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Therapeutic Goods Administration

For each dose, the number and percentage of participants reporting at least one local reaction
or systemic reaction (i.e., solicited data collected using participant diaries) were summarized for
predefined reaction types. Baseline data
All participants met the inclusion criteria for age, weight, and body mass index (BMI).
In total 84 participants were treated with BNT162b1 and included in the Safety Set. Of these
participants, 44 were male and 40 were female. Eighty-one were White, two were Asian, and
one was Black. Two participants were of Hispanic or Latino origin. Across the dose groups, the
mean age ranged from 19.9 yrs to 55.8 yrs, the mean weight ranged from 50.1 kg to 110.2 kg,
and the mean BMI ranged from 19.6 kg/m2 to 29.9 kg/m2.
In total 60 participants were treated with BNT162b2 and included in the Safety Set. Of these
participants, 26 were male and 34 were female. All participants were White and no participants
were of Hispanic or Latino origin. Across the dose groups, the mean age ranged from 19.0 yrs to
55.8 yrs, mean weight ranged from 55.7 kg to 99.1 kg, and mean BMI ranged from 19.5 kg/m2 to
29.8 kg/m2

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Therapeutic Goods Administration Evaluator's Overall Safety Comments

The frequency of local and systemic r eactogenicity was noted to be lower for BNT162b2 as
compared to BNT162bl across all dose levels.

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

In the BNT162b2, a total of 51 participants (85%) reported solicited local reactions and 53
participants (88%) reported solicited systemic reactions. Total 6 participants (10%) reported
grade ≥3 solicited systemic reactions. One subject (10 μg group) discontinued due to an AE
(mild external ear Inflammation) and no serious adverse events were reported. Most of the
reported solicited systemic events in the 10-μg and 30-μg groups were due to reactogenicity,
with a onset within the first 24 h of immunization. Injection site reactions within 7 days of the
prime or boost doses mainly involved pain and tenderness. In the 7 days following either Dose 1
or 2 of BNT162b2, pain and tenderness at the injection site was the most frequent solicited local
reaction (73% and 78% respectively).
Reactogenicity was dose-dependent and noted to be more pronounced after the dose 2. The
associated symptomatology, such as fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, injection site
pain, and tenderness, was mostly mild or moderate, with occasional severe (grade 3)
manifestations. Because of the reactogenicity reported after the 50-μg boost dose, participants
who had received an initial 60-μg dose did not receive a boost injection.
No relevant change in routine clinical laboratory values occurred after Investigational
medicinal product (IMP) dosing. However, there were few transient increases in CRP and
temporary reduction of blood lymphocyte counts observed in a dose-dependent manner.
The frequency of local and systemic reactogenicity was generally lower for BNT162b2
compared to BNT162b1. BNT162b2 generally had a milder and therefore more favourable
reactogenicity profile than BNT162b1 across dose levels. Due to this favourable safety profile,
BNT162b2 was chosen for Phase 2/3 of clinical trials. Evaluator safety conclusion
Overall both candidates showed good tolerability. Majority of the AEs were mild and related to
the reactogenicity. The AEs were mostly dose dependent. No relevant change in routine clinical
laboratory values occurred after any of the two candidates dosing.
Candidate BNT162b2 showed better safety profile and hence was chosen for phase 2/3 of the
clinical trials.
8.2.2. Study C4591001 Study overview
Study C4591001 is an ongoing , multicentre , Phase 1/2/3, placebo-controlled, randomized,
observer-blind, dose-finding study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, immunogenicity, and
efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 RNA vaccine candidates against COVID-19 in healthy individuals.
This study is discussed in detail under the efficacy section. Here only Phase 1 of the study is
being discussed.
This study commenced on 29th April 2020 at 4 study centres in the United States.
The study consists of 2 parts: Phase 1 to identify preferred vaccine candidate(s) and dose
level(s); and Phase 2/3 as an expanded cohort and efficacy part. These parts, and the
progression between them, are detailed in following Figure 16.
Study included healthy( or pre-existing stable disease) male or female participants between
the ages of 18 and 55 years, inclusive, 65 and 85 years, inclusive (Phase 1), or ≥16 years (Phase
2/3), at randomization.

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

Figure 16 : Study Schema Objectives ( Safety)

Primary objective of this study was to describe the safety and tolerability profiles of
prophylactic BNT162 vaccines in healthy adults after 1 or 2 doses. Following are estimands and
the safety endpoints.

