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SUPPLY SCHEME CONVEYOR 800 - Contract No. 3429

(Contract Section 2 - Optional Part)

Construction Methods
Concrete Works (Concrete Reservoirs)

Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon CONVEYOR 800 MAK JV
Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

Concrete Reservoirs – Concrete Works............................................................................................................ 4

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Scope.................................................................................................................................................................. 4

3. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................... 4

4. Quantities......................................................................................................................................................... 4

4.1 Parameters of the Reservoirs......................................................................................................... 4

4.2 Concrete Quantities of the Reservoirs........................................................................................ 5

4.3 Delivery of Materials.......................................................................................................................... 6

5. Time Schedule................................................................................................................................................ 7

6. Services............................................................................................................................................................. 7

6.1 Lighting.................................................................................................................................................... 7

6.2 Communication.................................................................................................................................... 7

6.3 Dewatering............................................................................................................................................. 7

7. Health and Safety Requirements............................................................................................................ 7

7.1 General Precautions........................................................................................................................... 8

7.2 Fall into Excavation............................................................................................................................. 8

7.3 Formwork Installation....................................................................................................................... 8

7.4 Confined Spaces................................................................................................................................... 9

7.5 Machine Guarding............................................................................................................................... 9

7.6 Concrete Casting.................................................................................................................................. 9

7.7 Falling Objects.................................................................................................................................... 10

7.8 Poor Ergonomics............................................................................................................................... 10

8. Environmental Requirements.............................................................................................................. 10

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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon CONVEYOR 800 MAK JV
Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

8.1 Site Disturbance................................................................................................................................ 10

8.2 Disturbance beyond the ROW...................................................................................................... 11

8.3 Water Pollution.................................................................................................................................. 11

9. Risk Assessment......................................................................................................................................... 11

10. Quality Assurance and Quality ControlRequirements...........................................................12

11. Responsibilities...................................................................................................................................... 15

12. Resource Allocations............................................................................................................................ 15

13. Methodology............................................................................................................................................ 16

13.1 Prior Activities............................................................................................................................... 16

13.2 Lean Concrete................................................................................................................................ 16

13.3 Concreting the Ground Slab..................................................................................................... 17

13.4 Concreting the Vertical Elements........................................................................................... 18

13.5 Concreting the Slabs.................................................................................................................... 20

13.6 Placing Reinforcement............................................................................................................... 21

13.7 Formwork Removal..................................................................................................................... 22

13.8 Curing of Concrete........................................................................................................................ 22

13.9 Remedial Work to Defective Surfaces.................................................................................. 22

14. Document References.......................................................................................................................... 23

Annexures.................................................................................................................................................................. 24

Annex I–Plans and Sections................................................................................................................................ 25

1. Markaba 1 Reservoir................................................................................................................................ 25

1.1 Plan......................................................................................................................................................... 25

1.2 Sections................................................................................................................................................. 26

2. Markaba 2 Reservoir................................................................................................................................ 27

2.1 Plan......................................................................................................................................................... 27

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Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

2.2 Sections................................................................................................................................................. 28

3. Markaba3 Reservoir................................................................................................................................. 29

3.1 Plan......................................................................................................................................................... 29

3.2 Sections................................................................................................................................................. 30

4. Srfia Reservoir............................................................................................................................................ 31

4.1 Plan......................................................................................................................................................... 31

4.2 Sections................................................................................................................................................. 32

5. Chaqra 2 Reservoir.................................................................................................................................... 33

5.1 Plan......................................................................................................................................................... 33

5.2 Sections................................................................................................................................................. 34

6. Houla Break Pressure Tank................................................................................................................... 35

6.1 Plan......................................................................................................................................................... 35

6.2 Sections................................................................................................................................................. 36

7. Majdel Selm Break Pressure Tank...................................................................................................... 37

7.1 Plan......................................................................................................................................................... 37

7.2 Sections................................................................................................................................................. 38

Annex III - Formwork............................................................................................................................................ 39

1. Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 39

2. List of Equipment....................................................................................................................................... 39

2.1 Doka Vertical Elements Formwork........................................................................................... 39

i. Doka Form Work Top 50 for Walls................................................................................................ 39

ii. Doka Working Platform K for Walls.......................................................................................... 40

2.2 Scaffolding System for Roofs........................................................................................................ 46

i. Doka Staxo – 100................................................................................................................................... 46

ii. ZaidanShoring Towers System.................................................................................................... 52

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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon CONVEYOR 800 MAK JV
Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

Concrete Reservoirs – Concrete Works

1. Introduction
The purpose of this procedure is to outline the execution of the reservoirs structural works
in respect to Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply
Scheme CONVEYOR 800 Project – Contract Section 02 - Optional.

The reservoirs include Markaba 1, 2 & 3 Reservoirs, Srifa Reservoir, Chaqra 2 Reservoir and
Houla&MajdelSelm Break Pressure Tanks.

This guide will provide the clear steps undertaken to complete the activities required for
constructing the reservoirs in a safe, systematic and efficient manner in compliance to the
statutory and environmental requirements.

