vuqokn Hkh fn;k
x;k gSA lanHkZ osQ rkSj ij iqLrd esa p£pr Hkk"kkvksa dk Hkk"kk;h
eq[; laiknd x.ks'k ,u- nsoh ekufp=k Hkh lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA

[kaM laiknd nkeksnj tSu

2015 978-81-250-5971-4 464 pp ` 1,895

Volume 16, Part 1 (HINDI)

Rights: World

Rajasthan ki Bhashayen
(Volume 25, Part 1)
Volume Editors: Madan Meena & Suraj Rao
This twenty-sixth volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India contains information
on the language and linguistic variety of Rajasthan. The languages documented are: Khadi
Marwari, Godwadi, Ghanchi, Jagrouti, Daang, Dingle, Dhaati, Dhundhadi, Talhaiti, Thali,
Deswali, Ghawadi, Naagarchaali, Pachwara, Bagadi, Bajigari, Bikaneri, Braj, Sansi (Bhatu),
Maad, Maarwadi, Mirasi, Merwadi, Mewadi, Mewati, Vagadi, Shekhawati, Sarayaki, Sindhi
and Hadouti.
2014 978-81-250-5466-5 428 pp ` 1,995
Rights: World

Uttarakhand ki Bhashayen
(Volume 30, Part 1)
Volume Editors: Shekhar Pathak & Uma Bhatt
This thirtieth volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India contains information on the
language and linguistic variety of Uttarakhand. The languages documented are: Kumauni,
Gadhwali, Jaad, Johari, Jaunpuri, Jaunsari, Tharu, Bangadi, Buksa, Marcha, Rang Lu, Rawalti,
and Raji.
2014 978-81-250-5494-8 260 pp ` 1,250
Rights: World

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 4 23/11/2015 12:51:52



Volume 1
The Being of Bhasha: A General Introduction
Part—One: Hindi
Part—Two: English
Editor: G.N. Devy

The State Series

Volume 2 Volume 8
The Languages of Andaman & Nicobar Islands The Languages of Goa
Part—One: Hindi Part—One: Hindi
Part—Two: English Part—Two: English
Editor: M. Sreenathan Editor: Madhavi Sardesai

Volume 3 Volume 9
The Languages of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana The Languages of Gujarat, Diu & Daman and Dadra &
Part—One: Hindi Nagar Haveli
Part—Two: English Part—One: Hindi
Editor: A. Usha Devi Part—Two: English
Part—Three: Gujarati
Volume 4 Editor: Kanji Patel
The Languages of Arunachal Pradesh
Part—One: Hindi Volume 10
Part—Two: English The Languages of Haryana
Editors: Lisa Lomdak Part—One: Hindi
Part—Two: English
Volume 5 Editors: Roop K. Bhat & Omkar N. Koul
The Languages of Assam
Part—One: Hindi Volume 11
Part—Two: English The Languages of Himachal Pradesh
Editors: Bibha Bharali & Banani Chakravarty Part—One: Hindi
Part—Two: English FORTHCOMING
Volume 6 Editor: Tobdan
The Languages of Bihar
Part—One: Hindi Volume 12
Part—Two: English The Languages of Jammu & Kashmir
Editor: Vibha Chauhan Part—One: Hindi
Part—Two: English
Volume 7 Editor: Omkar N. Koul
The Languages of Chhattisgarh
Part—One: Hindi Volume 13
Part—Two: English The Languages of Jharkhand
Editor: Chitta Ranjan Kar Part—One: Hindi
Part—Two: English
Editors: Ramnika Gupta & Prabhat Kumar Singh

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 5 23/11/2015 12:51:52


Volume 14 Volume 21
The Languages of Karnataka The Languages of Nagaland
Part—One: Hindi Part—One: Hindi
Part—Two: English Part—Two: English FORTHCOMING
Editors: Rajeshwari Maheshwaraiah & M. Maheshwaraiah Editor: Duovituo Kuolie

Volume 15 Volume 22
The Languages of Kerala & Lakshadweep The Languages of Odisha
Part—One: Hindi Part—One: Hindi
Part—Two: English Part—Two: English
Editors: M. Sreenathan & Joseph Koyippally Part—Three: Odiya
Section One: Editor: D.P. Pattanayak
Volume 16 Section Two: Editor: Mahendra Kumar Mishra
The Languages of Madhya Pradesh
Part—One: Hindi Volume 23
Editor: Damodar Singh Jain The Languages of Puducherry
Part—Two: English Part—One: Hindi
Editor: Prashant Mishra Part—Two: English FORTHCOMING
Editors: L. Ramamoorthy & G. Ravishankar
Volume 17
The Languages of Maharashtra Volume 24
Part—One: Hindi The Languages of Punjab
Part—Two: English Part—One: Hindi
Editor: Arun Jakhade Part—Two: English
Editors: Roop K. Bhat & Omkar N. Koul
Volume 18
The Languages of Manipur Volume 25
Part—One: Hindi The Languages of Rajasthan
Part—Two: English Part—One: Hindi
Editor: Nipuni Mao Part—Two: English
Editors: Madan Meena & Suraj Mal Rao
Volume 19
The Languages of Meghalaya Volume 26
Part—One: Hindi The Languages of Sikkim
Part—Two: English Part—One: Hindi
Editor: Esther Syiem Part—Two: English
Part—Three: Nepali
Volume 20 Editor: Balaram Pandey
The Languages of Mizoram
Part—One: Hindi Volume 27
Part—Two: English The Languages of Tamil Nadu
Editor: L. Thangi Chhangte Part—One: Hindi
Part—Two: English
Part—Three: Tamil
Editors: V. Gnanasundaram & K. Rangan

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 6 23/11/2015 12:51:53


Volume 28
The Languages of Tripura Volume 30
Part—One: Hindi The Languages of Uttarakhand
Part—Two: English Part—One: Hindi
Editor: Sukhendu Debbarma Part—Two: English FORTHCOMING
Editors: Uma Bhat & Shekhar Pathak
Volume 29
The Languages of Uttar Pradesh Volume 31
Part—One: Hindi The Languages of West Bengal
Part—Two: English Part—One: Hindi
Editor: Badri Narayan Tiwari Part—Two: English
Part—Three: Bangla
Editors: Sankar Singha & Indranil Acharya

The National Series

Volume 32 Volume 38
The Scheduled Languages—Assamiya, Bangla, Bodo, Indian Sign Language(s)
Maithili, Manipuri, Oriya, Nepali, Santali Part—One: Hindi
Editors: G.N. Devy & Nipuni Mao Part—Two: English
Editors: Nisha Grover, Tanmoy Bhattacharya &
Volume 33 Surinder Randhawa
The Scheduled Languages—Dogri, Kashmiri, Punjabi,
Urdu Volume 39
Editor: Omkar N. Koul Languages Shared with Neighbouring Countries
Editor: Sukrita Paul Kumar
Volume 34
The Scheduled Languages—Gujarati, Konkani, Volume 40
Marathi, Sindhi The Tribal Languages—The North-Eastern States
Editor: G.N. Devy Editor: G.N. Devy

Volume 35 Volume 41
The Scheduled Languages—Kannada, Malayalam, The Tribal Languages—The Eastern States—Bengal,
Tamil and Telugu Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa
Editors: V. Gnanasundaram & K. Rangan Editor: G.N. Devy

Volume 36 Volume 42
The Scheduled Languages—Sanskrit & Hindi The Tribal Languages—Central Indian States—
Editor: Avadhesh Kumar Singh Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Volume 37 Editor: G.N. Devy
English & International Languages
Editor: T. Vijay Kumar

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 7 23/11/2015 12:51:53


Volume 43 Volume 47
The Tribal Languages—The Southern States and the Indian Languages in Diaspora
Islands Editor: T. Vijay Kumar
Editor: G.N. Devy
Volume 48
Volume 44 Comparative Wordlist—Kinship and Social Relations
The Tribal Languages of the North-West and the Editor: G.N. Devy
Himalayan States
Editor: Omkar N. Koul Volume 49
Comparative Wordlist—Time and Space
Volume 45 Editor: G.N. Devy
Language Census, Survey and Policy
Editor: B. Mallikarjun Volume 50
The Future of Indian Languages
Volume 46 Part—One: Hindi
Scripts in India Part—Two: English
Editor: G.N. Devy Editor: G.N. Devy

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 8 23/11/2015 12:51:53


Orient BlackSwan is one of India’s best known and most respected

publishing houses. Incorporated in 1948, the consistent emphasis of our
publishing programme has been on quality. We also selectively reprint
and co-publish outstanding titles published abroad, for the Indian
We also co-publish with the English and Foreign Languages University,

Orient BlackSwan is the exclusive distributor for books published by:

Sangam Books

Universities Press

Permanent Black

Social Science Press

Aurum Books
(An imprint of Social Science Press)

Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Economic and Political Weekly

RCS Publishers

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 9 23/11/2015 12:51:55



Literary/Cultural Theory

Literary /Cultural Theory provides concise and lucid introductions to a range of key concepts and theorists in contemporary
literary and cultural theory. Original and contemporary in presentation, and eschewing jargon, each book in the series
presents students of humanities and social sciences exhaustive overviews of theories and theorists, while also introducing
them to the mechanics of reading literary/cultural texts using critical tools. Each book also carries glossaries of key terms
and ideas, and pointers for further reading and research. Written by scholar-teachers who have taught critical theory for
years, and vetted by some of the foremost experts in the field, the series Literary/Cultural Theory is indispensable to
students and teachers alike.

Series Editors

Allen Hibbard, Middle Tennessee State University Andrew Slade, University of Dayton
Herman Rapaport, Wake Forest University Imre Szeman, University of Alberta
Scott Slovic, University of Idaho Sumit Chakravarti, Presidency University, Kolkata


1. Feminisms 4. New Historicism

Author: Arpita Mokhopadhyay/Editor: Sumit Chakravarti Author: Ashley N. P./Editor: Herman Rapaport
2. Marxism 5. Post-structuralism and Deconstruction
Author: David Anshen/Editor: Andrew Slade Author: Prathim-Maya Dora-Laskey/Editor: Andrew Slade
3. New Criticism 6. Psycho-analytic Theory and Criticism
Author: Savitri Ashok/Editor: Allen Hibbard Author: Andrew Slade

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 10 23/11/2015 12:51:55


Literary Contexts

Literary Contexts recognises that literature is always rooted in its social milieu and that we need to study literary cultures
in all their complexity and connections. It offers the thrill of locating a text within its context and seeing a context reflected
in a literary/cultural text.
Each of the books in this series offers students of English and other literatures concise, informative insights into the
history of ideas embodied in literary texts, authors and movements. Organised around themes and ideas with extensive
examples from literary and cultural texts, the books enable students to understand how the “literary” takes shape in an
intellectual milieu and discover manifestations of abstract ideas in literary texts. Written by scholar-teachers who have
taught and researched literature for several years, each volume in the series is a standalone reference book for students
and teachers alike.

Series Editor

Pramod K. Nayar, University of Hyderabad


1. American Literature 3. Postcolonial Literatures

Author: Nandana Dutta Author: Parama Sarkar
2. Modern British Literature 4. Shakespeare
Author: Sipra Mukherjee Author: Anna Kurian

Rereading American Literature

Rereading American Literature aims to introduce the classics of American literature to students, in a manner which
renders the text contemporary and relevant. The texts in the series have been chosen keeping in mind their value as a
statement of the age in which they were written in, as well as for their enduring value and fascination and impact for
succeeding generations. They have all left an indelible mark in the American psyche, and have, at various points in time,
defined what it was to be ‘American’.
Each of the titles in the series features a detailed introduction to the text penned by the foremost scholars in American
literature today, along with detailed explanatory notes and annotations, designed to make the text accessible to students.
It also features two carefully selected scholarly essays which provide readers with a range of critical perspectives in
contextualizing and analyzing the text.


1. Edgar Allan Poe: Tales and Other Writings 3. The Scarlet Letter and Other Writings
Editor: Sathyaraj Venkatesan Editor: Srirupa Chatterjee
2. The Great Gatsby 4. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Editor: Evangeline Manickam Editor: Aloka Patel

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 11 23/11/2015 12:51:55



Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

ELT Theory and Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Textbooks for Universities/Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Anthologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Poetry Anthologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Prose Anthologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Short Story Anthologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Drama Anthologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Combined Anthologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
English Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Communication Skills and Soft Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

The Business Skills Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Fifty Ways Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Mastering Business English Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
A.C. Ward Series: The Plays of Bernard Shaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Critical Editions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Orient BlackSwan Abridged Texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Orient BlackSwan Annotated Study Texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Orient BlackSwan Drama Classics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
The Philip Weller Annotated Shakespeare Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Indian Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Indian Writing in Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Literary Criticism and Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Related Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

e-Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Price List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Title Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 12 23/11/2015 12:51:55

Chomsky Effect, The emphasising the tracing and mapping of the geographic
A Radical Works Beyond the Ivory Tower distribution of these characteristics, to establish their centres
and peripheries, which can serve to define a ‘linguistic area’
Author: Robert F. Barsky
by their coincidence.
A groundbreaking linguist and outspoken
2005 978-81-8028-022-1 (HB) 248 pp ` 575
political dissenter—voted ‘most important
Rights: World
public intellectual in the world today’ in a
magazine poll—Chomsky inspires fanatical
devotion and fierce vituperation. In The Directions in Applied Linguistics
Chomsky Effect, Chomsky’s biographer
Authors: Paul Bruthiaux, Dwight Atkinson,William G.
Robert Barsky examines his subject’s
Eggington,William M. Grabe & Vaidehi
positions on a number of highly charged
issues—including Vietnam, Israel, East Timor, and his work
in lingusitics—that illustrate not only ‘the Chomsky effect’ but The essays and research papers in this
also ‘the Chomsky approach.’ collection explore current issues across
four areas: Language Education, English
2009 978-81-250-3726-2 400 pp ` 675
for Academic Purposes, Contrastive
Rights: Restricted
Discourse Analysis, and Language Policy
and Planning. Contributors reflect on the
Companion to Translation Studies, A nature and scope of applied linguistics, review its evolution,
and vigorously debate the dynamic process whereby theory
Editors: Piotr Kuhiwczak & Karin Littau
and practice inform each other and jointly drive the field as
The book provides an authoritative guide an academic discipline and a locus for reflection and action
to key approaches in translation studies. regarding language-related social issues.
Each chapter gives an in-depth account of
2009 978-81-250-3655-5 342 pp ` 615
theoretical concepts, issues and studies. In
Rights: World
the general introduction, the editors illustrate
how translation studies has developed as a
broad interdisciplinary field. English Vernacular Divide, The
2011 978-81-250-4147-4 192 pp ` 525 Author: Vaidehi Ramanathan
Rights: Restricted
The book critically examines the role of
English in a postcolonial, multilingual
Defining a Linguistic Area society such as India. The book argues
South Asia that issues of inequality, subordination and
Author: Colin P. Masica unequal values stem from the positioning
of English vis-à-vis the regional languages.
In this seminal study, Colin P. Masica Drawing from her own experiences and engaging in scholarly
explores the theoretical preciseness of discussion, the author gives us an insight into the complexity
the common notion of ‘linguistic area’. of the role of English in postcolonial contexts.
He demonstrates that this concept needs
to be subjected to careful analysis as 2006 978-81-250-3072-0 156 pp ` 450
well as comprehensive description to be Rights: Restricted
of use to cultural historians, geographers
and historical linguists. By collating
existing descriptive literature, Masica attempts to identify and
establish syntactic, morphological, and phonological criteria
that characterise this area. He suggests a methodology

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From Hindi to Urdu

A Social and Political History
Author: Tariq Rahman ‘Impure Languages’
Linguistic and Literary Hybridity in Contemporary
A first of its kind, this book traces the Cultures
political history and genealogy of Urdu.
Editors: Rama Kant Agnihotri, Claudia Benthien and Tatiana
It also looks at the domains in which the
language is used by both Hindus and
Muslims of northern India. Hybridity has become a leading concept
in cultural studies in the last twenty years.
Originating in biology—highly problematic
2011 978-81-250-4248-8 (HB) 476 pp `975 theories on ‘racial contacts’ in the 19th
Rights: India century—the term features the basic
denotation of a ‘mixture’ or ‘melting’ of non-
General Introduction to Linguistics, A identical entities that often carry different,
especially hierarchically structured, cultural
Author: Tariq Rahman values. Hybridity is here associated with ‘impurity’ as well as
Written primarily for the South Asian student, with the notion of a ‘contamination’ of a (hegemonic) culture.
A General Introduction to Linguistics takes In poststructuralist and post-colonial theories these
the lay reader through the scientific study negative connotations have been fundamentally reversed.
of any language or linguistics. Moving Hybridity has been turned into a provocative and productive
away from a Eurocentric premise, the concept of ‘différance’ that establishes the category of the
author begins with Panini’s description of ‘third’—a plural and often contradictory form of ‘identity’
Sanskrit grammar in his eight books, the transcending the mere synthesis of two antagonistic parts.
Ashtadhyayi. The book takes us back to the In this book, the concept is used as a working term to
development of linguistics during the middle ages in Europe analyse processes of creation and performative usages of
and focuses on India once again with the discovery of Sanskrit hybrid languages in contemporary cultures, especially in
by European philologists, especially the contribution of Sir urban orality and in (post-) modern literatures.
William Jones and the establishment of the Asiatic Society 2015 978-81-250-5490-0 (HB) 408 pp ` 895
of Bengal. Theories of other major linguists like Saussure, Rights: World
Bloomfield and Chomsky have been elucidated. More recent
theories like Halliday’s systemic grammar and tagmemics
and stratificational grammar also find place in this book. Indian English
Towards a New Paradigm
2010 978-81-250-3979-2 208 pp ` 295
Editors: Rama Kant Agnihotri & Rajendra Singh
Rights: World
Millions of educated Indians use English
in some domains, but exactly what is
Harold E. Palmer
From Learner-Teacher to Legend
Indian English, how is it best understood
and described, and how far is it from the
Author: Makhan L. Tickoo claimed centres of the socio-cultural space
The book is a biography of the eminent accorded to English? Centred around a
British linguist and phonetician, Harold E. scholarly dialogue, this book comprises a
Palmer. It views Palmer at work through Target Paper by Rajendra Singh and some
the 47 years of his creative efforts—with responses to it from scholars around the world. In his Target
their vast range and, for their day, amazing Paper, Singh examines the status and structure of Indian English
newness and depth. and its place in the language ecology of India. His examination
of these issues leads him to question the dichotomy ‘native’
2008 978-81-250-3432-2 432 pp ` 1,150 and ‘non-native’ varieties of English and to argue that it cannot
Rights: World be sustained. Agnihotri and Singh have in this book broken

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fresh ground in the study of English, particularly in the study Language and Cultural Diversity
of post-colonial varieties such as Indian English. The Writings of Debi Prasanna Pattanayak
(Volumes 1 & 2)
2012 978-81-250-4371-3 336 pp ` 875
Rights: World Author: D.P. Pattanayak
This collection of essays by Debi Prasanna
Introduction to Stylistics, An Pattanayak brings together for the first time
Theory and Practice the writings of this eminent Indian linguist.
The essays were compiled by the author
Author: Partha Sarathi Misra
himself, under the aegis of the IGNCA
The book is an introductory reader in with whom these two volumes have been
stylistics meant for initiating readers in co-published. It contains his speeches
general and students in particular to the and writings spanning a career over forty
basic theories and practices of the yet years.
relatively new discipline stylistics. The
Volume 1:
book aims at equipping readers with the
2014 978-81-250-5394-1 (HB) 944 pp ` 1,995
tools needed for a stylistics interpretation
of literary as well as non-literary texts and Volume 2:
also propagates an integrated study of language and literature. 2014 978-81-250-5395-8 (HB) 592 pp ` 1,495
There is a detailed analysis of a number of poems and short Rights: World
stories, meant to serve as models for stylistic analysis of
literary texts. Published in collaboration with the Indira Gandhi Centre for the Arts

2009 978-81-250-3678-4 160 pp ` 235

Rights: World Language and Politics in Pakistan
Author: Tariq Rahman
Issues in Learning Theories and Pedagogical This book is a study of the links between
Practices language, politics and ethnicity in Pakistan.
Volumes 1 & 2 Rahman reviews the history of all the
Editor: Vaishna Narang major ethnic and language movements
that have occurred and still continue
This two-volume collection of studies on
in Pakistan today, such as the Bengali,
issues in language teaching deals with
Sindhi, Pashto and Punjabi movements. In
both theoretical problems and practical
addition, he also discusses smaller scale
issues faced in the classroom, both in
movements. This book is a very important contribution to the
India and abroad. It includes essays on
post-Independence history of Pakistan and by extension, to
the socio-cultural and political contexts
the specific social configurations of the Indian subcontinent.
of teaching language; the relationship
between grammar, language and literature; 2006 978-81-250-3077-5 340 pp ` 675
multilingualism; and the complexities of teaching English in Rights: India, Bhutan and Nepal
India. Apart from empirical studies from India, the volumes
include studies from Egypt, Iran, Japan, Korea and Pakistan. Language in the Law
Volume 1: Editors: John Gibbons, V. Prakasam, K.V.
2013 978-81-250-4990-6 (HB) 496 pp ` 1,095 Tirumalesh & Hemalatha Nagarajan
Volume 2: This book is a record of modes and
2013 978-81-250-4991-3 (HB) 590 pp ` 1,325 practices in the use of language within
Rights: World the context of law. The essays examine
the different situations that arise in
legal processes, and unveil the inherent

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problems and impact of ambiguity and distortion in the uses Linguistic Genocide in Education or
of legal language. It also focuses on the consequences of Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights?
cultural constraints on translation of legal texts, the power of
interpreters in legal testimony and the sources of complexity Author: Tove Skutnabb-Kangas
in legal register. Emphasis is also laid on the nexus between In this powerful multidisciplinary new
language and the law in various cultures and countries. book, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas shows how
2007 978-81-250-2649-5 (HB) 148 pp ` 625 most indigenous and minority education
Rights: World contributes to linguistic genocide according
to United Nations definitions. Her starting
point is that it is normal and desirable for
Language, Emotion and Politics in South people, groups, countries, and schools to
India be multilingual and multicultural. Theory is
The Making of a Mothertongue combined with a wealth of factual encyclopedic information
Author: Lisa Mitchell and with many examples and vignettes.
In the 1950s and 1960s a wave of 2008 978-81-250-3461-2 820 pp ` 1,295
suicides in the name of language swept Rights: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal,
through South India. This book asks why Maldives and Sri Lanka
such emotional attachments to language
appeared. It answers by tracing shifts
in local perceptions and experiences of
Linguistic Imperialism Continued
language in general, and Telugu in particular, Author: Robert Phillipson
during the preceding century.
Linguistic Imperialism Continued brings
Mitchell shows the emergence in India of language as the
together writings by Robert Phillipson since
foundation for the reorganisation of a wide range of forms of
the publication of Linguistic Imperialism in
knowledge and practice. These included literary production,
1992. It consists of a collection of articles
the writing of history, geographic imagination, grammatical and
and reviews of the work of others on global
lexical categorisations, ideas about translation, and pedagogy.
English, language policy, and the role of
2010 978-81-7824-293-4 (HB) 302 pp ` 695 English in multilingual settings worldwide.
Among the central concerns of the book
2014 978-81-7824-390-0 (PB) 302 pp ` 495
are English in globalisation and neoliberal empire, how the
Rights: Restricted
project of establishing English as a ‘world’ language came
about, and the balance between English and other languages
in higher education. Linguistic Imperialism triggered a major
re-thinking of the English teaching profession, as it connected
Linguistics: An Introduction English Language Teaching to wider political and economic
Authors: Ashok Chaskar, Arjun Jadhav & Sanjay Pagare forces. Linguistic Imperialism Continued analyses how the
dominance of English persists in the 21st century.
Linguistics: An Introduction is prepared for
students at undergraduate level. Written and 2009 978-81-250-3748-4 296 pp ` 495
edited by experts in the field of linguistics, Rights: Restricted
the book covers the basics of phonetics,
phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics,
Little Book of Language, A
syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Rich
in details and illustrative examples from Author: David Crystal
English as well as Indian languages, this
With a language disappearing every
book is an essential textbook for students as well as teachers
two weeks and neologisms springing
of linguistics.
up almost daily, an understanding of
2014 978-81-250-5536-5 144 pp ` 95 the origins and currency of language
Rights: Restricted has never seemed more relevant. In this

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charming volume, expert linguist David Crystal proves why and possibly a third language with regional or national
the story of language deserves retelling. From an infant’s significance. The case studies identify what works, as well as
first words to the peculiar dialect of text messaging, A Little the risks and vulnerabilities.
Book of Language ranges widely, revealing language’s myriad
2009 978-81-250-4116-0 376 pp ` 750
intricacies and quirks. Crystal delves into the development of
Rights: Restricted
unique linguistic styles, the origins of obscure accents and
the search for the first written word. He discusses the plight
of endangered languages, as well as successful cases of
linguistic revitalisation. Much more than a history, this book
Multilingualism and Multiculturalism
also turns to the future of language, exploring the effect of
Perceptions, Practices and Policy
technology on our day-to-day reading, writing and speech.
Authors: Supriya Pattanayak, Chandrabhanu Pattanayak &
2010 978-81-250-4069-9 272 pp ` 470
Jennifer Bayer
Rights: Restricted
This book details the efforts of Dr D.P. Pattanayak against
dominant monolingualism on a predominantly multicultural/
Multilingual Education for Social Justice multilinguial society and his contribution to the field of
Globalising the Local
Linguistics, especially to multilingualism. The contribution
Editors: Ajit K. Mohanty, Minati Panda, Robert Phillipson & of various scholars from different disciplines address a gap
Tove Skutnabb-Kangas in the literature encountered by a multicultural/multilingual
society, where dominant monolingualism was considered as
The principles for enabling children to
the only ahead for a global south along the lines designed for
become fully proficient multilinguals
global north.
through schooling are well known. Even
so, most indigenous/tribal, minority and Rights: World
marginalised children are not provided
with appropriate mother-tongue-based
multilingual education (MLE) that would Multilingualism in India
enable them to succeed in school and Author: Debi Prasanna Pattanayak
society. Experts from all continents ask why, and show how
it can be done. The book discusses general principles and This edited volume of eight essays
challenges in depth and presents case studies from Canada discusses sociology, psychology,
and the USA, northern Europe, Peru, Africa, India, Nepal and pedagogy and demographic aspects of
elsewhere in Asia. multi-lingualism. They bring out some
of the salient problems of literacy in a
2009 978-81-250-3698-2 408 pp ` 950 multilingual country like India and give
Rights: Restricted a language planning perspective. This
book will appeal equally to linguists, social scientists and
Multilingual Education Works educators.
From the Periphery to the Centre 2006 978-81-250-3073-7 128 pp ` 395
Editors: Kathleen Heugh & Tove Skutnabb-Kangas Rights: Restricted

Multilingual Education Works demonstrates

successful practices in multilingual New World of Indigenous Resistance
education, responsive to local conditions Editors: Lois Meyer & Benjamín
and with community participation, in low- Maldonado Alvarado
income countries, even within limited
budgetary investment. The examples in New World of Indigenous Resistance
this volume foreground the systematic comprises interviews with Noam Chomsky,
use of the mother tongue/local language, the well-known linguist and human rights
alongside an international language of wider communication activist and scholars and educators. Many

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of them are well known in their own countries, but are being and cultural differences in the context of globalisation and the
heard for the first time by an English-speaking audience. dynamics of the multilingualism of Indian society.
This exchange of dialogue offers a contemporary vision of
2007 978-81-250-3207-6 284 pp ` 295
indigenous resistance, survival and hope.
Rights: World
2011 978-81-250-4325-6 416 pp ` 725
Rights: South Asia
Why Translation Matters
Author: Edith Grossman
Social Space of Language, The
Vernacular Culture in British Colonial Punjab Why Translation Matters argues for the
cultural importance of translation, and
Author: Farina Mir
for a more encompassing and nuanced
This rich cultural history set in Punjab appreciation of the translator’s role. For
examines a little-studied body of popular Grossman, translation has a transcendent
literature to illustrate both the durability of a importance: ‘Translation . . . also
vernacular literary tradition and the limits of represents a concrete literary presence
colonial dominance in British India. Farina with the crucial capacity to ease and make
Mir asks how qisse, a vibrant genre of more meaningful our relationships to those with whom we
epics and romances, flourished in colonial may not have had a connection before. Translation always
Punjab despite British efforts to marginalise helps us to know, to see from a different angle, to attribute
the Punjabi language. She explores topics including Punjabi new value to what once may have been unfamiliar. As nations
linguistic practices, print and performance, and the symbolic and as individuals, we have a critical need for that kind of
content of qisse. understanding and insight. The alternative is unthinkable.’
This multidisciplinary study reframes inquiry into cultural
2011 978-81-250-4167-2 146 pp ` 620
formations in late-colonial north India away from a focus
Rights: South Asia
on religious communal identities and nationalist politics and
towards a widespread, ecumenical, and place-centred poetics
of belonging in the region.
2010 978-81-7824-307-8 292 pp ` 695
Rights: Restricted

Translation and Interpreting

Reader and Workbook
Authors: Ravinder Gargesh & Krishna Kumar Goswami
Translation and Interpreting is a bilingual
textbook for the application course in
translation in the new restructured BA
Programme of the University of Delhi. The
book comprises a reader and a workbook.
The reader contains articles both in English
and Hindi, which discuss general issues and
approaches related to the theory of translation. The workbook
consists of exercises for the students. The book intends to
make students familiar with the basic concepts relating to the
theory and practice of translation and, create an awareness
of the challenges and opportunities presented by linguistic

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Beyond Methods Essential Readings for Teachers of English

Macrostrategies for Language Teaching From Research Insights to Classroom Practices
Author: B. Kumaravadivelu Editors: A.L. Khanna & Anju Sahgal Gupta
The book discusses ten macro strategies Essential Readings for Teachers of
based on current theoretical, empirical English is a book by English teachers
and experiential knowledge of second for English teachers who are looking for
language and foreign language teaching. new ideas and innovations for the English
This book is both practical and accessible classroom. The articles showcase current
and encourages critical thinking. It is thinking in ELT that can be adapted to
indispensable for teachers, researchers different classroom requirements.
and teacher educators.
2012 978-81-250-4668-4 368 pp ` 525
2006 978-81-250-2941-0 352 pp ` 675 Rights: World
Rights: South Asia
Genre, Text, Grammar
English Language Teaching Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing
Approaches, Methods and Techniques
Authors: Peter Knapp & Megan Watkins
(Revised Edition)
Genre, Text, Grammar is a comprehensive
Author: Geetha Nagaraj
reference text that examines how the three
The book provides a comprehensive aspects of language (genre, text, grammar)
overview of English language teaching can be used as resources in teaching and
methodology, using a task-based assessing writing. It provides an accessible
participative approach to allow readers to account of current theories of language and
respond to the text. The author takes theory language learning, together with practical
into the heart of the classroom and provides ideas for teaching and assessing the genres and grammar of
insight into various approaches, methods writing across the curriculum.
and techniques and their implications.
2010 978-81-250-4021-7 256 pp ` 575
The revised edition includes additions on English as a world
Rights: South Asia
language, perspectives on curriculum, errors, online learning
on the web and the networked environments, and criteria for
national and international tests and proficiency testing for Handbook of Teaching English, A
large numbers of candidates.
Authors: S. Kaushik & B. Bajwa
2008 978-81-250-3519-0 266 pp ` 285
It is a resource book that has been written
Rights: World
keeping in mind the training/teaching needs
of English teachers in India. The rationale
English Language Teaching is that not all teachers get an opportunity
Principles and Practice to receive in-service training or access the
Author: V. Saraswati latest books in the field. The book provides
a synthesis between principles of language
This is a textbook which looks at the practice teaching and classroom practices. The handbook can be used
of ELT from an Indian perspective. It has a as a training tool as well as a resource book for teachers in
training-oriented approach and can be used a school.
as a manual by teacher trainers, students
at the undergraduate and graduate levels in 2009 978-81-250-3661-6 168 pp ` 65
BEd and allied programmes. 978-81-250-4775-9 (E-ISBN)
Rights: World
2004 978-81-250-2655-6 180 pp ` 345
Rights: World

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Imagining Multilingual Schools Language Curriculum, The

Dynamics of Change (Volume 1)
Editors: Ofelia García, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas & María E. The Outsider Perspective
Authors: The English and Foreign Languages University
This book brings together visions and
realities of multilingual schools throughout The Language Curriculum, Vol. 1 is a mix
the world to order to examine the of the academic and the practical. It is a
pedagogical, socioeducational, and rich source of information relevant to the
sociopolitical issues that impact on their practitioner, the researcher in education and
development and success. The chapters teacher education. This volume focuses
describe and analyse schools with different on class activity including curriculum
target populations. Each contribution, preparation, evaluation and the role of the
written by well known scholars, affirms the desirability of ELT expert.
multilingualism as a societal resource and as a right of 2001 978-81-250-2036-3 178 pp ` 395
individuals, whilst acknowledging the social, economic and Rights: World
political differences that make the acquisition of multilingualism
easy for some and difficult for others.
Language Curriculum, The
2009 978-81-250-3654-8 342 pp ` 625 Dynamics of Change (Volume 2)
Rights: World Teacher as Researcher
Authors: The English and Foreign Languages University
Innovations in English Language Teaching
Voices from the Indian Classroom Volume 2 deals with teacher concerns
as opposed to the ‘expert’ orientation in
Editors: Z.N. Patil, Anindya Syam Choudhury & S.P. Patil Volume 1. The focus in this volume is on
Innovations in English Language Teaching: the teacher in India, presenting a wealth of
Voices from the Indian Classroom presents ethnographic information to any researcher
the views of a number of experienced in the field of education, teacher education
classroom teachers of English in India who and ELT.
have realised the limitations of traditional 2001 978-81-250-2037-0 105 pp ` 335
pedagogical practices. The book embodies Rights: World
their desire and attempt to adopt a learner-
centric approach and explore innovative
materials and techniques of teaching English as a second/ Language Education in the Primary Years
foreign language. Thus, the book is not based on the choices Author: Frances Christie
and decisions of theoreticians and syllabus designers, which
are later imposed on teachers, but on the personal experience, Language Education in the Primary Years
the tested materials and strategies, and the distilled pedagogical gives a coherent and structured account
wisdom of seasoned teachers of English. of language and learning and of language
The book is expected to be of immense value to all pedagogy, using functional grammar. The
practising teachers of English at the primary, secondary, author addresses oral language in the
higher-secondary and tertiary levels, and to teacher trainers classroom, the grammatical difference
and trainer trainees. Students doing graduate and postgraduate between speech and writing, visual literacy,
courses in education will also find the book a reliable resource. the impact of technology on language
The book will be equally useful to postgraduate students doing learning, etc.
courses such as English Language and Literature Teaching 2010 978-81-250-4022-4 248 pp ` 575
(ELLT), offered by many universities in India. Rights: South Asia
2011 978-81-250-4477-2 172 pp ` 300
Rights: World

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Negotiating Empowerment Readings in English Language Teaching in

Studies in English Language Education India
Author: Premakumari Dheram Editor: S. Kudchedkar
The book is a collection of papers focusing English Language Teaching has become a
on current debates which are of interest specialist discipline in view of the growing
to educational planners, researchers, global demand for the English language and
and teachers and students of ELT. its use for various purposes. This book deals
The substantive and methodo-logical with the sociolinguistic and psychological
issues related to mother tongue or other aspects, the theories and practices,
tongue, English in a multilingual context syllabus design, classroom methodologies
and languages across the curriculum and classroom management, materials
are discussed in some detail in the book. It aims at giving development and evaluation strategies of English Language
readers a fresh perspective on the different aspects of language Teaching in India.
education and to orient them towards action research.
2002 978-81-250-2229-9 392 pp ` 725
2007 978-81-250-3231-1 240 pp ` 495 Rights: World
Rights: World

Sociocultural Theory in Second Language

Promoting Learner Autonomy Education
A Teacher’s Reflections on ESL in India An Introduction Through Narratives
Author: Premakumari Dheram Authors: Merrill Swain, Penny Kinnear
This book explores the issue of learner & Linda Steinman
autonomy (LA) and its natural progression This book is an accessible introduction to
to teacher autonomy and development. Vygotskyian sociocultural theory. The key
The experiments in teaching and concepts of the theory, such as mediation,
learning, conducted over twenty years collaborative dialogue and private speech,
and documented here, trace a teacher’s are shown through narratives across seven
progress as a facilitator through her chapters.
investigations into pedagogy.
Each of the ten papers in this collection examines the 2012 978-81-250-4655-4 192 pp ` 475
implications of encouraging independent learning in the ESL Rights: Restricted
These papers examine several LA-related issues and Teaching and Learning English
offer guidance on planning lessons, developing material, A Sourcebook for Teachers and Teacher-Trainers
facilitating interaction, and reflecting on teaching. They
should be of interest to the reader also for another reason. The Author: M.L. Tickoo
articles illustrate the nature of research that reputed journals This is a sourcebook for teachers and
encourage, and the choices the writer has with regard to teacher-trainers who work in diverse contexts
presentation. The book makes quite a few samples available. to teach English as a second or foreign
It inspires and supports teachers, teacher-educators, and language. It helps the teacher formulate
researchers to study context-specific practices, and publish a methodology for restricted classroom
their own accounts of promoting learner autonomy. teaching. The book combines information
2009 978-81-250-3842-9 112 pp ` 325 on the subject and key-points of research
Rights: World with a multi-disciplinary approach, all of
which familiarises the reader with the vocabulary/terminology
of English language teaching.
2003 978-81-250-2307-4 464 pp ` 615
Rights: World

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Teaching English Teaching Young Learners

The Use of Support Materials
Author: S. Kaushik
Author: B.S. Jadhav
It attempts to generate awareness among
Teaching English: The Use of Support primary level teachers on what to teach
Materials demonstrates how to make the and how to do it. The book pays attention to
most of support materials such as cartoons, activity-based learning. It is aimed to train
newspapers, folktales and jokes for the teachers in the four language components:
learning and teaching of English at the teaching handwriting, teaching nursery
college level. The book attempts to explore rhymes, techniques of storytelling and
various ways by which these materials can developing oral communication skills. This book is prepared
contribute to making the classroom an interesting and lively for the teachers of vernacular medium elementary schools.
place for students, thereby enhancing the language learning
2009 978-81-250-3660-9 88 pp ` 150
process. It is a resource book intended for both practising and
978-81-250-4772-8 (E-ISBN)
trainee teachers.
Rights: World
2011 978-81-250-4208-2 168 pp ` 295
Rights: World
What is Worth Teaching?
Author: Krishna Kumar
Teaching Listening and Speaking
A Handbook for English Language Teachers and Originally published as a collection of
Teacher Trainers Krishna Kumar’s UGC national lectures,
(with CD) What is Worth Teaching? has acquired
Author: Kamlesh Sadanand the status of a popular analytical text on
curriculum inquiry. The title essay poses the
Teaching Listening and Speaking, intended problem of curriculum design and content
for teacher trainers, teacher trainees and as aspects of the relationship between
practising teachers, has two sections, one education and society. The central theme
on the teaching of listening and the other of knowledge, its selection and representation is pursued in
on the teaching of speaking. Through the other essays in the book in the context of the issues such
varied activities, the book aims to motivate as the teaching of reading, the use of the textbook, gender
teachers to reflect upon: the purpose of socialisation, and the values associated with secularism.
listening and speaking in the context of English language Structural and historical characteristics of the Indian system
learning, the possibility of using authentic materials to teach are used as frames to study the social character of school
listening and speaking, the selection of suitable materials for knowledge and skills.
different levels of learners, and the use of ‘prompting’—visual What is Worth Teaching? covers a wide range of issues
and audio—to encourage students to speak fluently. concerning institutional and pedagogic choices. From reading
As special features, the book offers extensive notes and and storytelling in the early primary classes to the teaching
guidelines for teachers, demonstrates how authentic audio of history in India and Pakistan, this collection of Krishna
materials from television programmes and lessons from Kumar’s lectures and essays offers an accessible introduction
English textbooks can be used to teach listening and speaking to critical inquiry in educational theory.
skills, and provides materials on pronunciation for easy
reference. 2009 978-81-250-3752-1 160 pp ` 350
Rights: World
2012 978-81-250-4659-2 196 pp ` 240
Rights: World

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ANTHOLOGIES Bouquet of Indian Poetry in English, A

Editors: Board of Editors
This is a fine selection of poems by
prominent Indian poets such as Kamala
Anthology of English Poetry, An
Das, Nissim Ezekiel, A.K. Ramanujan,
Editors: Board of Editors Rabindranath Tagore, Sarojini Naidu, Adil
Jussawala, Gieve Patel, Arun Kolatkar,
This book comprises eleven poems
Dilip Chitre and Jayanta Mahapatra.
including British, American and Indian
Each poem has a detailed write-up of
poets writing in English. A brief biographical
the author, a glossary, explanatory notes
overview and short explanatory notes and
on difficult lines, questions in comprehension and meaning,
annotations are given.
some writing activity based on the different aspects of the
poem and critical questions pertaining to an interpretation of
2013 978-81-250-5228-9 72 pp ` 80 the themes and techniques of the poem.
Rights: Restricted 2007 978-81-250-3265-6 60 pp ` 60
Rights; Restricted
Anthology of English Verse, An
Editors: Department of English and Collection of Indian English Poetry, A
Modern European Languages, Allahabad Editor: R.M. Singh
This collection of poems, prepared for
The book comprises twelve poems from students of undergraduate and postgraduate
the 16th century to the present day. Each levels of Indian universities represents the
section comes with extensive annotations, best in Indian English poetry.
editorial notes and a comprehensive list of Notes on the poets and their works,
suggested reading. and a glossary of terms should help the
2013 978-81-250-4732-2 88 pp ` 80 learner understand the ethos of this ‘new’
Rights: Restricted literature and appreciate it.
2011 978-81-250-4296-9 146 pp ` 125
Auroral Musings Rights: Restricted
A Collection of English Poetry
Editors: Ashok Chaskar & Chetan Deshmane Creative Reflections
This is an anthology of English poetry prepared for students Editors: Board of Editors
at undergraduate level. It brings together a
range of poems, from Old English poetry The book is divided into two sections.
to the Modern Age, including poems The first part covers the history of British
from the Restoration Period, Romantic literature from the 16th to the 18th centuries,
Age and Victorian Age, and it offers the and focuses on twelve representative
learner a comprehensive exposure to the poems by six major poets of the era,
evolution of this form of literature. Each unit from Shakespeare to Pope. The second
includes additional material about the poet part concentrates on literature during the
and his/her cultural background, as well as a glossary and 19th century, and features ten poems by
comprehension and critical analysis questions. seven important writers of the time, from Blake to Arnold.
The literary history of these periods is covered is great detail.
2014 978-81-250-5535-8 152 pp ` 95 Each poetry unit is accompanied by a lengthy introduction to
Rights: Restricted the poet and to the poem, along with a detailed glossary and
comprehension questions. The book also explains seventeen

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important literary terms that students of literature should be

familiar with.
2013 978-81-250-5250-0 212 pp ` 80 Fragrances
Rights: Restricted A Textbook of Poetry and Language Skills
Editors: Board of Editors
Dew on Petals This textbook, designed for undergraduate
An Anthology of English Poetry students, comprises poems by celebrated
Editors: Board of Editors poets besides detailed lessons in
vocabulary, grammar, and speaking and
This is an anthology of British, American writing skills. The poems included in
and Indian poetry in English with more the book have been drawn from various
than one representative poem from each sociocultural contexts and cover a wide
poet. The poems are chosen in such a range of forms of expressions.
way that both theme and technique are
important and representative. Every poet 2015 978-81-250-5984-4 112 pp ` 70
is introduced with a detailed biographical Rights: Restricted
sketch so that the student gets familiar with
the background and the individual style of each poet. Each Gems of English Verse
poem is followed by a gist of its theme and a detailed glossary Poetry Until the Nineteenth Century
and explanation of difficult lines.
Editors: Board of Editors
2008 978-81-250-3533-6 80 pp ` 120
Gems of English Verse is a textbook meant
Rights: Restricted
for second year students of BA English at
Kumaun University. It exhaustively covers
Distant Dreams the syllabus prescribed by the university
A Selection of English Poems for the study of English poetry. The
Editor: K. Samantray textbook brings together the best in English
poetry until the 19th century. Works by
Distant Dreams is an innovatively acknowledged masters in poetry, such
constructed anthology designed to turn as Shakespeare, Donne, Pope, Milton, Keats, Wordsworth,
undergraduate students into perceptive Browning, Arnold and many others are included.
readers of poetry by helping them make
reasoned speculations about a text, make 2015 978-81-250-5580-8 92 pp ` 75
a text-based argument and understand the Rights: Restricted
finer shades of meaning encoded into a
poem. Students are also encouraged through Immortal Melody
all the stages of reading to speculate, since competent reading A Collection of Poetry
is based on hypotheses formation and testing, necessitating
Editors: A. John, & T.N. Kolekar
going back to the text repeatedly. Each section focuses on
theme, genre, versification and use of poetic devices. Immortal Melody is a collection of poetry
which spans across the Elizabethan Age to
2011 978-81-250-4295-2 104 pp ` 110
the moderns, and includes representative
Rights: Restricted
poems from the significant poets of each of
these ages. There is a very good selection
from Indian and Commonwealth poetry
too. Each poem is amply substantiated
with a detailed note on the poet, a glossary
and an analytical explanation of the central
idea of the poem. It is hoped that the collection will enthuse

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students to look for other poems by the same poets and Poetry Down the Ages
learn not only poetic expression from the masters, but also (Periyar University)
ultimate truths of life as presented through poetic subtleties
Editors: Board of Editors
of thought.
The book comprises twenty-eight poems
2011 978-81-250-4372-0 68 pp ` 90
including classics and recent poetry.
Rights: Restricted
It includes glossary, comprehension
questions, and a short overview of poet’s
Pieirian Spring, The work and the selected poem.
An Anthology of English Poems
2013 978-81-250-5056-8 104 pp ` 75
Editors: R.M. Singh & S.S. Kumar Rights: Restricted
The Pierian Spring is an anthology of poetry
and is designed for undergraduate students
of English of Patna University. The purpose PROSE ANTHOLOGIES
of the book is to encourage students to read
and enjoy poetry. Written lucidly, this book Anthology of English Prose, An
will help students understand poetry better.
Editors: Department of English and
2008 978-81-7371-643-0 144 pp ` 125 Modern European Languages, Allahabad
Rights: Restricted University
This book comprises seven essays and
Poetic Palette, The three short stories. They come with
Editors: Board of Editors extensive annotations, a brief write up
about the author and extensive editorial
The book comprises thirty two poems
including classics and recent poetry.
It includes glossary, comprehension 2013 978-81-250-5227-2 94 pp ` 90
questions, and a short overview of poet’s Rights: Restricted
work and the selected poem.

2013 978-81-250-5196-1 108 pp ` 70 Approach to Life, The

Rights: Restricted (Re-issue)
Editors: Board of Editors
Poetic Symphony
An Anthology of Sonnets, Elegies, Odes and Ballads This book features a wide array of prose
pieces on diverse topics written by
Editors: Board of Editors, SRTM University renowned essayists like Charles Lamb,
Poetic Symphony is an optional English John Ruskin and Lord Macaulay. It aims at
textbook for second year undergraduates, providing a selection which makes for both
SRTM University, which consists of twenty- pleasurable and instructive reading.
four poems with glossary, comprehension 2015 978-81-250-5989-9 164pp `120
and exercises. Rights: World

2014 978-81-250-5606-5 152 pp ` 95

Rights: Restricted

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Endless Adventures: A Collection of English Prose is the

textbook of choice for undergraduate classrooms.
Best Words, The 2011 978-81-250-4302-7 144 pp ` 145
Editors: Board of Editors Rights: Restricted

Designed to acquaint undergraduate

students with the varieties of the essay Exploration of Ideas
form in English literature, this book features An Anthology of Prose
the broadest possible range of essays Editors: R.M. Singh & S. Singh
showcasing various styles, themes and
sub-genres, with selections ranging from This book is the prescribed prose anthology
the Bible to Virginia Woolf, from Francis for BA parts 1, 2, 3 English Honours
Bacon to Swami Vivekananda, from Charles and Subsidiary English at the Patna and
Lamb to Bernard Shaw, among other masters of the genre. Bhagalpur Universities.

2015 978-81-250-5754-3 116 pp ` 90 2010 978-81-250-3778-1 217 pp ` 125

Rights: Restricted Rights: Restricted

A Selection of English Prose
Delights in Prose Editor: F. Danta
Editors: Board of Editors This is an anthology for the students of
This is a collection of English essays by Alternative English at Dibrugarh University.
renowned authors. The essays showcase The anthology contains extracts from
the extraordinary talents of established icons the writings of Swami Vivekananda, Sri
of the genre. It includes a glossary and Aurobindo, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Satyajit
comprehension questions, to strengthen Ray, J.M. Coetzee, V.S. Naipaul and
the learners’ understanding of the text while Amitav Ghosh which introduce students to
developing their interpretive skills. refreshing styles in prose.

