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1. Application of this Act
2. Application of Act 179
3. Role of the Bank of Ghana
Licensing of Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Institutions
4. Deposit-taking business
5. Licensing authority of Bank of Ghana
6. Requirement of a licence
7. Application for licence
8. Types of licences
9. Pre-requisites for a licence
10. Provisional approval
11. Invitation to public to subscribe to shares
12. Final approval and issuance of banking or specialised deposittaking
institution licence
13. Non transferability or assignment of licence
14. Conditions for issuance of licence
15. Refusal of licence
16. Revocation of licence
17. Central Register
18. Permissible activities
19. Restrictions on commercial, agricultural or industrial activities and
immovable property
20. Powers regarding unauthorised deposit-taking business
21. Repayment of moneys by unauthorised persons
22. Penalties for unauthorised deposit-taking business
23. Use of the word “bank”
24. Display of licence
25. Places of business to be licensed
26. Representative offices
27. Change of Company Regulations and other instruments of banks or
specialised deposit-taking institutions

Capital and Reserves

28. Minimum paid-up capital
29. Capital adequacy and other capital requirements
30. Additional capital in respect of special risks
31. Capital adequacy requirements on a consolidated basis
32. Notifying non-compliance with capital requirements
33. Penalty for non-compliance with capital requirements
34. Reserve Fund
35. Restrictions on declaration and payment of dividend
36. Liquidity requirements
37. Maintenance of liquid assets on a consolidated basis
38. Additional liquidity requirement for additional risk
39. Notification of non-compliance with minimum liquidity requirements
40. Penalties for non-compliance with liquidity requirements
41. Maintenance of Net Open Position
Ownership and Control
42. Reporting of group structures
43. Registration requirement for financial holding companies
44. Application for registration
45. Display of certificate of registration
46. Restriction on activities of financial holding companies
47. Power to require restructuring of ownership
48. Withdrawal of registration by Bank of Ghana
49. Transfer of shares affecting significant shareholdings
50. Disapproval of transfer of shares
51. Restriction of cap on ownership
52. Sale of businesses, mergers, amalgamations and reconstructions
53. Consideration of application
54. Review of applications for approval of sale of businesses, mergers,
amalgamations, or reconstructions
55. Penalties for non-compliance


56. Corporate governance

57. Duty of directors to report
58. Disqualification of a director and key management personnel
59. Disclosure of interest
60. Intervention of the Bank of Ghana in appointments
Restrictions on Lending and Investments
61. Prohibition of an advance against security of own shares
62. Limits on financial exposure
63. Financial exposure limits on a consolidated basis
64. Restrictions on transactions with an affiliate
65. Restriction on purchase or transfer of certain assets from an affiliate
and insider
66. Restrictions on inter-institutional placements and loans
67. Restrictions on financial exposures to an insider
68. Limits on financial exposures to related parties on a consolidated basis
69. Restrictions on lending to staff
70. Requirements for lending to insiders and their related interests
71. Restriction on establishment of a subsidiary company
72. Limits on investment by banks or specialised deposit-taking institu-
tions in respect of a subsidiary company
73. Limits on investment by banks or specialised deposit-taking
institutions in respect of non-subsidiary institutions
74. Reporting of exposures
75. Asset classification, provisioning and write-offs
76. Limits on a foreign exchange business
77. Powers to impose stricter prudential limits
Accounts and Audit
78. Guidelines on accounting standards and disclosures in financial
79. Accounting records
80. Financial statements
81. Appointment of auditors
82. Power of the Bank of Ghana to appoint auditors
83. Remuneration of auditor


84. Right of auditor to access information

85. Report of auditor
86. Meetings with auditors
87. Duties of auditor to the Bank of Ghana
88. Special audit and additional information
89. Termination of appointment of auditor
90. Display of financial statements
Powers of Supervision and Control
91. Powers of regulation and supervision
92. Directives
93. Information and periodic returns
94. Examination
95. Investigation or scrutiny
96. Power of examiners
97. Taking custody of records
98. Verification of information
99. Examination reports
100. Follow-up action on examination and other supervisory reports
101. Appointment of advisor
102. Remedial measures for banks, specialised deposit-taking institutions
or financial holding companies
103. Remedial measures for directors, key management personnel, and
significant shareholders
104. Prompt corrective action for adequately capitalised banks, specialised
deposit-taking institutions, or financial holding companies suffering
material losses
105. Prompt corrective action for undercapitalised banks, specialised
deposit-taking institutions or financial holding companies
106. Prompt corrective action for significantly undercapitalised banks,
specialised deposit-taking institutions or financial holding companies
Official Administration
107. Grounds for appointing an official administrator
108. General powers of the official administrator


109. Oversight of official administrator by the Bank of Ghana

110. Suspension of dividends
111. Moratorium and effect of official administration on proceedings
112. Suspension of rights of termination
113. Control of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution by
official administrator
114. Inventory and plan of action to resolve the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution
115. Capital increase by existing shareholders
116. Recapitalisation by new shareholders
117. Mergers, sales and other restructurings
118. Mandatory restructuring of liabilities
119. Removal of directors and key management personnel
120. Misconduct by significant shareholders, directors, key management
personnel and others
121. Expenses of the official administration
122. Termination of official administration
Receivership and Liquidation
123. Mandatory revocation of licence and initiation of receivership
124. Qualifications and compensation for receiver
125. Notice and registration of receivership
126. Oversight of Bank of Ghana over receiver
127. General powers of receiver
128. Effects of receivership
129. Control of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution by
130. Inventory of assets and new financial position
131. Repudiation of contracts
132. Setting aside of pre-receivership transactions
133. Determination of claims
134. Claims relating to eligible financial contracts
135. Priorities in payment of claims
136. Termination of receivership and final reporting to the Bank of Ghana
137. Miscellaneous receivership provisions


138. Relationship with other enactments

139. Voluntary winding-up
Miscellaneous Provisions
140. Review of decisions of the Bank of Ghana on licensing
141. Review of decision of Bank of Ghana on official administration,
liquidation and receivership by arbitration
142. Review of decisions through arbitration
143. Unclaimed balances
144. Prohibition of floating charge
145. Confidentiality obligations of officials and employees of the Bank of
146. Secrecy of customer information
147. Agreements for exchange of information
148. Disclosure of information relating to banks or specialised deposit-
taking institutions or financial holding companies
149. Submission of reports on trend and progress
150. Protection from liability and indemnification
151. Collection of civil penalties
152. Prosecution of offences and penalties
153. Joinder of offences
154. General penalty
155. Regulations
156. Interpretation
157. Repeal and savings
158. Validity of existing licence
159. Transitional provisions
160. Moratorium for transition


Oath of Confidentiality

Oath of Confidentiality

Act 930



ACT, 2016
An ACT to amend and consolidate the laws relating to deposit-taking; to
regulate institutions which carry on deposit-taking business, and to
provide for related matters.
DATE OF ASSENT: 14th September, 2016.

PASSED by Parliament and assented to by the President:

Preliminary Matters
Application of this Act
1. (1) This Act applies to
(a) banks,
(b) specialised deposit-taking institutions,
(c) financial holding companies, and
(d) affiliates of banks, specialised deposit-taking institutions and
financial holding companies.
(2) This Act does not apply to credit unions which are subject to
licensing and supervision under the Non-Bank Financial Institutions Act,
2008 (Act 774).

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Application of Act 179

2. (1) This Act shall be read together with the Companies Act, 1963 (Act
179) and shall not except as otherwise provided in this Act derogate from
the provisions of that Act.
(2) Where there is a conflict or inconsistency between the Companies
Act, 1963 (Act 179) and this Act, this Act shall prevail.
Role of the Bank of Ghana
3. (1) The Bank of Ghana shall have overall supervisory and regulatory
authority in all matters relating to deposit-taking business.
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the Bank of Ghana is
responsible for
(a) promoting the safety and soundness of banks and specialised
deposit-taking institutions;
(b) considering and proposing reforms of enactments relating to
deposit-taking business;
(c) ensuring the soundness and stability of the financial system
and the protection of depositors in the country through the
regulation and supervision of financial institutions;
(d) developing appropriate consumer protection measures to
ensure that the interests of clients of the banks and the
specialised deposit-taking institutions are adequately
protected; and
(e) dealing with unlawful or improper practices of banks and
specialised deposit-taking institutions.
(3) The supervisory functions of the Bank of Ghana under this Act
shall be carried out through the supervisory structures established by the
Bank of Ghana.
(4) The Bank of Ghana may authorise the heads of the supervisory
structures or any other person to exercise a power and do an act that the
Bank of Ghana considers appropriate in order to discharge the responsi-
bilities of the Bank of Ghana under this Act.
(5) In accordance with the Bank of Ghana Act, 2002, (Act 612), the
Bank of Ghana may appoint an authorised agent to carry out specified
activities of a particular tier or category or class of specialised deposittaking
institutions on behalf of the Bank of Ghana.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(6) For the purpose of this section, “authorised agent” includes an

apex body, network, industrial association, self-regulatory organisation or
any other person recongnised by the Bank of Ghana.
Licensing of Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Institutions
Deposit-taking business
4. (1) Subject to this Act, a person shall not carry on a deposit-taking
business in or from within the country unless that person is a body corporate
formed under the laws of this country.
(2) A person that is not a body corporate formed under the laws of
the country may, with the prior written approval of the Bank of Ghana, carry
out a deposit-taking business in or from within the country.
(3) A person shall not propose to be a shareholder of a deposittaking
microfinance institution unless that person is a citizen.
(4) The Bank of Ghana shall issue directives to govern the operations
of persons exempted under subsection (2).
(5) For the purpose of this Act, deposit-taking business means the
business of
(a) taking money on deposit and making loans or other advances
of money; and
(b) financial activities prescribed by the Bank of Ghana for
purposes of this definition.
Licensing authority of Bank of Ghana
5. The Bank of Ghana shall have the sole responsibility for
(a) the issuance of licences to banks and specialised deposit-
taking institutions;
(b) granting approval to foreign banks with respect to the
establishment of representative offices; and
(c) the registration of financial holding companies.
Requirement of a licence
6. (1) A person shall not accept a deposit from the general public or
carry on a deposit-taking business in or from within the country without a
licence issued in accordance with this Act.
(2) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe classes of liabilities that
constitute deposits.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) Where it is uncertain in a particular case whether a particular

liability of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution is to be regarded
as a deposit, the Bank of Ghana shall determine whether that liability is a
(4) A person shall not use a licence under this Act for a purpose other
than that for which the licence is issued.
Application for licence
7. (1) A person who seeks to carry on a deposit-taking business shall
apply in writing to the Bank of Ghana for a licence.
(2) An application for a licence under subsection (1) shall be
accompanied with the following:
(a) a certified true copy of the Company Regulations or other
relevant instrument relating to the proposed bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution under which the person
proposing to carry on a deposit-taking business was
(b) the names, addresses, occupations, business and professional
history, certified financial positions, and corporate affiliations
of the significant shareholders and the respective values of
the shares;
(c) where the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution is a
member of a corporate group,
(i) a complete organisational structure including a
diagram of the group;
(ii) direct and indirect affiliates and associates of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, and
(iii) the nature of the relationship to the group;
(d) the particulars of the proposed directors and key management
personnel concerned with the management of the deposit-
taking business, including
(i) their qualifications and experience,
(ii) business and professional history for the preceding
ten years or a longer period that the Bank of Ghana
may determine,
(iii) certified financial position,
(iv) business interests, and
(v) the performance of the business concerns under their
control or management;

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(e) feasibility report including a business plan and financial

projections for the first five years and tide area of activity
(f) documentary evidence of the capital of the proposed bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution, including the original
sources of funds and any other source of funds;
(g) in the case of a foreign applicant
(i) an authenticated copy of the certificate of incorpo-
ration and the Company Regulations or other relevant
instrument and by-laws or similar documents, and
(ii) a written confirmation from the supervisory authority
in the country of incorporation of the applicant or
head office, if different, that the supervisory authority
has no objection to the proposal of the applicant to
carry on a deposit-taking business in the country and
that that supervisory authority exercises global
consolidated supervision over that bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution;
(h) a statement on measures and structures that the applicant
intends to adopt to ensure that business is conducted in
accordance with sound corporate governance principles;
(i) a statutory declaration for each proposed director, key
management personnel and significant shareholder of the
proposed bank or specialised deposit-taking institution,
disclosing, where applicable,
(i) a conviction for an offence by a court of competent
(ii) a personal bankruptcy filing,
(iii) a disqualification from practising a profession, or
(iv) a past or present involvement in a managerial
function of a body corporate or other undertaking that
is subject to insolvency or liquidation proceedings;
(j) the processing fee that the Bank of Ghana may by notice
specify; and
(k) any other particulars that the Bank of Ghana may require.
(3) An application for a licence shall indicate clearly the type of
licence that is being applied for.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(4) The Bank of Ghana may, for the purpose of verifying the
particulars submitted under subsection (2),
(a) interview a promoter, proposed director or key management
personnel in the course of the verification, and
(b) inspect the books, records and premises intended for use by the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(5) Where a document submitted to the Bank of Ghana is not in the
English language, the document shall be accompanied with a certified
translation in English.
(6) The Bank of Ghana may require that information supplied to the
Bank of Ghana be verified, certified or otherwise authenticated in the manner
that the Bank of Ghana may prescribe.
(7) The Bank of Ghana shall
(a) within ten working days of the receipt of an application
acknowledge in writing the receipt of the application; and
(b) within six months after the receipt of an application
communicate its decision in writing to the applicant.
(8) Despite paragraph (b) of subsection (7), where the Bank of Ghana
is of the opinion that further investigation or information is required to
process the application, the Bank of Ghana shall within a reasonable period
after the six month period specified under paragraph (b) of subsection (7),
notify the applicant and subsequently inform the applicant in writing of the
decision of the Bank of Ghana.
Types of licences
8. (1) A licence issued under this Act shall be issued subject to the terms
and conditions that the Bank of Ghana may impose.
(2) The terms and conditions of a licence may be stated in the notice of
approval of a licence and shall be considered to form part of the licence for
purposes of this Act.
(3) A licence shall be designated either as a banking licence or a
specialised deposit-taking institution licence.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Art 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(4) A specialised deposit-taking institution licence shall be issued to an

applicant whose primary activities are limited to deposit-taking business.
(5) The name of a specialised deposit-taking institution shall clearly
designate which category of specialised deposit-taking institution licence that
institution operates under, in accordance with rules prescribed by the Bank of
(6) For purposes of this Act, the Bank of Ghana shall by notice
published in the Gazette or in at least two daily newspapers of national
circulation indicate the designation of a licence issued to a company before
the coming into force of this Act.
Pre-requisites for a licence
9. The Bank of Ghana shall not issue a licence to an applicant unless the
Bank of Ghana is satisfied that
(a) the feasibility report submitted by the applicant under section 7
is based on sound analysis under reasonable assumptions;
(b) the proposed directors and key management personnel of the
applicant are fit and proper persons;
(c) the significant shareholders are suitable and the ownership
structure of the proposed bank or specialised deposittaking
institution will not hinder effective supervision, including
supervision on a consolidated basis;
(d) the paid-up capital of the applicant is adequate and the original
sources of capital are acceptable and do not include borrowed
(e) the arrangements for governance, including accounting, risk
management, and internal control systems and records of the
applicant are adequate;
(f) the applicant is not a shell company; and
(g) the applicant has complied with this Act, the Regulations,
directives, and other legally-binding instruments made under
this Act and any conditions that the Bank of Ghana may

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Provisional approval
10. (1) Without limiting section 9, the Bank of Ghana may issue a
provisional approval of a licence for a subsidiary of a foreign bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution if the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that
(a) the foreign bank or specialised deposit-taking institution is
adequately supervised on a global consolidated basis by the
home country supervisor of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution, and
(b) arrangements for cooperation, coordination, and information-
sharing with the home country supervisor are in place.
(2) The Bank of Ghana may issue a provisional approval for a
specified licence to an applicant on the terms and conditions that the Bank of
Ghana considers appropriate, if the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that
(a) the applicant will carry on business with integrity, prudence
and the required professional competence;
(b) the applicant has and will maintain an unimpaired paid up
capital as specified in section 28 and holds a licence of the
specified type as required; and
(c) where the applicant is a subsidiary of a foreign company, the
applicant will maintain within the country the required capital
in the form of funds transferred from abroad together with
other funds that may be determined by the Bank of Ghana.
(3) The Bank of Ghana may vary the requirements under paragraph
(b) of subsection (2), in the case of a rural or community bank or any other
specialised deposit-taking institution that the Bank of Ghana may determine.
(4) Where the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution fails to
comply with the terms and conditions of the provisional approval within one
year of the provisional approval, the provisional approval shall lapse.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(5) Despite the issuance of a provisional approval under subsection

(1) , the Bank of Ghana may in writing withdraw the provisional approval
if additional information subsequently made available to the Bank of Ghana
justifies the withdrawal.
Invitation to public to subscribe to shares
11. (1) An application for a licence under section 7 shall not include an
invitation to raise capital through a public issue of shares for the purpose of
the proposed deposit-taking business until the applicant concerned obtains a
final approval in accordance with section 12.
(2) The Bank of Ghana may for stated reasons vary the requirement
under subsection (1), in respect of rural or community banks.
(3) An applicant who contravenes subsection (1), is liable to pay to
the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of five thousand penalty units.
Final approval and issuance of banking or specialised deposit-taking
institution licence
12. (1) The Bank of Ghana may grant the applicant a final approval and
issue a licence to carry on a deposit-taking business of a specified type, where
the Bank of Ghana is satisfied
(a) with the organisational and infrastructural arrangements made
by the applicant,
(b) that the applicant has complied with the terms and conditions
stipulated in the provisional approval, and
(c) that the prerequisites of a licence specified in section 9 have
been met.
(2) The holder of a licence issued under this Act shall in addition to
the processing fee for the application of a licence, pay to the Bank of Ghana
(a) an initial licence fee, and
(b) the annual licence fee,
that the Bank of Ghana may by notice specify.
(3) The Bank of Ghana shall notify the institution responsible for
deposit protection of the issuance of a licence to a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Non transferability or assignment of licence

13. (1) A licence issued by the Bank of Ghana shah not be transferred or
(2) A person who transfers or assigns a licence issued by the Bank of
Ghana commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of
not less than two thousand penalty units and not more than four thousand
penalty units.
Conditions for issuance of licence
14. (1) A licence issued under this Act shah be subject to the conditions
that the Bank of Ghana may impose, including
(a) membership of the Ghana Deposit Protection Scheme, and
(b) the activities in which the bank or specialised deposittaking
institution is permitted to engage in.
(2) The Bank of Ghana may amend or vary a condition attached to a
licence issued to a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(3) The Bank of Ghana shall before taking an action under subsection
(2) notify the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution concerned in
(4) Where a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution is dis-
satisfied with the decision of the Bank of Ghana, that bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution may, within seven days of receipt of the notice,
make a representation in writing to the Bank of Ghana.
(5) The Bank of Ghana shall, after considering the representation
made by the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, take a decision and
notify the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution concerned of the
decision made.
Refusal of licence
15. (1) The Bank of Ghana may refuse an application for a licence to carry
on deposit-taking business where in view of the prevailing conditions in the
banking and specialised deposit-taking institution sector or in keeping with
the policy on banks and specialised deposit-taking institutions, the Bank of
Ghana is not satisfied with the merits of the application.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) Where the Bank of Ghana refuses an application under subsection