2. Scope
The procedure will include the tasks needed for installing the formwork, fixing and bending
of reinforcement steel bars and pouring the concrete of different classes, as well as the
curing and quality control measurements taken during and after pouring. The structural
works includes the construction of foundations, vertical elements and slabs of the reservoirs.

3. Definitions
All terms used in the development of this procedure are defined in Item Specifications.

4. Quantities

4.1 Parameters of the Reservoirs

The different dimensions of thereservoirsincluding foundations, walls and slabs are
summarized here below in the tables as follows:

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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon CONVEYOR 800 MAK JV
Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

Ground Slab Walls

Reservoir Length Width Thickness Length Width Height
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
Markaba 1 30.00 20.00 0.35 100.00 0.45 5.29
Markaba 2 30.00 20.00 0.35 100.00 0.45 5.09
Markaba 3 30.00 20.00 0.35 100.00 0.45 4.94
25.00 13.95 0.35 52.00 0.50 8.45
14.70 4.00 0.50 115.00 0.35 3.63
58.80 0.35 4.30
Majdel Selm 4x3.7 4x3.7 0.50
76.50 0.35 8.80
Srifa 80.00 45.00 0.35 250.00 0.48 5.50
Chaqra 2 45.00 30.00 0.35 150.00 0.45 5.15

Columns Top Slab

Reservoir Size Height Length Width Height
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
Markaba 1 18 0.4x0.4 5.22 30.00 20.00 0.23
Markaba 2 18 0.4x0.4 5.09 30.00 20.00 0.23
Markaba 3 18 0.4x0.4 4.94 30.00 20.00 0.23
Houla 15 0.4x0.4 3.63 30.00 25.00 0.23
Majdel Selm 4 0.4x0.4 4.30 14.70 14.70 0.25
Srifa 180 0.4x0.4 5.50 80.00 45.00 0.23
Chaqra 2 60 0.4x0.4 5.15 45.00 30.00 0.23

Plans and sections for each reservoir are shown in Annex I enclosed to the present method

4.2 Concrete Quantities of the Reservoirs

The concrete quantity for each reservoir is listed in the following table:

Concrete Quantity

Markaba 1 780
Markaba 2 825
Markaba 3 900
Houla 1,000
Majdel Selm 950
Srifa 3,000
Chaqra 2 1,500
Total Concrete Quantity [m ] 3 8,955

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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon CONVEYOR 800 MAK JV
Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

4.3 Delivery of Materials

The different materials used in the construction of the reservoirs are listed below:
 Formwork: Doka Lebanon (Supplier for Doka formworks[Austria])
 Reinforcement: Matko for General Trade L.T.C (Supplier for ArcelorMittal
 Concrete:

 Cement: AlSABEH PA-L 42.5

 Aggregates: From Quarry –Hana Khoury
 Sand: From Quarry -Tallet El Khazen – Aychie& Quarry Brital
 Admixtures: SODAMCO –Admix CF110
 Water: Local water supply system

 Concrete Ancillaries:

 Internal and External Water Stops: Ayla Lebanon (Supplier for DCP [Jordan])
 Hydrophilic Water Stops: Ayla Lebanon (Supplier for DCP [Jordan])
 Polysulphide Sealant: Ayla Lebanon (Supplier for DCP [Jordan])
 Tie Rods: Doka Lebanon (Supplier for Doka formworks [Austria])
 PVC Tubes: Raymon Nassif Est. (Supplier for Rayplast / Narisco Plast)
 PVC Spacers: Raymon Nassif Est. (Supplier for Rayplast / Narisco Plast)
 PVC Chamfers: Raymon Nassif Est. (Supplier for Rayplast / Narisco Plast)
 Form coat: Ayla Lebanon (Supplier for DCP [Jordan])
 Foam Board: Raymon Nassif Est. (Supplier for Kilzi & Co S.A.R.L)
 Non-Shrink Grout: Raymon Nassif Est. (Supplier for Index Construction System

All the above mentioned materials, specifications and characteristics are subject of
Engineer’s approval and are submitted separately including the mix design for the concrete.

Concrete mixing will be performed in our batch plant located at Khyam – Hana Khoury -
Quarry location, to be inspected and approved by the Engineer.

The batch plant shall produce 80 m 3 of concrete per hour. It consists of 2 cement ceilos
having a capacity of 100 ton each and mobile trailer Capacity 45 ton, 4 containers for
material storage (Coarse aggregates, medium aggregates, crushed sand and natural sand) of
36ton each, 9 transit mixers of 10 m 3 each, 2 Transit Mixture 6m 3+ pump Builtin, 2 pumps
(24m and 42m arm length) and one generator 750 KVA.

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Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

5. Time Schedule
Detailed Time Schedule is submitted along with the program of work for the approval of the

The program depicts the sequence of work for the execution of the different reservoirs and
duration of each activity.

6. Services

6.1 Lighting
Contractor will provide the necessary lighting equipment to ensure appropriate lighting in
all the working areas when working at night. Additionally, working machineries and
equipment will also be equipped with lighting accessories.

