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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,000,000 B2

Carroll (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 7, 2015
(71) Applicant: WiperFill Holdings, LLC, Jupiter, FL U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
(US) 2,701,897 A 2/1955 Leming
(72) Inventor: Matthew Carroll, Jupiter, FL (US) 328i A E. SE, et al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383, 41
3,738,575 A 6, 1973 Somer
(73) Assignee: WiperFill Holdings, LLC, Jupiter, FL 5,261,254. A 1 1/1993 Cattane
(US) 5,347,661 A * 9/1994 Flyet al. ........................ 4,225.1
5,669,986 A 9/1997 Buchanan, Jr. et al.
-r 6,024,803 A 2/2000 Buchanan, Jr. et al.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,089,620 A * 7/2000 Mota Lopez et al. ......... 285,322
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,266,842 B1 7, 2001 Muller
U.S.C. 154(b) by 163 days. 2004/01 12411 A1* 6/2004 Boykinet al. .................. 134,28
(21) Appl. No.: 13/797,259 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(22) Filed: Mar 12, 2013 DE 4101820 A1 * 7, 1992 ................ B60S 1/46
DE 4436O23 A1 * 4, 1995 ................ B60S 1/48
O O DE EP1053922 11, 2000
(65) Prior Publication Data DE 20022285 T 2001
US 2013/0240419 A1 Sep. 19, 2013 DE 10 1384.66 4/2003
DE 1020050557.14 3, 2007
Related U.S. Application Data * cited by examiner
(60) Provisional application No. 61/610,275, filed on Mar.
13, 2012. Primary Examiner — Matthew O Savage
(51) Int. Cl (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — McHale & Slavin, P.A.
B60S I/48 (2006.01)
B60S I/50 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
CO2F I/42 2006.O1
CO2F IO3/OO 30: 8: A system and method of collecting and conditioning rainwa
(52) U.S. Cl ter and other moisture, such as dew, from a windshield of a
AV e. we vehicle and utilizing the collected fluid to replenish the fluids
CPC is: 9.9) is 459 38. in the windshield washer reservoir. A collection funnel is
CO2F 2 IO30Oi (2013.01); C02F23 03/31 positioned on a vehicle in order to collect rainwater and other
• u. fs (2013.01) moisture. Rainwater and other fluids from the collection fun
58) Field of Classification S h nel are directed to a conditioning cartridge where the water is
(58) Field of Classification are F50: f42: de-ionized and windshield washer fluid is added. The car
CPC ................ Bes soR 3.2.o Af tridges are designed to be single replaceable units. The mixed
USPC 15/250.01: 134/109: 2227 87: 210795 fluid from the mixing cartridge is directed to the pre-existing
windshield washer reservoir.
210/171, 172.1, 198.1, 202, 232, 251, 266,
210/282, 289,502.1
See application file for complete search history. 10 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
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1. 2
WINDSHIELD WASHER CONDITIONER U.S. Pat. No. 5,261,254 discloses a method and apparatus
for self-replenishment of the solution contained within an
REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS automobile windshield washer system. Water is extracted
from air such as through the use of a desiccant system in
In accordance with 37 C.F.R. S1.76, a claim of priority is combination with an automobile air conditioning system.
included in an Application Data Sheet filed concurrently This water is combined with a stored concentrated anti-freeze
herewith. Accordingly, the present invention claims priority liquid in a preselected ratio to produce a windshield washer
under 35 U.S.C. SS 119(e), 120, 121, and/or 365(c) to U.S. Solution having Sufficient freezing point depression for use
Provisional Patent Application No. 61/610,275, entitled during winter weather conditions.