(1), the Bank of Ghana may give reasons in writing for the refusal of the
Revocation of licence
16. (1) The Bank of Ghana may revoke a licence issued under section 12,
(a) the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that an applicant provided false,
misleading or inaccurate information in connection with the
application for a licence or suppressed material information;
(b) the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution fails to
commence business within one year from the date the licence
was issued;
(c) the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution fails to fulfill
or comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in the
(d) the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution carries on
business in a manner which is contrary or detrimental to the
interests of depositors or the public;
(e) the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution has been
convicted by a domestic court or any other court of competent
jurisdiction of a crime related to money laundering or terrorist
financing or is an affiliate or subsidiary of a parent or holding
company which has been so convicted;
(f) in the judgment of the Bank of Ghana, the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution engages in unsafe or unsound
practices; or
(g) the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution persistently
contravenes this Act, the Regulations, directives or orders
made under this Act.
(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the power of the Bank of Ghana to
take any other remedial or penal action against a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) Where the Bank of Ghana proposes to revoke the licence of a

bank or specialised deposit-taking institution under subsection (1), the Bank
of Ghana shall
(a) give notice in writing to the bank or specialised deposittaking
(b) specify the proposed action and the grounds on which the
action is proposed to be taken, and
(c) give the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution an
opportunity to make a written representation within thirty days
of the service of the notice.
(4) After the expiry of the notice period and considering any
representations made by the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, the
Bank of Ghana may
(a) decide whether to take the proposed action; or
(b) vary the proposed action as the Bank of Ghana considers
appropriate; and
(c) communicate the decision of the Bank of Ghana to the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution.
(5) Where the Bank of Ghana revokes the licence of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution, that bank or specialised deposittaking
institution shall cease to carry on the deposit-taking business if the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution has already commenced business and
shall surrender the licence.
(6) A revocation of the licence of a bank or specialised deposittaking
institution shall have immediate effect.
(7) Despite subsections (3) and (4), the Bank of Ghana may in cases
of emergency, or in the public interest revoke the licence of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution without notice.
(8) Where a licence is revoked under this section, the Bank of Ghana
shall immediately initiate a receivership as provided in sections 123 to 139
and notify the institution responsible for deposit protection.
Central Register
17. (1) There is established by this Act a register to be known as the
“Central Register”.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) The Bank of Ghana shall keep and maintain the Central Register
in which shall be recorded
(a) the name, head office and branch office addresses of the
licensed banks or specialised deposit-taking institutions;
(b) licences which have been revoked; and
(c) any other information that the Bank of Ghana may determine.
(3) The Bank of Ghana shall publish details of the Central Register
on the website of the Bank of Ghana or in any other media that the Bank of
Ghana considers fit.
Permissible activities
18. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not carry on
a business other than any of the following:
(a) acceptance of deposits and other repayable funds from the
(b) lending;
(c) financial leasing;
(d) investment in financial securities;
(e) money transmission services;
(f) issuing and administering of means of payment including
credit cards, travellers cheques, bankers’ drafts and electronic
(g) guarantees and commitments;
(h) trading for own account or for account of customers in
(i) money market instruments,
(ii) foreign exchange, or
(iii) transferable securities;
(i) participation in securities issues and provision of services
related to those issues;
(j) advice to undertakings on capital structure, acquisition and
merger of undertaking;
(k) portfolio management and advice;
(l) keeping and administration of securities;
(m) credit reference services;
(n) safe custody of valuables;

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(o) electronic banking;

(p) payment and collection services;
(q) bancassurance;
(r) non interest banking services; and
(s) any other services that the Bank of Ghana may determine.
(2) Despite subsection (1), a specialised deposit-taking institution
shall not engage in the trading of foreign exchange or offer services
denominated in a foreign currency.
(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution that is engaged in
activities that are subject to the Securities Industry Act, 1993 (PNDCL 333),
Foreign Exchange Act, 2006 (Act 723), the Credit Reporting Act, 2007 (Act
726), the Insurance Act, 2006 (Act 724) or any other relevant enactment shall
comply with the requirements of that enactment, including any registration,
licensing or other authorisation requirements.
(4) The Bank of Ghana may, by directive, restrict the permissible
activities of banks or specialised deposit-taking institutions in general, or a
class of specialised deposit-taking institutions or remove a restriction
imposed as the Bank of Ghana considers appropriate.
(5) A bank or a specialised deposit-taking institution shall seek the
prior written approval of the Bank of Ghana to introduce products that are
derived from the permissible activities specified under subsection (1).
(6) In pursuance of its permissible activities and in introducing new
products, a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall ensure that any
material, publication or advert relating to the activities and products do not
contain false or misleading information.
Restrictions on commercial, agricultural or industrial activities and
immovable property
19. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a bank, specialised deposit-taking
institution or financial holding company shall not engage directly in a
commercial, agricultural or industrial undertaking.
(2) Subject to the limits that the Bank of Ghana may prescribe, a bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company shall not
build, purchase or take a lease of immovable property except
(a) for the provision of business premises, or for the purpose of
housing the staff of the bank or specialised deposittaking
institution; or
(b) for the provision of amenities for staff.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) Despite subsection (2), a bank, specialised deposit-taking

institution or financial holding company may accept immovable property as
collateral security for a debt or other liability and may acquire an interest
which a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company may lawfully acquire in the satisfaction of a debt due that bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company.
(4) An interest acquired under subsection (3) shall be disposed of by
the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company
within one year after the acquisition or within a longer period that may be
determined by the Bank of Ghana on application made by the bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company.
(5) Subject to the limits that the Bank of Ghana may prescribe, a
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company may
let or sublet a part of immovable property which is ordinarily used for
business where the property is in excess of the immediate requirements of the
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company.
(6) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company which contravenes a provision of this section is liable to pay to the
Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of one thousand five hundred
penalty units and for each day that the contravention continues, an additional
penalty of two hundred penalty units.
Powers regarding unauthorised deposit-taking business
20. (1) Where the Bank of Ghana has sufficient reason to believe that a
person is transacting or carrying on a deposit-taking business or taking
deposits in contravention of section 6, the Bank of Ghana may, in writing
authorise an officer of the Bank of Ghana to perform the functions under
subsections (2) and (3).
(2) An authorised officer may
(a) enter any premises or property which the Bank of Ghana has
reason to believe is occupied or used by a person for a purpose
in contravention of section 6;
(b) search for a book, record, statement, document or any other
item used or which is believed to be used, in contravention of
section 6;

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(c) seize or make a copy of a book, record, statement, document

or any other item referred to in paragraph (b), or seize any
money or negotiable instrument found on the premises;
(d) question a person who is found on the premises or an auditor,
director, member or partner of a person conducting business
on the premises, in connection with the conduct of the
business on the premises;
(e) direct that the premises of the business or any part of it or
anything on the premises, be secured and left undisturbed for
as long as is necessary to search the premises for a book,
record, statement, document or item under paragraph (b);
(f) examine a book, record, statement, document or any other
item referred to in paragraph (b) and may require from a
person referred to in paragraph (d) an explanation regarding
any entry in the book, record, statement, document or other
item; and
(g) close down the business of a person referred to in subsection
(3) An authorised officer may by notice in writing
(a) addressed and delivered to a person who has control over or
custody of a book, record, statement, document or any other
item referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (2), require
that person to produce the book, record, statement, document
or other item to that authorised officer of the Bank of Ghana
at the place, on the date and at the time specified in the
(b) instruct a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or other
entity to freeze an account of a person referred to in this
section with the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution
or other entity and to retain all moneys in that account,
pending further instructions of the Bank of Ghana; and
(c) delivered to a person referred to in this section, direct that the
business of that person be summarily suspended, pending
investigation by the Bank of Ghana under this section.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(4) Where the authorised officer performs a function under this

section in the presence of a person affected by the performance of the
function, the authorised officer shall, at the request of the person affected,
furnish the person with the written authorisation referred to in subsection (1).
(5) A person shall not
(a) hinder or obstruct an authorised officer of the Bank of Ghana
in the performance of the functions of that officer;
(b) refuse or fail to comply with a request made by an authorised
officer in the performance of the functions of that authorised
(c) refuse or fail to answer a question which an authorised officer
lawfully directs at that person in the performance of the
functions of that authorised officer;
(d) knowingly furnish an authorised officer with false or
misleading information; or
(e) falsely represent that that person is an authorised officer of the
Bank of Ghana.
(6) A person who contravenes paragraph (a), (b), (d) or (e) of sub-
section (5), commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine
of not less than five hundred penalty units and not more than one thousand
penalty units or a term of imprisonment of not less than two years and not
more than four years or both.
(7) A person who contravenes paragraph (c) of subsection (5)
commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not less
than one hundred and twenty-five penalty units and not more than two
hundred and fifty penalty units.
Repayment of moneys by unauthorised persons
21. (1) Where the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that a person has obtained
moneys in contravention of section 6, the Bank of Ghana shall, in writing,
instruct that person to
(a) repay all the moneys obtained and profits accrued,
(b) return assets acquired as a result of the illegally obtained
moneys or deposits, or
(c) pay any interest or other amounts which may be owing by that
person in respect of those moneys,
to the respective persons from whom the moneys were obtained.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) A person required to comply with the instructions of the Bank of

Ghana under subsection (1) shall comply
(a) in the manner determined by the Bank of Ghana; and
(b) within the period determined by the Bank of Ghana and
specified in the instruction.
(3) A person who fails to comply with an instruction under sub-
sections (1) and (2) shall be deemed bankrupt or unable to pay the debts and
the Bank of Ghana may apply to the High Court for the winding-up, or for the
sequestration of the estate of that person.
(4) Subsections (1), (2) and (3) do not affect the criminal liability of a
person under this Act.
Penalties for unauthorised deposit-taking business
22. (1) A person who carries on a deposit-taking business
(a) in contravention of subsections (1) and (4) of section 6, or
(b) in breach of the conditions of a licence,
commits an offence.
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is liable on
summary conviction
(a) in the case of a body corporate or other body of persons, to a
fine of not less than two thousand five hundred penalty units
and not more than five thousand penalty units;
(b) in the case of a director of a body corporate or other body of
persons, to a fine of not less than one thousand five hundred
penalty units and not more than three thousand penalty units or
to a term of imprisonment of not less than two years and not
more than four years; and
(c) in the case of an individual, to a fine of not less than one thou-
sand five hundred penalty units and not more than three
thousand penalty units or to a term of imprisonment of not less
than two years and not more than four years.
Use of the word “bank”
23. (1) Except as otherwise provided for in this Act, a person, other than a
company holding a banking licence, shall not hold itself out as a bank or use
the word “bank” or any of its derivatives in any language, or any word that
sounds like “bank” in the description or title under which

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

that person is carrying on financial services business in Ghana, or make a

representation to this effect in any billhead, letter, paper, notice, adver-
tisement or in any other manner.
(2) The use of the word “bank” in the name of an association of banks
or of employees of a bank formed for the promotion of mutual interests of its
members shall not be construed as a contravention of subsection (1).
(3) Despite subsection (1), a specialised deposit-taking institution that
is licensed as a rural or community bank may use the term “rural bank” or
“community bank”.
(4) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe similar restrictions on the use
of terminology related to other classes of specialised deposit-taking
(5) A specialised deposit-taking institution shall in all correspon-
dence, publications and advertisement, use the full name of that specialised
deposit-taking institution as stated on the licence issued by the Bank of
(6) The Bank of Ghana may order a person who contravenes this
section to cease using the terminology that caused the contravention and to
change the name under which that person operates.
(7) A person who contravenes this section is Table to pay to the Bank
of Ghana an administrative penalty of one thousand five hundred penalty
Display of licence
24. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall display at the
head office, branches and agencies of that bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution, copies of the licence for the information of the public.
(2) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which fails to
comply with subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an
administrative penalty of one thousand penalty units.
Places of business to be licensed
25. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not carry on a
deposit-taking business at a place other than a place authorised in accordance
with this Act.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not open,

close or relocate
(a) a branch,
(b) an agency,
(c) a mobilization centre,
(d) the head office, or
(e) any other operational or support centre or office,
for purposes of carrying on a deposit-taking business unless specifically
authorised by the Bank of Ghana.
(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which contravenes
this section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of
one thousand penalty units.
(4) In addition to the penalty prescribed in sub-section (3), the Bank
of Ghana may suspend the operations of the branch, agency, mobilisation
center, head office or other operational or support centre of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution involved until the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution obtains approval from the Bank of Ghana.
Representative offices
26. (1) A foreign specialised deposit-taking institution shall not establish
a representative office in the country.
(2) A foreign bank shall not establish a representative office in the
country unless it obtains the prior written approval of the Bank of Ghana.
(3) A foreign bank which seeks to establish a representative office in
the country shall apply to the Bank of Ghana with the information and
documents that the Bank of Ghana may require, including permission from
the supervisor in the country where that bank has its head office or is
(4) Where the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that the foreign bank has
satisfied the requirements specified under subsection (3), the Bank of Ghana
shall issue the foreign bank with a certificate of approval.
(5) A representative office of a foreign bank in the country shall
display in a conspicuous place at the premises of that representative office, a
copy of the certificate of approval issued under subsection (4) for the
information of the public.
(6) A representative office of a foreign bank shall only provide
information and perform liaison functions.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(7) A representative office of a foreign bank shall not transact any

form of deposit-taking or other business in the country.
(8) The Bank of Ghana may require a director or key management
personnel of a representative office to submit information or data relating to
the assets, liabilities, income, expenditure or any of the affairs of the
representative office.
(9) With respect to a reporting requirement under this section or any
other section of this Act, the Bank of Ghana may prescribe
(a) the details of the information that is required,
(b) the form in which the information shall be reported, and
(c) the times or intervals of time at which the reporting is required.
(10) A foreign bank or representative office which fails to comply with
this section commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine
of not less than one thousand five hundred penalty units and not more than
three thousand penalty units.
Change of Company Regulations and other instruments of banks or
specialised deposit-taking institutions
27. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall, before
making an amendment to the company name, Company Regulations or other
instrument under which that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
was established, furnish the Bank of Ghana with particulars of the proposed
amendment for approval.
(2) The bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall within one
month after the amendment is effected file with the Bank of Ghana, a
certified copy of the amendment.
(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which contravenes
this section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of
two thousand five hundred penalty units.
Capital and Reserves
Minimum paid-up capital
28. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall ensure that
while in operation, it maintains in the country a minimum paid-up capital,
unimpaired by losses including accumulated losses or other adjustments, as
may be prescribed by the Bank of Ghana for banks and specialised deposit-
taking institutions.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe different requirements under

this section for different classes of specialised deposit-taking institutions.
(3) For the purpose of calculating impairment of paid-up capital,
losses shall be set off in the following order:
(a) against income surplus and other distributable reserves
excluding revaluation reserves; and
(b) against the Reserve Fund established under section 34.
(4) A financial holding company shall maintain at all times a mini-
mum paid up capital, unimpaired by losses or other adjustments, as may be
prescribed by the Bank of Ghana.
Capital adequacy and other capital requirements
29. (1) The Bank of Ghana shall, by a directive, prescribe a risk-based
capital adequacy requirement, which may be measured as a percentage of the
capital of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company to its assets.
(2) The minimum capital adequacy ratio shall be at least ten percent.
(3) The Bank of Ghana may, having regard to the risk and vulner-
ability of the financial system,
(a) prescribe a higher capital adequacy ratio percentage, or
(b) prescribe different ratios for different banks, financial holding
companies and for different classes of specialised deposit-
taking institutions.
(4) The minimum capital adequacy ratio shall be calculated in
accordance with the methodology prescribed in the directive issued by the
Bank of Ghana.
(5) The Bank of Ghana may, for the purpose of calculating the
minimum capital adequacy ratio, define eligible capital, categories of risk
assets and appropriate adjustments and additions.
(6) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe one or more capital buffers
above that required by the minimum capital adequacy ratio and shall further
prescribe whether failure to maintain the required buffer will constitute
failure to meet the minimum capital requirements for purposes of sections 30,
31 and 102 to 106.

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(7) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe a leverage or gearing ratio and
any other form of capital requirement that the Bank of Ghana considers
necessary or prudent and may prescribe the methodology for the calculation
of the prescribed ratio or capital requirement.
(8) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution and financial holding
company shall comply with the applicable minimum capital adequacy ratio
and any other requirement prescribed by the Bank of Ghana under this
(9) In determining the percentage of the minimum capital adequacy
ratio, the Bank of Ghana shall in each case have regard to
(a) other financial resources available to the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution in question;
(b) the nature, scale and risks of the operations of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution; and
(c) the amount and nature of net own funds required, in the
judgment of the Bank of Ghana, to protect the interests of
depositors, potential depositors and the public.
Additional capital in respect of special risks
30. The Bank of Ghana may require a bank, specialised deposittaking
institution or financial holding company to maintain additional capital that
the Bank of Ghana considers appropriate to address concentration of risks in
the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company,
or in the financial system.
Capital adequacy requirements on a consolidated basis
31. The Bank of Ghana may prescribe capital requirements under section
29 that are to be applied on a consolidated basis to
(a) a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or a subsidiary of
a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, and
(b) a financial holding company or a subsidiary of a financial
holding company.
Notifying non-compliance with capital requirements
32. (1) Where a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or a financial
holding company fails to comply with the prescribed minimum capital
adequacy ratio, it shall promptly notify the Bank of Ghana of the non-
compliance and provide the Bank of Ghana with the particulars of the non-
compliance that the Bank of Ghana may require.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding

company which fails to notify the Bank of Ghana as required under
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty
of one thousand penalty units.
Penalty for non-compliance with capital requirements
33. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company which fails to maintain the level of minimum unimpaired paid up
capital required under section 28 or the capital adequacy ratio required under
sections 29 to 31 is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana a penalty of one-half
per mille of the difference between the capital that the entity should have
maintained and the level of capital actually maintained by the entity for each
day that the default continues.
(2) A director and the chief executive of a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution which fails to comply with the minimum capital adequacy
ratio are personally liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative
penalty of five hundred penalty units.
Reserve Fund
34. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall establish and
maintain a Reserve Fund into which shall be transferred out of net profits for
each year
(a) where the amount of the Reserve Fund is less than fifty per
cent of the paid-up capital of the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution, an amount which is not less than fifty per
cent of the net profit for the year;
(b) where the amount of the Reserve Fund is fifty per cent or more
but less than one hundred per cent of the paid-up capital of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, an amount
which is not less than twenty five per cent of the net profit for
the year; or
(c) where the amount of the Reserve Fund is equal to one hundred
per cent or more of the paid-up capital of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution, an amount equal to
twelve and half per cent of the net profit for the year.
(2) The transfer required under subsection (1) shall be made
(a) before the declaration of interim or final dividends, and
(b) after making provision for tax.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which fails to

maintain a Reserve Fund in accordance with subsection (1), is liable to pay to
the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of two thousand penalty units.
Restrictions on declaration and payment of dividend
35. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not declare or
pay interim or final dividend on the shares of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution unless the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution has
(b) (a) completely written-off capitalised expenditure,
made the required provision for non-performing loans and
(d) other erosions in asset values, satisfied the prescribed capital
requirements, completely written-off accumulated operating
losses from the normal operations of that bank or specialised
deposittaking institution,
made the required transfer to the Reserve Fund under
(e) section 34,
satisfied the obligations of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution under the Ghana Deposit Protection Act,
2016 (Act 931 and paid any outstanding premium owed the
(g) Ghana Deposit Protection Corporation, and clawed back any
dividend paid in contravention of section 34.
(2) Where
(a) the payment of dividend results in the
withdrawal of a part of the free reserves due to inadequacy of
the profit for the year; or
(b) the statutory report of the auditors on the annual accounts of
the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution is not
the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution may declare a dividend on
shares only after obtaining the prior written approval of the Bank of Ghana.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) Where a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution declares or

pays a dividend in contravention of subsection (1) or (2) each director of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution is personally liable to pay to the
Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of five hundred penalty units.
(4) A director is not liable to pay the penalty under subsection (3) if
(a) the contravention was committed without the knowledge or
consent of that director; or
(b) the director exercised due diligence to prevent the commission
of the contravention having regard to all the circumstances.
(5) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which contravenes
a provision of this section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an
administrative penalty of one thousand penalty units.
(6) For the purposes of this section, “capitalised expenditure”
includes preliminary expenses and any other item of expenditure not rep-
resented by tangible assets as may be determined by the Bank of Ghana.
Liquidity requirements
36. (1) The Bank of Ghana shall prescribe one or more liquidity
requirements for banks, specialised deposit-taking institutions and financial
holding companies.
(2) The details of the requirements shall be specified by directive and
may specify different liquidity requirements for banks, specialised deposit-
taking institutions or classes of specialised deposit-taking institutions and
financial holding companies.
(3) The Bank of Ghana may, in addition to subsection (1), prescribe
qualitative criteria required for the liquidity risk management policies and
procedures of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
(4) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall, at a time and
in respect of a period that the Bank of Ghana may require, submit to the Bank
of Ghana a report on the liquid assets of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(5) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which fails to

comply with subsection (4) shall pay to the Bank of Ghana the penalty
provided under section 93 (3).
(6) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution that contravenes
subsection (4) is, in addition to the penalty specified in subsection
(5) , liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of
an amount calculated as one half per mille of the deficiency for each day that
the deficiency persists.
Maintenance of liquid assets on a consolidated basis
37. The Bank of Ghana may by directive prescribe liquidity requirements
under section 36 that are to be applied on a consolidated basis to
(a) a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution and a subsidiary
of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, and
(b) a financial holding company and a subsidiary of a financial
holding company.
Additional liquidity requirement for additional risk
38. The Bank of Ghana may impose a higher liquidity requirement than
that prescribed under section 36 on an individual bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution, or financial holding company to address increased liquidity
risks in the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company, or in the financial system.
Notification of non-compliance with minimum liquidity requirements
39. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which fails to
comply with the required liquidity requirements shall promptly notify the
Bank of Ghana of the non-compliance and provide the Bank of Ghana with
the particulars of the non-compliance, including the reasons for the breach
and the measure taken to rectify the breach.
(2) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution that fails to comply
with subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative
penalty of one thousand penalty units.
Penalties for non-compliance with liquidity requirements
40. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company which fails to hold liquid assets in accordance with section 36 is
liable, in addition to any other penalty, to pay interest to the Bank of

