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Practical Research 1
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Importance of Research in Daily
Practical Research 1 – Grade 11
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Importance of Research in Daily Life
First Edition, 2020

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Practical Research 1
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Importance of Research in Daily
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to
use this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress
while allowing them to manage their own learning at home.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

As a learner, you must learn to become responsible of your own
learning. Take time to read, understand, and perform the different
activities in the module.
As you go through the different activities of this module be
reminded of the following:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on
any part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in
answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking
your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always
bear in mind that you are not alone. We hope that through this
material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let Us Learn

Good day! This module will help you understand the importance of research
in daily life. You shall learn how research improves and advances our way of

Specifically, you are expected to:

 Explain the importance of research in daily life.

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC): The learner explains the

importance of research in daily life.

Let Us Try!


Look at the four pictures in each item. Find out what they have in common.
Write your answer in the blank provided below.

A. B.

A __ R __ __ __ L __ __ __ E E C __ N O __ Y

C. D.

E __ U __ A __ I __ N C __ __ T __ __ E

Let Us Study

Research in Daily Life

Imagine a world without research? What does it look like? A world

without research experiences no progress. And without progress there is no
new knowledge and coherently addressing some of life’s challenges. In
today’s world, we are always adapting to the shift of life and its complexes.
We are constantly demanding for new ways to do things and address the
newly erupting problems. We always want to keep up with the new.
Therefore, without research, our demands would go completely unanswered
(Barwabatsile, 2019).
The main purposes or research are:
1. to inform action;
2. to prove or generate a theory; and
3. to augment knowledge in a field or study.

Other authors also specified the primary reasons why research is

important (Marshall and Rossman, 2014; Amorado and Talili, 2015; Zarah,
 Research helps to strengthen arguments by providing
information. Arguments are everywhere but, of course, that
doesn’t mean we should accept them. Research produces hard
facts that could support your arguments and beliefs.
 Research serves as a tool for building knowledge and for

facilitating learning. Research is important not just for
students and academics, but for all professionals and
nonprofessionals alike. In education, research helps students to
enhance skills in reading books or online articles, listening to
experts, watching documentaries or investigative shows,
conducting scientific experiments, and interacting with other
people, among others.
 Research confirms certainty. It is a way to prove lies and
support truths. Research allows us to mark out the thin line
between truth (fact) and lie (fallacy).
 Research opens vistas new (new-age digital media platforms)
of opportunity before we pick and choose. Nowadays, people
are using media platforms in making research before buying a
 Research is a means to find, gauge and seize opportunities.
Research helps people develop their potential and reach goals
through various opportunities. These can be in the form of
securing scholarships, employment, training grants, project
funding, business collaboration, and budget traveling, among
 Research is a seed to love reading, analyzing, thinking, and
learning. Research involves both reading and writing. Reading
opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while writing
helps a reader use her/his own perspective and transform this
into a more concrete idea that s/he understands. It is a tool for
building knowledge and for facilitating learning. It also assists in
 Research is a means to understand various issues and to
increase public awareness. Nowadays, fake news is rampant in
all social media platforms. Instead of delivering factual news,
others spreading wrong information in which most of time creates
chaos. Thus, doing research in different reliable sources can
increase public awareness with factual evidences.
 Research is an aid to business awareness. Research benefits
business. Many successful companies, such as those producing
consumer goods or mass-market items conducts research before
launching a business (ex. Feasibility study and Business Plan)
 Research is a set of sharing valuable information.
Data sharing encourages more connection and collaboration
between researchers, which can result in important new findings
within the field. Data sharing allows researchers to build upon
the work of others rather than repeat already existing research.
 Research is the heart and soul of good writing. Doing
research is not that easy. Therefore, when you do research you
need to give your time, your heart and your soul in order to give

the best in writing. You should write not what you know, but
what you can find out about.

Let Us Practice

Direction: What do you think is the importance of research in the different

fields you have identified? Write your answer under the column
IMPORTANCE. Your answer will be rated based on the rubric


1. A __ R __ __ __ L __ __ __ E
2. E C __ N O __ Y
3. E __ U __ A __ I __ N
4. C __ __ T __ __ E

Traits 4 3 2 1
Content Ideas are Ideas Ideas are unclear. Ideas are unclear
presented presented are Some ideas are not and not relevant
clearly and relevant to the related to the to the research
relevant to the research chosen research learning
research learning learning discussion at all.
learning discussion. discussion.
Conventions There is a There are few There are quite a There are
correct use of errors to fix, few convention numerous
grammar, but generally errors in the convention errors
punctuation, uses correct reflection that can that make the
and spelling. conventions. somehow distract a work hard to read
reader. and understand.