Table 24: Phase 1 Objectives, Estimands, and Endpoints Medicine ( Investigational Product)

• BNT162b1 (10 μg,20 μg, 30 μg, and100 μg) and BNT162b2 (10 μg, 20 μg, and 30 μg)
• Placebo - Normal saline (0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection) Safety Evaluations
The primary end points in phase 1 of this trial were , solicited local reactions (i.e., specific local
reactions as prompted by and recorded in an electronic diary), systemic events, and use of
antipyretic or pain medication within 7 days after the receipt of vaccine or placebo, as prompted
by and recorded in an electronic diary.
Unsolicited adverse events and serious adverse events (i.e., those reported by the participants,
without electronic- diary prompts) were assessed from the receipt of the first dose through 1
month and 6 months, respectively, after the receipt of the second dose.

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

Clinical laboratory abnormalities were assessed 1 day and 7 days after the receipt of vaccine or
placebo; and grading shifts in laboratory assessments between baseline and 1 day and 7 days
after the first dose and between 2 days and 7 days after the second dose.
Protocol-specified safety stopping rules were in effect for all the participants in the phase 1
portion of the trial. An internal review committee and an external data and safety monitoring
committee reviewed all safety data. Statistical Methods:
The primary safety objective was evaluated by descriptive summary statistics for local
reactions, systemic events, AEs/SAEs, and abnormal hematology and chemistry laboratory
parameters, for each vaccine group. Descriptive summary statistics included counts and
percentages of participants with the indicated endpoint and the associated 2-sided Clopper-
Pearson 95% CIs. Safety Results:
Subject Disposition and Demography
Overall, most participants were white in the younger age group (39 [86.7%]), and all
participants were white in the older age group (45 [100%]). Median age was 37.0 years in the
younger age group and 68.0 years in the older age group. There was a higher representation of
females in both the younger (26 [57.8%]) and older (28 [62.2%]) age groups.
Local reactions
Local reactions in both age groups(16-55yrs and 55yrs or above) included pain at the injection
site (58.3% to 100.0%), redness (0% to 16.7%), and swelling (0% to 25.0%) were reported for
BNT162b1 recipients.For BNT162b2 recipients, pain at the injection site (33.3% to 91.7%),
redness (0% to 8.3%), and swelling (0% to 16.7%) were reported. In general, frequencies of
local reactions were observed to be higher with increased dose level and in the BNT162b1
The frequency of local reactions was lower in the older age group compared to the younger age
Systemic AEs
Overall, frequencies of systemic events were observed to be higher in the BNT162b1 group and
with increased dose level. As expected, the frequency of systemic events was lower in the older
age group compared to the younger age group.
Common systemic events in both age groups after Dose 1 or Dose 2 included fatigue (16.7% to
83.3%), headache (25.0% to 100%), chills (8.3% to 66.7%), fever (0% to 75.0%), and muscle
pain (8.3% to 75.0%) for BNT162b1 recipients( up to 30 μg). BNT162b2 recipients (up to 30
μg) developed fatigue (8.3% to 75.0%), headache (0% to 66.7%), chills (0% to 58.3%), fever
(0% to 16.7%), and muscle pain (0% to 58.3%).
There were no SAEs, deaths, or discontinuations due to AEs.
Laboratory Evaluations
A transient decreases in the lymphocyte count across all age groups was noted 1-3 days after
Dose 1, which increased in frequency with increasing dose. It was were mostly Grade 1-2,
generally normalized at the next laboratory assessment 6-8 days after Dose 1 and did not occur
after Dose 2.

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Therapeutic Goods Administration Evaluator’s overall safety Comment:

In this Phase 1 study, BNT162b2 at 30 μg demonstrated a satisfactory reactogenicity profile,

including the older adults.
The most common AEs overall by SOC and PT across dose levels in the younger group were
general disorders and administration site conditions, which included injection site pain and
injection site erythema. The most common AEs overall by SOC and PT across dose levels in the
older group were nervous system disorders, which included sciatica and radiculopathy. No AEs
were reported for >1 participant in either age group for BNT162b2 or placebo recipients.
In the younger group, general disorders and administration site conditions was the most
commonly reported SOC for related AEs, which included injection site pain and injection site
erythema. In the older group, only 1 participant in the 20 μg dose group reported a related AE of
A transient, reversible decrease in lymphocytes of Grade 1 -2 across all age groups was noted 1-
3 days after Dose 1, which increased in frequency with increasing dose.
Additional follow-up from 1 months to 4 months after Dose 2 to the data cutoff date (14
November 2020) included 1 severe SAE (neuritis) reported by 1 participant in the younger
BNT162b2 30 μg group. The investigator considered there was a reasonable possibility that the
event of neuritis, was related to clinical trial procedure (blood draw) but unrelated to
vaccination. The AE profile for remaining non-serious events was unchanged. No additional
participants had related AEs.