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Ghana at a rate to be prescribed by the Bank of Ghana on the difference

between the total amount of liquid assets which it is required to hold and the
total amount of liquid assets actually held, in respect of a period during which
a difference exists.
(2) Despite any other action that the Bank of Ghana may take, the
Bank of Ghana may issue an order under section 102 requiring that, during a
period specified in the order, the bank, specialised deposittaking institution or
financial holding company shall
(a) discontinue or limit in a manner specified, the granting of
credit or the making of investments or capital expenditure;
(b) not distribute dividends to shareholders; and
(c) be subject to enhanced reporting.
(3) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company which makes a fresh advance to a person during the existence of a
deficiency in the amount specified of its liquid assets without the approval of
the Bank of Ghana is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative
penalty of five hundred penalty units.
(4) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company which contravenes subsection (2) is, in addition to the penalty
specified in subsection (3), liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an admin-
istrative penalty of forty penalty units for each day that the contravention
(5) To ensure compliance with the requirements of this section, the
Bank of Ghana may require a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company to furnish the Bank of Ghana with information by
a specified date in a form that the Bank of Ghana considers appropriate.
(6) In addition to the penalty specified in subsections (3) and (4), a
director or chief executive of a non-compliant bank, specialised deposittaking
institution or financial holding company is liable to pay to the Bank of
Ghana, a penalty in respect of each day during which the deficiency continues
of an amount calculated as one half per mille of the deficiency for each day
that the deficiency persists.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(7) The Bank of Ghana may waive or postpone the payment of a

monetary penalty under this section where
(a) the Bank of Ghana takes some other action to require the bank
to remedy the non-compliance, and
(b) in the view of the Bank of Ghana, the imposition of a
monetary penalty may worsen the condition of the bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
Maintenance of Net Open Position
41. (1) A bank shall maintain a Net Open Position as may be prescribed
by the Bank of Ghana.
(2) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe different Net Open Position
limits for a particular bank or banks.
(3) A bank shall, at a time and in respect of a period that the Bank of
Ghana may require, submit to the Bank of Ghana a report on the Net Open
Position of the bank.
(4) A bank which fails to comply with this section shall, in addition to
any other penalty to which the bank is liable, pay in respect of each day
during which the deficiency exists, an amount calculated as one half per mille
of the deficiency.
Ownership and Control
Reporting of group structures
42. (1) For purposes of consolidated supervision or any other specialised
supervision, a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution that is a member
of a corporate group shall at least twice in each year at times prescribed by
the Bank of Ghana, furnish the Bank of Ghana with a complete organisational
structure of the group.
(2) The organisational structure shall include
(a) a diagram of the group,
(b) direct and indirect affiliates and associates of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution,
(c) the nature of the relationship between the affiliates and
associates and the group, and
(d) any other information that the Bank of Ghana may require.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) Where there is a change to the structure of the corporate group that
is not otherwise subject to approval of the Bank of Ghana under this Act, the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall report to the Bank of
Ghana within the time frame prescribed by the Bank of Ghana.
Registration requirement for financial holding companies
43. (1) A person shall not function as a financial holding company except
in accordance with subsection (2), and sections 44 to 47.
(2) An action taken without the prior written approval of the Bank of
Ghana which causes
(a) a company to become a financial holding company;
(b) a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution to become a
subsidiary of a financial holding company;
(c) a financial holding company to acquire direct or indirect
ownership or control of the voting shares of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution where, after the
acquisition, that company will directly or indirectly own or
control more than five percent of the voting shares of that
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution;
(d) a financial holding company or subsidiary of a financial
holding company, other than a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution, to acquire all or substantially all of the
assets of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution; or
(e) a financial holding company to merge or consolidate with any
other financial holding company
is unlawful.
(3) The Bank of Ghana may exempt a foreign bank or other foreign
company that is subject to regulation and supervision in another jurisdiction
(a) from inclusion in the definition of “financial holding
company”, or
(b) from the application of one or more of the provisions of this
Act applicable to financial holding companies,

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

where that foreign bank or other foreign company is subject to supervision-

and regulation that is satisfactory to the Bank of Ghana, including supervision
on a consolidated basis, in its home jurisdiction or another host jurisdiction in
which it has substantial operations.
(4) An exemption under subsection (3) may be subject to the terms
and conditions that the Bank of Ghana considers appropriate having regard to
the objectives of consolidated supervision or any other specialised
Application for registration
44. (1) A person shall not take an action that causes a company to
function as a financial holding company unless that company is registered as
a financial holding company by the Bank of Ghana.
(2) A person who wishes to be registered as a financial holding
company shall
(a) apply in writing to the Bank of Ghana in the form that may be
determined by the Bank of Ghana,
(b) pay a non-refundable application fee as may be determined by
the Bank of Ghana, and
(c) attach to the application the following information and
(i) the capital resources, including original sources and
capital structure of the proposed financial holding
(ii) the names, addresses, occupations, business and
professional history for the preceding ten years or a
longer period that the Bank of Ghana may determine,
certified financial positions, and corporate affiliations
of persons who will hold or ultimately benefit from
significant shareholdings, directly or indirectly, in the
proposed financial holding company and the
respective values of the shares;
(iii) organisational and managerial structures, including a
complete diagram of the group of companies
controlled by the proposed financial holding company,
identifying the direct and indirect affili-

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

ates and associates and the nature of their relationship

to the financial holding company;
(iv) the particulars of the directors and key management
personnel of the financial holding company, including
qualification and experience, business and professional
history for the preceding ten years or a longer period
that the Bank of Ghana may determine, certified
financial position, business interests and performance
of the business concerns under their control or
(v) the feasibility report, including a business plan and
financial projections for the first five years and areas
of intended activities;
(vi) audited financial statements for the past three years, if
applicable, or for a lesser period that the entity has
been in existence if shorter than three years;
(vii) the measures and structures the company intends to
adopt to ensure that business is conducted in
accordance with sound corporate governance
(viii) for each director, key management personnel or
significant shareholder of the proposed financial
holding company, a statutory declaration disclosing
where applicable, a conviction for offences by a court
of competent jurisdiction, personal bankruptcy filings,
the disqualifications from practising a profession, or
past or present involvement in a managerial function
of a body corporate or other undertaking subject to
insolvency proceedings; and
(ix) any other particulars that the Bank of Ghana may
(3) For the purpose of determining whether to register an applicant as a
financial holding company, the Bank of Ghana shall
(a) consider the information referred to in subsection (2), and in
particular whether the person controlling the proposed

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Art 93U
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financial holding company is suitable, or may prejudice the

interests of depositors and other customers of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution; and
(b) determine whether ownership of shares by the person
controlling the proposed financial holding company, given the
corporate affiliations or structure, will hinder effective
supervision under this Act or is likely to prejudice the interests
of depositors and other customers of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution.
(4) The Bank of Ghana shall not register an applicant as a financial
holding company unless the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that
(a) the feasibility report is based on sound analysis under
reasonable assumptions;
(b) key management personnel are fit and proper, and have the
integrity, qualification and experience for the positions given
the business plan and activities of the proposed bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution and taking into account
the size, nature and complexity of the proposed financial
holding company;
(c) the proposed significant shareholders are suitable and the
ownership and managerial structure of the proposed financial
holding company will not hinder effective supervision,
including supervision on a consolidated basis;
(d) the capital of the applicant is adequate and the original sources
of capital are not tainted and do not include borrowed funds;
(e) the arrangements for corporate governance, including
accounting, risk management, and internal control systems and
records of the applicant are adequate;
(f) the applicant has the capacity to comply with the other
conditions that the Bank of Ghana may impose; and
(g) where the applicant is a foreign company,
(i) the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that the foreign bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution is adequately
supervised on a global consolidated basis by the home
country supervisor of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution, and

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(ii) arrangements satisfactory to the Bank of Ghana for

cooperation, coordination, and information-sharing
with the home country supervisor are in place.
(5) The Bank of Ghana may impose conditions in respect of the
registration of a financial holding company under this section, and may vary,
remove or add further conditions that the Bank of Ghana considers necessary
to carry out the purposes of this Act.
(6) The Bank of Ghana shall
(a) within ten working days of the receipt of an application,
acknowledge in writing the receipt of the application;
(b) within six months after the receipt of complete information in
respect of an application communicate its decision in writing
on the application for registration to the applicant.
(7) Despite paragraph (b) of subsection (6) where the Bank of Ghana
is of the opinion that further investigation or information is required to
process the application, the Bank of Ghana shall within a reasonable period
after the six month period specified under paragraph
(b) of subsection (6) notify the applicant in writing of the decision of the
Bank of Ghana.
(8) The Bank of Ghana shall on satisfying itself that the applicant
(a) paid the application fee, and
(b) satisfied all other preconditions, issue
a certificate of registration to the applicant.
(9) Where the Bank of Ghana rejects an application, the Bank of
Ghana may provide reasons in writing to the applicant.
Display of certificate of registration
45. (1) A financial holding company shall display at the head office of
that financial holding company a copy of the certificate of registration issued
to that company for the information of the public.
(2) A financial holding company which fails to comply with
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty
of not more than one thousand penalty units.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
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Restriction on activities of financial holding companies

46. (1) A financial holding company shall not
(a) without the prior written approval of the Bank of Ghana,
directly or indirectly control any member of another financial
group, whether through establishment or acquisition or
otherwise; or
(b) directly or indirectly, acquire or hold a share or ownership
interest in a commercial, agricultural or industrial company or
unincorporated entity.
(2) A financial holding company may invest in a company that
engages in activities permissible for banks and specialised deposit-taking
institutions under section 18 and any other activities that may be determined
by the Bank of Ghana.
(3) For the purpose of subsection (2), the Bank of Ghana may
prescribe rules relating to
(a) the maximum percentage of shares of a class or the maximum
value of ownership interests that may be acquired or held;
(b) the maximum aggregate value of the shares and ownership
interest referred to in paragraph (a); and
(c) any other matter in respect of the activities permissible for
banks and specialised deposit-taking institutions.
(4) The Bank of Ghana may exempt a company from the requirement
of subsection (1) if that company is
(a) a foreign bank or specialised deposit-taking institution,
(b) a foreign financial institution, or
(c) a foreign financial holding company
and the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that the permitted activities of that bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution, foreign financial institution or foreign
financial holding company are adequately regulated and supervised and do
not present unacceptable risks to the bank or the specialised deposit-taking
institutions in the country.
Power to require restructuring of ownership
47. The Bank of Ghana may require the restructuring of the ownership of
a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution where
(a) that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution is controlled
by two or more persons acting in concert and those persons
also control one or more other companies; or

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
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(b) the Bank of Ghana determines that the structure of a corporate

group of which a bank or specialised deposittaking institution
is a member hinders effective supervision on a solo or
consolidated basis.
Withdrawal of registration by Bank of Ghana
48. (1) The Bank of Ghana may withdraw the registration of a financial
holding company and require divestiture of a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution licensed under this Act, where
(a) the financial holding company persistently fails to comply
with the requirements of this Act,
(b) the financial holding company fails to comply with the
conditions of registration,
(c) the financial holding company ceases to meet the requirements
for registration as a financial holding company,
(d) the Bank of Ghana determines that registration was granted
based on false or inaccurate information,
(e) the Bank of Ghana determines that the financial holding
company is insolvent or is likely to become insolvent,
(f) the parent company of the financial holding company loses its
authorisation to conduct deposit-taking business in its home
jurisdiction, or
(g) proceedings for bankruptcy, insolvency or an arrangement
with creditors are initiated against that financial holding
(2) Where a registration is withdrawn under subsection (1), the Bank
of Ghana may
(a) require the divestiture of the bank or specialised deposittaking
institution in the country,
(b) restrict transactions between the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution in the country and the financial holding
company and other members of the financial group, or
(c) place the financial holding company in official administration
or receivership.
Transfer of shares affecting significant shareholdings
49. (1) At the end of June and December of every year, each bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company shall

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
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furnish the Bank of Ghana with a report listing the significant shareholders,
including ultimate beneficial owners of shares, whether or not they are the
owners on record.
(2) Despite any other enactment, a person shall not without the prior
approval in writing of the Bank of Ghana
(a) directly or indirectly, alone or in concert with one or more
other persons, acquire shares in a bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company which together
with any existing direct or indirect holdings of that person,
constitute a significant shareholding;
(b) directly or indirectly, alone or in concert with one or more
other persons, increase the ownership interest of that person in
a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company if the aggregate ownership interest of that
person after the increase would exceed one of the supervisory
(c) directly or indirectly, alone or in concert with one or more
other persons sell or dispose of shares in the bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company to any
other person if as a result of the transaction, the shareholding
will fall below one of the supervisory thresholds or cease to be
significant in the case of a person who has a significant
shareholding in a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution
or financial holding company; or
(d) enter into an agreement or arrangement which will result in a
change in the control of a financial holding company.
(3) For the purpose of this section, the supervisory thresholds are five,
ten, twenty, thirty, fifty or seventy-five percent of equity.
(4) This section does not apply to a transfer of shares for which an
application for registration as a financial holding company under section 43 is
required, unless an exemption from registration is granted in accordance with
that section.
(5) A person seeking approval of a transaction under
(2) shall notify the Bank of Ghana three months before the date of the
proposed acquisition or disposal.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(6) An application for the acquisition of equity interest in a bank or

specialised deposit-taking institution or increase in holdings of equity
interests in a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall be in the
form prescribed by the Bank of Ghana and shall contain the same information
regarding proposed significant shareholders for a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution that is required under section 7 for licensing a bank.
Disapproval of transfer of shares
50. The Bank of Ghana may disapprove a proposed transfer of shares in
the interest of sound and prudent management of a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution and the functioning and stability of the overall
financial system by preventing
(a) the acquisition of shares by a person who, in the opinion of the
Bank of Ghana, would not be a fit and proper person or who
may exercise influence to the detriment of that bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution,
(b) the sale or disposal of shares by a promoter, director or a
person who has a controlling interest which may be detri-
mental to that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, or
(c) a transaction in any other situation in which the Bank of Ghana
has reason to believe that the transaction may be detrimental to
that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
Restriction or cap on ownership
51. Without limiting section 50, the Bank of Ghana may prescribe a cap
on the ownership of banks or specialised deposit-taking institutions, in the
form of a restriction that ownership of a specific type of specialised deposit-
taking institution be limited to ownership by individuals or that ownership be
capped at a certain percentage for all or some types of owners.
Sale of businesses, mergers, amalgamations and reconstructions
52. (1) A person shall not enter into an agreement or arrangement
(a) for the sale, disposal or transfer of the whole or a part of the
business of a bank, specialised deposit-taking institu-

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tion or financial holding company;

(b) for the amalgamation or merger of a bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company with any other
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company or any other institution; or
(c) for the reconstruction of a bank, specialised deposittaking
institution or financial holding company
unless the parties to the agreement or arrangement have submitted an
application on the proposed agreement or arrangement and all other relevant
information and documents for the approval of the Bank of Ghana.
(2) The Bank of Ghana shall communicate its decision on an
application under subsection (1) within six months from the date of receipt of
complete information.
Consideration of application
53. (1) For the purpose of sections 49 and 52, the Bank of Ghana may in
writing require an applicant or a person who is a director, key management
personnel or financial holding company of an applicant to provide additional
information or documents.
(2) On receipt of the application and any other information and
documents in accordance with subsection (1), the Bank of Ghana may
consider the application and refuse or approve the application in accordance
with section 50 or 52.
(3) An approval granted by the Bank of Ghana is subject to the
modifications, variations or conditions that the Bank of Ghana may prescribe.
Review of applications for approval of sale of businesses, mergers,
amalgamations, or reconstructions
54. (1) For the purpose of reviewing an application for approval submitted
under section 52, the Bank of Ghana shall take into consideration
(a) the financial and managerial resources and future prospects of
the existing and proposed institution, or the surviving or
acquiring institutions,
(b) the effect of the proposed transaction on competition,

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
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(c) the convenience and needs of the community to be served,

(d) the risk to the stability of the banking or financial system, and
(e) the effectiveness of the existing bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution involved in the proposed transaction in
combating money laundering and terrorist financing activities.
(2) A transaction involving a foreign bank shall not be approved
unless the home supervisor of the foreign bank indicates that it has no
objection to the transaction.
(3) A proposed transaction that has the effect to substantially lessen
competition shall not be approved, unless the Bank of Ghana finds that the
anti-competitive effects of the proposed transaction are clearly outweighed in
the public interest by the probable effect of the transaction in meeting the
convenience and needs of the community to be served.
(4) The Bank of Ghana may, by directive, specify the procedure for
processing applications made under section 52 and this section and the factors
that the Bank of Ghana will consider in making a determination.
(5) Despite any procedure required under the Companies Act, 1963
(Act 179) for completion of a merger or other transaction described in section
52, a merger or transaction involving a bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution shall not take effect unless the Bank of Ghana approves the merger
or transaction under this Act.
(6) A person who acquires shares of a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution in connection with a takeover, merger or amalgamation of a
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall meet the requirements of
this Act before applying for a review and approval of the takeover, merger or
amalgamation under the Securities Industry Act, 2016 (Act 929).
Penalties for non-compliance
55. (1) Where the Bank of Ghana has proof that a person has contravened
section 49 or 52, the Bank of Ghana may by order
(a) annul the transfer, merger, amalgamation or reconstruction;