2014 978-81-250-5607-2 88 pp ` 70 2007 978-81-250-3385-1 80 pp ` 90

Rights: Restricted Rights: Restricted

Endless Adventures Gleanings from Home and Abroad

A Collection of English Prose Editors: Board of Studies
Editors: Board of Editors This book is a collection of essays which
Undergraduate classrooms in India have are diverse in their range and topics. Most
long felt the need for a textbook of English of the pieces contained in the book are
prose that combines a rich repertoire contemporary and socially relevant. The
of content with a strong communicative essays are followed by extensive notes
focus. Endless Adventures is that book. and comprehension questions that enable
Its thirteen carefully selected prose pieces students understand the essays.
range over diverse themes and forms and 2011 978-81-250-4294-5 160 pp ` 80
resonate topically at the levels of region, nation and the world. Rights: Restricted
Interactive discussion and questions relating to the texts, as
well as well-orchestrated exercises in grammar and writing, set
the book securely into that slot. Resourceful and inspirational,

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Indian Voices Modern Trailblazers

A Course in Literature and English Language
Authors: A.V. Dhote & H.B. Dhote
Editors: K. Chaudhary & S. Chawla
The book comprises sixteen biographical
This book contains a collection of essays on the world’s great entrepreneurs.
essays and short stories meant for the It includes glossary, vocabulary exercises,
undergraduate course in general English and comprehension questions.
for BA, BSc and BCom for the University of
Kota. Each chapter is followed by a detailed
2013 978-81-250-5194-7 124 pp ` 95
glossary to guide learners through the text.
Rights: Restricted
2012 978-81-250-4724-7 224 pp ` 125
Rights: World
NEHU Anthology of Select Literary Criticism
Editors: Shillong Forum for English Studies

Literature and Language I This book is meant for the English Honours
(Revised Edition) course of NEHU. The book comprises a
selection of literary critical texts beginning
Editors: Jaibir Hooda, Loveleen Mohan & Randeep Rana
with Aristotle up to T.S. Eliot. These texts
This is a textbook designed for undergraduate are introduced with a biographical note
students, and brings together an array of about the author, text synopsis, word notes
prose pieces and exhaustive lessons in at the end of each text and suggested
vocabulary, grammar and speaking and readings.
writing skills. The prose pieces included in 2011 978-81-250-4276-1 208 pp ` 125
the book are drawn from various cultural Rights: Restricted
and social contexts and provide a wide
range of perspectives on socially relevant themes and topics.
It includes glossary and comprehension questions. It also New Waves
has a separate chapter that introduces the phonology of the An Anthology of Prose
English Language. Editors: Board of Editors
2015 978-81-250-5982-0 156 pp ` 103 This book, with selected prose texts and
Rights: Restricted exercises, has been compiled to cater
to the needs of Directorate of Technical
Masters of English Prose Education, Tamil Nadu.
From Bacon to Beerbohm
2007 978-81-250-3272-4 56 pp ` 50
Editor: Board of Editors Rights: Restricted
Masters of English Prose is a textbook
meant for first-year students of BA English Panorama
at Kumaun University. It exhaustively covers Selected Essays and Short Stories
the syllabus prescribed by the university for Editors: Nandita Singh & Ajay Kumar Shukla
the study of English prose. The textbook
brings together the best in English prose This is a textbook meant for first-year
writing, from Bacon to Beerbohm. Works undergraduate students. The book
by acknowledged masters in the field, such acquaints students with essays and short
as Joseph Addison, Jonathan Swift, William Hazlitt, Aldous stories as literary forms, across different
Huxley, A.G. Gardiner and many others have been included. ages and countries. Biographical details
of the writers, the literary characteristics
2014 978-81-250-5581-5 124 pp ` 75
of their essays/short stories, explanatory
Rights: Restricted

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notes and critical analysis of essays/short stories make the Selected Essays
book student-friendly. An Anthology of English Essays for Undergraduate
2014 978-81-250-5255-5 127 pp ` 80
Rights: Restricted Editor: A. Kumar
The book is a collection of essays, written
Portraits in Prose by well-known English essayists, beginning
with Francis Bacon who is known as the
Editor: S. Jagadisan
father of the English essay. All the essays
This is an anthology of biographical included in the book are the best known
sketches. Each sketch deals with a works of their authors. The book also gives
well-known personality, his/her life and detailed notes on the author and his works
achievements. This is an ideal text for and a detailed glossary to help students
use at the undergraduate level for general with difficult words. The questions at the end of each chapter
English courses. are modelled on the exam papers.
2006 978-81-250-3079-9 116 pp ` 115 2013 978-81-250-4992-0 96 pp ` 75
Rights: Restricted Rights: Restricted

Reflections from the East and the West Specimens of English Prose
Editors: P.K. Singh & G. Sharma Editor: D.K. Sinha
Reflections from the East and the West is a Specimens of English Prose is a varied
collection of essays by eminent personalities selection of prose with exercises on
from India and abroad. These essays language skills. The exercises facilitate
are on issues of great human and social the process of acquiring skills in
significance and have been thematically communication necessary in the new
grouped in two sections. global situation. Writing tasks further
Each essay is followed by a rather enhance the value of the book by providing
detailed glossary, giving meanings of the practice in written communication.
words as used in the particular essay to enable the students
2007 978-81-250-3241-0 80 pp ` 80
to read and understand the essays on their own and also to
Rights: Restricted
help them enlarge their vocabulary.
2012 978-81-250-4696-7 128 pp ` 80
Rights: Restricted
Editors: Board of Editors
Selected College Prose The book comprises seven biographical
essays on the world’s great entrepreneurs
Editors: Board of Editors
and scientists and a short story. Includes
The book comprises fourteen prose pieces glossary, comprehension, and further
and nine short stories. It includes glossary, reading and related activities.
comprehension, and a short overview of
2013 978-81-250-5226-5 96 pp ` 110
author and selected text.
Rights: Restricted

2013 978-81-250-5057-5 156 pp ` 130

Rights: Restricted

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Famous Indian Stories
Delight and Wisdom (Re-issue)
An Anthology of Short Stories
Editor: M.G.N. Murthy
Editors: Board of Editors, Amravati University
This consists of nine stories from different
This is an anthology of short stories
parts of India, anthologised with the aim
for the second year BA students of
of familiarising Indian students with their
Amravati University. The collection is an
own culture and literature. Each story is
interesting mix of authors selected by
accompanied by an ample and informative
the Board of Studies and includes stories
glossary, comprehension and language
by Tagore, Premchand, Ruskin Bond,
exercises to enhance learning of the
R.K. Laxman, Maugham and O. Henry.
language through literature. The author has
2009 978-81-250-3716-3 104 pp ` 80 worked in his own long years of teaching experience in India
Rights: Restricted into the book to help students understand the fundamentals
of the language.
Dispelling the Silence 2014 978-81-250-5618-8 116 pp ` 95
Stories from the Commonwealth Countries Rights: Restricted
Editors: S. Shanmugaiah & G. Baskaran
This anthology is prepared with the intention Fragrance of Fiction, The
A Collection of Stories
of introducing the undergraduate student
to the literary and sociocultural contexts Editors: Board of Editors
of eight nations that once belonged to the
This anthology of short stories has been
British Commonwealth. As representative
prepared keeping in mind the requirements
stories by representative authors, the
of undergraduate courses in English
collection has an eminent place in the
Honours and General English. The textbook
history of world literatures. It includes the
contains seven short stories by well-known
prose fiction of Rabindranath Tagore, Chinua Achebe, Shashi
Indian, American and European writers. A
Deshpande, Janet Frame, Bessie Head and Henry Lawson
detailed glossary and a set of questions
among others. It leads the young reader from familiar to more
accompany each story in this collection.
unfamiliar experiences, from a perception of similarity to an
understanding and appreciation of differences, from the sense 2011 978-81-250-4502-1 60 pp ` 75
of diversity of cultures to the sense of unity among humanity, Rights: Restricted
all set against the individual and sociocultural landscape. The
exercises that follow each story draw the attention of the
Gems of Short Fiction
student to the thematic and technical aspects and lead them (Revised Edition)
on to additional insights into the creativity of these writers.
Editor: Madhu Mehrotra
2009 978-81-250-3704-0 140 pp ` 145
Rights: Restricted The book is a representative selection of
short stories comprising the works of well-
known British, American and European
short story writers. The collection also
includes the works of Indian writers in
English. Each story has an introduction to
the author and his works as also a synopsis
of the story. It is followed by a glossary, comprehension
questions and a list of books for further reading. The book

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has been prescribed for the BA first-year English course of Let’s Go Home and Other
Lucknow University and its affiliated colleges. Stories
2013 978-81-250-4304-1 96 pp ` 80 (Panjab University Edition)
Rights: Restricted Editor: Meenakshi Mukherjee

Glimpses of Life
Editors: Board of Editors
2011 978-81-250-0004-4 136 pp ` 135
This is a collection of short stories by Rights: Restricted
authors as wide ranging as Anton Chekhov,
R.K. Narayan, Tagore, Boman Desai, Kasturi
Srinivasan, R.P. Sisodia and Chinua Achebe.
The collection is meant to inspire students
Literature and Language II
to read more fiction and savour the works
of well-known writers. Editors: Jaibir Hooda, Loveleen Mohan & Randeep Rana
2007 978-81-250-3263-2 96 pp ` 75 Literature and Language II, a textbook
Rights: Restricted designed for undergraduate students,
brings together an array of short stories
and exhaustive lessons in vocabulary,
Let’s Go Home and Other Stories grammar and writing skills. The authors
Editor: Meenakshi Mukherjee featured here include Anita Desai, R.K.
Narayan, Temsula Ao and Premchand,
Let’s Go Home and Other Stories is an
among many others. Each of the chapters also includes
anthology comprising of fourteen short
lessons in vocabulary, grammar and writing skills that are
stories by contemporary and near-
specifically designed to help students develop and hone their
contemporary Indian writers. All the stories
linguistic competence.
in this volume are set in the 20th century—
though at different points of time and in 2015 978-81-250-5846-5 148 pp ` 98
different locations in India. It is aimed at Rights: Restricted
degree students in Indian universities who
are likely to be familiar with the milieu of these stories. This
Prose Parables
new edition includes two new stories, updated notes on the
authors and a more extensive glossary which will aid the Editors: Board of Editors
students to grasp the subtleties of the stories better. There The book comprises fifteen popular short
is a section which includes comprehension questions and stories. It includes glossary, comprehension
language work at the end of each chapter. The comprehension questions, and a short overview of author
questions test the students’ understanding of the stories, along and selected text.
with inviting them to engage with the stories in a deeper way
by raising points for perusal and debate. The ‘Language Work’ 2013 978-81-250-5195-4 116 pp ` 80
exercises are wide-ranging and pertinent to those seeking a Rights: Restricted
better command of the English language.
2009 978-81-250-3745-3 136 pp ` 135 Rainbow
Rights: Restricted A Collection of Short Stories
Editors: R.S. Jain, Bharati Khairnar &
Ashok Chaskar
This is an anthology of short stories
prepared for undergraduate students
specialising in English. The book brings

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 18 23/11/2015 12:52:28


together a range of short stories by authors who have Dramatic Moments

influenced this form of literature are now considered masters Five One-act Plays
in the field, including Tolstoy, Chekhov, Maupassant, O. Henry,
Editors: R. Meera Baby & L. Varghese
R.K. Narayan and Saki. Information about the author and the
story accompany every text, along with a glossary section. The book comprises five one-act plays.
Comprehension questions at the end of the unit are designed It includes glossary, comprehension
to test the learners’ understanding of the stories. questions and a short overview of author
and selected text.
2014 978-81-250-5534-1 148 pp ` 95
Rights: Restricted 2013 978-81-250-5165-7 100 pp ` 60
Rights: Restricted


One-act Plays
Book of Plays, A Editor: K. Sujatha
Editors: Board of Editors, The primary objective of this book is to
University of Kerala expose students to the world of one-act
plays and to help them develop an interest
A Book of Plays comprises
in the enlightening and entertaining
five one-act plays and Act V of
aspects of the theatre. Each play included
Othello. Published for the University of
in this anthology is accompanied by a brief
Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, the book
sketch of the authors and their works, a
introduces to the reader, the one-act play
glossary and comprehension exercises.
as a genre. Notes on the author, glossary and exercises make
The collection is unique as it includes one Russian, one
the book easy for the reader to understand.
British, one American, one Spanish, one Ugandan and one
2010 978-81-250-4012-5 136 pp ` 75 Indian play.
Rights: Restricted
2011 978-81-250-4291-4 104 pp ` 105
Rights: Restricted
Curtain Raised, The
Five One-Act Plays
Plays in One Act
Editors: R.L. Sharma & A. Khurana
Editor: Mohammed Elias
The book comprises five one-act plays.
An overview of the playwright’s biographic The book comprises four one-act plays.
profile along with a brief textual analysis It includes glossary, comprehension
regarding themes and characterisation questions, and a short overview of the
precedes each play, which is followed by playwright and selected play.
annotations and exercises.
2013 978-0-10106-131-5 72 pp ` 70
2013 978-81-250-5271-5 156 pp ` 90 Rights: Restricted
Rights: Restricted

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Plays in One Act

Editor: Mohammed Elias
English for Better Performance
This is a collection of five one-act (with audio CD)
plays along with notes, exercises and
Editors: Board of Editors
glossary that will be useful for students of
undergraduate courses. The plays pertain This book contains instructional material
to universal themes and concerns. and activities for learning and teaching
English at the undergraduate level. The
material is based on selections from drama
2014 978-0-10106-322-7 124 pp ` 100 with a thrust on language, literature, and
Rights: Restricted life skills. This textbook is accompanied by
an audio CD, comprising activities that are
designed to augment the listening skills of the learners.
COMBINED ANTHOLOGIES 2014 978-81-250-5620-1 232 ` 225
Rights: Restricted

Breakthrough English for Life Skills

Editors: Board of editors Editors: Board of Editors, Davangere University
Breakthrough closely follows the English for Life Skills is a collection of prose
recommendations made by the University and poetry that is designed to suit any
Grants Commission for the Compulsory undergraduate English language learning
English undergraduate syllabus, and offers course, whether it is compulsory, optional,
a pedagogically comprehensive course in fundamental or advanced. The book is
English. Besides prose, poetry, grammar split into two semesters, each semester
and vocabulary, the book also includes a containing five prose and five poetry pieces.
section on soft skills, whose importance Each unit includes a note about the author,
in both academic and professional contexts is now widely a glossary and a comprehension section. The exercises are
recognised. designed to test and train the learner’s critical faculty while
2015 978-81-250-5969-1 176 pp ` 100 building on their language and vocabulary skills.
Rights: Restricted 2012 978-81-250-4702-5 124 pp ` 75
Rights: Restricted
Brookside Musings
A Selection of Poems and Short Stories English Language through Literature
Editors: Forum for English Studies, Assam University A Textbook for Undergraduate Studies

Brookside Musings is a carefully edited Editors: Board of Editors

compilation of poems and short stories The book comprises six prose pieces, six
in English by British, American and Indian poems, and questions for comprehension
writers. Meanings and explanations have practice. It includes glossary,
been provided to guide students through comprehension and a short overview of
the texts as well as introductions to the author and selected text.
authors and the poems or short stories and
comprehension sections.
2013 978-81-250-5229-6 120 pp ` 125
2008 978-81-250-3530-5 80 pp ` 95 Rights: Restricted
Rights: Restricted

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English Language through Literature II Exploring Language and Literature

A Textbook for Under Graduate Studies
Editors: Board of Editors
Editors: Board of Editors, Adikavi Nannaya University
This is an anthology of prose and poetry
This is a textbook of English prose and containing ten poems and ten prose
poetry for undergraduate students. The pieces (short stories/essays). This
authors of the texts range from Ruskin Bond collection features authors from around
to Robert Frost. Each text is followed by a the world. Each unit also contains a
glossary and comprehension questions short biographical note on the author, a
covering aspects of the text, as well as glossary of difficult words and phrases
exercises in language study. in the text, and a comprehension section.
2014 978-81-250-5562-4 120 pp ` 125 The comprehension section contains three sets of questions
Rights: Restricted ranging from those that can be answered in a couple of
sentences to those that need to be answered in about 250
English Literature
Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries 2012 978-81-250-4704-9 128 pp ` 75
Rights: Restricted
Editors: Board of Editors
The book comprises six poems, one play, First Degree Language Textbook for
explanation of some literary terms and Mangalore University
several critical essays on literature of these (BSc Semester 1)
ages. It includes glossary, comprehension
questions, and a short overview of author Editors: Board of Editors
and selected text. This is a textbook of general English for
2013 978-81-250-5200-5 372 pp ` 325 first semester BSc students and is a
Rights: Restricted literature-based anthology with prose and
poetry pieces. Each unit is followed by
comprehension questions, vocabulary
English Literature work as well as tasks in grammar derived
The Romantic Age from the text. A glossary and a note on the
Author: Board of Editors author are also provided.

The book focuses on English literature 2014 978-81-250-5527-3 144 pp ` 105

during the Romantic Age. It begins with an Rights: Restricted
essay discussing Romanticism in English
literature and its features. It then examines
poems by four major Romantic poets (each
of the poetry units includes an introduction First Degree Language Textbook for
to the poet and the poem, as well as a Mangalore University
glossary and comprehension questions). (BSc Semester 2)
The book concludes with a detailed, critical essay on Jane
Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice. Editors: Board of Editors

2014 978-81-250-5456-6 92 pp ` 85 This is a textbook of general English for

Rights: Restricted second semester BSc students and is a
literature-based anthology with prose and
poetry pieces. Each unit is followed by
comprehension questions, vocabulary
work as well as tasks in grammar derived

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 21 23/11/2015 12:52:32


from the text. A glossary and a note on the author are also Fusion
provided. An Anthology for Advanced Learners
2015 978-81-250-5528-0 144 pp ` 105 Editors: Board of Editors
Rights: Restricted
Fusion: An Anthology for Advanced
Learners is a collection of prose and poetry
First Degree Language Textbook for that is designed to suit any undergraduate
Mangalore University English language learning course, whether
(BCom Semester 1) it is compulsory, optional, fundamental or
advanced, and is based on the guidelines
Editors: Board of Editors
recommended by the University Grants
This is a textbook of general English for Commission.
first semester BCom students and is a
2012 978-81-250-4667-7 68 pp ` 60
literature-based anthology with prose and
Rights: Restricted
poetry pieces. Each unit is followed by
comprehension questions, vocabulary
work as well as tasks in grammar derived Gems of English Prose and Poetry
from the text. A glossary and a note on the
Editors: A. Chaskar, A. Kulkarni &
author are also provided.
V. Madge
2014 978-81-250-5526-6 144 pp ` 105
The book comprises nine prose pieces,
Rights: Restricted
ten poems and one short story. Brief
introductions to the text, writer and
theme are given, as also a glossary and
First Degree Language Textbook for
2013 978-81-250-5203-6 148 pp ` 110
Mangalore University Rights: Restricted
(BCom Semester 2)
Editors: Board of Editors
Glimpses of English Literature
This is a textbook of general English for
Editors: Board of Editors
second semester BCom students and is
a literature-based anthology with prose Glimpses of English Literature is a textbook
and poetry pieces. Each unit is followed designed to offer undergraduate students
by comprehension questions, vocabulary an exposure to the field of English literature
work as well as tasks in grammar derived and literary criticism to help them achieve a
from the text. A glossary and a note on the critical understanding of literary texts while
author are also provided. sharpening their literary sensibility and
developing their fluency in the language.
2015 978-81-250-5525-9 144 pp ` 105
In general terms, the book covers literary
Rights: Restricted
terms, history of English literature, poetry, drama and literary
criticism. The chapter on the history of English literature
covers briefly yet comprehensively the modern period from
1900–1960; the chapter on poetry has study materials on
the poems of the renowned modern poets Yeats, Eliot, Auden
and Larkin; the chapter on drama offers a critical introduction
to G.B. Shaw’s acclaimed play Saint Joan; and the chapter
on literary criticism undertakes a simple analysis of ‘The

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 22 23/11/2015 12:52:33


Formalist Critics’, an essay by the American literary critic the authors and texts, along with detailed notes, a glossary of
Cleanth Brooks. difficult words and lines, and comprehension questions make
this an ideal textbook for BA Special English courses.
2012 978-81-250-5058-2 92 pp ` 130
Rights: Restricted 2015 978-81-7370-456-7 88 pp ` 100
Rights: Restricted
Golden Petals
An Anthology of Prose and Verse for Advanced Honey Dew
Editors: Board of Editors
Editors: Board of Editors, Saurashtra University
This is a textbook meant for third-year
Golden Petals: An Anthology of Prose and undergraduate courses. The book consists
Verse for Advanced Learners is a collection of sections on prose, poetry, one-act plays
of prose and poetry that is designed to and writing skills.
suit any undergraduate English language
learning course, whether it is compulsory, 2014 978-81-250-5585-3 192pp ` 100
optional, fundamental or advanced, and is Rights: Restricted
based on the guidelines recommended by
the University Grants Commission. Images
A Selection of Prose, Poetry and Plays
2012 978-81-250-4697-4 68 pp ` 60
Rights: Restricted Editors: K.A. Suresh & P. Raj
Images is an anthology of prose, poetry
Golden Threshold and plays, and is designed for Rajasthan
An Anthology of One-Act Plays and Stories Technical University’s undergraduate
Editors: K.R. Ranjith Krishnan & K.L. learner’s (Semester I, BTech) of English.
Rajalekshmi The purpose of the book is to encourage
students to read and enjoy reading.
The book comprises three one-act plays
and five short stories. It includes glossary, 2008 978-81-7371-640-9 216 pp ` 130
comprehension and a short overview of Rights: Restricted
author and selected text.

2014 978-81-250-5440-5 132 pp ` 95 Images

Rights: Restricted A Textbook for College Students
Editors: Board of Editors
Images has been specially prepared
keeping in mind the recommendations of
the National Knowledge Commission (NKC)
Editors: Board of Editors and the University Grants Commission
Headway has been designed in line with (UGC) with regard to Continuous and
the Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) and the
guidelines of the University Grants newly introduced Choice-Based Credit
Commission (UGC). It has an extensive System (CBCS). It provides a link to
philology section, covering the history what students have learnt so far at the school level, while
and development of the English language, simultaneously taking them forward to hone their linguistic
as well as selections from Donne, Bacon, competence. The book gives undergraduate students a
Gray and Milton. Helpful introductions to

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 23 23/11/2015 12:52:35


thorough grounding in the basic skills of the English language, Indian Literature in English
helping young learners keep pace with the ever-increasing An Anthology
standards of higher education in the wake of continuous
Editors: D.G. Murdeshwar-Katre & D. Mujumdar
Indian Literature in English: An Anthology
2015 978-81-250-5951-6 180 pp ` 100
is prepared as a textbook for undergraduate
Rights: Restricted
students, based on the syllabus for
S.Y.B.A. English (Ancillary) Programme
Impact at the University of Mumbai. It includes
short fiction and poems from a variety of
Editors: Board of Editors
Indian literary traditions and sources and
The book comprises eight prose pieces, three provides students with easily accessible
poems, and grammar and communication introductions that would familiarise them with these texts and
items. It includes glossary, comprehension their contexts. Model question papers are provided at the end
questions, a short overview of author and of the book.
selected text as well as exercises.
2012 978-81-250-4722-3 76 pp ` 85
2013 978-81-250-4654-7 156 pp ` 95 Rights: Restricted
Rights: Restricted

Inspiring Expressions
Editors: Board of Editors
Editor: Muhammed Ayub Kallingal
Imprints is an anthology of prose and
poetry containing ten poems and ten Inspiring Expressions has been prepared
prose pieces (short stories/essays). This keeping in mind the specific needs of
collection features authors from around the undergraduate students in the second
world. In addition to the text of the poem/ semester of the common course in
prose piece, each unit also contains a short English, University of Calicut. The text is a
biographical note on the author, a glossary carefully selected anthology of poetry and
of difficult words and phrases in the text, short stories meant to instruct and delight
and a comprehension section. The comprehension section its young readers, and features a vast variety of writers. It
contains three sets of questions ranging from those that can aims to develop fluency in the English language, as well as
be answered in a couple of sentences to those that need to be foster an interest in its literature.
answered in about 250 words. 2014 978-81-250-5696-6 80 pp ` 60
2012 978-81-250-4701-8 136 pp ` 65 Rights: Restricted
Rights: Restricted

(Karnataka University) Interface
English Literature and Language
Editors: Board of Editors (Re-issue)
This is a collection of prose and poetry pieces. Editors: A. Chaskar, A. Jadhav &
2014 978-81-250-5557-0 136pp ` 105 S. Pagare
Rights: Restricted Interface is a composite textbook,
comprising elements that have traditionally
been taught as two separate entities—
literature and language. By compiling

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 24 23/11/2015 12:52:36


both these components together, the editors have tried to Joy of Reading, The
give students a better insight into learning the language and A Textbook for College Students
hope that the language skills learnt in the literature class are
Editors: Board of Editors
transferred to real-life situations. The collection includes
essays, short stories, poetry and one-act plays. This is a textbook for first-year
undergraduate courses. The book consists
2014 978-81-250-5697-3 184 pp ` 80
of sections on prose, poetry, short stories
Rights: Restricted
and writing skills.
2014 978-81-250-5584-6 136 pp ` 100
Rights: Restricted
(English Textbook for 2nd-Year BBM courses) Joy of Reading Literature, The
Selected Prose and Poetry
Editors: Board of Editors
Editor: S. Narayan
This is a textbook of prose, poetry and
one-act plays meant for undergraduate This is an anthology for the undergraduate
courses in general English. There are ten students of Pune University. It has
texts in all, each accompanied by a very selections from the works of Emily
comprehensive glossary, questions on the Dickinson, Shakespeare, Rabindranath
text per se, and also a detailed paragraph Tagore, Wordsworth, Robert Frost, R.K.
on the life and contributions of the author. Narayan, O. Henry, Boman Desai and
Anurag Mathur among others.
2015 978-81-250-5981-3 96 pp ` 70
Rights: Restricted 2008 978-81-250-3523-7 124 pp ` 105
Rights: Restricted

Journey through Words

Language, Literature and Creativity
Editors: Board of Editors English
Journey through Words is an anthology of (Foundation Course)
prose and poetry with ten prose pieces and Editor: S.P. Kumar
ten poems. Each unit has a write-up about
the author, a useful glossary, comprehension The book comprises a selection of
questions, vocabulary and language work contemporary writing across genres. It
as well as writing exercises. includes comprehension questions, and
exercises to enhance critical thinking.
2013 978-81-250-5263-0 176 pp ` 93
2007 978-81-250-3259-5 124 pp ` 110 Rights: Restricted
Rights: Restricted

Language through Context

Journey through Words
(Gondwana University Edition) Editors: Board of Studies, BAMU
Editors: Board of Editors
This is an anthology meant for college
2012 978-81-250-4715-5 124 pp ` 100 classes, consisting of ten prose pieces
Rights: Restricted and ten poems from well-known and
lesser known writers. Each unit is followed
by an extensive glossary and a set of
comprehension questions that enable

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 25 23/11/2015 12:52:37


the student to completely grasp the different aspects of the Literary Landscapes
piece. An Anthology of Prose and Poetry
2012 978-81-250-4717-9 152 pp ` 90 Editors: Ashok Chaskar, R.S. Jain & Bharati Khairnar
Rights: Restricted
An anthology of prose and poetry, designed
to meet the requirements of students
Lights and Delights enrolled for second-year BA courses. The
Compulsory Textbook for Undergraduates writers featured are Mahatma Gandhi,
Rabindranath Tagore, Walt Whitman,
Editors: Board of Editors
Kamala Das, Maya Angelou and others.
Lights and Delights is a collection of literary The section on language aims at helping
pieces in English, both prose and poetry, students develop and hone their linguistic
and a few important topics in functional competence, focusing on vocabulary, grammar and written
grammar. It also provides a preliminary communication.
introduction to phonetics. It includes a
2014 978-81-250-5533-4 168 pp ` 95
range of major and representative writers
Rights: Restricted
and poets.
2014 978-81-250-5605-8 152 pp ` 95
Rights: Restricted
Literary Pinnacles
Editors: Board of Editors
Literary Experiences Literary Pinnacles, a composite textbook
(English Textbook for 1st Year BA/BSW Courses) for students at undergraduate level, is
a combination of lessons in language,
Editors: Board of Editors
literature, and communication and soft
This is a textbook of prose and poetry skills, designed to meet the requirements
meant for undergraduate courses in general of students enrolled for third-year BA
English. There are eighteen texts in all, each courses.
accompanied by a very comprehensive
2015 978-81-250-5931-8 160 pp ` 100
glossary, questions on the text per se, and
Rights: Restricted
also a detailed paragraph on the life and
contributions of the author.
2015 978-81-250-5962-2 96 pp ` 65
Rights: Restricted Literary Pursuits
(English Textbook for 1st-Year BSc/BCom Courses)
Literary Horizon Editors: Board of Editors, Kuvempu University
Editors: Board of Editors This is a textbook of prose and poetry
This anthology comprises five poems, meant for undergraduate courses in general
five prose pieces, and the complete English. There are eighteen texts in all, each
unabridged text of William Shakespeare’s accompanied by a very comprehensive
play Macbeth. Each unit includes glossary, glossary, questions on the text per se, and
comprehension, and a short overview of also a detailed paragraph on the life and
author and selected text. contributions of the author

2013 978-81-250-5198-5 216 pp ` 85 2015 978-81-250-5963-9 104 pp ` 65

Rights: Restricted Rights: Restricted

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 26 23/11/2015 12:52:38


Literary Vistas cultures and perspectives, is an attempt to

An Anthology of Prose and Poetry sensitise students to some of the complex
socioeconomic realities of the world around
Editors: Ashok Chaskar, R.S. Jain & Bharati Khairnar
them. It presents a variety of viewpoints
This is an anthology of prose and poetry, on a range of interrelated issues—human
designed to meet the requirements of rights, discriminations based on racial
second-year undergraduates. The first and caste boundaries, gender issues,
section includes J.B.S. Haldane, P.B. issues related to globalisation and the new
Shelley, William Wordsworth, Imtiaz Dharker economic order, etc., and features some of the most prominent
and Rudyard Kipling, among many others. writers of the past and the present, including Roland Barthes,
The second section addresses students’ Pablo Neruda, Kamala Das, Sylvia Plath, Nabaneeta Dev Sen
language needs. It aims at helping students and others.
develop and hone their linguistic competence, vocabulary,
2013 978-81-250-5012-4 188 pp ` 115
grammar and written communication.
Rights: Restricted
2014 978-81-250-5532-7 172 pp ` 95
Rights: Restricted
Living Literatures
An Anthology of Prose and Poetry
Literature and Beyond Editor: V. Sood
Editors: Board of Editors
Living Literatures is an anthology of
Literature and Beyond is an anthology of shorter readings prescribed for the second
prose, poetry and drama that has been and third year of the Discipline Course in
put together for undergraduate students. English in Delhi University. The first part
The intention is not only to introduce them of the anthology illustrates major trends
to literature but also to sensitise them in the development of English Literature
to a variety of social issues that they will and includes works of authors like Donne,
encounter beyond the classroom. Texts Shakespeare, Blake and Hardy while the
by Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda, second part introduces students to postcolonial literature with
Chinua Achebe, Joseph Stiglitz and Mina Assadi feature in poems and short stories by writers like Neruda, Marquez,
this anthology. The issues dealt with range from conflict Mahasweta Devi and Ngugi. Themes of national identity, the
within the private spaces of the family to the advantages and effect of colonial rule on a country’s language and culture,
disadvantages of globalisation. Each text is followed by a the resistance to capitalist/patriarchal oppression and use of
brief write-up on the author, an exhaustive glossary, a set of relatively new techniques like magic realism are all represented
comprehension questions, and project work. The glossary and in this section.
the questions are intended to help the student achieve a critical
2007 978-81-250-3166-6 200 pp ` 210
understanding of each text while sharpening their literary
Rights: Restricted
sensibility and developing their fluency in the language. The
suggestions for project work help students go beyond the text
and make them capable of handling classroom discussions NEHU Anthology of Short Plays and
independently. Biographies
2010 978-81-250-4049-1 112 pp ` 95 Editors: Shillong Forum for English
Rights: Restricted Studies
NEHU Anthology of Short Plays and
Literature and Contemporary Issues Biographies is meant for the NEHU
undergraduate courses. The book includes
Editors: T.Y. Aravindakshan & C.R. Murukan Babu
two short plays, The Ghost of Jerry Bundler
Literature and Contemporary Issues, a collection of prose,
poetry, short fiction and drama drawn from various periods,

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 27 23/11/2015 12:52:41


and The Bishop’s Candlesticks, and biographies of two very On Track

successful entrepreneurs—Henry Ford and N.R. Narayana A Textbook for College Students
Editors: Board of Editors
2010 978-81-250-4037-8 64 pp ` 90
This is a textbook for first-year under-
Rights: Restricted
graduate courses. The book consists
of sections on prose, poetry and
New Avenues communication skills.
An Anthology of Prose and Poetry
2014 978-81-250-5583-9 172 pp ` 95
(Amravathi University Edition)
Rights: Restricted
Editors: Mohammed Farooqullah, et al.
This is an anthology of prose and poetry
with exercises in comprehension and
interpretation which are suitable for the Overtures
degree level, for the purpose of teaching the Editors: Board of Editors
language to students from different regional
Overtures is an anthology of English
short stories and one-act plays for
2005 978-81-250-2872-7 100 pp ` 110 undergraduate students. It brings together
Rights: Restricted a range of texts that cover a wide variety of
themes and genres. Every story and play
New Dawn is accompanied by an introduction to the
An Anthology of Prose and Poetry author and the text, along with a glossary
section that explains the meanings of
Editors: Board of Editors difficult words. Comprehension questions at the end of each
The book comprises ten prose pieces unit test the learners’ understanding of the text, and offer them
and ten poems. It includes glossary, an opportunity to develop their critical appreciation skills.
comprehension and a short overview of 2015 196 pp ` 95
author and selected text. Rights: Restricted

2013 978-81-250-5164-0 96 pp ` 95
Rights: Restricted Pathway to Success, A

New Horizons Editors: Board of Editors, Pune University

Editors: Board of Editors A Pathway to Success is an anthology
of prose and poetry. It also comprises
The book comprises five prose pieces,
units on oral and written communication
five poems, and three plays. It includes
in English. This comprehensive selection
glossary, comprehension and a short
helps students enhance their language skills as well as develop
overview of author and selected text.
a literary sensibility. The Introductory notes, glossaries, and
exercises provided with the units make the textbook easily
comprehensible and student friendly.
2013 978-81-250-5193-0 132 pp ` 70
Rights: Restricted 2014 978-81-250-5710-9 168 pp ` 85
Rights: Restricted

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 28 23/11/2015 12:52:43


Reading and Response

Editors: Board of Editors
Reading and Response is a textbook with
Editors: Board of Editors an introduction to important and common
Phoenix, a composite textbook for students literary terms, representative literary
at undergraduate level, is a combination of essays, short fiction and poetry which
lessons in language and literature, designed features authors from around the world
to meet the requirements of students and from various literary and historical
enrolled for BA, BSc and BCom at Tripura contexts. There are twenty critical terms
University. explained, twenty poems, three short
stories, two essays, one play and one novel divided equally
2015 978-81-250-5753-6 244pp ` 160
into sections for two semesters. Each essay, short story and
Rights: Restricted
poem carries a detailed write-up on the author, a synopsis and
also a glossary and analytical/interpretative questions.
Pierian Spring, The 2012 978-81-250-4711-7 244 pp ` 215
A Textbook of Language and Literature
Rights: Restricted
Editors: Board of Editors, Jammu University
The Pierian Spring, a composite textbook Reflections
for students at undergraduate level, is a
Editors: Board of Editors
combination of lessons in language and
literature, designed to meet the requirements Reflections is a collection of six prose
of undergraduates at the University of pieces and four one-act plays prescribed
Jammu. The textbook presents a collection for SGBA University. The selected authors
of literary pieces—essays, biographical include Somerset Maugham, M.K. Gandhi,
pieces, short stories and poems drawn J. Krishnamurti and Anton Chekhov, and
from various cultural and social contexts. It aims at helping the texts encompass letters, essays, short
students develop and hone their linguistic competence, stories and plays from genres as diverse
focusing on applied grammar, and reading, writing and as horror, comedy, autobiography and
speaking skills. serious drama. Each text is accompanied by a short write-
up on the author, an extensive glossary (covering not just
2015 978-81-250-5673-7 216 pp ` 90
difficult words but also cultural/historical references and
Rights: Restricted
allusions), and exercises that reinforce and test the student’s
Points of View
2010 978-81-250-4039-2 156 pp ` 135
Editors: Board of Editors Rights: Restricted
Points of View consists of five prose
pieces, five poems and one play of Ibsen. It Remappings
includes glossary, comprehension, related An Anthology for Degree Classes
activities, further reading suggestions and
Editors: Board of Editors
a short overview of the author concerned.
Remappings: An Anthology for Degree
Classes has been put together with the
2013 978-81-250-5192-3 164 pp ` 70 intention of exposing undergraduate
Rights: Restricted students to good examples of fiction,
drama and poetry in English that will not
only add to the learner’s language skills
but also sharpen their understanding of

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 29 23/11/2015 12:52:45


the plurality of cultural experiences in different contexts. This

collection includes shorts stories and poems by writers from
around the world. The drama section contains the unabridged Significations
version of Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House while the section (English Textbook for 1st-Year BBM Courses)
on writing skills will help develop the student’s abilities at
Editors: Board of Editors
written communication. All four sections in this anthology are
supplemented by supporting notes and backed by exercises This is a textbook of prose, poetry and one-
that focus on pedagogic and cultural issues. act plays meant for undergraduate courses
in general English. There are sixteen
2012 978-81-250-4747-6 192 pp ` 185
texts in all, each accompanied by a very
Rights: Restricted
comprehensive glossary, questions on the
text per se, and also a detailed paragraph
Response on the life and contributions of the author.
Editors: Board of Editors 2015 978-81-250-5964-6 108 pp ` 70
This is a selection of prose, poetry and Rights: Restricted
one-act plays chosen with care so that
students gain appreciation of literature and Signposts
also develop sensitivity to social issues.
Editors: Board of Editors
The comprehension questions and the
glossary enhance students’ understanding This collection comprises five prose pieces,
of the text. five poems, and the complete unabridged
text of William Shakespeare’s play Julius
2013 978-81-250-5197-8 120 pp ` 80
Caesar. Each unit includes glossary,
Rights: Restricted
comprehension, a short introduction to
the author and the text, along with a class
Road to Literature activity as well as suggestions for further
Editors: Board of Editors reading.

Road to Literature is an anthology of 2013 978-81-250-5237-1 192 pp ` 75

prose, poetry and drama prepared for Rights: Restricted
undergraduate students. The intention is
not only to introduce them to the literary
works of canonical writers such as William
Shakespeare, John Keats and Robert Silver Lining
Frost, but also to draw their attention to A Textbook for College Students
the work of more contemporary writers Editors: Board of Editors, VNGS University
who focus on socially relevant issues such as Partition, the
after-effects of colonisation, the generation divide, and so on. Specially prepared keeping in mind
This collection includes prose and poetry by academicians the recommendations of the National
and path-breaking writers such as Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Bessie Knowledge Commission (NKC) and the
Head and Maya Angelou. Each piece is accompanied by a University Grants Commission (UGC) with
brief write-up about the author to enable the student to place regard to Continuous and Comprehensive
the text in the socio-political scenario it emerges from. This is Evaluation (CCE) and the newly introduced
followed by an extensive glossary, comprehension questions Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS), the
and project work to reinforce understanding as well as to aid book thus gives undergraduate students a
in critical analysis and self-expression. thorough grounding in the basic skills of the English language,
helping young learners keep pace with the ever-increasing
2010 978-81-250-4053-8 208 pp ` 95
Rights: Restricted

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 30 23/11/2015 12:52:47


standards of higher education in the wake of continuous essays, poems and short stories are selected from literatures
globalisation. written in English.
2015 978-81-250-5950-9 204 pp ` 100 2012 978-81-250-4795-7 192 pp ` 95
Rights: Restricted Rights: Restricted

Under the Greenwood Tree

Reading for Pleasure and Comprehension
Staying Ahead
Editor: Murali Sivaramakrishnan
Editors: Board of Editors, Solapur University
Under the Greenwood Tree: Reading
Staying Ahead is designed to suit for Pleasure and Comprehension is
the Compulsory English syllabus a prescribed textbook for the second
recommended by the University Grants year BA, BSc and BCom courses of
Commission. With sections on prose, Pondicherry University. It contains short
poetry, grammar and vocabulary, and oral fiction, non-fictional prose extracts and
and written communication skills, it offers poetry. Each extract, essay or poem is
a pedagogically comprehensive course in followed by a glossary, related activities,
English. questions and notes where required. The teaching of language
has now become closely linked to the teaching of soft skills,
2015 978-81-250-5970-7 184 pp ` 100
communication and interpersonal skills. Learning a language
Rights: Restricted
also means understanding the culture that has given rise to
that language and its metaphor. An attempt has been made
Time’s Inscriptions in this textbook to impart a complete learning experience
Editors: Shillong Forum for English Studies to students of undergraduate courses with the belief that a
language textbook can be both a source of learning and of
Time’s Inscriptions is an anthology of prose pleasure.
and poetry prescribed for the undergraduate
courses at NEHU. The book contains 2011 978-81-250-4418-5 84 pp ` 80
selections of prose and poetry from English Rights: Restricted
literature. The texts are followed by a brief
introduction to the author/poet and a critical Vibrant English
analysis. (with audio CD)
2010 978-81-250-3983-9 124 pp ` 120 Editors: Board of Editors
Rights: Restricted
The book comprises three short stories,
three poems and several language and
Timeless Thoughts communication items. It includes extensive
(Revised Edition) exercises, glossary and comprehension
Editors: Posh Charak, Rita Saldanha & Sucheta Pathania questions. Accompanied by audio CD.

Timeless Thoughts an anthology of prose, 2013 978-81-250-5251-7 212 pp ` 195

poetry and short stories is a prescribed Rights: Restricted
textbook for compulsory English for the
first year of the three-year degree course
of the University of Jammu. This anthology
has been prepared keeping in mind the
objectives of the English course. The

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 31 23/11/2015 12:52:49


Winged Thoughts
An Anthology for Degree Classes
Victorian Literature and Modern Indian Editors: Board of Editors
Winged Thoughts is an anthology for degree
Editors: Arjun Sengupta & Jayati Gupta classes prescribed by the Rashtrsanth
This is an optional English textbook for Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University for the
third-year undergraduates courses. It BA Part II course in English.
contains sections of Victorian prose, poetry 2009 978-81-250-3662-3 226 pp ` 130
and fiction, along with a background to the Rights: Restricted
Victorian age. The final section of the book
contains poems and shorts stories from a
variety of modern Indian writers translated Words and Beyond
into English. Editors: Board of Editors
2014 978-81-250-5609-6 384pp ` 125 Words and Beyond is an anthology of
Rights: Restricted prose and poetry which features authors
from around the world. There are ten prose
Visionary Gleam pieces and ten poems, divided equally into
A Selection of Prose & Poetry sections for two semesters. Each unit has
a detailed note on the author, a glossary of
Editors: Ashok Chaskar, Arjun Jadhav & difficult words and phrases in the text, and
Sanjay Pagare a comprehension section with questions
The book comprises eight prose pieces that require both short and long answers, mainly pertaining
and six poems combined with units on to the text.
grammar and communication skills. 2012 978-81-250-4703-2 124 pp ` 75
Information about the author, text, glossary Rights: Restricted
and questions are given.
2013 978-81-250-5204-3 168 pp ` 85 Words and Beyond
Rights: Restricted (Karnataka University Edition)
Editors: Board of Editors
Voice and Vision
An Anthology for Degree Classes 2014 978-81-250-5555-6 120 pp ` 75
Rights: Restricted
Editors: Board of Editors
This is an anthology for college classes, Words and Beyond
consisting of ten prose pieces and ten (Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University Edition)
poems, with each unit carrying a detailed
glossary, questions on the context and Editors: Board of Editors
meaning of the piece and also a section on 2014 978-81-250-5554-9 120 pp ` 75
writing activities related to the theme of the Rights: Restricted

2013 978-81-250-4742-1 124 pp ` 85

Rights: Restricted

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 32 23/11/2015 12:52:50


ENGLISH LANGUAGE Authentic English for Home Science and

Allied Sciences
Advanced Skills in English Editors: David A. Hill & P. Ilangovan
(with audio CD)
The focus in these books is on the
Authors: E. Suresh Kumar et al. communicative and interactive approach to
This book is designed to meet the present- teach the four skills of listening, speaking,
day needs of students in language, reading and writing. The materials used
communication and people skills. in this book are materials from the real
The twelve units of prose and poetry world of science and technology. Reading,
include pre-reading questions, glossary, writing, listening and speaking tasks are
comprehension questions, and activities preceded by pre-reading, pre-writing, pre-listening and pre-
related to the text. Language development speaking tasks.
exercises and activities focus on writing, pronunciation, 2002 978-81-250-2290-9 64 pp ` 90
listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary. The soft skills Rights: World
sections aid in personality development, and in the building
and improving of interpersonal relations. Accompanied by an
audio CD containing listening texts and aids to pronunciation, Basics of Academic English 1
is an ideal course book for students looking to improve their Authors: D. Achar, R. Barrett, S. Dash, C. Jain, S. Ketkar &
communication skills in English. A. Mujumdar
2014 978-81-250-5559-4 144 pp ` 135 Basics of Academic English 1 has been
Rights: Restricted written bearing in mind the need for
comprehensive textbooks that fulfil the
requirements of the Foundation Course
Advantage English
in English under the Choice Based
Editors: B.Y. Raju & C. Muralikrishna Credit System (CBCS) introduced for
This is a textbook for teaching and undergraduate students of arts, commerce
learning English prepared specifically and science in Gujarat. This is a skills-
for the use of the first year BA/BSc and based book for students of semester 3, and it aims to build on
BCom undergraduate courses at Nizam the knowledge acquired in semesters 1 and 2.
College. It has ten units, each unit having The aim is to develop the communication skills required in
one prose piece and one poem. Each unit academic situations through practice exercises and activities
has a multiple set of activities that build done by students rather than only through what is taught by
confidence in the learner to speak and write the teacher. Many of the themes, contexts and sample texts in
fluently. The book has a diverse selection of short fiction and the lessons are drawn from everyday life. This allows students
poetry all of which are explored in order to teach students to adapt, consolidate and actively make use of what they learn
the mechanics of writing and speaking. In addition, there is outside the classroom.
also discussion of speech sounds, sentence and discourse 2012 978-81-250-4729-2 102 pp ` 80
structure and the dynamics of communication. Rights: Restricted
2009 978-81-250-3776-7 200 pp ` 135
Rights: Restricted Basics of Academic English 2
Authors: Deeptha Achar et al.
This is an English language textbook for
semester 4 of the Foundation Course in
English for undergraduate programmes
following the Choice Based Credit System.
The book covers different kinds of writing,

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 33 23/11/2015 12:52:52


editing and proofreading to finalise the draft, and the study Concepts and Skills a comprehensive textbook for students
of language through literature. This is a skills-based book for of business communication.
students of semester 4, and it aims to build on the knowledge
2011 978-81-250-4283-9 268 pp ` 195
acquired in semesters 1, 2 and 3.
978-81-250-5027-8 (E-ISBN)
2013 978-81-250-5029-2 120 pp ` 100 Rights: World
Rights: Restricted
Business Communication
Bliss of Solitude Techniques and Methods
Editors: Board of Studies, Amravati University Authors: Om Prakash Juneja & Aarati Rajiv Mujumdar
Bliss of Solitude is a coursebook for effective Business Communication: Techniques
learning of English through the presentation and Methods discusses essential
of real and familiar contexts and has been business communication skills like
prepared for the use of undergraduate writing effective job applications and
students according to the guidelines laid CVs, presenting oneself with confidence
down by the University Grants Commission. and poise at interviews, participating
The selections from prose and poetry have collaboratively in group discussions,
been carefully chosen to inspire and sensitise learners, while constructing and delivering powerful
the sections on written and oral communication have practical presentations and developing keen listening skills to enhance
exercises in work-related writing, presentations, group communicative abilities. Theories and models for corporate
discussions and personal interviews. It is hoped that the book and interpersonal communication, verbal and non-verbal
will go a long way in developing the ability of students to use communication, barriers to effective communication and
English accurately, appropriately and fluently in face-to-face e-email communication are some of the other topics discussed
as well as electronic communication in social, academic and in this book.
in professional situations, and also make English language Written in learner/reader-friendly language and style, the
learning an enjoyable and meaningful experience for them. book is a useful tool for classroom teachers with special
classroom activities devised for students. The book has
2011 978-81-250-4285-3 152 pp ` 95
been written in accordance with the latest UGC syllabus for
Rights: Restricted
business communication.
2010 978-81-250-4036-1 176 pp ` 150
Business Communication Rights: Restricted
Basic Concepts and Skills
Authors: Jitesh P. Parikh et al.
Business Communication: Basic Concepts
and Skills deals with the basic concepts Career English for Nurses
and practices of communication and their (Third Edition)
applications in the business world today. Author: Selva Rose
The present-day global market demands
employment-ready graduates with good The textbook is designed to help students
communication skills. The book will help of BSc (Nursing) to attain the level of
prepare students to meet this important requirement for jobs language proficiency they will require
in the corporate world by equipping them with the necessary to communicate fluently in academic
knowledge and technical know-how. The useful range of and clinical settings and to perform a
topics it covers makes Business Communication: Basic variety of language functions. Based on
features common to English syllabuses
of BSc (Nursing) programmes in different
universities, it focuses on key aspects of pronunciation,

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 34 23/11/2015 12:52:54


vocabulary and grammar as well as on the language skills of and language. This edition has been revised keeping in mind
reading, writing, listening and speaking. the changing nature of communication in the modern world.
This edition has been revised keeping in mind the changing
2015 978-81-250-5762-8 128 pp ` 195
nature of the nursing profession, and the fresh demands it has
Rights: Restricted
2015 978-81-250-5752-9 300 pp ` 250
Communication Skills for Technical
Rights: World
Author: T.M. Farhathullah
Career English for Nurses
(Second Edition) This book caters to the needs of technical
Available as an e-book. students by focusing on speaking and
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5094-0 writing more than on listening and reading.
It is a comprehensive and effective study
of communication skills and strategies that
will benefit students during their course of
study and beyond. The activities visualised
Career English for Nurses in this book are essentially interactive, with focus on real-life
Teacher’s Book situations, thus catering to the real market demands that the
(Third Edition)
students will have to meet in an academic and professional
Author: Selva Rose context as well as in the social milieu.
This edition has been devised as a 2002 978-81-250-2247-3 189 pp ` 250
companion to the latest edition of Career Rights: World
English for Nurses, and is meant to help
teachers make effective use of the textbook
Communicative English
in their classrooms.
Authors: E. Suresh Kumar & P. Sreehari
Communicative English has been prepared
to meet the needs of the student/learner
2015 978-0-10106-520-7 96 pp ` 100 who would like to communicate effectively
Rights: World in the world today. The book covers the
skills of listening, reading, speaking, and
writing, grammar and vocabulary and also
offers practical tips on reports, resumes,
Communication for Professional Success interviews, group discussions, seminars and conferences.
(Revised Edition) It will serve as a useful textbook/ self-learning book for
improvement of communication skills.
Editors: E. Suresh Kumar et al.
2007 978-81-250-3250-2 152 pp ` 210
Communication for Professional Success Rights: Restriced
is a coursebook of general English for the
undergraduate level. The first part of the
book, ‘Communication Skills and Language’, Communicator, The
has units on interpersonal communication, Editors: Board of Editors
spoken communication, vocabulary and
common errors made by non-native users The Communicator is a textbook of
of English, information transfer and note-making skills. The English for the undergraduate level.
second part, ‘Reading for Enrichment’, has two carefully Designed to be used in a two-semester
chosen texts that would be of interest to students, each followed course aimed at strengthening the
by exercises in reading comprehension, communication skills language and oral communication skills of

