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Lesson Plan-2

Electricity and circuit

By~~ Ujjwal Kr. Sinha

Date- 28/10/2021
Subject- Science
Class- VI
Duration- 40 minutes
Topic- Conductors and insulators
electric switch

General objectives:
1. Learners will come to know the facts and principles of science and its
applications, consistent with the stage of cognitive development.
2. Learners will be able to acquire the skills and understand the methods and
processes that lead to generation and validation of scientific knowledge.
3. Learners will be able to develop a historical and developmental perspective
of science and to enable her to view science as social enterprise.
4. Learners will be able to relate to the (natural environment, artifacts and
people), local as well as global and appreciate the issues at the interface of
science, technology and society.
5. Learners will acquire the requisite theoretical knowledge and practical
technological skills to enter the world of work.
6. Learners will nurture the natural curiosity, aesthetic sense and creativity in
science and technology.
7. Learners will imbibe the values of honesty, integrity, cooperation, concern
for life and preservation of environment,
8. It will cultivate ‘scientific temper’- objectivity, critical thinking and freedom
from fear from prejudice.

Specific Objective
The student will be able to:
 Differentiate between conductors and insulators
 Explain the mechanism of Bulb
 Characterise eco-friendly and north eco-friendly appliances
 Explain the mechanism and function of electric switch
 Corelate the importance of switch with its role in reducing
environment pollution
 Establish the precautions while working with electricity

Previous Knowledge
The students should be able to:
 recall electric circuit and its symbols.
 Visualize circuit diagram of torch
 Define electric current.
Introduction: -
with the help of previous understanding learners will help me to draw a
basic circuit diagram in the PPT.
Q- what if I make little bit alteration in this circuit diagram, instead of
switch what if I put an eraser in the circuit? do you think the bulk will
Q- why? what was the reason that the bulb stopped growing when I
altered the circuit with an eraser?

Summarized by the teacher-

 When I used eraser instead of switch in the circuit the bulb stops
growing, the eraser made the circuit incomplete.
 The current was unable to flow throw the eraser that's why the
bulb stopped glowing

Deceleration of the topic

Today in this topic we will study the components that allows the
electric current to pass through them and the components that does
not allows the electric current pass through them then we will
understand the mechanism of apple and it's types that are being used
in our households which will leave us to understand the final part of a
circuit which is switch and finally we will conclude this chapter buy
understand precautions that should be taken bye working with

Key Concepts Instructional Methodology
1. conductors Ppt, Discussion Q-What is the reason the electricity
and based on Activity, is able to pass through a wire but
insulators and pictures unable to pass through a eraser?


 Object or material that allows
Electricity to pass through
themselves are called as
conductors of electricity.
 Most of the metals are good
conductor of electricity like
gold, silver, copper etc.
 Object or material which do
not allow electricity to pass
through themselves are called
insulator. For example plastic,
rubber, wood, etc.
 That's why the wires have
plastic covering on them.

Q can you list few examples of

conductors and insulators from your

Q the needle of your pencil, is it a

conductor or an insulator?
EA- insulator
 Needle of the pencil is also a
very good conductor but it is
made up of graphite which is a
non- metal.

 It is the only non-metal that is

good conductor of electricity
electric bulb Explanation, Ppt, Q- can you see the glowing part of
photos, from there the bulb that I'm showing right now.
experiences is this a conductor or an insulator?
EA- Conductor

Q- why the wire is glowing then?

 An electric bulb has a filament
made up of some poor
conductors which heats up
when electricity passes
through them Because of
which the light emits

With the help of diagram, I will be

able to explain learners the different
parts of bulb.

By relating from their experiences, I

will discuss two different bulbs LED
and CFL and how they affect our
environment. How we can use more
energy efficient bulbs so that we can
reduce carbon footprints in our

3. Electric switch Discussion, Q- As we discussed in this chapter

Explanation with multiple times. what is the
the help of important item of a circuit that
diagrams, photos helps us to stop and start the
Activity current when it is needed?

EA- Switch

 Electric switch is an essential
part of the circuit it helps to
start and stop the flow of
current in the circuit.
 An electric switch has two
positions ON position in which
it completes the circuit and
allows the electricity to flow.
 Off position in which it breaks
the circuit and current is
unable to flow.

Q-Why do you think switch is

important for us what will happen if
switch is not there in the circuit?

EA- We will unable to control the

flow of electricity.

Q- So what will be the consequences

of it?

4. Precautions Discussion, There are few precautions that we

Explanation, should keep in our mind while
pictures working with electricity-
I will discuss those 5 precautions
with my learners by reflecting on
their experiences and observations
from their surroundings.

Q- Fill in the blanks-
 The material that allows current to through itself are called
 The thin coiled wire that gives up light when heated up in the
bulb is known as__________.
 The device that is used to make or break the flow of electric
current are called ___________.
 The current cannot flow throw a ___________.

Home Work
Q- Make Your own working Circuit By using Wire,
Cell, Bulb, and a Switch.

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