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(b) prohibit the exercise of voting rights in respect of the shares;

(c) prohibit the payment of dividend in respect of the shares; or
(d) prohibit the issue of ‘bonus shares’ or ‘rights issue’ in respect
of the shares.
(2) An order under subsection (1),
(a) shall be in writing; and
(b) is binding on the parties to the share transfer and the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution concerned.
Corporate governance
56. The Bank of Ghana may prescribe rules regarding any matter of
corporate governance of a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company that the Bank of Ghana considers necessary or
appropriate to ensure prudent operation, including matters relating to
(a) the scope and nature of the duties of directors of a bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
(b) the requirements for audit and other specific committees of
the Board;
(c) the responsibilities of key management personnel;
(d) risk management;
(e) internal audit; and
(f) internal controls and compliance.
Duty of directors to report
57. (1) The board of directors or any director shall report, in writing, to
the Bank of Ghana if there is sufficient reason to believe that a bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company
(a) may not have the capacity to properly conduct the business of
that bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company as a going concern;
(b) is not likely to meet the obligations of that bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company in the
near future;

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(c) has suspended or is about to suspend a payment of any kind;

(d) does not or may not meet the capital requirements of that
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company as prescribed in this Act;
(e) is engaged in, exposed to or involved in an event which is
likely to have a material adverse impact on that bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company; or
(f) has contravened or is likely to contravene an enactment.
(2) A director who intends to report a matter referred to in subsection
(1), shall make that intention known to the board of directors in writing
before reporting to the Bank of Ghana.
(3) Where the board of directors or a director fails, omits or neglects
to report to the Bank of Ghana a matter required to be reported under
subsection (1), the Bank of Ghana may consider the board of directors or the
director concerned no longer fit and proper to perform functions in respect
of that office.
(4) Despite subsection (3), the board of directors or a director who
contravenes subsection (1), is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an
administrative penalty of not more than five hundred penalty units.
Disqualification of a director and key management personnel
58. (1) A person shall not be appointed or elected or, accept an
appointment or election, as a director or key management personnel of a
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company if
that person
(a) has been adjudged to be of unsound mind or is detained as a
person with a mental disorder under any relevant enactment;
(b) has been declared insolvent or has entered into agreement
with another person for payment of the debt of that person
and has suspended payment of the debt;
(c) has been convicted of an offence involving fraud, dishonesty
or moral turpitude;
(d) has been a director, key management personnel or associated
with the management of an institution which is being or has
been wound up by a court of competent jurisdiction on
account of bankruptcy or an offence committed under an

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act “30
Institutions Act, 2016

(e) is a director or key management personnel of another bank,

specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company in the country;
(f) is below the age of eighteen years;
(g) does not have the prior written approval of the Bank of
Ghana; or
(h) has defaulted in the repayment of the financial exposure of
that person.
(2) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company which has knowledge or is aware of a circumstance that subjects a
director or key management personnel to disqualification under
subsection(l) shall promptly notify the Bank of Ghana.
(3) Where a person becomes disqualified under subsection (1), that
person shall immediately cease to hold office as a director or key
management personnel and the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution
or financial holding company shall immediately terminate the appointment
of that person.
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is liable to pay to the
Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of one thousand penalty units.
(5) Subsection (1) (e) does not apply where
(a) a person appointed as a director of the ARB Apex Bank
Limited is a director of a rural or community bank;
(b) a person appointed as a director of a rural or community bank
is a director of another bank; or
(c) in the opinion of the Bank of Ghana, special circumstances
require that the person is appointed as a director of another
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company.
Disclosure of interest
59. (1) A person shall, before assuming office as a director or key man-
agement personnel of a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company, declare to the board of directors of that bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company and the
Bank of Ghana
(a) the professional interest of that person or office that person
holds as manager, director, trustee or by any other designa-
tion; and

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
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(b) the investment or business interest of that person in a firm,

company or institution as a significant shareholder, director, partner,
proprietor or guarantor with a view to prevent a conflict of interest with the
duties or interests of that person as a director or key management personnel
of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
(2) A director or key management personnel of a bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company shall
(a) provide an annual declaration of the interests and offices held
under subsection (1);
(b) declare to the board of directors of that bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company, any
material change in business interest or holding of an office
when that change occurs.
(3) A director of a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company who has an interest in
(a) a proposed credit facility to be given to a person by that bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution, or
(b) a transaction that is proposed to be entered into with any other
shall declare the nature and the extent of that interest to the board of
directors and shall not take part in the deliberations and the decision of the
board of directors with respect to that request.
(4) A declaration under subsection (3) shall form part of the
proceedings of the meeting of the board of directors.
(5) A proposal in which a director has an interest shall be considered
and determined by the board of directors.
(6) A person who contravenes a provision of this section ceases to be
a director of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company and an approval granted to that person by the board of
directors in respect of a matter in which that person is interested renders the
approval unenforceable.
Intervention of the Bank of Ghana in appointments
60. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall seek the
prior written approval of the Bank of Ghana before it appoints a Chief
Executive or Deputy Chief Executive of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
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(2) A Chief Executive or Deputy Chief Executive in respect of

whom an approval is sought under subsection (1) shall be ordinarily resident
in the country.
(3) Despite sub-clause (2), where the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that
exceptional circumstances exist, the Bank of Ghana may approve the
appointment of a Chief Executive or Deputy Chief Executive who is not
ordinarily resident in the country.
(4) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not appoint
a person as a key management personnel without the prior written approval
of the Bank of Ghana.
(5) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not appoint
or elect a director without the prior written notice and subsequent approval
of the Bank of Ghana.
(6) The Bank of Ghana shall not grant approval under
(1) if, in the opinion of the Bank of Ghana, that person is not a fit and
proper person to be appointed as a Chief Executive or Deputy Chief
Executive of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(7) Where the Chief Executive is unable to perform the official
functions of a Chief Executive due to illness, or is absent from the country
or any other sufficient cause, the Deputy Chief Executive or a designated
key management personnel shall act as the Chief Executive, after notifying
the Bank of Ghana as soon as practicable.
(8) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall notify the
Bank of Ghana of the changes in the membership of the board of directors
and key management personnel of that bank or specialised deposit-taking
(9) Where the Bank of Ghana considers that a director is not a fit and
proper person to act as a director of a bank or specialised deposittaking
institution, the Bank of Ghana shall, after hearing representations made by
that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, direct the removal of that
(10) Where the Bank of Ghana considers that a director or a member
of the key management personnel is not a fit and proper person to hold that
position based on a change in circumstances or a notification under
subsection (2) of section 58, it shall direct the removal of that director or key
management personnel after hearing the representations made by that bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(11) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial

holding company shall comply with a directive issued under subsections (9)
and (10).
(12) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company shall not outsource a function to any other person without
the written approval of the Bank of Ghana.
(13) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company which contravenes a provision of this section shall pay to
the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of one thousand penalty units.
Restrictions on Lending and Investments
Prohibition of an advance against security of own shares
61. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not grant an
advance, loan or credit facility including a guarantee against the security of
(a) the shares of that bank or specialised deposit-taking
(b) the shares of the financial holding company;
(c) the shares of a subsidiary of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution; or
(d) the shares of a subsidiary of the financial holding company.
(2) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not issue
shares that are paid for by funds borrowed from that bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution.
(3) A transaction carried out in contravention of subsections (1) and
(2) is void.
(4) A director or key management personnel who contravenes
subsection (1) or (2) is personally liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an
administrative penalty of two thousand five hundred penalty units.
Limits on financial exposure
62. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not take
financial exposure in respect of a person or a group of connected persons
which constitutes in the aggregate, a liability amounting to more than
twenty-five percent of the net own funds of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution or a lower percentage that the Bank of Ghana may

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
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(2) For purposes of subsection (1), an unsecured financial exposure

shall not exceed ten per cent of the net own funds of a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution.
(3) For the purpose of this section, two or more persons constitute a
group of connected persons if
(a) a direct or indirect control relationship exists among them;
(b) any other relationship exists to the extent that the financial
soundness of any of them may affect the financial soundness
of the other person;
(c) the same factors may affect the financial soundness of some
persons or the group; or
(d) as a result of the structure of their relationship, the other
person is ultimately responsible for or benefits from the
financial exposure outstanding.
(4) For the purpose of this section, the Bank of Ghana
(a) may provide guidance for banks and specialised deposittaking
institutions in determining whether a connection exists among
a group of persons; and
(b) shall where it is uncertain that a connection exists, determine
if a connection exists on an individual basis, based on the
facts and circumstances of a group of persons.
(5) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe that a deposit with a bank
outside the country solely for correspondent banking purposes
(a) be subject to a higher limit; or
(b) be exempt from the application of subsection (1).
(6) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall within five
(a) report to the Bank of Ghana a financial exposure that exceeds
the limits of this section; and
(b) provide a written plan for remedying the violation as soon as
(7) The aggregate amount of all large financial exposures of a bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not at any time exceed the
percentage level of net own funds prescribed by the Bank of Ghana having
regard to the risk and vulnerability of the financial system.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(8) For the purpose of this section, in computing the financial

exposure the following assets that may be held as collateral shall be
(a) cash deposit;
(b) hen on term deposit with the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution;
(c) market value of treasury bills, Government securities, bank
securities; and
(d) any other security of a similar nature approved by the Bank of
(9) A financial exposure shall not be considered as secured unless it
is adequately secured by a collateral having a market value of at least one
hundred and twenty percent of the outstanding amount of the exposure
throughout the term of the financial exposure.
(10) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which assumes
financial exposure in contravention of this section shall pay to the Bank of
Ghana a penalty calculated as the base rate of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution and a risk premium of five percentage point of the
over exposure.
(11) A director or key management personnel who contravenes a
provision of this section is personally liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana, an
administrative penalty of two thousand five hundred penalty units.
Financial exposure limits on a consolidated basis
63. The financial exposure limits referred to in section 62 shall be
applied on a consolidated basis to
(a) a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution and the
subsidiaries of that bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution; and
(b) a financial holding company and the subsidiaries of that
financial holding company.
Restrictions on transactions with an affiliate
64. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company shall not grant or permit to be outstanding, a financial exposure in
respect of an affiliate of that bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company except on terms which are nonpreferential in all
respects including creditworthiness, term, interest rate and the value of the

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act "3U
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial

holding company shall not take a financial exposure in respect of an affiliate
if the aggregate of the financial exposures to the affiliates of the bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company exceeds
twenty-five percent of the net own funds.
(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), the Bank of Ghana may, by
order, set a specific limit on a financial exposure to an affiliate on an
individual basis, having regard to the circumstances of the bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company.
(4) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company which contravenes a provision of this section is liable to
pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of two thousand five
hundred penalty units.
(5) A director or key management personnel who contravenes a
provision of this section is personally liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an
administrative penalty of two thousand five hundred penalty units.
Restriction on purchase or transfer of certain assets from an affiliate
and insider
65. (1) A financial institution shall not purchase or transfer a non-
performing or low quality asset from
(a) any of its affiliates and associates,
(b) directors, key management personnel, or shareholders, or
(c) a related person or group of related persons or their related
without the written approval of the Bank of Ghana.
(2) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which contra-
venes this section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative
penalty of one thousand five hundred penalty units.
(3) A transaction carried out in contravention of subsection (1) is
(4) For the purpose of subsection (1), a “non-performing asset”
means a financial exposure or asset classified as one according to the
directive of the Bank of Ghana on asset classification.
Restrictions on inter-institutional placements and loans
66. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company which has a capital adequacy ratio of less than the

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

ratio prescribed by the Bank of Ghana under section 29 shall not take an
inter-institutional placement or receive a loan or deposit from another bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company in the
country without the written approval of the Bank of Ghana.
(2) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe an additional restriction on an
inter-institutional placement, loan and deposit for a specialised deposit-
taking institution or a particular class of specialised deposittaking
(3) A placement between an affiliated bank and specialised deposit-
taking institution is subject to section 64.
(4) Where the Bank of Ghana finds that a person has contravened a
provision of this section, the Bank of Ghana shall
(a) in the case of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution,
order the immediate repayment, by the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution of the excess by which the
placement exceeds the limit prescribed in this section and
impose an administrative penalty of two hundred and fifty
penalty units on the offending bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company for each day
the contravention continues; or
(b) in the case of an individual, impose an administrative penalty
of fifty penalty units for each day the contravention continues
and the fine shall be paid personally by each director and key
management personnel who authorised the contravention.
Restrictions on financial exposures to an insider
67. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company shall not grant or permit
(a) an outstanding financial exposure in respect of an insider of
that bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company, and
(b) the related interest of that insider,
except on terms which are non-preferential in all respects including
creditworthiness, term, interest rate and the value of the collateral.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial

holding company shall not take a financial exposure in respect of an insider
and the related interest of that insider if the aggregate of the financial
exposure to the insider and its related interests exceeds ten percent of the net
own funds of that bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company.
(3) For the purpose of subsection (2), an unsecured financial
exposure to an insider and the related interests of that insider shall not
exceed five per cent of the net own funds of a bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company.
(4) Subject to subsection (7) of section 62, a financial exposure shall
not be considered as secured unless it is adequately secured by a collateral
having a market value of at least one hundred and twenty percent of the
outstanding amount of the financial exposure throughout the term of that
financial exposure.
(5) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company shall not take a financial exposure in respect of the related
parties and their related interests if the aggregate of the financial exposure
exceeds twenty percent of the net own funds of that bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company.
(6) The board of directors of a bank or specialised deposittaking
institution is the sole authority to approve or sanction a financial exposure of
that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution to a related party of that
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company or
the related interest of that party.
(7) When calculating capital adequacy, a financial exposure that is
in excess of a limit referred to in this section shall be deducted from capital.
(8) Despite subsection (7), a bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution which contravenes a provision of this section shall pay to the
Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of one thousand penalty units.
(9) For the purpose of this section,
(a) “related interest” as defined in section 156 includes other
related individuals that the Bank of Ghana may determine as
appropriate; and

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(b) “non-preferential” means terms which are not more favourable

than the terms offered under prevailing conditions to a person
other than a person referred to under subsection (1).
Limits on financial exposures to related parties on a consolidated basis
68. The limit on a financial exposure to a related party and the related
interest of that party under section 67 shall be applied on a consolidated
basis to
(a) a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution and a
subsidiary of that bank or specialised deposit-taking insti-
tution; and
(b) a financial holding company and a subsidiary of that financial
holding company.
Restrictions on lending to staff
69. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not lend on
preferential terms to an employee of that bank or specialised deposittaking
institution unless the lending is part of a formally approved employment
package or employee benefit plan.
(2) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not grant to
an employee of that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution an
unsecured advance or credit facility, the aggregate amount of which exceeds
two years’ total emoluments of that employee.
(3) The aggregate amount of loans on preferential terms, both
secured and unsecured, by a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution to
employees shall not exceed twenty percent of the net own funds of that bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(4) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which grants an
advance or credit facility in contravention of this section is liable to pay to
the Bank of Ghana,
(a) an amount of money calculated as one-half per mille of the
over-exposure for each day that the over-exposure persists;
(b) an administrative penalty of not more than one thousand
penalty units.
(5) For the purpose of calculating capital adequacy, a financial
exposure that is in contravention of this section shall be deducted from

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(6) For the purpose of this section, the term “employee” includes a
key management personnel other than an executive director.
Requirements for lending to insiders and their related interests
70. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company shall in considering approval of a credit facility under section 67
ensure that
(a) the person to whom the credit facility is given has credit
worthiness which is not less than the normal requirements of
that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution for any
other person to whom a credit facility is given;
(b) a collateral provided will be evaluated on the same terms and
procedures normally required by that bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution for any other person to whom a
credit facility is given;
(c) the terms and conditions of the credit facility are not less
favourable to that bank or specialised deposit-taking insti-
tution than those normally offered to any other person not
related to that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution;
(d) the offer of the credit facility is in the interest of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution.
(2) The directors of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
shall approve the credit facility at a duly constituted meeting of the directors.
(3) The approval of the credit facility shall be recorded to form part
of the minutes of the meeting at which not less than three quarters of the
directors are present.
(4) The management of a bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution shall report to the board of directors and to the Bank of Ghana, an
exposure to an insider or the related interests of that insider.
(5) An exposure reported under subsection (4) shall be classified
according to the directive on asset classification.
(6) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which
contravenes subsections (1) or (2) shall pay to the Bank of Ghana an
administrative penalty of not more than two thousand penalty units.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Restriction on establishment of a subsidiary company

71. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company shall not establish a subsidiary company without the prior written
approval of the Bank of Ghana.
(2) A subsidiary company established under subsection (1), may
only engage in a permissible activity specified in section 18 in respect of a
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which estab-
lishes a subsidiary company contrary to subsection (1) is liable to pay to the
Bank of Ghana, an administrative penalty of not more than one thousand
penalty units.
(4) Despite subsection (3), the Bank of Ghana shall direct a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution which establishes a subsidiary
company in contravention of subsection (1) to divest that subsidiary
company within a specified period.
(5) The Bank of Ghana may revoke the licence of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution which does not comply with the
directive issued under subsection (4).
Limits on investment by banks or specialised deposit-taking institutions
in respect of a subsidiary company
72. (1) The equity capital invested by a bank or specialised deposittaking
institution in a subsidiary company of that bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution shall not exceed fifteen per cent of the net own funds of the bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(2) Where the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution has more
than one subsidiary company, the aggregate of equity capital invested in the
subsidiary companies by the bank or specialised deposittaking institution
shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the net own funds of that bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution.
(3) The aggregate amount of a financial exposure including the
credit facility which a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution may
take in respect of a subsidiary of that bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution shall not exceed
(a) in the case of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
which has only one subsidiary company, twenty-five per cent
of the net own funds of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution; or

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Art 93U
Institutions Act, 2016

(b) in the case of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution

which has more than one subsidiary company, thirty- five per
cent of the net own funds of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution.
(4) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which contra-
venes a provision of this section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an
administrative penalty of not more than one thousand penalty units.
Limits on investment by banks or specialised deposit-taking institutions
in respect of non-subsidiary institutions
73. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not invest or
hold investments in the share capital of a body corporate other than a
subsidiary of that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution if the amount
of the investment exceeds ten per cent of the net own funds of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution.
(2) The aggregate of the investments in the share capital of two or
more bodies corporate other than a subsidiary of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the net own
funds of that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not invest or
hold investments in the share capital of a body corporate other than a
subsidiary of that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution that
represents more than five percent interest in the body corporate.
(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to
(a) an equity interest that has been acquired by a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution in foreclosure on or in
place of repayment of a loan granted by the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution; or
(b) an equity interest held by a bank or specialised deposittaking
institution as an agent or trustee.
(5) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall dispose of
an equity interest acquired under subsection (4)
(a) within one year from the date of acquisition; or
(b) within a longer period that the Bank of Ghana may permit.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(6) An equity interest acquired in a company engaged in a

permissible activity under section 18 other than a subsidiary of a company
may exceed the limit imposed under subsection (1) to the extent permitted
by the Bank of Ghana.
(7) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which
contravenes subsections (1) to (3), is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana, an
administrative penalty of one thousand penalty units.
Reporting of exposures
74. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company shall report to the Bank of Ghana, the particulars of a large
(2) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company shall report to the Bank of Ghana, the particulars of lending to a
related party and the related interest of that party.
(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall report to the
Bank of Ghana on investments undertaken under section 73.
(4) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company which fails to comply with this section is liable to pay to the Bank
of Ghana, an administrative penalty of not more than one thousand penalty
Asset classification, provisioning and write-offs
75. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall maintain and
implement a proper policy of non-accrual of interest on a non-performing
loan and provisioning for a bad debt and any other exposure.
(2) An asset or financial exposure of a bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company shall not be written off or
waived fully or partially, without the sanction of the board of directors and
the prior written approval of the Bank of Ghana.
(3) Despite subsection (2), the Bank of Ghana may prescribe a
minimum threshold that permits write-offs of an asset or exposure below a
certain size which only requires the approval of the board of directors.
(4) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company which fails to comply with this section is liable to pay to
the Bank of Ghana, an administrative penalty of not more than one thousand
penalty units.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

