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A Project File of

Submitted by: Submitted To:

NAME: Mr. Bohit Goyal
ROLL NO: Signature:
SESSION: 2021-2022
As per syllabus of the project required to be submitted in connection with the
interval valuation in the AGRA VANASTHALI VIDYALAYA SESSION 2021-2022 of

PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) for class- Xll as directed by Central Board of

Secondary Education [C.B.S.E.] I have prepared this project report FiILE for the
purpose of my own efforts.

My heartiest thanks go to Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S. E) to give

an opportunity to learn about physical education subject in our syllabus, as it is
an important part of education now-a-days.

I also owe to our school Director Mr. MANISH MITTAL for maintaining strict
discipline and allowing us to do physical practical classes with all the necessary
equipment's. Besides this, I express my gratitude to our class teacher and al
teachers of our school.

In fine, I do hereby acknowledge the receipt of necessary guidance prolific

instruction given by my respected physical teacher MR. ROHIT GOYAL of our
school AGRA VANASTHALI VIDYALAYA for which this project could be
bought out to such a grand getup with all required points as incorporated therein
as lucidly as possible.


This is certify that.. ARZOO SINGH
a a student of class.has

successfully completed the project. Under the guidance of Mr.

Rohit Goyal (subject teacher) during the year 2021-2022 in
partial fulfillment of physical practical examination conducted

Name of Examiner Name of teacher

Sign. of examiner sign. of teacher

(Any one sport: Badminton/ Bocce/ Taekwondo)


Badminton is a racquet sport played by
either two opposing players (singles) or two
opposing pairs (doubles), on a rectangular
court that is divided by a net. Players score
points by striking a shuttlecoce with their
racquet so that it paSses over the
net and Lands in their opponents"|
half of the court. Each side may
only strike the shuttlecock once
before it passes over the net.
Shutle caeé
Since 1992, badminton has been an
olympic sport with five events: men's and
women's singles, men's, women's and mixed
doubles. Badminton's highest governing body is
the interational Badminton Federation (BF)
and has about 140 member nations. The (BF
estimates that about 200 million people play the
9ame worlawide.
Badminton used to be played in 13th century in
qloucestershire in England at the place called
I n India it was played inpune, Maharashtra in
around 18th century.

First badminton club was formed in bath

England in 1873.

I 1893 badminton assocíation of England was

The Al England Open Badminton
Championships, the first badminton competition
in the world, in 1899.

The tnternational Badminton Federation (rBF)

(now enown as Badminton world Federation)
was established ín 1934.

The badminton association of tndia was formed

and all tndia championship was organizeal in
1934 in cCalcutta (Kolkata).

The Thomas cup was started in worlad

championship in 1948 and women's equivalent
uber cup was started in 1954.
Latest General Rules
Playing ourt-The Badminton court is
rectangular and divided into 2 halves by a net. The
Length of the court is 44 ft.The width of the court for
doubles is 20ft and in singles this widlth is reduced to
17 ft.
ervice n e

Singles Doubles
s1de lne side line
(1.55 m
Doubles long

Center Hne
Left seroe

s.18m Sngles ong
Right service

(0.46 md

26 m (3.96 m)
(13.41 m)

PoeThere will be 2 posts with height as 1.55m

above floor.

Color of et should be dark and its mesh

should be 15-20mm. width of net should be F6omm.

044 -Tne winner oftoss decide the end of court or to

serve first.
Scordng When the server serves, the shuttlecock
must pass over the short service Line on the opponents
court or it will count as a faut. There will be best of
three games. The winner of 2 games will be winner.
Each game consísts of 21 points. This applies to both
doubles as well as singles.
Players-A singles is played with 1 player on each
side and in doubles it is 2 players on each side.

Tdterual - Between 1 t and 2nd game there will be a n

interval of 90seconds and interval between 2nd and 3rd

game should not exceed 5 minutes.

L-fa Let is called, the rally is stopped

replayea with no change to the score. Lets may ocCur
because of some unexpected disturbance.