“Replenishing Windshield Washer, filed on Mar. 13, 2012. 10 U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,669,986 and 6,024,803 disclose the use of
The contents of which the above referenced application is rainwater on a vehicle to clean collection surfaces which have
incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. been contaminated with agents such as road Salt and for
storage in a reservoir for later use in windshield washing.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION U.S. Pat. No. 6,266,842 discloses a windshield cleaning
15 device for a windshield of a motor vehicle. A collecting
The present invention relates generally to an apparatus and device is provided for collecting and returning excess sprayed
method of replenishing and conditioning the fluid within a cleaning liquid, spray water, and rain water into the wind
windshield washing system. In particular, to an apparatus shield fluid reservoir. A heat exchanger is provided for heat
which can recover rainwater, dew and recapture dispensed ing the cleaning liquid pumped by the pump by heat energy
fluids from the windshield of a vehicle to replenish and con derived from the cooling watercooling the motor of the motor
dition the fluid within a windshield washing system. vehicle. A control circuit measures at least one temperature
that can be the ambient temperature or the temperature of the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION cleaning liquid and allows pumping of the cleaning liquid
onto the windshield only above a set temperature limit. A
Windshield cleaning systems are old and well known in the 25 metering device automatically introduces an alcohol mixture,
art. Most of them employ a reservoir containing a fluid. Such and optionally surface-active agents, into the cleaning liquid
as water. The water can include an additive which will prevent based on the measured temperature.
the water from freezing in the colder climates. This additive is
commonly known as a deicer. The deicer can also remove ice SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
that has formed on the windshield of a vehicle. Other addi 30
tives to the fluid reservoir include substances which enhance A system and method of collecting rainwater and other
the cleaning properties of the water/fluid in the reservoir, such moisture, such as dew, from a windshield of a vehicle and
as all season windshield cleaner, all season windshield conditioning the collected fluid to replenish the windshield
cleaner and deicer, rain repellant with or without all season washer reservoir. One or more collection funnels are located
cleaner or all season windshield cleaner and deicer. 35 at various locations on a vehicle. Rainwater and other fluids
In the winter months, when slush and other Substances from these funnels are directed to a fluid conditioning car
from the roads splash up onto the windshield of vehicles, the tridge. The fluid conditioning cartridge includes quick con
operator of the vehicle utilizes the windshield washer system nect fittings to allow the cartridge to be a single replaceable
repeatedly to clean the windshield to provide a clear view for unit.
driving. This high use of the windshield washer system can 40 Accordingly, it is an objective of the present invention to
and normally does result in all of the fluid in the windshield provide a system that collects fluids and utilizes these fluids to
washer reservoir being used up rapidly. If the vehicle operator replenish the fluids in a windshield washer reservoir of a
is not vigilant in maintaining the washer reservoir full offluid, vehicle.
the operator may be without the ability to clean the wind It is a further objective of the present invention to collect
shield when the need arises. Thus there is a need to provide a 45 rain or dew on windshields to condition and replenish the
system and method of readily replenishing the fluid in a fluids in a windshield washer reservoir of a vehicle.
windshield washer reservoir without the vehicle operator It is yet another objective of the present invention to collect
constantly monitoring the fluid in the windshield washer res rain ordew on various parts of a vehicle to replenish the fluids
ervoir. in a windshield washer reservoir of a vehicle.
50 It is a still further objective of the present invention to
DESCRIPTION OF THE PRIOR ART provide a disposable fluid conditioning cartridge to condition
the fluids in a windshield washer reservoir of a vehicle.
U.S. Pat. No. 2,701,897 discloses a windshield cleaning It is still yet a further objective of the present invention to
system using water from the cooling system of an automobile. collect rain, dew, or melting Snowfice on windshield wipers
A metered amount of detergent is placed into the dispersed 55 and to collect rain, dew, or melting Snowfice on various por
fluid. tions of a vehicle to replenish the fluids in a windshield
U.S. Pat. No. 2,770,017 discloses a method of automati washer reservoir of a vehicle.
cally replenishing the Supply of liquefied solvent to the res It is still yet a further objective of the present invention to
ervoir of a windshield washer. A trough or pipe line leads provide a replaceable mixing cartridge between the collection
from the ventilating duct in the cowl as a means for recovering 60 point of rain, dew, or other fluids and a windshield washer
rainwater. reservoir. Fluid additives may be added to the collected fluids
U.S. Pat. No. 3,738,575 discloses an automatic windshield in the mixing cartridge and the resulting fluid delivered to a
washer for a vehicle of the type having a reservoir and spray pre-existing windshield washer reservoir on a vehicle.