Limits on a foreign exchange business

76. (1) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe a restriction on a foreign
exchange business of a bank or financial holding company.
(2) A person who fails to comply with a restriction imposed under
subsection (1), is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana, an administrative
penalty of not more than one hundred and twenty per cent of the gross
income accruing from the business.
Powers to impose stricter prudential limits
77. (1) The Bank of Ghana may, in respect of a prudential limit
prescribed under this Act, impose a stricter limit for banks, specialised
deposit-taking institutions or financial holding companies or a class of
specialised deposit-taking institutions or a particular bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company for the period that
the Bank of Ghana considers appropriate.
(2) Despite subsection (1), the Bank of Ghana may, by directives,
vary any of the limits under sections 62 to 69 and sections 71 to 73 in cases
of emergency for the period that the Bank of Ghana considers appropriate.
(3) For the purposes of this section, “a case of emergency” is any
situation that may pose a threat to the stability of the financial system.
Accounts and Audit
Guidelines on accounting standards and disclosures in financial
78. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company shall prepare accounts and financial statements in the form and
provide details in accordance with
(a) internationally-accepted accounting standards; and
(b) rules or standards based on the Basel Core Principles as
prescribed by the Bank of Ghana.
(2) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company which does not comply with subsection (1) shall pay to the
Bank of Ghana, an administrative penalty of not more than one thousand
penalty units.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Accounting records
79. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company shall keep accounting records in a manner that gives an accurate
and reliable account of the transactions of that bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company.
(2) The accounts prepared from the records of the bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company shall give a true and
fair view of the state of affairs and results of operations for the accounting
period of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
(3) The accounting records of the bank, specialised deposittaking
institution or financial holding company shall be kept at the head office of
the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company, in the country for a period of not less than ten years.
(4) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company which contravenes a provision of this section is liable to pay to the
Bank of Ghana, an administrative penalty of not more than one thousand
penalty units.
Financial statements
80. (1) Each bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company shall prepare, at the expiration of each calendar year, in
respect of the business transacted by it with reference to that year, audited
financial statements on a solo and a consolidated basis.
(2) The financial statements referred to in subsection (1) and the
accounting records of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company shall be audited by qualified auditors duly
appointed in accordance with this Act.
(3) The board of directors of the bank or specialised deposit- taking
institution or financial holding company shall approve the financial state-
ments referred to in subsection (1).
(4) The financial statements approved under subsection (3) shall be
signed by at least two directors of the bank, specialised deposit-taking
institution or financial holding company or as the Bank of Ghana may
otherwise direct.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act
Institutions Act, 2016

(5) A bank, specialised deposit taking institution or financial holding

company which fails to prepare or submit financial statements in accordance
with this section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana, an administrative
penalty of not more than one thousand penalty units.
Appointment of auditors
81. (1) An auditor of a bank or specialised deposit taking- institution
shall except as provided in subsection (2) of section 82, be appointed at an
annual general meeting of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
and be approved by the Bank of Ghana in the manner and on the terms that
may be prescribed.
(2) The directors of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
may appoint
(a) the first auditor of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution; or
(b) an auditor to act in place of the auditor who is for any reason
unable or unwilling to act until a new auditor is appointed at
an annual general meeting or until the Bank of Ghana
appoints an auditor under subsection (2) of section 82.
(3) A person shall not be appointed an auditor of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution unless that person
(a) is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
(Ghana) under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1963 (Act
170); and
(b) is not disqualified by an enactment in force in this country or
in any other country from being appointed as an auditor of a
body corporate.
(4) An auditor of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
shall hold office for a term of not more than six years and is eligible for re-
appointment after a cooling off period of not less than five years.
(5) The periods specified in subsection (4) may be varied by the
Bank of Ghana.
(6) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which engages an
auditor contrary to this section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an
administrative penalty of not more than two thousand five hundred penalty

Power of the Bank of Ghana to appoint auditors
82. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which for a
continuous period of three months is without an auditor shall notify the

(2) The Bank of Ghana shall upon being notified under

(1) appoint an auditor for that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
to hold office until the next annual general meeting of that bank or

(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which fails to

notify the Bank of Ghana as required under subsection (1) shall pay to the
Bank of Ghana, an administrative penalty of not more than one

83. (1) The remuneration of an auditor of a bank or specialised deposit-

taking institution shall be determined in accordance with the

(2) Where for any reason an auditor is appointed to fill a temporary

vacancy in the office of the auditor of a bank or specialised deposittaking
institution, that auditor shall be paid an equitable proportion of the
remuneration fixed under subsection (1) as the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution, having regard to all the circumstances of the

Right of auditor to access information

84. (1) An auditor of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
(a) a right of access to the accounting records, minutes book,
files and other relevant documentary evidence, cash and
securities of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institu-

(b) a right to request information and explanation from the

directors, management, staff and appointed agents of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution requisite for the
efficient performance of the duties of the auditor.
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), “accounting records” include
computerised and manual files, vouchers, reports and other transactions of
the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

Report of auditor
85. (1) An auditor of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall
submit to that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution and to the Bank
of Ghana at least once every year
(a) not later than 31st March of the ensuing year in the case of a
bank; and
(b) not later than 30th April of the ensuing year in the case of a
specialised deposit-taking institution,
a statutory audit report and a long form audit report.
(2) The auditor shall state in the statutory audit report whether
or not
(a) the accounts give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of
the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution and the
results of operations for the period under review;
(b) the auditor was able to obtain all the information and
explanation required for the efficient performance of the
duties of the auditor;
(c) the transactions of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution are within the powers of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution;
(d) in the opinion of the auditor, the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution has complied with the provisions of the
Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749), the Anti
Terrorism Act, 2008 (Act 762) and the Regulations made
under these enactments; and
(e) the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution has com-
plied with the provisions of this Act.
(3) The auditor shall submit a long form audit report on the accounts
and the affairs of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution generally
and in addition comment on the matters to be specified in directives made by
the Bank of Ghana.
Meetings with auditors
86. (1) The Bank of Ghana may, periodically arrange meetings between
the Bank of Ghana, a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or
financial holding company and its auditor to discuss matters relevant to the
supervisory responsibilities of the Bank of Ghana which

have arisen in the course of the statutory audit of that bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution, or financial holding company, including

(b) its accounting and internal control systems,

(2) The Bank of Ghana may, for the purpose of discussing confi-
dential matters arrange meetings with the auditors of a bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company.
Duties of auditor to the Bank of Ghana
87. (1) An auditor appointed under this Act shall inform the Bank of
Ghana if there is sufficient reason to believe, any of the following

(a) that the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or finan-

cial holding company is insolvent or there is a significant risk
that the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company will become insolvent;
(b) that material weaknesses exist that threaten the safety and
soundness of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institute,) that
the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company has contravened a

(ii) requirement in this Act, the Regulations or direc-

(iii) condition imposed on the licence or registration of

that bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or

(2) The auditor shall review and report on compliance with anti-
money laundering and counter terrorist financing activities.
(3) The auditor shall verify prudential returns and other reports of
the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or financial holding
company which the Bank of Ghana may periodically require to be
Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(4) The auditor shall submit to the Bank of Ghana a management

letter not later than
(a) three months after the end of the financial year in the case of a
bank, and
(b) four months after the end of the financial year in the case of a
specialised deposit-taking institution.
(5) The management letter under subsection (4) shall disclose the
shortcomings or any contravention of the law which may not be sufficiently
fundamental to lead to qualification of the accounts.
(6) The auditor shall perform any other functions that the Bank of
Ghana may by notice assign the auditor for the purposes of this Act.
Special audit and additional information
88. The Bank of Ghana may, at the expense of a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution,
(a) require the auditor to undertake a further audit or provide
additional information or both as the Bank of Ghana considers
necessary; or
(b) engage an independent auditor to audit the whole or part of
the accounts of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
Termination of appointment of auditor
89. (1) An auditor of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall
cease to act as an auditor if
(a) the Bank of Ghana in writing requests that bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution to revoke the appointment of that
(b) that auditor or a member of the firm or establishment of the
auditor becomes a director of that bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company;
(c) that auditor resigns by notice in writing to the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution;
(d) that auditor ceases to qualify under subsection (3) of section
81 for appointment as auditor of that bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution;

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(e) that auditor is otherwise removed by a decision taken at an

annual general meeting of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution; or
(f) that auditor has served as auditor for the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution for the preceding six years.
(2) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall comply with
a request of the Bank of Ghana to revoke the appointment of an auditor.
(3) An auditor who does not comply with subsection (1), commits an
offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not less than one
hundred and twenty-five penalty units and not more than two hundred and
fifty penalty units or to a term of imprisonment of not less than one year and
not more than two years or to both.
(4) The Bank of Ghana, a bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution or any other person concerned may report the conduct of the
auditor to the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana) or a successor
body for disciplinary action.
Display of financial statements
90. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall exhibit at
each of its branches or agencies in a conspicuous place throughout the year,
a copy of the last audited financial statement in respect of the operations of
the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(2) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall
(a) in the case of a bank not later than three months after the end
of its financial year; or
(b) in the case of a specialised deposit-taking institution not later
than four months after the end of each financial year,
furnish the Bank of Ghana with a copy of its audited financial statements
together with the auditor’s statutory and long form audit reports; and cause
the financial statements together with the auditors’ reports to be published
on its website if any and in at least two daily newspapers of national
(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which fails to
comply with this section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana, an admin-
istrative penalty of not more than one thousand penalty units.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

Powers of Supervision and Control

Powers of regulation and supervision
91. (1) Without limiting section 3, the powers of regulation and
supervision of the Bank of Ghana are to regulate and supervise
(a) banks and specialised deposit-taking institutions on a solo
(b) financial holding companies on a solo basis; and
(c) financial groups on a consolidated basis.
(2) Where a financial holding company is part of a wider corporate
group, the Bank of Ghana may
(a) obtain information to permit oversight of the impact on a
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or financial
holding company of membership in the wider group; and
(b) take the necessary action to protect against undue risks arising
from that relationship.
92. (1) The Bank may issue directives to banks, specialised deposit-
taking institutions or financial holding companies generally or to a class or
classes of banks, specialised deposit-taking institutions or financial holding
companies where the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that
(a) it is necessary to secure the proper management of a bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company generally;
(b) it is necessary to prevent the affairs of banks, specialised
deposit-taking institutions or financial holding companies
being conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of
depositors and other stakeholders or prejudicial to the
interests of the banks or specialised deposit-taking institutions
or financial holding companies;
(c) it is necessary to maintain the overall stability of the financial
system in the country; or
(d) it is necessary to give full effect to the provisions of this Act.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1) the Bank of Ghana may issue
(a) to provide for

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

the licensing of banks and specialised deposit taking
(i) the minimum level of capital for banks, specialised
deposit-taking institutions and financial holding
(ii) the prescription of prudential norms on asset quality,
bad debt and write-offs;
(iii) the liquidity reserve requirements and net open
position requirements;
(iv) the computation of on-going capital adequacy
requirements for banks, specialised deposit-taking
institutions and financial holding companies;
(v) the lending limits on credits extended to insiders;
(vi) the limitations for advances or credit facilities to a
single borrower;
(vii) the rules and regulations against the use of banks,
specialised deposit-taking institutions and financial
holding companies for money laundering, terrorist
financing and the financing of proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction;
(viii)the classification of entities as banks or specialised
deposit-taking institutions for the purposes of this
(ix) the reporting requirements to the Bank of Ghana;
(x) the issue, form and content of advertisements for
(xi) consumer protection principles, rules and require-
ments and their enforcement; and
(xii) anything required under or authorised by this Act to
be provided for by directives;
(b) to address specific characteristics of specialised deposittaking
institutions to modify the application of a provision of this
Act to a specialised deposit-taking institution; or
(c) to exempt a specialised deposit-taking institution or specific
categories of specialised deposit-taking institution from the
application of a provision of this Act.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Art 931)
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) The Bank of Ghana may modify a directive issued under sub-
sections (1) and (2) as it considers fit and a bank, specialised deposittaking
institution or financial holding company shall comply with the modification.
(4) The Bank of Ghana shall prescribe the procedure for the adoption
of directives under subsection (1).
(5) The Bank of Ghana shall give notice of the proposed directive to
the public for the public to comment on the proposed directive in accordance
with procedure specified under subsection (4) before the proposed directive
is adopted in the final form, unless the Bank of Ghana considers that the
notice and procedure are impractical or contrary to public interest.
(6) A directive shall indicate the specific statutory provision
authorising the directive.
(7) The Bank of Ghana shall consider all material comments
received under subsection (5) and provide a written explanation for the
comments that were incorporated into the final directive or otherwise.
(8) In addition to any penalty provided under the Anti-Money
Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749) a person who contravenes a directive issued
under this section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative
penalty of not less than two thousand penalty units and not more than ten
thousand penalty units.
(9) The Bank of Ghana may in addition to the penalty under sub-
section (8) impose any other penalty or take any remedial action that the
Bank of Ghana considers appropriate.
Information and periodic returns
93. (1) The Bank of Ghana shall, for the purposes of supervision, require
a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, financial holding company, or
a member of a financial group to submit any information or data relating to
its assets, liabilities, income, expenditure, affairs, or any other matter that the
Bank of Ghana may require.
(2) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe the
(a) details of the information required,
(b) form in which the information is to be reported, and
(c) period within which the report is to be returned to the Bank of

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) The Bank of Ghana may impose an administrative penalty of not

more than five hundred penalty units on a bank, specialised deposittaking
institution or financial holding company and on the responsible key
management personnel for,
(a) non-submission;
(b) incomplete submission;
(c) delayed submission; or
(d) inaccurate submission,
of the required information, data, statements or returns and for each day that
the default continues a further penalty of fifty penalty units in respect of the
94. (1) The Bank of Ghana shall carry out examinations of the operations
and affairs of each bank, specialised deposit-taking institution and financial
holding company.
(2) The examination shall be carried out at the time and frequency
that the Bank of Ghana may consider appropriate, taking into account its
evaluation of micro-prudential and macro-prudential concerns and the risks
posed by the institution.
Investigation or scrutiny
95. (1) Without limiting the power to examine banks, specialised deposit-
taking institutions, and the financial holding companies under section 94, the
Bank of Ghana may without prior notice carry out investigations or scrutiny
into a specific matter or activity or office relating to the affairs of a bank,
specialised deposit- taking institution or financial holding company.
(2) The Bank of Ghana may carry out an examination of the
operations and affairs of any member of a financial group of which a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution is a member whenever the Bank of
Ghana determines that the examination is appropriate to carry out its
responsibilities under this Act.
(3) The Bank of Ghana may appoint qualified accountants or other
professionals to act as its agent in carrying out investigations under this

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act ^30
Institutions Act, 2016

Power of examiners
96. (1) A person who is authorised by the Bank of Ghana to examine,
investigate or for any other purpose, shall have a right of access to the books
and records of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, financial
holding company or any other member of the financial group.
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the books and records include
documents, minute books, customer files, personnel files, cash and securities
and information in an electronic medium.
(3) The bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, financial holding
company or any other member of the financial group shall cooperate and
assist that person.
(4) A person who is authorised by the Bank of Ghana to examine,
investigate or for any other purpose, may call upon,
(a) a director, key management personnel or any other employee
of a bank, or specialised deposit-taking institution, or
financial holding company;
(b) any other member of the financial group;
(c) an external auditor;
(d) a person whom the relevant entity has outsourced any of its
functions; or
(e) a person with information regarding the relevant entity to
promptly furnish that authorised person with any information and
explanation which that authorised person may consider necessary.
(5) A person who is requested to provide information or an
explanation under subsection (4), shall comply with the request.
(6) A person who is authorised by the Bank of Ghana may, if that
person considers it necessary in the course of an examination or
investigation, order any person mentioned in subsection (4), orally or in
writing, to attend before that authorised person and testify in relation to a
matter under examination or investigation and the official or employee shall
comply with the order.
(7) A person who fails to comply with a provision of this section is
liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of not more
than one thousand penalty units.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Taking custody of records

97. (1) An official of the Bank of Ghana, who is authorised to carry out
an examination or investigation under section 94 or 95 may, if that official
considers it necessary, by an order in writing issued to the chief executive of
the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, financial holding company or
any other member of the financial group that is the subject of the
examination or investigation, take custody of the records, files or any other
documents relevant to the examination or investigation after giving to the
entity due acknowledgement in writing.
(2) The official of the Bank of Ghana authorised under subsection
(1) shall take reasonable care to protect that document in the custody of that
official and account for its disposal.
Verification of information
98. (1) The Bank of Ghana may authorise any official of the Bank of
Ghana, qualified auditor or other professional to verify any return,
information or data furnished to that official, qualified auditor or other
professional by a person under this Act and report on its accuracy.
(2) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, financial holding
company or any other member of the financial group being examined or
investigated under section 94 or 95 shall provide prompt access and facilities
to the authorised official or auditor to carry out the task of the authorised
official or auditor.
(3) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, financial holding
company or any other member of the financial group which fails to provide
prompt access and facilities to the authorised official is liable to pay to the
Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of not more than one thousand
penalty units.
Examination reports
99. (1) Where an examination has been conducted by the Bank of Ghana
under section 94, the Bank of Ghana shall furnish a copy of the report to the
entity examined and call upon the entity to provide within forty-five days
from the date of the receipt of the report, a written explanation on the
findings contained in the report and action taken, within a specified time.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act “3U
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) The board of directors shall consider the report at a meeting

convened subsequent to the receipt of the report on the examination
conducted by the Bank of Ghana and the Head of the appropriate
supervisory structure or the representative may be invited to attend.
(3) The Head of the appropriate supervisory structure may request a
meeting with the board of the examined entity to discuss the examination or
investigation report.
(4) An entity which fails to submit an explanation under subsection
(1) is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of not
more than one thousand penalty units.
Follow-up action on examination and other supervisory reports
100. (1) The Bank of Ghana may, after examining an explanation under
section 99 or based on other supervisory reports, issue an instruction to the
bank, specialised deposit -taking institution, financial holding company or
other member of a financial group that was the subject of the examination or
supervisory report to take the remedial action that the Bank of Ghana may
specify within a stated period of time and the entity concerned shall comply
with the instruction.
(2) Where an entity fails to comply with an instruction issued under
subsection (1), the Bank of Ghana may take remedial action under section
(3) An entity which fails to comply with an instruction under
subsection (1), is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana, an administrative
penalty of not more than two thousand penalty units.
Appointment of advisor
101. (1) The Bank of Ghana may, if it considers it necessary to improve
the affairs of a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company, appoint a competent person as advisor to the management
of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company at the expense of that bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company.
(2) The Bank of Ghana shall give a hearing to the bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company before issuing the
order of appointment of an advisor unless it considers that the consequent
delay in action would not be in the interest of the bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial

holding company which is served with an order appointing an advisor shall
comply with the order and extend full co-operation to the advisor.
(4) An advisor appointed under this section is entitled to attend the
meetings of the board of directors of the bank, specialised deposittaking-
institution or financial holding company or committees of the bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company and to
participate in deliberations.
(5) The views of the advisor shall be recorded in the minutes of the
meetings but the advisor shall not vote on a matter for determination by the
(6) An advisor appointed under this section
(a) shall hold office for the period that the Bank of Ghana may
specify, and
(b) shall furnish the Bank of Ghana with a status report on the
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company as frequently as the Bank of Ghana may
Remedial measures for banks, specialised deposit-taking institutions or
financial holding companies
102. (1) Where the Bank of Ghana determines, after an examination
under section 94 or 95 or otherwise based on information at its disposal, that
a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company
(a) has failed to comply with a provision of this Act, the Regu-
lations or directives issued under this Act;
(b) has been engaging in an unsafe or unsound practice;
(c) has been conducting its affairs in a manner detrimental to the
interests of its depositors and creditors; or
(d) has violated any condition or restriction attached to a licence
or registration issued by the Bank of Ghana,
the Bank of Ghana may take any of the actions specified in subsection (2).
(2) Pursuant to subsection (1), the Bank of Ghana may
(a) issue a written warning to the bank, specialised deposittaking
institution or financial holding company;