6.2 Communication
Contractor will provide a radio stations to enable communication between the working

Another separate radio station will be provided for the communication between the batch
plant, each transit mixer and the site engineer in charge.

6.3 Dewatering
The water that appears at the working areas due to surface water inflow during rainy
weather shall be discharged by installing adequate dewatering system through suction
pumps and pipelines to dispose water in accordance with the method statement for
dewatering activities, to be submitted when required.

7. Health and Safety Requirements

Over the years, relatively few people involved in forming, handling, and finishing concrete
have experienced injury. Outlined below are some simple suggestions -protection,
prevention, and common sense precautions- considered by supervisors to ensure a healthy
and safe workplace along with the Health, Safety and Environment Plan provided at site to
ensure smooth running of works in safe manner:

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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon CONVEYOR 800 MAK JV
Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

7.1 General Precautions

1. Ensure that all safety precautions and recommendations outlined in the Risk
Assessments have been applied.
2. Make sure that:

 All personnel including Third Parties are safety inducted prior to site entry.
 Workers are trained and competent in their duties.
 All tools and equipment are in safe and good conditions.

3. Provide Frist Aide Facility on working site in case of minor injury treatment.
4. Arrange for all personnel the pertinent Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
including safety helmet, waterproof boots (Boots taller than the concrete depth), full
cover goggles, alkali resistant gloves, long sleeves and pants (During concrete casting)
and reflective vest (Used by the banks man for leading the crane operator).
5. The jobsite should be adequately marked to warn the public of construction activities.

7.2 Fall into Excavation

Hazards: Falling of personnel in open excavations.

1. Establish a barricaded zone, 2m back from the left excavation face, in areas where
there is a risk of falling and where the depth of excavation exceeds 2m.
2. Ensure that all barriers, cones and flagging warning tapes are in place prior to leaving
the site.
3. Employ authorized signalman with the operator or driver when necessary.
4. Assign a stand-by man with radio to coordinate for providing a rescue team when the
emergency action is required.
5. Provide and Maintain barricades and signs sufficiently when required, as
precautionary measures during the entire stage of construction, to protect the work,
workmen and safety of the public.

7.3 Formwork Installation

Hazards: Falling during installation of formwork or failure during casting of concrete.

1. Adequate temporary bracing must be in place while initially setting formwork.
2. Assure that formwork is properly braced and stabilized against wind and other
external forces.

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Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

3. Safe working platforms must be installed as per applicable safety standards.

4. Ensuring scaffolds, ladders and elevating devices are used and maintained in
accordance to manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.

7.4 Confined Spaces

Hazards: Mixers and ready-mix trucks have confined spaces that pose safety risks for

1. Make sure back-up alarms on all vehicles are functioning.
2. Follow established procedures for confined space entry and work to assure safety.
3. Guard against heat stress when cleaning truck mixer drums.
4. Beware of hot surfaces on equipment and truck components.

7.5 Machine Guarding

Hazards: Unguarded machinery used in the manufacturing process can lead to worker

1. Ensure that guards are in place to protect workers using mixers and metalworking
machinery such as rebar benders, cutters and cage rollers.
2. Be sure appropriate guards are in place on power tools before using them.
3. Lifting devices must be properly spaced and securely attached.
4. Rigging must be arranged so that any one lifting bracket is not overloaded and that
lifting cables are not at excessive angles.
5. A minimum of two tag lines must be used to control movement of crane-handled
6. Do not allow personnel on or directly under any gang form while it is being moved or
suspended in air.

7.6 Concrete Casting

Hazards: Exposure to wet concrete can result in skin irritation or even first, second or third-
degree chemical burns.

1. Wash contaminated skin areas with cold, running water as soon as possible.

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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon CONVEYOR 800 MAK JV
Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

2. Rinse eyes splashed with wet concrete with water for at least 15 minutes and then go
to the hospital for further treatment.

7.7 Falling Objects

Hazards: Workers may be hit by falling objects.

1. Be sure that form work, casting and stressing operations are adequately braced and
chocked to avoid sudden release of materials.
2. Do not walk or work under overhead loads.
3. Avoid working beneath telescopic crane or pumps.
4. Stack and store materials properly to limit the risk of falling objects.

7.8 Poor Ergonomics

Hazard: Improper lifting, awkward postures and repetitive motions can lead to sprains,
strains and other musculoskeletal disorders.

1. Use hand trucks or forklifts when possible.
2. Lift properly and get a co-worker to help if a product is too heavy.
3. Avoid twisting while carrying a load. Shift your feet and take small steps in the
direction you want to turn.
4. Keep surfaces clear to avoid slipping and tripping hazards.

8. Environmental Requirements
Concrete works shall be carried out in accordance with requirements as described in the
Contractor's Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan, taking into consideration the
following precautions.

8.1 Site Disturbance

1. Ensure that the site is kept in a tidy condition at all times and that all the waste
generated by the works is cleared from the site.
2. Do not burn combustible material arising from working activities without the written
consent of the Engineer; otherwise it shall be disposed of as spoil.
3. Collect and Dispose used chemicals and oils in appropriate containers, prohibiting its
discharge to land or surface waters.

