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Physical Education

Team Sports: Basketball

Lesson 1: Nature and Background of Basketball

Basketball is a team sports. It is played by two competing teams. The objective of the game is to score in the opponents
basket and prevent the other team from scoring. The basket that is attacked by a team is the opponent’s basket. The basket
which is defended by a team is the team own’ s basket. The team that has scored the greater number of points at the end of
playing time shall be the winner.
Basketball is a team sport, wherein the objective is to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score points
while following a set of rules. Usually, two teams of five players play on a marked rectangular court with a basket at each width
end. Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports. A regulation basketball hoop consists of a rim 18
inches in diameter and 10 feet high mounted to a backboard. A team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the basket
during regular play. A field goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the basket than the
three-point line, and three points (known commonly as a 3-pointer or three) if the player is behind the three point line. The team
with the most points at the end of the game wins, but additional time (overtime) may be issued when the game ends with a draw.
The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while walking or running (dribbling) or throwing (passing) it to a team mate.
It is a violation to move without dribbling the ball (travelling), to carry it, or to hold the ball with both hands then resume dribbling
(double dribble). Various violations are generally called "fouls".
Basketball was invented in December 1891 by Canadian James Naismith. He presented the game when he was an instructor
at the young Men’s Christian Association Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Facilities and equipment

1.The Court – It is a flat hard surfaced free from obstructions with the dimension of 28m in length and 15m in width.

2.The Ball – It is a spherical inflated ball used in the game of basketball with the standard size of 75-75.88cm in diameter.

3.The ring or Basket - It is the steel rim of 18 inches in diameter with a net attached to it and is affixed to a backboard.

Lesson 2: Basic Skills in BASKETBALL (How they are properly executed)
1. Shooting – is the act of making an attempt to throw the ball to the basket to earn points.
 Remember BEEF (Balance Elbow, Elbow, Follow Through) when shooting the ball.
 Be relaxed and concentrate on the basket.
 Know when you have a good shot and then take it.
 Be in proper balance when shooting the ball.
 Follow through on every shot you take.
 Jump naturally.
 “Up, hang, shoot!” is an easy way to remember this.
 Make sure you have an arc on every shot you take.
 Be relaxed when shooting free throws.
 Practice all of your shots.

2.Dribbling – is the act of continuously bouncing the ball to the floor by one hand or both hands alternately in moving to a certain
point of the court.

 Dribble the ball with hand and use only the tips of your finger in dribbling it.
 Employ the wrist and the forearm to push the ball while covering the court.
 Don’t involve the whole hand to avoid losing control of the ball.
 Don’t keep your fingers in touch with each other while dribbling.
 Spread your fingers to allow full control of the ball as it dribbles.
 Dribble the ball in one side of your body and not right in front.
 While dribbling in one hand, use the other hand to drive your defender away from the ball.

3, Rebounding – the act of successfully gaining the positions of the ball after a missed shot or missed free throw.

 Practice good footwork and vertical leap or jumps.

 Anticipate where the ball will land.
 The longer the shot or the harder the rim, the farther the bounces.
 When a shooter is a soft shooter, this means he always takes time to put an arc on his shots, the ball bounces near the
 When a shooter is a hard shooter, this means there’s a little or no arc on his shots, then the ball bounces far from the ring.
Leg power and strong body are needed in rebounding that’s why it is essential that strength and power exercises should be
considered to conditioning your body.

4.Passing – is the act of transferring the ball positions to a teammate using hand snap.

*Three types of Pass

CHEST PASS - is a pass that involves passing the ball from the chest level going to teammate's chest level. It uses the wrist
when passing the ball.

 Air passes include chest pass-a pass that originates from the chest to the receiver’s chest level; and overhead pass-a pass
that originates from the forehead. With this pass, aim for your teammate's chin. Don’t bring the ball behind your head,
because it can get stolen and it takes a split-second longer to throw the pass.

BOUNCE PASS - the act of throwing the ball to the receiver's side by bouncing it on the floor toward the receiver.
 Bounce pass is thrown to the floor so that it bounces to the intended receiver.
 In executing bounce passes, calculate about 3/3 distance from the receiver as the hitting point so that the ball bounces right
to your receiver. But for better accuracy, you have to experiment by yourself because the bounce is directly proportional
with how strong the ball hits the floor.

OVERHEAD PASS- a pass initiated from forehead going to a teammate.

 A good pass is a pass a teammate can catch.
 When passing, step toward your receiver.
 When catching, step toward the pass.
 Like shooting, the ball should have a backspin to it. This is accomplished by following through on every pass.

 Throwing overhead, bouncing the ball or using a basketball pitch method.

 Blocking – is a defensive act of preventing or altering an opponent from shooting the ball.

Benefits in Playing Basketball

1. Promotes cardiovascular health 6.Boost confidence
2. Burns calories 7.Provides strength training
3. Builds bone strength 8.Boost the immune system
4. Develop self-discipline and concentration

5. Improves awareness of space and body
Benefits of Playing Team Sport

Physical and Health Benefits - Regular participation in team sport reduces the risk - Studies shows that playing team sports
improves critical thinking problem solving, patience, persistence and self-discipline of health problems including diabetes,
obesity and heart diseases.

Social Benefits - It provides opportunity to play with others and therefore help develop and strengthen social skills.

ACTIVITY 1: Fill-in the Missing Component

1. Below is a table indicating three columns namely: team sports, basic skills and
components of physical fitness involved in performing the basic skills. Copy the table in your activity notebook.
2. Second column have already been provided together with the respective basic skills. All you have to do is to identify the
component of physical fitness involved in performing the respective skills. Write your answers in the given column.

Name:_________________________ Section:_________________________
Team Sports Basic Skills Component of Physical Fitness Involved
1. shooting
2. passing
3. dribbling
4. rebounding
5. running


Instructions: Using some of the basic skills in basketball. Follow the procedures and answer the checklist below.

Materials/Equipment Needed:
 *Ball
 *Cones/Water Bottles/Barriers
 *Comfortable P.E attire
 *Stopwatch
1. In front of the starting line, dribble and control the ball around the barriers/cones until you complete the routine and then do the
next skill until you finish the three skills given below.
 Dribble
 Running
 Bounce
2. Make sure to record the time while doing the activities and take some photos if you can.

Self- Assessment Checklist

Instruction: Perform the following skills below then Just put a checkmark ( ∕ ) in the column corresponding to your response to
the items indicated in the following table based on how well you did in each drill station.


Name: Section: Date:
STATION DRILLS Advanced Proficient Approaching Proficiency Developing Beginning



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