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 35 23/11/2015 12:52:56


the students, the book contains six units on grammar and El Dorado
nineteen units on common functions required of students A Textbook of Communication Skills
speaking in English in everyday situations. It also includes
Authors: R. Pushkala & P.A. Sarada
twenty-five worksheets that provide supplementary practice
in the topics covered. The Communicator has been prepared This textbook has been designed to equip
keeping in mind the needs of rural students, especially those students with the language skills necessary
from a regional language background. for a successful technical career. It
meets the requirements of the Technical
2009 978-81-250-3753-8 280 pp ` 160
English syllabi followed by state and
Rights: Restricted
private engineering colleges and deemed
universities. The resource materials in
Communicator, The each unit are drawn from both science and literature. The
(Gondwana University Edition) book follows a skills-based approach.
Authors: In-house and from 2013 978-81-250-5391-0 208 pp ` 295
Spoken English: A Foundation Course Rights: World
2012 978-81-250- 4719-3 280 pp ` 160
Rights: Restricted

Engineering English
Course in Business Communication, A
Author: E. Suresh Kumar et al.
Authors: Madhulika Jha & Shashi Shekhar
Engineering English is a coursebook
A Course in Business Communication
for undergraduate students. It provides
deals primarily with the communication
students with adequate and challenging
needs of students pursuing business
material to practise and work on their
management courses. The book provides
English skills through a variety of exercises
in-depth knowledge of the various forms
in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
and practices of business communication
The book also addresses the communicative
which should help learners to understand
needs of students by providing useful tips and exercises on
the nuances of business communication and enhance their
topics such as presentations, seminars, conferences, group
communication skills at the work place.
discussions, public speaking, interviews and résumé writing.
2010 978-81-250-3990-7 90 pp ` 110 The ‘Reading for Enrichment’ section includes carefully
Rights: World chosen passages that are relevant to the lives and interests
of young people today. Engineering English has been written
in a simple and comprehensible style, suitable to the needs of
the Indian student.
A Course in English Literature and Language
2014 978-81-250-5721-5 184 pp ` 200
Author: Madhulika Jha
Rights: Restricted
Echoes is meant to be a primary reading
text for a communication skills course
for undergraduate students. The book is English and Communication Skills for
divided into two parts, one dealing with Students of Science and Engineering
literature and the other with language. The (with audio CD)
book aims at helping students in improving Author: S.P. Dhanavel
their language skills as well as cognitive
English and Communication Skills for
Students of Science and Engineering is a
2007 978-81-250-3162-8 148 pp ` 170 general English coursebook for first year
Rights: Restricted students pursuing undergraduate degree

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 36 23/11/2015 12:52:57


courses in science and engineering. This book has been exercises that accompany these texts aim to strengthen the
prepared with a view to providing ample scope for students learner’s reading comprehension skills as well as offer them
to learn and practise the five communication skills—thinking, an opportunity to develop their critical appreciation skills. The
listening, speaking, reading and writing—in English, the global other sections of the book focus on improving writing, listening
language of communication. The book is primarily learner- and speaking skills as well as grammar and vocabulary to
centred and task-based and reflects some of the approaches help learners achieve both fluency and accuracy. The CD that
in English language teaching and learning currently in practice accompanies the book contains recordings of the texts for
around the world. the listening exercises and sample dialogues that illustrate
how spoken English is used to perform some common
2011 978-81-250-4370-6 248 pp ` 265
communicative functions.
Rights: Restricted
2014 978-81-250-5560-0 120 pp ` 130
Rights: Restricted
English and Communication
Skills for Students of Science
and Engineering English for Empowerment
(with audio CD) (Panjab University (with audio CD)
Edition) Editors: Board of Editors
Author: S.P. Dhanavel This is a student-friendly textbook prepared
2011 978-81-250-4298-3 240 pp ` 265 in order to develop and improve reading and
Rights: Restricted writing skills in English. The texts, selected
from a wide range of world literatures which
include African, American, British, Russian and Indian, familiarise
English Conversation for Indian Students students with the cultural and literary diversity of the world,
Author: V.V. Yardi impart value education, soft skills and social competence in
students. Each prose passage and poem in the book is preceded
This book has been designed especially for
by pre-reading activities that sharpen the mind, improve
use by adult learners of English language
thinking and make the lesson easy and interesting. Each
in India. An introduction, twenty sample
is then followed by a comprehensive glossary, questions
dialogues and an analysis of the stress and
in comprehension, post-reading activities and language
intonation patterns of the language make
development activities that would develop reading and writing
this an important tool in the practice and
skills. What is called for and tested is creativity, innovation
mastery of conversational English as well
and comprehension.
as the important conventions of dialogue
and manner peculiar to the language. 2009 978-81-250-3737-8 228 pp ` 175
Rights: World
2002 978-81-250-2207-7 72 pp ` 95
978-81-250-5924-0 (E-ISBN)
Rights: World English for Empowerment
(with audio CD) (Panjab University Edition)

English for Employability Editors: S. Walia, D. Varma, P. Varma & N. Puri

(A Coursebook for 2nd Year Undergraduates) This is a textbook for general English
(with audio CD)
courses at the undergraduate level. It has
Editor: K. Purushotham sections on prose, poetry and written
communication. Each unit in the prose
English for Employability is a compre-
and poetry sections has pre- and post-
hensive course for students of general
reading sections, a glossary, reading
English at the undergraduate level. The
comprehension exercises, and language
poetry and prose pieces have been
specifically selected to teach the learner
English through culturally familiar texts. The

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 37 23/11/2015 12:52:59


development activities to help students improve in the areas English for Fluency
of grammar and vocabulary.
Author: K. Purushotham
2012 978-81-250-4713-1 232 pp ` 140
The book comprises twelve prose pieces,
Rights: Restricted
four poems and grammar items. It includes
glossary, comprehension, a short overview
English for Engineers and Technologists of author and selected text, and sections
on communication skills and writing.
Authors: Department of English, Anna University
2013 978-81-250-5224-1 160 pp ` 130
The contents of this skills-based book are
Rights: Restricted
pegged on current topics that are of interest
and relevance to engineering and technical
students, such as rainwater harvesting, English for Nurses
solar energy, BPOs in villages, nuclear A Natural Approach to Language Learning
power and nuclear disasters. The exercises
Author: Margarita Platt & Angela Langridge
in each of the lesson units are aimed at
developing students’ skills in listening, discussion, reading, English for Nurses is a guide book for
writing and presentation. nurses who aim to compete for nursing
jobs abroad. The authors, Margarita Platt
2006 978-81-250-3019-5 240 pp ` 275
and Angela Langridge, are qualified linguists
Rights: Restricted
and teachers with extensive experience in
(For Listening Activities for English for Engineers and the training of overseas nursing students
Technologists, see page 43) in England and Argentina. The book is
structured in a way that, even with no previous knowledge in
English, the learners can be trained to understand and acquire
English for Engineers and Technologists
requisite levels of expertise in communication.
Teacher’s Book
(with audio CD) 2006 978-81-250-3151-2 112 pp ` 225
Authors: Department of English, Anna University Rights: World

This will be a teacher’s guidebook on how to

make the best use of the textbook, English English for Speakers of Urdu
for Engineers and Technologists. It will also A Proficiency Course
(with audio CD)
have all the listening texts of the textbook,
along with the sample question paper, Author: Gulfishaan Habeeb
pattern of evaluation and other guidelines
This book has been written for the purpose
for the teacher.
of empowering Urdu speakers and
2007 978-81-250-2342-5 92 pp ` 50 improving their chances of employability
Rights: Restricted by helping them become proficient in
English. It is aimed at native speakers who
lack self-confidence because they are not
fluent in English. The book starts with the
basics—the conventions for writing uppercase and lowercase
letters of the alphabet and the sounds and vocabulary of
English—and then moves on to important topics in grammar
as well as punctuation and oral communicative functions that
users of English are commonly required to perform. The book
is accompanied by an audio CD.
2014 978-81-250-5397-2 160 pp ` 175
Rights: World

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 38 23/11/2015 12:53:01


English in Practice with the aim of helping them acquire the

Workbook 2010–2011 soft skills essential for employment in the
twenty-first century. The workbook has
Authors: M.S.N. Rao & D.S. Manjunatha
ten units on attitude, adaptability, goal
English in Practice is a compulsory English setting, motivation, time management,
workbook prescribed for students of first critical thinking and creativity, problem
year undergraduate courses at Kuvempu solving, teamwork, leadership, and stress
University, Shimoga. It consists of practice management.
exercises in reading comprehension, The materials in the workbook are based on stories,
vocabulary, grammar and oral skills. anecdotes and case studies drawn from contexts that the
2010 978-81-250-4055-2 144 pp ` 70 students for whom it is intended would be familiar with and that
Rights: Restricted would be relevant to them. Besides sensitising students to the
importance of soft skills in their academic and professional
lives, the workbook will help strengthen their spoken and
English Language Practice written communication skills, and will encourage creativity
Editors: Board of Editors, Davangere University and collaborative learning.

This is a workbook that can be used either 2012 978-81-250-4723-0 108 pp ` 61

as a stand-alone title or to supplement the Rights: Restricted
textbook prescribed for general English
courses at the undergraduate level. It Enjoying Everyday English
provides practice to students in reading (with audio CD)
comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and
Author: A. Ramakrishna Rao
speaking skills.
Enjoying Everyday English has been
2012 978-81-250-4710-0 148 pp ` 75
written for undergraduate students. It is a
Rights: Restricted
complete, stand-alone English coursebook
that offers learners practice in reading,
English that Works writing, listening, speaking, grammar and
Workbook vocabulary. The material has been prepared
Editors: M.S. Nagaraja Rao & D.S. Manjunatha keeping in mind the communicative
needs as well as the interests of present-day students.
English that Works is a compulsory English The explanations, examples and exercises in the book are
workbook prescribed for students of first intended to enable learners to use the language fluently as
year undergraduate courses at Kuvempu well as accurately. The accompanying audio CD has listening
University, Shimoga. It consists of practice and speaking materials related to the corresponding sections
exercises in reading comprehension, in the book and also supplementary, interactive exercises in
vocabulary, grammar and oral skills. grammar and vocabulary.
2011 978-81-250-4303-4 156 pp ` 90 2009 978-81-7370-309-6 172 pp ` 215
Rights: Restricted Rights: Restricted

Enhancing English and Employability Skills Enriching Oral and Written Communication
Student’s Workbook 4 in English
(Revised Edition)
Authors: Ashok Thorat & Munira
Authors: Workbook Committee, State Board of Technical
Education and Training, A.P.
Enriching Oral and Written Communication
Enhancing English and Employability Skills: Workbook 4
in English, a coursebook prepared for the
comprises materials developed for students in polytechnics
undergraduate level, aims to acquaint

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 39 23/11/2015 12:53:02


students with different facets of communication and make has been written in a simple and comprehensible style,
them effective users of English. The book has chapters on suitable to the needs of the Indian student.
the basics of communication, vocabulary building, features
2010 978-81-250-4165-8 184 pp ` 195
of pronunciation, expressions used in polite oral interaction,
Rights: Restricted
some forms of spoken communication that are of relevance to
students, written communication, and the use of technology
to communicate in work situations. The book offers brief Exploring English
explanations supported by examples on different aspects
Editors: Board of Studies
of communication and enables practice through exercises,
thereby giving students the opportunity to express themselves Exploring English is an anthology of prose
effectively in study and work situations. and poetry designed for undergraduate
students. The collection encompasses
2009 978-81-250-3744-6 156 pp ` 130
the work of eminent writers and scholars
Rights: World
from different walks of life and from across
the world. Care has been taken to make
Enriching Speaking and Writing Skills sure that the passages included address
(with audio CD) (Revised Edition) the needs of both teachers and students
of Indian universities. This anthology will help teachers take
Editors: E. Suresh Kumar et al.
the teaching of prose and poetry beyond the confines of
Enriching Speaking and Writing Skills is language teaching and will aid students develop a truly literary
a coursebook of general English for the sensibility. Comprehension questions have been appended
undergraduate level. This revised edition to each chapter. This will enhance the students’ capacity to
with new pieces added has units on understand and draw logical inferences from the poem/prose
communication, writing skills, vocabulary piece. The ‘Project Work’ section at the end of the chapters
and grammar. The book offers students which, drawing on some of the issues raised in the poem
adequate opportunities to work on thier or prose piece encourages students to work out scenarios
language and communication skills through guidelines and inspired by their own surrounding. The extensive glossary
examples as well as a variety of challenging exercises. The will facilitate the students’ engagement with the text and is
audio CD accompanying the book contains practice materials an added asset in the assimilation of language and a better
on English pronunciation. understanding of the text.
2014 978-81-250-5608-9 172 pp ` 225 2009 978-81-250-3747-7 124 pp ` 95
Rights: Restricted Rights: Restricted

Essential English Functional Grammar and Spoken and

Authors: E. Suresh Kumar, P. Sreehari & J. Savithri Written Communication in English
Essential English is a coursebook for Author: Bikram K. Das
undergraduate students. It provides Functional Grammar and Spoken and
students with adequate and challenging Written Communication in English is
material to practise and work on their specially designed for use as a textbook in
English skills through a variety of exercises the first year of the undergraduate degree
in listening, speaking, reading and writing. programmes offered by the University of
The book also addresses the communicative Kerala. The larger objective of the book,
needs of students by providing useful tips however, is to equip undergraduate students
and exercises on topics such as presentations, seminars, with a comprehensive understanding of
conferences, group discussions, public speaking, interviews
and résumé writing. The ‘Reading for Enrichment’ section
includes carefully chosen passages that are relevant to the
lives and interests of young people today. Essential English

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 40 23/11/2015 12:53:04


the important aspects of English, which will allow them to Images of Gold
communicate effectively in the language. (Mangalore University Edition)
2006 978-81-250-3058-4 272 pp ` 140 Editors: Board of Editors
Rights: Restricted
Images of Gold is an anthology of prose
and poetry for the use of undergraduate
students. The texts have been carefully
selected to enable students to grasp the
Golden Harvest fundamentals of the language while at
Board of Editors the same time being exposed to excellent
literary and thought-provoking pieces.
This is a coursebook meant to help Each text is accompanied by introductory
undergraduate students develop fluency notes and a glossary to facilitate a better understanding of
and accuracy with the English language these pieces. The exercises following each text are designed
with the help of thematically interesting, to enable the students to explore the complete scope of a text
insightful and well-written texts from the and also develop their language skills.
genres of prose, poetry, drama, short
fiction. Each text is accompanied with a 2010 978-81-250-3994-5 70 pp ` 75
variety of language tasks for the benefit Rights: Restricted
of language learning. There is also a separate section on
vocabulary development, important and fundamental aspects
of grammar, reading comprehension and writing skills.
2015 978-81-250-5952-3 184 pp ` 110
A Course in English Literature and Language
Rights: Restricted (Re-issue)
Editor: K. Elango
Images of Gold
Insights: A Course in English Literature and
Editors: Board of Studies Language is designed to be different from
Images of Gold is a comprehensive and conventional course in general English
exhaustive coursebook for undergraduate for undergraduate students. Each unit is
students, with a section each on prose, based on a central theme and the texts
poetry, grammar and communication skills. cut across genres. The prime objective of
This is a comprehensive and exhaustive the book is to enable learners to acquire
coursebook for undergraduate students, linguistic and communicative competency
with a section each on prose, poetry, with ease.
grammar and communication skills. This 2015 978-81-250-5972-1 216 pp ` 135
book is intended to be a development on the two earlier books, Rights: Restricted
Realms of Gold and Strings of Gold, and as a completion of a
course in general English spread across three years. However,
this book can also be used independently of the other two as a Insights
useful English coursebook. A Course in English Literature and Language
(Mangalore University Edition)
2009 978-81-250-3711-8 208 pp ` 115
Rights: Restricted Editor: K. Elango
Insights is designed to be different from conventional courses
in general English for undergraduate students. Each unit is
based on a central theme and the texts cut across genres.
A wide range of tasks challenging cognitive and linguistic
abilities have been designed for each of the texts in the

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 41 23/11/2015 12:53:05


book. Word, sentence and discourse level grammars have Learning English
been discussed using examples from the reading texts and A Communicative Approach
keeping in mind the mixed ability levels of learners. The prime (with CD)
objective of the book is to enable learners to acquire linguistic Editors: Board of Editors
and communicative competencies with ease.
This is a set of reading texts along with
2010 978-81-250-4010-1 252 pp ` 150 exercises in comprehension, vocabulary
Rights: Restricted and dictionary work, grammar, listening,
speaking and writing with communicative
Insights skills in view. The book is meant to enable
A Course in English Literature and Language the undergraduate student to master the
(Panjab University) skills of communication through ample
tasks in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Editor: K. Elango
2005 978-81-250-2897-0 144 pp ` 225
The book comprises fourteen prose
Rights: Restricted
pieces, seven poems and grammar items.
It includes glossary, comprehension, and a
short overview of author and selected text.

Life Scripts I
2013 978-81-250-5110-7 240 pp ` 135
Rights: Restricted Editors: Board of Editors, Christ University
This is a textbook prepared for first-year
Keeping Pace undergraduate students. It features a range
English Skills for Success of poetry and prose pieces, along with a
Editors: Board of Studies language section with a focus on practical
grammar and business communication.
Keeping Pace: English Skills for Success
is designed to suit the Compulsory English
syllabus recommended by the University 2014 978-81-250-5558-7 180 pp `165
Grants Commission. With sections on Rights: Restricted
prose, poetry, grammar and vocabulary,
and oral and written communication skills, Life Scripts II
it offers a pedagogically comprehensive
Editors: Board of Editors, Christ University
course in English.
The poems and prose passages have been selected This textbook is for third and fourth
from across genres and from different spheres of thought semester undergraduates. It includes the
and experience. These sections aim to strengthen skills works of writers from Russia, South-East
in reading comprehension and develop literary sensibility Asia, Pakistan, England and America; the
among students as well as train them to appreciate texts pieces have been chosen to make the
critically. The grammar and vocabulary section provides brief, learners understand the regional, national
useful guidelines which will enable students to communicate and global needs raised. It also aims at an
accurately and appropriately in English. The final section is eclectic approach that will lead students to
aimed at developing oral and written communication skills that appreciate, reflect, and respond to different human needs as
are relevant to their academic and, later, professional lives. responsible members of the society.
Information about the author and the text, glossary and
2011 978-81-250-4288-4 184 pp ` 100
questions are provided with each lesson. The focus of the
Rights: Restricted

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 42 23/11/2015 12:53:06


Communication Skills sections is on improving learners’ of English. Nevertheless, more advanced

language skills. learners will also find it useful as it helps
them to strengthen their proficiency in
2014 978-81-250-5545-7 144 pp ` 140
grammar and improve their language skills.
Rights: Restricted
The exercises in the book are intended
to help students prepare for various
competitive examinations that test their
proficiency in English. It will help those
Linguistics: An Introduction preparing for exams like TOEFL, IELTS, KET, PET, FCE, CAE
Authors: Ashok Chaskar, Arjun Jadhav & Sanjay Pagare and CPE.
The book focuses on key concepts of English grammar
Linguistics: An Introduction is prepared for which have been explained with the help of numerous
students at undergraduate level. Written and examples. Ample scope has been provided for practice.
edited by experts in the field of linguistics, The book also lays emphasis on basic conversational forms
the book covers the basics of phonetics, facilitating the learners to hone their spoken communication
phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics, skills.
syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Rich in
details and illustrative examples from English 2010 978-81-250-4048-4 260 pp ` 135
as well as Indian languages, Linguistics: An Rights: Restricted
Introduction is an essential textbook for students as well as
teachers of linguistics. On Track
2014 978-81-250-5536-5 160 pp ` 95 English Skills for Success
Rights: Restricted Editors: Board of Editors
The book comprises six prose pieces,
Listening Activities for English for Engineers four poems and grammar items. Includes
and Technologists glossary, comprehension, a short overview
of author and selected text, and sections
Authors: Department of English, Anna University
on communication skills and writing.
This is a companion to English for
2013 978-81-250-5108-4 120 pp ` 100
Engineers and Technologists, and provides
Rights: Restricted
listening tasks for classroom or language
laboratory activity, based on the listening
passages in English for Engineers and
Technologists, and is useful for teachers
in the classroom. The tasks are based on Paths to Skills in English
the listening passages that are available both in the Teacher’s Editors: Board of Editors
Book of English for Engineers, and also on the audio CD
accompanying the Teacher’s Book. Paths to Skills in English will help
undergraduate students acquire knowledge
2010 978-0-00106-732-5 32 pp ` 20 of English language and literature to
Rights: Restrcited improve their communication skills and
enhance professional development. The
Mastering English units contain texts of different genres of
A Course for Beginners literature such as short stories, prose,
poetry and drama. The language segment that follows the
Authors: Anil Kinger, Nila Shah, Ketan Pandya &
lesson provides explanations embedded in the context of the
Ami U. Upadhyay
text, and offer examples and exercises for practice. This makes
This learner-oriented, task-based coursebook is primarily for holistic comprehension of language function and use, as
intended for pre-intermediate and intermediate level students well as sensitivity to literary texts. The book has been prepared

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in consonance with the Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) Practising Writing Skills focuses on
guidelines prescribed by the University Grants Commission important written communication skills
(UGC). that are essential for further study as
well as for success at the workplace.
2015 978-81-250-6011-6 160 pp ` 95
Each chapter not only introduces a topic,
Rights: Restricted
but also provides many examples that
students of English can use as models.
These are followed by carefully planned exercises which
give students the opportunity to hone their writing skills and
Pathway to Success, A to test their ability. With its easy-to-understand explanations
(Re-issue) and numerous supporting illustrations, Practising Writing
Editors: A. Chaskar, A. Kulkarni & V. Madge Skills is ideal for students who wish to develop their ability to
communicate clearly and confidently.
A Pathway to Success is an anthology
of prose and poetry. It also comprises 2013 978-81-250-5199-2 104 pp ` 80
units on oral and written communication Rights: Restricted
in English. This comprehensive selection
helps students enhance their language skills Prism
as well as develop a literary sensibility. Spoken and Written Communication, Prose and
The introductory notes, glossaries, and Poetry
exercises provided with the units make the (with audio CD) (Revised Edition)
textbook easily comprehensible and student-friendly.
Editors: Board of Editors
2014 978-81-250-5710-9 168 pp ` 85
Prism is a textbook for the compulsory
Rights: Restricted
general English course for first year
students at SRTM University, Nanded, and
Practising English South Gujarat University, Surat. Apart from
Workbook twenty units on spoken communication
Editors: M.S. Nagaraja Rao & D.S. Manjunatha and ten units on written communication,
the book has a selection of six prose and
This workbook focuses on functional six poetry pieces. Each of the prose and
English and helps students acquire poetry pieces are accompanied by notes on the author and
language skills, improve their vocabulary the text, a glossary and exercises. The revised edition has
and gain a better understanding of the two new appendices with the corresponding audio material
use of grammar. Different kinds of reading on the CD.
comprehension passages (with questions
testing vocabulary and comprehension) are 2010 978-81-250-4046-0 216 pp ` 110
combined with language activities and oral skills drills. Each Rights: Restricted
section has been designed to facilitate maximum student
participation and practice in the classroom. Prudence
An Anthology for Degree Classes
2013 978-81-250-5258-6 124 pp ` 65
Rights: Restricted Editors: Board of Editors
This book aims to equip students with a
Practising Writing Skills reasonable resource of reading, writing
Workbook and vocabulary skills for the purpose of
Editors: Board of Editors communication. The prose and poetry
are by well-known and prolific writers
The importance of having functional communication skills from India, Britain, America and Africa.
in English cannot be understated in today’s global economy. The prose pieces have been selected in

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 44 23/11/2015 12:53:10


such a way that they would be of relevance to students of Realms of Gold

commerce. Each passage is followed by a comprehensive An Anthology for Degree Classes
glossary, questions and exercises in grammar based on the
Editors: Board of Editors
text. Each poem is followed by a comprehensive vocabulary
and questions. On the whole, the tasks and questions enhance This is a textbook for the first year of
the language skills of the learners. BA, BSc, and B Com courses, Solapur
University, designed on the basis of
2009 978-81-250-3715-6 156 pp ` 95
the syllabus of Compulsory English
Rights: Restricted
recommended by the UGC. Besides prose
and poetry it has sections on grammar and
Prudence communicative skills to help the students
An Anthology for Degree Classes get a complete grasp of the language in
(Gondwana University Edition) order to achieve better communication skills.
Editors: Board of Editors 2007 978-81-250-3264-9 232 pp ` 140
2012 978-81-250-4718-6 156 pp ` 85 Rights: Restricted
Rights: Restricted
Realms of Gold
(Amravathi University Edition)
An Anthology for Degree Classes Editors: Board of Editors
(Karnataka University)
This is a textbook for the Part 1 Compulsory
Editors: Board of Editors English paper of the first year BSc course at
2014 978-81-250-5556-3 188 pp ` 115 SGBA University. This edition has additional
Rights: Restricted poems to the ones that already feature in
the earlier edition of Realms of Gold.

Radiance 2010 978-81-250-4051-4 232 pp ` 140

Communication Skills, Prose and Poetry Rights: Restricted

Editors: Board of Editors

Skills Annexe
Radiance: Communication Skills, Prose Functional English for Success
and Poetry is meant for undergraduate
courses in general English at SRTM Editors: Board of Editors
University, Nanded, and includes not Skills Annexe: Functional English for
only prose and poetry but also sections Success is a coursebook of general English
on written communication and spoken for use in undergraduate programmes.
communication. It is hoped that students Every unit in the book has sections on
will stand to benefit from the glossary at the each of the four communication skills
end of each prose and poetry text and also the comprehension as well as vocabulary and grammar. The
questions that follow. Apart from this, the writing section gives themes of the reading texts and the pieces
ample practice in writing for specific purposes required of any themselves have been carefully chosen to include fiction as
graduate who enters higher academic or professional fields. well as factual writing that would be of interest and relevance
The purpose of this textbook is to guide learners in various to present-day students. The main objective of the skills and
kinds of written and spoken forms of communication, thus language sections of the book is to enable efficient use of
equipping them with the confidence to meet the needs and the items covered in them to perform commonly required
challenges of advanced study as well as the job market. functions in several social, study and work situations. The
2009 978-81-250-3773-6 212 pp ` 110 simply stated guidelines, the clear examples and the exercises
Rights: Restricted

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 45 23/11/2015 12:53:11


that provide practice in functional English usage are some of Speak Well
the notable features of the book. (with DVD) (Gitam University Edition)
2013 978-81-250-5268-5 160 pp ` 240 Authors: K. Nirupa Rani, Jayashree Mohanraj & B. Indira
Rights: Restricted
2012 978-81-250-4665-3 164 pp ` 225
Rights: World
Skills in English
A Coursebook for Language Learning
Strings of Gold
Editors: E. Suresh Kumar, B. Yadava Raju & C. Muralikrishna An Anthology for Degree Classes
The book comprises four poems, three Editors: Board of Editors, Solapur University
short stories, two plays, miscellaneous
This is an anthology of prose, poetry,
prose pieces, and extensive lessons and
grammar and communication skills which
exercises on grammar, writing, listening,
has been tailor-made to suit the syllabus
pronunciation and soft skills. Each of
of Solapur University for the BA and BCom
the literary pieces is accompanied by a
Second Year courses. There are six prose
glossary, comprehension questions and a
pieces, and an attempt has been made to
short overview of author and selected text.
include four pieces which are modern and
2013 978-81-250-5100-8 160 pp ` 135 from various areas of interest. There are
Rights: Restricted three poems to represent British, American and Indian poetry
in English.
Speak Well 2008 978-81-250-3532-9 196 pp ` 125
(with DVD) Rights: Restricted
Authors: K. Nirupa Rani, Jayashree Mohanraj & B. Indira
Speak Well is a comprehensive book Sure Outcomes
English for Engineers and Technologists
on spoken communication in English,
specially prepared with the Indian student Editors: Board of Editors
in mind. The book has units dealing with
Sure Outcomes: English for Engineers
pronunciation, communicative functions
and Technologists is a textbook of English
and communication skills, which are
for engineering students, developed to
the most important aspects of oral
help them learn to speak and write the
communication. The topics covered under pronunciation are
language effectively for both academic
the sounds of English and their relationship with the letters of
and professional purposes. Every unit in
the alphabet, some important sound patterns, and stress and
the book has sections on reading, writing,
intonation. The communicative functions included in the book
listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar, which aim to
consist of a range that is necessary for everyday interaction
improve the learner’s fluency and accuracy in English. The
in both informal and formal situations. Finally, students
reading texts are particularly relevant to engineering students
are introduced to four forms of formal communication in
as they are based on the themes of technology, protection
academic and professional situations—presentations, group
of the environment and conservation of the earth’s natural
discussions, debates and interviews.
resources or are about having the right attitude towards
The book offers learners brief, simple explanations and
guidelines, examples, and activities and exercises for practice.
Speak Well is supported by audio and video materials on 2013 978-81-250-5378-1 152 pp ` 190
the accompanying DVD, which makes it suitable for self- Rights: Restricted
study, with some guidance from a teacher, in the context of a
multimedia language laboratory.
2012 978-81-250-4465-9 164 pp ` 225
Rights: World

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 46 23/11/2015 12:53:12


Synergy prescribed for the 1st year BA, BSc, BCom

Communication in English and Study Skills for and BCA courses for the University of
Students of Commerce and Business Management Jammu. This revised edition carries an
Editors: Board of Editors additional section on writing consisting of
(i) paragraph writing (ii) précis writing and
This book is meant for use in undergraduate abstracting (iii) reading comprehension
commerce and management courses, and and (iv) letter writing.
it is intended to equip students with the
communication and study skills necessary
for further study as well as for work. The 2012 978-81-250-4795-7 240 pp ` 95
book has a brief introductory chapter Rights: Restricted
on forms of communication in business
organisations, which is followed by Using English
sections on written, spoken and nonverbal communication. A Coursebook for Undergraduate Learners
Also included is a section on vocabulary development and
Editors: Board of Editors
study skills, in which students could need help and practice.
Every unit in Using English: A Coursebook
2008 978-81-250-3577-0 164 pp ` 100
for Undergraduate Learners has sections
Rights: Restricted
on each of the four communication skills
as well as vocabulary and grammar that
Textbook of Business Communication aim to improve the learner’s fluency and
accuracy in English. The reading texts,
Authors: Anjali Kalkar, R.B. Surywanshi & Amlanjyoti
which include a mix of fiction and non-
fiction, are based on themes that would be of interest and
Textbook of Business Communication is relevance to students today. The main objective of the skills
designed to help undergraduate students and language sections of the book is to train students in the
of commerce acquire a keen understanding confident use of the items covered in them to perform a variety
of the nuances and mechanics of business of commonly required functions in everyday situations. This
communication. Split into six units, the is done by means of simple guidelines, clear examples and
book comprehensively covers the topics of exercises that provide practice in functional English usage.
communication and methods, with special
2013 978-81-250-5335-4 152 pp ` 190
focus on business, soft skills needed to support verbal
Rights: Restricted
communication, business correspondence, report writing
and the use of technology in business communication. The
book also comes equipped with practical exercises that help Views and Visions
students gain a thorough understanding of the concepts being An English Coursebook for Undergraduates
explored. The book has been prepared to make students aware
Author: B.V. Moharil
of the importance of communication in business settings, to
help them understand how it works and to develop the related The book, meant for general English
skills through practice. courses at the undergraduate level, has
sections on literature, and grammar, usage
2009 978-81-250-3917-4 108 pp ` 120
and composition. It has been prepared
Rights: Restricted
according to the latest UGC model
curriculum. The prose and poetry texts
Timeless Thoughts have been chosen so as to develop among
(Revised Edition) students an awareness of their sociocultural
environment as well as their responsibilities as citizens of
Editors: Posh Charak, Rita Saldanha & Sucheta Pathania
the world. The section on grammar, usage and composition
The first edition of Timeless Thoughts first published in 2010 provides learners with the opportunity to understand and
comprised an anthology of prose, poetry and short stories

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practise some areas in language and writing that are important that undergraduate students can have the maximum benefit
for accurate and fluent expression in English. out of this coursebook.
2013 978-81-250-5176-3 160 pp ` 90 2015 978-81-250-5948-6 216 pp ` 145
Rights: Restricted Rights: Restricted

Wisdom and Experience

An Anthology for Degree Classes
Vistas and Visions
Editors: Board of Editors
Board of Editors
This is a collection of ten prose pieces
This coursebook fulfils the need of students and ten poems, besides topics such as
to develop language proficiency in English, soft skills, attending interviews, seminars
both in terms of improving their skills of and conferences, group discussions,
communication and expression, as well professional skills, and paragraph writing,
as their literary sensibilities. There is a rich preparing CVs, writing letters, reports etc.
repertoire of texts in this book which are The choice of authors ranges from British
derived from multiple cultures at regional to American to Indian.
and international levels. There are also interactive discussion This book aims at enabling students to communicate more
and practice exercises designed to develop listening, reading effectively, accurately and also more flexibly.
and oral communication skills as part of a skills-enhancement
2007 978-81-250-3242-7 160 pp ` 100
approach. Grammar is interwoven into each unit with the aim
Rights: Restricted
of furthering the process of meaning creation and meaning
transfer. Writing activities form one part of each unit and
are structured in such a way that different professional and
vocational needs are met. ESL learning is projected in a way

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Course in English Grammar, A Key to English Grammar Practice

Author: Raj N. Bakshi Author: Raj N. Bakshi
The aim of this book is to make advanced This book is intended as a guide
students of English understand grammatical to using English Grammar Practice in the
categories and their relationships. Each classroom
chapter contains a discussion on the topic
along with illustrations. The exercises are
of two kinds. The first set aids the learner
in sentence construction, while the second 2006 978-81-250-3004-1 52 pp ` 50
set, analytical in nature, requires the student Rights: World
to apply the rules that have been learnt. The most remarkable
feature of this book is its focus on both form and function.
Grammar and Composition for
2000 978-81-250-1846-9 432 pp ` 310 Communication
Rights: World
Authors: Sagar Mal Gupta & Alpana Gupta
This book offers lucid explanation of
English Grammar Practice
difficult grammatical concepts, valuable
Author: Raj N. Bakshi suggestions for improving writing skills
and models for group discussions and
English Grammar Practice combines
seminar presentations, letters, essays,
explanations of fine points of grammar
reports and précis. The book also offers
and practice exercises in a single volume.
a review of common errors in English and
It is an excellent practice book on English
caters to large, mixed-ability classrooms. The book is based
grammar for first year college students,
on the syllabus of Rajasthan Technical University.
senior secondary students and students
preparing for competitive examinations. It 2009 978-81-250-3712-5 356 pp ` 275
can be used as a textbook in class or for Rights: World
purpose of self-study. It covers a complete range of grammar
items/structures like word classes, phrases, clauses, simple
Teacher’s Grammar of English, A
and complex sentences, tenses, prepositions, active and
passive voices, direct and indirect speech, etc. It also has Author: K.R. Narayanaswamy
simple and easy explanations of each grammar point with
The book deals with both spoken and written
illustrations to support the explanation. There are sufficient
communication. Each chapter of the book
practice exercises to help develop confidence and improve
begins with an introduction to the forms of
the competence of students.
the grammatical class or category it deals
2006 978-81-250-2799-7 70 pp ` 165 with. It then provides a variety of illustrative
Rights: World examples, ending with an explanation of
the communicative uses of the forms and
the situations in which they are typically used.
2004 978-81-250-2664-8 408 pp ` 475
Rights: World

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SKILLS The Business Skills Series
The series comprises four books—Negotiations, Meetings, Writing Skills and Presentations. The books are
suitable for reference by students at the intermediate and undergraduate levels as well as for the trade market.

Meetings useful tips on what makes a good presentation and how to

prepare for it. There is also material on presentation language
Author: Anne Laws
and checklists for the learner to use when preparing and, later,
Meetings is designed to help non-native speakers participate giving a presentation.
effectively in English at meetings. The book gives useful tips
2011 978-81-250-4157-3 148 pp ` 275
on the language needed when preparing for meetings, at
Rights: Restricted
meetings and during follow-ups after meetings.
2011 978-81-250-4159-7 152 pp ` 275
Writing Skills
Rights: Restricted
Author: Anne Laws
Negotiations Writing Skills is designed to help non-native speakers to write
business letters and reports in English. The book gives useful
Author: Anne Laws
tips on business writing, and focuses on common problems.
Negotiations is designed to help non-native speakers negotiate It also includes sample letters and reports.
effectively in English. The book gives useful tips on the
2011 978-81-250-4156-6 220 pp ` 275
language needed at different phases in business negotiations
Rights: Restricted
and also on handling cultural differences.
2011 978-81-250-4158-0 164 pp ` 275
Writing Skills
Rights: Restricted
(Panjab University Edition)
Author: Anne Laws
2011 978-81-250-4299-0 220 pp ` 195
Author: Anne Laws Rights: Restricted
Presentations is designed to help non-native speakers
prepare and make presentations in English. The book gives

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Fifty Ways Series FIFTY


Fifty Ways to Improve Your Business English Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation
Author: Ken Taylor Skills in English
Fifty Ways to Improve Your Business English offers second Author: Bob Dignen
language business people/students valuable tips on improving Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills in English is
their business English skills. It has sections on networking, intended to help second language business people/students
socialising, presentations, telephoning, etc. improve the skills involved in making presentations in English.
It has modules on planning, making a good start, using
2011 978-81-250-4160-3 144 pp ` 325 multimedia visuals and closing.
Rights: Restricted
2011 978-81-250-4162-7 160 pp ` 325
Rights: Restricted

Fifty Ways to Improve Your Business English

Using the Internet
Author: Eric Baber Fifty Ways to Improve Your Telephoning and
Fifty Ways to Improve Your Business English Using the
Teleconferencing Skills
(with CD)
Internet offers second language business people/students
valuable tips on improving their business English skills using Author: Ken Taylor
the internet and on the use of English when communicating
Fifty Ways to Improve Your Telephoning and Teleconferencing
online. The book shows business people and students how
Skills in English offers second language business people/
the internet can be used as a valuable resource to learn
students valuable tips on improving their skills in telephoning
business English.
and teleconferencing, which have become essential modes of
2011 978-81-250-4161-0 112 pp ` 325 communication in present work contexts. The accompanying
Rights: Restricted CD provides practice in listening comprehension, necessary
when you use the telephone to communicate.
2011 978-81-250-4163-4 160 pp ` 325
Rights: Restricted

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MASTERING Mastering Business English


Mastering Business English

Clarity in Business Expression
The book explains complex business vocabulary and
expressions, focusing on speech techniques in the business
world and also discusses differences between British and
American business English.
2002 978-81-250-2170-4 40 pp ` 95
Rights: India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Saudi
Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait

Mastering Business English Mastering Business English

Companies, Finance and Banking Marketing and Management
The book introduces concepts and ideas prevalent in the world The book establishes concepts, ideas, terms and
of finance and presents the vocabulary and expressions of the expressions encountered in the world of trade, marketing and
language of finance. management.
2002 978-81-250-2171-1 48 pp ` 95 2002 978-81-250-2172-8 48 pp ` 95
Rights: India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Rights: India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Saudi Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Saudi
Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait

Mastering Business English

Office Routine
The book educates students on presentation skills, on how
to write formal letters and resumes and how to deal with
2002 978-81-250-2169-8 48 pp ` 95
Rights: India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Saudi
Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait

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Communication and Analysis Skills

Author: Ashan Academy
Academic and Research Writing
A Coursebook for Undergraduates and Research Communication and Analysis Skills is
Students a textbook for use in the fifth semester
compulsory course offered to students in
Author: Kalyani Samantray
polytechnic colleges in Karnataka. It has
Academic and Research Writing serves five chapters which cover aspects of one-
as a practical guide to research writing to-one communication and communication
from the undergraduate to the PhD levels. within a group, presentation skills, personal
Catering to all disciplines, the book offers a grooming and research skills, which are topics relevant to
practical, task-based approach with focus students in their last year of college because they prepare
on both academic writing and research them for their professional life.
writing. It contains a step-by-step strategy The chapters on communication skills cover different
to research, covering fundamentals and forms of speaking and writing. The chapter on presentation
advanced requirements. In addition to this, it also provides skills includes the effective use of different mediums and
readers with MLA and APA style guides for documenting and styles of presentation as well as body language. The chapter
referencing; tips for research presentations, the standard on personal conduct and appearance discusses the subjects
format for dissertations and projects, and a guide to spelling, of etiquette, dress codes and bias-free communication.
grammar, and usage in English. Written in line with the CBCS The last chapter on research skills gives students a general
guidelines of the UGC, this book will be an invaluable support understanding with regard to asking the right kind of questions,
to research students at all levels. making hypotheses, and using research tools to collect and
analyse data.
2015 978-81-250-6025-3 152 pp ` 115
Rights: World 2011 978-81-250-4398-0 180 pp ` 150
978-81-250-5022-3 (E-ISBN)
Rights: World

Business Communication in English

Editors: Board of Editors
Communication and Soft Skills
This is a workbook covering various Volume 1
aspects of business correspondence
Editors: Board of Editors
including quotations, orders, complaints,
credit inquiry letters, circulars, reports, and This is a textbook prescribed for the first
bank correspondence. It also gives adequate and second semesters of the revised
information about job applications, CVs and Andhra Pradesh Common Core syllabus
e-mails that will be of immediate relevance undergraduate courses. It covers all the
to students. In addition, it also gives them an insight into the topics prescribed for communication and
world of work through information about drafting agendas and soft skills paper for the first two semesters
minutes for business meetings, and the soft skills required to of all undergraduate programmes. The book
participate in and lead such meetings. aims to introduce students to the basics of communication skills,
vocabulary and grammar, while improving their overall personality
2014 978-81-250-5624-9 148 pp ` 60
and employability through lessons and exercises related to
Rights: Restricted
important life skills. The book has been prepared in consonance
with the Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) guidelines prescribed
by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
2015 978-81-250-6010-9 136 pp ` 95
Rights: Restricted

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Communication Skills in English Countdown

A Workbook English Skills for Success
Authors: Shilpa Sapre-Bharmal, Dinesh Kumar, Authors: Annie John, Nivrutti Baburao
Susmita Dey & Nilakshi Roy Pawar & T.N. Kolekar
Communication Skills in English has been The book is meant for general English
prepared as a workbook for undergraduate courses at the undergraduate level. It has
students. It provides students with sections on prose, poetry, grammar and
exhaustive materials to practise and perfect vocabulary, speaking and writing skills, and
their English and communication skills soft skills.
using a variety of exercises. The workbook
2012 978-81-250-4700-1 172 pp ` 110
also addresses the communicative needs
Rights: Restricted
of students by providing useful tips and exercises on topics
such as writing social and official letters, resumés, social
and business representations, presentation skills, interview Course in Academic Writing, A
skills, etc. The model question papers provided at the end of
Author: Renu Gupta
each section will help students prepare for their semester-end
examinations. A Course in Academic Writing has been
designed for students who want to learn
2012 978-81-250-4712-4 176 pp ` 95
advanced writing skills in English, whether
Rights: World
for writing research papers or for appearing
in international English examinations.
2010 978-81-250-4009-5 212 pp ` 295
Rights: World
Communication Skills in English for
Creative Writing
Editors: Board of Editors, NITTTR, Karnataka
Editors: Board of Editors
Communication Skills in English for
Polytechnics is a coursebook for diploma Creative Writing is designed for
students. It provides students with undergraduate students beginning a creative
adequate material to improve and practise writing course. It contains clear, easy-to-
their language and communication skills follow guidelines in simple English, along
through a variety of exercises in listening, with illustrative samples, to help learners
speaking, reading and writing. The book express their point of view and convey
also helps them strengthen their vocabulary and grasp thoughts, emotions and impressions in an
of grammar. It brings together a range of short prose and original manner. Each chapter concludes with questions that
poetry pieces that are relevant and interesting to students of test their comprehension of basic concepts, as well as writing
technology and science. tasks which will give them an opportunity to practise what
they have learnt. The book covers topics such as descriptive
2015 978-81-250-5979-0 136 pp ` 85
writing, narrative writing, dialogue writing, and has sections
Rights: Restricted
on writing articles, reviews and web content, among others.
2014 978-81-250-5454-2 76 pp ` 60
Rights: World

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English and Soft Skills 1982. Teachers, students, and those who are keen on honing
their speaking and writing skills will find the series useful. This
Author: S.P. Dhanavel
volume contains a selection of more than 300 idioms, and
English and Soft Skills is a textbook intended each entry gives the meaning of the idiom, provides examples
to help students acquire and practise the of its use, and wherever possible, traces its origin.
soft skills they will need in their working
2011 978-81-7371-729-1 216 pp ` 225
lives. It addresses the growing demand from
Rights: World
organisations for capable and competent
professionals. Thus it aims at bridging the
gap between the teaching-learning situation Know Your English
in the classroom and the professional expectations current Volume II: Words Frequently Confused
in industry. The book provides students with a variety of Author: S. Upendran
challenging and interesting activities that focus on a set of
ten interlinked soft skills—listening, teamwork, emotional Words Frequently Confused, the second
intelligence, assertiveness, learning to learn, problem solving, volume in the four volume series, Know
attending interviews, adaptability, non-verbal communication Your English, is based on S. Upendran’s
and written communication. popular weekly column published in The
English and Soft Skills is suitable for study at the Hindu. It contains a selection of about
undergraduate level and can be adapted to suit any syllabus 480 pairs of words that are frequently
and examination system in the country. confused. Each entry gives the meaning
of the words and points out the difference
2010 978-81-250-3980-8 136 pp ` 125 between them. Examples are also provided showing how the
Rights: Restricted words can be used in everyday contexts. Some of the entries
also contain information about the pronunciation and the
Expressway to English etymology (origin) of the word.
Hindi-English 2013 978-81-7371-730-7 416 pp ` 395
(with audio CD)
Rights: World
Author: Bikram K. Das
This is a bilingual learning tool for Mindscapes
mastering conversational English in English for Technologists and Engineers
different situations. Sample conversations (with DVD)
are provided in a bilingual format for easy Authors: Department of English, Anna
learning. Explanations of the use of language University
and cultural contexts are provided wherever
necessary. The book also includes ample This new textbook for first-year technology
practice with exercises in repetition, role-play, translation and and engineering students is based on the
pronunciation. revised syllabus of Anna University. The
book caters to the changing language needs
2008 978-81-7370-288-4 218 pp ` 175 of students of technology and engineering
Rights: World and aims to make students ‘industry-ready’ in terms of the
language and presentation skills.
Know Your English The texts in each unit have been drawn from both general
Volume I: Idioms and their Stories literature as well as materials in science and technology,
based on the needs analysis conducted by the department.
Author: S. Upendran
The book incorporates a skills-based approach to teaching;
Idioms and their Stories is the first of a the problem-solving tasks are graded. Weightage is given to
four volume series, based on the popular the language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
column, Know Your English, which has and sufficient emphasis is laid on the practice of grammar.
been a regular feature in The Hindu since

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The book is accompanied by a DVD that contains a range narrative, expository and argumentative. The workbook also
of audio-visual material for classroom use. includes exercises in vocabulary building, grammar and oral
skills, the last of which provide help in spoken English. Each
2012 978-81-250-4721-6 196 pp ` 295
of these sections has been specifically designed to facilitate
Rights: Restricted
maximum student participation and practice in the classroom.
The workbook is aimed at making the learning of reading
Positivity skills, vocabulary, grammar and everyday oral communication
A Way of Life effective.
Author: Manika Ghosh 2015 978-81-250-6002-4 144 pp ` 85
This book caters to the requirements of Rights: Restricted
a holistic wellness development training
course for undergraduate students of
government colleges. It covers all the major
aspects of wellness as well as life skills Softskills
that students need. The idea is not only A Textbook for Undergraduates
to enhance employability of students but
Author: Ajay R. Tengse
also to help them on the path to self-confidence, self-respect
and self-awareness. The book is written in a lucid style and Soft Skills: A Textbook for Undergraduates
contains plenty of activities to enable the student to put into has been prepared as per the syllabus
practice what has been learnt. accepted and approved by the 32nd
Academic Council of Swami Ramanand
2013 978-81-250-5346-0 132 pp ` 125
Teerth Marathwada, Nanded. The
Rights: World
objective of the present scheme is to
provide vocational bias and training for all
undergraduate students across faculties. Under this scheme
each student would complete three modules in the span of
Practical Course in Spoken English, A three years. This book forms the First Module and focuses
Author: K.N. Devidas on Soft Skills and Personality Development as well as Values
and Attitude.
The book has been prepared as a twin course. The first of the
two parts deals with speech delivery, covering English speech 2015 978-81-250-5879-3 88 pp ` 85
sounds, word stress and sentence rhythm. Two major native Rights: Restricted
English speech styles, BBC English and American Network
English, are separately discussed. The second part of the book
Soft Skills for Interpersonal
is on message structuring. The book may be recommended
for use in the first two years of undergraduate programmes.
Authors: S. Balasubramaniam & Board of Editors
Rights: World
Soft Skills for Interpersonal Communication
is intended to help students develop the
Progress with English
Workbook work skills and soft skills they will need
once they enter the world of work and
Editors: Board of Editors business. Students are introduced to skills
Progress with English has been designed such as adaptability, accountability, the
in a way that focuses on helping students ability to cooperate, teamwork and other
acquire language skills, improve their work-related skills, which are brought to life and explained
vocabulary and gain better understanding of in a simple and comprehensible style through case studies,
the use of grammar. The passages used in
the workbook for honing students’ reading
comprehension skills are descriptive,

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 56 23/11/2015 12:53:26


projects and anecdotes about the business and corporate that gives learners an opportunity to listen to dialogues in
world. everyday situations and that provide answers to practice
exercises as well. Also included are brief, easy to understand
2011 978-81-250-4194-8 56 pp ` 65
tips on pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and usage. Part 1
Rights: World
covers twenty-five basic functions, presented in a simple and
extremely learner-friendly manner.
Spoken English
2008 978-81-250-3401-8 212 pp ` 195
A Foundation Course
(with audio CD) (Revised Edition) Rights: World

Kamlesh Sadanand & Susheela Punitha

Spoken English
Spoken English: A Foundation Course A Foundation Course – Part 2
Parts 1 & 2 (revised editions) are (with audio CD) (for speakers of Hindi)
intended to help develop the oral
Authors: Kamlesh Sadanand & Susheela
communication skills of second
language learners, especially those
whose medium of instruction has been Part 2 offers learners a more advanced
a regional language, and who have had set of 25 functions that require the use of
little or no exposure to spoken English. relatively complex language structures than
The books can also be used as self- those in Part 1.
instructional material by adult learners.
2008 978-81-250-3402-5 245 pp ` 195
The books are accompanied by audio CDs containing sample
Rights: World
dialogues for everyday situations and practice exercises.
There are also brief, easy-to-understand tips on pronunciation,
vocabulary, grammar and usage that learners are sure to find Spoken English
useful. A Foundation Course
The books have been revised to include new dialogues Also available for speakers of
set in familiar situations, more usage notes and an additional
appendix. Bangla Gujarati
Kannada Malayalam
Volume 1: Marathi Oriya
2014 978-81-250-5492-4 212 pp ` 215 Punjabi Tamil
Volume 2: Telugu
2014 978-81-250-5493-1 224 pp ` 225
Rights: World Spoken English
A Manual of Speech and Phonetics
Spoken English (Revised Edition) (with DVD)
A Foundation Course – Part 1 Authors: R.K. Bansal & J.B. Harrison
(with audio CD) (for speakers of Hindi)
Spoken English: A Manual of Speech
Authors: Kamlesh Sadanand & Susheela Punitha and Phonetics is a book for students
The book is intended to help develop the and teachers who wish to improve their
oral communication skills of second pronunciation of English and acquire the
language learners, especially those who correct patterns of stress, rhythm and
have had a regional language medium of intonation. Common errors that occur in
instruction at school and who have had the speech of Indian speakers of English
little or no exposure to spoken English. The are discussed and hints are provided
book can also be used as self-instructional so that students can work towards achieving international
material by people who are employed or engaged in different intelligibility. The book has two parts. Part I gives an
activities of their own. The book comes with an audio CD introduction to phonetics and information about the sound

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 57 23/11/2015 12:53:26


system of English. Part II contains useful exercises for drills interesting themes as well as modern skills such as writing
and practice. The book is accompanied by a DVD to help with e-mail messages, memorandums and résumés.
pronunciation and the practice of spoken English. Also included are brief notes on topics like objective writing
and plagiarism, which would be of value to students aiming to
2013 978-81-250-5085-8 236 pp ` 225
improve their writing skills in English.
Rights: World
2005 978-81-250-2865-9 228 pp ` 175
Rights: World
Springboard to Success
Workbook for Developing English and Employability
Authors: Sharda Kaushik & Bindu Bajwa Written and Spoken Communication in
Springboard to Success is essentially
a workbook meant for recent graduate Editors: Board of Editors
students and people looking for placement Written and Spoken Communication in
in the job market. It is suitable for study at English is a textbook of general English for
the undergraduate level and can be adapted the undergraduate level. The book has been
to syllabuses of most Indian universities. prepared with the aim of making students
2011 978-81-250-4114-6 208 pp ` 135 able and effective communicators in
Rights: World English. It has four parts that cover basic
grammar, composition, phonetics and
conversational skills. The book includes
Strengthen Your Writing exercises that will provide practice to students and that will
(Third Edition) also enable teachers to assess them on every topic covered
Author: V.R. Narayanaswami in the book.