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Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

8.2 Disturbance beyond the ROW

1. Minimize disruption caused during the execution of the reservoirsalong the route that
passes through built up areas.
2. Prevent trespassing beyond the ROW for any personnel or equipment.
3. Report any complain by the public to the Community Relation Manager.
4. Reduce noise from machineries to avoid disturbing the surrounding. Machines shall
be turned off when not in use.
5. Set up the lighting needed for night works in such a manner that neighboring
residents are not disturbed. However, the light should be sufficient for the crew to
undertake their works safely.
6. Ensure that the transportation path from site to batch plant is always clean and free
from mortar or waste matter that may fall down during transportation.
7. Assign areas for washing pumps and mixers wheel before leaving the site to public

8.3 Water Pollution

1. Identify any watercourses surface or field drains that maybe affected by the work.
2. Do not discharge or allow water contaminated with silt to enter a watercourse or

9. Risk Assessment
Works shall be carried out in line with the detailed project procedures below that shall be
used in conjunction with this method statement:
 Health and Safety Plan
 Environment Plan
 Inspection Plan
 Contractor's Emergency Management and Monitoring Plan
 Pollution Prevention Plan
 Reinstatement Plan
 Waste Management Plan
 Cultural Heritage Management Plan
 Training Procedure

Risk Assessment sheet of each activity shall be prepared by our specialist before
commencing any activity.

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Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

The process of hazard identification, risk assessment and control is made up of the following
1. Identify the nature and level of hazards.
2. Assess the health and safety risk arising from the hazard.
3. Eliminate human exposure to the threat or hazard.
4. Determine the suitable safeguard and systems of work that shall be implemented.
5. Monitor and evaluate any new control measures to ensure that they are effective and
safe and that new hazards are not created by them.

10. Quality Assurance and Quality ControlRequirements

Quality assurance testing is provided for the verification of the adequacy and effectiveness of
the contractor’s quality control testing and is to be performed on a pre-established schedule.

Frequent testing during initial startup is necessary to verify the process in under control and
complies with the technical specifications of the construction contracts.

The need for quality control testing shall be based on the following considerations:
 The need to perform quality checks for fabrication sequences.
 The need to perform quality checks whenever any deficiencies are discovered.

Quality assurance and quality control covers the records formed from site inspections,
examinations and tests that serve as documentation of the conformance of site construction
and erection to the drawings, specifications and regulations.

The following steps shall be followed by the engineer in charge before proceeding with the
next activities:
1. Fill the inspection check list to ensure that all activates are being performed as per
the expected quality.The inspection check list shall include the specific requirements,
safety and environmental measures.
2. Prepare inspection request, as per QA/QC Plan, and submit to the Engineer for
3. Follow up on the Engineer's site inspection and comments, until the RFIform is
4. Circulate the approved RFIform to the Corporate Quality Department for records
keeping, and issue order to proceed with next activities.

The inspection schedule for reinforcing, formwork and cast -in place- concrete is shown

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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon CONVEYOR 800 MAK JV
Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

Acceptance Criteria
Inspection Parameter Minimum QC Frequency
(Verified by QA)

No visible defects or damage

Reinforcing material
Upon receipt at site
condition No unscheduled kicks or bends

In Accordance with manufacture’s

Reinforcing material storage Daily recommendation

Prior to closing form works and Free from scattered mortars, oil,
In place reinforcement mill scale or coatings
continuous during pouring

No excess water, hardened

In place form work Prior to pouring of concrete concrete, debris or foreign
materials inside the form

According to EN12390 and

Technical Specifications – Volume
Concrete placement Continuous during pouring of concrete 2.2 – Section 4 - Clause

According to Technical
Daily during curing of concrete elements Specifications – Volume 2.2 –
Concrete Curing
for minimum 7days after pouring Section 4 - Clause 4.4.8

According to Technical
Specifications – Volume 2.2 –
Section 4 - Clause and
Formed concrete finishing After the removal of form work
Section 13.9 of this Method

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Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

Concrete testing schedule is summarized in the following table:

Acceptance Criteria
Test Parameter Test Method Minimum QC Test Frequency
(Verified by QA)

BS 3892 According to Technical

Preliminary testing & After 2
Cement test EN 197 Specifications – Volume 2.2 –
months of storage – if any
Section 4 - Clause

Steel bar
According to Technical
(Yield, Tensile Preliminary testing& Upon
BS 4449 Specifications – Volume 2.2 –
Strength and Bending receipt on site
Section 4 - Clause 4.3.1

Aggregates for BS 882 Preliminary testing& Every 250 According to Technical

concrete (Fine and Ton for fine aggregates, 500 Specifications – Volume 2.2 –
Course) BS 812 Ton for course aggregates Section 4 - Clause

According to Technical
Admixtures BS 480 Preliminary testing Specifications – Volume 2.2 –
Section 4 - Clause

According to Technical
Water/Cement Ratio - Preliminary testing Specifications – Volume 2.2 –
Section 4 - Clause

One set for every 100m3 or According to Technical

Compressive strength EN 12390 Daily during pouring of Specifications – Volume 2.2 –
concrete Section 4 - Clause

According to Technical
One per batch prior to pouring
Slump test EN 12390 Specifications – Volume 2.2 –
of concrete
Section 4 - Clause

Tests will be performed in our laboratory located at the site establishment area, to be
inspected and approved by the Engineer upon completion.