Let Us Practice More


Direction: Read and understand the scenario below. Explain the role of
research in the scenario. Your answer will be rated based on the
rubric that follows.
Joelito is a Senior High School student. He reads a certain article in
the facebook that caught his attention. The article talked about the death
of a TV personality. He was shocked and cannot believe the story.
Because of his curiosity, he wanted to know the truth when, where and
how the TV personality died. He gathered information from reliable
sources in the internet and only to find out that it was a fake news.
Traits 4 3 2 1
Content The role of The role of The role of The role of
research in the research in research in the research in the
scenario is the scenario is scenario is scenario is
exemplified relevant to the unclear. Some unclear and not
clearly and research ideas are not relevant to the
relevant to the learning related to the research learning
research discussion. chosen research discussion at all.
learning learning
discussion. discussion.
Conventions There is a There are few There are quite a There are
correct use of errors to fix, few convention numerous
grammar, but generally errors in the convention errors
punctuation, uses correct reflection that can that make the
and spelling. conventions. somehow distract a work hard to read
reader. and understand.

Let Us Remember

1. A wor l d wi thout r esear ch experi ences no pr ogr ess. And wi thout

pr ogr ess ther e i s no new k nowledge and coher entl y addr essi ng
some of l i fe’s chal l enges.

2. T he mai n pur poses of r esearch ar e: (1) to i nform acti on; (2) to

pr ove or gener ate a theor y; and (3) to augment knowl edge i n a
fi el d or study.

Let Us Assess

Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer and write it on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following statements describes that research confirms

A. It is a tool for building knowledge and for facilitating learning.
B. It assists in decision-making.
C. It helps students to enhance skills in reading books or online
D. It is a way to prove lies and support truths.

2. Which of the following statements best defines that research helps to

strengthen arguments by providing information?
A. It is a tool for building knowledge and for facilitating learning.
B. It assists in decision-making.

C. It produces hard facts that could support your claims and beliefs.
D. It is a way to prove lies and support truths.

3. Which of the following statements describes that research as an aid to

business awareness?
A. Doing research in different reliable sources can increase public
awareness with factual evidences.
B. Many successful companies, such as those producing consumer
goods or mass-market items, conduct research before launching
a venture.
C. It produces hard facts that could support your claims and beliefs.
D. It assists in decision-making.

4. Why is it said that research is the heart and soul of good writing?
A. Doing research in different reliable sources can increase public
awareness with factual evidences.
B. It opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge for idea
C. It produces hard facts that could support your claims and beliefs.
D. Many successful companies, such as those producing consumer
goods or mass-market items, conduct research before launching
a venture.

5. What does it mean when we say research is a means to find, gauge

and seize opportunities?
A. Doing research in different reliable sources can increase public
awareness with factual evidences.
B. It opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge for idea
C. Data sharing allows researchers to build upon the work of others
rather than repeat already existing research.
D. Research helps people develop their potential and reach goals
through various opportunities like of securing scholarships,
employment, training grants and many more.

Let Us Enhance

Activity 3: Fill in the blanks.

Direction: Complete the statements by supplying the missing information.
1. Research is a set of __________________.
2. Research helps to __________________ by providing information.
3. Research is a means to __________________ and to
4. Research serves as a __________________ and for __________________.
5. Research confirms __________________.

Let Us Reflect

In your own understanding, why do we need to conduct researches in the

field of medicine?

Traits 4 3 2 1
Content Ideas and Ideas and Ideas and Ideas and
understanding understanding understanding understanding
are presented presented are are unclear. The are unclear and
clearly and relevant to the some ideas are not relevant to
relevant to the research not related to the research
research learning the chosen learning
learning discussion. research discussion at all.
discussion. learning
Conventions There is a There are few There are quite a There are
correct use of errors to fix, but few convention numerous
grammar, generally uses errors in the convention
punctuation, correct reflection that errors that make
and spelling in conventions. can somehow the work hard to
the whole distract a read and
reflection. reader. understand.

Answers vary.
Activity 3
 Research clarifies issue.
 Research is a means to understand various issues and to increase public awareness.
 Research confirms certainty.
Possible answers:
Activity 2
Answers vary.
Activity 1
Let Us Reflect Let Us Enhance Let Us Assess Let Us Try
Answers vary. 1. sharing valuable 1. D A. AGRICULTURE
information 2. C B. ECONOMY
2. strengthen 3. A C. EDUCATION
arguments 4. B D. CULTURE
3. understand various 5. D
issues; increase
public awareness
4. building knowledge;
facilitating learning
5. certainty
Answer Key

Amorado, R. V. and I.N. Talili. 2017. Qualitative research a practical research

approach. Davao City, Philippines: Mutya Publishing House, INC.

Barwabatsile, C. (2019). A world without research.


Marshall, & Rossman (2014). Designing qualitative research. 6th ed. Los Angeles,

Personal Development Teacher’s Guide. 2016. Department of Education.

Suter, N.. (2011). Introduction to Educational Research: A critical thinking approach.

2nd ed. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE.

Wa-Mbaleka, S. (2017). Fostering quality in qualitative research: a list of practical

strategies. In International Forum. Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 58-80.

Zarah, L. (2020). 7 reasons why research is important.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Davao City Division

E. Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone: (082) 227 4762

Email Address: [email protected]

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