This book is an intensive course in writing 2007 978-81-7371-595-2 196 pp ` 125

that promotes the understanding and Rights: World
practice of the essential aspects of English
composition and related study skills,
relevant to students at the intermediate
and first-year degree levels. The book is
designed to help students acquire and apply
their writing skills in English. The revised
edition includes fresh texts based on contemporary and

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 58 23/11/2015 12:53:27


AC WARD A.C. Ward Series: The Plays of Bernard Shaw


One of the greatest dramatists of English literature, Bernard Shaw is among the most notable writers of his
time. Shaw’s plays are marked by a peculiarly pungent and witty satire that invoked both admiration and disdain. They not
only provoked readers to think, but also helped them notice the humour and irony of situations that were ordinarily taken for
Orient Blackswan’s series of Shaw’s most famous plays, edited by the renowned critic A.C. Ward, has long been popular
with both teachers and students. In addition to the play itself, each title in this series has the playwright’s own preface, a
general introduction to Shaw, a specific introduction to the play itself, and also extensive notes to guide the reader. The series
has now been enriched with additional student-friendly features such as analyses of themes and characterisation, act-wise
summaries and questions, and also a select reading list.

Caesar and Cleopatra

(Revised Edition)
Author: Bernard Shaw; Editor: A.C. Ward
Revised by Kanchana Ugbabe

2011 978-81-250-4277-8 200 pp ` 115

Rights: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka
and Tibet only

(Revised Edition)
Author: Bernard Shaw; Editor: A.C. Ward
Revised by Kanchana Ugbabe

2013 978-81-250-5055-1 120 pp ` 120

Rights: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka
and Tibet only
Arms and the Man
(Revised Edition)
Author: Bernard Shaw (Revised Edition)
Editor: A.C. Ward Author: Bernard Shaw; Editor: A.C. Ward

2011 978-81-250-4247-1 136 pp ` 110 Revised by Bernadine Joseph

Rights: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka
and Tibet only 2011 978-81-250-4249-5 168 pp ` 125
Rights: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Tibet

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CRITICAL Critical Editions

SERIES (Co-published with The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad)
‘Critical Editions’ is a series intended to bring literary texts closer to students, of both postgraduate and
undergraduate levels. Each edition not only explores the structure and texture of the text chosen but also places it in its literary
and cultural context. The complete and unabridged text of the work follows. Annotations and glosses are provided wherever
it is felt that students need help in order to understand the original. It is hoped that students will move from these editions to
standard works of reference in order to widen their understanding of the genre, the period and the writer. The edition closes
with representative critical essays, a set of topics that can be used for classroom discussion or as guidelines for analysis, and
a select bibliography of critical sources.

Emma Robinson Crusoe

Author: Jane Austen Author: Daniel Defoe
Editor: Sunita Mishra Editor: Pramod K. Nayar
2011 978-81-250-4102-3 436 pp ` 235 2011 978-81-250-4090-3 324 pp ` 225
Rights: World Rights: World

English Poetry 1660–1780 Tess of the d’Urbervilles

An Anthology
Author: Thomas Hardy
Editor: Pramod K. Nayar
Editor: John Varghese
2011 978-81-250-4088-0 424 pp ` 240
2014 978-81-250-5426-9 432 pp ` 245
Rights: World
Rights: World

Gulliver’s Travels
Wuthering Heights
Author: Jonathan Swift
Author: Emily Brontë
Editor: Pramod K. Nayar
Editor: Sunita Mishra
2011 978-81-250-4089-7 312 pp ` 225
2011 978-81-250-4186-3 344 pp ` 225
Rights: World
Rights: World

Modern English Poetry

Editor: Mohan G. Ramanan
2013 978-81-250-5282-1 152 pp ` 150
Rights: World

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ORIENT BLACKSWAN Orient BlackSwan Abridged Texts

‘Orient BlackSwan Abridged Texts’ (OBAT) is a set of abridged classics with a detailed introduction
in each, and also glossaries, chapter summaries and questions that can be used in a classroom for
discussion and study and also for examinations. The introductions contain notes on the life of each author, his or her historical
background and other works, important themes and motifs in the work as also studies of character and important language
aspects of the work.
The summaries and glossaries are intended to help the student improve his or her language skills other than understanding
the text.
Series editor: Seetha Srinivasan. She has taught students of both UG and PG courses for more than three decades at
Stella Maris College, Chennai.

Hard Times
Author: Charles Dickens; Abridged by S.V. Krishnan
Revised by Seetha Srinivasan
2010 978-81-250-3957-0 192 pp ` 125
Rights: World

Oliver Twist
Author: Charles Dickens; Abridged by Pronoti Sinha
David Copperfield Revised by Seetha Srinivasan
Author: Charles Dickens; Abridged by Praniti Ghatak Bose 2010 978-81-250-3993-8 212 pp ` 150
2010 978-81-250-3958-7 200 pp ` 125 Rights: World
Rights: India Only
Oliver Twist
Emma (Punjab University Edition)
Author: Jane Austen; Abridged by Manju Sen Author: Charles Dickens; Abridged by Pronoti Sinha
Revised by Seetha Srinivasan
2010 978-81-250-3955-6 220 pp ` 150
Rights: World 2011 978-81-250-4286-0 212 pp ` 150
Rights: World
Far from the Madding Crowd
Author: Thomas Hardy; Abridged by Manju Sen
2010 978-81-250-3956-3 200 pp ` 135
Rights: World

Gulliver’s Travels
Author: Jonathan Swift
Abridged by V. Gopalan Nair and Seetha Srinivasan
2010 978-81-250-4011-8 184 pp ` 125
Rights: World

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ORIENT BLACKSWAN Orient BlackSwan Annotated Study Texts

‘Orient BlackSwan Annotated Study Texts’ (OBAST) is a set of classic literary texts in original. Each
edition carries an extensive introduction with insights into the nature of the work, the background of
the writer and his age, important ideas and themes in the work, an analysis of the genre of the work with specific reference
to techniques, use of language, special associations with the social background of the age and cross-references to the
literary corpus of the period in question. There are annotations and notes along with required commentaries for the student to
comprehend the texts. Appended to each edition is also a substantial reading list and also topics for discussion.

Apology for Poetry, An questions and topics for discussion in class as well as a
select bibliography.
Author: Philip Sidney
2013 978-81-250-4030-9 364 pp ` 275
Editor: Visvanath Chatterjee
Rights: World
2011 978-81-250-4029-3 148 pp ` 145
Rights: World
Author: John Milton
Faerie Queene: Book 1
(Revised Edition) Editor: C.T. Thomas
Author: Edmund Spenser Revised by Ajanta Paul
Editor: M.C. Jussawalla 2010 978-81-250-4027-9 76 pp ` 100
Rights: World
Revised by Ananya Dutta Gupta
This revised edition has introductions, commentaries and
notes aimed to provide guidance to the student to perceive
Riders to the Sea
the complete literary and cultural matrix of the work as well Author: J.M. Synge
as to draw on the stylistic and technical mastery of Edmund
Editor: Ashok Sengupta
Spenser. It covers all aspects of the genesis, the history and
the deeper contextual and allegorical representations of this 2010 978-81-250-3742-2 104 pp ` 90
seminal work by Edmund Spenser within the scope of the Rights: World
annotations which are extremely detailed and exhaustive. It
helps the student confront and grapple with the intricacies
of the text as well as work on it in the context of the genre,
literary and historical background. There is also a list of

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 62 23/11/2015 12:53:37


Way of the World, The

Author: William Congreve
Editor: Shrishendu Chakrabarti
2007 978-81-250-2873-4 284 pp ` 180
Rights: World

Paradise Lost: Books 1 & 2

(Revised Edition)
Author: John Milton Rape of the Lock
Editor: Nissim Ezekiel & Vrinda Nabar Author: Alexander Pope
Revised by Ajanta Paul Editor: C.T. Thomas
2011 978-81-250-4032-3 188 pp ` 150 Revised by P.D. Gupta
Rights: World 2011 978-81-250-4031-6 128 pp ` 120
Rights: World

ORIENT BLACKSWAN Orient BlackSwan Drama Classics

‘Drama Classics’ is a series of annotated English plays. This series attempts to meet the requirements
of Indian students and they focus on those areas which the Indian student finds difficult. This series
has been edited and annotated by Indian academicians. The language and the discussion of pertinent themes have been kept
at a level easily accessible to the average Indian student.
Each play has detailed notes. There is a general introduction by the series editor and an introduction to the play by the
editor of the book, marking the place of the play in the playwright’s career. There is also a detailed summary at the beginning
of each scene so that the student gets a clear idea of the development of the plot structure. There is also an elaborate
discussion of the different strands of thoughts and ideas which are relevant to the play in the introduction. There are line
references, explanations and commentaries which will enable the student to master the play. Cross-references which have
been added on at all relevant points give the student a holistic view of the play. There is a list of further reading and topics for
discussion at the end of each edition.

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark – Shakespeare ` 155

Measure for Measure – Shakespeare ` 120
As You Like It – Shakespeare ` 120
Duchess of Malfi, The – Webster ` 145
Othello, the Moor of Venice – Shakespeare ` 150
First Part of Henry IV, The – Shakespeare ` 110
Tempest, The – Shakespeare ` 125
(For details, see Price List)

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PHILIP WELLER ANNOTATED The Philip Weller Annotated Shakespeare Series

‘The Philip Weller Annotated Shakespeare’ is a series of select plays by
Shakespeare. The titles in this series have been edited and annotated by
Professor Philip Weller of Eastern Washington University. Each of these plays is accompanied by a detailed critical introduction,
summaries, questions, topics for discussion and a reading list. These texts are aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate
Professor (Dr) Philip Weller has been teaching at Eastern Washington University in Cheney, Washington (USA), for almost
four decades. He specialises in Shakespeare and Renaissance English literature. He also takes courses on the history of British
literature and on masterpieces of the western world.

Hamlet Othello
Author: William Shakespeare; Editor: Philip Weller Author: William Shakespeare; Editor: Philip Weller
Introduction by Jayati Gupta Introduction by Padma V. Mckertich
2015 978-81-250-4494-9 284 pp ` 220 2014 978-81-250-4491-8 224 pp `185
Rights: World Rights: World

Julius Caesar Twelfth Night

Author: William Shakespeare; Editor: Philip Weller Author: William Shakespeare; Editor: Philip Weller
Introduction by Naina Joseph Introduction by Kanchana Ugbabe
2014 978-81-250-4495-6 176 pp ` 130 2015 978-81-250-4492-5 192 pp `160
Rights: World Rights: World

Author: William Shakespeare; Editor: Philip Weller
Introduction by Ajanta Paul
2014 978-81-250-4493-2 180 pp ` 130
Rights: World

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English Romantic Poets, The

An Anthology
Companion to Literary Forms, A Editor: Pramod K. Nayar
Author: Padmaja Ashok The English Romantic Poets: An Anthology
A Companion to Literary Forms is a is a rare collection in that it includes
useful ready reckoner for both students representative poems of both the canonical
and teachers of English literature. The and the non-canonical poets. Therefore,
book defines each literary form in simple while there is poetry by Wordsworth,
and clear language, explains its features Coleridge, Keats and Shelley, there is
and sub-types, and provides numerous also the work of Anna Lætitia Barbauld,
examples. In addition to examining all the Sydney Owenson and Anna Seward. This
major forms of poetry, drama and prose, anthology also features political poetry about the slave trade,
this essential handbook also surveys literary criticism down the state of the colonial Empire, industrialisation and labour
the ages, from the ancient Greeks to the present day. strifes, and contemporary political debates.

2015 978-81-250-5865-6 168 pp ` 130 2013 978-81-250-5084-1 300 pp ` 950

Rights: World Rights: World

English Poetry from the Elizabethans

to the Restoration
An Anthology Fields of Play
Sports, Literature and Culture
Editor: P.K. Nayar
Editors: P. Trivedi & S. Chaudhuri
This comprehensive anthology of English
The essays in this collection bring this
poetry, from the Elizabethan age to the
rich assemblage of significations of sport
Restoration, places canonised poets such
to critical attention. The impetus for the
as Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton, Donne,
venture came from the ferment around the
Herbert along with poets not usually found in
Commonwealth Games in Delhi in October
anthologies—Margaret Cavendish, Isabella
2011, but the project has developed
Whitney and Mary Wroth, among others.
beyond them. Since the 1970s, there
The collection offers poetry of science,
has been global interest in analysing the
religious poetry, the country-house poem and courtly poetry
place of sport in modern society and Sports Studies have
and has a comprehensive introduction which presents the
become a recognised sub-field in history and sociology. While
socio-political and intellectual backgrounds to the literature
institutionalised sport has received considerable academic
of this era. Traditional and new readings of this poetry are
attention in the areas of sport history and anthropology,
listed in a full bibliography at the end of the introduction.
media and cultural studies, the engagement of literature and
Biographical notes introduce each poet, while selective
the creative arts with the field of sports is still a fledgling
annotation explains some of the more obscure references and
area of study. The book therefore redirects attention from the
contextual implications of the poems.
‘representation’ of sport in various media to its ‘mediation’
2012 978-81-250-4610-3 276 pp ` 220 in literature; focusing attention not just on how various
Rights: World sports have evolved, are commented upon and presented
to consumers in print, and on television, but also on what
discourses, ideologies and locations structure and critique
the engagement.
2015 978-81-250-5755-0 320pp ` 715
Rights: World

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Importance of Being Earnest, The

Editors: Board of Editors, Adikavi Nannaya University
The Importance of Being Earnest,
Editors: Board of Editors considered to be Oscar Wilde’s
Headway has been designed in line with masterpiece, was produced at the height of
the Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) the Victorian age. Split into three acts, the
guidelines of the University Grants play is accompanied by detailed notes and
Commission (UGC). It has an extensive annotations that aim to ensure students
philology section, covering the history better understand and appreciate both
and development of the English language, the play and the author’s searing wit. The
as well as selections from Donne, Bacon, introduction provides necessary information about the author,
Gray and Milton. Helpful introductions to the characters in the play, and the plot. There is also a critical
the authors and texts, along with detailed notes, a glossary of note on Wilde’s wit and humour.
difficult words and lines, and comprehension questions make 2014 978-81-250-5617-1 76 pp ` 80
this an ideal textbook for BA Special English courses. Rights: World
2015 978-81-7370-456-7 88 pp ` 100
Rights: Restricted Verses for a Multiverse
Poems for the New Generation
Studying Literature Editors: T. Sriraman & N. Krishnaswamy
An Introduction to Fiction and Poetry
This is a coursebook in English poetry
Editor: Pramod K. Nayar designed for undergraduate learners of
Studying Literature is a short introduction English. The book has a new approach to
to two genres in literary studies: fiction and poetry: it uses the comparative method.
poetry. It explicates in easy-to-understand The poems are organised by theme and
terms the basic elements of a fictional poems from different periods on the same
work, such as plot, setting, characterisation subject are compared with each other.
and point of view; and the constituents of a This provides the student with a fresh
poem, such as tone, diction, imagery and perspective on poetry. Both contemporary and classic poems
figurative language. Each of these elements are given.
is explained through the analysis of examples from assorted The tasks and activities set on the poems help the student
literary texts from around the world. The explanations are appreciate the technical and aesthetic aspects of the poems.
supplemented with examples from films, celebrity culture 2011 978-81-250-4274-7 116 pp ` 225
and political speeches. The book offers a point of departure Rights: World
for students embarking on literary studies. It foregrounds the
literariness and special use of the language of poetry and
fiction, and demonstrates how these texts are put together.
2013 978-81-250-4873-2 260 pp ` 175 INDIAN LITERATURE
Rights: World
3, Sakina Manzil and Other Plays
Author: Ramu Ramanathan
The book contains eight of Ramanathan’s
well-known plays: Shanti, Shanti, It’s a War;
The Boy Who Stopped Smiling; Curfew;
Mahadevbhai (1892–1942); Collaborators;
3, Sakina Manzil; Shakespeare and She;

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and Jazz. This volume also contains an introduction and an Lights On

interview with the playwright. Indian Plays in English
(Volume 1)
2012 978-81-250-4511-3 398 pp ` 425
Rights: World Editor: Lakshmi Chandra
This collection of plays in English, in two
Art of the Intellect volumes, is one of the only collections to
The Uncollected English Writings of be available in this genre. The plays that
Sudhindranath Dutta appear in these volumes are based on
the fact that each one of them has been
Editor: Sukanta Chaudhuri
successfully performed on stage and that
This volume contains all the recoverable the issues tackled in them are relevant to
English writings of the Bengali poet and us today in the postcolonial era we live
critic Sudhindranath Datta, outside those in. They focus on history, culture, society and the politics
already gathered in an earlier collection, The in which postcolonial India lives and breathes, justifying the
World of Twilight. They include a hitherto inclusion in a collection of its own. It depicts from start to
unknown introduction for a projected finish how comfortable Indians have become with the English
Oxford Book of Bengali Verse, drafted by language and its use, and how these dramatists have made
Sudhindranath for the proposed editor, this language their very own. This first volume has plays by
Rabindranath Tagore. Other pieces testify to his informed Asif Currimbhoy, Mahesh Dattani and Poile Sengupta.
interest and original thought about Indian and European
2013 978-81-250-4982-1 172 pp ` 150
literature, ancient history, international politics, philosophical
Rights: World
speculation and the social mores of his time. There are also a
number of book and theatre reviews, and many other pieces
that he wrote for The Statesman. Lights On
Indian Plays in English
2008 978-81-8028-033-7 (HB) 344 pp ` 650
(Volume 2)
Rights: World
Editor: Lakshmi Chandra
In Quest of Indian Folktales This second volume has plays by
Gurcharan Das, Manjula Padmanabhan,
Author: Sadhana Naithani
Zubin Driver and Ramu Ramanathan.
The book is a collection of north Indian
2013 978-81-250-4983-8 228 pp ` 170
folktales from the late nineteenth century.
Rights: World
Reputedly the work of William Crooke, a
well-known folklorist and British colonial
official, the tales were actually collected, Nampally Road
selected, and translated by a certain Pandit (Re-issue with a foreword by Githa Hariharan)
Ram Gharib Chaube. In an extensive four- Author: Meena Alexander
chapter introduction, Naithani describes
Chaube’s relationship to Crooke and the essential role he played The story of the book focuses on the
in Crooke’s work, as both a native informant and a trained experiences and perception of the central
scholar. By unearthing the fragmented story of Chaube’s life, character, Mira Kannadical who returns
Naithani gives voice to a new identity of an Indian folklore to India after four years as a student in
scholar in colonial India. The publication of these tales and England. But the India that Mira finds
the discovery of Chaube’s role in their collection reveal the teems with confusion and unrest. She is in
complexity of the colonial intellectual world and problematise the centre of a conflict between the people
our own views of folklore in a postcolonial world. and the police and Mira realises that the
unrest in the souls of Indian men and women is ‘too visible,
2009 978-81-250-3450-6 (HB) 344 pp ` 895 too turbulent already to permit the kinds of writing I had once
Rights: Restricted

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learnt to value.’ It is a haunting and lyrical portrayal of one history, how it began and its observance. It is an interesting
woman’s struggle to piece together her past. and vivid account of this annual secular celebration that in fact
is still observed in Delhi.
2013 978-81-250-4808-4 107 pp ` 150
Rights: Restricted 2012 978-81-250-4618-9 100 pp ` 275
Rights: World


Author: Manik Bandyopadhyay
Orient BlackSwan pioneered the publishing of translations
from Indian languages into English. Our aim is to make Translator: Ratan K. Chattopadhyay
the best writing from Indian languages—fiction and non- An English translation of Manik Bando-
fiction of different genres—accessible to the Indian reading padhyay’s popular novel Padma Nadir
public. Some of the most significant Indian writers featured Majhi (1936), this is an immaculately
in our series include Ashapurna Debi, Iravati Karve, Vaikom painted document of the fishing community
Muhammad Basheer, Ashokamitran, Nazir Ahmad, Pratibha in a remote sleepy village of Bangladesh
Ray, M.T. Vasudevan Nair, Sunil Gangopadhyay, Sharankumar nurtured by the Padma, the lifeline of the
Limbale and Bani Basu. country. It deals with the impact of the
fiercely beautiful Padma on the lives of
the riparian people. The reality of communal life on the one
hand and the desires and aspirations of individual life on
Arya and Other Stories the other—all in conformity with the pace of the river—are
sketched beautifully in this sensitive translation.
Author and Translator: Chandrika Balan
2012 978-81-250-4934-0 176 pp ` 325
Arya and Other Stories is a collection of
Rights: World
twelve selected stories translated into
English. All of them have women as
protagonists and reflect social reality. The First Promise, The
inner strength—Shakthi—of the woman, (Revised Edition)
problems of the career women, the harm Author: Ashapurna Debi
done by visual media, feminine creativity,
the complex feminine psyche, ecology are Translator: Indira Chowdhury
some of the prominent themes. The stories are filled with The First Promise is a translation of
humour and are sharp critiques of the values and mores of our Ashapurna Debi’s novel, Pratham
patriarchal society. This collection provides a deep insight into Pratisruti, originally published in Bengali
social situations and relationships in contemporary India—in in 1964.Celebrated as one of the most
this instance, Kerala. popular and path-breaking novels of its
2014 978-81-250-5680-5 144 pp ` 355 time, it has received continual critical
Rights: World acclaim; the Rabindra Puraskar (the
Tagore Prize) in 1966 and the Bharitiya
Jnanpith, India’s highest literary award, in 1977. Spanning the
Bahadur Shah and the Festival late 18th and early 20th centuries, Ashapurna tells the story of
of the struggles and efforts of women in 19th-century, colonial
Flower-sellers Bengal in a deceptively easy and conversational style.
Author: Mirza Farhatullah Beg Indira Chowdhury’s confident translation, with its
conscious choice of Indian English equivalents over British
Translator: Mohammed Zakir and American colloquialisms, carries across the language
This book is an account of the phool walon divide the flavour of Ashapurna’s unique idiomatic style.
ki sair, or the festival of flower-sellers, its

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This edition also includes the translator’s reflections on the Government Brahmana
process of translation itself.
Author: Aravind Malagatti
2009 978-81-250-3790-3 600 pp ` 595
Translators: Dharani Devi Malagatti, Janet Vucinich & N.
978-81-250-5922-6 (E-ISBN)
Rights: World
Government Brahmana is the English
translation of the Kannada autobiography
Four Tamil Plays
of Aravind Malagatti. The autobiographical
Editors: K. Latha, Padma V. Mckertich & Tanya C. Lawrence narrative is in the form of a series of
episodes from the author’s childhood and
This book grew out of the need to
youth. These episodes function as what
make available in English the work of
G.N. Devy calls ‘epiphanic moments’
contemporary Tamil playwrights. Two plays
in a caste society. The author reflects
each of Na. Muthusami (Narkalikkarar
on specific instances from his childhood and student days
and Kattiyakkaran) and S. Ramakrishnan
that illustrate the normative cruelty practiced by caste Hindu
(Aravaan and Urulum Paraigal) were
society on dalits.
chosen as part of a translation project
undertaken by the Department of English, 2007 978-81-250-3216-8 148 pp ` 325
Stella Maris College, Chennai. The book includes critical Rights: World
essays on the plays as well as a comprehensive introduction
to modern Tamil theatre.
Grip of Change, The
2014 978-81-250-5499-3 154 pp ` 225
Author: P. Sivakami
Rights: World
The protagonist, Kathamuthu, is a
charismatic Parayar leader. He intervenes
on behalf of a Parayar woman, Thangam,
Select Stories
who is beaten up by the relatives of her
Author and Translator: Lakshmi Kannan upper-caste lover. Kathamuthu works
This is a collection of short fiction that the state machinery and the village caste
covers a wide range of themes often hierarchy to achieve some sort of justice
featuring a strong, warm and sensitive for Thangam.
woman protagonist. In the title story, Padma, 2006 978-81-250-3020-1 208 pp ` 370
pursuing research in the US, is drawn Rights: World
towards Bill, an American of ‘overflowing
intelligence’, but her traditional upbringing,
an ‘old fear’, seems to come in the way. In Harilal Gandhi: A Life
‘Islanders’, an affluent housewife in the comfort of her fourth Author: Chandulal Bhagubhai Dalal
floor home at the time of a flood cares and stocks provisions
Translator: Tridip Suhrud
for her loving family, but empathises with the suffering poor
and deprived outside, and is about to rebel against her own Harilal Gandhi, the eldest son of Mohandas
‘hoarding’. and Kasturba Gandhi, is a mysterious,
fascinating figure. Chandulal Bhagubhai
2014 978-81-250-5380-4 200 pp ` 425
Dalal’s Harilal Gandhi is the only full-length
Rights: World
biography available on him. Chandulal
Dalal’s biography reconstructs a life
from letters, family records and archives
of the Sabarmati Ashram, and old files
of newspapers. His narrative is documentary in style; the
language unambiguous, sparse, unadorned. Tridip Suhrud’s

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English translation of this Gujarati work seeks to go beyond deprivations and vulnerabilities, the triumphs and rebellion,
the act of just translation. This English translation urges one the noise amidst the silences of the widow and her world.
to think beyond the clash between father and son, and see a
2012 978-81-250-4708-7 244 pp ` 565
deeper mystery which united them.
Rights: World
2007 978-81-250-3049-2 (HB) 290 pp ` 850
2007 978-81-250-3379-0 (PB) 290 pp ` 550
Many Worlds of Sarala Devi, The
Rights: World
A Diary
Tagores and Sartorial Styles
A Photo Essay
Kaanduri and Other Stories
Translators: Sukhendu Ray & Malavika Karlekar
Author: Dash Benhur
This book contains two separate, but
Translator: Bikram Keshari Das
related, writings on the Tagores. The
The tales in Kaanduri and Other Stories, introduction by the well-known historian,
selected from the writings of Jitendra Bharati Ray, very perceptively captures
Narayan Dash (whose pen name is Dash the larger context of family, marriage,
Benhur), reveal his wide range. Small women’s education and politics of the
surprises and poignant discoveries about time which touched Sarala Devi’s life. She
relationships account for the appeal of points out that if memoirs are a kind of
these stories, occasionally marked by social history then women’s diaries record social influences
humour, which convey the flavour of life not found in official accounts and are, therefore, a rich source
among generally the middle and lower classes of Odisha. This of documentation.
volume of nineteen stories will appeal to general readers and
readers of Indian fiction in translation, and will be a useful 2010 978-81-87358-31-2 (HB) 228 pp ` 550
guide for students of Translation Studies. The stories have Rights: Restricted
been deftly translated from the Odia by Prof. Bikram K. Das.
2015 978-81-250-5744-4 112 pp ` 225 Mirage
Rights: World Author and Translator: Kokilam Subbiah
Set in the tea plantations of Sri Lanka,
Magic Web and Other Stories, The Mirage traces the lives of Valli and her
Ashapurna Debi on the Widow and Her World family, migrants from a village in Tamil
Author: Ashapurna Debi Nadu in search of a better livelihood.
The novel depicts the lives of indentured
Translator: Jharna Sanyal labourers working in these plantations
This is a collection of eighteen of and explores the social structure and the
Ashapurna Debi’s short stories on the norms of plantation life—an arena defined
lives of widows. Through these stories, we by economic and sexual exploitation.
are introduced to ritual-oriented drudges Through Valli’s world we gain insight into the complex
and gossip-mongering women, and to social relationships—between husband and wife, parent
unbecoming women who refuse to hear the and child, worker and supervisor, friend and neighbour—in
voice of everyday morality and silence the these remote plantations. Mirage, translated from the Tamil
promptings of received values. One finds in Thoorathu Pachai, records human dignity in the face of human
the stories the rational, sensible, modern, urban gentleman all brutality. The novel chronicles a hitherto ignored piece of
but merely the camouflaged victims of patriarchy. Between human history.
conscience and custom, reason and prejudice, oppression 2007 978-81-250-3070-6 200 pp ` 375
and agency, these narratives show a rare sensitiveness to the Rights: World

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Mirza Sheikh I’tesamuddin’s in Bengal and then in Africa and sees the
Wonders of Vilayet journey of a young boy, Shankar, through
the forests and mountains of Africa as
Translator: Kaiser Haq well as from pubescent dreamer to an
This is the first book-length account of accomplished explorer. African savannahs,
the West by an Indian, and this edition is lions, poisonous snakes, diamond mines,
its first English translation. Mirza Sheikh deserts and mirages, and even ‘legendary’
I’tesamuddin, a munshi who had served beasts, dot the narrative and make it an
the East India Company before becoming a irresistible read.
Mughal courtier, was entrusted by Emperor 2007 978-81-250-3069-0 200 pp ` 295
Shah Alam II with a diplomatic mission to Rights: World
the British Court. He set sail in January
1766, and though the mission was aborted, the journey of
nearly three years resulted in a remarkable memoir. Written Nandanvan & Other Stories
in Persian, Shigurf Nama-e-Vilayet or Wonderful Tales Author and Translator: Lakshmi Kannan
about Europe is a unique historical document and a vastly
entertaining travel narrative. Lakshmi Kannan’s Nandanvan & Other
Stories is a collection of seventeen of her
2008 978-81-8028-032-0 (HB) 196 pp ` 425 own stories originally written in Tamil. As
Rights: World vivid in imagination as they are realistic, the
stories in this collection are reflections on
Mole! gender, sexuality, filial piety, construction
of identity, cultural institutions and the
Author: Ashokamitran individual existing ‘within’ and ‘outside’.
Translator: N. Kalyan Raman Kannan’s characters reflect their strength of spirit as they
struggle with the inevitable pain of existence, everyday
The events in the novel take place over a
grievances and prejudices, the indomitable will to survive
period of seven months in the American
loneliness and sorrow, and the confidence to resolve inner and
Midwest. The narrator, a culturally rooted
external conflict. Her protagonists reveal themselves through
writer from Chennai, is transplanted amidst
soliloquies, dialogue, and evocative silences. The rhythms
a motley group of fellow-writers from distant
and idioms of the Tamil world are masterfully translated by
parts of the world. In his interactions with
the author herself into fluid English prose which retains the
them he is engaged, helpful, frightened,
intensity and ethos of the original.
distant, generous and cunning. An
interested witness to the life around him, yet removed from 2011 978-81-250-4323-2 280 pp ` 425
it by language, temperament, and divergent sexual and social Rights: World
mores, he becomes a ‘mole’ in this new and complex human
setting, a ‘mole’ for his own world of art, imagination and Nazir Ahmad In his Own Words and Mine
Author: Mirza Farhatullah Beg
2004 978-81-250-2682-2 161 pp ` 325
Rights: World Translator: Mohammed Zakir
‘Allah! Allah! What days those were when
Moon Mountain we had the late Maulvi Nazir Ahmad Sahib
with us…’
Author: Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay With these words, Mirza Farhatullah
Translator: Pradeep Sinha Beg takes the reader through the bylanes
of old Delhi from Churiwalan, through Hauz
Translated from the Bengali classic Chander Pahar, this
Kazi and Khari Baoli to Gali Batashan Wali
book is a tribute to the enduring charm of the original that
is fascinating even today. The story is set in a small town

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to the home of his tutor—a doyen of Urdu prose and one of the netherworld and his assistant Chitragupta run in panic to
the pioneers of modern fiction in Urdu. escape being gored. The work is replete with social criticism
In a narrative that is as funny as it is respectful, there sometimes tinged with light satire. It makes good reading for
emerges an eloquent and evocative portrait that honestly the young.
captures the relationship between an erudite tutor and his
2013 978-81-250-5234-0 288 pp ` 500
loving and impudent pupil. Rich in historical detail, the work
Rights: World
also records eye-witness anecdotal accounts of the Mutiny of
1857 and paints a vivid picture of a fading world.
Old Playhouse and Other Poems, The
2009 978-81-250-3777-4 96 pp ` 275
978-81-250-5921-9 (E-ISBN) Author: Kamala Das
Rights: World
The Old Playhouse and Other Poems is
among the classics of modern Indian
Not Without Reason and Other Stories poetry in English. This new edition carries
an eminently readable and insightful
Author: Rajee Seth
introduction by V.C. Harris. Not only Kamala
Translator: Raji Narasimhan Das’s major themes but the specific terms
of her poetic address, voice, and concerns
Rajee Seth’s writings are critically lauded
(as a woman, poet, and social being)
for being a qualitative bridge between the
receive fairly close and critical attention in these pages.
classicist and modernist style of writing
New readers of Kamala Das will find her as engaging
in Hindi. A warm humanism marks this
and challenging as the old readers have always found her.
collection of nine stories by her, some
Furthermore, as Harris suggests in his essay, no reader could
of which are vibrantly feminist. In Raji
leave The Old Playhouse without being awakened by a newer
Narasimhan’s precise and vivid translations
conscience and unmoved by fond memories.
from their Hindi originals, the stories truly
come alive. 2011 978-81-250-4324-9 (HB) 76 pp ` 375
Rights: World
2012 978-81-250-4512-0 136 pp ` 275
Rights: World

Of Ghosts and Other Perils Opium Poppy

Author: Troilokyanath Mukhopadhyay
Author: Hubert Haddad
Translator: Arnab Bhattacharya
Translator: Renuka George
This collection of seven short stories
Alam is an Afghan child-soldier, child-
originally written in Bengali is a world where
refugee. Life is harsh, fragile and fleeting
the laws of nature do not always operate.
for him. Spanning two continents, with
In ‘Birbala’, a young man appears to lose
opium fields and deserted Parisian ghettos
his identity in a dream but wins the hand of
as backdrops, Opium Poppy lays bare
the girl he had had a vision of. ‘Lullu’ is a
the devastated lives of war-torn children.
ghost who steals a Muslim man’s wife from
Hubert Haddad depicts the broken lives of
Delhi and hides her in a chamber below a
these children in prose that the reader will
lake, but Amir, her husband, with the help of a weaver-singer,
find difficult to forget.
an astrologer, an exorcist, and sundry other ghosts rescues
her by making Lullu become a slave to opium. ‘Nayanchand’s 2015 978-93-83166-05-3 116 pp ` 325
Business’ is a tale of a bull under orders of his ex-owner about Rights: World
to wreak havoc in the palace of Yama as he makes the god of

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Panchlight and Other Stories Poisoned Bread

Author: Phanishwar Nath Renu Editor: Arjun Dangle
Translator: Rakhshanda Jalil Silenced for centuries by caste prejudice
and social oppression, the Dalits of
Set in Bihar, that vast hinterland of India,
Maharashtra have, in the last sixty years,
the diversity of the stories in this collection
found a powerful voice in Marathi literature.
represents the work of Phanishwarnath
The revolutionary social movement
Renu (1921–77), one of Hindi’s foremost
launched by their leader, Dr Ambedkar,
writers. Renu’s world is rural Bihar—a
was paralleled by a wave of writing that
world of poverty, ignorance, helplessness,
exploded in poetry, prose, fiction and
superstition and exploitation. The
autobiography of a raw vigour, maturity, depth and richness
characters in his stories are the landless,
of content, and shocking in its exposition of the bitterness of
the disenfranchised and the marginalised. He writes of
their experiences. When published in 1992, Poisoned Bread
passions spent, hurts unresolved and dreams unfulfilled in
was the first anthology of Dalit literature. The writers—more
the context of a changing world and a crumbling social order.
than eighty of them—presented here in English translations,
But his work is anything but bleak. Its universality and energy
are nearly all of the most prominent figures in Marathi
comes from Renu’s ability to rise above the human condition
Dalit literature, who have contributed to this unique literary
and look deep within into the human heart. Rakhshanda Jalil’s
phenomenon. This new edition includes an essay by Gail
translation brings to the reader a writer and storyteller in
Omvedt, a distinguished scholar activist working with new
supreme control of his craft.
social movements.
2010 978-81-250-3841-2 152 pp ` 325
2009 978-81-250-3754-5 392 pp ` 570
Rights: World
Rights: World

Plain Speaking
A Sudra’s Story Prisons We Broke, The

Author: A.N. Sattanathan Author: Baby Kamble

Editor: Uttara Natarajan Translator: Maya Pandit

The memoirs and lectures of A.N. Writing on the lives of the Mahars of
Sattanathan, presented here in a fully Maharashra, Baby Kamble reclaims
annotated edition, with a critical introduction, memory to locate the Mahar society before
constitute a key literary historical document it was impacted by Babasaheb Ambedkar,
of the caste struggle. Sattanathan’s and tells a consequent tale of redemption
autobiographical fragment is a record of wrought by a fiery brand of social and self-
non-Brahmin low-caste life in rural South awareness. The Prisons We Broke provides
India, where the presence of poverty and a graphic insight into the oppressive caste
caste prejudice is the more powerful for being understated. and patriarchal tenets of the Indian society, but nowhere
In a complementary narrative, Sattanathan’s lectures on ‘The does the writing descend to self-pity. With verve and colour
Rise and Spread of the Non-Brahmin Movement’ as ‘the most the narrative brings to life, among other things, the festivals,
outstanding events in South Indian history in the twentieth rituals, superstitions, snot-nosed children, hard lives and
century’ offers a lucid summary of the cultural and historical hardy women of the Mahar community.
conditions that find more personal and immediate expression 2008 978-81-250-3390-5 192 pp ` 350
in the memoirs. Rights: World
2006 978-81-7824-181-4 245 pp ` 395
Rights: World

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Author: Anita Agnihotri
Translator: Arunava Sinha Part I: Buddhidhan’s Administration
Sabotage is a collection of short stories Author: Govardhanram Madhavram Tripathi
selected carefully from over one hundred
Translator: Tridip Suhrud
of Anita Agnihotri’s published short fiction.
The stories deal with politics of all genres A novel of epic proportions, written in four
of class, regions, ideologies and human parts from 1887 to 1901, Sarasvatichandra
relationships. Together they bring up a vivid is both an enactment and the embodiment
image of the country and its people; of the of the life philosophy of one man, and his
advancing civilization that is embedded in sole mission.
the reality of voiceless submergence. Literary craftsmanship Part I, ‘Buddhidhan’s Administration’
is combined here with a sensitivity of perception that is pan- narrates the story of one individual’s
Indian. extraordinary rise from poverty to power,
to become the Karbhari of Suvarnapur. East India Company’s
2013 978-81-87358-73-2 140 pp ` 355
growing presence in the Indian native states provides the
Rights: World
setting for the rivalry between Buddhidhan and the ruling
Karbhari, Shathrai, and the royal intrigue involving Bhupsinh,
Samidha claimant to the throne of Suvarnapur. The parallel story
Author: Sadhana Amte threading through all four parts is of an unusual and abiding
love between Sarasvatichandra and Kumud who, betrothed
Translator: Shobha Pawar young, fall in love before marriage—through an exchange of
Translated from the Marathi original with the letters, words and worlds.
same title, this book is an autobiography of Written sixty years before Independence, the novel holds
Mrs Sadhana Amte, wife of the renowned up a fascinating mirror to Gujarati society of that time, the joint
social worker and revolutionary, Baba family, particularly the role of women, and life in the princely
Amte. It is an interesting tribute to the lives states, against the backdrop of a nation in transition at the turn
and work of both Baba and Sadhanatai. of the century—culturally, politically, and ideologically.
Theirs are lives of secure demands, 2015 978-81-250-5990-5 408 pp ` 595
personal deprivations and sacrifice. The Rights: World
creation of Anandwan, a colony for leprosy patients, was a
landmark in their efforts, gaining them recognition and much
needed funds. Recounted without rhetoric or ideological bias, Scar, The
the autobiography unravels a unique journey made by two Author: K.A. Gunasekaran
outstanding individuals.
Translator: V. Kadambari
2008 978-81-250-3404-9 296 pp ` 395
Growing up as a boy from the Parayar
978-81-250-5953-0 (E-ISBN)
caste, in the milieu of Christian, Hindu and
Rights: World
Muslim communities, K.A. Gunasekaran
narrates the familiar tale of caste
oppression and prejudice prevalent in the
villages of Tamil Nadu. As the narrative
unfolds, the reader is shown how the ‘low’
caste negotiates differently with the three
religious communities. The deep pain of the Paraya surfaces
through the risible anecdotes that ridicule the grievously unjust
practices of the ‘upper’ castes.