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Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

11. Responsibilities
The construction manager is responsible in ensuring the implementation of construction
procedure and method statement, supervising the work and reporting the progress of work
to the planning engineer.

The site manager is responsible for induction, briefing and advising of all personnel and site

The QA / QC engineer is responsible in monitoring the execution and performance of the

works in relation to this method statement, approved drawings and technical specifications.

The site engineer is responsible for organizing all the works on site in a safe manner,
ensuring it is in accordance with the schedule and the construction drawing. He must also
assure the method statement procedure is followed and must notify the consultant for

The safety officer is responsible in ensuring that all activities are carried out safely at site,
establishing the site safety plan, conducting continuous safety inspection and stopping any
unsafe work.

The labor is responsible to properly wear the protective equipment provided and obey all
the safety rules. He must also perform the work as described in the method statement.

12. Resource Allocations

12.1 Man Power

 Site Engineer: 03
 Safety Manager: 01
 Forman: 05
 Operators: 03
 Plant Mechanic: 02
 Skilled Labors: 30
 Unskilled Labors: 30

12.2 Equipment / Machinery Required:

 Crane 15-20 ton: 03

 Concrete Finisher: 06
 Bending Machine: 03
 Concrete Vibrator: 08

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Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

 Air Compressor: 04

The major equipment used in concrete activities includes, but are not limited to the above.

13. Methodology

13.1 Prior Activities

1. Carry out a topographic survey to obtain the original ground levels.
2. Submit for the approval of the Engineer detailed shop drawings including the
reservoirs alignments, levels and reinforcement.
3. Submit for the approval of the Engineer all the materials to be used during the
construction of the reservoirs.
4. Set out and mark the working area as designated in the approved shop drawings.
5. Carry out site clearance activities within the working area.
6. Remove top soil for locations as required by the Engineer.
7. Carry out a topographic survey for the stripped areas.
8. Commencewithexcavation activities to the required alignments and levels.
9. Prepare the surface beneath foundation.
10. Setout the edge points of formwork according to the excavation shop drawings
approved by the Engineer, prior to receiving the 10cm blinding concrete.
11. Excavate and prepare all the required hydraulic pits inside the reservoir that are
below the level of the lean concrete.

13.2 Lean Concrete

Cover the previously leveled and compacted soil surface with lean concrete. Lean concrete
will be ready mixed concrete and will be supplied by the approved mix designs from the
approved batching plants.

Follow the below procedure for casting the 10cm lean concrete:
1. Use 8 cm ₓ 8 cm and 10 cm ₓ 2.5 cm timbers for installing the formwork to the
required size of the internal pits in order to get vertical sides for pits and fill all
inclined excavated sides.
2. Use 8 cm ₓ 8 cm and 10 cm ₓ 2.5 cm timbers for installing the formwork at the edges
of the lean concrete.
3. In sunny days, prior to casting, moist the soil base with water.
4. Extend the lean concrete 10 cm beyond the foundation outer edges or as mentioned
in the execution drawings.
5. Cast the lean concrete to areas within the limits of the contraction joints.

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Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

6. Use for casting either a concrete pump or a trans-mixers depending on the location to
be casted.
7. Level the surface of the lean concrete with pattern end trowel according to the
required slopes mentioned in the approved shop drawings.
8. Repeat all the procedures mentioned above for each area.

Skilled workers will carry out pouring of concrete up to the level marks given by the survey

13.3 Concreting the Ground Slab

The sides of the foundation and hydraulic pits shuttering system are composed of 8 cm x 8
cm timber verticals and sawed timbers horizontal, that will be fixed on the top of the lean
concrete and supported by inclined timbers fixed to wooden platform with sufficient weight
on it in order to keep the side shuttering in place and to maintain the required size of the
foundation as per the execution drawings.

Concrete will be ready mixed concrete with approved mix design. The procedure will be as
1. Clean the lean concrete base from rubbish materials.
2. Double check lines and grade of the lean concrete.
3. Mark the corners of the foundation formwork on the surface of the lean concrete.
4. Locate the formworks according to the marked lines and perform all the survey
checks. Before fixing reinforcement, oil the formwork with suitable formwork oil.
5. Cut and bent the approved rebars with cutting and bending machines according to the
cutting and bending schedules. All cutting shall be cold cuts with no flame cutting
6. Fix the cut and bended rebars to the required positions as designated in the approved
reinforcement shop drawings and according to section 13.6 of this method statement.
7. Clear covers will be as per shop drawings and overlapping locations will be staggered.
8. Use water stops at joints. At construction and contraction joints, the approved types
will be used respectively according to technical specifications. Fix the water stops
using steel bars bended to assure positioning of water stops in place; it will be free
from oil before casting. At construction joints between the foundation and R.C walls,
use hydrophilic water stops. Fix the water stops for joints between two adjacent units
at their ends and continuously all over the section (Wall - Foundation - Wall - Roof).
9. Take all the necessary cleaning measures to assure that debris is not cast into the
10. Perform all the surveying check.
11. Provide on the site the required amount and additional standby vibrators.