Zackete- A raceet is usually made of stee
aluminum, and graphite. The ideal Length is z7 inches
and weight 85 to 140 gm for rackets.

Shutlecock - A shuttlecoce is a high drag projectile,

with an open conical shape: the cone is formed from

sixteen overlapping feathers embedded into a rounded
core base. The weight of a
shuttle should be 4.F3-5.5gm.
The feathers should have

a Length of 62-F2 m

Fundamental shiCls
Rackst gzsk
1. Forehand grip

2. Backhand grip

2. Shutteoek orip
1. BAse grip

2. Mid grip

3. Out of hnd grip

3 Seuie
1. Flight senvice 2. Forehand net service

3. EAckhand net service 4.Drive service

1. Smash - hútting the shuttle down fast and steeply to

finish a rallg.
2. Prop shot - hitting the shuttle so that it

falls into the other players frot court.

S. NE rOLL- hutting a shot from the net
that spins over the net.
4. Clear hitting the shuttle from the
back of your court, high into the other
pLayers back court. smash
5. Lit- hitting the shuttle from the net,
up high into the opponents back court.
6. Drive-hitting the shuttle flat across the top of the
BLoce- stopping a smash from hitting the ground
on your side and hitting back Dver the net.
8. Loh- It sends the shuttle 'highn
and deep towards base line of

9 . Eorehand strokz - played from

same side of playing hand.

Backhand stroke-played from
opposite side of playing hand. Forehand stroke

11. BLock- a defensive stroke in

response to smash.
Badainton terminology
1.Back galery- area inluded
between the Long service Line and
back line.
Singles serve Doubles serve
(server's sCore is even) (servers score is even)
2. Seruice count-portion of
court from where service
is delievered.

3. Kaly sending shuttle Singles serve

(server's score is odd)
Doubles serve
(servers score Is odd)

Over the net.

4. Seuer pLayer who puts

Shuttle in play. Singles normal
"after a serve)ploy Doubles normal
arte a serve)plaY

5.Mateh poiut- the poínt service court

Which won by server makes him

Winner of match.

6. Taning- time during which a player holds service.

7.Ratatiou- in doubles, players keep changing

their position during the play.
Specilic exercises
Exercises of wanning u
1. Short running forwara, backward and súdeways

2Sideways bending
3.arm circles

4.trunk twíst

5. hamstring stretch

6. to do service, smash, shots.

Exercises of_cauditioning
1. continuous slow running tor raising endurance

2. short accelerations for improving speed.

3. weight training exercíses
CommoA SDOrtsiniuries
1. sprain in ankles and knees.

2. strain in arm, hamstring, elbow and shoulders

3. muscle cramp

4.dislocation of shoulder joint

5. fracture elbow

Prevention of ininries
1. Proper warming up prior to tournament

2. specific warming up after general warming up

3. proper shoe and dress

4.proper skill while pLaying

5. do't play until physícally fit

Jportant toutnaments
The BWF organizes several international competitions,
including the Thomas Cup, the premier men's
international team event first held in 1948-1949, and
the uber Cup, the women's equivalent first held
in 1956-1957. The competitions take place once every
two years. More than 50 national teams compete in
qualifying tournaments within continental
confederations for a place in the finals. The final
tournament involves 12 teaus, following an inerease
trom eight teams in 2004.