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The book emphasises the fact that Indian villages are doubly Manihara and Other Stories
caste-conscious and cruel, and that Dalit emancipation rests Selections from Galpaguchcha 2
in better education for the community. Gunasekaran writes
Author: Rabindranath Tagore
in an earthy and colloquial style to capture the innocence,
cruelty and drama of a South Indian village. Translator: Ratan K. Chattopadhyay
Considered the first modern Dalit autobiography in Tamil, The ever-popular ‘Ramkanai’s Folly’, ‘The
The Scar is an important book calling for Dalit assertion and Ghat’s Story’, ‘Woman Bereft of Jewels’,
emancipation. ‘Grandfather’, and ‘The Matronly Boy’,
2009 978-81-250-3705-7 120 pp ` 260 among other stories, are included in this
978-81-250-5088-9 (E-ISBN) volume.
Rights: World 2010 978-81-250-4097-2 312 pp ` 375
Rights: World
Selections from Galpaguchchha
Volumes 1, 2 and 3
Streer Patra and Other Stories
Author: Rabindranath Tagore Selections from Galpaguchcha 3
Translator: Ratan K. Chattopadhyay Author: Rabindranath Tagore
This three-volume English translation is a Translator: Ratan K. Chattopadhyay
collection of sixty-one of Tagore’s short This volume is studded with gems such
stories broadly grouped under the themes as ‘Hungry Stones’, ‘The Wife’s Letter’,
of parting of ways, the relationship between ‘The Story of a Muslim Woman’, ‘Hidden
men and women, and the power within the Treasure’ and ‘At Dead of Night’.
woman, respectively.
Available as a box set 2010 978-81-250-4098-9 295 pp ` 375
2011 978-81-250-4047-7 988 pp ` 1,025 Rights: World
Rights: World
Snake Dance in Berlin
Kabuliwalla and Other Stories Author: Ronny Noor
Selections from Galpaguchcha 1
Rahyan, a young Bengali engineer from
Author: Rabindranath Tagore Bangladesh, goes to Berlin to study
Translator: Ratan K. Chattopadhyay computer science. He finds himself in a
motley group of his countrymen, students
This volume includes memorable stories
and asylum seekers. They are organised
like ‘The Peddler from Kabul’, ‘Broken
in an association called the Golden Boys
Nest’, ‘Punishment’, and ‘The Postmaster’.
Association. Rayhan meets Saad, an
eclectic philosopher who becomes a victim
of collective ignorance. He also falls for Renata, whose love
2010 978-81-250-4096-5 295 pp ` 375
gives him the courage to fight against parental domination and
Rights: World
bigotry. He goes to stay with Uncle Kabir, an asylum seeker,
who becomes President of the Association in order to make
it better and popular. The president meets with little success
in his effort and in the end fails to accomplish what he had
promised to do.
The drama is played out through parties and picnics, love
affairs and fisticuffs and reaches its climax when the German
court bans, just before the celebration of the Independence

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Day of Bangladesh, all the activities of the Association till Umrao Jan Ada
the court reaches a verdict. The novel mirrors not only a (Revised Edition)
microcosm of a society portrayed through the Association,
Author: Mirza Mohammad Hadi Ruswa
but also a social history of divided Berlin in the early eighties,
told with irony, wit and humour. Translators: Khushwant Singh & M.A. Husaini
2009 978-81-250-3736-1 232 pp ` 395 Umrao Jan Ada was first published in
Rights: World 1899. Based on the life of a courtesan
of Lucknow—a woman of great charm
with a reputation as a very fine poet and
Survival and Other Stories singer—the novel recreates the gracious
Bangla Dalit Fiction in Translation
ambience of old Lucknow and takes the
Editors: Sankar Prasad Singha & Indranil Acharya reader on a fascinating journey through the
palaces of wealthy nawabs, the hideouts of
A mason’s refusal to yield despite being
vagabonds to the luxurious abodes of the city’s courtesans. It
tortured by ‘upper-caste’ people for
captures the culture and decadence of a lifestyle that has now
claiming equality with them; a zamindar
vanished forever. It was adapted into a hit Bollywood film in
being forced to drag a plough for taunting
the year 1981.
another for his ‘low’ ancestry; a penniless
This translation preserves the full flavour of the original
family’s fight for survival with a cobra coiled
narrative. The poetry, as well as the prose, retains the finesse
up in a hole full of grains. Evocative of the
of the original Urdu, and the translation is therefore as affective
indignities heaped on the Dalits, this book
as it is comprehensible.
is a collection of eighteen such stories—a sensitive retelling
that retains the rhythms and idioms of the original Bengali 2009 978-81-250-3750-7 188 pp ` 295
narratives. Rights: World
2012 978-81-250-4510-6 220 pp ` 325
Rights: World Untouchable Spring
Author: G. Kalyana Rao
Tales of Athiranippadam
Translators: Alladi Uma & M. Sridhar
Author: S.K. Pottekkat
Untouchable Spring, a memory text, is
Translator: Sreedevi K. Nair & Radhika P. Menon a family/community saga, a novel and a
historical document rolled into one. Using
Translated from the Malayalam Oru
the oral story-telling tradition, Rao has
Desathinte Katha, Tales of Athiranippadam
brought to the fore not just the social and
is the fictionalised autobiography of S. K.
cultural life of generations of Dalits, but their
Pottekkatt. Sreedharan, the protagonist,
art forms. Through the stories of successive
offers us a glimpse of the author’s personal
generations, we are taken on a journey to their
reality enmeshed with the unsung saga of
heart—from those who were exploited to those who discover
the little corner of the earth, Athiranippadam,
their humanity through defiance. The reminiscences of Ruth take
where he was raised. The narrative uses an
us to her husband Reuben’s family in Yennela Dinni, to the boy
interesting mix of street gossip, fairy tale and recorded history,
Yellanna, his being chased away by his caste ‘superiors’, his
and filters it through a perspective that is at once involved
music, his son Sivaiah’s escape from the drought along with his
and detached. This volume was first published in 1971 in
wife, the latter’s conversion to Christianity, the brutality against
Malayalam, and won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1973 and
him and other Dalit Christians, the birth of Reuben when things
the Jnanpith Award in 1980.
seem to fall apart and he is later left in an orphanage, and then to
2013 978-81-250-5127-5 456 pp ` 775 Reuben’s search for his roots.
Rights: World This faithful translation from the Telugu, arousing pity for
all that is pitiable and rage at what man has done to man,

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points to the growing awareness of people’s rights and how Writings of M.T. Vasudevan Nair, The
they are driven to armed struggle.
Author: M.T. Vasudevan Nair
2010 978-81-250-3945-7 292 pp ` 425
Translators: Gita Krishnankutty & V. Abdulla
Rights: World
This hardback omnibus edition collects
three of M.T. Vasudevan Nair’s previously
published works—Mist The Soul of
Author: M.T. Vasudevan Nair Darkness, Kaalam and Kuttiedathi and
Other Stories. The volume features an
Translator: N. Gopalakrishnan
introduction to M.T. Vasudevan Nair’s work
Varanasi, in his characteristically austere by P. P. Raveendran, an eminent academic
writing style, is M.T. Vasudevan Nair’s and a scholar of Malayalam literature.
latest novel. Non-linear and worked out Mist and The Soul of Darkness are translations of
through the protagonist’s reminiscences, M.T. Vasudevan Nair’s highly-acclaimed novellas, Manju and
it narrates the journey of an aged man, Irutinde Atmavu. In Mist, set at a hill-station resort, the author
Sudhakaran, through the city of Varanasi, narrates the story of Vimala, a school teacher who continues
and simultaneously chronicles his life to wait for her beloved Sudhir, with whom she once shared a
through his thoughts. As a commentary on passionate affair filled with promises. The Soul of Darkness, on
the human condition, the novel explores how lust and desire the other hand, speaks of Velayudhan, a young man regarded
pervade through the life of humankind, finding its essence by his family as ‘not normal’ and is thus treated abominably,
embodied in the culture of the historic city. Translated by the tortured and beaten.
Sahitya Akademi Award winner, N. Gopalakrishnan, this work Set against the backdrop of a crumbling matrilineal tarawad
masterfully retains the flavour of the original Malayalam. system of the Nairs in Kerala with its manifold conflicts and
2013 978-81-250-5178-7 200 pp ` 295 problems, Kaalam is the story of Sethumadhavan Nair, who
978-81-250-5439-9 (E-ISBN) starts out as an ambitious and confident adolescent but in
Rights: World his journey towards adulthood, where material and social
success go hand in hand, he is faced with an overwhelming
sense of disillusionment.
Westward Traveller, The Kuttiedathi and Other Stories is a collection of the finest
Author: Durgabati Ghose stories of M.T. Vasudevan Nair that encompasses the ordinary
middle class lives and sufferings of people in northern
Translator: Somdatta Mandal Kerala.
In 1932, Durgabati Ghose, an upper 2010 978-81-250-3963-1 (HB) 572 pp ` 675
middle-class Bengali woman accompanied Rights: World
her husband on a trip across Europe.
The Westward Traveller (originally
Paschimjatriki) is an enchanting written Yuganta
record of this four-month long sojourn. (Re-issue)
Filtered through her upper middle-class Author and Translator: Irawati Karve
upbringing and perceptions, the narrative is
In this celebrated book on the Mahabharata
observant—not only emphasising on a sense of place, space
and its great characters, the author studies
and landscape, but also an aesthetic, intrinsic appreciation
the humanity of Mahabharata’s great
of every destination. The writing comes alive in the author’s
figures, with all their virtues and equally
everyday interactions with ordinary people, be they fellow
numerous faults. Seen through her eyes,
travellers or hotel owners or even beggars. Focussing on
the Mahabharata becomes a record of
an accurate description of the ‘real world’, she is always
complex humanity and a mirror to all the
concerned with verisimilitude.
faces which we ourselves wear. Written
2010 978-81-250-3991-4 128 pp ` 245
Rights: World

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originally in Marathi, it was later translated by the author into Related Titles
English. The book won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1968.
Anaro and Other Stories 978-81-250-1670-0 ` 275
2007 978-81-250-3228-1 224 pp ` 375 Enemy Within, The 978-81-250-1668-7 ` 375
Rights: World Great Feast, The 978-81-250-1484-3 ` 325
Kuttiedathi and Other Stories 978-81-250-2597-9 ` 325
Pratidwandi 978-81-250-1902-2 ` 260
Primal Land, The 978-81-250-1896-4 ` 475
Sand and Other Stories 978-81-250-2268-8 ` 325
Son of the Moment 978-81-250-2255-8 ` 395
Towards an Aesthetic of 978-81-250-2656-3 ` 375
Dalit Literature: History,
Controversies and Considerations
(For details, see Price List)

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 78 23/11/2015 12:54:04


Alternative Gaze, An entitled ‘Novel Narratives’ has an essay on Tagore’s Nastanirh

Essays on D.H. Lawrence (Broken Nest), which is compared to Satyajit Ray’s Charulata.
The collection concludes with reflections on some diasporic
Author: Sheila Lahiri Choudhury
Bengali writers in English, including Bharati Mukherjee, Chitra
This collection of essays on D.H. Lawrence Banerjee Divakaruni and Jhumpa Lahiri.
explores his major novels from an
2008 978-81-8028-036-8 (HB) 336 pp ` 675
alternative perspective, keeping in mind
Rights: World
the continuing popularity and relevance of
his novels in college and university syllabi
around the world. The eleven essays Between Identity and Location
present straightforward interpretations of The Cultural Politics of Theory
the novels as opposed to the dominant
Author: R. Radhakrishnan
postmodernist readings.
Situated at the intersections of postcoloniality
2008 978-81-8028-030-6 (HB) 216 pp ` 625
and poststructuralism, the essays in this
Rights: World
book raise questions on the dialectic
between intimacy and distance, solidarity
Amitav Ghosh and critique, between the language of being
A Critical Companion and the being of language.
Editor: Tabish Khair 2007 978-81-250-3156-7 276 pp ` 465
Rights: South Asia
Amitav Ghosh is widely recognised as one of
India’s leading novelists in the contemporary
times. His work has won numerous literary Biography as History
prizes, has been translated into many Indian Perspectives
languages and is required reading at several
Authors: Vijaya Ramaswamy & Yogesh Sharma
universities. This book examines Ghosh’s
fiction through the aid of critical essays by The book is a collection of essays that
reputed scholars in six countries. Ghosh, examine the biography as a source
in his essay on Satyajit Ray, discusses the influence of Ray of historical information. Further, the
on his work and the functions of the narrative arts. These biographies include those of people ‘in
thoughtful, incisive and highly readable essays are grounded the middle—merchants, writers, religious
in the issues that pervade Ghosh’s fiction: history, science, leaders’ and marginalised groups such as
discovery, travel, nationalism, subalternity and agency. actresses, and other women.
2005 978-81-7824-113-5 196 pp ` 295
978-81-7824-425-9 (E-ISBN) 2008 978-81-250-3521-3 (HB) 312 pp ` 895
Rights: World Rights: World

Barisal and Beyond Change–Conflict and Convergence

Essays on Modern Bengali Literature Austral–Asian Scenarios

Author: Clinton B. Seely Editors: Cynthia vanden Driesen & Ian vanden Driesen
This collection of essays have been divided This is the fourth volume in the series of
into four broad sections: i. The Mangal Australian–Asian Association publications
Kavya Genre, ii. Michael Madhusudan and carries on the interdisciplinary and
Datta, iii. Jibanananda Das, iv. Novel international tradition of the same. The
Narratives. The section on Jibanananda intensely provocative theme of ‘change’ is
Das includes the new reading of his most traced through motifs of convergence or
famous poem ‘Banalata Sen’. The section conflict across a multiplicity of disciplines.

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 79 23/11/2015 12:54:06


The volume has attracted contributions from some of the best- significant contributions to the evolution
known authorities in their different fields. The papers cover of Indian literature in English. Though
subjects ranging from Sri Lankan cricket to diplomacy on the the contributors are all experts in their
world scene; from literary ‘blogging’ to trade performance; chosen areas, this is a book for the non-
from Bollywood audiences to aboriginal rights in Australia specialist general reader. The book provides
and the development of Australian studies in Spain; from a biographical information on major literary
nineteenth-century Shakespeare production in Sri Lanka to a figures, and in most cases their work is
performance of Bizet’s ‘The Pearl Fishers’ in Sydney. They historically contextualised. The chapters
cover the phenomenon of change as it manifests itself in a can be read selectively (for example, to follow the development
range of disciplines and highlight shared commonalities as of a genre) or in the chronological order in which they appear.
well as contrasted experiences and perspectives. The book
2010 978-81-7824-302-3 472 pp ` 450
is a record of the richness of the dialogue between disparate
Rights: World
groups connected by scholarly interest and intellectual
curiosity, in fact, a global academic community.
Damayanti and Nala
2011 978-81-250-4219-8 396 pp ` 775
The Many Lives of a Story
Rights: World
Editor: Susan S. Wadley

Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature This volume of essays, authored by

A View from India anthropologists, Sanskritists, scholars of
religion, historians, literary scholars and
Editor: Satya P. Mohanty
folklorists, explores the many ‘tellings’ of
This volume is situated at the intersection the story of Damayanti and Nala, giving us
of at least three multi-disciplinary fields: new insights into this well-known story.
postcolonial and subaltern theory;
2011 978-81-8028-037-5 (HB) 352 pp ` 750
comparative literary analysis, especially with
Rights: World
a South Asian and transnational focus; and
the study of ‘alternative’ and ‘indigenous’
modernities. It grounds the political Decentering Rushdie
insights of postcolonial and subaltern Cosmopolitanism and the Indian Novel in English
theory in close textual analysis and challenges readers to Author: Pranav Jani
think in new ways about global modernity and local cultures.
Focusing in part on Fakir Mohan Senapati’s ground-breaking Decentering Rushdie offers a new
late-19th century Oriya novel Chha Mana Atha Guntha (Six perspective on the Indian novel in
Acres and a Third), the volume’s comparative method suggests English and interrogates current theories
to readers non-ethnocentric and non-chauvinist ways of of cosmopolitanism, nationalism, and
studying Indian literature. aesthetics in postcolonial studies. The
book works on the contention that Salman
2011 978-81-250-4275-4 (HB) 272 pp ` 895 Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children has
Rights: South Asia dominated all discussions of postcolonial
literature in the recent few years with its postmodern
Concise History of Indian Literature in style and orientation with the result that the rich variety of
English, A narrative forms and perspectives on the nation have been
obscured, if not erased altogether. This book suggests an
Author: Arvind Krishna Mehrotra alternative understanding of the genre in postcolonial India
This book is a history of two hundred years of Indian literature with a broad shift from nation-oriented to postnationalist
in English. It starts by looking at the introduction of English perspectives. With the background of fiction by Nayantara
into India’s complex language scenario around the 1800s. It Sahgal, Kamala Markandaya, Anita Desai, and Arundhati Roy,
then takes up the canonical poets, novelists and dramatists, Jani explains the rise and critical celebration of postnational
as well as a few unjustly forgotten figures who have made

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cosmopolitanism within a nuanced history of Indian debates At the same time, disnarration also signposts discourses
about cosmopolitanism and the national question. such as postcolonialism and feminism, because of the way it
foregrounds silencing, and thus extends beyond being merely
2011 978-81-250-4452-9 288 pp ` 785
a tool for reading narrative structures.
Rights: Restricted
2015 296 pp ` 750
Rights: World
Decentering Translation Studies
India and Beyond
Editors: Judy Wakabayashi & Rita Kothari English Literary Criticism and Theory
An Introductory History
This book foregrounds practices and
Author: M.S. Nagarajan
discourses of ‘translation’ in several non-
Western traditions. Translation Studies The book is a history of Western literary
currently reflects the historiography and criticism and a general introduction to the
concerns of Anglo-American and European subject of literary criticism and theory. It
scholars, overlooking the full richness follows the survey approach, discussing
of translational activities and diverse English literary critics in a historical–
discourses. The essays in this book, chronological order. It can serve as a text/
which generally have a historical slant, help push back the reference book for undergraduate and
geographical and conceptual boundaries of the discipline. They postgraduate students. Beginning with a
illustrate how distinctive historical, social and philosophical section on classical criticism, it goes on to discuss those critics
contexts have shaped the ways in which translational acts who are prescribed in the curricula of MA courses in Indian
are defined, performed, viewed, encouraged or suppressed in universities and colleges. The last section on Contemporary
different linguistic communities. The volume has a particular Criticism examines all the movements with special emphasis
focus on the multiple contexts of translation in India, but also on theorists who have initiated these movements. There is
encompasses translation in Korea, Japan, and South Africa, also a Glossary of Critical Terms and a Select Bibliography
as well as representations of Sufism in different contexts. that will help students in further reading.
2014 978-81-250-5458-0 240 pp ` 550 2006 978-81-250-3008-9 320 pp ` 295
Rights: Restricted Rights: World

Exploring Shakespeare
The Dynamics of Playmaking
Author: S. Viswanathan
Editor: Sudha Shastri
This volume enquires into a variety of
This book aims to bring together different perspectives on
dramaturgical methods and processes,
the idea of disnarration, as first proposed by Gerald Prince
many of these not much attended to in
on a way of constructing and reading narratives that focused
criticism until now, that contribute to the
on the unwritten. This would mean a certain trajectory that
theatrical dynamics of Shakespeare’s
a plot might have taken but did not take. This is a method of
plays. The book unravels the function and
signposting narrative selection, a practice which has immense
effect of many such poetic, rhetorical,
current relevance. The notion of what could have, but does
topological, visual and theatrical devices
not happen in a narrative, opens up new ways of looking
which Shakespeare exploits in an ‘exploratory-creative’
at texts and at their visibility, overt and implicit. The critical
manner. It brings some idea of the multidimensional totality
concept of disnarration is both under-worked and rich with
of theatre language and communication, which Shakespeare
theoretical possibilities of extension and available evidence
achieves, through masterful orchestration of resources.
suggests that there is a great deal of ground that is waiting
to be covered. This is because disnarration, in principle, 2005 978-81-250-2663-1 (HB) 300 pp ` 625
can be applied as an interpretive tool to almost all narrative Rights: World
texts and see how far they yield to its investigative strategies.

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Fiction as Window the study of postcolonial phenomena to the emergence of

Critiquing the Indian Literary Cultural Ethos financial colonisation and other hegemonic structures.
since the 1980s
2013 978-81-250-5023-0 (HB) 292 pp ` 895
Author: V. Padma Rights: World
Fiction as Window, in its first part, uses
the fiction produced across languages in Flesh and Fish Blood
India during this vibrant period to critically Postcolonialism, Translation, and the Vernacular
look at the issues that criticism, patronage
Author: S. Shankar
and translation of fiction throws up. Cutting
across languages, in its second part, Flesh and Fish Blood brings into focus
the book analyses novels from various the need to infuse both new archival
Indian languages and those written or resources to approach the study of
translated into English in an attempt to see how these issues what postcolonialism means and also to
are fictionalised. The book cuts new ground with its blend stress new methodologies in analysing
of the literary and the aliterary and its analyses of awards postcolonial studies. The book therefore is
foundations as sites of production of a cultural tradition. a call to such a challenge. Working with
The field of literary studies in India since the 1980s has literature and film from India in English,
seen a decisive shift towards greater interdisciplinarity. Tamil and Hindi, the book explores the rich potential of the
Subversive conceptual changes have made it impossible for vernacular, and studies it as a critical term capable of opening
literature to remain an isolated creative activity. This study up fresh areas for study within postcolonial studies. The book
aims at examining the literary cultural ethos in India during recommends and pushes for renewed and more focused
this stimulating and perhaps even turbulent period. attention to translation issues and comparative methods
for their relevance in uncovering disregarded aspects of
2009 978-81-250-3657-9 264 pp ` 550
postcolonial societies such as India. Beyond its focus on India,
Rights: World
Flesh and Fish Blood opens up new horizons of theoretical
possibility for postcolonial studies and cultural analysis in
Fictionalising Myth and History general.
A Study of Four Postcolonial Novels
2013 978-81-250-4988-3 (HB) 204 pp ` 645
Author: Padma Malini Sundararaghavan Rights: Restricted
Fictionalising Myth and History offers
refreshingly new perspectives on four G.N. Devy Reader, The
postcolonial novels by writers hailing After Amnesia, Of Many Heroes, The Being of
from different countries: Witi Ihimaera Bhasha, Countering Violence
of New Zealand, Ngugi wa Thiong’o of
Author: G.N. Devy
Kenya, Shashi Tharoor of India and Salman
Rushdie, the India-born writer living in the A dominated culture learns not just to be
UK. It reveals how the boundaries of fiction, like the culture that dominates it, but also
myth and history get blurred when forces of imperialism attempts to conceal its own antecedents.
and resistance play out their power struggles in different In such cultural encounters, amnesia plays
countries. The novels explored here being metafictional texts, a major role in defining the self-perception
Sundararaghavan uses multiple theories in her analysis such of cultures.
as the ideas of Ernst Cassirer, Roland Barthes, Levi Strauss, G.N. Devy’s After Amnesia, first
Hayden White, and Greg Grandin among others. The book published in 1992, offers an incisive
looks at the future of postcolonial studies in a century when analysis of contemporary literary scholarship in Indian
old colonies have shed their colonial bondage, and relates languages by demonstrating how modern Indian languages
‘learnt to forget’ that literary criticism had been rejected by
them during the post-Sanskrit medieval centuries.

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Of Many Heroes, first published in 1997, is an attempt to and femininity—as the basis of a secure social order and a
formulate such a historiography. The Reader brings together stable nation. A study of gender–culture interface, Gendering
two other new essays by G.N. Devy—‘The Being of Bhasha’ the Nation offers new readings of non-canonical plays and
and ‘Countering Violence’. These philosophical essays makes extensive use of several extra-literary discourses.
discuss the significance of dialects and vanishing languages
2013 978-81-250-5129-9 220 pp ` 595
in the making of civilisation, the place of silence and insanity
978-81-250-5135-0 (E-ISBN)
in the making of meaning, and of language itself in the future
Rights: World
of knowledge. The four essays together present a complete
theory of knowledge in postcolonial times. They are, perhaps,
the most challenging and unorthodox thesis on epistemic and Geopolitics of Academic Writing, A
hermeneutical issues central to modern Indian culture.
Author: A. Suresh Canagarajah
2009 978-81-250-3693-7 (HB) 548 pp ` 920
A Geopolitics of Academic Writing critiques
Rights: World
current scholarly publishing practices and
principles, exposing the inequalities in the
Gender and Cultural Identity in Colonial way academic knowledge is constructed
Orissa and legitimised. A. Suresh Canagarajah,
a periphery scholar now working in (and
Author: Sachidananda Mohanty writing from) the centre, examines the
This is a book that examines the 19th- broad Western conventions governing
century cultural history of Orissa from the academic writing and argues that their dominance leads to the
postcolonial angle by drawing primarily marginalisation and appropriation of the knowledge of Third
from literary sources. It focuses on issues World communities.
such as feudalism and colonial modernity, 2007 978-81-250-3111-6 344 pp ` 625
language politics and the rhetoric of Rights: Restricted
progress, westernisation, nativity and
border crossing. It brings the archival
material to centre stage and employs theatrical tools from History of English Literature, A
the fields of gender, translation and culture studies. The book Traversing the Centuries
shows the intersections between colonial subjugations and Aditi Choudhury & Rita Goswamy
postcolonial longings.
A History of English Literature is a reference
2008 978-81-250-3431-5 192 pp ` 455 volume that provides a comprehensive
Rights: World outline of the course of English literature
from the Anglo-Saxon period to the
Gendering the Nation present day. In its fourteen chapters, the
Identity Politics and English Comic Theatre of the book covers all the major literary periods
Long Eighteenth Century with inclusive analyses of the political,
social and intellectual developments. The survey includes all
Author: Chandrava Chakravarty
important literary figures and their significant literary works.
Gendering the Nation studies the role of The introductory chapter discusses the shaping influences
the comic theatre in Britain during the long on English literature and the royal houses of England. This
eighteenth century as a nation-building is followed by a timeline which will enable readers to place
discourse. It evaluates the impact of the each author in the social and political settings and events of
cultural phenomenon of sentimentality on the time.
the English comic stage in conceptualising
2014 978-81-250-5449-8 412 pp ` 350
gendered identities for the men and women
978-81-250-5515-0 (E-ISBN)
of a polite, genteel nation. The book
Rights: World
analyses certain popular comic plays of the time to ascertain
the extent to which they could constitute gender —masculinity

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Indigeneity Inter-sections
Culture and Representation Essays on Indian Literatures, Translations and
Popular Consciousness
Editors: G.N. Devy, Geoffrey V. Davis & K.K. Chakravarty
Editor: Rana Nayar
The papers in this volume were presented
at the 2008 Chotro Conference on Inter-sections brings together a collection
Indigeneous Languages, Culture and of discursive essays that deal with a
Society, January 2008, Delhi. It forms range of contemporary issues—from the
volume 1 of a two-volume collection. history of literary genres to the future of
The papers in this collection analyse the humanities; from locating Indian literatures
history and contemporary situation of to mapping Indian English fiction and
indigenous peoples from different parts of drama; from Punjabi literature, history
the world. The focus is on languages, and literary and cultural and culture to the theory and practice of
expression. The authors examine issues ranging from the loss translation; from media-driven literary evaluation to multiple
of languages and literary/cultural traditions, representation of ways of shaping popular consciousness. Divided into four
indigenous peoples by ‘mainstream’ society, deprivations (inter-) sections, these essays raise some fundamental
faced by them—natural resources, education and civic questions regarding our postcolonial, postmodern era and
facilities—and their history of colonisation (including by emphasise the need for an interdisciplinary approach to
the modern nation-state). But the papers also examine the mediate both thought and knowledge. The easy, accessible,
creativity, knowledge systems and rich cultural traditions of non-pedantic style of these essays is bound to engage
indigenous peoples. scholars as well as lay readers.
2009 978-81-250-3664-7 (HB) 405 pp ` 1,005 2012 978-81-250-4554-0 304 pp ` 595
978-81-250-4872-5 (E-ISBN) Rights: World
Rights: World

In Pursuit of Amitav Ghosh

Some Recent Readings Introduction to Literary Theory and
Criticism, An
Editors: Tapan Kumar Ghosh & Prashanta Bhattacharya
Author: Ashok Chaskar and Anand B.Kulkarni
This book is a voluminous compendium of
different essays covering Ghosh’s writing, This book is an accessible introduction
both his fiction and his non-fiction. The to the major critical schools and theories
editors of this volume take a re-look at which have influenced English literature. It
the rich literary wealth of Ghosh, and try traces the development of literary criticism,
to draw out their separate takes on the from Plato and Aristotle to modern
contributions of Ghosh. They try to place philosophers like Jacques Derrida, Stuart
a ‘new’ and valid critical frame around the Hall and Roland Barthes.
notion of civilizational crisis that often haunts Amitav Ghosh’s
2015 978-81-250-5965-3 312 pp ` 175
search for ethical meaning. This collection has validation
Rights: World
in the light of the fact that in the aftermath of the Rushdie
phenomenon, Amitav Ghosh’s formidable literary output has
plenty of scope for a critical gaze and still offers scope for Literature and Nationalist Ideology
newer ways of interpretation. Writing Histories of Modern Indian Languages

2013 978-81-250-5166-4 296 pp ` 750 Editor: Hans Harder

Rights: World Writing histories of literature means making selections,
passing value judgments, and incorporating or rejecting
foregoing traditions. The book argues that in many parts of
India, literary histories play an important role in creating a

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cultural ethos. They are closely linked with literature as an essentialist category, it emphasises the
nationalism in general and various regional pluralistic and performative elements of Indian literatures. In
‘sub-nationalisms’ in particular. Literary its first section, E.V. Ramakrishnan articulates the project of
historiography helps to establish a national ‘provincialising “Indian literature”’ and explores the dialogic
literature in a way that is not always interfaces between the abstractions of law and the evaluative
unproblematic: systematic representation role of criticism. It also interrogates the claims of history and
of literary works and authors is as much the reticence of memories, and the dialectics between the
part of this story as conscious omissions dialect and the region. The second section presents readings
or political spins in the making of a literary heritage. The of Malayalam literary texts that concretise the plurality
contributors to this volume look at a great variety of aspects of literary traditions. The third section argues for a new
of the historiography of modern regional languages of India. approach to the study of texts and traditions with translation
The approach excludes classical languages of India from this forming the fulcrum of cultural and political mediations.
approach, except Tamil which is considered a modern and Interdisciplinary in its approach, the volume will be of
a classical language at the same time. It includes the late relevance to students and scholars in culture studies, social
yet undoubtedly successful arrival of English in the nation’s sciences and humanities.
literary corpus.
2011 978-81-250-4221-1 (HB) 228 pp ` 525
2014 978-93-83166-03-9 (PB) 400 pp ` 425 Rights: World
2010 978-81-87358-33-6 (HB) 400 pp ` 695
Rights: Restricted
Nation in Imagination
Essays on Nationalism, Sub-Nationalisms
Literary Criticism and Narration
A New History Editors: C. Vijayasree, Meenakshi Mukherjee, Harish Trivedi
Author: Gary Day & T. Vijay Kumar
This is a book about the history of literary The book is a collection of papers presented
criticism in which criticism is put into at the 13th Triennial conference of the
context and where the author questions Association of Commonwealth Literature
whether the theory wars of recent years and Language Studies (ACLALS), held in
have lost sight of literature itself. The book 2004 in Hyderabad. The essays examine
deals with the absorbing history of literary the swiftly changing connotations of nation
criticism from the ancient Greek period to in today’s global world. The contributors
the present day. It is a valuable reference to the volume come from different parts
book for students interested in the development of literary of the world, and this makes the collection a truly cross-
criticism. cultural attempt to re-examine nationalism and understand its
complex negotiations in the present. The title points to the
2010 978-81-250-4033-0 352 pp ` 600
shaping influence of narratives in the shifting contours of the
Rights: Restricted
concept of nation.
2007 978-81-250-3363-9 (HB) 296 pp ` 1,050
Locating Indian Literature Rights: World
Texts, Traditions, Translations
Author: E.V. Ramakrishnan
New Bearings in English Studies
Locating Indian Literature attempts to A Festschrift for CT Indra
explore the category of ‘Indian literature’
Editors: R. Azhagarasan et al.
in relation to emerging discourses of
marginality, region, resistance and the role This is a set of invited papers to honour
of translation in the making and unmaking Dr C.T. Indra, who has done commendable
of literary traditions. Interrogating work in at least five areas of English
theoretical positions that present Indian studies, namely Critical Theory, Translation

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Theory and Practice, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial literatures dramaturgical philosophy, to finally textual analysis of select
and India studies. The volume consists of twenty papers individual work, the novels Gora and The Home and the World
covering all these areas. The contributors include Bruce and a short story, ‘The Laboratory’.
Bennett (Wollongong), Paul Sharrad (New South Wales),
2011 978-81-250-4319-5 (HB) 316 pp ` 785
Inez Baranay (Brisbane), Radhakrishnan (California), Santosh
Rights: World
Sareen (JNU, Delhi), Alladi Uma (Univ. of Hyderabad),
Vanamala Viswanatha (Bangalore Univ.), Tutun Mukherjee
(Univ. of Hyderabad) and several others. Prose of the World
Modernism and the Banality of Empire
2008 978-81-250-3512-1 (HB) 272 pp ` 1,095
Rights: World Author: Saikat Majumdar
Prose of the World focuses on the fiction
of four writers: James Joyce from Ireland,
Katherine Mansfield from New Zealand,
Of Myths and Modernities Zoe Wicomb from South Africa, and
The Christian Convert Literature of Nineteenth
Amit Chaudhuri from India, in order to
Century Bengal
identify and explore the way the banality
Author: Dhrupadi Chattopadhyay of everyday life and the boredom that
often accompanies it paradoxically shape
The author examines the English and the Bengali literary
a narrative instinct along the margins of the global British
spheres together, highlighting the necessity to focus on the
empire from late colonial modernism to the present day.
emerging dynamics of a colonial bilinguality. One of the
Majumdar foregrounds the banal as a key instinct of modern
main points of the book is the perceived contradiction of the
and contemporary fiction, even though it is opposed to the
Christian converts looking for inspiration in the depths of
function of literature to engage and excite, but as real
Hindu mythology. This is the first major study that looks at the
nevertheless, and very much part of the colonial experience.
corpus of Christian converts literature in pre-independence
He suggests that this impoverished affective experience
India. Not only does it introduce new archival material but
of colonial modernity significantly shapes the innovative
also revaluates the contours of Indian writing in the nineteenth
aesthetics of modernist fiction, and points to the need to
century, highlighting the authors’ overlapping contexts of
rethink our assumptions regarding banality.
literature and religion. Most importantly, it participates in the
debates related to the autochthonous narrative traditions. 2013 978-81-250-5123-7 244 pp ` 495
Rights: Restricted

Poet and His World, The Radical Rabindranath

Nation, Family and Gender in Tagore’s Fiction and
Critical Essays on Rabindranath Tagore
Editor: Mohammad A. Quayum
Authors: Sanjukta Dasgupta, Sudeshna Chakravarti & Mary
The volume has eminent scholars like Mathew
Sukanta Chaudhuri, Bharati Ray, William
Radical Rabindranath is a post-colonial
Radice, Uma Dasgupta, Abhijit Sen and
reading that focuses on areas that have
others as contributors. It is a collection of
been marginalised because of the more
thirteen essays which enhances critical
dominant and compelling desire in the
literature on Tagore. It looks at different
West to establish Tagore as a transcendent
aspects of Tagore’s life and philosophy.
visionary and poet-philosopher. The
The chapters are sequenced from the
volume breaks new ground as it critiques
more general to the specific. They analyse the poet’s life
Tagore’s non-conformism, radical outlook
and relationships, his moral, educational, political and

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 86 23/11/2015 12:54:17


and occasional ambivalence as seen in his novels and short with or complement each other, providing an alternative to the
stories and films based on them. widely influential postmodernist understandings of identity.
2013 978-81-250-5028-5 (HB) 389 pp ` 770 2001 978-81-250-2165-0 368 pp ` 510
978-81-250-5505-1 (E-ISBN) Rights: South, South-East and West Asia
Rights: World
Scripting Lives
Reading Children Narratives of ‘Dominant’ Women in Kerala
Essays on Children’s Literature
Author: Sharmila Shreekumar
Editors: Rimi B. Chatterjee & Nilanjana Gupta
Scripting Lives centres its investigation on
This collection of essays and articles is contemporary Kerala, examining a range
an attempt to look at the shape of writing of diverse and seemingly disconnected
for children from the nineteenth century discourses around Kerala—mainly
onwards, and to question the political and tourism, AIDS and sexual violence—and
cultural context in which it took place. argues that present-day Kerala maps two
Crucial questions include the conundrum opposing worlds. It imagines itself as a
of whether (and how) childhood and its perfect utopia and simultaneously, also
books have been ‘invented’ by publishers as a dystopic society that is on the verge of collapse. The
and writers, and how and from what sources literature of the book attempts to explore these divergent self-descriptions
child has been produced and presented. of Kerala. Concurrently, it also analyses a range of personal
This includes the vexed question of textbooks and their narratives to trace how ‘dominant women’ configure their
relationship to the State, the imperial context and the creation selves. It deploys the term ‘dominant women’ to signal women
of the categories of subject and ruler in child readers, the of relative privilege, whose experience speaks simultaneously
marketing of literature through journals and other media, of devaluation and dominance. These women are, in many
questions of gender and gendered reading, and the complex ways, the subject of the development narratives of the state.
interplay between real and fictional children. Focusing on The book reveals how discourses apparently removed from
India but ranging all over the world, these essays create a women’s everyday life shape their personal experiences and,
foundation and a starting point for discussion on this subject in turn, how women’s self-formations overwrite, extend and
in academic contexts in India. rework these ‘larger’ discourses. Sreekumar’s research,
based on a wide range of women’s narratives, makes this a
2009 978-81-250-3700-2 (HB) 216 pp ` 620
riveting journey into the makings of modern-day Kerala.
Rights: World
2009 978-81-250-3680-7 324 pp ` 925
Rights: World
Reclaiming Identity
Realist Theory and the Predicament of
Postmodernism Shakespeare and the Art of Lying
Editors: Paula M.L. Moya & Michael R. Hammes-Garcia Author: Shormishtha Panja
‘Identities’ have become very important in Questions of truth and untruth,
today’s world in which globalisation tends representation and deception were pivotal
to wipe out differences between groups. It to 16th- and 17th-century thought. Be it
is one of the most hotly debated topics in Machiavelli, More or Montaigne, writers
many disciplines, including literary theory and philosophers struggled with questions
and cultural studies. This volume argues of lying and truth-telling, and how truth
that identity is not just socially constructed is constructed and performed. But what
but has real epistemic and political view did Shakespeare subscribe to? This
consequences for how people experience the world. The essays collection of essays from scholars such as Stuart Sillars,
examine the ways in which theory, politics, and activism clash Coppelia Kahn, Supriya Chaudhuri, Bijoy Boruah, R.W. Desai,
Gert Hofmann, and Shormishtha

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Panja explores the many facets of lies, deception, truth, translation with reference to Indian literature. Though literary
and half-truth that feature so prominently in Shakespeare’s and cultural texts from several languages are used for this
well-known plays such as Hamlet, King Lear, Twelfth Night purpose, the central argument has been elaborated with the
and A Midsummer Night’s Dream and in his poetry. support of texts and authors from two specific literatures:
Indian English literature and Malayalam literature.
2013 978-81-250-5264-7 (HB) 247 pp ` 770
The work draws upon a broad range of writing by such
978-81-250-5506-8 (E-ISBN)
authors as Raja Rao, Jayanta Mahapatra, Shashi Deshpande,
Rights: World
Kamala Das, Mahasweta Devi, O.V. Vijayan, Meenakshi
Mukherjee, Arundhati Roy, C.V. Raman Pillai, Kumaran Asan,
Social History of England, The M.T. Vasudevan Nair and Ayyappa Paniker.
Author: Padmaja Ashok 2009 978-81-250-3547-3 (HB) 260 pp ` 840
Rights: World
The Social History of England is a concise
survey of the important historical and
political milestones of English history, from Towards Freedom
pre-history to the present. As a study that
Editors: Sharmila Purkayastha, Shampa Roy & Saswati
examines their impact upon the society
and the literature of England, it is both
crucial and indispensable for a complete Rabindranath Tagore’s Ghare Baire was
understanding and appreciation of English first serialised in 1914 and published as
literature. The book encapsulates more than two thousand a novel in 1916. The events in the novel
five hundred years of history. It includes chapters on the origin deal with the period 1905–7, a period of
and growth of political parties in England and also the impact tremendous political unrest in Bengal.
of major internal and international events on contemporary life Towards Freedom is a collection of critical
in England. The simple and straightforward approach of The essays on the issues raised by Tagore’s
Social History of England is supplemented with genealogical novel in a contemporary world where
charts, maps and a glossary, which are very useful to the differences of religion, region, class, caste, gender, etc.,
student. constantly demand to be addressed. It focuses upon the
crafting of the novel out of complex historical contexts of
2011 978-81-250-4287-7 160 pp ` 135
caste, class and gender politics.
Rights: World
2007 978-81-250-3187-1 224 pp ` 455
Rights: World
Texts, Histories, Geographies
Reading Indian Literature
Author: P.P. Raveendran Towards Social Change
Essays on Dalit Literature
Texts, Histories, Geographies is a critical
Author: Sankar Prasad Singha & Indranil Acharya
reading of trends, texts and authors
belonging to the broad field of Indian Dalits are increasingly entering the field of
literature from a theoretically informed literature, and gaining recognition for their
perspective. The essays constituting the work. Their writings are aimed at social
volume interrogate, both directly and by change, while their struggles imbue their
implication, the canonical views on the work with intellectual clarity and self-
categories of ‘India’, ‘literature’ and ‘Indian confidence. The essays in this collection
literature’, and the book can be said to represent a critical discuss many important themes. Thus,
attitude that has till recently been admitted only into the barring one essay on an Indian English
periphery of literary debates. text, all others dwell on the regional flavour of Dalit writing: a
The book attempts a consideration of Indian literature from piece on the dilemmas that a translator faces delves into the
a self-consciously non-dominant position by raising questions problems and politics of representation of the subaltern in an
about politics, theory, history, genealogy, location, culture and Amitav Ghosh novel; another chapter makes a comparative

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study of Dalit and Holocaust literatures which share experiences research. The book encompasses not only the literature and
of subjugation, suffering and torture; and an analysis of art of Europe from the 15th through the 19th centuries, it
Narendra Jadhav’s memoir Outcaste that travels from ‘bitter also includes an examination of the art and literature of the
memories’ to ‘better dreams’ across three generations finds Indian sub-continent. The verbal and visual genres examined
Dalits attaining recognition and success against tremendous are manifold: epyllion, comedy, epic, satire, children’s fiction,
odds. travelogue, painting, sculpture, frontispiece, engraving,
miniature, book illustration, cartoon, photograph.
2013 978-81-250-5344-6 (HB) 200 pp ` 670
Rights: World A number of valuable full-colour plates accessed from
museums as diverse as the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of
Belgium, Brussels; the Vatican Pinacotheca and the Victoria
Translation and Postcolonialities
and Albert Museum have been included in the book.
Transactions across Languages and Cultures
2009 978-81-250-3735-4 212 pp ` 615
Editor: Vijaya Guttal & Suchitra Mathur
Rights: World
Translation and Postcolonialities is a
collection of essays that pertain to the
many intricate and complex ways in which Writers in Retrospect
The Rise of American Literary History, 1875–1910
translation is seen to mirror postcolonialities,
and brings to the foreground the nature and Author: Claudia Stokes
function of translation in the multilingual
In the aftermath of America’s centennial
and multicultural context of India. These
celebrations of 1876, readers developed
essays are a selection from the IACLALS
an appetite for chronicles of the nation’s
conference held in Dharwad, Karnataka, in 2009. They
past. Born amidst this national vogue, the
use a variety of linguistic and cultural contexts – Kannada,
field of American literary history was touted
Kashmiri, English and Hindi—to interrogate translation
as the balm for numerous ‘ills’—from
practices for their complicity with the so-called colonial
burgeoning immigration to American anti-
politics as well as to bring out the linguistic, cultural
intellectualism to demanding university
and political transactions and collaborations involved in
administrators—and enjoyed immense popularity between
colonial and postcolonial translations. Analysing ‘texts’ as
1880 and 1910. In the first major analysis of the field’s
disparate as ancient Kannada scriptures and the Indian variant
early decades, Claudia Stokes offers important insights into
of Spider-Man comics, the volume presents a rich and layered
the practices, beliefs and values that shaped the emerging
Literature debate on the role and place of translation in the
discipline and have continued to shape it for the last century.
postcolonial context.
She considers particular personalities—including Thomas
2013 978-81-250-5128-2 (HB) 172 pp ` 750 Wentworth Higginson, William Dean Howells, Brander
Rights: World Matthews and Mark Twain—and episodes that had a formative
effect on American literary history as a discipline.
Word, Image, Text 2007 978-81-250-3161-1 256 pp ` 950
Studies in Literary and Visual Culture Rights: Restricted
Editors: Shormishtha Panja, Shirshendu Chakrabarti &
Christel Devadawson
This collection of essays on the
conceptualisation and representation of
nature and time and their interrelationship
in literature and the visual arts is written by
scholars both from Western academia and
India, scholars who are established experts
in their field as well as young critics making
an early foray in the world of scholarly

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 89 23/11/2015 12:54:22


For Beginners Series Bankim’s Hinduism

An Anthology of Writings by Bankim Chandra
The documentary comic books of the For Beginners series
deal with complex and serious subjects. They attempt to Editor: Amiya P. Sen
uncomplicate the great ideas and works of great thinkers. This collection of Bankim’s writings
The movements and concepts dealt with are placed in their brings out some of the inner anxieties
historical, political and intellectual contexts. The books and ambivalence within the novelist–
are painstakingly researched, humourously written and intellectual’s work on religion, ethics,
enlivened with classic comic-strip illustrations, photographs, and philosophy. Bankim anticipates
paintings, etc. The range of subjects covered is truly vast contemporary scholarship in claiming
and varied—Malcom X and the New Age guru Castenanda, that Hinduism is the common name given
Shakespeare and Foucault, Jewish Holocaust and Arab and to a variety of religious thoughts and practices; and yet,
Israel, Structuralism and Biology. paradoxically, his writings also argue for a common Hindu
Titles in the Series heritage, as well as a unified religious and cultural world for
contemporary Hindus.
Art for Beginners 978-81-250-1915-2 ` 270
Body for Beginners 978-81-250-2024-0 ` 260 2011 978-81-7824-323-8 392 pp ` 795
Bukowski for Beginners 978-81-250-2900-7 ` 250 Rights: World
Che for Beginners 978-81-250-2234-3 ` 260
Chomsky for Beginners 978-81-250-2047-9 ` 250
Derrida for Beginners 978-81-250-1916-9 ` 285 Before the Divide
English Language for Beginners 978-81-250-1912-1 ` 275 Hindi and Urdu Literary Culture
Fanon for Beginners 978-81-250-2474-3 ` 260
Editor: Francesca Orsini
Food for Beginners 978-81-250-3197-0 ` 260
Foucault for Beginners 978-81-250-1913-8 ` 250 Based on a workshop on ‘Intermediary
Freud for Beginners 978-81-250-1914-5 ` 260 Genres in Hindi and Urdu’, Before the
Garcia Lorca for Beginners 978-81-250-2902-1 ` 260 Divide: Hindi and Urdu Literary Culture
Garcia Marquez for Beginners 978-81-250-2661-7 ` 275 is an attempt to rethink aspects of the
Gestalt for Beginners 978-81-250-2901-4 ` 260 literary histories of these two languages.
Heidegger for Beginners 978-81-250-2899-4 ` 250
This volume looks at the rearticulation
History of Cinema for Beginners 978-81-250-2470-5 ` 490
of language and its identity in the late
Islam for Beginners 978-81-250-2233-6 ` 275
Jung for Beginners 978-81-250-3167-3 ` 260 nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Kierkegaard for Beginners 978-81-250-3169-7 ` 250 and will be useful for students of language studies.
Lacan for Beginners 978-81-250-2236-7 ` 250 2010 978-81-250-3829-0 (HB) 320 pp ` 1,005
Mao for Beginners 978-81-250-2235-0 ` 260 978-81-250-5339-2 (E-ISBN)
Marilyn for Beginners 978-81-250-2662-4 ` 250
Rights: World
Martial Arts for Beginners 978-81-250-1917-6 ` 250
McLuhan for Beginners 978-81-250-2473-6 ` 250
Nietzsche for Beginners 978-81-250-2660-0 ` 275
Philosophy for Beginners 978-81-250-3168-0 ` 275
Plato for Beginners 978-81-250-2472-9 ` 250 Cognition, Experience and Creativity
Postmodernism for Beginners 978-81-250-2023-3 ` 275
Sartre for Beginners 978-81-250-2471-2 ` 250 Editors: Jaison Manjaly & Bipin Indurkhya
Saussure for Beginners 978-81-250-2232-9 ` 250 One of the major issues in contemporary
Shakespeare for Beginners 978-81-250-2049-3 ` 275
cognitive science is how our conceptual
Stanislavski for Beginners 978-81-250-2469-9 ` 260
structures are grounded in our
Zen for Beginners 978-81-250-2048-6 ` 250
experiences, and how our experiences, in
(For details, see Price List) turn, are determined by our concepts and
categories. A closely related problem is that
of creativity: namely how do new concepts

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 90 23/11/2015 12:54:24


and categories arise as a result of this interaction between

conceptual structures and experiences. These fundamental 2012 978-81-250-4504-5 368 pp ` 630
problems require considering multiple modes of cognition: Rights: Restricted
perception, language, reasoning, and so on; and applying
an interdisciplinary approach that includes insights from Dalit Assertion in Society, Literature and
psychology, philosophy, linguistics, cognitive neuroscience,
mathematical modeling, and computer simulation. The essays
in this volume showcase some of the recent developments in Editors: Imtiaz Ahmad & Shashi Bhushan Upadhyay
these areas of research in creativity and experience. The essays in this volume provide an
2015 978-81-250-5731-4 (HB) 308 pp ` 795 incisive analysis of the identity of the
Rights: World Dalits in history, literature and society.
They focus on Dalit assertion and agency
in postcolonial India, their quest to break
Culture, Society and Development in India free from poverty and social exclusion
Essays for Amiya Kumar Bagchi
after centuries of oppression, and also
Editors: Manoj Kumar Sanyal & Arunabha Ghosh the dynamics of a pervasive caste system
which is inimical to the growth of a collective consciousness
This volume collects writings by authors
among the backward classes.
across disciplines on issues that have
engaged eminent economic historian Amiya 2010 978-81-250-4054-5 (HB) 328 pp ` 950
Kumar Bagchi. The eleven essays define Rights: World
and develop the concepts of tradition,
modernity, postmodernism, liberty and
Dalit Personal Narratives
humanism in the Indian context. The volume
Reading Caste, Nation and Identity
also includes Amiya Bagchi’s own writings
in Bangla—the place of women in early hindi films, and in Author: Raj Kumar
utopias and fiction, past and present; the culture of Hindustani Raj Kumar’s pioneering book primarily
classical music in the colonial context of the late 19th century; examines Dalit autobiographies. It is a
the language of contemporary Indian art; and ideological and historic breakthrough because till recently,
business aspects of the cinema of Mumbai. The subjects of Dalits in India were voiceless. These
this compelling collection include Wajid Ali Shah, Rokeya narratives thus symbolise how Dalits
Sakhawat Hossain, Dadasaheb Phalke, Mahasweta Devi, F.N. are breaking down the age-old barrier of
Souza and the cult film Jai Santoshi Ma. This book offers silence. Focusing on multiple marginalities
glimpses of the many shades of the cultural life of a nation pertaining to caste, nation and identity, the
forever swinging between inertia and change. author has followed an inter-disciplinary approach across
2009 978-81-250-3707-1 (HB) 192 pp ` 565 disciplines such as history, sociology, law, religion, philosophy
Rights: World and gender studies apart from English literature, to bring to the
reader the remarkably different personal narratives of both Dalit
men and women. The autobiographies are located against a
Cultural Studies in the Future Tense socio-cultural background, along with the emergence of Dalit
Author: Lawrence Grossberg literature, Dalit life-narratives, while revealing their everyday
caste and class exploitations that call for the restoration of
Cultural Studies in the Future Tense
dignity and self-respect.
offers a vision of a contemporary cultural
studies that embraces complexity, rigorous 2011 978-81-250-4250-1 308 pp ` 455
interdisciplinary practice and experimental Rights: World
collaborations in an effort to better explain
the present in the service of the imagination
of other futures and the struggles for social

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 91 23/11/2015 12:54:26


Days of the Beloved, The theoretically innovative essays analysing the phenomenon of
democracy in a post-colonial country like India.
Authors: Harriet Ronken Lynton & Mohini Rajan
2010 978-81-7824-267-5 (HB) 376 pp ` 695
Hyderabadis still remember the reign of
2012 978-81-7824-351-1 (PB) 376 pp ` 495
Mahbub Ali Pasha as a golden age in the
Rights: Restricted
history of their city.
Mahbub, beloved of his people, who
ruled Hyderabad at the turn of the twentieth English Heart, Hindi Heartland
century, became a legend in his lifetime for The Political Life of Literature in India
his generosity and benevolent concern for Author: Rashmi Sadana
his subjects. Weaving together memories,
stories and anecdotes, historical facts and archival source Rashmi Sadana places internationally
material, The Days of the Beloved paints a loving picture of life recognised authors such as Salman
at various levels in this elegant city, and of Mahbub Ali Pasha Rushdie, Anita Desai and Vikram Seth in
himself, who like a fairy-tale prince, mixed with the common the context of debates within India about
people, sharing their joys and sorrows. the politics of language, and alongside
regionally recognised writers such as
2013 978-81-250-4657-8 310 pp ` 550 K. Satchidanandan, Shashi Deshpande
978-81-250-5168-8 (E-ISBN) and Geetanjali Shree. She undertakes an
Rights: World ethnographic study of literary culture, probing the connections
between place, language and text in order to show what
Digital Cool language comes to stand for in people’s lives.
Life in the Age of New Media 2012 978-81-7824-349-8 240 pp ` 595
Author: Pramod K. Nayar Rights: Restricted
This book examines life in the age of New
Media. From Facebook to internet dating,
from ‘condensed’ networked cities to
mobile phones, from iPads to iPhones, English in the Dalit Context
transgenic art to robotics, Twitter and Editors: Alladi Uma, K. Suneetha Rani &
cyberspace avatars to Wikis—it traces how D. Murali Manohar
human lives are not only heavily mediated
by ‘cool’ technologies, but how the technologies themselves In India, English has always been an
are mediated by human lives. issue of political discourse. For the
privileged classes, it is either a language of
2012 978-81-250-4730-8 264 pp ` 670 achievement or one choice among many
Rights: World other languages. However, for the Dalits,
mastering English promises liberation.
Empire and Nation This volume is set against this backdrop of
Essential Writings, 1985–2005 the politics surrounding English in India. A
collection of fourteen essays, it brings to the fore a multiplicity
Author: Partha Chatterjee
of views expressed by Dalit intellectuals and activists on
This book brings together some of the ‘English’ in all its different senses and non-Dalit scholars
most significant and best-known writings who have for long been involved with questions of colonial
of Partha Chatterjee. It includes his modernity and the English language in the Dalit context.
pathbreaking interventions in the theoretical
2014 978-81-250-5519-8 (HB) 192 pp ` 695
analysis of nationalism, as well as several of
Rights: World
his pieces on the political, intellectual, and
cultural history of nationalism. The volume
also contains Chatterjee’s provocative and

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 92 23/11/2015 12:54:27


Extreme Poetry writings by foundational contributions which ‘engendered’