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Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme
Conveyor 800
Construction Method –Reservoirs Concrete Works

12. After completing the preparation works and obtaining the written permission from
the Engineer, order the required quantity of concrete.
13. Moist the base mat prior to the placement of foundation’s concrete to avoid rapid
dissipation of moisture from concrete.
14. Start placing of concrete along the perimeter at one shorter end of the formwork and
ensure that concreting is continuous such a way that no cold joints will be formed in
the mat.
15. Take care during concreting in hot weather to prevent the rapid hydration cracking of
concrete. Use the necessary concrete admixtures for hot weather conditions.
16. Take concrete samples during placing of concrete at a minimum of one set of 6cubes
for each placement on a certain location in the same day. Three cubes from each set
will be tested at an early age (7 days) and three cubes will be tested after 28 days.
Slump test will be also performed randomly for each cast within the limit of
12cm<slump <20cm according to BS1881 – 102.
17. When the moisture film has disappeared and the concrete has hardened sufficiently
to prevent laitance from being worked to the surface, use timber - trowel under firm
pressure to produce a dense, smooth uniform surface free from trowel marks.
18. After completion of concreting the foundation, set out the super structures elements
and mark the benching points on the foundation.
19. Carry out the necessary curing after casting ensuring the moistness of the concrete in
order to control its shrinkage and temperature in accordance with section 13.8 of this
method statement.
20. Repeat the above mentioned procedures for each panel of the reservoir. The size of
each panel is mentioned in the approved shop drawings.

13.4 Concreting the Vertical Elements

Before concreting the vertical elements, kickers will be poured at the top of the ground slab
ensuring the ease installation of the walls formwork at leveled kickers, and limiting the
segregation at the bottom of the walls.

For vertical elements, use girder wall formwork system of Doka Top 50. The system is
available in different lengths, plywood, steel brace, props, tie-rods and accessories. The
system is mainly based on forming panels with different dimensions according to the
required heights and lengths as per approved shop drawings. The panels are connected side
to side by elements and face to face by tie-rods. Special accessories as Doka K type formwork
will be used to ease the handling during concrete castingin order to place the concrete in
successive layers of 50cm.

Detailed shuttering system is enclosed to the present method statement in Annex III.

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Concrete will be ready mixed concrete with approved mix design. The procedure will be as
1. Mark the lines of formworks on to the previously poured kicker.
2. Prior to starting any works, remove concrete mortars scattered on the reinforcement,
loose materials and cement grout on the surface of the base concrete by means of
pressured air, water or chipping.
3. Oil the formwork with suitable approved formwork oil before erection. Locate the
inner side of panels according to the marked points, levelit and fix it by means of
panel struts.
4. Erect the formwork required for each separate panel of the reservoir whose kicker
has been completed minimum a day before. Transport the formwork of the walls from
the previously pouredpanel by the use of truck mounted crane of 15-20 ton capacity.
Clean and oil each piece of the formwork before transporting to next pour. During the
installation of the formworks carry out surveying measures to make sure that the
formwork is installed in accordance with the design. Provide walkways to ensure that
walking will not cause anydisplacement of the reinforcement under any operation.
5. Start with rebar fixing takinga special care for spacing, overlapping, diameter,
distance between the consecutive rebars and the length of the dowels. Use adequate
spacers to maintain the distance between the rebar and the side of the forms.
6. After the completion of reinforcement, clean the joint between the kicker and the wall
by means of air compressors and fix the hydrophilic water stop.
7. Place the outside formwork panel and close the formwork. The panels will be kept in
position by means of bracing, strongbacks and tie rods placed inside PVC tubes.
8. After completing the erection of the form work, fix the previously installed internal
water stop.
9. Close the short sides (foreheads) of the formwork, where the water stops are fixed, by
using timber bracing.
10. Take all the necessary cleaning measures to assure that debris is not cast into the
11. Perform all the surveying checks.
12. Provide on the site the required amount and additional standby vibrators.
13. After completing the preparation works and obtaining the written permission from
the Engineer, order the required quantity of concrete.
14. Moist the mat prior to the placement of concrete to avoid rapid dissipation of
moisture from concrete.
15. Carry out concreting at lifts of 50cm thickness and vibrate each lift ensuring the
penetration of the vibrator into the preceding one.

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16. After concreting the topmost lift of the walls, remove the accumulated fine materials
and concrete grout due to vibration using trowels and place new fresh concretein the
17. Take care during concreting in hot weather to prevent the rapid hydration cracking of
concrete. Use the necessary concrete admixtures for hot weather conditions.
18. Take concrete samples during placing of concrete as mentioned for foundation
concreting item.
19. Carry out the necessary curing after casting ensuring the moistness of the concrete in
order to control its shrinkage and temperature in accordance with section 13.8 of this
method statement.