8.3. Pivotal and/or main efficacy studies (Safety Analysis)

8.3.1. Study C4591001
In this section, safety data from Phase 2/3 of Study C4591001 is discussed. Subjects from phase
2 in study BNT162-01a are included in this safety dataset.
Primary Safety Objectives and Endpoints for Study:

Submission PM-2020-05461-1-2 Clinical Evaluation Report for COMIRNATY 54 of 75

Therapeutic Goods Administration Overview ofAdverse Events

An adverse event (AE) was defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a partJ.c1pant,
temporally associated with the use of study intervention, whether or not considered related to
the study intervention. As expected, adverse events were reported in higher proportion among
the vaccine r ecipients as compared with placebo recipients. This diffe rence was mainly driven
by the r eactogenicity (solicited adverse events) reported in the 7 days fo llowing vaccination and
u nsolicited adverse events corresponding to reactogenicity symptoms among participants not
in the r eactogenicity subset. Severe AEs, SAEs, and AEs leading to withdrawal were few and
reported by ~1.2%, ~0.5%, and ~0.2%, respectively, in both groups. Discontinuations due to
related AEs were reported in 14 participants in the BNT1 62b2 group and 7 participants in the
placebo group.

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

Table 27. Number (%) of Subjects Reporting at Least 1 Adverse Event From Dose 1 to
Data Cutoff Date (14NOV2020) - Subjects With 2 Months Follow-Up Time After Dose 2 for
Phase 2/ 3 Analysis - Safety Population

YacdAc Croup (as Aclmiai, tncd)

B~"Tl62b: (30 µ_g) Placcoo Total

(N"--9531) (l\~536) (N8-19067)
Adn rscEno t Db (¼) Db(%) Db(%)

An.y~·enr 2044 (2 1.4) 1197 (12 .6) 3241 ( 17.0)

Related' 1297 (13.6) 343 (3.6) 1640 (8.6)
Sev - 105 ( 1.1) 69 (0.7) 174 (0.9)
l.i1ie-thrutmillg 10 (0.1) 11 (0. 1) 21 (0.1)
AsJ.y serious adverse e,.,-=t 57 (0.6) 53 (0.6) 110 (0.6)
~lated' 2 (0 .0) 0 2 (0.0)
Sevene 32 (0.3) 33 (0.3) 65 (0.3)
I..ife-tbrcatmmg 10 (0. 1) 11 (0. 1) 2 1 (0. 1)
An.v adverse e, 'ellt leading to withdrawal 1 (0.0) 0 l (0.0)
Related' 0 0 0
Scv- 0 0 0
I..ife•thtcatmmg 1 (0.0) 0 1 (0.0)
Dtath 1 (0.0) 0 l (0.0)
a. N = mimber of subjects mthe specified ~oup. Tbis value is the deoominatoc foc the pttcenlage c:alcubtiOllS.
b. n - Number of subjects r ~ at least 1 occ:urrmce of the ~ e d event cate)tocy. For "any event•, n - the
numbec of subjects repOl1islg at kast I occwreoc~ of any ~ed.
c:. Assessed by the im,estigator as related to inv estigatioaal product.
PFIZER. CONFIDEITTIAL SDTM Creatioo.: l 7NOV2020 (09:48) Soucce Data: adae Table Ge1:llention: l 7NOV2020
( 16:28)
(Cutoff Date: 14NOV2020, Snapshot D-: I 6NOV2020) Owput Fi.l e:
J nda2_ooblillded/C4591001_1A_P3_2.MPD2/adae_s091_all_2mpd2_p23_saf Solicited Local Reactions

Suhgrou.p analyses by age
For each age group in the reactogenicity subset (younger: 16 to 55 years, older: >55 years) and
overall (18 years and older), the median onset oflocal reactions in the vaccine group was day 1

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

(day of vaccination) to 2 days after either dose and lasted a median duration between 1 and 2
For both age groups, injection site pain was the most frequent solicited local adverse reaction.
After dose 2, the younger age group reported any pain more frequently than the older age group
(77.8% vs 66.1%) and pain characterized as moderate (27.1% vs. 18.0%). The frequency was
similar after Dose 1 compared with Dose 2 of BNT162b2 in the younger age group (83.1% vs
77.8%) and in the older group (71.1% vs 66.1%). Injection site redness and swelling after each
dose were generally similar for both age groups.
Table 28: Frequency of Solicited Local Reactions Within 7 Days After Each Vaccination,
Reactogenicity Subset of the Phase 2/3 Safety Population*, 16 to 55 Years of Age