The South Asian Movement of Simultaneous Marathi literature.
2011 978-81-7824-342-9 352 pp ` 395
Author: Yigal Bronner Rights: World
Beginning in the sixth century ce and
continuing for more than a thousand years, Flaming Feet and Other Essays, The
an extraordinary poetic practice was the The Dalit Movement
trademark of a major literary movement
Author: D.R. Nagaraj
in South Asia. Authors invented a special
language to depict both the apparent and Described by Ashis Nandy as the foremost
hidden sides of disguised or dual characters, non-Brahmin intellectual to emerge from
and then used it to narrate India’s major India’s vast non-English speaking world,
epics, the Ramyana and the Mahabharata. Scholars have long D.R. Nagaraj (1954–1998) was a profound
dismissed simultaneous narration as a mere curiosity, if not a political commentator and cultural critic.
sign of cultural decline in medieval India. Yet Yigal Bronner’s Nagaraj’s importance lies in consolidating
Extreme Poetry effectively negates this position, proving that, and advancing some of the ideas of
far from being a meaningless pastime, this intricate, ‘bitextual’ India’s leading Dalit thinker and icon, B.R.
technique both transcended and reinvented Sanskrit literary Ambedkar. Following Ambedkar, Nagaraj argues that the
expression. Dalit movement rejected the traditional Hindu world and thus
dismissed untouchable pasts entirely; but, he says, rebels
2010 978-81-7824-299-6 (HB) 376 pp ` 750
too require cultural memory. Their emotions of bewilderment,
Rights: Restricted
rage, and resentment can only be transcended via a politics
of affirmation. This book gives us Nagaraj’s vision of caste
Feminist Vision or ‘Treason Against Men’? in relation to Dalit politics. It theorises the caste system as
Kashibai Kanitkar and the Engendering of a mosaic of contestations centred around dignity, religiosity,
Marathi Literature and entitlement. Nagaraj was that rare observer of politics who
Translator and Editor: Meera Kosambi did not offer standard social science fare: in fact, he used the
phrase ‘competent social scientist’ to damn the person he was
Kashibai Kanitkar (1861–1948), was speaking of. Not only were his themes unusual, his analytical
the first major woman writer in Marathi. methods and quirky reliance on cultural texts for analysis
She was largely self-taught and keenly were equally so. He uses such material and focuses on
conscious of the benefits of women’s these themes because his sensibility was shaped by the Dalit
education. She promoted this and other movement, as much as by the time he spent scrutinising
emancipatory measures for women through literary texts. This is a foundational text for Dalit studies.
her prolific and wide-ranging writings—
both fiction and non-fiction—deploying 2010 978-81-7824-276-7 (HB) 276 pp ` 595
them as a mode of social reform discourse. The present book 2012 978-81-7824-358-0 (PB) 276 pp ` 395
includes translations of most of Kashibai’s works: both her 978-81-7824-422-8 (E-ISBN)
novels (in abridged form); a review of Pandita Ramabai’s Rights: Restricted
American travelogue; long extracts from Kashibai’s episodic
autobiographical narrative as well as from her biography of Gender, Sex and the City
India’s first woman doctor, Dr. Anandibai Joshee; and an article Urdu Rekhtı- Poetry, 1780–1870
tracing the history of women’s education in Maharashtra. A
Author: Ruth Vanita
comprehensive introduction by Meera Kosambi contextualises
these texts and situates Kashibai within her social and literary This book examines how Urdu poetry
milieu. Kashibai, Professor Kosambi shows, was a pioneering written in the late eighteenth and early
writer who created a new paradigm in Marathi literature. It nineteenth centuries contributes to shaping
was she who enabled Maharashtra’s rich tradition of women’s urban Indian modernity, especially ideas of
gender, sexuality, and pleasure. It focuses

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 93 23/11/2015 12:54:29


on rekhtı-, poetry with a female speaker and about women’s

2012 978-81-250-4553-3 344 pp ` 950 Invention of Private Life, The
Rights: Restricted Literature and Ideas
Author: Sudipta Kaviraj
History in the Vernacular The essays here lie at the intersection of
Authors: Raziuddin Aquil & Partha Chatterjee three disciplines: the study of literature,
social theory, and intellectual history.
This book explores the status of regional and Kaviraj argues that serious reflections on
vernacular histories in relation to academic modernity’s predicaments and bafflements
histories by professional historians. Looking lie in literature. Modernity introduced new
closely at vernacular contexts and traditions literary forms—such as the novel and the
of historical production, the essays in this autobiography—to Indian writers. These became reflections
book question the assumption that there on the nature of modernity. Some of the questions central
was no history writing in India before to modern European social theory also grew into significant
colonialism. They suggest that careful and themes within Indian literary reflection. Kaviraj’s essays show
appropriate techniques of reading reveal distinctly indigenous modern Indian literature as reflections on modern times,
historical narratives. particularly of their experiential interior.
2010 978-81-7824-301-6 512 pp ` 595 2014 978-81-7824-308-5 (HB) 376 pp ` 895
978-81-7824-403-7 (E-ISBN) Rights: Restricted
Rights: World

Homeless on Google Earth

Author: Mukul Kesavan
Islam Translated
Literature, Conversion, and the Arabic Cosmopolis of
‘Homeless’ in the title of this book means South and Southeast Asia
‘cosmopolitan’. Mukul Kesavan, considered
Author: Ronit Ricci
by many to be India’s most articulate and
sophisticated scholar-journalist in English, Ronit Ricci uses the Book of One Thousand
covers a huge range of political and Questions—from its Arabic original to
cultural subjects, local and international, its adaptations into the Javanese, Malay,
in this collection of opinion pieces. These and Tamil languages—between the
include Hollywood and Bollywood, Salman sixteenth and twentieth centuries—as a
Rushdie and Martin Amis, Steve Jobs and Julian Assange, means to consider connections that linked
Sri Lanka and Israel, wildlife at the Kruger National Park and Muslims across divides of distance and
beach life in Goa. Kesavan’s viewpoints can veer from being culture. Examining the circulation of this
scrupulously rational to extravagantly funny. Identifiably Indian Islamic text and its varied literary forms, Ricci explores how
in its location, this book is written with such uncommon flair processes of literary translation and religious conversion
and intellectual passion, and in an idiomatic English of such were historically interconnected, mutually dependent, and
polish and perfection, that it transcends the local. creatively reformulated within societies making the transition
to Islam.
2013 978-81-7824-367-2 (HB) 320 pp ` 595
978-81-7824-431-0 (E-ISBN) 2011 978-81-7824-333-7 (HB) 336pp ` 750
Rights: World Rights: Restricted

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Nationalism in the Vernacular

Hindi, Urdu and the Literature of Indian Freedom
Language Politics, Elites, and the Public Editor: Shobna Nijhawan
Western India under Colonialism This anthology comprises a selection of
formative literary writings in Hindi and
Author: Veena Naregal Urdu from the second half of the nineteenth
The bilingual relationship between English century, leading up to Indian Independence
and the Indian vernaculars has long been and the creation of Pakistan. The texts here
crucial to the construction of ideology as are mostly hitherto unpublished translations
well as cultural and political hierarchies. into English. The anthology provides a
Print was vital for colonial literacy—for picture of how nationalism—as a cultural
initiating a shift in the relation between ideology and political movement—was formed in literature.
‘high’ and ‘low’ languages. This book Unlike other anthologies, this one focuses on writings in two
looks at the relationship between linguistic North Indian vernaculars with a contested relationship: Hindi
hierarchies, textual practices and power in colonial Western and Urdu. The combination is deliberate: the relationship
India. Whereas most studies of colonialism focus on India’s of Hindi and Urdu was being consolidated and sealed even
‘high’ literary culture, this work looks at how local intellectuals as these texts were being written. There are two separate
explored their ‘middling’ position through initiatives to establish introductions to this anthology. Each grounds, respectively,
newspapers and influential channels of communication. the peculiar paths taken by Hindi and Urdu proponents and
practitioners. The anthology emphasises the shared ground
2014 978-81-7824-383-0 312 pp ` 450 of Hindi and Urdu. The Hindi and Urdu texts are arranged into
Rights: World eight thematic clusters, each represented by a nationalist
mode of reasoning. Autobiographical writings in Hindi, prison
Memsahibs’ Writings poetry in Urdu, and social reform writings around gender,
Colonial Narratives on Indian Women caste, class, and Dalits are also included in this fascinating
Editor: Indrani Sen
2010 978-81-7824-260-6 (HB) 536 pp ` 795
The white women of colonial India wrote
978-81-7824-440-2 (E-ISBN)
extensively during their years of residence
Rights: World
in India. This anthology brings together a
fascinating collection of such European
women’s narratives. Mapped along the New Cultural Studies
historical shifts that took place over the Adventures in Theory
hundred-year period, the book captures Editors: Gary Hall & Clare Birchall
the many facets and nuances of gender
relations across racial divide. Imaginatively organised around New Cultural Studies is both an introductory
key sites of contact, the narratives are arranged in fourteen reference work and an original study which
thematic clusters. explores new directions and territories for
This book will appeal to readers interested in gender and cultural studies. A new generation has
colonialism and the writings of the Raj. begun to emerge from the shadow of the
Birmingham School. It is a generation
2012 978-81-250-4552-6 344 pp ` 425 whose whole university education has
Rights: World been shaped by theory, and who frequently
turn to it as a means to think through some of the issues
and current problems in contemporary culture and culture
studies. Departments are now returning to more sociological
and social science oriented modes of research. September 11
and the war on Iraq especially have helped create a sense of
‘post-theoretical’ political urgency which leaves little time for

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 95 23/11/2015 12:54:32


the ‘elitist’, ‘Eurocentric’, ‘textual’ concerns of ‘Theory’. For poet, critic, translator, editor, and anthologist—enriches an
many in this generation, theoretical approaches to the study uncommon stream with this brilliant collection.
of culture never seemed very important. That is exactly where The essays gathered here, rich in literary detail and
this book becomes relevant. accessible insight, were written over the past thirty years.
New Cultural Studies explores theory’s past, present and Among them are Mehrotra’s homage to his friend and
most especially its future role in cultural studies. It introduces fellow poet Arun Kolatkar; a perceptive appreciation of A.K.
students to the thinkers and theories currently influencing Ramanujan; a scathing scrutiny of R. Parthasarathy; a radical
new work in cultural studies: Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, redefinition of the modern Indian poem; a literary-historical
Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Michael Hardt and Antonio view of Kabir; and a wide-ranging introduction to the entire
Negri, Friedrich Kittler, Ernesto Laclau, Emmanuel Levinas, corpus of Indian writing in English from 1800 to the present.
Slavoj Žižek.
2011 978-81-7824-310-8 (HB) 298 pp ` 650
2009 978-81-250-3511-4 332 pp ` 620 2014 978-81-7824-392-4 (PB) 298 pp `495
Rights: South Asia Rights World

Observant Owl, The Pedagogy for Religion

Hootum’s Vignettes of Nineteenth-Century Calcutta Missionary Education and the Fashioning of Hindus
and Muslims in Bengal
Author: Kaliprasanna Sinha
Author: Parna Sengupta
Translator: Swarup Roy
Offering a new approach to the study
This book is a rambunctious romp through
of religion and empire, this innovative
19th-century Calcutta, a translation
book challenges a widespread myth of
of Hootum Pyanchar Naksha (literally
modernity—that Western rule has had
‘Sketches by Hootum the Owl’), a set of
a secularising effect on the non-West.
satirical portraits so popular that it has
Sengupta reveals instead the paradox
never been out of print since its publication
that the pursuit and adaptation of modern
in 1862. This is its first ever translation.
vernacular education, mainly imported to
The writing is so vivid that there is within
the colonies by Protestant missionaries, opened up new ways
these pages a sense of walking through a
for Indians to reformulate ideas of community along religious
decadent Dickensian city as fishwives call out their wares,
housewives hurry to the river for baths, thieves pick pockets,
and carriages creak through slush and rotting banana peel 2012 978-81-250-4505-2 (HB) 224 pp ` 840
carting passengers high on ganja. Rights: Restricted
2011 978-81-7824-198-2 216 pp ` 295
Rights: World Postcolonial Studies and Beyond
Editors: Ania Loomba, Suvir Kaul, Matti Bunzl, Antoinette
Partial Recall Burton & Jed Esty
Essays on Literature and Literary History
This interdisciplinary volume is designed to
Author: Arvind Krishna Mehrotra expand the agenda of postcolonial studies,
assess the field’s past and present foci,
India’s poets have been among the finest
and affect its future evolution. The essays
writers of English prose—earlier, Henry
here address questions about the field’s
Derozio and Toru Dutt; more recently, Nissim
definition, relevance, and relationship to
Ezekiel, A.K. Ramanujan, Dom Moraes,
issues of modernity, transnationalism and
and Adil Jussawalla. Writers of this kind,
globalisation. The book contains a broad
representing the ‘common reader’ tradition
range of perspectives on these issues. It
of unpretentious and jargon-free writing
does not represent consensus but, rather, links contradictory
about literature and life, are something
and complementary contributions from history, anthropology,
of a rarity in India. Arvind Krishna Mehrotra—renowned

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Asian and African studies, environmental studies, literature, Province of the Book, The
political science and religion to re-evaluate and stretch the Scholars, Scribes, and Scribblers
field. in Colonial Tamilnadu
2005 978-81-7824-145-6 (HB) 510 pp ` 695 Author: A.R. Venkatachalapathy
2007 978-81-7824-203-3 (PB) 510 pp ` 550 This is a brilliant and pioneering work
Rights: South Asia which reconstructs a universe hitherto
unknown—the world of the Tamil book.
Print Areas It shows famous and unknown authors at
Book History in India work, the religious literati with its cortège
of students, radical nationalist poets such
Editors: Abhijit Gupta & Swapan Chakravorty
as Subramania Bharati rousing the masses
In recent years, the growth of History of and being crushed in the process, humble
the Book as a major, multi-disciplinary area scribblers eking out a livelihood writing bazaar pamphlets,
of investigation has energised traditional successful scribes compiling anthologies for students and
disciplines such as history and literary astrological wisdom for the credulous, and the ubiquitous
studies in new and unforeseen ways. English official surrounding them all—censoring, adjudicating,
History of the Book looks at literature as it dictating.
is embodied in its technological products—
2012 978-81-7824-331-3 (HB) 320 pp ` 795
mainly those of the print industry, but also
2015 978-81-7824-452-5 (PB) 320 pp ` 495
manuscripts, engravings, and electronic texts. It studies the
Rights: World
various personnel associated with the making of books:
not just authors, but also printers, publishers, illustrators,
booksellers, and of course, readers.
Despite being a country with a long, rich and complex
book culture, India does not have a comprehensive history Rabindranath Tagore
of its books. Print Areas is the first attempt to write such a One Hundred Years of Global Reception
history and brings together the work of leading contemporary Editors: Imre Bangha, Martin Kämpchen and Uma Das Gupta
historians of the book in India. This pioneering volume features
essays looking at some of the most fascinating examples of This book brings together thirty-five essays
India’s encounter with the book. The choice of the essays on how the world reacted to the Bengali
also reveals the range of possible approaches to the study of author’s winning the Nobel Prize for
books. There are histories of major publishing houses such Literature in 1913, the first non-European
as Macmillan and Oxford University Press as well of the first to do so, and Tagore’s subsequent standing
edition of a single book of nonsense verse; perspectives are in the world of letters. His was assumed
offered on Benares as a centre of publishing, the role played to be the voice of India; or indeed of Asia
by print in shaping Maharashtra politics and the cultural impact and the colonised world. The Nobel Prize
of popular books in Bengal. These essays will be of interest gave him the authority to speak, and the intellectual elite of
not just to the historian or literary scholar but also to those many countries realised the need to listen and to respond. The
interested in questions of tradition and modernity in colonial essays are arranged by region/continent. Tagore’s reception
and postcolonial India. while often enthusiastic was not always adulatory, and diverse
political and social movements responded to him differently.
2010 978-81-7824-314-6 260 pp ` 295 This nuanced reception is dealt with in this book.
Rights: World
2014 978-81-250-5568-6 (HB) 692 pp ` 1125
Rights: World

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Revisiting Abhijña–naśa–kuntalam Stages of Life

Love, Lineage and Language in Ka–lida–ś a’s Na–taka Indian Theatre Autobiographies
Editors: Saswati Sengupta & Deepika Tandon Author: Kathryn Hansen
Ka–lida–śa’s Abhijña–naśa–kuntalam has The life-stories of a quartet of 19th-century
an iconic status in the history of Indian Indian actors and poet-playwrights are here
literatures. It is a tale of love found, forgotten translated into English for the first time.
and restored between Dusyanta, the hero The most famous, Jayshankar Sundari,
king, and Ś a–kuntala–, an innocent maiden. was a female impersonator. Fida Husain
Bringing together linguists, literary critics, Narsi also played women’s parts, until
historians, Indologists and Sanskritists, this gaining great fame for his role as a Hindu
book analyses the play as a rich terrain saint. Two others, Narayan Prasad Betab
for exploring links between culture, history and politics, as and Radheshyam Kathavachak, wrote landmark dramas that
an interplay of memory, desire and languages. It locates the ushered in the mythological genre. These men were schooled
narrative of Śa–kuntala– in contexts of class, caste, gender, in large Parsi-run theatrical companies. Their memoirs, replete
patriarchy and monarchy. It has a foreword by Romila Thapar. with anecdote and humour, offer an unparalleled window onto
a vanished world.
2012 978-81-250-4419-2 348 pp ` 895
Rights: World 2011 978-81-7824-311-5 392 pp ` 750
Rights: Restricted

States of Sentiment
Shades of Difference Exploring the Cultures of Emotion
Selected Works of Rabindranath Tagore with Audio
Visual Material, Tagore & His World Author: Pramod K. Nayar

Editor: Radha Chakravarty States of Sentiment proposes that our

responses to various situations, events
This unusual collection brings together Rabindranath Tagore’s and representations are not entirely
writings on forms of difference based on private, individual and internal. They have
gender, caste, class, nation, community, a crucial social dimension. Emotions are
religion, language, art, literature, philosophy, a result of the internalisation of cultural
social custom and political belief. Via new codes and discourses that inform, and
translations, along with Tagore’s own even determine the appropriateness or
writings, lectures and conversations in inappropriateness of emotional responses. Exactly how
English, this illustrated anthology presents sentiments of care, passion, desire, pleasure, fear, sympathy
his complex, dynamic approach to commonly perceived or pity are discursively made a commodity in the mass media,
dualities—such as life/death, nature/culture, male/female, films, reportage and the other public culture forms today is
tradition/modernity, East/West, local/universal, urban/rural the subject of this book. It demonstrates how cultures today
etc.—to highlight his humanistic vision and its significance are getting emotion-driven.
for us today. The accompanying Audio Visual material, Tagore
& His World, provides a broader context for Tagore’s evolution 2011 978-81-250-4199-3 316 pp ` 785
as a thinker and artist, offering glimpses of his life, travels, Rights: World
educational vision and creative experiments in the visual and
performing arts. Through a range of contemporary adaptations Ugliness of the Indian Male and Other
from diverse sources and in different languages, it marks how Propositions, The
Tagore’s spirit lives on today, his legacy undiminished, for the
world at large. Author: Mukul Kesavan

2015 978-93-83166-084 (HB) 312 pp ` 850 ‘Every English-speaking Indian man between twenty-five and
sixty has written about the Hindi movies he has seen, the
English books he has read, the foreign places he has travelled

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to, and the curse of communalism’, says Women Writing Gender

Mukul Kesavan. Like many of the insightful Marathi Fiction Before Independence
comments for which his historically
Editor: Meera Kosambi
informed and provocative journalism has
become so widely admired, this deliberately This book tells several stories of how
large statement may even be true. Maharashtrian women found a ‘voice’ in
What is certainly true is that Kesavan’s the late 19th century. It shows how they
hugely entertaining writings on these created a literary space for themselves,
subjects crackle with cerebral wit, sparky phrases, and deploying fiction to depict worlds other than
memorable lines like no one else’s. A historian by profession, those available in male writing, as well as
Kesavan is distinct from his tribe because his prose ploughs dreams and aspirations unseen in society
a lonely furrow: it is always accessible, jargon-shunning, before they were articulated by their fiction.
aphoristic, and uncommonly elegant. The present collection Having been excluded from mainstream prose, women also
of his essays is a distillation of his thoughts—outrageously created a parallel reform discourse which displayed various
funny, profoundly cosmopolitan, and devotedly ‘pseudo- shades of feminism.
secular’ all at once—on some of the central concerns of our 2012 978-81-7824-336-8 386 pp ` 795
time. Rights: World
2011 978-81-7824-252-1 312 pp ` 495
978-81-7824-443-3 (E-ISBN)
Writing Life
Rights: World Three Gujarati Thinkers
Author: Tridip Suhrud
Voice and Memory
Indigenous Imagination and Expression Writing Life looks at the lives and work
of three nineteenth century thinkers of
Editors: G.N. Devy, Geoffrey V. Davis & K.K. Chakravarty Gujarat—Narmadashankar Lal Shankar,
Voice and Memory is a companion volume Manibhai Nabhubhai and Govardhanram
to Indigeneity: Culture and Representation. Tripathi. Poets, essayists and novelists,
The essays present a critical enquiry into these three writers deeply influenced the
the cultures and literatures of indigenous intellectual life of Gujarat. Moreover, the
communities. They deal with their stories book shows how the idea of ‘social reform’
of colonial experience, their marginalisation is deeply linked in their work to the idea of
and their struggles to avert the decline ‘the nation’. The author also shows how Gandhi, following
of their socio-cultural status, and the these writers, created another notion of ‘nation’, ‘reform’ and
emergence of their voice in the respective national literature. the moral dimensions of these.
Bringing together scholars from across the world, this volume 2003 978-81-250-3043-0 (HB) 280 pp ` 730
will be of invaluable interest to students and scholars of Rights: World
sociology, anthropology, tribal studies, colonial studies,
literature and linguistics.
2011 978-81-250-4222-8 368 pp ` 785
Rights: World

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Agency Raga and Some Variations, The Anjana Basu 978-81-250-5705-5

Amitav Ghosh: A Critical Companion Tabish Khair 978-81-7824-425-9
Before the Divide: Hindi and Urdu Literary Culture Francesca Orsini 978-81-250-5339-2
Bekanna and the Musical Mice Shanta Rameshwar Rao 978-81-250-5459-7
Business Communication: Basic Concepts and Skills J.P. Parikh et al. 978-81-250-5027-8
Career English For Nurses (Second Edition) Selva Rose 978-81-250-5094-0
Chakra Jayawant Dalvi 978-81-250-5188-6
Chathu: The Elephant Boy Karoor Nilakanta Pillai & 978-81-250-4709-4
Shanta Rameshwar Rao
Chikka Hira Nirodi Chandran 978-81-250-5464-1
Children of God Shanta Rameshwar Rao 978-81-250-4692-9
Communication and Analysis Skills Ashan Academy 978-81-250-5022-3
Coolie Doctor Goonam K. 978-81-250-4633-2
Crocodile Fever: Wildlife Adventures in New Guinea Rom and Zai Whitaker 978-81-250-4626-4
Days of the Beloved, The Harriet Ronken Lynton & 978-81-250-5168-8
Mohini Rajan
Delhi City Guide Orient BlackSwan 978-81-250-4652-3
Demon on the Hill, The Shanta Rameshwar Rao 978-81-250-4743-8
Dictionary of Indian Literature, A: Beginnings – 1850 Sujit Mukherjee 978-81-250-5182-4
Volume 1

Diary of a Decade of Agony A. Dharmadhikari 978-81-250-5699-7

Down Melody Lane G.N. Joshi 978-81-250-4621-9
Eighteenth Parallel, The Ashokamitran 978-81-250-5187-9
Embroidered Newspaper, The R.N. Sharma 978-81-250-5910-3
English Conversation for Indian Students V.V. Yardi 978-81-250-5924-0
English Phonetic Reader, An R.K. Bansal & Clive Brasnett 978-81-250-5332-3
First Promise, The (Revised Edition) Ashapurna Debi 978-81-250-5922-6
Translated by Indira Chowdhury
Flaming Feet and Other Essays, The: D.R. Nagaraj 978-81-7824-422-8
The Dalit Movement in India

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 100 23/11/2015 12:54:41


Footloose in the Himalaya Bill Aitken 978-81-7824-412-9

Gendering the Nation: Identity Politics and English Comic Chandrava Chakravarty 978-81-250-5135-0
Theatre of the Long Eighteenth Century
Going Home Lakshmi Kannan 978-81-250-4687-5
Govind H. Ratnakar Rau 978-81-250-4684-4
Govind: Shivaji’s Warrior H. Ratnakar Rau 978-81-250-5698-0
Handbook of Teaching English, A Sharda Kaushik 978-81-250-4775-9
History in the Vernacular Raziuddin Aquil & Partha Chatterjee 978-81-7824-403-7
History of Classical Sanskrit Literature S Bhattacharya 978-81-250-5923-3
History of English Literature: Traversing the Centuries Aditi Choudhury & Rita Goswamy 978-81-250-5515-0
Homeless on Google Earth Mukul Kesavan 978-81-7824-431-0
House of Shivaji Jadunath Sarkar 978-81-250-4619-6
Hundred Tamil Folk and Tribal Tales Sujatha Vijayaraghavan 978-81-250-4690-5
Hungry Emperor, The, and The Clever Barber Tickoo Champa 978-81-250-5461-0
Hymns of Guru Nanak Khushwant Singh 978-81-250-4362-1
Ideas, Words and Things: French Writings in Semiology Harjeet Singh Gill & Bernard Pottier 978-81-250-5184-8
In Worship of Shiva Shanta Rameshwar Rao & 978-81-250-4485-7
Badri Narayan
India Remembered (Revised Edition) Percival Spear & Margaret Spear 978-81-250-5323-1
India’s Literary History: Essays on the Nineteenth Century Stuart Blackburn & Vasudha Dalmiya 978-81-7824-429-7
Indian English Poetry Since 1950: An Anthology Vilas Sarang 978-81-250-4689-9
Indigeneity: Culture and Representation G.N. Devy, Geoffrey V. Davis & 978-81-250-4872-5
K.K. Chakravarty
Intertextuality and Victorian Studies Sudha Shastri 978-81-250-5273-9
Journey on Bare Feet, A D.K. Tiwana 978-81-250-5709-3
Jungle Hospital, The Saroj Mukherjee 978-81-250-5318-7
Kaalam M.T. Vasudevan Nair 978-81-250-4686-8
Krishna Shanta Rameshwar Rao 978-81-250-4486-4
Kuttiedathi and Other Stories M.T. Vasudevan Nair 978-81-250-4625-7
Language, Ideology and Power: Language-learning among Tariq Rahman 978-81-250-5315-6
the Muslims of Pakistan and North India
Legends of Devi Sukumari Bhattacharji & 978-81-250-4369-0
Ramananda Bandapadhyay
Legends of Devi (Illustrated) Sukumari Bhattacharji & 978-81-250-4363-8
Ramananda Bandapadhyay

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 101 23/11/2015 12:54:41


Long Long Days, The P. M. Nityanandan 978-81-250-5706-2

Lost Directions Shakuntala Bharvani 978-81-250-5704-8
Mahabharata, The Shanta Rameshwar Rao 978-81-250-4365-2
Mahabharata, The (Illustrated) Shanta Rameshwar Rao 978-81-250-4484-0
Mastering Modern English David Cameron 978-81-250-5311-8
Matched Winners Sujit Mukherjee 978-81-250-5186-2
Matsya: The Magical Fish Shanta Rameshwar Rao 978-81-250-4744-5
Mud Baby, The Shanta Rameshwar Rao 978-81-250-4745-2
Nationalism in the Vernacular: Shobna Nijhawan 978-81-7824-440-2
Hindi, Urdu and the Literature of Indian Freedom
Nazir Ahmad In his Own Words and Mine Mirza Farhatullah Beg 978-81-250-5921-9
Translated by Mohammed Zakir
Night and Other Stories Abdullah Hussein, Translated by 978-81-7370-422-2
Muhammad Umar Memon
No Entry for the New Sun: Arjun Dangle 978-81-250-5759-8
Translations from Modern Marathi Dalit Poetry
Of Rats and Diplomats Ahmed Ali 978-81-7370-378-2
Once Upon A Raj: A Novel G. Irani 978-81-250-5702-4
Picture Ramayana, The Balasaheb Pant 978-81-250-5015-5
Poetry of Sylvia Plath, The P. Rajani 978-81-250-5304-0
Poovan Banana and Other Stories Vaikom Muhammad Basheer 978-81-250-4675-2
Primal Land, The Pratibha Ray, Traslated by Bikram K. Das 978-81-250-5225-8
Princess Promila Krishna Kumar 978-81-250-5463-4
Radical Rabindranath: Sanjukta Dasgupta, Sudeshna 978-81-250-5505-1
Nation, Family and Gender in Tagore’s Fiction and Films Chakravarti & Mary Mathew

Ramayana, The Lakshmi Lal 978-81-250-4487-1

Ramayana, The (Abridged, Black & White) Lakshmi Lal 978-81-250-4693-6
Rita Welinkar Shanta Gokhale 978-81-250-5707-9
Roots and Shadows Shashi Deshpande 978-81-250-4685-1
Samidha Sadhana Amte 978-81-250-5953-0
Translated by Shobha Pawar
Sand and Other Stories Ashokamitran 978-81-250-5044-5
Sandal Trees and Other Stories, The Kamala Das 978-81-250-4688-2
Sarojini Naidu: V.S. Naravane 978-81-250-4678-3
An Introduction to Her Life, Work and Poetry

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Scar, The K.A. Gunasekaran 978-81-250-5088-9

Shakespeare and the Art of Lying Shormishtha Panja 978-81-250-5506-8
Silappadikaram and Manimekalai Lakshmi Holmstrom 978-81-250-4364-5
Silence in the City and Other Stories, A M. C.Gabriel 978-81-250-5703-1
Simplifications: Aniket Jaaware 978-81-250-5467-2
An Introduction to Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
Son of the Moment Nazir Ahmad 978-81-250-5776-5
Story of a Seaside Village, The Thoppil Mohammed Meeran 978-81-250-5925-7
Success with Grammar and Composition K.R. Narayanaswamy 978-81-250-5298-2
Sun All Golden and Round Jane Sahi 978-81-250-5465-8
Teaching Young Learners: Sharda Kaushik & Revathi Srinivas 978-81-250-4772-8
A Handbook for English Language Teachers
Temporary Answers Jai Nimbkar 978-81-250-5708-6
Three Companions Rabindranath Tagore 978-81-250-4366-9
Touch Me Not Girl, The Rajlukshmee Debee Bhattacharya 978-81-250-5758-1
Translation as Discovery and Other Essays: Sujit Mukherjee 978-81-250-4796-4
On Indian Literature in English Translation
Travels to Europe: Self and Other in Simonti Sen 978-81-250-5296-8
Bengali Travel Narratives, 1870–1910
Ugliness of the Indian Male and Other Propositions, The Mukul Kesavan 978-81-7824-443-3
Unusual Raja, An A Pant 978-81-7370-452-9
Varanasi M.T. Vasudevan Nair 978-81-250-5439-9
Vinegar King and Hot Soup Tickoo Champa 978-81-250-5462-7
Wait for the Moon Niranjana 978-81-7370-441-3
When the Kurinji Blooms Rajam Krishnan 978-81-250-5039-1
Wings of Fire: An Autobiography A.P.J. Abdul Kalam & Arun Tiwari 978-81-7371-780-2

People’s Linguistic Survey of India

Chief Editor: G.N. Devy

Being of Bhasha, The: A General Introduction (Volume 1) G.N. Devy 978-81-250-5775-8

Languages of Kerala and Lakshadweep, The (Volume 15) M. Sreenathan and 978-81-250-5999-8
Joseph Koyipally
Languages of Meghalaya, The (Volume 19) Esther Syiem 978-81-250-5905-9
Indian Sign Language(s) (Volume 38) Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Nisha Grover & 978-81-250-5520-4
Surinder P. K. Randhawa

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3, Sakina Manzil and Other Plays

Ramu Ramanathan 2012 ` 425.00 978-81-250-4511-3

100 Writing Remedies: Practical Exercises for Technical Writing

Edmond H. Weiss 1999 ` 325.00 978-81-7371-266-1

Academic and Research Writing:

(A Coursebook for Undergraduates and Research Students)
Kalyani Samantray 2015 ` 115.00 978-81-250-6025-3

Advanced Skills in English (2nd Year Textbook for Undergraduates)

E. Suresh Kumar et al. 2014 ` 135.00 978-81-250-5559-4

Advantage English
B. Yadav Raju & C. Muralikrishna 2009 ` 135.00 978-81-250-3776-7

After Amnesia: Tradition and Change in Indian Literary Criticism

G.N. Devy 1993 ` 295.00 978-81-250-0420-2

Alternative Gaze, An: Essays on D.H. Lawrence

Sheila Lahiri Choudhury 2008 ` 625.00 978-81-8028-030-6

Amitav Ghosh: A Critical Companion

Tabish Khair 2005 ` 295.00 978-81-7824-113-5
E-ISBN: 978-81-7824-425-9

Anaro and Other Stories

Manjul Bhagat 2001 ` 275.00 978-81-250-1670-0

Anthology of English Poetry, An

Board of Editors 2013 ` 80.00 978-81-250-5228-9

Anthology of English Prose, An

Department of English and Modern European Languages, 2013 ` 90.00 978-81-250-5227-2
Allahabad University

Anthology of English Verse, An

Department of English and Modern European Languages, 2013 ` 80.00 978-81-250-4732-2
Allahabad University

Anthology of Indian English Poetry, An

R.P. Singh & S.K. Prasad 1989 ` 125.00 978-81-250-0769-2

Apology for Poetry, An

Philip Sidney, edited by Visvanath Chatterjee 2011 ` 145.00 978-81-250-4029-3

Apple Cart, The

Bernard Shaw, edited by A.C. Ward 1957 ` 110.00 978-0-00209-053-7

Appreciating English Poetry: A Practical Course

Praveen K. Thaker 1999 ` 160.00 978-81-250-1616-8

Approach to Life, The (Re-issue)

Board of Editors 2015 ` 120.00 978-81-250-5989-9

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 104 23/11/2015 12:54:42


Arms and the Man

Bernard Shaw, edited by A.C. Ward 2011 ` 110.00 978-81-250-4247-1

Art for Beginners

Dani Cavallard 2000 ` 270.00 978-81-250-1915-2

Art of the Intellect: Uncollected English Writings of Sudhindranath Datta

Sukanta Chaudhuri 2008 ` 650.00 978-81-8028-033-7

Arya and Other Stories

Chandrika Balan 2014 ` 355.00 978-81-250-5680-5

As You Like It – Shakespeare

Swapan Chakravorty 2004 ` 120.00 978-81-250-2798-0

Auroral Musings: A Collection of English Poetry (BA Special English)

Ashok Chaskar & Chetan Deshmane 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5535-8

Authentic English for Home Science and Allied Sciences

David A. Hill & P. Ilangovan 2002 ` 90.00 978-81-250-2290-9

Bahadur Shah and the Festival of Flower-sellers

Mirza Farhatullah Beg 2012 ` 275.00 978-81-250-4618-9

Bankim’s Hinduism: An Anthology of Writings by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

Amiya P. Sen 2011 ` 795.00 978-81-7824-323-8

Barisal and Beyond: Essays on Modern Bengali Literature

Clinton B. Seely 2008 ` 675.00 978-81-8028-036-8

Basics of Academic English 1

Deeptha Achar et al 2012 ` 80.00 978-81-250-4729-2

Basics of Academic English 2

Deeptha Achar et al 2013 ` 100.00 978-81-250-5029-2

Before the Divide: Hindi and Urdu Literary Culture

Francesca Orsini 2010 ` 1,005.00 978-81-250-3829-0
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5339-2

Being of Bhasha, The: General Introduction - Volume 1 (Part 2), People’s Linguistic Survey of India
G.N. Devy 2014 ` 790.00 978-81-250-5488-7
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5775-8

Best Science Writing: Readings and Insights

Robert Gannon 2000 ` 225.00 978-81-7371-208-1

Best Words, The

Board of Editors 2015 ` 90.00 978-81-250-5754-3

Between Identity and Location: The Cultural Politics of Theory

R. Radhakrishnan 2007 ` 465.00 978-81-250-3156-7

Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching

B. Kumaravadivelu 2006 ` 675.00 978-81-250-2941-0

Biography as History: Indian Perspectives

Vijaya Ramaswamy & Yogesh Sharma 2009 ` 895.00 978-81-250-3521-3

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 105 23/11/2015 12:54:42


Bliss of Solitude
Board of Studies, Amravati University 2011 ` 95.00 978-81-250-4285-3

Boatman of the Padma, The

Manik Bandyopadhyay 2012 ` 325.00 978-81-250-4934-0

Body for Beginners

Dany Cavallard 2001 ` 260.00 978-81-250-2024-0

Book of Poems, A
A. Bose 1969 ` 85.00 978-81-250-0412-7

Book of Plays, A
Board of Editors, University of Kerala 2010 ` 75.00 978-81-250-4012-5

Bouquet of Indian Poetry in English, A

Board of Editors 2007 ` 60.00 978-81-250-3265-6

Board of Editors 2015 ` 100.00 978-81-250-5969-1

Brookside Musings: A Selection of Poems and Short Stories

Forum for English Studies, Assam University 2008 ` 95.00 978-81-250-3530-5

Bukowski for Beginners

Carlos Polimeni 2005 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2900-7

Business Communication: Basic Concepts and Skills

J.P. Parikh, Anshu Surve, Swarnabharati & 2011 ` 195.00 978-81-250-4283-9
Asma Bahrainwala E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5027-8

Business Communication: Techniques and Methods

Om Prakash Juneja & Aarati Mujumdar 2010 ` 150.00 978-81-250-4036-1

Business Communication in English

Board of Editors 2014 ` 60.00 978-81-250-5624-9

Caesar and Cleopatra (Revised Edition)

Bernard Shaw, edited by A.C. Ward, 2011 ` 115.00 978-81-250-4277-8
revised by Kanchana Ugbabe

Bernard Shaw, edited by A.C. Ward 1955 ` 110.00 978-81-250-1727-1

Candida (Revised Edition)

Bernard Shaw, edited by A.C. Ward, 2013 ` 120.00 978-81-250-5055-1
revised by Kanchana Ugbabe

Career English for Nurses (Revised Edition)

Selva Rose 2015 ` 250.00 978-81-250-5752-9

Career English for Nurses: Teacher’s Book (Third Edition)

Selva Rose 2015 ` 100.00 978-0-10106-520-7

Career English for Nurses (Second Edition)

Selva Rose 2006 ` 250.00 978-81-250-3023-2
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5094-0

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Career English for Nurses - Teacher’s book

Selva Rose 2006 ` 65.00 978-0-00106-353-2

Change – Conflict and Convergence: Austral–Asian Scenarios

Cynthia vanden Driesen & Ian vanden Driesen 2011 ` 775.00 978-81-250-4219-8

Changing the Terms: Translating in the Postcolonial Era

Sherry Simon & Paul St-Pierry 2002 ` 695.00 978-81-250-2296-1

Che for Beginners

Sergio Sinay 2002 ` 260.00 978-81-250-2234-3

Chomsky Effect, The: A Radical Works Beyond the Ivory Tower

Robert F. Barsky 2009 ` 675.00 978-81-250-3726-2

Chomsky for Beginners

David Cogswell 2001 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2047-9

Cognition, Experience and Creativity

Jaison Manjaly & Bipin Indurkhya 2015 ` 795.00 978-81-250-5731-4

Collection of Indian English Poetry, A

R.M. Singh 2011 ` 125.00 978-81-250-4296-9

Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature: A View from India

Satya P. Mohanty 2011 ` 895.00 978-81-250-4275-4

Come Rain
Jai Nimbkar 1993 ` 140.00 978-0-86311-328-4

Communication and Analysis Skills

Ashan Academy 2011 ` 150.00 978-81-250-4398-0
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5022-3

Communication and Soft Skills: Volume 1

Board of Editors 2015 ` 95.00 978-81-250-6010-9

Communication for Professional Success (Revised Edition)

E. Suresh Kumar, B. Sandhya, J. Savithri & P. Sreehari 2015 ` 195.00 978-81-250-5762-8

Communication in English for Technical Students

Curriculum Development Centre, Technical Teachers 1984 ` 220.00 978-81-250-0831-6
Training Institute, Kolkata

Communication Skills for Technical Students

T.M. Farhathullah 2002 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2247-3

Communication Skills in English: A Workbook

Shilpa Sapre-Bharmal, Dinesh Kumar, Susmita Dey & 2012 ` 95.00 978-81-250-4712-4
Nilakshi Roy

Communication Skills in English for Polytechnics

(For Students of Polytechnics in the State of Karnataka)
Board of Editors, NITTTR, Karnataka 2015 ` 85.00 978-81-250-5979-0

Communicative Competence in Business English

B.M.H. Robinson,V.S. Netrakanti & H.V. Shintre 1988 ` 175.00 978-81-250-1040-1

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Communicative English
E. Suresh Kumar & P. Sreehari 2007 ` 210.00 978-81-250-3250-2

Communicator, The
Board of Editors 2009 ` 160.00 978-81-250-3753-8

Communicator, The (Gondwana University Edition)

In-house and from Spoken English: A Foundation Course 2012 ` 160.00 978-81-250-4719-3

Companion to Literary Forms, A

Padmaja Ashok 2015 ` 130.00 978-81-250-5865-6

Companion to Translation Studies, A

Piotr Kuhiwczak & Karin Littau 2011 ` 525.00 978-81-250-4147-4

Concise History of Indian Literature in English

Arvind Krishna Mehrotra 2010 ` 450.00 978-81-7824-302-3

Corridors to Communication
Ranu Vanikar 1981 ` 160.00 978-81-250-0174-4

Countdown: English Skills for Success

Annie John, Nivrutti Baburao Pawar & T.N. Kolekar 2013 ` 110.00 978-81-250-4700-1

Course in Academic Writing, A

Renu Gupta 2010 ` 295.00 978-81-250-4009-5

Course in Business Communication, A

Madhulika Jha & Shashi Shekhar 2010 ` 110.00 978-81-250-3990-7

Course in English Grammar, A

R.N. Bakshi 2000 ` 310.00 978-81-250-1846-9

Course in English Phonetics, A (for Nepalese Students)

T.R. Kansakar 1998 ` 195.00 978-81-250-1441-6

Creative Reflections
Board of Editors 2013 ` 80.00 978-81-250-5250-0

Creative Writing
Board of Editors 2014 ` 60.00 978-81-250-5454-2

Critical Essays on R. K. Narayan’s ‘The Guide’

Krishna Sen 2004 ` 150.00 978-81-250-2517-7

Cultural Studies in the Future Tense

Lawrence Grossberg 2012 ` 630.00 978-81-250-4504-5

Culture, Society and Development in India: Essays for Amiya Kumar Bagchi
Manoj Kumar Sanyal & Arunabha Ghosh 2009 ` 565.00 978-81-250-3707-1

Curtain Raised, The: Five One-Act Plays

Roshan Lal Sharma & Ajay Khurana 2013 ` 90.00 978-81-250-5271-5

Dalit Assertion in Society, Literature and History

Imtiaz Ahmad & Shashi Bhushan Upadhyay 2010 ` 950.00 978-81-250-4054-5

Dalit Personal Narratives: Reading Caste, Nation and Identity

Raj Kumar 2011 ` 455.00 978-81-250-4250-1

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Damayanti and Nala: The Many Lives of a Story

Susan S. Wadley 2011 ` 750.00 978-81-8028-037-5

David Copperfield (Orient BlackSwan Abridged Text)

Charles Dickens 2010 ` 125.00 978-81-250-3958-7

Days of the Beloved, The

Harriet Ronken Lynton & Mohini Rajan 2013 ` 550.00 978-81-250-4657-8
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5168-8

Decentering Rushdie: Cosmopolitanism and the Indian Novel in English

Pranav Jani 2011 ` 785.00 978-81-250-4452-9

Decentering Translation Studies: India and Beyond

Judy Wakabayashi & Rita Kothari 2014 ` 550.00 978-81-250-5458-0

Defining a Linguistic Area: South Asia

Colin P. Masica 2005 ` 575.00 978-81-8028-022-1

Delight and Wisdom: An Anthology of Short Stories

Board of Editors, Amaravati University 2009 ` 80.00 978-81-250-3716-3

Delights in Prose in Optional English

Board of Editors 2014 ` 70.00 978-81-250-5607-2

Derrida for Beginners

Jim Powell 2000 ` 285.00 978-81-250-1916-9

Devil’s Disciple
Bernard Shaw, edited by A.C. Ward 1969 ` 100.00 978-0-00209-059-9

Dew on Petals: An Anthology of English Poetry

Board of Editors 2008 ` 120.00 978-81-250-3533-6

Dictionary of Indian Literature, A: Beginnings – 1850 (Volume 1)

Sujit Mukherjee 1999 ` 725.00 978-81-250-1453-9
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5182-4

Digital Cool: Life in the Age of New Media

Pramod K. Nayar 2012 ` 670.00 978-81-250-4730-8

Directions in Applied Linguistics

Paul Bruthiaux et al. 2009 ` 615.00 978-81-250-3655-5

Dispelling the Silence: Stories from the Commonwealth Countries

S. Shanmugaiah & G. Baskaran 2009 ` 145.00 978-81-250-3704-0

Distant Dreams: A Selection of English Poems

Kalyani Samantray 2011 ` 110.00 978-81-250-4295-2

Doctor’s Dilemma, The

Bernard Shaw, edited by A.C. Ward 1956 ` 110.00 978-81-250-1720-2

Dramatic Moments: Five One-act Plays

R. Meera Baby & Liji Varghese 2013 ` 60.00 978-81-250-5165-7

Duchess of Malfi, The

J. Webster 2003 ` 120.00 978-81-250-2621-1

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Echoes: A Course in English Literature and Language

Madhulika Jha 2007 ` 170.00 978-81-250-3162-8

Eight Short Stories (Third Edition)

K.N.V. Panikkar 1966 ` 135.00 978-81-250-1765-3

Eighteenth Parallel, The

Ashokamitran 1993 ` 195.00 978-0-86311-344-4
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5187-9

El Dorado: A Textbook of Communication Skills

R. Pushkala & P.A. Sarada 2013 ` 295.00 978-81-250-5391-0

Jane Austen 1993 ` 160.00 978-0-86311-235-5

Emma (Critical Edition, Co-published with the English and Foreign Languages University)
Jane Austen, edited by Sunita Mishra 2011 ` 235.00 978-81-250-4102-3

Emma (Orient BlackSwan Abridged Text)

Jane Austen 2010 ` 150.00 978-81-250-3955-6

Empire and Nation: Essential Writings, 1985–2005

Partha Chatterjee 2010 ` 695.00 (HB) 978-81-7824-267-5
2012 ` 495.00 (PB) 978-81-7824-351-1

Endless Adventures: A Collection of English Prose

Board of Studies, Utkal University 2011 ` 145.00 978-81-250-4302-7

Enemy Within, The

Bani Basu 2002 ` 375.00 978-81-250-1668-7

Engineering English
E. Suresh Kumar et al 2014 ` 200.00 978-81-250-5721-5

English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering

S.P. Dhanavel 2011 ` 265.00 978-81-250-4370-6

English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering (Punjab University Edition)
S.P. Dhanavel 2011 ` 265.00 978-81-250-4298-3

English and Soft Skills

S.P. Dhanavel 2010 ` 125.00 978-81-250-3980-8

English and the Indian Short Story: Essays in Criticism

Mohan Ramanan & P.Sailaja 2000 ` 375.00 978-81-250-1660-1

English Conversation for Indian Students

V.V. Yardi 2002 ` 95.00 978-81-250-2207-7
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5924-0

English for Better Performance

Board of Editors 2014 ` 225.00 978-81-250-5620-1

English for Career Development: A Course in Functional Grammar

Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswa Vidyalayam 1990 ` 245.00 978-0-86311-121-1

English for Employability (2nd Year Textbook for Undergraduates)

K. Purushotham 2014 ` 130.00 978-81-250-5560-0

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 110 23/11/2015 12:54:42


English for Empowerment

Board of Editors 2009 ` 175.00 978-81-250-3737-8

English for Empowerment (Panjab University Edition)

Shelley Walia, Deepti Varma, Prakash Varma & 2012 ` 140.00 978-81-250-4713-1
Neelkamal Puri

English for Engineers and Technologists

Department of English, Anna University 2006 ` 275.00 978-81-250-3019-5

English for Engineers and Technologists: Teacher’s Book

Department of English, Anna University 2007 ` 50.00 978-81-250-2342-5

English for Fluency

K. Purushotham 2013 ` 130.00 978-81-250-5224-1

English for Life Skills

Board of Editors, Davangere University 2012 ` 75.00 978-81-250-4702-5

English for Nurses: A Natural Approach to Language Learning

Margarita Platt & Angela Langridge 2006 ` 225.00 978-81-250-3151-2

English for Speakers of Urdu: A Proficiency Course

Gulfishaan Habeeb 2014 ` 175.00 978-81-250-5397-2

English for Students of Science

A. Roy & P.L. Sharma 1996 ` 195.00 978-81-250-0395-3

English for Students of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Board of Editors 1991 ` 195.00 978-81-250-0088-4

English Grammar Practice

Raj N. Bakshi 2006 ` 165.00 978-81-250-2799-7

English Heart, Hindi Heartland: The Political Life of Literature in India

Rashmi Sadana 2012 ` 595.00 978-81-7824-349-8

English in Practice: Workbook 2010–2011

M.S. Nagaraja Rao & D.S. Manjunatha 2010 ` 70.00 978-81-250-4055-2

English in the Dalit Context

Alladi Uma, K. Suneetha Rani & D. Murali Manohar 2014 ` 695.00 978-81-250-5519-8

English Language for Beginners

Michelle Lowe 2000 ` 275.00 978-81-250-1912-1

English Language Practice

Board of Editors, Davangere University 2012 ` 75.00 978-81-250-4710-0

English Language Teaching: Approaches, Methods and Techniques (Revised Edition)

Geetha Nagaraj 2008 ` 285.00 978-81-250-3519-0

English Language Teaching: Principles and Practice

V. Saraswati 2004 ` 345.00 978-81-250-2655-6

English Language through Literature: A Textbook for Undergraduate Studies

Board of Editors, Adikavi Nannaya University 2013 ` 125.00 978-81-250-5229-6

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 111 23/11/2015 12:54:42


English Language through Literature II: A Textbook for Undergraduate Studies

Board of Editors, Adikavi Nannaya University 2014 ` 125.00 978-81-250-5562-4

English Literary Criticism and Theory: An Introductory History

M.S. Nagarajan 2006 ` 295.00 978-81-250-3008-9

English Literature: Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries

Board of Editors, Davangere University 2013 ` 325.00 978-81-250-5200-5

English Literature: The Romantic Age

Board of Editors 2014 ` 85.00 978-81-250-5456-6

English Online: Communication for Information Technology

Jayashree Mohanraj & S. Mohanraj 2001 ` 150.00 978-81-250-1959-6

English Poetry 1660–1780 (Critical Edition, Co-published with The English and Foreign Languages University)
Pramod K. Nayar 2011 ` 240.00 978-81-250-4088-0

English Poetry: A Kaleidoscope

Board of Editors 1989 ` 150.00 978-81-7371-013-1

English Poetry from the Elizabethans to the Restoration: An Anthology

Pramod K. Nayar 2012 ` 220.00 978-81-250-4610-3

English Practice for Intermediate Students

S.D. Joshi 1996 ` 195.00 978-81-250-1162-0

English Prose Selections

S. Kumar & M.M. Bhalla 1966 ` 150.00 978-81-250-0783-8

English Romantic Poets, The: An Anthology

Pramod K. Nayar 2013 ` 950.00 978-81-250-5084-1

English that Works: Workbook

M.S. Nagaraja Rao & D.S. Manjunatha 2011 ` 90.00 978-81-250-4303-4

English Vernacular Divide, The

Vaidehi Ramanathan 2006 ` 450.00 978-81-250-3072-0

English-English-Kannada Dictionary
1974 ` 270.00 978-81-250-0679-4

Enhancing English and Employability Skills: Student’s Workbook 4 (Revised Edition)

Workbook Committee, State Board of Technical 2012 ` 61.00 978-81-250-4723-0
Education and Training, A.P.