13.5 Concreting the Slabs

Doka Staxo 100 formworks and/or Zaidan Shoring Towers System will be used. The system
consists of wooden or steel I-beams girders available in different lengths, ply woods,
telescopic props and accessories. The system is mainly based on supporting the slab with
placing of the main and the secondary girders properly. Then shuttering will be laid onthe
secondary girders. All the system will be supported by probs. Conventional timber formwork
system also can be used in the same principles.

Detailed system is enclosed to the present method statement in Annex III.

Concrete will be approved ready mixed concrete and the procedures will be as follows:
1. Prior to starting any works, remove concrete mortars scattered on the reinforcement,
loose materials and cement grout on the surface of the walls by means of pressured
air, water or chipping.
2. Install the formwork system to the required lines and levels and place the shutters.
3. After laying the shuttering on the leveled formwork, clean the surface of the
shutterand oil it with suitable formwork oil.
4. Start with rebar fixing taking a special care for the spacing, overlapping, diameter,
distance between the consecutive rebars and the length of the starter rebars.
5. Take all the necessary cleaning measures to assure that debris is not cast into the
6. Perform all the surveying checks.
7. Provide on the site the required amount and additional standby vibrators.
8. After completing the preparation works and obtaining the written permission from
the Engineer, order the required quantity of concrete.
9. Moist the mat prior to the placement of concrete to avoid rapid dissipation of
moisture from concrete.

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10. Place the concrete along the perimeter at one shorter end of the formwork and
ensure that concreting is continuous such a way that no cold joints are formed in the
11. Ensure that the surfaces knit together and that no vibration is occurring within
100mm of the formwork.
12. Place and consolidate the concrete prior to initial set and in no case more than 2
hours after cement is added to the mix.
13. Place the concrete as near as possible to its final position in such a manner as to avoid
segregation of the concrete or displacement of the reinforcement and the formwork.
14. Commence with compaction as soon as there is sufficient concrete within the
formwork to immerse the vibrator and continue during the concrete placing
operation so that at no time there will be a large volume of uncompact concrete in the
formwork. Immerse the needle of the vibrator vertically into the concrete so that
concrete is compacted uniformly. Where the underlying layer is also fresh concrete,
penetrate the vibrator by at least 100mm inside that layer.
15. Take care during concreting in hot weather to prevent the rapid hydration cracking of
concrete. Use the necessary concrete admixtures for hot weather conditions.
16. Take concrete samples during placing of concrete as mentioned for foundation
concreting item.
17. Level the surface of the concrete with pattern end trowel according to the elevations
required for the roof.
18. Carry out the necessary curing after casting ensuring the moistness of the concrete in
order to control its shrinkage and temperature in accordance with section 13.8 of this
method statement.

13.6 Placing Reinforcement

Place concrete reinforcement in accordance with the standards and the technical
specifications,ensuring adequate protection value as required in ASTM and B.S. regulations.

Place and tie the reinforcement using 2mm annealed wires, ensuring exact positions during
the concrete filling and allow for the tolerances specified in the technical specifications by
means of plastic spacers for walls and concrete spacers for foundations and slabs.

Bar benders will work in the workshop and bend all the bars required for each panel every
day and load it for transportation to the site.

Reinforcement shall be cut and bent to the shape and dimensions shown on the drawings in
accordance with the requirements and tolerances of item 4.3.4 of technical Specifications.

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Reinforcement shall not be heated before bending. All reinforcement shall be fixed rigidly in
position. At intersections the bars shall be bound together with tying wire and the loose ends
of the wire shall be turned towards the inside of the member.

13.7 Formwork Removal

Minimum curing period prior to form removal should be fit for the purposes of BS and ASTM
requirement considering the impact of adverse weather conditions as per item 4.4.8 of
Technical Specifications, Volume 2.2 of bed documents.

Formwork shall not be removed until the concrete has settled, adequately cured,and
attained sufficient strength to support its own weight and any additional incidental loads
without damage.Side beams and columns may be removed 24 hours after placement.

Formwork shall be carefully removed without shock or disturbance to the concrete which
will be left to be inspected by the Engineer’s representative in order to decide the measures
for repair or special needs if any.

After removing walls formwork, tie rods will be removed and plastic caps will be placed
inside the PVC tube followed by filling with approved non shrink grout filler and sealed.

13.8 Curing of Concrete

The methods used for curing of concrete shall be approved by the Engineer taking into
consideration the following precautions:
1. Commence with the curing process as soon as the concrete is hard enough to resist
damage from the process.
2. Ensure that curing does not cause damage of any kind to the concrete.
3. Carry out curing for minimum seven days after pouring of concrete.
4. Keep the exposed surfaces continuously wet by means of a water spray or by covering
with a water absorbent material which is kept wet.
5. Protect freshly placed concrete using polyethylene sheet from rainfall and from water
running over the surface until it is sufficiently hard to resist damage from this cause.
6. Do not allow traffic on any concrete surface until such time as it is hard enough to
resist damage by such traffic.