noZZles. Means are provided to collect rain water and car Other objectives and advantages of this invention will
washwater from the outer surface of the vehicle and means to 65 become apparent from the following description taken in
feed the collected water to the reservoir. The valve means can conjunction with any accompanying drawings wherein are set
trap sediment and add cleaning agents to the collected water. forth, by way of illustration and example, certain embodi
US 9,000,000 B2
3 4
ments of this invention. Any drawings contained herein con An ion exchange resin chamber 40 is fluidly coupled to the
stitute a part of this specification and include exemplary outlet 31 of the collection funnel 14 for conditioning of col
embodiments of the present invention and illustrate various lected rain water. In a preferred embodiment the transporta
objects and features thereof. tion of the collected rain water takes place by gravity. In
addition to gravity flow, pumps and other types of fluid trans
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES port mechanisms can be utilized to transport the fluids from
the mixing cartridge to the windshield washer reservoir.
FIG. 1 is a side perspective view of the present invention: A mixing chamber 50 fluidly coupled to said ion exchange
FIG. 2 is a partial top perspective view of the mixing chamber 40 for treating the conditioned rain water, said mix
cartridge; 10 ing chamber 50 drawing treatment fluid from an adjacent
FIG. 3 is a partial top perspective view of the mixing concentrate chamber, said treated and conditioned rain water
cartridge illustrating the wick placement; directed to the preexisting windshield washer reservoir.
FIG. 4 is a partial bottom perspective view of the mixing The ion exchange resin chamber 40 preferably includes
cation and anion mixed bed resin for reduction of total dis
FIG. 5 is a partial bottom perspective view of the mixing
15 solved solids in the collected rainwater. Alternatively, the ion
cartridge; exchange resin chamber may include a sodium based resin for
FIG. 6 is a perspective view of the mixing cartridge; exchange of calcium cations in the collected rain water. The
first chamber is in fluid communication with the inlet port.
FIG. 7 is a top perspective view of the collection funnel; The ion exchange chamber 40 includes a passageway wall 42
and to prevent passage of ion exchange resin and provide an
FIG. 8 is a bottom view of the collection funnel. unrestricted flow of water there through. The ion exchange
chamber 40 may also contain a filter 41 to filter out solid
particulates. The mixing chamber 50 is in fluid communica
tion with the outlet port.
While the present invention is susceptible of embodiment 25 The concentrate chamber 60 contains windshield washing
in various forms, there is shown in the drawings and will fluid concentrate. In a preferred embodiment, the windshield
hereinafter be described a presently preferred, albeit not lim washing fluid is a concentrated liquid, however the wind
iting, embodiment with the understanding that the present shield washing additive can be in the form of and have the
disclosure is to be considered an exemplification of the consistencies of, but are not limited to, a gel, a 'soap bar
present invention and is not intended to limit the invention to 30 texture, a solid, a "gummy bear” Substance or a powder. The
the specific embodiments illustrated. various types of water or fluid additives include, but are not
Now referring to the figures, set forth is a preferred limited to, all season windshield cleaner, deicer, all season
embodiment of a vehicular windshield washer replenishing windshield cleaner and deicer, rain repellant with or without
system 10 comprising a collection funnel 14 having an angu all season cleaner or all season windshield cleaner and deicer.
lar shaped upper wall 22 and lower wall 24 spaced apart by 35 The mixing chamber 50 includes a wick 52 providing a
opposing side walls 26.28. The collection funnel 14 is con capillary draw of treating fluid from the concentrate chamber.
