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Project Questionnaire

1. Why is this project important? 9. What are the constraints?

2. What is the problem you are trying to 10. What is most important: time, cost or
solve? quality management? Or would you
3. What are you expecting the project to rank something else as the defining
achieve? What do you see as the high- measure?
level objective? 11. Who benefits from the project?
4. Have the project’s requirements been 12. Who are the other stakeholders?
documented yet? If so, where? By 13. What is in scope?
whom? 14. What is deliberately out of scope and
5. What’s the solution that has been why?
agreed, if any? What analysis was done 15. What internal and external
about the proposed solutions? dependencies should we be aware of?
6. What are the project’s success criteria? 16. Have you done this sort of project
(Read more about success criteria in before? If so, who can I talk to in order
my definitive guide to project success to learn about their experiences?
criteria) 17. What risks are you aware of already?
7. How does this project tie back to How risky do you think these risks are?
company strategy? What do you think of these risks I know
8. How is this project going to be funded? about already?
Have all the funds already been

What are the key project charter elements?

1. Why? (Why does this project exist?) achieved. By describing the goals and
This section helps all key stakeholders objectives, it helps stakeholders
understand the purpose of the project. determine whether a project is worth
The charter must communicate the pursuing and if the organization has
project’s value and state its reason for the necessary resources to work on it.
existence to every person: the project 4. When? (When is the project due?)
manager, stakeholders, sponsors, and This section defines the project
the project team schedule and timespan. It outlines the
2. Who? (Who are the key start and completion dates and the
stakeholders?) milestones that have to be achieved for
These days, management structures the project to be completed on time.
are more horizontal than vertical, so it 5. Where? (Where will the work be
can be hard to know who plays which performed?)
role in a project. A project charter lists This refers to the general area where
every project stakeholder involved in the work will be performed. This
the project and outlines their roles— section states where the project
who’s responsible for what. materials and equipment will be
3. What? (What is the essence of the installed.
This section explains project goals and
objectives and how they will be
How to create a project charter

If your company does not have a project charter template, you can use a project management tool.
The more thorough the document is, the more convincing it will be. It will also become a better
reference source in the future. Your project charter should have the following sections.

Project Name: This is the name of your project, Deliverables: What will the project deliverable
like, “Software Update to Prevent Cyber be upon completion? A product, service, or a
Attacks” or “New Company Wellness result? You can also talk about the
Program.” Make the title as detailed as measurements for success.
Risks: State the known risks and project
Project Goals: Explain the project’s purpose, constraints, and your plans for analyzing and
the pain points it will alleviate, the impact it will managing project risks.
have on the company, and how it fits in with
larger organizational goals. Timeline: Structure the project timeline and
show when you plan to accomplish each
Stakeholders: Name the stakeholders and milestone. Include the start and end dates of
define their roles in the project. Stakeholders the project.
may be clients, other project managers, or
project teams. Explain if they will be actively Roles and Responsibilities: Who will be
involved or beneficiaries. involved in the project and what will be their
role? Define each team member’s specific
Budget: How much will the project cost and responsibilities to avoid the need to reference
where will the money come from? You can also another document.
list the additional resources needed for the

Tips for writing an effective project charter

1. Discuss with stakeholders: Gather 5. Review the document with your team:
information about the project. Review the charter with key team
members to make sure it’s accurate.
2. Take and organize notes: This ensures 6. Present for approval: Don’t send your
you have all the information for the charter as a PDF document in an email.
project charter. Present it to sponsors, stakeholders, or
clients—through a slide presentation
3. Use a template: Use a project charter or print-outs.
template to create a document that
best serves your project.

4. Include specific information: Use the

Why, Who, What, When, and How
project charter elements to provide
detailed information.

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