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 93U
Institutions Act, 2016

(b) issue an order to the bank, specialised deposit-taking

institution or financial holding company to take the remedial
action that the Bank of Ghana may specify within a stated
period and the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company shall comply with the order;
(c) require the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company to cease the violation or unsafe or
unsound practice;
(d) take the affirmative action that the Bank of Ghana considers
necessary to eliminate the grounds for the order;
(e) conclude a written agreement with the board of directors of
the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company to provide for a programme of remedial
(f) impose an administrative penalty on the bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company of an
amount of not more than one hundred penalty units for each
day that the violation or unsafe or unsound condition
(g) appoint an advisor for the bank or specialised deposittaking
institution or financial holding company in accordance with
section 101; or
(h) revoke the licence of the bank, specialised deposit-taking
institution or the registration of the financial holding
(3) Remedial actions under subsection (2) may include any of the
(a) prohibiting the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
from receiving fresh deposits or renewing the existing
(b) prohibiting the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company from further lending or taking
further financial exposures, including investments, or capital

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(c) requiring the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or

financial holding company, or any of the subsidiaries of the
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company to suspend for a specified period, alter,
reduce, or terminate any activity that the Bank of Ghana
determines has caused material losses to the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
(d) requiring that the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution,
or financial holding company divests itself of or liquidates
any subsidiary;
(e) restricting or prohibiting transactions with affiliates;
(f) restricting payment of bonuses or excessive compensation to
any director or key management personnel;
(g) prohibiting the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company from paying a dividend on its
equity capital or rights issue or bonus shares to shareholders
or to any person claiming under their authority;
(h) suspending or removing from office the chief executive of the
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or financial
holding company or restricting the powers of the chief
executive officer;
(i) removing any or all of the directors on the board of directors
of the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company or key management personnel or restricting
their powers;
(j) revoking the licence issued to the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution or the registration of the financial holding
company permitting it to control a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution; or
(k) any other action necessary to eliminate the basis for requiring
remedial action.
(3) The powers of the Bank of Ghana to take action under this
section are in addition to any other administrative penalty, that may be
imposed by the Bank of Ghana under this Act.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(4) The Ghana Deposit Protection Corporation shall be notified

immediately the Bank of Ghana initiates remedial measures against a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution.
Remedial measures for directors, key management personnel, and
103. (1) Where the Bank of Ghana determines that a relevant person has
(a) contravened a provision of this Act, the Regulations or
(b) contravened any condition or restriction attached to a

(c) engaged in an unsafe or unsound practice, the

Bank of Ghana may take any of the following actions:
(d) issue an order to the relevant person to take the remedial
action as the Bank of Ghana may specify within a stated
period and the relevant person shall comply with the order;
(e) impose an administrative penalty of not more than one
hundred penalty units on the relevant person for each day that
the contravention continues except that the fines shall be of
similar amount for entities with comparable total assets for
the same type of contravention;
(f) require the relevant person to reimburse the bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution, or financial holding company

(g) prohibit the relevant person from direct or indirect exercise of

voting rights attached to shares of the bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company;
(h) suspend the relevant person from office or declare that the
relevant person is no longer a fit and proper person; or
(i) prohibit the payment of capital distributions or dividends

(2) Where the Bank of Ghana determines that a relevant person has
(a) willfully or repeatedly caused a contravention of a provision
of this Act, the Regulations or directives issued under this Act
following a written warning or an order from the

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(b) been engaging in an unsafe or unsound practice that has

resulted in a material loss to the bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company or financial
gain to that relevant person; or
(c) been conducting its affairs in a manner detrimental to the
interests of its depositors and creditors,
the Bank of Ghana may in respect of the actions referred to in subsection
(1) , issue an order taking any of the following actions:
(d) direct the dismissal of the relevant person from the bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution, or financial holding
(e) prohibit the relevant person from serving in or engaging in the
deposit-taking business for a stated period;
(f) impose an administrative penalty of not more than one
hundred penalty units for each day that the contravention
continues; or
(g) require the relevant person to dispose of all or any part of the
direct or indirect holding or interest in the bank, specialised
deposit taking institution, or financial holding company or
cease to hold a significant interest in it.
(3) If the relevant person is charged with a criminal offence,
(a) the Bank of Ghana may issue an order temporarily suspending
the relevant person from the bank, specialised deposittaking
institution, or financial holding company; and
(b) if applicable, suspend the exercise of voting rights of shares in
the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or financial
holding company by the relevant person, pending the
determination of the criminal case.
(4) A dismissal of the criminal case or an acquittal on the merits,
shall not preclude the Bank of Ghana from taking any enforcement action
authorised by this Act with respect to the relevant person.
(5) A relevant person shall not hold any position in an affiliate of a
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company
without the prior written approval of the Bank of Ghana, if that relevant
person is the subject of a directive or order of the Bank of Ghana
(a) suspending or removing the relevant person from a position in
that bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company; or

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act
Institutions Act, 2016

(b) prohibiting the exercise of voting rights in shares of the bank,

specialised deposit-taking institution, or financial holding
company, or requiring the person to dispose of the holding or
interest of that relevant person.
(6) The powers of the Bank of Ghana to take action under this
section are in addition to any other specific powers and penalties that may be
imposed by the Bank of Ghana under this Act.
(7) For the purpose of this section, “relevant person” means a
director, key management personnel or employee or significant shareholder
of a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
Prompt corrective action for adequately capitalised banks, specialised
deposit-taking institutions, or financial holding companies suffering
material losses
104. (1) Where a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company which complies with the capital requirements prescribed in
sections 28 to 31 has incurred or is likely to incur material losses within any
financial year, the Bank of Ghana shall take the following actions:
(a) prohibit the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or
financial holding company from declaring and distributing
any dividends which are, in the opinion of the Bank of Ghana,
likely to cause it not to comply with the capital requirements
prescribed in sections 28 to 31, and
(b) undertake more frequent examination of that bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution, or financial holding company.
(2) In addition to the actions prescribed in subsection (1), the Bank
of Ghana may require the directors or key management personnel of the
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company to
provide a written explanation detailing the causes of the losses and the
measures to be taken by the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or
financial holding company to rectify the position and avert future losses.
(3) The Bank of Ghana shall give notice to the Ghana Deposit
Protection Corporation immediately the Bank of Ghana initiates corrective
action against a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Prompt corrective action for undercapitalised banks, specialised

deposittaking institutions or financial holding companies
105. (1) A bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or financial
holding company is undercapitalised if that bank, specialised deposittaking
institution, or financial holding company does not comply with the capital
requirements prescribed in sections 28 to 31.
(2) Where a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or financial
holding company is undercapitalised, the Bank of Ghana shall take the
following actions:
(a) all the actions prescribed in subsection (1) of section 104;
(b) require the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company to submit to the Bank of Ghana
within forty-five days, a capital restoration plan acceptable to
the Bank of Ghana to restore the bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company to capital
adequacy as prescribed in sections 28 to 31 within one
hundred and eighty days of making that order; and
(c) prohibit the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or
financial holding company from awarding any bonuses, or
increments in the salary, emoluments and other benefits to all
directors and key management personnel.
(3) In addition to the actions prescribed under subsection (2), the
Bank of Ghana may appoint a person, suitably qualified and competent in
the opinion of the Bank of Ghana, to advise and assist the bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company in designing and
implementing the capital restoration plan.
(4) The person appointed under subsection (3), shall regularly
report to the Bank of Ghana on the progress of the capital restoration plan.
(5) Where a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or a
financial holding company has been required by the Bank of Ghana to
submit a capital restoration plan or to add more capital, and it fails, refuses
or neglects to comply or to implement the capital restoration plan, the Bank
of Ghana shall
(a) prohibit the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
from opening new branches;

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act V3U
Institutions Act, 2016

(b) restrict the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or

financial holding company from engaging in new business;
(c) impose restrictions on growth of assets or liabilities of the
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company as it considers fit; or
(d) restrict the rate of interest on all interest earning deposits
payable by the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
to the rates that the Bank of Ghana shall determine.
(6) In addition to the actions prescribed in subsection (2) the Bank
of Ghana may
(a) direct the removal of officers of the bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company responsible
for the non-compliance; and
(b) require the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company to take any other action that the
Bank of Ghana may deem necessary to rectify the capital
(7) The Bank of Ghana shall give notice to the institution respon-
sible for deposit protection immediately the Bank of Ghana initiates
corrective action against a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
Prompt corrective action for significantly undercapitalised banks,
specialised deposit-taking institutions, or financial bolding companies
106. (1) Where a bank, specialised deposit-taking institution, or financial
holding company is significantly undercapitalised, the Bank of Ghana shall
immediately take any or all of the following actions
(a) take any of the actions prescribed in section 105; or
(b) enter into an agreement with the board of directors of the
bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company to require it to rectify the significant
undercapitalisation within ninety days, and to restore capital
adequacy within one hundred and eighty days or within a
shorter period that the Bank of Ghana shall require.
(2) In addition to the actions prescribed in subsection (1), the Bank
of Ghana may prohibit the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company from engaging in new “off-balance sheet”

(a) after the period specified in paragraph (b) of subsection (1),
the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company has failed to raise its capital to the levels
necessary to rectify its significant undercapitalisation; or
(b) before the end of the period specified in paragraph (b) of
subsection (1), the financial position of the bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution or financial holding company

the Bank of Ghana shall without having to wait for the expiry of that
period, place the bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company into official administration in accordance with sections
107 to 122 or revoke its licence or registration and initiate receivership
process in accordance with sections 123 to 139.
(4) A “significantly under capitalised bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution, or financial holding company” means a bank, specialised
deposit taking institution, or financial holding company which does not hold
at least fifty percent of any of the capital requirements prescribed in

(5) This section shall not be construed so as to preclude the Bank of

Ghana from taking action under any other provision of this Act.
(6) The Bank of Ghana shall give notice to the Ghana Deposit
Protection Corporation immediately the Bank of Ghana initiates corrective
action against a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.

Grounds for appointing an official administrator

107. (1) The Bank of Ghana may appoint an official administrator for a
bank or a specialised deposit-taking institution where
(a) the Bank of Ghana determines that that bank or specialised

(i) contravened a provision of this Act, the Regulations,

(ii) engaged in any unsafe or unsound practice, in a

manner as to weaken the condition of the bank or
Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(iii) seriously jeopardised the interest of depositors or

dissipated assets of the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution;
(b) the capital adequacy ratio of that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution falls below fifty percent of the minimum
required under section 29 or its unimpaired paid up capital
falls below fifty percent of the minimum required under
section 28;
(c) the Bank of Ghana has reasonable cause to believe that that
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution or its directors,
key management personnel, or significant shareholders have
engaged in or are engaging in illegal activities in a manner
likely to jeopardise the interest of depositors;
(d) the Bank of Ghana determines that that bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution is in an unsafe or unsound condition
to transact business and the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution or its directors or key management personnel are
unable to promptly improve the condition;
(e) that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution fails in any
maimer to cooperate with the Bank of Ghana or its examiners
to enable the Bank of Ghana perform its supervisory
responsibilities, including through concealment or failure to
submit for inspection any of the books, documents or records
of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution;
(f) that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution or the
directors of that bank, specialised deposit-taking institution,
key management personnel, employees, or significant share-
holders fail to comply with an order of the Bank of Ghana
under sections 102 to 106; or
(g) that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution by a
resolution of the directors or shareholders, requests the
appointment of an official administrator.
(2) Where the Bank of Ghana takes a decision to appoint an official
administrator for a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, the Bank of
Ghana shall, by notice in writing setting out the reasons for the decision,
inform that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution of the decision.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution may remain in

official administration for a period of six months in the first instance; and for
two consecutive periods of three months each.
(4) The decision under subsection (2) shall take effect on the date
specified in the notice.
(5) The Bank of Ghana may remove the official administrator
before the end of the period specified in subsection (3) and appoint a
(6) The Bank of Ghana shall ensure that the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution remains under the control of the duly appointed
official administrator during the period of the official administration.
(7) Section 59 on disclosure of interest applies to an official
administrator except that any obligation to report to the board of directors
shall mean an obligation to report to the Bank of Ghana.
(8) A transaction involving the bank or specialised deposittaking
institution in official administration in which the official administrator has a
material interest or relationship in the matter shall be engaged in only with
the prior written approval of the Bank of Ghana.
(9) If the official administrator fails to seek approval under sub-
section (8), the transaction may be set aside and the Bank of Ghana shall
terminate the appointment of that official administrator.
(10) The Bank of Ghana shall immediately notify the institution
responsible for deposit protection of the commencement, suspension or
cessation of an official administration against a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution.
General powers of the official administrator
108. (1) The powers, functions and responsibilities of the shareholders,
directors, and key management personnel of a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution shall be vested in the official administrator.
(2) The official administrator may request the shareholders,
directors or key management personnel to carry out any activity under this
(3) An action or decision taken by or on behalf of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution during an official administration shall
be null and void, unless that action or decision is taken by or under the
authority of the official administrator.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(4) The official administrator shall have exclusive powers to

manage and operate a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution in
accordance with the instructions, directives, and guidelines of the Bank of
(5) The official administrator may take any action necessary or
appropriate to
(a) carry on the business of a bank or specialised deposit-taking
(b) preserve and safeguard the assets and property of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution; or
(c) implement a plan of action that has been approved by the
Bank of Ghana with respect to that bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution.
(6) The official administrator may employ, at the expense of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution in official administration,
independent attorneys, accountants and consultants to assist the official
administrator, on the terms approved by the Bank of Ghana.
(7) The official administrator may delegate powers or duties to
another person in accordance with the instructions issued by the Bank of
Oversight of official administrator by the Bank of Ghana
109. The official administrator shall act in accordance with the
instructions and guidance given by the Bank of Ghana at any time and shall
be accountable only to the Bank of Ghana.
Suspension of dividends
110. The official administrator shall immediately suspend the payment
of any dividends or other form of capital distribution to shareholders and any
payment to directors other than for salaries or services provided to the bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution.
Moratorium and effect of official administration on proceedings
111. (1) The Bank of Ghana may impose a moratorium suspending some
or all payments by a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution in official
administration, except for payments to central clearing counterparties and to
payment, settlement and clearing systems.
(2) A person shall not without the consent of the Bank of Ghana
(a) commence or continue a proceeding in a court against a

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

bank or specialised deposit-taking institution in official

(b administration;
) exercise rights under a mortgage, charge, or other security
over the property of a bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution in official administration; or issue any execution,
(c) attach any debt, or otherwise enforce or seek to enforce any
judgment or order obtained in respect of a bank or specialised
deposit taking institution in official administration.
(3) The Bank of Ghana may waive the application of
(2) to any creditor or class of creditors.
Suspension of rights of termination
112. A right or obligation of a third party under any contract to which a
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution in official administration is a
party shall not be terminated, accelerated, or modified solely because of the
appointment of the official administrator or any action taken by the official
Control of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution by official
113. (1) The official administrator shall on appointment to office secure
the properties, offices, assets, books and records of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution involved, and may take the necessary steps
(a) changing the locks to the buildings and offices of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution to prevent unauthorised
(b) changing the passwords to the computers of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institutions and granting access
only to a limited number of employees; and
(c) issuing to authorised employees a new type of entrance pass
to the premises of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution and controlling the access of other employees to
those premises.
(2) The official administrator shall in the course of the official

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

administration have unrestricted access to, and control over the properties,
offices, assets and the books of account and other records of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution.
(3) A law enforcement agency shall, on request, assist the official
administrator to gain access to any premises of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution to gain control over and to secure the properties,
offices, assets, books and records of the bank or specialised deposittaking
(4) The directors, key management personnel and employees of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall
(a) cooperate fully with and assist the official administrator, and
(b) make available to the official administrator all records and
documentation pertaining to the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution and any additional information or report
requested by the official administrator.
(5) A person who does not comply with subsection (4) or otherwise
obstructs the Bank of Ghana or an official administrator in the performance
of functions under sections 107 to 122 is liable on summary conviction to a
fine of not less than one thousand two hundred and fifty penalty units and
not more than two thousand five hundred penalty units or to a term of
imprisonment of not less than one year and not more than two years or to
Inventory and plan of action to resolve the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution
114. (1) An official administrator shall not later than thirty days after the
appointment of that official administrator, prepare and deliver to the Bank of
Ghana an inventory of the assets and liabilities of the bank or specialised
deposit taking institution involved.
(2) The inventory under subsection (1) shall itemise the assets
according to the different risk profiles and classify the non-performing loans.
(3) An official administrator shall not later than ninety days after
the appointment of that official administrator, prepare and deliver to the
Bank of Ghana a report on the financial condition and future prospects of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.

