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Budget Battlefield Skirmish Pack 2’x3’ and 3’x6’ is recommended.

Before setting up,

Day of the Vikings one of the narrow edges of the playing area is
Early in the 9th century Scandinavian determined to be point of departure of the Viking
expeditions began to go A-Viking, a Scandinavian units; this is the point the Viking units must cross
term meaning raiding, on a regular basis throughout with their captives in order to win the scenario. Roll
much of the known world. These ‘Vikings,’ as they initiative to see who sets up first, the winner can
were called, pillaged and traded from Northern chose to set up first or last. Whoever sets up first
Europe to Russia, Spain, and even as far as determines the location of the priest, baron and
Constantinople. baroness.
They took not only loot, but land as well, settling The local priest is set up initially within 1” of
many of the areas they plundered. In 911, a Viking the Church. The baron and baroness are set up
named Rolf negotiated with the Frankish King initially within 1” of the Manor House. Lord
Charles for control of the area that would become William’s group can be set up anywhere in the
known as Normandy. This was just a formality as playing area, some of the units may have been on
Vikings already controlled much of the area, but in guard duty as the Vikings approached, but Lord
return Rolf - now Rollo, ‘Jarl of Rouen’ - would William must be set up within 2” of the Manor House
keep raiding parties from entering the Seine. In 924 to start. The Normans’ goal is to protect the baron
and 933 this territory expanded to the west, allowing and baroness. The Vikings must be positioned inside
Rolf to control other Viking colonies which had the playing area within two inches of any edge. The
begun to spring up - though the area resisted control estate is out in the open, so the Vikings can approach
by a central authority and it would be years before the from any direction desired and in any numbers.
acquisitions could be considered complete.
Early in the 11th century, a Danish king The Game:
named Knut had acquired control of all of England, The Vikings attack the small estate at dawn,
Denmark, Norway and part of Sweden, but this hoping to create confusion and take the estate without
empire was fragile and was lasted no more than undue effort. The peasants are already off on their
twenty years. The age of the Vikings was fading, but morning duties, and as the church and manor house
would continue until the death of the last great Viking disgorge their occupants the Vikings realize they will
leader in 1066. be tested after all.
In 1050, a Viking chief named Harald has Vikings have a reputation for burning
suffered heavy casualties on an expedition to Spain. villages, so no figures are allowed to return inside
In an effort to recoup losses he plans a lightning raid them. Though several have stone outer walls, much
on a small estate in southwest Normandy. Though the of the interiors are wood and will burn quite well.
area is no doubt poor, he hopes to capture the local The baron, baroness and priest cannot be
vassal for later ransom and take whatever valuables attacked as such. They will remain under control of
the baron’s estate and the local church might hold. the Normans as long as a Norman unit, which is not
The baron and baroness are not alone, currently under surrender, is within 5”. They will
however. The baroness is sister to the local lord, who immediately surrender if left unprotected and
is visiting the region with a small retinue of approached within 5” by a Viking unit. To maintain
men-at-arms. As the cry of the Viking attackers splits control a Viking unit, which is not currently under
the morning air, the buildings empty and an surrender, must remain within 5” as well. The baron,
unforeseen battle ensues. baroness and priest have a Move of 6 and will move
as desired by the side controlling them. If there are no
Included in this set: units, which are not currently under surrender, within
6 Norman skirmish units 5” of these figures - they will automatically move
6 Viking skirmish units before either side to a place of safety.
Church, Outbuilding, Peasant Huts, Manor House To win, the Vikings must have both the baron
Shrubs and baroness units cross their edge of the playing
area. If this happens, the Vikings have returned to
Scenario Setup: their longboat with the prisoners and will be able to
Set up the Manor House and Church in the get ransom. They may also take the priest, but this is
center of the playing area, with the huts off to one not required to end the game. The Normans must
side. You can also place rocks, wagons, shrubs, trees capture or kill all of the Viking units in order to
or other obstructions at random locations across the prevent this.
table for cover. A playing area anywhere between
Victory Conditions: any backlash this might cause. At the same time he
Full Victory for the Normans: The Normans capture would be free to reveal his true son, Richard, and by
at least 50% of the Viking units, and kill the rest. doing so enact an opportune revenge on the schemer.
Partial Victory for the Normans: The Normans have
capture or kill all of the Viking units. Giles
Partial Victory for Vikings: The Vikings cross their Cost - 44 Figure Base - 1”x1”
edge of the playing area with the baron and baroness. Giles is the firstborn son of Lord William, and
Full Victory for Vikings: The Vikings cross their edge already a worthy successor to his father. For as long
of the playing area with the baron and baroness, and as he can remember Giles has desired nothing more
either the priest or at least 50% of their units. than to be as worthy a soldier as his father. In fact, he
has excelled him both in skill and daring, though
Further Challenge: even William would be hard pressed to admit it. Giles
To reverse roles, the Vikings can have is a noble soul, chivalrous before his time.
already captured the baron and baroness when Lord
William and his men arrive. In this case the Vikings Algar
must defend the pair and in order to ransom them Cost - 20 Figure Base - 1”x1”
later, while the Normans will be attempting to free Algar is a career soldier from a family of soldiers. He
them and exit the playing area to a waiting wagon or dreams a life of glory and honor, but his days are full
ship. of slogging through mud from village to village and
You can also make use of Dirt Cheep his nights are spent on guard duty. More than once
Terrain™ (available for a nominal charge at the he’s considered giving up his career for the robes of a
MicroTactix™ website: monk, tilling fields and tending to the needy. It’s only
to create a more realistic and challenging landscape. the infrequent thrill of life and death conflict that
The house could be placed on a hill or shoreline to keeps him going.
make it more defendable. Bernard
Cost - 7 Figure Base - 1”x1”
A Note On Historical Accuracy: Bernard is a fake. He was born the son of Norman
While this skirmish set has been set in a historical peasants, but always dreamed of a soldier’s life. He
context, it should not be regarded as a historically ran away at the age of 17, to live as a vagabond. One
accurate representation of such conflicts. Historical night, his wanderings brought him to the camp of a
reference material from this period is relatively sparse Norman soldier. The knight was drunk and
and often biased. Much of what we have was not unconscious beside the fire. Bernard slew him and
even transcribed until more than a hundred years later made off with the weapons and armor he found. A
and is the subject of opposing interpretations. few months’ work training himself to fight and an
All of the characters and places presented invented history allowed him into the service of Lord
here should be regarded as fictitious, with any William. He’s shown a natural affinity for the work,
resemblance to people and places past and present but his lack of formal training is beginning to make
merely coincidental. the other soldiers suspicious.


