Material Safety Data Sheet

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Health 1 1
774 Marine Drive Flammability 0 0
Bellingham, WA 98225-1530 Reactivity 0 0
360-671-9121 Fax: 360-671-9024 Material Safety Data Sheet PPE A

Section 1 - Material Identification Section 8 - Exposure Controls

Product: THERMASONIC (All Grades)
® Respiratory Protection: Not required
Synonym: Ultrasonic Couplant Ventilation: Not required
Manufacturer: Sonotech, Inc. Protective Gloves: Rubber, to avoid prolonged contact
Date Prepared: 5/03 Eye Protection: Proper eye protection should be worn in
Emergency Phone: 800-458-4254 / 360-671-9121 any type of industrial operation
Other Controls: Not required
Section 2 - Ingredients (>0.1% by WT)
Component CAS Section 9 - Physical Data
Poloxalene 9003-11-6 Boiling Range: decomposes at 635°F
Silicon Dioxide 7631-86-9 Density: 1.07 g/cc
Triethanolamine 102-71-6 Vapor Density : Not known
All required ingredients are listed on TSCA inventory. Vapor Pressure (temp): Not known
Volatile Organic Compounds: None
Section 3 - Health Hazards Percent Solids: approximately 5%
Primary Route Effect Solubility in water: 40%
Eyes No Transient irritation Appearance & Odor: opaque gel, bland odor
Skin Yes Redness, dryness, itching
Inhalation No None expected Section 10 - Reactivity Data
Ingestion No None expected Stability: Stable
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur
Section 4 - First Aid Hazardous Decomposition Products: Burning can produce
Eyes: Flush with water for 15 minutes & call a physician carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide & nitrogen oxides
Skin: Wash with soap and water Incompatibility: Strong oxidizing agents
Inhalation: Not applicable
Ingestion: If large quantities are swallowed, induce Section 11 - Toxicology Information
vomiting. Consult a physician. Oral toxicity: Not determined

Section 5 - Fire and Explosion Data Skin irritation: Not determined

Flash Point (method): 400°F (COC) Eye Irritation: Not determined
Upper Exposure Limit: None Known / Suspected Carcinogens: None
Lower Exposure Limit: None
Extinguishing media: All standard firefighting media Section 12 - Ecological Information
Special Precautions: SCBA and protective clothing should Not known
be worn in fighting fire involving chemicals
Unusual Hazards: N/A Section 13 - Disposal
Follow applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
Section 6 - Accidental Release
Wipe up excess. Wash with water. Sprinkle with traction Section 14 - Transportation Information
material if spill not cleaned immediately. Domestic Regulations: None
DOT Designation: None
Hazard Class: None
Section 7 - Storage and Handling ID Number: None
Storage & Handling Precautions: Store at room Packing Group: None
temperature. Avoid eye contact and repeated or prolonged International Regulations: None known
skin contact. Material is slippery.
This Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared in Section 15 - Regulatory Information
compliance with the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication WHMIS: Not a Controlled Product
Standard, 29 CFR 1910,1200. Sonotech believes this information EPCRA 311/ 312 Categories: None
to be reliable and up to date as of the date of this publication, but
makes no warranty that it is. If this MSDS is more than three years
old, you should contact Sonotech at the phone number provided
above to verify that this sheet is current.

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