(4) The official administrator shall include in the report under

(a) an assessment of the amount of assets likely to be realised in

a liquidation of the bank or specialised deposit-taking

(b) a proposed plan of action to make the bank or specialised

deposit-taking institution comply with the law by carrying
out a plan of corrective actions that may include

(ii) measures that may be taken to minimise disruption to

depositors and preserve the stability of the financial
system, if the bank or specialised deposit-taking

(5) The official administrator shall promptly provide any additional

report or information requested by the Bank of Ghana.
Capital increase by existing shareholders
115. (1) On the basis of the report produced under section 114 and with
the approval of the Bank of Ghana, the official administrator may for the
purpose of increasing the capital of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution through the issuance of new shares to existing

(a) determine the extent of losses and prepare the financial state-
ments of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
covering the amount of the losses, profits, reserves and

(b) notify existing shareholders of the amount of additional

capital needed to bring the capital of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution into compliance with all capital
requirements and allow such shareholders to subscribe and
purchase additional shares, by submitting binding commit-
ments equal to the full amount of additional capital needed
within five working days of such notification.
(2) Where an existing shareholder of a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution is unable to subscribe and purchase additional
Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

shares as provided under subsection (1), the official administrator shall have
the right to invite another person or persons to subscribe and purchase the
unsubscribed additional shares.
Recapitalisation by new shareholders
116. (1) On the basis of the report produced under section 114 and with
the approval of the Bank of Ghana, the official administrator may take
action to increase the capital of the bank or specialised deposittaking
institution through the issuance of shares to new shareholders in

(a) in the event that binding commitments are not submitted to an

amount equal to the full amount of additional capital

(b) if the Bank of Ghana determines that

(i) an expedited resolution of a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution, or financial holding com-
pany to maintain financial stability is necessary;
(ii) the existing shareholders are no longer suitable to
maintain a significant capital position in the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution; or
(iii) there has been a failure to comply with a remedial
measure under sections 102 to 106 requiring an
increase in the capital of the bank or specialised

(2) To carry out recapitalisation by new shareholders, the

(a) if not already carried out in accordance with section 115,

determine the extent of losses and prepare the financial
statements of the bank or specialised deposit-taking insti-
tution covering the amount of losses through the profits of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, reserves and, if
necessary, capital of the bank or specialised deposit-

(b) if necessary to reflect losses, reduce the value of outstanding

shares, despite any provision in an existing enactment;
Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(c) determine the amount and type of funding needed to bring the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution in compliance
with all capital requirements; and
(d) cause the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution to
(i) issue additional shares to the amount necessary, and
(ii) carry out the sale of shares by the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution and purchase of the shares by
new investors.
Mergers, sales and other restructurings
117. (1) On the basis of the report produced under section 114 and with
the approval of the Bank of Ghana, the official administrator may carry out
(a) a merger of banks or specialised deposit-taking institutions; or
(b) a transfer, in whole or in part, of the assets and liabilities of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(2) A transfer of the assets and liabilities of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution may include a transfer to
(a) a bridge institution, or
(b) an asset management vehicle established by the Government
for the purpose of acquiring, managing, and disposing of
problem assets of a bank or special deposit-taking institution
as part of the resolution of the bank or special deposit-taking
(3) In accordance with instructions given by the Bank of Ghana, the
official administrator may approve a restructuring of the liabilities of the bank
or special deposit-taking institution through arrangements with the creditors
including a reduction, modification, rescheduling and renovation of the
claims of the creditors.
Mandatory restructuring of liabilities
118. (1) On the basis of the report produced under section 114 and with
the approval of the Bank of Ghana, the official administrator may restructure
the liabilities of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution in accordance
with this section without the approval of creditors or shareholders concerned.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(2) The Bank of Ghana may approve mandatory debt restructuring if

the Bank of Ghana determines that the restructuring, either alone or combined
with recapitalisation, will restore the bank or specialised deposit-

(3) The Bank of Ghana shall consider the extent to which the

(a) maximise the value of the bank or specialised deposit-

(b) minimise losses to creditors and other stakeholders,

(c) preserve going-concern value of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution for the benefit of creditors and

(d) avoid or mitigate any severe disruption in the stability of

(4) The restructuring of liabilities shall follow the order of priorities

applicable in liquidation, except that the Bank of Ghana may exempt classes
of senior unsecured debt if it determines the classes to be systemic or of
strategic importance that would justify differential treatment from other
senior unsecured debt.
(5) Mandatory restructuring does not apply to secured debt.
(6) As part of the restructuring of liabilities, debt may be

Removal of directors and key management personnel

119. (1) With the approval of the Bank of Ghana, the official
administrator may remove any or all the directors and key management
personnel and appoint persons to replace them, despite any provision in

(2) A replacement may be approved only by the Bank of Ghana if it

meets the requirements of subsection (6) of section 60.

Misconduct by significant shareholders, directors, key management

120. If the official administrator has sufficient reason to believe that

significant shareholders, directors, key management personnel, attorneys,
accountants or other professionals have engaged or are engaging in illegal
activities or in fraudulent activities the official administrator shall
(a) immediately notify the Bank of Ghana, and
(b) initiate civil action to claim damages and restitution.
Expenses of the official administration
121. (1) The official administrator shall receive a remuneration

(2) The bank or specialised deposit-taking institution involved in an

official administration shall bear the expenses incurred on account of

Termination of official administration

122. (1) An official administration shall terminate at the expiry of the
period specified in the decision appointing the official administrator or any
extension of the period of the appointment.
(2) An official administration shall be terminated before the expiry
of the period referred to in subsection (1) if the Bank of Ghana

(a) the official administration is not required due to the fact that
the grounds on which the appointment of the official
administrator was made no longer justify the continuance of
the official administrator in office ; or
(b) the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution cannot be

(c) circumstances require that the licence of the bank or

specialised deposit-taking institution be revoked under section

(d) circumstances require that the liquidation of the bank or

specialised deposit-taking institution commence in accor-

(3) Subject to subsection (4), where the termination of an official

administration does not involve a closure of the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution, the official administrator concerned shall carry
Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

out the duties of the bank or of the directors and key management personnel
of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, until the nomination and
election of new directors and the appointment of key management personnel.
(4) The official administrator shall take the actions required under
subsection (3) during the tenure specified under subsection (3) of section 107.
(5) Pursuant to subsections (3) and (4), the official administrator
shall return the properties, offices, assets, books and records of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution to the newly constituted board of
directors of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(6) The decision of the Bank of Ghana to terminate official
administration may be based on
(a) a recommendation by the official administrator, and
(b) a detailed report prepared by the official administrator
supporting the recommendation.
(7) The official administrator shall within fourteen days of the
termination of the appointment, prepare and submit to the Bank of Ghana a
final report and accounting of the official administration.
(8) The official administrator shall not acquire significant shares or
accept appointment as a director, key management personnel or to any other
office or position in the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which
was the subject of the administration for a minimum period of two years after
the end of official administration.
Receivership and Liquidation
Mandatory revocation of licence and initiation of receivership
123. (1) Where the Bank of Ghana determines that the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution is insolvent or is likely to become insolvent within
the next sixty days, the Bank of Ghana shall revoke the licence of that bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(2) The Bank of Ghana shall appoint a receiver at the effective time
of revocation of the licence under subsection (1).
(3) The receiver appointed under subsection (2), shall take
possession and control of the assets and liabilities of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(4) For the purpose of this section, “insolvent” means the inability
of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution to pay its obligations as
they fall due or the circumstance where the value of the liabilities of a bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution exceeds the value of its assets.
(5) The value of the assets, liabilities and regulatory capital of a
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall be determined in
accordance with valuation standards and procedures prescribed by the Bank
of Ghana.
(6) In determining the value of the assets and liabilities of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution for a future date, the anticipated future
income and expenses of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
until that date shall be taken into account.
(7) The Bank of Ghana shall immediately notify the institution
responsible for deposit protection of a decision made under this section.
Qualifications and compensation for receiver
124. (1) A person is qualified to act as a receiver if that person
(a) holds an office in the private sector; or
(b) is an official of the Bank of Ghana who meets the qualifi-
cations prescribed by the Bank of Ghana.
(2) A person shall not be appointed a receiver unless that person
satisfies the qualifications prescribed by the Bank of Ghana.
(3) The terms of the compensation for a receiver shall be deter-
mined by the Bank of Ghana.
(4) The following payments shall be made from the assets of the
hank or specialised deposit-taking institution involved in the receivership:
(a) the compensation of a receiver and an expert engaged by the
receiver; and
(b) the reimbursement of the expenses incurred by the receiver
and the expert for the purpose of the receivership.
(5) A person shall make payments to a receiver on a current basis if
in the judgment of the receiver there are sufficient liquid assets.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(6) Any moneys owing to a receiver at the end of the term of

receivership shall be paid from the proceeds of the sale of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution in accordance with the priority
described in section 135.
Notice and registration of receivership
125. (1) The appointment of a receiver by the Bank of Ghana for a bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution shall be effective as of the date of
issuance of the appointment letter, unless otherwise provided for in the
(2) The receiver shall on receipt of the appointment letter display in
each place of business of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution a
notice to announce the revocation of the licence and the appointment by the
Bank of Ghana.
(3) The notice shall specify the effective date and time of posses-
sion by the receiver and indicate
(a) that authorisation of the person permitted to engage in
financial transactions of the bank or specialised deposittaking
institution have been withdrawn;
(b) that persons who previously had authorisation to give
instructions on behalf of the bank or specialised deposittaking
institution with respect to payment or transfer of the
(i) assets of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution; and
(ii) assets managed by the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution
are no longer authorised to give instructions; and
(c) the licence of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution has been revoked.
(4) The Bank of Ghana shall provide immediate notice regarding
revocation of the licence to the chairperson of the board of directors of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(5) The receiver shall
(a) publish a notice specifying the actions taken in at least two
daily newspapers of national circulation;

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(b) arrange for the publication of the notice each week for four
consecutive weeks;
(c) inform the competent authorities, and
(d) transmit copies of the actions under paragraphs (a) to (c) to
the Bank of Ghana within two days of taking the action.
(6) For the purpose of this section, “competent authority” means
the Police, Ministry responsible for Finance and the Ministry responsible for
Oversight of Bank of Ghana over receiver
126. (1) The receiver shall act in accordance with the directives,
instructions, and guidelines given by the Bank of Ghana in the course of the
(2) The receiver shall be accountable only to the Bank of Ghana for
the performance of duties and the exercise of powers as a receiver.
(3) The receiver shall at the end of each month
(a) report to the Bank of Ghana on the progress of the
receivership in the form that the Bank of Ghana may
prescribe; and
(b) provide any other information on request of the Bank of
General powers of receiver
127. (1) On the appointment of the receiver, the receiver shall be the sole
legal representative of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, and
shall succeed the rights and powers of the shareholders, the directors and the
key management personnel of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
(2) Despite subsection (1), the receiver may instruct the
shareholders, directors and key management personnel to exercise specific
functions for the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(3) The rights and powers of the receiver include
(a) taking possession of the books, records, and assets of the bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution;
(b) managing, operating and representing the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution;

(e) continuing or interrupting any operation of the bank or

(f) borrowing money on a secured or unsecured basis with the

(g) suspending or limiting the payment of debts subject to the

(h) hiring specialists, experts or professional consultants;

(i) administering the account of the bank or specialised
(j) the collection of the debts due to the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution and the recovery of goods owed

(k) initiating or defending the bank or specialised deposittaking

institution in any legal proceeding, and
(l) executing any relevant instrument in the name of the bank
(4) In exercising the rights and powers under subsection (3), the

(a) maximise the proceeds from the sale of assets; and

(b) take any action necessary for the efficient liquidation of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(5) A receiver shall not take any deposits.
(6) Despite the revocation of the licence of a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution, a receiver may extend credit only to an existing
customer in accordance with the terms of an agreement in force at the time
of the appointment of the receiver and with the express approval of

(7) Thirty days from the date of appointment, the receiver may
make payments to depositors or to other creditors of such amounts that in
the opinion of the receiver may appropriately be used for that purpose

(8) In making payments under subsection (7), the receiver shall

treat creditors who are similarly situated in the same manner.
(9) The receiver may sell the assets of the bank or specialised
Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

deposit-taking institution or arrange for the assumption of liabilities of the

bank or specialised deposit-taking institution on terms that the receiver
considers fair.
(10) The receiver may, upon the prior written approval of the Bank
of Ghana and according to its guidelines, pursue the following activities:
(a) dispose of the assets and liabilities of a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution through a purchase and assumption
(b) organise a restructuring of the assets and liabilities of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution; or
(c) continue viable or necessary operations through a bridge
(11) For the purpose of subsection (10), a “bridge institution” is an
institution established by the Government or the Bank of Ghana for a
temporary period for the purpose of resolving a bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution in distress.
(12) The Bank of Ghana shall approve or decline a merger of a bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution with another bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution, or the sale of substantially all the assets of the bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution to any one bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution, based upon the criteria under section 52.
(13) Despite a provision in this Act, the receiver shall not make any
payments whatsoever to any insured depositor defined under the
Ghana Deposit Protection Act, 2016 (Act ...............) unless the institution
responsible fo deposit protection has completed payouts and any re-claims to
insured depositors.
Effects of receivership
128. When a receiver has taken possession of a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution,
(a) any term on the expiration of which a claim or right of the
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution would expire or
be extinguished, shall be suspended;
(b) the calculation of interests and penalties against the obligations
of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall be
suspended and no other charge or liability shall

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 931)
Institutions Act, 2016

accrue on the obligations of the bank or specialised deposit-

taking institution;
(c) any legal proceeding against the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution shall stay and the exercise of any right on the
assets of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall
be suspended; and
(d) the right of a third party shall not be exerted over assets during
liquidation of the bank or specialised deposittaking institution
and a creditor shall not attach, sell or take possession of any
assets of the bank or specialised deposittaking institution as a
means of enforcing a claim or initiating or continuing any
legal proceeding to recover the debt or perfect security interest
in the assets of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
Control of the hank or specialised deposit-taking institution by receiver
129. (1) The receiver shall have unrestricted access to and control over
the offices, books of account and other records and other assets of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution.
(2) On the request of the receiver, a law enforcement officer shall
(a) assist the receiver to gain access to the premises of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution; or
(b) assist the receiver to gain control over the records of the bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to the subsidiaries of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution.
(4) The receiver shall secure the property, offices, books, records,
and assets of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution to prevent
dissipation by theft or other improper action.
(5) The receiver shall in exercising its power under subsection (2)
take the following actions:
(a) change the locks and limit access to the new keys on external
and internal entrances to the bank or specialised deposittaking
institution which contain financial assets or information or
equipment which could enable a person to gain unlawful
(b) change or establish access codes to the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution and grant access only to a limited
number of computers and employees;

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(c) issue new photo identification passes for entry by authorised

employees to the premises of the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution and control the access of other persons to the
premises of the bank or specialised deposittaking institution;
(d) cancel authorisations permitting persons to engage the
financial responsibility of the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution and issue new authorisations, as appropriate
and notify third parties concerned;
(e) inform
(i) correspondent banks or specialised deposit-taking
(ii) registrars and transfer agents of securities, and
(iii) external asset managers of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution
that persons who previously had authorisation to give instructions on behalf
of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution involved with respect to
dealing in the assets of the bank or assets held in trust by the bank or the
specialised deposit-taking institutions are no longer authorised to give
instructions and that only the receiver and persons authorised by the receiver
have authority to give instructions;
(f) suspend the payment of capital distributions in general and
payment to key management personnel, and significant
shareholders, except the compensation that may be paid to
directors or key management personnel; and
(g) any action necessary for the efficient exercise of the powers of
the receiver.
(6) A person who willfully interferes with the access of a receiver to
or the control of a receiver over the offices, assets, books of account and
other records of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution for which that
person has been appointed, commits an offence and is liable on summary
conviction to a fine of not less than one hundred penalty units and not more
than five hundred penalty units for each day that the contravention continues,
or to a term of imprisonment of not less than one year and not more than five
years or to both.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(7) The suspension of payment under paragraph (f) of

(5) does not affect the base compensation payable to directors or key man-
agement personnel for services rendered in the capacity as a director or key
management personnel of the bank or specialised deposit-taking in-

(8) The receiver shall furnish the institution responsible for deposit
protection with information and reports in the form and manner that may he
determined by that institution.
Inventory of assets and new financial position
130. (1) A receiver shall establish a new financial position for the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution, based on a determination of liquidation
values of the assets of the bank or specialised deposit-taking

(2) A liability shall be deemed due and payable and interest shall
cease to accrue as from the date of the appointment of the receiver.
(3) An unmatured liability shall be discounted to its present value at
the rate of interest determined by the Bank of Ghana.
(4) The receiver shall within one month of taking possession of a
bank or specialised deposit-taking institution, take an inventory of the assets
and property of that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution and
transmit a copy of the inventory report to the Bank of Ghana.
(5) The Bank of Ghana shall publish the inventory report in two
daily newspapaers of national circulation and on the website of the Bank

131. * (1) The receiver may within thirty days of the date of appointment
repudiate any non performed or partially performed contract for the reason
that the fulfillment of the contract is burdensome for the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution and the repudiation would promote the orderly
administration of the affairs of the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution and protect the interests of depositors.
(2) Any liability arising from the repudiation under subsection
(1) , shall be determined as of the date of repudiation and shall he limited
to actual direct damages incurred and exclude any damage for lost profits

(3) In case of the repudiation of a contract for the lease of
immovable and movable property, the receiver shall give thirty day’s notice.
Setting aside of pre-receivership transactions
132. (1) The receiver may set aside the following transactions affecting
the assets of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution and recover
the assets from the transferee or other beneficiary of the transaction:
(a) gratuitous transfers to, or to persons related to, affiliates,
insiders or key management personnel of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution made within five years

(b) transactions with affiliates, insiders or key management

personnel of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
conducted within five years before the effective date of the
receivership, if detrimental to the interest of depositors

(c) gratuitous transfers to third parties made within three years

(d) transactions in which the consideration given by the bank or

specialised deposit-taking institution considerably exceeded
the received consideration, made within three years before

(e) a transaction based on a forged or fraudulent document that

the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution has

(f) any act done with the intention of all the parties involved to
withhold assets from the creditors of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution, or otherwise impair their rights,
within five years before the effective date of

(g) transfers of property of the bank or specialised deposittaking

institution to, or for the benefit of, a creditor on account of a
debt incurred within one year before the effective date of the
receivership which has the effect of increasing the amount
that the creditor would receive in a liquidation of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution,
Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016
(h) any attachment or security interest other than an attachment or
security interest that existed six months before the effective
date of the receivership.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the payment of deposits of an
amount equal to or less than
(a) one thousand four hundred and fifty Ghana Cedis in the case
of a specialised deposit-taking institution; and
(b) six thousand two hundred and fifty Ghana Cedis in the case of
for each depositor or for the amounts that may be determined in accordance
with die Ghana Deposit Protection Act, 2016 (Act 931).
(3) The receiver shall take action to set aside a transfer under this
section within one year after the effective date of the receivership.
(4) Despite subsections (1), (2) and (3), the receiver shall not set
aside a payment or transfer by the bank or specialised deposit-taking
(a) if the payment or transfer was made in the ordinary course of
(b) if the payment or transfer was part of a contemporaneous
exchange for reasonably equivalent value, or
(c) to the extent that following the transfer the recipient extended
new unsecured credit to the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution which had not been satisfied by the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution as of the effective date of
the receivership.
(5) Despite subsections (1) to (4), the receiver shall not set aside a
payment or transfer by the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
made pursuant to any power of an official administrator under sections 107
to 122.
(6) The receiver may recover property or the value of property
transferred by the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution from a
transferee of an initial transferee only if the second transferee did not give
fair value for the property and knew or reasonably should have known that
the initial transfer could be set aside under this Act.
(7) The receiver may order the notice of an action to set aside a
transfer to be recorded in the public records for real estate ownership.
(8) Pursuant to the record of a notice under subsection (7) the right of
a person to the property in question or a title to interest in the property

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

is subject to the rights of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution to

recover the property.
Determination of claims
133. (l)The Bank of Ghana may prescribe
(a) the procedure for determining the validity and priority of a