“Drive these savages from our soil, men! They’ll not Cost - 13 Figure Base - 1”x1”
find us lacking!” Imbert has a well-founded reputation as a suave
lady-killer who haunts the riverside taverns every
Unit Types: night when he’s not on duty. This pastime has caused
him more than his share of trouble, and given the
Lord William region more than its share of bastard sons. No doubt
Cost - 56 Figure Base - 1”x1” time, and a jealous husband, will one day catch him
Lord William is a Norman knight who distinguished up, but until then he still stands as one of William’s
himself against the Byzantines; he was given control loyal and trusted men.
over this region in return when its previous Lord
became involved in a revolt and was killed. That was Richard
only a few years past, but he has come to be Cost - 20 Figure Base - 1”x1”
respected by the locals for his reason and fairness. Richard has the distinction of being the bastard son of
Though he suspects that Giles may not be his true Lord William, and he knows it. Richard’s mother kept
son, having been born a little too soon after William the letters William sent her from abroad detailing his
returned from a campaign, he nevertheless raised the knowledge of the boy’s true parentage. In return for
boy as his own and taught him the skills required by Richard’s silence, William has made him a knight and
a Norman knight. Should favor turn from William - provides extra pay on a regular basis for his upkeep.
for these are turbulent times - he has plans in place to Richard is younger than Giles, and unaware of the
denounce Giles, thus shielding the young man from man’s secrets, so he has no designs on William’s
estate itself. He merely intends to use his father’s lands, and dreams of conquering one and making it
position to further himself while he can. Eventually his home.
he hopes to become a lord himself.
Suggested Skirmishers Composition Cost - 13 Figure Base - 1”x1”
1 Lord William Sven was born to a family of fishermen. It was
1 Giles distaste for the constant smell of fish that drove him
1 Algar to soldiery and exploration, and day in and day out
1 Bernard the seafood diet has driven him somewhat mad. Sven
1 Imbert occasionally goes a bit overboard in battle as a result.
1 Richard
Actual Total Cost 160 Bjorn
Cost - 29 Figure Base - 1”x1”
VIKING SKIRMISH UNITS Despite the prestige some of the Vikings find in
“The gods are with us now, kill these dogs and we wielding an ornate and decorated sword, Bjorn
can take what we like!” prefers a stout axe in hand to cleave his opponents in
two. Bjorn is the son of a freed slave, and known for
Unit Types: both his skill and practicality. He has a successful
farm at home, and a beautiful wife. With his share of
Harald, Viking Chief the loot he hopes to purchase more land and raise a
Cost - 59 Figure Base - 1”x1” large family.
Harald was the son of Jarl, and destined to lead from
an early age. He first went A-Viking at the age of Olaf
twelve, and led a raid when he was seventeen. Harald Cost - 8 Figure Base - 1”x1”
is the headman of a small village, and much Olaf strongly opposed Harald’s decision to bring
respected. The regular expeditions he has led have Thora A-Viking, and he believes her to be the cause
made him quite rich, allowing him to equip his men of their constant misfortune on this expedition. The
better than most of their brethren, and before long he others tend to discount his grumbling though, as it
intends to retire. All of his sons have died A-Viking, was his brother who married Thora and died shortly
however, and he is loath to end his career without a after. Most of them know he desired her for himself,
worthy successor. Harald realizes Thora has every and that his plans to approach Harald about this were
skill and instinct needed to be a good leader, but he dashed when she was allowed to accompany them to
knows too that his people will not accept a woman sea.
Suggested Skirmishers Composition
Thora 1 Harald, Viking Chief
Cost - 37 Figure Base - 1”x1” 1 Thora
Scandinavian women are entrusted with care of the 1 Eric
household, and never given the duties and privileges 1 Sven
of men. Thora is the daughter of Chief Harald, and 1 Bjorn
made herself an exception from the first. She insisted 1 Olaf
on training to fight, hunt and sail alongside her Actual Total Cost 159
brothers. She was married at the age of fourteen, but
when her husband went Viking and failed to return BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS
she demanded his share of the loot. She was duly DISCLAIMER
refused and insisted that she be allowed to accom- We have made every effort to make sure that all parts
pany the next expedition instead. Harald’s initial fit together properly, but sometimes tolerances are
reaction should have been to refuse, but he knew tight and mistakes do happen. Test fit all pieces
from experience that his daughter was a better warrior before applying glue. Some trimming may be
than most of the men under him, and her skill with a required.
bow was more than a match for anyone in the village. Before photocopying or printing these pages on
Harald agreed to take Thora A-Viking, and she has cardstock, you may wish to assemble a test copy on
been at least partly responsible for the lives of those plain paper to better understand the construction. A
who have survived thus far. minimum of 65# cover stock is recommended for
Eric constructing the final models. Regular 20 lb. bond
Cost - 13 Figure Base - 1”x1” paper can be used, but these items were designed for
Eric comes from a line of professional soldiers, going a heavier stock for extra durability and coloring.
back many generations. He has no higher aspirations
than leading his own expeditions into the far corners
of the world. He’s heard strange tales of these foreign
Tools Required:
Scalpel or sharp-bladed hobby knife
Metal ruler or straight-edge
Cutting surface - a self-healing cutting mat is
recommended, but a sheet of corrugated cardboard or
even heavy poster board will work as well.
Glue - white glue, glue stick or wax stick. Double
sided cellophane tape also works well. Rubber
cement can be used, but will sometimes stain the
cardstock or make it more difficult to color.