Figure 17. Participants Reporting Local Reactions, by Maximum Severity, Within 7 Days
After Each Dose, by Age Group – Reactogenicity Subset for Phase 2/3 Analysis – Safety
Population Age Group: 16-55 Years

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

Table 29. Frequency of Solicited Local Reactions Within 7 Days After Each Vaccination,
Reactogenicity Subset of the Phase 2/3 Safety Population*, >55 Years of Age and Older

Figure 18. Participants Reporting Local Reactions, by Maximum Severity, Within 7 Days
After Each Dose, by Age Group – Reactogenicity Subset for Phase 2/3 Analysis – Safety
Population Age Group: >55 Years Solicited Systemic AEs

Subgroup analyses by age

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

Systemic events were generally increased in frequency and severity in the younger group
(Figure 19) compared with the older group (Figure20), with frequencies and severity
increasing with number of doses (Dose 1 vs Dose 2), except for vomiting and diarrhoea, which
was generally similar regardless of dose.
For both age groups, fatigue, headache and new/worsened muscle pain were most common.
For each age group in the reactogenicity subset (younger: 18 to 55 years, older: >55 years) and
overall (18 years and older), the median onset of systemic AEs in the vaccine group in general
was day 2 to day 3 after either dose and lasted a median duration of 1 day.
Table 29. Frequency of Solicited Systemic Adverse Events Within 7 Days After Each
Vaccination- Reactogenicity Subset of the Phase 2/3 Safety Population*, 18 to 55 Years of

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

Figure 19: Participants Reporting Systemic Events, by Maximum Severity, Within 7 Days
After Each Dose, by Age Group – Reactogenicity Subset for Phase 2/3 Analysis – Age
Group: 16-55 Years – Safety Population

Table 30. Frequency of Solicited Systemic Adverse Events Within 7 Days After Each
Vaccination- Reactogenicity Subset of the Phase 2/3 Safety Population*, >55 Years of Age
and Older

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Therapeutic Goods Administration

Figure 20: Participants Reporting Systemic Events, by Maximum Severity, Within 7 Days
After Each Dose, by Age Group – Reactogenicity Subset for Phase 2/3 Analysis – Age
Group: >55 Years – Safety Population

Following both Dose 1 and Dose 2, use of antipyretic/pain medication was slightly less
frequent in the older age group (19.9% vs 37.7%) than in the younger age group (27.8% vs
45.0%) after both doses, and medication use increased in both age groups after Dose 2 as
compared with after Dose 1.
After the first and second dose , majority of systemic events were mild or moderate in severity
across both age groups. Systemic events across age groups after Dose 1 of BNT162b2 were
generally lower in frequency than after Dose 2: fever (2.7% vs 13.6%), fatigue (41.5% vs
55.5%), headache (34.5% vs 46.1%), chills (10.6% vs 29.6%), muscle pain (18.0% vs 33.5%),
and joint pain (9.9% vs 20.5). diarrhoea and vomiting frequencies were generally similar. The
frequency of any severe systemic event after Dose 1 was ≤0.9%. After Dose 2, severe systemic
events had frequencies of ≤2% with the exception after Dose 2 of fatigue (3.8%) and headache
High fever (>38.9°C to 40.0°C) was reported in the BNT162b2 group after Dose 1 for 0.2% and
after Dose 2 for 0.8% (placebo group after Dose 1 for 0.1% and after Dose 2 for 0.1%). Grade 4
fever (>40.0°C) was reported for 2 subjects in each of the BNT162b2 and placebo groups. One
participant in the younger BNT162b2 group reported fever of 41.2°C only on Day 2 after Dose 2
and was afebrile for all other days of the reporting period. One other subject in the older
BNT162b2 group reported fever that reached a high temperature of 40.7°C only on Day 4 after
Dose 1 and was afebrile for all other days of the reporting period. Unsolicited (non-serious) AEs (SOCs and PTs)

Among the 37,586 participants with a median of 2 months of safety follow-up after Dose 2, most
AEs reported up to 1 month after Dose 2 were reactogenicity, in system organ class (SOCs) of:

• general disorders and administration site conditions (18.6% BNT162b2 vs 3.9%

• musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (7.3% BNT162b2 vs 2.0% placebo)

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