Enjoying Everyday English

A. Ramakrishna Rao 2009 ` 215.00 978-81-7370-309-6

Enriching Oral and Written Communication in English

Ashok Thorat & Munira Lokhandwala 2009 ` 130.00 978-81-250-3744-6

Enriching Speaking and Writing Skills

E. Suresh Kumar, B. Sandhya, J. Savithri & P. Sreehari 2012 ` 95.00 978-81-250-4728-5

Enriching Speaking and Writing Skills (1st Semester) Gitam University (Revised Edition)
E Suresh Kumar et al 2014 ` 225.00 978-81-250-5608-9

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 112 23/11/2015 12:54:42


Enriching Your Competence in English

Ashok Thorat, B.S. Walke & Shridhar B. Gokhale 2000 ` 130.00 978-81-250-1900-8

Essential English
E. Suresh Kumar, P. Sreehari & J. Savithri 2010 ` 195.00 978-81-250-4165-8

Essential Readings for Teachers of English: From Research Insights to Classroom Practices
A.L.Khanna & Anju Sahgal Gupta 2012 ` 525.00 978-81-250-4668-4

Examine Your English

Margaret M. Maison & K. Kumar 1964 ` 225.00 978-81-250-0176-8

Experiences: Anthology of Poetry and Prose

R. Iradale 1977 ` 120.00 978-81-250-0419-6

Exploration of Ideas: An Anthology of Prose

R.M. Singh & S. Singh 2010 ` 125.00 978-81-250-3778-1

Explorations: A Selection of English Prose

Farheena Danta 2007 ` 90.00 978-81-250-3385-1

Exploring English
Board of Studies, Kuvempu University 2009 ` 95.00 978-81-250-3747-7

Exploring Language and Literature

Board of Editors, Kuvempu University 2012 ` 75.00 978-81-250-4704-9

Exploring Shakespeare: The Dynamics of Playmaking

S. Viswanathan 2005 ` 625.00 978-81-250-2663-1

Expressway to English: Hindi-English: Bilingual Dictionary

Bikram K. Das 2008 ` 175.00 978-81-7370-288-4

Extreme Poetry: The South Asian Movement of Simultaneous Narration

Yigal Bronner 2010 ` 750.00 978-81-7824-299-6

Faerie Queene: Book 1 (Revised Edition)

M.C. Jussawalla, revised by Ananya Dutta Gupta 2013 ` 275.00 978-81-250-4030-9

Famous Indian Stories (Re-issue)

M.G.N. Murthy 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5618-8

Fanon for Beginners

Deborah Wyrick 2003 ` 260.00 978-81-250-2474-3

Fantasy: A Collection of Short Stories

V. Sasikumar 2002 ` 90.00 978-81-250-2237-4

Far from the Madding Crowd (Orient BlackSwan Abridged Text)

Thomas Hardy, edited by Seetha Srinivasan 2010 ` 135.00 978-81-250-3956-3
abridged by Manju Sen

Feminist Vision or ‘Treason Against Men’? Kashibai Kanitkar and the Engendering of Marathi Literature
Meera Kosambi 2008 ` 395.00 978-81-7824-342-9

Fiction as Window: Critiquing the Indian Literary Cultural Ethos since the 1980s
V. Padma 2009 ` 550.00 978-81-250-3657-9

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Fictionalising Myth and History: A Study of Four Postcolonial Novels

Padma Malini Sundararaghavan 2013 ` 895.00 978-81-250-5023-0

Fields of Play: Sports, Literature and Culture

P. Trivedi & S. Chaudhuri 2015 ` 715.00 978-81-250-5755-0

Fifty Ways to Improve Your Business English

Ken Taylor 2011 ` 325.00 978-81-250-4160-3

Fifty Ways to Improve your Business English Using the Internet

Eric Baber 2011 ` 325.00 978-81-250-4161-0

Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills in English

Bob Dignen 2011 ` 325.00 978-81-250-4162-7

Fifty Ways to Improve Your Telephoning and Teleconferencing Skills

Ken Taylor 2011 ` 325.00 978-81-250-4163-4

Final Collections, The

A.S. Ali 2004 ` 295.00 978-81-7824-091-6

First Degree Language Textbook for Mangalore University (BSc. Semester 1)

Board of Editors, Mangalore University 2014 ` 105.00 978-81-250-5527-3

First Degree Language Textbook for Mangalore University (Bcom Semester 1)

Board of Editors, Mangalore University 2014 ` 105.00 978-81-250-5526-6

First Degree Language Textbook for Mangalore University (BSc Semester 2)

Board of Editors, Mangalore University 2015 ` 105.00 978-81-250-5528-0

First Degree Language Textbook for Mangalore University (BCom Semester 2)

Board of Editors, Mangalore University 2015 ` 105.00 978-81-250-5525-9

First Part of Henry IV, The – Shakespeare

Yashdip S. Bains 2001 ` 110.00 978-81-250-2005-9

First Promise, The

Ashapurna Debi 2009 ` 595.00 978-81-250-3790-3
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5922-6

Flaming Feet and Other Essays, The: The Dalit Movement

D.R. Nagaraj 2010 ` 350.00 (PB) 978-81-7824-358-0
2010 ` 595.00 (HB) 978-81-7824-276-7
E-ISBN: 978-81-7824-422-8

Flesh and Fish Blood: Postcolonialism, Translation, and the Vernacular

S. Shankar 2013 ` 645.00 978-81-250-4988-3

Food for Beginners

Susan George 2007 ` 260.00 978-81-250-3197-0

Foucault for Beginners

Lydia Alix Fillingham 2000 ` 250.00 978-81-250-1913-8

Four Tamil Plays

K. Latha, Padma V. Mckertich & Tanya C. Lawrence 2014 ` 225.00 978-81-250-5499-3

Fragrance of Fiction, The: A Collection of Stories

Board of Editors 2012 ` 75.00 978-81-250-4502-1

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 114 23/11/2015 12:54:43


Fragrances: A Textbook of Poetry and Language Skills

Board of Editors 2015 ` 70.00 978-81-250-5984-4

Freud for Beginners

Richard Osborne 2000 ` 260.00 978-81-250-1914-5

From Hindi to Urdu: A Social and Political History

Tariq Rahman 2011 ` 975.00 978-81-250-4248-8

Functional Grammar and Spoken and Written Communication in English

Bikram K. Das 2006 ` 140.00 978-81-250-3058-4

Fusion: An Anthology for Advanced Learners

Board of Editors, Saurashtra University 2012 ` 60.00 978-81-250-4667-7

G. N. Devy Reader, The: After Amnesia, ‘Of Many Heroes’, The Being of Bhasha and Countering Violence
G.N. Devy 2009 ` 920.00 978-81-250-3693-7

Garcia Lorca for Beginners

Luis Martinez Cuitino 2005 ` 260.00 978-81-250-2902-1

Garcia Marquez for Beginners

Mariana Solanet 2004 ` 275.00 978-81-250-2661-7

Gems of English Prose and Poetry

A. Chaskar, A. Kulkarni & V. Madge 2013 ` 110.00 978-81-250-5203-6

Gems of English Verse: Poetry Until the Nineteenth Century

L.M. Joshi 2015 ` 65.00 978-81-250-5580-8

Gems of Short Fiction: An Anthology of Short Stories

Madhu Mehrotra 2011 ` 80.00 978-81-250-4304-1

Gems of Short Fiction (Revised Edition)

Board of Editors, Lucknow University 2013 ` 80.00 972-81-250-4304-1

Gender, Sex and the City: Urdu Rekhtı- Poetry, 1780–1870

Ruth Vanita 2012 ` 950.00 978-81-250-4553-3

Gender and Cultural Identity in Colonial Orissa

Sachidananda Mohanty 2008 ` 455.00 978-81-250-3431-5

Gendering the Nation: Identity Politics and English Comic Theatre of the Long Eighteenth Century
Chandrava Chakravarty 2013 ` 595.00 978-81-250-5129-9
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5135-0

General Introduction to Linguistics, A

Tariq Rahman 2010 ` 295.00 978-81-250-3979-2

Genesis: Select Stories

Lakshmi Kannan 2014 ` 425.00 978-81-250-5380-4

Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing

Peter Knapp & Megan Watkins 2010 ` 575.00 978-81-250-4021-7

Geopolitics of Academic Writing, A

A. Suresh Canagarajah 2007 ` 625.00 978-81-250-3111-6

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 115 23/11/2015 12:54:43


Gestalt for Beginners

Sergio Sinay 2002 ` 260.00 978-81-250-2901-4

Gleanings from Home and Abroad

Board of Studies 2011 ` 80.00 978-81-250-4294-5

Glimpses of English Literature

Board of Editors 2012 ` 130.00 978-81-250-5058-2

Glimpses of Life
Board of Editors 2007 ` 75.00 978-81-250-3263-2

Global Issues in Languages, Education and Development: Perspectives from Postcolonial Countries
Naz Rassool 2007 ` 645.00 978-81-250-3267-0

Golden Harvest
Board of Editors 2015 ` 110.00 978-81-250-5952-3

Golden Petals: An Anthology of Prose and Verse for Advanced Learners

Board of Editors, Saurashtra University 2012 ` 60.00 978-81-250-4697-4

Golden Threshold: An Anthology of One-Act Plays and Stories

K.R. Ranjith Krishnan and K.L. Rajalekshmi 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5440-5

Government Brahmana
Aravind Malagatti 2007 ` 325.00 978-81-250-3216-8

Grammar and Composition for Communication

Sagar Mal Gupta & Alpana Gupta 2009 ` 275.00 978-81-250-3712-5

Great Feast, The

Mannu Bhandari 2002 ` 325.00 978-81-250-1484-3

Grip of Change, The

P. Sivakami 2006 ` 370.00 978-81-250-3020-1

Gulliver’s Travels (Critical Edition, co-published with The English and Foreign Languages University)
Jonathan Swift, edited by Pramod K. Nayar 2011 ` 225.00 978-81-250-4089-7

Gulliver’s Travels (Orient BlackSwan Abridged Text)

Jonathan Swift, abridged by V. Gopalan Nair and 2010 ` 125.00 978-81-250-4011-8
Seetha Srinivasan

Hall of Fame: A Collection of Short Biographies

David Horsburgh 1969 ` 115.00 978-81-250-0418-9

Hamlet (The Philip Weller Annotated Shakespeare)

William Shakespeare, edited by Philip Weller 2015 ` 220.00 978-81-250-4494-9

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark – Shakespeare

Maqbool Hasan Khan 2008 ` 155.00 978-81-250-3364-6

Handbook of Teaching English, A

Sharda Kaushik & Bindu Bajwa 2009 ` 65.00 978-81-250-3661-6
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4775-9
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4775-9

Hard Times
Charles Dickens 1994 ` 145.00 978-81-250-0798-2

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Hard Times (Orient BlackSwan Abridged Text)

Charles Dickens, abridged by S.V. Krishnan and 2010 ` 125.00 978-81-250-3957-0
edited by Seetha Srinivasan

Harilal Gandhi: A Life

Chandulal Bhagubhai Dalal 2007 ` 550.00 (PB) 978-81-250-3379-0
2007 ` 850.00 (HB) 978-81-250-3049-2

Harold E. Palmer: From Learner-Teacher to Legend

Makhan L. Tickoo 2008 ` 1150.00 978-81-250-3432-2

Board of Editors 2015 ` 100.00 978-81-7370-456-7

Honey Dew
Board of Editors 2014 ` 100.00 978-81-250-5585-3

Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrad 1993 ` 110.00 978-81-250-0423-3

Heidegger for Beginners

Eric Lemay & Jennifer A. Pitts 2005 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2899-4

History in the Vernacular

Raziuddin Aquil and Partha Chatterjee 2010 ` 595.00 978-81-7824-301-6
E-ISBN: 978-81-7824-403-7

History of Cinema for Beginners

Jarek Kupsc 2003 ` 490.00 978-81-250-2470-5

History of English Literature: Traversing the Centuries

Aditi Choudhury & Rita Goswamy 2014 ` 350.00 978-81-250-5449-8
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5515-0

Homeless in my Land: Translations from Modern Marathi Dalit Short Stories

Arjun Dangle 1992 ` 150.00 978-81-250-0271-0

Homeless on Google Earth

Mukul Kesavan 2013 ` 595.00 978-81-7824-367-2
E-ISBN: 978-81-7824-431-0

Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain 1998 ` 150.00 978-81-250-0996-2

Hundred Tamil Folk and Tribal Tales

Sujatha Vijayaraghavan (Tr.) 2010 ` 345.00 978-81-250-3920-4
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4690-5

Hymns of Guru Nanak

Khushwant Singh 1991 ` 1,195.00 978-81-250-1161-3
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4362-1

Illustrated History of Indian Literature in English, An

Arvind Krishna Mehrotra 2005 ` 950.00 978-81-7824-151-7

Images: A Selection of Prose, Poetry and Plays

K.A. Suresh & P. Raj 2008 ` 130.00 978-81-7371-640-9

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 117 23/11/2015 12:54:43


Images: A Textbook for College Students

Board of Editors 2015 ` 100.00 978-81-250-5951-6

Images of Gold
Board of Studies, Solapur University 2009 ` 115.00 978-81-250-3711-8

Images of Gold (Mangalore University Edition)

Board of Editors 2010 ` 75.00 978-81-250-3994-5

Imagining Multilingual Schools

Ofelia García, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas & María E. Torres-Guzmán 2009 ` 625.00 978-81-250-3654-8

Immortal Melody: A Collection of Poetry

A. John & T. N. Kolekar 2011 ` 90.00 978-81-250-4372-0

Board of Editors, Periyar University 2013 ` 95.00 978-81-250-4654-7

Importance of Being Earnest, The

Board of Editors, Adikavi Nannaya University 2014 ` 80.00 978-81-250-5617-1

Importance of Being Earnest, The – Wilde

Shefali Balsari-Shah 1986 ` 100.00 978-81-250-0417-2

Board of Editors, Kuvempu University 2012 ` 65.00 978-81-250-4701-8

Board of Editors, Karnataka University 2014 ` 105.00 978-81-250-5557-0

‘Impure Languages’: Linguistic and Literary Hybridity in Contemporary Cultures

Rama Kant Agnihotri, Claudia Benthien & Tatiana Oranskaia 2015 ` 895.00 978-81-250-5490-0

In Pursuit of Amitav Ghosh: Some Recent Readings

Tapan Kumar Ghosh & Prashanta Bhattacharya 2013 ` 750.00 978-81-250-5166-4

In Quest of Indian Folktales: Pandit Ram Gharib Chaube and William Crooke
Sadhana Naithani 2009 ` 895.00 978-81-250-3450-6

In Worship of Shiva
Shanta Rameshwar Rao 1998 ` 795.00 978-0-86131-684-1
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4485-7

India’s Literary History: Essays on the Nineteenth Century

Stuart Blackburn & Vasudha Dalmiya 2006 ` 495.00 978-81-7824-172-2
E-ISBN: 978-81-7824-429-7

Indian English: Towards a New Paradigm

Rama Kant Agnihotri & Rajendra Singh 2012 ` 875.00 978-81-250-4371-3

Indian English Poetry since 1950: An Anthology

Vilas Sarang 1990 ` 160.00 978-81-250-0273-4
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4689-9

Indian Literary Criticism: Theory and Interpretations

G.N. Devy 2002 ` 730.00 978-81-250-2022-6

Indian Literature in English: An Anthology

D.G. Murdeshwar-Katre & D. Mujumdar 2012 ` 85.00 978-81-250-4722-3

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Indian Sign Language(s): Volume 38 (Part 2), People’s Linguistic Survey of India
Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Nisha Grover & Surinder P. K. Randhawa 2014 ` 1,015.00 978-81-250-5489-4
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5520-4

Indian Voices: A Course in Literature and English Language

Kshamata Chaudhary & Sanjay Chawla 2012 ` 125.00 978-81-250-4724-7

Indigeneity: Culture and Representation

G.N. Devy, Geoffrey V. Davis & K.K. Chakravarty 2009 ` 1,005.00 978-81-250-3664-7
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4872-5

Innovations in English Language Teaching: Voices from the Indian Classroom

Z. N. Patil, Anindya Syam Choudhury & S. P. Patil 2012 ` 300.00 978-81-250-4477-2

Insights: A Course in English Literature and Language (Re-issue)

K. Elango 2015 ` 135.00 978-81-250-5972-1

Insights: A Course in English Literature and Language (Mangalore University Edition)

K. Elango 2010 ` 150.00 978-81-250-4010-1

Insights: A Course in English Literature and Language (Panjab University Edition)

K. Elango 2013 ` 135.00 978-81-250-5110-7

Inspiring Expressions
Muhammed Ayub Kallingal 2014 ` 60.00 978-81-250-5696-6

Intensive Course in English, An: A Remedial Workbook

C.D. Sidhu 1976 ` 195.00 978-81-250-0178-2

Inter-sections: Essays on Indian Literature, Translation & Mass Media

Rana Nayar 2012 ` 595.00 978-81-250-4554-0

Interface: English Literature and Language (Re-issue)

A. Chaskar, A. Jadhav & S. Pagare 2014 ` 80.00 978-81-250-5697-3

Intermediate Grammar, Usage and Composition

M.L. Tickoo, A.E. Subramanian & P.R. Subramaniam 1976 ` 190.00 978-81-250-1033-3

Interpretations (English Textbook for 2nd-Year BBM courses)

Board of Editors 2015 ` 70.00 978-81-250-5981-3

Intertextuality and Victorian Studies

Sudha Shastri 2001 ` 325.00 978-81-250-2088-2
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5273-9

Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism, An

Ashok Chaskar & Anand B.Kulkarni 2015 ` 175.00 978-81-250-5965-3

Introduction to Stylistics, Theory and Practice, An

Partha Sarathi Misra 2009 ` 235.00 978-81-250-3678-4

Invention of Private Life, The: Literature and Ideas

Sudipta Kaviraj 2014 ` 895.00 978-81-7824-308-5

Islam for Beginners

N.I. Matar 2002 ` 275.00 978-81-250-2233-6

Islam Translated: Literature, Conversion, and the Arabic Cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia
Ronit Ricci 2011 ` 750.00 978-81-7824-333-7

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Issues in Learning Theories and Pedagogical Practices

Vaishna Narang Volume 1: 2013 ` 1,095.00 978-81-250-4990-6
Volume 2: 2013 ` 1,325.00 978-81-250-4991-3

Joseph Andrews
Henry Fielding 1993 ` 135.00 978-0-86311-238-6

Journey through Words

Board of Editors 2007 ` 110.00 978-81-250-3259-5

Journey through Words (Gondwana University Edition)

Board of Editors 2012 ` 100.00 978-81-250-4715-5

Joy of Reading, The: A Textbook for College Students

Board of Editors 2014 ` 100.00 978-81-250-5584-6

Joy of Reading, The: Selected Prose and Poetry

Narayan, S.A. 2005 ` 95.00 978-81-250-2874-1

Joy of Reading Literature, The: Selected Prose and Poetry

Narayan, S.A. 2008 ` 105.00 978-81-250-3523-7

Julius Caesar (The Philip Weller Annotated Shakespeare)

William Shakespeare, edited by Philip Weller 2014 ` 130.00 978-81-250-4495-6

Jung for Beginners

Jon Platania 2007 ` 260.00 978-81-250-3167-3

Justice: A Tragedy in Four Acts–Galsworthy

Dipti Mitra 1989 ` 60.00 978-81-7371-099-5

M.T. Vasudevan Nair 1998 ` 395.00 978-81-250-1377-8
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4686-8

Kaanduri and Other Stories

Dash Benhur 2015 ` 225.00 978-81-250-5744-4

Kabuliwalla and Other Stories: Selections from Galpaguchcha 1

Rabindranath Tagore 2010 ` 375.00 978-81-250-4096-5

Holmstrom, L. 1980 ` 25.00 978-0-86131-223-8

Keeping Pace: English Skills for Success

Board of Studies, Solapur University 2011 ` 100.00 978-81-250-4288-4

Key to English Grammar Practice

Raj N. Bakshi 2006 ` 50.00 978-81-250-3004-1

Kierkegaard for Beginners

Donald D. Palmer 2007 ` 250.00 978-81-250-3169-7

Know Your English, Volume 1: Idioms and Their Stories

S. Upendran 2011 ` 225.00 978-81-7371-729-1

Know Your English, Volume 2: Words Frequently Confused

S. Upendran 2013 ` 395.00 978-81-7371-730-7

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Shanta Rameshwar Rao 2005 ` 995.00 978-81-250-2696-9
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4486-4

Kuttiedathi and Other Stories

M.T. Vasudevan Nair 2004 ` 325.00 978-81-250-2597-9
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4625-7

Lacan for Beginners

Philip Hill 2002 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2236-7

Language, Emotion and Politics in South India: The Making of a Mothertongue

Lisa Mitchell 2010 ` 695.00 (HB) 978-81-7824-293-4
2010 ` 495.00 (PB) 978-81-7824-390-0

Language, Literature and Creativity: English (Foundation Course)

S.P. Kumar 2013 ` 93.00 978-81-250-5263-0

Language and Cultural Diversity: The Writings of Debi Prasanna Pattanayak

D.P. Pattanayak Volume 1: 2014 ` 1,995.00 978-81-250-5394-1
Volume 2: 2014 ` 1,495.00 978-81-250-5395-8

Language and Politics in Pakistan

Tariq Rahman 2006 ` 675.00 978-81-250-3077-5

Language Curriculum, The: Dynamics of Change (Volume 1), The Outsider Perspective
The English & Foreign Languages University 2001 ` 395.00 978-81-250-2036-3

Language Curriculum, The: Dynamics of Change (Volume 2), Teacher as Researcher

The English & Foreign Languages University 2001 ` 335.00 978-81-250-2037-0

Language Education in the Primary Years

Frances Christie 2010 ` 575.00 978-81-250-4022-4

Language in the Law

John Gibbons, V. Prakasam, K.V. Tirumalesh & 1999 ` 625.00 978-81-250-2649-5
Hemalatha Nagarajan

Language Politics, Elites, and the Public Sphere: Western India under Colonialism
Veena Naregal 2014 ` 450.00 978-81-7824-383-0

Language through Context: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry

Board of Studies, BAMU University 2012 ` 90.00 978-81-250-4717-9

Languages of Jammu & Kashmir, The: Volume 12 (Part 2), People’s Linguistic Survey of India
Omkar N. Koul 2014 ` 1,500.00 978-81-250-5516-7

Languages of Kerala and Lakshadweep, The: Volume 15 (Part 2), People’s Linguistic Survey of India
M. Sreenathan and Joseph Koyipally 2015 ` 1,375.00 978-81-250-5627-0
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5999-8

Languages of Meghalaya, The: Volume 19 (Part 2), People’s Linguistic Survey of India
Esther Syiem 2014 ` 1,575.00 978- 81- 250-5517-4
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5905-9

Languages of Tamil Nadu, The: Volume 27 (Part 2), People’s Linguistic Survey of India
V. Gnanasundaram and K. Ranga 2015 ` 1,295.00 978-81-250-5537-2

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 121 23/11/2015 12:54:44


Learning English: A Communicative Approach

Board of Editors 2005 ` 225.00 978-81-250-2897-0

Legends of Devi
Sukumari Bhattacharji 1995 ` 895.00 978-81-250-0781-4
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4369-0

Let’s Go Home and Other Stories

Meenakshi Mukherjee 2009 ` 135.00 978-81-250-3745-3

Let’s Go Home and Other Stories (Punjab University Edition)

Meenakshi Mukherjee 2011 ` 135.00 978-81-250-0004-4

Life Scripts I (Re-issue)

Board of Editors, Christ University 2014 ` 165.00 978-81-250-5558-7

Life Scripts II
Board of Editors, Christ University 2014 ` 140.00 978-81-250-5545-7

Lights and Delights: Compulsory Textbook for Undergraduates

Board of Editors, S.R.T.M. University 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5605-8

Lights On: Indian Plays in English

Lakshmi Chandra Volume 1: 2013 ` 150.00 978-81-250-4982-1
Volume 2: 2013 ` 170.00 978-81-250-4983-8

Linguistic Genocide in Education or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights?

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas 2008 ` 1,295.00 978-81-250-3461-2

Linguistic Imperialism Continued

Robert Phillipson 2009 ` 495.00 978-81-250-3748-4

Linguistics: An Introduction
Ashok Chaskar, Arjun Jadhav & Sanjay Pagare 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5536-5

Listening Activities: English for Engineers and Technologists

Department of English, Anna University 2010 ` 20.00 978-0-00106-732-5

Literary Criticism: A New History

Gary Day 2010 ` 600.00 978-81-250-4033-0

Literary Experiences (English Textbook for 1st Year BA/BSW Courses)

Board of Editors 2015 ` 65.00 978-81-250-5962-2

Literary Horizon
Board of Editors, Davangere University 2013 ` 85.00 978-81-250-5198-5

Literary Landscapes: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry (BA Students)

Ashok Chaskar, R.S. Jain & Bharati Khairnar 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5533-4

Literary Pinnacles
Board of Editors 2015 ` 100.00 978-81-250-5931-8

Literary Pursuits (English Textbook for 1st-Year BSc/BCom Courses)

Board of Editors, Kuvempu University 2015 ` 65.00 978-81-250-5963-9

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 122 23/11/2015 12:54:44


Literary Vistas: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry (BSc Students)

Ashok Chaskar, R.S. Jain & Bharati Khairnar 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5532-7

Literature and Beyond

Board of Editors 2010 ` 95.00 978-81-250-4049-1

Literature and Contemporary Issues

T.Y. Aravindakshan & C.R. Murukan Babu 2013 ` 115.00 978-81-250-5012-4

Literature and Gender: Essays for Jasodhara Bagchi

Supriya Chaudhuri & Sajni Mukerji 2002 ` 895.00 978-81-250-2227-5

Literature and Language I (Revised edition)

Jaibir Hooda, Loveleen Mohan & Randeep Rana 2015 ` 103.00 978-81-250-5982-0

Literature and Language II

Board of Editors 2015 ` 98.00 978-81-250-5846-5

Literature and Nationalist Ideology: Writing Histories of Modern Indian Languages

Hans Harder 2010 ` 695.00 (HB) 978-81-87358-33-6
2014 ` 425.00 (PB) 978-93-83166-03-9

Little Book of Language

David Crystal 2010 ` 470.00 978-81-250-4069-9

Living Literatures: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry

Vinay Sood, Department of English, University of Delhi 2007 ` 210.00 978-81-250-3166-6

Locating Indian Literature: Texts, Traditions, Translations

E.V. Ramakrishnan 2011 ` 525.00 978-81-250-4221-1

Love Letter and Other Stories, The

Basheer, V.M. 1983 ` 25.00 978-0-86131-071-5

John Milton, edited by C.T. Thomas 2010 ` 100.00 978-81-250-4027-9

Macbeth (The Philip Weller Annotated Shakespeare)

William Shakespeare, edited by Philip Weller 2014 ` 130.00 978-81-250-4493-2

Magic Web and Other Stories, The: Ashapurna Debi on the Widow and Her World
Ashapurna Debi 2012 ` 565.00 978-81-250-4708-7

Mahabharata, The
Shanta Rameshwar Rao 1985 ` 1,295.00 978-0-86131-607-6
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4484-0

Mahabharata, The
Shanta Rameshwar Rao 1992 ` 160.00 978-0-86311-282-9
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4365-2

Maharashta Purana, The: An Eighteenth Century Bengali Historical Text

E.C. Dimock & P.C. Gupta 1985 ` 100.00 978-0-86131-384-6

Major Barbara
Bernard Shaw, edited by A.C. Ward 1961 ` 130.00 978-81-250-1762-2

Manihara and Other Stories: Selections from Galpaguchcha 2

Rabindranath Tagore 2010 ` 375.00 978-81-250-4097-2

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Many Worlds of Sarala Devi, The: A Diary

Tagores and Sartorial Styles, The: A Photo Essay
Sukhendu Ray & Malavika Karlekar 2010 ` 550.00 978-81-87358-31-2

Mao for Beginners

Rius and Friends 2002 ` 260.00 978-81-250-2235-0

Marilyn for Beginners

Kathryn Hyatt 2004 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2662-4

Martial Arts for Beginners

Ron Sieh 2000 ` 250.00 978-81-250-1917-6

Mastering Business English: Clarity in Business Expression

2002 ` 95.00 978-81-250-2170-4

Mastering Business English: Companies, Finance and Banking

2002 ` 95.00 978-81-250-2171-1

Mastering Business English: Office Routine

2002 ` 95.00 978-81-250-2169-8

Mastering Business English: Marketing and Management

2002 ` 95.00 978-81-250-2172-8

Mastering English: A Course for Beginners

Anil Kinger, Nila Shah, Ketan Pandya & Ami U. Upadhyay 2010 ` 135.00 978-81-250-4048-4

Mastering Modern English

David Cameron 1978 ` 135.00 978-81-250-0614-5
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5311-8

Mastering Western Texts: Essays on Literature and Society for A.N. Kaul
Sambudha Sen 2004 ` 595.00 978-81-7824-069-5

Masterminds: Profiles of Eleven Indian Scientists

Menakshi Chatterjee 1990 ` 110.00 978-81-250-0795-1

Masters of English Prose: From Bacon to Beerbohm

L.M. Joshi 2014 ` 75.00 978-81-250-5581-5

Mayor of Casterbridge, The

Thomas Hardy 1993 ` 155.00 978-81-250-1768-4

McLuhan for Beginners

W. Terrence Gordon 2003 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2473-6

Measure for Measure–Shakespeare

Amlan Das Gupta 2006 ` 120.00 978-81-250-2648-8

Meetings (The Business Skills Series)

Anne Laws 2011 ` 275.00 978-81-250-4159-7

Memsahib’s Writings: Colonial Narratives on Indian Women

Indrani Sen 2012 ` 425.00 978-81-250-4552-6

Mindscapes: English for Technologists and Engineers

Department of English, Anna University 2013 ` 295.00 978-81-250-4721-6

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Kokilam Subbiah 2006 ` 375.00 978-81-250-3070-6

Mirza Sheikh I’tesamuddin’s Wonders of Vilayet

Kaiser Haq (Trans.) 2008 ` 425.00 978-81-8028-032-0

Mist/Creature of Darkness
M.T. Vasudevan Nair 1997 ` 175.00 978-81-250-1081-4

Modern English Poetry (Critical Edition, co-published with The English and Foreign Languages University)
Mohan G. Ramanan 2013 ` 150.00 978-81-250-5282-1

Modern Essays: Studying Language through Literature

R.C. Prasad 1986 ` 155.00 978-81-250-0413-4

Modern Masters
R.C. Prasad 1980 ` 130.00 978-81-250-0442-4

Modern Trailblazers
A.V. Dhote & H. B. Dhote 2013 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5194-7

Ashokamitran 2005 ` 325.00 978-81-250-2682-2

Moon Mountain
Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay 2007 ` 295.00 978-81-250-3069-0

Multilingual Education for Social Justice: Globalising the Local

Ajit K. Mohanty, Minati Panda, Robert Phillipson & 2009 ` 950.00 978-81-250-3698-2
Tove Skutnabb-Kangas

Multilingual Education Works: From the Periphery to the Centre

Kathleen Heugh & Tove Skutnabb-Kangas 2009 ` 750.00 978-81-250-4116-0

Multilingualism in India
Debi Prasanna Pattanayak 2006 ` 395.00 978-81-250-3073-7

Mystic Drum, The: An Anthology of Poems in English

Salunke, V., Parashar, H.O., Jadhav, V.B., Patwardhan, A.K. 1999 ` 130.00 978-81-250-1723-3
Dnyate, R.

Nampally Road (Re-issue with a foreword by Githa Hariharan)

Meena Alexander 2013 ` 150.00 978-81-250-4808-4

Nandanvan and Other Stories

Lakshmi Kannan 2011 ` 425.00 978-81-250-4323-2

Nation in Imagination: Essays on Nationalism, Sub-Nationalisms and Narration

C. Vijayasree, Meenakshi Mukherjee, Harish Trivedi & 2007 ` 1,050.00 978-81-250-3363-9
T. Vijay Kumar

Nationalism in the Vernacular: Hindi, Urdu and the Literature of Indian Freedom
Shobna Nijhawan 2010 ` 795.00 978-81-7824-260-6
E-ISBN: 978-81-7824-440-2

Nazir Ahmad in His Words and Mine

Mirza Farhatullah Beg 2009 ` 275.00 978-81-250-3777-4
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5921-9

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Negotiating Empowerment: Studies in English Language Education

Premakumari Dheram 2007 ` 495.00 978-81-250-3231-1

Negotiations (The Business Skills Series)

Anne Laws 2011 ` 275.00 978-81-250-4158-0

NEHU Anthology of Select Literary Criticism

Shillong Forum for English Studies 2011 ` 125.00 978-81-250-4276-1

NEHU Anthology of Short Plays and Biographies

Shillong Forum for English Studies 2010 ` 90.00 978-81-250-4037-8

New Avenues: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry

Farooqullah, M, et al 2005 ` 110.00 978-81-250-2872-7

New Bearings in English Studies: A Festschrift for C T Indra

R. Azhagarasan Bruce, Bennett, Mohan Ramanan 2008 ` 1,095.00 978-81-250-3512-1
R. Palanivel, T. Sriraman & C. Vijauasree

New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory

Gary Hall & Clare Birchall 2009 ` 620.00 978-81-250-3511-4

New Dawn: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry

Board of Editors 2013 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5164-0

New Horizons
Board of Editors 2013 ` 70.00 978-81-250-5193-0

New Waves: An Anthology of Prose

Board of Editors 2007 ` 50.00 978-81-250-3272-4

New World of Indigenous Resistance

Lois Meyer & Benjamín Maldonado Alvarado 2011 ` 725.00 978-81-250-4325-6

Nietzsche for Beginners

Marc Sautet 2004 ` 275.00 978-81-250-2660-0

No Entry for the New Sun: Translations from Modern Marathi Dalit Poetry
Arjun Dangle 1992 ` 125.00 978-81-250-0270-3
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5759-8

Not Without Reason and Other Stories

Rajee Seth 2012 ` 275.00 978-81-250-4512-0

Observant Owl, The: Hootum’s Vignettes of Nineteenth-Century Calcutta

Kaliprasanna Sinha 2011 ` 295.00 978-81-7824-198-2

Of Ghosts and Other Perils

Troilokyanath Mukhopadhyay 2013 ` 500.00 978-81-250-5234-0

‘Of Many Heroes’: An Indian Essay in Literary Historiography

G.N. Devy 1996 ` 575.00 978-81-250-1309-9

Old Playhouse and Other Poems, The

Kamala Das 2011 ` 375.00 978-81-250-4324-9

Oliver Twist (Orient BlackSwan Abridged Text)

Charles Dickens, abridged by Pronoti Sinha, revised by Seetha Srinivasan 2010 ` 150.00 978-81-250-3993-8

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Oliver Twist (Punjab University Edition)

Charles Dickens 2011 ` 150.00 978-81-250-4286-0

On the Stage: One-act Plays

K. Sujatha 2011 ` 105.00 978-81-250-4291-4

On Track: A Textbook for College Students

Board of Editors 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5583-9

On Track: English Skills for Success

Board of Editors, Solapur University 2013 ` 100.00 978-81-250-5108-4

Opium Poppy
Hubert Haddad 2015 ` 325.00 978-93-83166-05-3

Othello (The Philip Weller Annotated Shakespeare)

William Shakespeare, edited by Philip Weller 2014 ` 185.00 978-81-250-4491-8

Othello, the Moor of Venice – Shakespeare

William Shakespeare, edited by Thomas Woodman 2002 ` 130.00 978-81-250-2251-0

Panchlight and Other Stories

Phanishwar Nath Renu 2009 ` 325.00 978-81-250-3841-2

Panorama: Selected Essays and Short Stories

Nandita Singh & Ajay Kumar Shukla 2014 ` 80.00 978-81-250-5255-5

Paradise Lost: Books 1 & 2

John Milton 2000 ` 125.00 978-81-250-1850-6

Paradise Lost: Books 1 & 2 (Revised Edition)

John Milton, edited by Vrinda Nabar & Nissim Ezekiel, 2011 ` 150.00 978-81-250-4032-3
revised by Ajanta Paul

Partial Recall: Essays on Literature and Literary History

Arvind Krishna Mehrotra 2011 ` 650.00 (HB) 978-81-7824-310-8
2014 ` 495.00 (PB) 978-81-7324-392-4

Paths to Skills in English

Board of Editors 2015 ` 95.00 978-81-250-6011-6

Pathway to Success, A (Re-issue)

Board of Editors, Pune University 2014 ` 85.00 978-81-250-5710-9

Pedagogy for Religion: Missionary Education and the Fashioning of Hindus and Muslims in Bengal
Parna Sengupta 2012 ` 840.00 978-81-250-4505-2

Perception: A Selection of Modern English Writing

Rao, S.R. 1988 ` 125.00 978-81-250-0640-4

Perspectives: Selections from Modern English Prose and Fiction

Vasudevan, S.A. & Sathya Babu, M. 1990 ` 150.00 978-81-250-0069-3

Philosophy for Beginners

Richard Osborne 2007 ` 275.00 978-81-250-3168-0

Board of Editors 2015 ` 160.00 978-81-250-5753-6

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Pierian Spring, The: An Anthology of English Poems

R.M. Singh & S.K. Sharma 2008 ` 125.00 978-81-7371-643-0

Pierian Spring: A Textbook of Language and Literature

Board of Editors, Jammu University 2014 ` 90.00 978-81-250-5673-7

Plain Speaking: A Sudra’s Story

A.N. Sattanathan 2006 ` 395.00 978-81-7824-181-4

Plato for Beginners

Robert Cavalier 2003 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2472-9

Plays in One Act

Mohammed Elias 2014 ` 100.00 978-0-10106-322-7
2013 ` 70.00 978-0-10106-131-5
1985 ` 110.00 978-81-250-0526-1

Poet and His World, The: Critical Essays on Rabindranath Tagore

Mohammad A. Quayum 2011 ` 785.00 978-81-250-4319-5

Poetic Palette, The

Board of Editors 2013 ` 70.00 978-81-250-5196-1

Poetic Symphony: An Anthology of Sonnets, Elegies, Odes and Ballads

Board of Editors, SRTM University 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5606-5

Poetry and Community: Lectures and Essays, (1991–2001)

William Radice 2003 ` 450.00 978-81-8028-008-5

Poetry Down the Ages

Board of Studies, Department of English, Mizoram University 2004 ` 170.00 978-81-250-2683-9

Poetry Down the Ages: Periyar University Edition

Board of Editors, Periyar University 2013 ` 75.00 978-81-250-5056-8

Poetry of Sylvia Plath, The

P. Rajani 2000 ` 495.00 978-81-250-1754-7
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5304-0

Points of View
Board of Editors 2013 ` 70.00 978-81-250-5192-3

Poisoned Bread
Arjun Dangle 2009 ` 570.00 978-81-250-3754-5

Poovan Banana and Other Stories

Vaikom Muhammad Basheer 1994 ` 375.00 978-81-250-0323-6
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4675-2

Portraits in Prose
S. Jagadisan 2007 ` 115.00 978-81-250-3079-9

Positivity: A Way of Life

Manika Ghosh 2013 ` 125.00 978-81-250-5346-0

Postcolonial Studies and Beyond

Ania Loomba, Suvir Kaul, Antoinette Burton, et al 2005 ` 695.00 (HB) 978-81-7824-145-6
2007 ` 550.00 (PB) 978-81-7824-203-3

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Postmodernism for Beginners

Jim Powell 2001 ` 275.00 978-81-250-2023-3

Practical English Prose and Verse

G.E.B. Coe 1975 ` 145.00 978-81-250-0031-0

Practising English: Workbook

M.S.N Rao & D.S. Manjunatha 2013 ` 65.00 978-81-250-5258-6

Practising Writing Skills: Workbook

Board of Editors 2013 ` 80.00 978-81-250-5199-2

Sunil Gangopadhyay 2004 ` 260.00 978-81-250-1902-2

Presentations (The Business Skills Series)

Anne Laws 2011 ` 275.00 978-81-250-4157-3

Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen, edited by Sunanda Dutta 1986 ` 195.00 978-81-250-1696-0

Primal Land, The

Pratibha Ray 2001 ` 475.00 978-81-250-1896-4
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5225-8

Print Areas: Book History in India

Abhijit Gupta & Swapan Chakravorty 2010 ` 295.00 978-81-7824-314-6

Prism: Spoken and Written Communication, Prose and Poetry (Revised Edition)
Board of Editors 2010 ` 110.00 978-81-250-4046-0

Prisons We Broke, The

Baby Kamble 2008 ` 350.00 978-81-250-3390-5

Progress with English: Workbook

Board of Editors 2015 ` 85.00 978-81-250-6002-4

Promoting Learner Autonomy: A Teacher’s Reflections on ESL in India

Premakumari Dheram 2009 ` 325.00 978-81-250-3842-9

Prose for Our Times

Board of Studies, Department of English, Mizoram University 2004 ` 140.00 978-81-250-2681-5

Prose of the World: Modernism and the Banality of Empire

Saikat Majumdar 2013 ` 495.00 978-81-250-5123-7

Prose Parables
Board of Editors 2013 ` 80.00 978-81-250-5195-4

Province of the Book, The: Scholars, Scribes, and Scribblers in Colonial Tamil Nadu
A.R. Venkatachalapathy 2012 ` 795.00 (HB) 978-81-7824-331-3
2015 ` 495.00 (PB) 978-81-7824-452-5

Board of Editors, Karnataka University 2014 ` 115.00 978-81-250-5556-3

Prudence: An Anthology for Degree Classes (Gondwana University Edition)

Board of Commerce Language, Gondwana University 2012 ` 85.00 978-81-250-4718-6

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Prudence: An Anthology for Degree Classes

Board of Editors, Amravati University 2009 ` 95.00 978-81-250-3715-6

Pygmalion (Revised Edition)

Bernard Shaw, edited by AC Ward & Bernadine Joseph 2011 ` 125.00 978-81-250-4249-5

Rabindranath Tagore: One Hundred Years of Global Reception

Imre Bangha, Martin Kämpchen and Uma Das Gupta 2014 ` 1,125.00 978-81-250-5568-6

Radiance: Communication Skills, Prose and Poetry

Board of Editors 2009 ` 110.00 978-81-250-3773-6

Radical Rabindranath: Nation, Family and Gender in Tagore’s Fiction and Films
Sanjukta Dasgupta, Sudeshna Chakravarti & Mary Mathew 2013 ` 770.00 978-81-250-5028-5
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5505-1

Rainbow: A Collection of Short Stories (BA Special English)

R.S. Jain, Bharati Khairnar & Ashok Chaskar 2014 ` 95.00 978-81-250-5534-1

Ramayana, The
Lakshmi Lal 1988 ` 1,295.00 978-0-86131-805-6

Ramayana, The
Lakshmi Lal 1992 ` 70.00 978-0-86311-283-6

Rape of the Lock, The

Alexander Pope, edited by C.T. Thomas 2011 ` 120.00 978-81-250-4031-6

Reading and Response

Board of Editors, Davangere University 2012 ` 215.00 978-81-250-4711-7

Reading Children: Essays on Children’s Literature

Rimi B. Chatterjee & Nilanjana Gupta 2009 ` 620.00 978-81-250-3700-2

Readings in English Language Teaching in India

S. Kudchedkar 2002 ` 725.00 978-81-250-2229-9

Realms of Gold: An Anthology for Degree Classes

Board of Editors 2007 ` 140.00 978-81-250-3264-9

Realms of Gold (Special Edition)

Board of Editors 2010 ` 140.00 978-81-250-4051-4

Reclaiming Identity: Realist Theory and the Predicament of Postmodernism

Paula M.L. Moya & Michael R. Hames-Garcia 2001 ` 510.00 978-81-250-2165-0

Board of Editors, Amaravati University 2010 ` 135.00 978-81-250-4039-2

Reflections from the East and the West

P.K. Singh & G. Sharma 2012 ` 80.00 978-81-250-4696-7

Refugee and Other Stories, The

Balakrishnan, A.A. & George, A 1984 ` 130.00 978-81-250-1246-7

Remappings: An Anthology for Degree Classes

Board of Editors, Sambalpur University 2012 ` 185.00 978-81-250-4747-6

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Board of Editors 2013 ` 80.00 978-81-250-5197-8

Returning the American Gaze: Pandita Ramabai’s The Peoples of the United States (1889)
Meera Kosambi 2003 ` 595.00 978-81-7824-061-9

Revisiting Abhijnanasakuntalam: Love, Lineage and Language in Kalidasa’s Nataka

Saswati Sengupta & Deepika Tandon 2012 ` 895.00 978-81-250-4419-2

Riders to the Sea

J.M. Synge, edited by Ashok Sengupta 2010 ` 90.00 978-81-250-3742-2

Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The–Coleridge (Revised Edition)

V. Sachithanandan 1996 ` 110.00 978-81-250-1012-8

Road to Literature
Board of Editors 2010 ` 95.00 978-81-250-4053-8

Robinson Crusoe (Critical Edition, co-published with The English and Foreign Languages University)
Daniel Defoe, edited by Pramod K. Nayar 2011 ` 225.00 978-81-250-4090-3

Romance of Living, The

Singh, A. & Bhalla, M.M 1962 ` 110.00 978-81-250-1031-9

Roots and Shadows

Shashi Deshpande 1992 ` 145.00 978-81-250-1068-5
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4685-1

Anita Agnihotri 2013 ` 355.00 978-81-87358-73-2

Saint Joan
Bernard Shaw 1954 ` 130.00 978-0-00209-050-6

Sadhana Amte 2008 ` 395.00 978-81-250-3404-9
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5953-0

Sand and Other Stories

Ashokamitran 2002 ` 325.00 978-81-250-2268-8
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5044-5

Sandal Trees and Other Stories, The

Kamala Das 1995 ` 175.00 978-81-250-0263-5
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4688-2

Sanskrit-Hindi-English Dictionary
Suryakanta 1975 ` 750.00 978-81-250-0647-3

Sarasvatichandra Part I: Buddhidhan’s Administration

Govardhanram Madhavram Tripathi 2015 ` 595.00 978-81-250-5990-5

Sartre for Beginners

Donald D. Palmer 2003 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2471-2

Saussure for Beginners

W. Terrence Gordon 2002 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2232-9

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Scar, The
K.A. Gunasekaran 2009 ` 260.00 978-81-250-3705-7
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5088-9

Scientific English: A Guide for Scientists and Other Professionals (Second Edition)
Robert A. Day 2000 ` 375.00 978-81-7371-264-7

Scripting Lives: Narratives of ‘Dominant’’ Women in Kerala

Sharmila Shreekumar 2009 ` 925.00 978-81-250-3680-7

Selected College Poems

Ambika Sen Gupta 1988 ` 115.00 978-81-250-0383-0

Selected College Prose

Board of Editors, Periyar University 2013 ` 130.00 978-81-250-5057-5

Selected Essays: An Anthology of English Essays for Undergraduate Students

Ashok Kumar 2013 ` 75.00 978-81-250-4992-0

Selections from Galpaguchchha, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 (Available as a box set)

Rabindranath Tagore 2011 ` 1,025.00 978-81-250-4047-7

Selections from Modern English Prose

Panda, H 1966 ` 130.00 978-81-7371-026-1

Shades of Difference: Selected Works of Rabindranath Tagore

Radha Chakravarty 2015 ` 850.00 978-93-83166-084

Shakespeare and the Art of Lying

Shormishtha Panja 2013 ` 770.00 978-81-250-5264-7
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5506-8

Shakespeare for Beginners

Brendon Toropov 2001 ` 275.00 978-81-250-2049-3

Significations (English Textbook for 1st-Year BBM Courses)

Board of Editors 2015 ` 70.00 978-81-250-5964-6

Board of Editors 2013 ` 75.00 978-81-250-5237-1

Silappadikaram and Manimekalai

Lakshmi Holmstrom 1996 ` 1,095.00 978-81-250-1013-5
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4364-5

Silence, Exile and Cunning: The Fiction of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala

Goonerante, Y 1991 ` 300.00 (HB) 978-0-86311-144-0

Silver Lining: A Textbook for College Students

Board of Editors, VNGS University 2015 ` 100.00 978-81-250-5950-9

Singing Rivers and Speaking Stones: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry

Shanta Rameshwar Rao 2002 ` 100.00 978-81-250-2253-4

Siren’s Song, The: An Anthology of British and American Verse

David Murdoch 1970 ` 95.00 978-81-250-0306-9

Siting Translation: History, Post-Structuralism and the Colonial Context

Tejaswini Niranjana 1995 ` 380.00 978-81-250-0471-4

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Six One-Act Plays

Stanford, M 1981 ` 95.00 978-81-250-0288-8

Skills Annexe: Functional English for Success

Board of Editors 2013 ` 240.00 978-81-250-5268-5

Skills in English: A Coursebook for Language Learning

E. Suresh Kumar, B. Yadava Raju & C. Muralikrishna 2013 ` 135.00 978-81-250-5100-8

Snake Dance in Berlin

Ronny Noor 2009 ` 395.00 978-81-250-3736-1

Social History of England, The

Padmaja Ashok 2011 ` 135.00 78-81-250-4287-7

Social Space of Language, The: Vernacular Culture in British Colonial Punjab

Farina Mir 2010 ` 695.00 978-81-7824-307-8

Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education: An Introduction Through Narratives