A Note About Using White Glue

White glue contains a good deal of water. Too much
glue will warp the card stock so that its almost
unusable. Warping may also cause the parts to fit
together incorrectly. If you use white glue, put a very The Finished Models of the Manor House
thin coat on the glue tabs - the thinner the better. You
can use a cotton swab or your finger to spread the Scenario Designed and Written by Craig Griswold
glue thin. Remember to keep a damp paper towel
handy to remove any excess glue. Character Art, Building Designs and Building Art
© 2002 by Gary M. Williams
PLEASE NOTE: Text © 2002 Craig Griswold
Each item has been marked with a series of Grey Distribuited by MicroTactix Games
Lines that are an indicator that these lines are Fold or
Score lines. All Tabs which are to be glued to hold
the structures together are marked with a capital letter
(G). Unless otherwise noted, all Glue Tabs fold
inwards to the structure.

To construct the stand-ups, cut out and fold along the

grey lines. Fold the stand-up in half and glue one
base on top of the other.

All four of the building in this set will construct using

the same method. Cut out and score as indicated.
Glue the right and left sides of the structure together
and fold into a box. Glue the last tab on the side wall
to the inside to close the structure. Cut out the roof
and fold in the middle. Fold in the tabs on the top
edges of the building and attach the roof.

To construct the stone walls on Page 2 of this set,

fold into a box shape and glue the sides down over
the tabs. The small trees on Page 1 will fold up into
triangular stand-ups with the tab along the side glued
to the inside.

The Manor House on Page 3 will construct like the

other houses with the addition of a stone tower. The
tower itself is a simple box shape and can be attached
to the house as desired. Before attaching the tower, a
notch the width of the tower will need to be cut in the
house roof to allow the tower to set flush with the
wall of the house. The chimney folds into a simple
box shape and the tabs along the bottom edge are
folded up to attach to the roof as desired.

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