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Syllabus for Women and Criminal Law

B.A.LL.B. Semester VIII
Academic Session- January –April, 2022
Course Teacher: Dr. Shreemanshu Kumar Dash
Women and Criminal Law
A woman could become a victim of crime or a target thereof since her inception. Violence
against women in all its forms is a human rights violation. In a civil society violence against
women is never acceptable, never excusable and never tolerable. Equality cannot come
eventually; it’s something to be fought for. This course is, for students acquainted with Criminal
Law in general, to acquaint them with women and criminal law in particular. An in-depth study
of the subject will not only help them internalize the significance of law in the related area but
also it will provoke the learners, as crusaders, to fight for the right of women in their
forthcoming days.
This course is designed to acquaint the students, pursuing B.A.LL.B five year programme, with
the conceptual and operational parameters, of Women and Criminal Law.
Crimes Identified Under the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
Obscenity and Indecent Representation
Dowry Death
Acid Attacks
Sexual Harassment and Outraging the Modesty of a Women
Rape and Sexual Assault
Honour Killing
Domestic Violence
Trafficking of Woman
Prevention of Female Feticide
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
Sexual Harassment at Work Place
Cyber Crimes against Women
Cyber crime
Procedure for Remedy
Measures for Online Safety
1- Role of National commission for Women
2- Role of NGOs
3- Schemes and Legal awareness for women
4- International Women's Day
1. Law relating to Women – Dr. Sayed Maqsood
2. Law relating to Women – Dr. S.C. Tripathi
3. Women and Law – Prof. Nomita Aggarwal
4. Women and Law – Dr. Manjula Batra
5. Women and Law – G.P. Reddy
6. Women, Crime and Criminal Justice a Global Enquiry - Rosemary Barberet
Suggested Bare Acts:
Indian Penal Code
Criminal Procedure Code
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
The Pre–Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act of 1994
The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (ITPA)
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
The Information Technology Act, 2000

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