structed and arranged for positioning between a windshield The wick is constructed and arranged to deliver a predeter
and hood of a vehicle. mined amount of the windshield washing fluid concentrate
In a preferred embodiment the collection funnel 14 is posi through capillary action into the mixing chamber 50. The
tioned on the driver's side of the vehicle but could be posi 40 wick can be constructed of any Suitable material. In a pre
tioned in another suitable location. One edge of the mouth ferred embodiment, the wick 52 is further defined as a tape
will be contoured to fit the arc of the windshield and ensure a style wick comprised of wool, Synthetic, cotton, polyester or
water tight seal. This edge will most likely be made of a soft any other Suitable wick material with passageways therein
rubber or any Suitable material for creating a water tight seal. that distribute the windshield washer fluid concentrate by
The positioning of the collection funnel 14 provides gravity 45 capillary action to the mixing chamber 50. However, meter
feeding of collected liquid to an ion exchange resin chamber ing pumps and other devices can be utilized to deliver the
40. In addition to gravity flow, pumps and other types of fluid windshield washer fluid concentrate to the mixing chamber
transport mechanisms can be utilized to transport the fluids SO.
from the collection funnel 14 to the ion exchange resin cham In a preferred embodiment, the concentrate chamber 60has
ber 40. 50 a conduit channel 54 constructed and arranged to extend into
The collection funnel 14 collects and retains rain water, the mixing chamber 50. The wick 52 passes through the
dew, melting Snow, melting ice, and other fluids that come in conduit channel 54 and extends into the mixing chamber. The
contact with a vehicle. The collection funnel 14 further windshield washer fluid concentrate formulation is formu
includes a mesh screen 30 to filter out large particles at the lated for pass through of the passageways in the wick 52
mouth of the collection funnel 14. The collection funnel has at 55 without clogging or blocking.
least one opening in the base 31 constructed and arranged for The wick is fluidly attached to a pad 56 in the mixing
fluid coupling to the mixing cartridge. chamber. The pad 56 is constructed and arranged to provide
The collection funnel base has a second opening 32 that optimal mixing between the windshield washer concentrate
functions as an initial drain when the funnel first begins to fill. and the water. The pad 56 can be comprised of wool, syn
An internal wall positioned perpendicular to the base will 60 thetic, cotton, polyester or any suitable wick material know to
create two chambers. The chamber on the discharge side to someone of ordinary skill in the art.
the mixing cartridge will contain a screen. This configuration The fluid is transported from the collection reservoir to the
will direct approximately the first 40 ml to the second opening ion exchange resin by tubing 73 or other fluid conduits. The
drain to dump because the initial water flow will carry most of fluid coupling between the collection funnel and the ion
the large dirt particles. The water will back up, overflow and 65 exchange resin chamber is releasably secured by use of quick
pass through the screen and discharge to the ion exchange connect 70. The conditioned and mixed fluid is transported
resin chamber 40 of the mixing cartridge 16. from the mixing chamber to the existing windshield washer
US 9,000,000 B2
5 6
reservoir by tubing 75 or other fluid conduits. The fluid cou anion exchange resin chamber containing anion exchange
pling between the mixing chamber and the existing wind resin, wherein the ion exchange chamber is bounded by
shield water reservoir is releasably secured by use of quick the first and second passageway walls, the intermediate
connect 71. wall, the bottom wall, and the pair of sidewalls;
All of the tubing or fluid conduit are made from plastic an inlet in a portion of the inlet wall adjacent the first
materials in a preferred embodiment. However, they can be passageway wall;
made from any type of material which can transport fluids a fluid conduit coupled to said inlet in said inlet end wall
without being affected by the fluids. and to said outlet of said collection funnel for condition
The ion exchange resin chamber 40, the mixing chamber ing of collected rain water,
50, and the concentrate chamber 60 forms a single replace 10 a mixing chamber bounded by the outlet end wall, the
able cartridge assembly 16. The cartridge assembly 16 can be second passageway wall, the intermediate wall, the bot
reconditioned for reuse and the concentrate can be inter tom wall, and the pair of sidewalls, wherein said mixing
changed with different compositions. The cartridge assembly chamber is fluidly coupled to said ion exchange chamber
includes a sight glass 62 in said concentrate chamber. through said second passageway wall and adds a fluid
All patents and publications mentioned in this specification 15 concentrate to the conditioned rain water,
are indicative of the levels of those skilled in the art to which a concentrate chamber containing said fluid concentrate,
the invention pertains. All patents and publications are herein wherein the concentrate chamber is bounded by the top
incorporated by reference to the same extent as if each indi wall, the intermediate wall, and the inlet end wall, the
vidual publication was specifically and individually indicated outlet end wall, and the pair of sidewalls;
to be incorporated by reference. a wick extending from the concentrate chamber to said
It is to be understood that while a certain form of the mixing chamber for providing a capillary draw of said
invention is illustrated, it is not to be limited to the specific fluid concentrate from the concentrate chamber to said
form or arrangement herein described and shown. It will be mixing chamber,
apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes may an outlet in a portion of the outlet end wall adjacent the
be made without departing from the scope of the invention 25 mixing chamber, and
and the invention is not to be considered limited to what is a fluid conduit coupled to said outlet in the outlet end wall,
shown and described in the specification and any drawingS/ wherein said conditioned and treated rain water is
figures included herein. directed to the preexisting windshield washer reservoir
One skilled in the art will readily appreciate that the present through said fluid conduit.
