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Practical Research 1
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Research Experiences and
Practical Research 1 – Grade 11
Quarter 3 – Module 1: Research Experiences and Knowledge
First Edition, 2020

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Practical Research 1
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Research Experiences and
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to
use this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress
while allowing them to manage their own learning at home.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

As a learner, you must learn to become responsible of your own
learning. Take time to read, understand, and perform the different
activities in the module.
As you go through the different activities of this module be
reminded of the following:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on
any part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in
answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking
your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always
bear in mind that you are not alone. We hope that through this
material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let Us Learn

Good day! This module is organized in a way for you to learn more easily
and in a more convenient way. As you go over this module, you will
understand the world of research, the nature of the inquiry, and its origin.

Specifically, you are expected to:

 Share research experiences; and
 Express knowledge about research.

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC): The learner shares research

experiences and knowledge.

Let Us Try!

Choose one (1) among the presented current issues/topics below. Then,
share your knowledge/ideas about your chosen topic by writing it on the
table below.

Issues/Topics: Denied franchise of ABS-CBN

Covid-19 pandemic
Online Education

Topic (What I Know?) (Who are the (Why I chose the

people involved?) issue/topic?)

Let Us Study

Defining (Identify) Research

Our world is full of mysteries that will create many wonders in our
life. Human as we are, we must admit that we cannot answer all the whys
around us especially those who are beyond our comprehension but we never
stop asking questions and trying to find the answers to these questions. It is
undeniable that human beings are full of curiosity because they are born
rational. According to Francisco, Paul Micah,, Rationality refers to the
ability of a human person to think and reason out. Thus, they always

examine solutions to a lot of questions surrounding their life.
Upon finding answers to the questions, we have also such ability to
search for truth, validating what is relevant and rejecting the not essential
information that we have searched. Knowledge is not simply something that
pops out of nowhere; we must also validate if the knowledge produced is a
valid one. Therefore research becomes important in this context.
Research is a systematic process of gathering information,
interpreting information, and analyzing information to resolve a
specific problem (Francisco et al., 2016). The root word “re” from research
means “again” so research means “searching again” for information that
already exists but needs to be strengthened and emphasized.
The research includes any gathering of data, information, and facts
for the advancement of knowledge (Shuttleworth, 2011).

Nature of Inquiry

The term research is very similar to the word inquiry since this word
is the Greek derivation of research. Inquiry means a process that is done
using scientific methods. This is to look for information by asking various
questions about the thing you are curious about. Both involve investigative
work in which you are searching for information and examining the object of
your search.
An inquiry is a learning process that motivates you to obtain
knowledge or information about people, things, places, or events (Baracero,

Ways of Inquiring:
1. Investigating or asking questions about something you are inquisitive
2. Collect data, meaning, facts, and information about the object of your
inquiry and examine such data carefully.
3. Execute varied thinking strategies that range from lower-order to
higher-order thinking skills (inferential, critical, integrative and
creative thinking)

Let Us Practice
Activity 1: MY SOURCES

Direction: Answer the following questions:

1. What is your source of acquiring knowledge about the topic/issue you

2. Do you have an experience of inquiring about the topic you chose?

Traits 4 3 2 1
Content Ideas are Ideas presented Ideas are Ideas are unclear
presented are relevant to unclear. Some and not relevant
clearly and the research ideas are not to the research
relevant to the learning related to the learning
research discussion. chosen research discussion at all.
learning learning
discussion. discussion.
Conventions There is a There are few There are quite a There are
correct use of errors to fix, but few convention numerous
grammar, generally uses errors in the convention errors
punctuation, correct reflection that that make the
and spelling. conventions. can somehow work hard to read
distract a and understand.

Let Us Practice More

Activity 2: Research Knowledge & Experience

Direction: Give your learning about research and the relevance of your
learning to your experience in the box provided.


Relevance of this Learning to

Learning from the Discussion

the ability of a human person to think Because of research, I can

and reason out understand things better.

Relevance of this Learning to

Learning from the Discussion

Traits 4 3 2 1
Content Ideas and Ideas and Ideas and Ideas and
experiences are experiences experiences are experiences are
presented presented are unclear. Some unclear and not
clearly and relevant to the ideas are not relevant to the
relevant to the research related to the research
research learning chosen research learning
learning discussion. learning discussion at all.
discussion. discussion.
Conventions There is a There are few There are quite a There are
correct use of errors to fix, but few convention numerous
grammar, generally uses errors in the convention
punctuation, correct reflection that errors that make
and spelling. conventions. can somehow the work hard to
distract a read and
reader. understand.

Let Us Remember

 T hrough research as a systemati c way of gatheri ng

i nfor mati on, we can gai n new k nowledge to resol ve exi sti ng
pr obl ems and complement a pi ece of exi sti ng k nowl edge.

 Resear ch and i nqui r y wil l hel p us to i nqui r e about new thi ngs
out of our experiences and will hel p us to make our li fe more
comfor tabl e.

Let Us Assess

Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer and write it on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Is not simply something that pops out of nowhere; we must also

validate if the knowledge produced is a valid one.
A. Research C. Searching again
B. Inquiry D. Knowledge

2. The root word “re” from research means “again” so research may also
mean ____.
A. Research C. Searching again
B. Inquiry D. Knowledge

3. It refers to a systematic process of gathering information, interpreting
information, and analyzing information to resolve a specific problem.
A. Research C. Searching again
B. Inquiry D. Knowledge

4. It refers to the learning process that motivates you to obtain

knowledge about something.
A. Research C. Searching again
B. Inquiry D. Rationality

5. It is the ability of human beings to think and reason out for the things
that confused them.
A. Research C. Searching again
B. Inquiry D. Rationality

Let Us Enhance

Activity 3: Share Research Discovery

Direction: Search for a discovery which is a product/project of a research

study. Provide the following details:

Author/Scientist/Researcher: ____________________________________________
Discovery: _______________________________________________________________
Duration: _______________________________________________________________
Source/Link: ____________________________________________________________

Let Us Reflect

In your own understanding, why do we need to conduct researches across

different fields? Your answer will be rated using the rubric that follows.


Traits 4 3 2 1
Content Ideas and Ideas and Ideas and Ideas and
understanding understanding understanding understanding
are presented presented are are unclear. are unclear and
clearly and relevant to the Some ideas are not relevant to
relevant to the research not related to the research
research learning the chosen learning
learning discussion. research discussion at all.
discussion. learning
Conventions There is a There are few There are quite a There are
correct use of errors to fix, but few convention numerous
grammar, generally uses errors in the convention
punctuation, correct reflection that errors that make
and spelling in conventions. can somehow the work hard to
the whole distract a read and
reflection. reader. understand.

Answer Key

5. D

4. B

3. A

2. C

Answers vary. 1. D

Let Us Try Let Us Assess

Activity 1

Answers vary.

Activity 2

Answers vary.

Activity 3

Answers vary.


Amorado, R. V. & Talili, I.N. (2017). Qualitative research a practical research

approach. Mutya Publishing House, INC.

Baraceros, E. L. (2016). Practical research 1. Manila City: Rex Bookstore, INC.

Francisco, P. S., Francisco, V. S., & Arlos, A. P (2016). Practical research 1:

Qualitative research 1. Mindshapers Co., INC.

Shuttleworth, M. (2011). Explorable.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Davao City Division

E. Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone: (082) 227 4762

Email Address: [email protected]

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