13.9 Remedial Work to Defective Surfaces

If any segregation or unfavorable surface conditions such as honeycombing,extending to
reinforcement, lack of bond on construction surfaces, shrinkages, cracks or broken corner

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edgesoccurs, it will be rendered according to methods approved by the Engineer prior to

commencing any activity.

The procedure for remedial works shall be as follows:

1. Cut out fully by disc cuts to sound concrete with depth not less than 100 mm or
25 mm clear distance behind reinforcement whichever is the greater.
2. Remove cracked and loose concrete followed by cleaning loose particles and laitance
with water and compressed air.
3. Use repair mortars consisting of cement and sand in the same ratio as that of the
concrete being repaired.
4. When necessary, use form against the cavity, provided with a lip to enable concrete to
be placed and broke off the lip of concrete afterwards.
5. Carry out repair works as soon as possible to achieve the best bond between the
repair and the parent concrete.

14. Document References

All concrete works on the project shall be executed as per section 4 of the technical
Specification – Volume 2.2.

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Annex I - Plans and Sections

Annex II -

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Annex III - FormworkAnnex I–Plans and Sections

1. Markaba 1 Reservoir

1.1 Plan

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1.2 Sections
1. Section A-A

2. Section B-B

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2. Markaba 2 Reservoir

2.1 Plan

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2.2 Sections
1. Section A-A

2. Section B-B

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3. Markaba3 Reservoir

3.1 Plan

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3.2 Sections
1. Section A-A

2. Section B-B

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4. Srfia Reservoir

4.1 Plan

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4.2 Sections
1. Section A-A

2. Section B-B

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5. Chaqra 2 Reservoir

5.1 Plan

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5.2 Sections
1. Section A-A

2. Section B-B

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6. Houla Break Pressure Tank

6.1 Plan

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6.2 Sections
1. Section A-A

2. Section B-B

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7. Majdel Selm Break Pressure Tank

7.1 Plan

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7.2 Sections
1. Section A-A

2. Section B-B

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Annex III - Formwork

1. Introduction
The following study will describe the process of the basic assembly of scaffolding and
formwork systems for the Qelia Canal Structure. The surface finish to be achieved on formed
concrete surfaces shall be in accordance to item of volume 2.2 of item specification
(F1, F2, F3 and F4).

The used equipment in the walls formwork operations is comprised of Doka Top 50 and
Circular Formwork H20.

The used equipment in the slabs scaffolding is comprised of Doka-Staxo 100and/or Zaidan
Shoring Towers System.

2. List of Equipment

2.1 Doka Vertical Elements Formwork

3. Doka Form Work Top 50 for Walls

The large area form work Top 50 (Shown in the following figure) is an ideal combination of
timber form work beams H20, steel walling and form work sheets.

The H20 beams are fastened onto the WS10 walling in a robust tilt proof manner. The special
splice plates link the formwork elements together in such a way that they are resistant to
tensile and compressive forces, and align them at the same time.

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4. Doka Working Platform K for Walls

What makes Doka climbing formwork K so economical and so ideal for the site?

The fact that it is set up on the proven Doka folding platforms:

 Various, collapsible folding platforms K and A 3.00m and 4.50m can be used.
 Can be combined with standard components to turn the folding platform and formwork
element into a fully - fledged climbing formwork.
 High speed assembly when the folding platforms K and A are used.
 Optimum adaptability of the element widths and bracket spacing where the platform is
assembled from separate folding brackets with in-situ planking.
 Economical as only standard components are used.

Its ease of operation:

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 Formwork can be erected and struck without a crane and with a minimal manpower.
 Entire unit is lifted in one piece, quickly and easily (i.e. minimal crane time).
 Swift and precise formwork adjustment in all directions.

Its practice-oriented design:

 High loadability (20KN per folding bracket).
 Formwork heights of up to 3.75m.
 Suitable for both timber-beam and framed formwork.
 Wide working platforms (1.80m).
 Formwork is tiltable.
 Complete safety in all phases of the work.

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2.2 Scaffolding System for Roofs

i. Doka Staxo – 100

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2. ZaidanShoring Towers System


A very simple system, you just fit the elements on top of each other and
you get ready-to-use shoring tower. Shoring tower are the ideal shoring
solution for high slabs, bridges and religious buildings.

Easy erection:

This system is well studied to make erection a very simple operation. Its
low skill requirements make it very easy even for the most unskilled

Quick handling:

By using the pigtail pins, one can even erect the Shoring Tower on the
ground and then lift it all together by using a crane.

Simple store keeping:

With only three elements, in addition to adjustable base plates and top,
keeping track of all items is quick and easy. Stackability is efficient and
store keeping is straightforward.

Ease of calculations:

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Shoring towers are simple to use in design. Just think of them as high props, whose load
bearing is 220 KN up to 20m (55 KN per tube).

Heavy duty construction:

Shoring towers vertical elements are made of thick 48mm tubes. Tower bases and heads are
made of full round steel.

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