Merrill Swain, Penny Kinnear & Linda Steinman 2012 ` 475.00 978-81-250-4655-4

Soft Skills for Interpersonal Communication

S. Balasubramaniam & Board of Editors 2011 ` 65.00 978-81-250-4194-8

Softskills: A Textbook for Undergraduates

Ajay R. Tengse 2015 ` 85.00 978-81-250-5879-3

Son of the Moment

Nazir Ahmad 2002 ` 395.00 978-81-250-2255-8
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5776-5

Speak Well
K. Nirupa Rani, Jayashree Mohanraj & B. Indira 2012 ` 225.00 978-81-250-4465-9

Speak Well (Gitam University Edition)

K. Nirupa Rani, Jayashree Mohanraj & B. Indira 2012 ` 225.00 978-81-250-4665-3

Specimens of English Prose

D.K. Sinha 2007 ` 80.00 978-81-250-3241-0

Spectrum: An Anthology of Short Stories

J. Sasikumar & Paul Gunasekhar 1974 ` 125.00 978-81-250-0431-8

Spoken English
R.K. Bansal & J.B. Harrison 1983 ` 210.00 978-81-250-0080-8

Spoken English: A Foundation Course (Revised Edition)

Kamlesh Sadanand & Susheela Punitha Volume 1: 2014 ` 215.00 978-81-250-5492-4
Volume 2: 2014 ` 225.00 978-81-250-5493-1

Spoken English: A Foundation Course (for speakers of Hindi)

Kamlesh Sadanand & Susheela Punitha Part 1: 2008 ` 195.00 978-81-250-3401-8
Part 2: 2008 ` 195.00 978-81-250-3402-5

Spoken English: A Manual of Speech and Phonetics (Revised Edition)

R.K. Bansal & J.B. Harrison 2013 ` 225.00 978-81-250-5085-8

Springboard to Success
Sharda Kaushik & Bindu Bajwa 2010 ` 135.00 978-81-250-4114-6

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Stages of Life: Indian Theatre Autobiographies

Kathryn Hansen 2011 ` 750.00 978-81-7824-311-5

Stanislavski for Beginners

David Allen 2003 ` 260.00 978-81-250-2469-9

States of Sentiment: Exploring the Cultures of Emotion

Pramod K. Nayar 2011 ` 785.00 978-81-250-4199-3

Staying Ahead
Board of Editors, Solapur University 2015 ` 100.00 978-81-250-5970-7

Stories British and American

Murthy, M.G.N 1974 ` 125.00 978-81-250-0404-2

Story of a Seaside Village, The

Thoppil Mohammed Meeran 1998 ` 225.00 978-81-250-1544-4
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5925-7

Streer Patra and Other Stories: Selections from Galpaguchcha 3

Rabindranath Tagore 2010 ` 375.00 978-81-250-4098-9

Strengthen Your Writing (Third Edition)

V.R. Narayanaswami 2005 ` 175.00 978-81-250-2865-9

Strings of Gold: An Anthology for Degree Classes

Board of Editors 2008 ` 125.00 978-81-250-3532-9

Structures and Strategies: An Introduction to Academic Writing

Davis, L. & McKay, S 1999 ` 350.00 978-81-7371-152-7

Studying Literature: An Introduction to Fiction and Poetry

Pramod K. Nayar 2012 ` 175.00 978-81-250-4873-2

Subject to Change: Teaching Literature in the Nineties

Susie Tharu 1996 ` 450.00 978-81-250-1345-7

Success with Grammar and Composition

K.R. Narayanaswamy 1995 ` 135.00 978-81-250-0634-3
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5298-2

Sure Outcomes: English for Engineers and Technologists

Board of Editors 2013 ` 190.00 978-81-250-5378-1

Survival and Other Stories: Bangla Dalit Fiction in Translation

Indranil Acharya & Sankar Prasad Singha 2012 ` 325.00 978-81-250-4510-6

Synergy: Communication in English and Study Skills for Students of Commerce and Business Management
Board of Editors 2008 ` 100.00 978-81-250-3577-0

Tales of Athiranippadam
S.K. Pottekkat 2013 ` 775.00 978-81-250-5127-5

Taubat-al-Nasûh (The Repentance of Nusooh)

Ahmed, N 2004 ` 395.00 978-81-7824-076-3

Teacher’s Grammar of English, A

K.R. Narayanaswamy 2004 ` 475.00 978-81-250-2664-8

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Teaching and Learning English: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Teacher-Trainers

M.L. Tickoo 2003 ` 615.00 978-81-250-2307-4

Teaching English: The Use of Support Materials

B.S. Jadhav 2011 ` 295.00 978-81-250-4208-2

Teaching Listening and Speaking: A Handbook for English Language Teachers and Teacher Trainers
Kamlesh Sadanand 2012 ` 240.00 978-81-250-4659-2

Teaching Young Learners: A Handbook for English Language Teachers

Sharda Kaushik 2009 ` 150.00 978-81-250-3660-9
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4772-8

Tempest, The – Shakespeare

Maqbool Hasan Khan 2001 ` 110.00 978-81-250-1160-6

Temporary Answers
Jai Nimbkar 1997 ` 150.00 978-81-250-1356-3
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5708-6

Ten Short Stories

J. Mohanty 1983 ` 135.00 978-81-7371-020-9

Tess of the d’Urbervilles

Thomas Hardy, edited by John Varghese 2014 ` 245.00 978-81-250-5426-9

Textbook of Business Communication

Anjali Kalkar, R.B. Surywanshi & Amlanjyoti Sengupta 2009 ` 120.00 978-81-250-3917-4

Texts, Histories and Geographies: Reading Indian Literature

P.P. Raveendran 2009 ` 840.00 978-81-250-3547-3

Thing of Beauty, A
S. Jagadisan & V. Saraswati 2001 ` 95.00 978-81-250-1625-0

Three Companions
Rabindranath Tagore 1991 ` 125.00 978-81-250-0416-5
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4366-9

Timeless Thoughts
Posh Charak, Rita Saldanha & Sucheta Pathania 2010 ` 95.00 978-81-250-4057-6

Timeless Thoughts: An Anthology for First year B.A., B.Sc., B.Com and B.CA (Revised Edition)
Posh Charak, Rita Saldanha & Sucheta Pathania 2012 ` 95.00 978-81-250-4795-7

Time’s Inscriptions
Shillong Forum for English Studies 2010 ` 120.00 978-81-250-3983-9

Towards an Aesthetic of Dalit Literature: History, Controversies and Considerations

Sharankumar Limbale 2004 ` 375.00 978-81-250-2656-3

Towards Freedom
Sharmila Purkayastha, Shampa Roy & Saswati Sengupta 2007 ` 455.00 978-81-250-3187-1

Towards Social Change: Essays on Dalit Literature

Sankar Prasad Singha & Indranil Acharya 2013 ` 670.00 978-81-250-5344-6

Tragedy of Julius Caesar, The – Shakespeare

Anjana Desai 2001 ` 150.00 978-81-250-2006-6

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 135 23/11/2015 12:54:44


Board of Editors 2013 ` 110.00 978-81-250-5226-5

Translation and Interpreting: Reader and Workbook

Ravinder Gargesh & Krishna Kumar Goswami 2007 ` 295.00 978-81-250-3207-6

Translation and Postcolonialities: Transactions across Languages and Cultures

Vijaya Guttal & Suchitra Mathur 2013 ` 750.00 978-81-250-5128-2

Translation as Discovery and other Essays: On Indian Literature in English Translation

Sujit Mukherjee 1986 ` 380.00 978-0-86311-377-2
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-4796-4

Twelfth Night (The Philip Weller Annotated Shakespeare)

William Shakespeare, edited by Philip Weller 2015 ` 160.00 978-81-250-4492-5

Ugliness of the Indian Male and Other Propositions, The

Mukul Kesavan 2011 ` 495.00 978-81-7824-252-1
E-ISBN: 978-81-7824-443-3

Umrao Jan Ada

Mirza Muhammad Hadi Ruswa 2009 ` 295.00 978-81-250-3750-7

Under the Greenwood Tree: Reading for Pleasure and Comprehension

Murali Sivaramakrishnan 2011 ` 80.00 978-81-250-4418-5

Understanding Literature
M.A. Yadugiri & Barbra Naidu 1996 ` 105.00 978-81-250-0692-3

Untouchable Spring
G. Kalyana Rao 2010 ` 425.00 978-81-250-3945-7

Using English: A Coursebook for Undergraduate Learners

Board of Editors 2013 ` 190.00 978-81-250-5335-4

M.T. Vasudevan Nair 2013 ` 295.00 978-81-250-5178-7
E-ISBN: 978-81-250-5439-9

Verses for a Multiverse: Poems for the New Generation

T. Sriraman & N. Krishnaswamy 2011 ` 225.00 978-81-250-4274-7

Vibrant English
Board of Editors 2013 ` 195.00 978-81-250-5251-7

Victorian Literature and Modern Indian Literature

Arjun Sengupta & Jayati Gupta 2014 ` 125.00 978-81-250-5609-6

Views and Visions: An English Coursebook for Undergraduates

B.V. Moharil 2013 ` 90.00 978-81-250-5176-3

Visionary Gleam: A Selection of Prose & Poetry

Ashok Chaskar, Arjun Jadhav & Sanjay Pagare 2013 ` 85.00 978-81-250-5204-3

Vistas and Visions

Board of Editors 2015 ` 145.00 978-81-250-5948-6

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 136 23/11/2015 12:54:45


Voice and Memory: Indigenous Imagination and Expression

G.N. Devy, Geoffrey V. Davis & K.K. Chakravarty 2011 ` 785.00 978-81-250-4222-8

Voice and Vision

Board of Editors 2013 ` 85.00 978-81-250-4742-1

Wait for the Moon

Niranjana 1983 ` 25.00 978-0-86131-278-8
E-ISBN: 978-81-7370-441-3

Way of the World, The – Congreve

Shrishendu Chakrabarti 2007 ` 180.00 978-81-250-2873-4

What is Worth Teaching?

Krishna Kumar 2009 ` 350.00 978-81-250-3752-1

Why Translation Matters

Edith Grossman 2011 ` 495.00 978-81-250-4167-2

Winged Thoughts: An Anthology for Degree Classes

Board of Editors 2009 ` 130.00 978-81-250-3662-3

Wings of Fire: An Autobiography

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam & Arun Tiwari 1999 ` 325.00 978-81-7371-146-6
E-ISBN: 978-81-7371-780-2

Wisdom and Experience: An Anthology for Degree Classes

Board of Editors 2007 ` 100.00 978-81-250-3242-7

Women Writing Gender: Marathi Fiction Before Independence

Meera Kosambi 2012 ` 795.00 978-81-7824-336-8

Word, Image, Text: Studies in Literary and Visual Culture

Shormishtha Panja, Shirshendu Chakrabarti & 2009 ` 615.00 978-81-250-3735-4
Christel Devadawson

WordMaster English-English-Bangla
2009 ` 275.00 978-81-250-3240-3

WordMaster English-English-Hindi
2009 ` 325.00 978-81-250-3672-2

WordMaster English-English-Oriya
2010 ` 340.00 978-81-250-3234-2

Words and Beyond

Board of Editors 2012 ` 75.00 978-81-250-4703-2

Words and Beyond

Board of Editors, Karnataka University 2014 ` 75.00 978-81-250-5555-6

Words and Beyond

Board of Editors, Vijianagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University 2014 ` 75.00 978-81-250-5554-9

Write Better Speak Better

Joseph Madappally 2004 ` 125.00 978-81-250-2642-6

Writers in Retrospect: The Rise of American Literary History, 1875–1910

Claudia Stokes 2007 ` 950.00 978-81-250-3161-1

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 137 23/11/2015 12:54:45


Writing Life: Three Gujarati Thinkers

Tridip Suhrud 2007 ` 730.00 978-81-250-3043-0

Writing Skills (The Business Skills Series)

Anne Laws 2011 ` 275.00 978-81-250-4156-6

Writing Skills (The Business Skills Series) (Punjab University Edition)

Anne Laws 2011 ` 195.00 978-81-250-4299-0

Writings of M.T. Vasudevan Nair, The

M.T. Vasudevan Nair 2010 ` 675.00 978-81-250-3963-1

Written and Spoken Communication in English

Board of Editors 2007 ` 125.00 978-81-7371-595-2

Written Communication in English

Sarah Freeman 1977 ` 195.00 978-81-250-0426-4

Wuthering Heights
Emily Bronte 1992 ` 175.00 978-81-250-0799-9

Wuthering Heights (Critical Edition, Co-published with The English and Foreign Languages University)
Emily Bronte, edited by Sunita Mishra 2011 ` 225.00 978-81-250-4186-3

Yuganta (Re-issue)
Irawati Karve 2007 ` 375.00 978-81-250-3228-1

Zen for Beginners

Judith Blackstone & Zoran Josipovic 2001 ` 250.00 978-81-250-2048-6

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 138 23/11/2015 12:54:45


Abdulla, V. 77 Board of Editors, Solapur University Defoe, Daniel 60

Achar, D. 33 31, 46 Department of English and Modern
Achar, Deeptha 33 Board of Editors, SRTM University 13 European Languages, Allahabad
Acharya, Indranil 76, 88 Board of Editors, University of Kerala 19 University 11, 13
Agnihotri, Anita 74 Board of Editors, VNGS University 30 Department of English, Anna University
Agnihotri, Rama Kant 2 Board of Studies, Amravati University 34 38, 43, 55
Ahmad, Imtiaz 91 Board of Studies, BAMU University 25 Deshmane, Chetan 11
Alexander, Meena 67 Bose, Praniti Ghatak 61 Devadawson, Christel 89
Alvarado, Benjamín Maldonado 5 Bronner, Yigal 93 Devidas, K.N 56
Amte, Sadhana 74 Brontë, Emily 60 Devy, G.N 82, 84 99
Aquil, Raziuddin 94 Bruthiaux, Paul 1 Dey, Susmita 54
Aravindakshan, T.Y. 27 Bunzl, Matti 96 Dhanavel, S.P 36, 37, 55
Ashan Academy 53 Burton, Antoinette 96 Dheram, Premakumari 9
Ashok, Padmaja 65, 88 Dhote, A.V 15
Ashokamitran 71 Canagarajah, A. Suresh 83 Dhote, H.B 15
Atkinson, Dwight 1 Chakrabarti, Shirshendu 63, 89 Dickens, Charles 61
Austen, Jane 60, 61 Chakravarti, Sudeshna 86 Dignen, Bob 51
Azhagarasan, R. 85 Chakravarty, Chandrava 83
Chakravarty, K.K 84, 99 Eggington, William G 1
Baber, Eric 51 Chakravarty, Radha 98 Elango, K 41, 42
Baby Kamble 73 Chakravorty, Swapan 97 Elias, Mohammed 19, 20
Bajwa, Bindu 7, 58 Chandra, Lakshmi 67, 69, 71 English and Foreign Languages
Bakshi, Raj N. 49 Charak, Posh 31, 47 University 8
Balan, Chandrika 68 Chaskar, A 22, 24, 44 Esty, Jed 96
Balasubramaniam, S. 56 Chaskar, Ashok 4, 11,18, 26, 27, 32, Ezekiel, Nissim 63
Bandopadhyay, Bibhutibhushan 71 43, 84
Bandyopadhyay, Manik 68 Chatterjee, Partha 92, 94 Farhathullah, T.M 35
Bangha, Imre 97 Chatterjee, Rimi B. 87 Farooqullah, Mohammed 28
Bansal, R.K. 57 Chatterjee, Visvanath 62 Forum for English Studies, Assam
Barrett, R. 33 Chattopadhyay, Dhrupadi 86 University 20
Barsky, Robert F. 1 Chattopadhyay, Ratan K. 68, 75
Baskaran, G. 17 Chaudhary, K. 15 García, Ofelia 8
Bayer, Jennifer 5 Chaudhuri, S. 65 Gargesh, Ravinder 6
Beg, Mirza Farhatullah 68, 71 Chaudhuri, Sukanta 67 George, Renuka 72
Benhur, Dash 70 Chawla, S 15 Ghose, Durgabati 77
Benthien, Claudia 2 Choudhury, Aditi 83 Ghosh, Arunabha 91
Bhagubhai Dalal, Chandulal 69 Choudhury, Anindya Syam 8 Ghosh, Manika 56
Bhattacharya, Arnab 72 Choudhury, Sheila Lahiri 79 Ghosh, Tapan Kumar 84
Bhattacharya, Prashanta 84 Chowdhury, Indira 68 Gibbons, John 3
Birchall, Clare 95 Christie, Frances 8 Gopalakrishnan, N 77
Board of Editors, Adikavi Nannaya Congreve, William 63 Goswami, Krishna Kumar 6
University 21, 66 Crystal, David 4 Goswamy, Rita 83
Board of Editors, Amravati University 17 Grabe, William M. 1
Board of Editors, Christ University 42 Dangle, Arjun 73 Grossberg, Lawrence 91
Board of Editors, Davangere University Danta, F 14 Grossman, Edith 6
20, 39 Das Gupta, Uma 97 Gunasekaran, K.A 74
Board of Editors, Jammu University 29 Das, Bikram K 40, 55, 70 Gupta, Abhijit 97
Board of Editors, Kuvempu University 26 Das, Kamala 72 Gupta, Alpana 49
Board of Editors, NITTTR, Karnataka 54 Dasgupta, Sanjukta 86 Gupta, Ananya Dutta 62
Board of Editors, Pune University 28 Dash, S 33 Gupta, Anju Sahgal 7
Board of Editors, Saurashtra University Davis, Geoffrey V 84, 99 Gupta, Jayati 32, 64
23 Day, Gary 85 Gupta, Nilanjana 87
Debi, Ashapurna 68, 70 Gupta, P.D 63

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 139 23/11/2015 12:54:45


Gupta, Renu 54 Khanna, A.L 7 Mohan, Loveleen 15, 18

Gupta, Sagar Mal 49 Khurana, A 19 Mohanraj, Jayashree 46
Guttal, Vijaya 89 Kinger, Anil 43 Mohanty, Ajit K 5
Kinnear, Penny 9 Mohanty, Sachidananda 83
Habeeb, Gulfishaan 38 Knapp, Peter 7 Mohanty, Satya P 80
Haddad, Hubert 72 Kolekar, T.N 12, 54 Moharil, B.V 47
Hall, Gary 95 Kosambi, Meera 93, 99 Moya, Paula M.L 87
Hammes-Garcia, Michael R 87 Kothari, Rita 81 Mujumdar, Aarati Rajiv 33, 34
Hansen, Kathryn 98 Krishnan, S.V 61 Mujumdar, D 24
Haq, Kaiser 71 Krishnankuttym, Gita 77 Mukherjee, Meenakshi 18, 85
Harder, Hans 84 Krishnaswamy, N 66 Mukhopadhyay, Troilokyanath 72
Hardy, Thomas 60, 61 Kudchedkar, S 9 Murali Manohar, D 92
Harrison, J.B 57 Kuhiwczak, Piotr 1 Muralikrishna, C 33, 46
Heugh, Kathleen 5 Kulkarni, A 22, 44 Murdeshwar-Katre, D.G 24
Hill, David A 33 Kulkarni, Anand B 84 Murthy, M.G.N 17
Hooda, Jaibir 15, 18 Kumar, A 16 Murukan Babu, C.R 27
Husaini, M.A 76 Kumar, Dinesh 54
Kumar, Krishna 10 Nabar, Vrinda 63
Ilangovan, P 33 Kumar, Raj 91 Nagaraj, D.R 93
Indira, B 46 Kumar, S.P 25 Nagaraj, Geetha 7
Indurkhya, Bipin 90 Kumar, S.S 13 Nagaraja Rao, M.S 39, 44
Kumaravadivelu, B 7 Nagarajan, Hemalatha 3
Jadhav, Arjun 4, 24, 32, 43 Nagarajan, M.S 81
Jadhav, B.S 10 Langridge, Angela 38 Nair, M.T. Vasudevan 77
Jagadisan, S 16 Latha, K 69 Nair, Sreedevi K 76
Jain, C 33 Lawrence, Tanya C 69 Nair, V. Gopalan 61
Jain, R.S 18, 26, 27 Laws, Anne 50 Naithani, Sadhana 67
Jalil, Rakhshanda 73 Littau, Karin 1 Narang, Vaishna 3
Jani, Pranav 80 Lokhandwala, Munira 39 Narasimhan, Raji 72
Jha, Madhulika 36 Loomba, Ania 96 Narayan, S 25
John, A 12 Lynton, Harriet Ronken 92 Narayanaswami, V.R 58
John, Annie 54 Narayanaswamy, K.R 49
Joseph, Bernadine 59 Madge, V 22, 44 Naregal, Veena 95
Joseph, Naina 64 Majumdar, Saikat 86 Natarajan, Uttara 73
Juneja, Om Prakash 34 Malagatti, Aravind 69 Nayar, Pramod K 60, 65, 66, 92, 98
Jussawalla, M.C 62 Malagatti, Dharani Devi 69 Nayar, Rana 84
Mandal, Somdatta 77 Nijhawan, Shobna 95
Kadambari, V 74 Manjaly, Jaison 90 Nirupa Rani, K 46
Kalkar, Anjali 47 Manjunatha, D.S 39, 44 Noor, Ronny 75
Kallingal, Muhammed Ayub 24 Masica, Colin P 1
Kalyan Raman, N 71 Mathew, Mary 86 Oranskaia, Tatiana 2
Kalyana Rao, G 76 Mathur, Suchitra 89 Orsini, Francesca 90
Kämpchen, Martin 97 Mckertich, Padma V 64, 69
Karlekar, Malavika 70 Meera Baby, R 19 Padma, V 82
Karve, Irawati 77 Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna 80, 96 Pagare, Sanjay 4, 24, 32, 43
Kaul, Suvir 96 Mehrotra, Madhu 17 Panda, Minati 5
Kaushik, S 7, 10 Menon, Radhika P 76 Pandit, Maya 73
Kaushik, Sharda 58 Meyer, Lois 5 Pandya, Ketan 43
Kaviraj, Sudipta 94 Milton, John 62, 63 Panja, Shormishtha 87, 89
Kesavan, Mukul 94, 98 Mir, Farina 6 Parikh, Jitesh P 34
Ketkar, S 33 Mishra, Sunita 60 Pathania, Sucheta 31, 47
Khair, Tabish 79 Misra, Partha Sarathi 3 Patil, S.P 8
Khairnar, Bharati 18, 26, 27 Mitchell, Lisa 4 Patil, Z.N 8

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 140 23/11/2015 12:54:45


Pattanayak, Chandrabhanu 5 Sen, Amiya P 90 Suresh Kumar, E 33, 35, 36, 40, 46
Pattanayak, Debi Prasanna 3, 5 Sen, Indrani 95 Suresh, K.A 23
Pattanayak, Supriya 5 Sen, Manju 61 Surywanshi, R.B 47
Paul, Ajanta 62, 63, 64 Sengupta, Amlanjyoti 47 Swain, Merrill 9
Pawar, Nivrutti Baburao 54 Sengupta, Arjun 32 Swift, Jonathan 60, 61
Pawar, Shobha 74 Sengupta, Ashok 62 Synge, J.M 62
Phillipson, Robert 4, 5 Sengupta, Parna 96
Platt, Margarita 38 Sengupta, Saswati 88, 98 Tagore, Rabindranath 75
Pope, Alexander 63 Seth, Rajee 72 Tandon, Deepika 98
Pottekkat, S.K 76 Shah, Nila 43 Taylor, Ken 51
Prakasam, V 3 Shakespere, William 64 Tengse, Ajay R 56
Punitha, Susheela 57 Shankar, S 82 Thomas, C.T 62, 63
Puri, N 37 Shanmugaiah, S 17 Thorat, Ashok 39
Purkayastha, Sharmila 88 Sharma, G 16 Tickoo, M.L 2, 9
Purushotham, K 37, 38 Sharma, R.L 19 Tirumalesh, K.V 3
Pushkala, R 36 Sharma, Yogesh 79 Torres-Guzmán, María E 8
Shastri, Sudha 81 Tripathi, Govardhanram Madhavram 74
Quayum, Mohammad A 86 Shaw, Bernard 59 Trivedi, Harish 85
Radhakrishnan, R 79 Shekhar, Shashi 36 Trivedi, P 65
Rahman, Tariq 2, 3 Shillong Forum for English Studies 15,
Raj, P 23 27, 31 Ugbabe, Kanchana 59, 64
Rajalekshmi, K.L 23 Shreekumar, Sharmila 87 Uma, Alladi 76, 92
Rajan, Mohini 92 Shukla, Ajay Kumar 15 Upadhyay, Ami U 43
Ramakrishna Rao, A 39 Sidney, Philip 62 Upadhyay, Shashi Bhushan 91
Ramakrishnan, E.V 85 Singh, Khushwant 76 Upendran, S 55
Ramanan, Mohan G 60 Singh, Nandita 15
Ramanathan, Ramu 66 Singh, P.K 16 Vanden Driesen, Cynthia 79
Ramanathan, Vaidehi 1 Singh, R.M 11, 13, 14 Vanden Driesen, Ian 79
Ramaswamy, Vijaya 79 Singh, Rajendra 2 Vanita, Ruth 93
Rana, Randeep 15, 18 Singh, S 14 Varghese, John 60
Ranjith Krishnan, K.R 23 Singha, Sankar Prasad 76, 88 Varghese, L 19
Raveendran, P.P. 88 Sinha, Arunava 74 Varma, D 37
Ray, Sukhendu 70 Sinha, D.K 16 Varma, P 37
Renu, Phanishwar Nath 73 Sinha, Kaliprasanna 96 Venkatachalapathy, A.R 97
Ricci, Ronit 94 Sinha, Pradeep 71 Vijay Kumar, T 85
Rose, Selva 34, 35 Sinha, Pronoti 61 Vijayasree, C 85
Roy, Nilakshi 54 Sivakami, P 69 Viswanathan, S 81
Roy, Shampa 88 Sivaramakrishnan, Murali 31 Vucinich, Janet 69
Roy, Swarup 96 Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove 4, 5, 8
Ruswa, Mirza Mohammad Hadi 76 Sood, V 27 Wadley, Susan S 80
Spenser, Edmund 62 Wakabayashi, Judy 81
Sadana, Rashmi 92 Sreehari, P 35, 40 Walia, S 37
Sadanand, Kamlesh 10, 57 Sridhar, M 76 Ward, A.C 59
Saldanha, Rita 31, 47 Srinivasan, Seetha 61 Watkins, Megan 7
Samantray, Kalyani 12, 53 Sriraman, T 66 Weller, Philip 64
Sanyal, Jharna 70 Steinman, Linda 9 Workbook Committee, State Board of
Sanyal, Manoj Kumar 91 Stokes, Claudia 89 Technical Education and Training,
Sapre-Bharmal, Shilpa 54 Subbiah, Kokilam 70 A.P 39
Sarada, P.A 36 Subrahmanya, N 69
Saraswati, V 7 Suhrud, Tridip 69, 74, 99 Yadava Raju, B 33, 46
Sattanathan, A.N 73 Sujatha, K 19 Yardi, V.V 37
Savithri, J 40 Sundararaghavan, Padma Malini 82
Seely, Clinton B 79 Suneetha Rani, K 92 Zakir, Mohammed 68, 71

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 141 23/11/2015 12:54:45


3, Sakina Manzil and Other Plays 66 Career English for Nurses: Teacher’s Book (Third Edition) 35
Change–Conflict and Convergence: Austral–Asian Scenarios
Academic and Research Writing: A Coursebook for 79
Undergraduates and Research Students 53 Chomsky Effect, The: A Radical Works Beyond the Ivory
Advanced Skills in English (with audio CD) 33 Tower 1
Advantage English 33 Cognition, Experience and Creativity 90
Alternative Gaze, An: Essays on D.H. Lawrence 79 Collection of Indian English Poetry, A 11
Amitav Ghosh: A Critical Companion 79 Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature: A View from India 80
Anthology of English Poetry, An 11 Communication and Analysis Skills 53
Anthology of English Prose, An 13 Communication and Soft Skills : Volume 1 53
Anthology of English Verse, An 11 Communication for Professional Success (Revised Edition)
Apology for Poetry, An 62 35
Approach to Life, The (Re-issue) 13 Communication Skills for Technical Students 35
Arms and the Man (Revised Edition) 59 Communication Skills in English for Polytechnics 54
Art of the Intellect: The Uncollected English Writings of Communication Skills in English: A Workbook 54
Sudhindranath Dutta 67 Communicative English 35
Arya and Other Stories 68 Communicator, The (Gondwana University Edition) 36
Auroral Musings: A Collection of English Poetry 11 Communicator, The 35
Authentic English for Home Science and Allied Sciences 33 Companion to Literary Forms, A 65
Companion to Translation Studies, A 1
Bahadur Shah and the Festival of Flower-sellers 68 Concise History of Indian Literature in English, A 80
Bankim’s Hinduism: An Anthology of Writings by Bankim Countdown: English Skills for Success 54
Chandra Chattopadhyay 90 Course in Academic Writing, A 54
Barisal and Beyond: Essays on Modern Bengali Literature Course in Business Communication, A 36
79 Course in English Grammar, A 49
Basics of Academic English 1 33 Creative Reflections 11
Basics of Academic English 2 33 Creative Writing 54
Before the Divide: Hindi and Urdu Literary Culture 90 Cultural Studies in the Future Tense 91
Best Words, The 14 Culture, Society and Development in India: Essays for Amiya
Between Identity and Location: The Cultural Politics of Theory Kumar Bagchi 91
79 Curtain Raised, The: Five One-Act Plays 19
Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching 7
Biography as History: Indian Perspectives 79 Dalit Assertion in Society, Literature and History 91
Bliss of Solitude 34 Dalit Personal Narratives: Reading Caste, Nation and Identity
Boatman of the Padma, The 68 91
Book of Plays, A 19 Damayanti and Nala: The Many Lives of a Story 80
Bouquet of Indian Poetry in English, A 11 David Copperfield 61
Breakthrough 20 Days of the Beloved, The 92
Brookside Musings: A Selection of Poems and Short Stories Decentering Rushdie: Cosmopolitanism and the Indian Novel
20 in English 80
Business Communication in English 53 Decentering Translation Studies: India and Beyond 81
Business Communication: Basic Concepts and Skills 34 Defining a Linguistic Area: South Asia 1
Business Communication: Techniques and Methods 34 Delight and Wisdom: An Anthology of Short Stories 17
Business Skills: Meetings 50 Delights in Prose 14
Business Skills: Negotiations 50 Dew on Petals: An Anthology of English Poetry 12
Business Skills: Presentations 50 Digital Cool: Life in the Age of New Media 92
Business Skills: Writing Skills (Panjab University Edition) 50 Directions in Applied Linguistics 1
Business Skills: Writing Skills 50 Disnarration 81
Dispelling the Silence: Stories from the Commonwealth
Caesar and Cleopatra (Revised Edition) 59 Countries 17
Candida (Revised Edition) 59 Distant Dreams: A Selection of English Poems 12
Career English for Nurses (Second Edition) 35 Dramatic Moments: Five One-act Plays 19
Career English for Nurses (Third Edition) 34

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 142 23/11/2015 12:54:45


Echoes: A Course in English Literature and Language 36 Enjoying Everyday English (with audio CD) 39
El Dorado: A Textbook of Communication Skills 36 Enriching Oral and Written Communication in English 39
Emma 60, 61 Enriching Speaking and Writing Skills (with audio CD)
Empire and Nation: Essential Writings, 1985–2005 92 (Revised Edition) 40
Endless Adventures: A Collection of English Prose 14 Essential English 40
Engineering English 36 Essential Readings for Teachers of English: From Research
English and Communication Skills for Students of Science Insights to Classroom Practices 7
and Engineering (with audio CD) 36 Exploration of Ideas: An Anthology of Prose 14
English and Communication Skills for Students of Science Explorations: A Selection of English Prose 14
and Engineering (with audio CD) (Panjab University Exploring English 40
Edition) 37 Exploring Language and Literature 21
English and Soft Skills 55 Exploring Shakespeare: The Dynamics of Playmaking 81
English Conversation for Indian Students 37 Expressway to English: Hindi-English (with audio CD) 55
English for Better Performance (with audio CD) 20 Extreme Poetry: The South Asian Movement of Simultaneous
English for Employability (A Coursebook for 2nd Year Narration 93
Undergraduates (with audio CD) 37
English for Empowerment (with audio CD) (Panjab Faerie Queene: Book 1 (Revised Edition) 62
University Edition) 37 Famous Indian Stories (Re-issue) 17
English for Empowerment (with audio CD) 37 Far from the Madding Crowd 61
English for Engineers and Technologists: Teacher’s Book Feminist Vision or ‘Treason Against Men’?: Kashibai Kanitkar
(with audio CD) 38 and the Engendering of Marathi Literature 93
English for Engineers and Technologists 38 Fiction as Window: Critiquing the Indian Literary Cultural
English for Fluency 38 Ethos since the 1980s 82
English for Life Skills 20 Fictionalising Myth and History: A Study of Four Postcolonial
English for Nurses: A Natural Approach to Language Learning Novels 82
38 Fields of Play: Sports, Literature and Culture 65
English for Speakers of Urdu: A Proficiency Course (with Fifty Ways to Improve Your Business English Using the
audio CD) 38 Internet 51
English Grammar Practice 49 Fifty Ways to Improve Your Business English 51
English Heart, Hindi Heartland: The Political Life of Literature Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills in English 51
in India 92 Fifty Ways to Improve Your Telephoning and
English in Practice: Workbook 2010–2011 39 Teleconferencing Skills (with CD) 51
English in the Dalit Context 92 First Degree Language Textbook for Mangalore University
English Language Practice 39 (BCom Semester 1) 22
English Language Teaching: Approaches, Methods and First Degree Language Textbook for Mangalore University
Techniques (Revised Edition) 7 (BCom Semester 2) 22
English Language Teaching: Principles and Practice 7 First Degree Language Textbook for Mangalore University
English Language through Literature II: A Textbook for Under (BSc Semester 1) 21
Graduate Studies 21 First Degree Language Textbook for Mangalore University:
English Language through Literature: A Textbook for (BSc Semester 2) 21
Undergraduate Studies 20 First Promise, The (Revised Edition) 68
English Literary Criticism and Theory: An Introductory History Flaming Feet and Other Essays, The: The Dalit Movement 93
81 Flesh and Fish Blood: Postcolonialism, Translation, and the
English Literature: Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries 21 Vernacular 82
English Literature: The Romantic Age 21 Four Tamil Plays 69
English Poetry 1660–1780: An Anthology 60 Fragrance of Fiction, The: A Collection of Stories 17
English Poetry from the Elizabethans to the Restoration: An Fragrances: A Textbook of Poetry and Language Skills 12
Anthology 65 From Hindi to Urdu: A Social and Political History 2
English Romantic Poets, The: An Anthology 65 Functional Grammar and Spoken and Written Communication
English that Works: Workbook 39 in English 40
English Vernacular Divide, The 1 Fusion: An Anthology for Advanced Learners 22
Enhancing English and Employability Skills: Student’s
Workbook (Revised Edition) 39

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 143 23/11/2015 12:54:45


G.N. Devy Reader, The: After Amnesia, Of Many Heroes, Indian English: Towards a New Paradigm 2
The Being of Bhasha, Countering Violence 82 Indian Literature in English: An Anthology 24
Gems of English Prose and Poetry 22 Indian Voices: A Course in Literature and English Language
Gems of English Verse: Poetry Until the Nineteenth Century 15
12 Indigeneity: Culture and Representation 84
Gems of Short Fiction (Revised Edition) 17 Innovations in English Language Teaching: Voices from the
Gender and Cultural Identity in Colonial Orissa 83 Indian Classroom 8
Gender, Sex and the City: Urdu Rekhti Poetry, 1780–1870 Insights: A Course in English Literature and Language
93 (Mangalore University Edition) 41
Gendering the Nation: Identity Politics and English Comic Insights: A Course in English Literature and Language
Theatre of the Long Eighteenth Century 83 (Panjab University) 42
General Introduction to Linguistics, A 2 Insights: A Course in English Literature and Language (Re-
Genesis: Select Stories 69 issue) 41
Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Inspiring Expressions 24
Assessing Writing 7 Interface: English Literature and Language (Re-issue) 24
Geopolitics of Academic Writing, A 83 Interpretations (English Textbook for 2nd-Year BBM courses)
Gleanings from Home and Abroad 14 25
Glimpses of English Literature 22 Inter-sections: Essays on Indian Literatures, Translations and
Glimpses of Life 18 Popular Consciousness 84
Golden Harvest 41 Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism, An 84
Golden Petals: An Anthology of Prose and Verse for Introduction to Stylistics, An: Theory and Practice 3
Advanced Learners 23 Invention of Private Life, The: Literature and Ideas 94
Golden Threshold: An Anthology of One-Act Plays and Stories Islam Translated: Literature, Conversion, and the Arabic
23 Cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia 94
Government Brahmana 69 Issues in Learning Theories and Pedagogical Practices:
Grammar and Composition for Communication 49 Volumes 1 & 2 3
Grip of Change, The 69
Gulliver’s Travels 60, 61 Journey through Words (Gondwana University Edition) 25
Journey through Words 25
Hamlet 64 Joy of Reading Literature, The: Selected Prose and Poetry
Handbook of Teaching English, A 7 25
Hard Times 61 Joy of Reading, The: A Textbook for College Students 25
Harilal Gandhi: A Life 69 Julius Caesar 64
Harold E. Palmer: From Learner-Teacher to Legend 2
Headway 23, 66 Kaanduri and Other Stories 70
History in the Vernacular 94 Kabuliwalla and Other Stories: Selections from Galpaguchcha
History of English Literature, A: Traversing the Centuries 83 1 75
Homeless on Google Earth 94 Keeping Pace: English Skills for Success 42
Honey Dew 23 Key to English Grammar Practice 49
Images of Gold (Mangalore University Edition) 41 Know Your English: Volume I: Idioms and their Stories 55
Images of Gold 41 Know Your English: Volume II: Words Frequently Confused
Images: A Selection of Prose, Poetry and Plays 23 55
Images: A Textbook for College Students 23
Imagining Multilingual Schools 8 Language and Cultural Diversity: The Writings of Debi
Immortal Melody: A Collection of Poetry 12 Prasanna Pattanayak (Volumes 1 & 2) 3
Impact 24 Language and Politics in Pakistan 3
Importance of Being Earnest, The 66 Language Curriculum, The: Dynamics of Change (Volume 1)
Imprints 24 The Outsider Perspective 8
Imprints: (Karnataka University) 24 Language Curriculum, The: Dynamics of Change (Volume 2)
‘Impure Languages’: Linguistic and Literary Hybridity in Teacher as Researcher 8
Contemporary Cultures 2 Language Education in the Primary Years 8
In Pursuit of Amitav Ghosh: Some Recent Readings 84 Language in the Law 3
In Quest of Indian Folktales 67

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 144 23/11/2015 12:54:45


Language Politics, Elites, and the Public Sphere: Western Mastering Business English: Companies, Finance and Banking
India under Colonialism 95 52
Language through Context 25 Mastering Business English: Marketing and Management 52
Language, Emotion and Politics in South India: The Making Mastering English: A Course for Beginners 43
of a Mothertongue 4 Masters of English Prose: From Bacon to Beerbohm 15
Language, Literature and Creativity: Memsahibs’ Writings: Colonial Narratives on Indian Women
English (Foundation Course) 25 95
Learning English: A Communicative Approach (with CD) 42 Mindscapes: English for Technologists and Engineers
Let’s Go Home and Other Stories 18 (with DVD) 55
Let’s Go Home and Other Stories (Panjab University Edition) Mirage 70
18 Mirza Sheikh I’tesamuddin’s Wonders of Vilayet 71
Life Scripts I (Re-issue) 42 Modern English Poetry 60
Life Scripts II 42 Modern Trailblazers 15
Lights and Delights: Compulsory Textbook for Undergraduates Mole! 71
26 Moon Mountain 71
Lights On: Indian Plays in English (Volume 1) 67 Multilingual Education for Social Justice: Globalising the
Lights On: Indian Plays in English (Volume 2) 67 Local 5
Linguistic Genocide in Education or Worldwide Diversity and Multilingual Education Works: From the Periphery to the Centre
Human Rights? 4 5
Linguistic Imperialism Continued 4 Multilingualism and Multiculturalism: Perceptions, Practices
Linguistics: An Introduction 4, 43 and Policy 5
Listening Activities for English for Engineers and Technologists Multilingualism in India 5
Literary Criticism: A New History 85 Nampally Road (Re-issue with a foreword by Githa Hariharan)
Literary Experiences (English Textbook for 1st Year BA/BSW 67
Courses) 26 Nandanvan & Other Stories 71
Literary Horizon 26 Nation in Imagination: Essays on Nationalism, Sub-
Literary Landscapes: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry 26 Nationalisms and Narration 85
Literary Pinnacles 26 Nationalism in the Vernacular: Hindi, Urdu and the Literature
Literary Pursuits (English Textbook for 1st-Year BSc/BCom of Indian Freedom 95
Courses) 26 Nazir Ahmad in his Own Words and Mine 71
Literary Vistas: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry 27 Negotiating Empowerment: Studies in English Language
Literature and Beyond 27 Education 9
Literature and Contemporary Issues 27 NEHU Anthology of Select Literary Criticism 15
Literature and Language I (Revised Edition) 15 NEHU Anthology of Short Plays and Biographies 27
Literature and Language II 18 New Avenues : An Anthology of Prose and Poetry
Literature and Nationalist Ideology: Writing Histories of (Amravathi University Edition) 28
Modern Indian Languages 84 New Bearings in English Studies: A Festschrift for CT Indra
7547 30092015

Little Book of Language, A 4 85

Living Literatures: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry 27 New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory 95
Locating Indian Literature: Texts, Traditions, Translations 85 New Dawn: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry 28
Lycidas 62 New Horizons 28
New Waves: An Anthology of Prose 15
Macbeth 64 New World of Indigenous Resistance 5
Magic Web and Other Stories, The: Ashapurna Debi on the Not Without Reason and Other Stories 72
Widow and Her World 70
Manihara and Other Stories: Selections from Galpaguchcha 2 Observant Owl, The: Hootum’s Vignettes of Nineteenth-
75 Century Calcutta 96
Many Worlds of Sarala Devi, The: A Diary 70 Of Ghosts and Other Perils 72
Mastering Business English Office Routine 52 Of Myths and Modernities: The Christian Convert Literature
Mastering Business English: Clarity in Business Expression of Nineteenth Century Bengal 86
52 Old Playhouse and Other Poems, The 72
Oliver Twist (Punjab University Edition) 61

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Oliver Twist 61 Prudence: An Anthology for Degree Classes 44

On the Stage: One-act Plays 19 Pygmalion (Revised Edition) 59
On Track: A Textbook for College Students 28
On Track: English Skills for Success 43 Rabindranath Tagore: One Hundred Years of Global Reception
Opium Poppy 72 97
Othello 64 Radiance: Communication Skills, Prose and Poetry 45
Overtures 28 Radical Rabindranath: Nation, Family and Gender in Tagore’s
Fiction and Films 86
Panchlight and Other Stories 73 Rainbow: A Collection of Short Stories 18
Panorama: Selected Essays and Short Stories 15 Rape of the Lock 63
Paradise Lost: Books 1 & 2 (Revised Edition) 63 Reading and Response 29
Partial Recall: Essays on Literature and Literary History 96 Reading Children: Essays on Children’s Literature 87
Paths to Skills in English 43 Readings in English Language Teaching in India 9
Pathway to Success, A (Re-issue) 28, 44 Realms of Gold (Amravathi University Edition) 45
Pedagogy for Religion: Missionary Education and the Realms of Gold: An Anthology for Degree Classes 45
Fashioning of Hindus and Muslims in Bengal 96 Reclaiming Identity: Realist Theory and the Predicament of
Phoenix 29 Postmodernism 87
Pieirian Spring, The: An Anthology of English Poems 13 Reflections from the East and the West 16
Pierian Spring, The: A Textbook of Language and Literature Reflections 29
29 Related Titles 78
Plain Speaking: A Sudra’s Story 73 Remappings: An Anthology for Degree Classes 29
Plays in One Act 19 Response 30
Plays in One Act 20 Revisiting Abhijña–naśa–kuntalam: Love, Lineage and
Poet and His World, The: Critical Essays on Rabindranath Language in Ka–lida–śa’s Na–taka 98
Tagore 86 Riders to the Sea 62
Poetic Palette, The 13 Road to Literature 30
Poetic Symphony: An Anthology of Sonnets, Elegies, Odes Robinson Crusoe 60
and Ballads 13
Poetry Down the Ages (Periyar University) 13 Sabotage 74
Points of View 29 Samidha 74
Poisoned Bread 73 Sarasvatichandra:Part I: Buddhidhan’s Administration 74
Portraits in Prose 16 Scar, The 74
Positivity: A Way of Life 56 Scripting Lives: Narratives of ‘Dominant’ Women in Kerala
Postcolonial Studies and Beyond 96 87
Practical Course in Spoken English, A 56 Selected College Prose 16
Practising English: Workbook 44 Selected Essays: An Anthology of English Essays for
Practising Writing Skills: Workbook 44 Undergraduate Students 16
Print Areas: Book History in India 97 Selections from Galpaguchchha: Volumes 1, 2 and 3 75
Prism: Spoken and Written Communication, Prose and Shades of Difference: Selected Works of Rabindranath
Poetry (with audio CD) (Revised Edition) 44 Tagore with Audio Visual Material, Tagore & His World
Prisons We Broke, The 73 98
Progress with English: Workbook 56 Shakespeare and the Art of Lying 87
Promoting Learner Autonomy: A Teacher’s Reflections on Significations (English Textbook for 1st-Year BBM Courses)
ESL in India 9 30
Prose of the World: Modernism and the Banality of Empire Signposts 30
86 Silver Lining: A Textbook for College Students 30
Prose Parables 18 Skills Annexe: Functional English for Success 45
Province of the Book, The: Scholars, Scribes, and Scribblers Skills in English: A Coursebook for Language Learning 46
in Colonial Tamilnadu 97 Snake Dance in Berlin 75
Prudence: An Anthology for Degree Classes (Gondwana Social History of England, The 88
University Edition) 45 Social Space of Language, The: Vernacular Culture in British
Prudence: An Anthology for Degree Classes (Karnataka Colonial Punjab 6
University) 45

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 146 23/11/2015 12:54:45


Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education: An Towards Social Change: Essays on Dalit Literature 88
Introduction Through Narratives 9 Trailblazers 16
Soft Skills for Interpersonal Communication 56 Translation and Interpreting: Reader and Workbook 6
Softskills: A Textbook for Undergraduates 56 Translation and Postcolonialities: Transactions across
Speak Well (with DVD) (Gitam University Edition) 46 Languages and Cultures 89
Speak Well (with DVD) 46 Twelfth Night 64
Specimens of English Prose 16
Spoken English: A Foundation Course – Part 1 (with audio Ugliness of the Indian Male and Other Propositions, The 98
CD) (for speakers of Hindi) 57 Umrao Jan Ada (Revised Edition) 76
Spoken English: A Foundation Course – Part 2 (with audio Under the Greenwood Tree: Reading for Pleasure and
CD) (for speakers of Hindi) 57 Comprehension 31
Spoken English: A Foundation Course 57 Untouchable Spring 76
Spoken English: A Foundation Course (with audio CD) Using English: A Coursebook for Undergraduate Learners 47
(Revised Edition) 57
Spoken English: A Manual of Speech and Phonetics Varanasi 77
(Revised Edition) (with DVD) 57 Verses for a Multiverse: Poems for the New Generation 66
Springboard to Success: Workbook for Developing English Vibrant English (with audio CD) 31
and Employability 58 Victorian Literature and Modern Indian Literature 32
Stages of Life: Indian Theatre Autobiographies 98 Views and Visions: An English Coursebook for
States of Sentiment: Exploring the Cultures of Emotion 98 Undergraduates 47
Staying Ahead 31 Visionary Gleam: A Selection of Prose & Poetry 32
Streer Patra and Other Stories: Selections from Vistas and Visions 48
Galpaguchcha 3 75 Voice and Memory: Indigenous Imagination and Expression
Strengthen Your Writing (Third Edition) 58 99
Strings of Gold: An Anthology for Degree Classes 46 Voice and Vision: An Anthology for Degree Classes 32
Studying Literature: An Introduction to Fiction and Poetry 66
Sure Outcomes: English for Engineers and Technologists 46 Way of the World, The 63
Survival and Other Stories: Bangla Dalit Fiction in Translation Westward Traveller, The 77
76 What is Worth Teaching? 10
Synergy: Communication in English and Study Skills for Why Translation Matters 6
Students of Commerce and Business Management 47 Winged Thoughts: An Anthology for Degree Classes 32
Wisdom and Experience: An Anthology for Degree Classes
Tagores and Sartorial Styles: A Photo Essay 70 48
Tales of Athiranippadam 76 Women Writing Gender: Marathi Fiction Before Independence
Teacher’s Grammar of English, A 49 99
Teaching and Learning English: A Sourcebook for Teachers Word, Image, Text: Studies in Literary and Visual Culture 89
and Teacher-Trainers 9 Words and Beyond (Karnataka University Edition) 32
Teaching English: The Use of Support Materials 10 Words and Beyond (Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya
7547 30092015

Teaching Listening and Speaking: A Handbook for English University Edition) 32

Language Teachers and Teacher Trainers (with CD) 10 Words and Beyond 32
Teaching Young Learners 10 Writers in Retrospect: The Rise of American Literary History,
Tess of the d’Urbervilles 60 1875–1910 89
Textbook of Business Communication 47 Writing Life: Three Gujarati Thinkers 99
Texts, Histories, Geographies: Reading Indian Literature 88 Writings of M.T. Vasudevan Nair, The 77
Time’s Inscriptions 31 Written and Spoken Communication in English 58
Timeless Thoughts 31 Wuthering Heights 60
Timeless Thoughts (Revised Edition) 47
Towards Freedom 88 Yuganta (Re-issue) 77

ELL 2015_23112015.indb 147 23/11/2015 12:54:45

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