invention is well adapted to carry out the objectives and 30 2. The vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing sys
obtain the ends and advantages mentioned, as well as those tem according to claim 1, wherein said ion exchange resin
inherent therein. The embodiments, methods, procedures and includes cation and anion mixed resins for reduction of total
techniques described herein are presently representative of dissolved solids in the collected rain water.
the preferred embodiments, are intended to be exemplary and 3. The vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing sys
are not intended as limitations on the scope. Changes therein 35 tem according to claim 1, wherein said ion exchange resin is
and other uses will occur to those skilled in the art which are acation exchange resin loaded with sodium ions for exchange
encompassed within the spirit of the invention and are defined of calcium ions in the collected rain water for Sodium ions
by the Scope of the appended claims. Although the invention loaded on the cation exchange resin.
has been described in connection with specific preferred 4. The vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing sys
embodiments, it should be understood that the invention as 40 tem according to claim 1, wherein said first and second pas
claimed should not be unduly limited to such specific sageway walls prevent passage of ion exchange resin and
embodiments. Indeed, various modifications of the described provide an unrestricted flow of water there through.
modes for carrying out the invention which are obvious to 5. The vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing sys
those skilled in the art are intended to be within the scope of tem according to claim 1, wherein the fluid conduit is releas
the following claims. 45 ably secured to the inlet in said inlet end wall with a quick
What is claimed is: connect coupling.
1. A vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing system 6. The vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing sys
for conditioning and treating rainwater for use in a preexisting tem according to claim 1, wherein the fluid conduit is releas
windshield washer reservoir comprising: ably secured the outlet of said outlet wall with a quick connect
a collection funnel having an angular shaped upper wall 50 coupling.
and lower wall spaced apart by opposing side walls, said 7. The vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing sys
collection funnel constructed and arranged for position tem according to claim 1, wherein said housing including said
ing between a windshield and hood of a vehicle, said ion exchange resin chamber, said mixing chamber, and said
collection funnel having an inlet available for receipt of concentrate chamber forms a single replaceable cartridge
rainwater that drains from the windshield for directional 55 assembly.
passage through said collection funnel to an outlet; 8. The vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing sys
a housing defined by a top wall, a bottom wall, a pair of side tem according to claim 7, wherein said cartridge assembly
can be reconditioned for reuse.
walls, an inlet end wall, an outlet end wall, an interme
diate wall extending horizontally between the top and 9. The vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing sys
bottom walls, and first and second passageway walls 60 tem according to claim 1 including a sight glass in a portion of
extending orthogonally from the bottom wall to the one of the sidewalls adjacent said concentrate chamber.
intermediate wall and from one of the sidewalls to the 10. The vehicular windshield washer fluid replenishing
other sidewalls, wherein the first passageway wall is system according to claim 1, wherein said collection funnel
adjacent the inlet end wall and the second passageway further including a mesh screen to filter out large particles.
wall is located adjacent the outlet end wall; k k k k k

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