The Sudlrman Cup, a gender-mixed international

team event held once every two years, began in 1989.
Teams are divided into seven Levels based on the
pertormance of each country. TO Wn the tournamen
country muust perform well across all five diseiplines
(men's doubles and súngles, women's doubles and
singles, and mixed doubles).
Badminton was a demonstration event in
the 1972 and 1988 Summer Olympics. t became an
official Summer olympie sport at the Barcelona
olympies in 1992 and its gold medals now generally
rate as the sport's most coveted prízes for individual
In the BWF World Championshíps, first held in 1977,
curvently only the highest ranked e4 players in the
world, and a maximum of four from each country, can
participate in any category
At the start of 2007F, the BWF introduced a new
tournament structure for the highest level tournaments
aside from those in level one: the BWF SUper Series.
This Level two tourament series, a tour for the world's
elite players, stages twelve open tournanments around
the worldl with 32 pLayers (halfthe previous limit). The
pLayers colect points that determine whether they can
play in Super Series Final held at the year end.
Among the tournaments in this series is the
venerable AL-England championshíps, first held in
1900, which was once considered the unoffcial world
championshíps of the
Level three tournaments consist of Grand Prix Gold
and Grand Prix event. Top players can collect the world
ranking poúnts and enable them to play in the BWF
Super Series open tournaments. These include the
regional coApetitions in Asia (Badminton Asia
Championships) and Europe (European Eadminton
Championships), which produce the world's best players
as well as the Pan America Badminton
The level four touraments, kenown as International
Challenge, International Series and Future Series,
encourage participation by juníor players.
Some Major lnternational Tournaments are as under:
Name of Tournament Type
BWF World Junior Championships BWF events
European Men's & Women's Team BWF events
Thomas & Uber Cup BWF

Russian Open Grand Prix Grand Prix

Sports personalities
1NAndu natekar- winner of men's
singles of national badminton

championship for6 times. He has also

got Lufetime achievement


2Prakash padukone-Non 9 national dl by

Tútles.he got gold medal in cwG games

In 1978. he was also awarded

Padmashri award in 1982.

Modi was an Indian
3Sued modi- Syed
badminton player, and an eight-time

National Badminton champion. He won

gold medal in Commonwealth Games,

Men's singles title and was awarded Arjuna

Award in 1980.

4P.amLchana - Pullela Gopichand is an

Indian Badminton player. He won the Al

England Open Badminton Championshíps

in 2001 and got Arjuna award in 19929

and rajív Gandhi khel rattan award in

5Madhmita Bisht
Madhumita Eishtisa former
badminton player from
Attarakhand, lndia. She is an
eight-time National singles
champion, nine-time doubles
winner and a twelve-tie mixed
doubles winner. she received the
Arjuna Award in 1982. Madhumita Bisht
Saina nehwal Saina Nehwal is an

tndian Khel Ratna badminton player

who attained a career best ranking

of #2 in December 2010 by

BAdminton World Federatio.

Saina is the first Indian to wún

a medal in Badminton at the

National sports awards
Ztrjura award- The Arjuna Awardls were instituted
in 1961 by the qovernment of tndia to recogníze
outstanding achievement of sportsmen in different
The award carries
1. A cash prize of *5 Lakh
2. A brovze statuette of Arjuna,
3. A scroll

Same runa auardees n badminton Arjuna Award

. Syed modi

2 P. eashyap

3 SainA nehwal

2Ueoracharya awar- Dronacharya Award is an

award presented by the govern.ent of India for
excellence in sports coaching in memoryy
of guru Dronacharya of Mahabharata
times. This award was instituted
in 1985. The award
1. A broze statuette of pronacharya,
2. A scroll of honour and
3. A cash prize of Rs. 5 Lakh.
Dronacharya Award
Dronacharga auardees ie badminto
1. P. Gopichand
2. S. M. Arit
2 Kgie Gendki kkel rataa award- The Rajiv
Ganahi Khel ratna (RGKR) is lndia's
highest honour and is given for
outstanaing performance in sports.
This award was instituted in
year 1991
This award carries
1. A medal, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna

2. A seroll of honour
3. A cash component of Rs.75 Lakh

Rajie gandhi khel natna duardees n dadminton

1. P. Gopíchand

2. Saina nehwal

4. Dhgar Chandaward- Dhyan

Chand Award is tndia's highest
award for lifetime achievement in
sports and games, given by the
Government of India. The award Dhryan Chand Award
was instituted ún 2002.
The award carries
. A cash prize of RS 5 Lakh
2. A statuette,

3. A seroll of honour.

Moulera Abel taten tzad Lrophg- This trophy is

given to university with best performance in sports.
This trophy was instituted in 1956-5F. This award
carries a trophy and cash prize.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy

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