(b) the liquidation of the asset of a bank or a specialised deposit-

taking institution; and
(c) the return of the property of a customer of a bank or a
specialised deposit-taking institution.
(2) Without limiting the powers of the Bank of Ghana under
subsection (1), the sale of the asset of a bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution, shall be effected in a transparent and commercially reasonable
(3) Subject to subsection (4), a bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution shall not allow a set off in respect of claims acquired towards the
bank or specialised deposit- taking institution within three months before the
appointment of a receiver or after the appointment of a receiver.
(4) A claim against a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
arising from a deposit shall be set-off against any sum due from a depositor
to the bank or specialised deposit- taking institution as of the date on which
the licence is revoked and the receiver is appointed in the following manner:
(a) automatically, if the sum is matured or past due; or
(b) at the option of the depositor, if the sum is not matured or past
Claims relating to eligible financial contracts
134. (1) In determining the rights and obligations between a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution and its contractual counterpart, effect
shall be given to the termination provisions of eligible financial contracts
between the bank or specialised deposit- taking institution and the
contractual counterpart of the bank or specialised deposit-taking

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
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institution, except during the period of a temporary stay on the exercise of a

right that the Bank of Ghana may prescribe.
(2) The temporary stay of termination provisions shall be subject to
the safeguards that the Bank of Ghana shall prescribe in order to facilitate
the liquidation of the bank or the specialised deposit-taking institution and
simultaneously minimise any disruption to the markets for eligible financial
(3) The net termination value determined in accordance with an
eligible financial contract between a bank or specialised deposittaking
institution and its contractual counterpart, shall be a claim of the bank or the
specialised deposit-taking institution on the counterpart or shall be admitted
after the net termination value is validated as a claim of the counterpart on
the bank or the specialised deposit- taking institution.
(4) In this section, “net termination value” means the net amount
obtained after setting off the mutual obligations between the parties to an
eligible financial contract in accordance with the provisions of that contract.
(5) For the purposes of this section, the Bank of Ghana shall
prescribe the types of contracts that shall qualify as “eligible financial
contracts” and that may include a master agreement covering more than one
type of contract.
Priorities in payment of claims
135. (1) In pursuance of the liquidation of the assets of a bank or a
specialised deposit-taking institution,
(a) allowed secured claims shall be paid
(i) to the extent of the realisation of the security; or
(ii) by delivering to the secured creditor, the security held
by the bank or the specialised deposit-taking
institution; and
(b) other allowed claims shall be paid in relation to all other
debts, in the following order:
(i) necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by the
receiver and the Bank of Ghana, including profes-
sional fees, under sections 123 to 139;

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(ii) payments made by the institution responsible for

deposit protection in respect of insured deposits in
compliance with the Ghana Deposit Protection Act,
2016 (Act 931);
(iii) credits extended to the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution by the Bank of Ghana until the
appointment of the receiver;
(iv) statutory amounts owed to the Government or to a
municipality, except as determined by the Govern-
(v) wages or salaries earned by an employee not later
than one hundred and eighty days before the ap-
pointment of the receiver, as may be specified by the
Bank of Ghana except for wages and salaries earned
by a director or a key management personnel;
(vi) credits extended to the bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution after the appointment of the
(vii) deposits not covered under subparagraph (ii);
(vitf) compensation of employees not covered under sub-
paragraph (v);
(ix) unsecured credits extended to the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution before the appointment of
the receiver; and
(x) subordinated debt.
(2) Where the amount available for payment of any class of
claim under subsection (1) is insufficient to provide payment in full, the
claim of that class shall be reduced in equal proportions.
(3) After payment of all claims filed, the remaining allowable
claims that were not filed within the time specified by the receiver for filing,
shall be paid.
(4) Where any proceeds remain after all claims of depositors and
other creditors have been paid, the proceeds shall be distributed among the
shareholders of the bank or the specialised deposit-taking institution
involved in accordance with their rights.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016
Termination of receivership and final reporting to the Bank of
136. (1) After the distribution of the proceeds of the sale of assets of a
bank or a specialised deposit-taking institution, the receiver shall submit a
report to the Bank of Ghana indicating among others
(a) a statement of income and expense; and
(b) sources and uses of funds during the period of receivership.
(2) Where the Bank of Ghana approves the report under subsection
(a) the receivership of the Bank of Ghana terminates; and
(b) the Bank of Ghana and the receiver are relieved of any further
responsibility in connection with the receivership of the bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution involved.
(3) A receiver may abandon the sale of an asset of a bank or a
specialised deposit-taking institution or donate the asset to a charitable
institution that promotes public health or education, where
(a) the asset is of an immaterial value;
(b) the receiver is unable to sell the asset; or
(c) the cost of sale of the asset would exceed the amount
expected to be received.
(4) The creditor of a bank or a specialised deposit-taking institution
does not have a claim against an asset under subsection (3).
Miscellaneous receivership provisions
137. Where a receiver has sufficient reason to believe that shareholders,
directors, officers, attorneys, accountants or other professionals have
engaged or are engaging in a criminal or fraudulent activity in relation to the
business of a bank or a specialised deposit-taking institution, that receiver
(a) notify the Bank of Ghana immediately, and
(b) institute a civil action to claim damages and restitution.
Relationship with other enactments
138. The provisions of the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179), the Bodies
Corporate (Official Liquidations) Act, 1963 (Act 180), or any other
enactment relating to corporate insolvency or liquidation shall not apply to
the winding up and liquidation of an insolvent bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution in the country.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Voluntary winding-up
139. (1) Despite the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179) or any other
relevant enactment, a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not
wind up voluntarily unless the Bank of Ghana has certified in writing that
that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution would be capable on its
voluntary winding up, of meeting the obligations it has in respect of the
depositors and creditors as the obligations accrue.
(2) Where the Bank of Ghana, at any stage of the voluntary winding
up, considers that that bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which is
winding up is unable to meet its obligations to depositors or creditors in full,
the Bank of Ghana shall appoint a receiver to wind up the affairs of that
bank or the specialised deposit-taking institution and sections 123 to 139
shall apply.
Miscellaneous Provisions
Review of decisions of the Bank of Ghana on licensing
140. (1) Where a person is aggrieved with a decision of the Bank of
Ghana in respect of issuance of a licence, that person may, within thirty days
of the decision, petition the Bank of Ghana in writing for a review.
(2) Where the person is dissatisfied with the outcome of the review
under subsection (1), the person may, within thirty days from the date of the
decision, in writing, appeal against the decision to the Adjudicative Panel
established under subsection (3),
(3) There is established an Adjudicative Panel consisting of
(a) a chairperson who is a Justice of the High Court nominated
by the Chief Justice;
(b) one person with knowledge in banking and finance and with
not less than ten years experience in banking and finance
nominated by the Chartered Institute of Bankers; and
(c) one member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana
who has been in practice for not less than ten years,
nominated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana.
(4) The Chief Justice shall appoint members of the Adjudicative
(5) The Adjudicative Panel shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

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(6) The Adjudicative Panel shall communicate its decision to the

applicant within thirty days of receipt of the appeal made to it in writing
under subsection (2).
(7) A person dissatisfied with the decision of the Adjudicative
Panel may appeal to the High Court within thirty days upon receipt of the
(8) The expenses of the Adjudicative Panel including allowances of
members of the Adjudicative Panel shall be borne by the Bank of Ghana.
Review of decision of Bank of Ghana on official administration,
liquidation and receivership by arbitration
141. (1) Where a person is aggrieved with a decision of the Bank of
Ghana in respect of
(a) matters under sections 107 to 122 or sections 123 to 139;
(b) withdrawal of the registration of a financial holding company;
(c) matters which involve the revocation of a licence of a bank or
a specialised deposit taking institution; or
(d) an action under sections 102 to 106 and where the Bank of
Ghana determines that there is a serious risk to the financial
stability or of material loss to that bank or specialised deposit-
taking institution or financial holding company
and that person desires redress of such grievances, that person shall resort to
arbitration under the rules of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre
established under the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798).
Review of decisions through arbitration
142. With respect to an arbitration proceeding against the Bank of
Ghana, a member of the decision-making body, a staff of the Bank of Ghana,
an agent of the Bank of Ghana, or Arbitration Panel in reaching a decision,
may examine whether the defendant acted unlawfully or in an arbitrary or
capricious manner having regard to
(a) the peculiar facts,
(b) the provisions of this Act,
(c) a directive of the Bank of Ghana, or
(I) any other enactment.

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

Unclaimed balances
143. (1) Where a current or savings account has not been operated for a
period of two years or a time deposit account has not been operated for a
period of two years after the date of maturity of the deposit, a withdrawal
shall not be made on the account except with the permission of two
authorised officers of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
(2) An account referred to in subsection (1) shall be transferred to a
separate register of dormant accounts in the books of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution and a notice in writing of that action shall be given
to the depositor at the last known address of the depositor.
(3) Where an account which is transferable under subsection (2) is
subject to a service charge, or is an interest bearing account, the charge may
continue to be levied or the interest accrued up to the date on which the
account was transferred to the register of dormant accounts.
(4) Where an account is transferred to a register of dormant
accounts and the account has been on the register for three years, the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution shall advertise in at least two daily
newspapers of national circulation the fact that the account has been on the
register of dormant accounts for three years.
(5) An account may be transferred out of the register of dormant
accounts on a request by the depositor or the legal representative of the
depositor where a depositor is dead or incapacitated.
(6) Where an account has been in the register of dormant accounts
for a period of three years and that fact has been advertised as required under
subsection (4), the balance on the account shall be transferred to an account
earmarked for that purpose at the Bank of Ghana.
(7) Where a balance has been transferred under subsection (6), the
Bank of Ghana shall, on a request, refund any unclaimed balances to the
depositor, or if the depositor is dead, to the legal representative of the
Prohibition of floating charge
144. (1) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall not create a
floating charge on an undertaking or property of the bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution or part of the property of the bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution.

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(2) The Bank of Ghana may prescribe restrictions on other liens or

charges in respect of the property of a bank or specialised deposittaking
(3) A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution which creates a
floating charge in contravention of subsection (1), is liable to pay to the
Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of not more than one thousand
penalty units.
(4) A key management personnel who fails to comply with this
section is liable to pay to the Bank of Ghana an administrative penalty of not
more than one thousand penalty units.
Confidentiality obligations of officials and employees of the Bank of
145. (1) A director, officer or employee of the Bank of Ghana or any
person appointed by the Bank of Ghana pursuant to the banking laws shall,
before performing a function under the banking laws,
(a) in the case of a Director or head of department, take an oath of
confidentiality in the form set out in Part I of the First
Schedule; and
(b) in any other case, make a declaration of confidentiality before
the chairperson of the Board in the form set out in Part II of
the First Schedule.
(2) A director, officer or employee of the Bank of Ghana or any
other person appointed by the Bank of Ghana shall not, during or after a
relationship with the Bank of Ghana, disclose directly or indirectly to any
person any information related to the affairs of the Bank of Ghana, or any
other bank, specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding
company or of any of its customers, which the person has acquired in the
discharge of duties or the performance of functions except,
(a) for the purposes of
(i) the performance of functions or the exercise of
powers under the banking laws; or
(ii) meeting the requirements of an agreement or
understanding reached by the Bank of Ghana with any
other relevant supervisory body;

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(b) when lawfully required to do so under this Act or any other

enactment; or
(c) by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
(3) A person who contravenes a provision of this section, commits
an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not less than five
hundred penalty units and not more than one thousand penalty units.
(4) Nothing in this section shall preclude
(a) the exchange or disclosure of information, under conditions of
confidentiality between the Bank of Ghana and a foreign
regulatory agency performing functions similar to those of the
Bank of Ghana under this Act, pursuant to any existing or
future Treaty, or any agreement or arrangement entered into
by the Bank of Ghana pursuant to section 147;
(b) the disclosure of information pursuant to an order made by a
judge in chambers under any relevant enactment related to
mutual assistance in criminal and related matters to a foreign
(c) the disclosure of information to the Financial Intelligence
Centre established under the Anti-Money Laundering Act,
2008 (Act 749);
(d) the disclosure of information to members of the Financial
Sector Regulators Forum; or
(e) the exchange of information between the Bank of Ghana and
the institution responsible for deposit protection.
Secrecy of customer information
146. (1) Subject to this Act, a person with access to the books, accounts,
records, financial statements or other documents, electronically or otherwise,
of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution shall,
(a) in the case of a director or key management personnel, take
an oath of confidentiality in the form set out in Part I of the
Second Schedule; or
(b) in any other case, make a declaration of confidentiality before
the chief executive or deputy chief executive of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution in the form set out in
Part II of the Second Schedule,

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
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before the person begins to perform any function under the banking laws.
(2) Except for the purpose of the performance of functions or the
exercise of a power under the banking laws or as directed in writing by the
Bank of Ghana, a person referred to in subsection (1) shall not, during or
after a relationship with the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution,
disclose directly or indirectly to any person any information related to the
affairs of any of its customers including deposits, borrowings or transactions
or other personal, financial or business affairs without the prior written
consent of the customer or the personal representative of the customer.
(3) The duty of confidentiality imposed under this section shall not
apply to the provision of customer information
(a) to the Bank of Ghana for purposes of carrying out duties and
exercising powers under this Act;
(b) to the Ghana Revenue Authority
(i) upon the request of the Ghana Revenue Authority
acting in accordance with paragraphs 19 and 20 of the
Seventh Schedule of the Income Tax Act, 2015 (Act
896); or
(ii) in accordance with Regulations made under the
Income Tax Act, 2015 (Act 896) for the automatic
exchange of financial information for tax purposes
with the competent authority of another jurisdiction;
(c) to the Financial Intelligence Centre established under the
Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749);

(d) to the Collateral Registry set-up under the Borrowers and

Lenders Act, 2008 (Act 773).
(e) in accordance with the provisions of the Credit Reporting Act,
2007 (Act 726);
(f) in accordance with the provisions of the Ghana Deposit
Protection Act, 2016 (Act 931); or
(g) to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
(4) The duty of confidentiality imposed under this section shall not
apply where
(a) a customer issued with a credit card or charge card by a bank
or specialised deposit-taking institution, has had the

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

card suspended or cancelled by that bank or specialised

deposit-taking institution by reason of default in payment,
and the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
discloses information related to the name and identity of the
customer, the amount of indebtedness and the date of
suspension or cancellation of the credit card or charge card to
another bank or specialised deposit-taking institution that is
issuing credit cards or charge cards in the country;
(b) the customer is declared bankrupt or insolvent in Ghana or, in
the case of a company, is being wound up;
(c) the customer has died, testate or intestate, and the information
is required by the appointed personal representative of the
deceased or the testamentary executor solely in connection
with the succession to the estate;
(d) the express consent of the customer has been obtained;
(e) civil proceedings have been instituted involving the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution and the customer or the
account of the customer;
(f) the information is required by an officer in the employment of
the same bank or specialised deposit-taking institution in die
country or an auditor or legal representative of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution who requires and is
entided to know the information in the course of professional
(g) the information is required by another bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution for the purpose of assessing the
credit-worthiness of a customer, if the information is being
sought for commercial reasons and is of a general nature;
(h) the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution has been
served with a garnishee order attaching moneys in the
account of the customer;
(i) a person referred to in subsection (1) is summoned to appear
before a judge or a court of competent jurisdiction and the
judge or the court orders the disclosure of the information;

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act
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(j) where disclosure is required under an enactment; and

(k) the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution is required to
make a report or provide additional information on a
suspicious transaction to the Financial Intelligence Centre
established under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act
(5) Subject to subsections (7) and (8), information shall be disclosed
where the head office of a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
(a) incorporated outside the country requires information from
the subsidiary of that bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution in the country in respect of a transaction of the
subsidiary; or
(b) incorporated in the country requires information from the
subsidiary or branch of that bank or specialised deposittaking
institution outside the country in respect of a transaction of
the subsidiary or branch.
(6) Subject to subsections (7) and (8), information shall be disclosed
where the parent bank or specialised deposit-taking institution of a
subsidiary, which subsidiary is operating in the country under consolidated
supervision, requires information from the subsidiary about any of the
transactions of the subsidiary.
(7) Where the information which is required under
(5) or (6) relates to a transaction with a customer other than a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution, information other than credit facilities
granted to or foreign exchange transactions with the customer shall not be
(8) Information related to deposits taken from or foreign exchange
transactions with a central bank or any other entity or agency, by whatever
name called, which performs the functions of a central bank, shall not be
(9) Where an officer of a foreign bank or specialised deposittaking
institution or an officer of a central bank or banking regulator in a foreign
country or any other entity or agency, by whatever name called, has the
responsibility to supervise a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution or
perform the functions of a central bank, proposes to
(a) conduct an inquiry, audit or inspection of a branch or a
subsidiary of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution
in the country, or

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(b) carry out any other action that would involve the duty of
confidentiality imposed under this section, that officer shall obtain the prior
written authorisation of the Bank of Ghana.
(10) An officer responsible for carrying out an action that would
involve the duty of confidentiality under this section shall be subject to the
duty of confidentiality and any other conditions that the Bank of Ghana may
impose before information of a confidential nature is made available to the
(11) The Bank of Ghana may disclose to the auditor of a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution any information received under or for
the purposes of this Act where the Bank of Ghana considers that disclosing
the information would enable or assist the auditor in the discharge of the
supervisory duties of the Bank of Ghana.
(12) This section shall not limit
(a) the obligations of the Republic under an international
treaty, convention or agreement; and
(b) the obligations of the Bank of Ghana under any
agreement or arrangement or under any existing or
future memorandum of understanding for cooperation
and exchange of information between the Bank of
Ghana and any other foreign regulatory agency
performing functions similar to those of the Bank of
Agreements for exchange of information
147. (1) Where the Bank of Ghana is satisfied that a foreign supervisory
institution has the obligation to protect the confidentiality of the information
imparted, the Bank of Ghana may enter into an agreement or arrangement
for coordination, cooperation, and the exchange of information with that
foreign supervisory institution with responsibility to supervise banks or
specialised deposit-taking institutions, financial institutions, financial
holding companies, or other similar institutions.
(2) The Bank of Ghana may enter into an agreement or arrangement
for coordination and the exchange of information with the institution
responsible for deposit protection.

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

Disclosure of information relating to banks or specialised deposittaking

institutions or financial holding companies
148. Despite the provisions of this Act, the Bank of Ghana may,
(a) in the interest of the public, publish information obtained
from the banks, specialised deposit-taking institutions or
financial holding companies, in a consolidated form that it
considers fit; and
(b) share supervisory information, on a confidential basis, with
other official agencies, both domestic and foreign, responsible
for the safety and soundness of the financial system, if the
information is used only for purposes related to the effective
supervision on a solo or consolidated basis of the institutions
concerned and their affiliates.
Submission of reports on trend and progress
149. (1) The Bank of Ghana shall, not later than one hundred and twenty
days after the end of the financial year, submit to the Minister a report on the
trend and progress of the business of deposit-taking in the country.
(2) The Bank of Ghana shall include in the report the recom-
mendations that it considers necessary in the interest of the deposittaking
business in the country.
Protection from liability and indemnification
150. (1) An action shall not lie against the Attorney-General, the Bank of
Ghana, an officer of the Bank of Ghana or any other person acting under the
direction of the Bank of Ghana for
(a) anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in the
implementation of this Act unless it is proven that the act or
omission constitutes intentional wrongful conduct or gross
negligence; or
(b) the exercise of a power or a discharge of duty authorised or
required under any other enactment.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the Bank of Ghana shall indemnify
(a) a member of a decision-making body of the Bank of Ghana,
(b) an employee or official of the Bank of Ghana.
(3) An agent of the Bank of Ghana shall be indemnified against
costs incurred in the defence of a legal action instituted against the

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

person in connection with the discharge or purported discharge of an official

task within the scope of employment or engagement of the person under this
(4) The Bank of Ghana shall not indemnify a person who has been
convicted of a crime arising out of the activities that are covered by the legal
Collection of civil penalties
151. An administrative penalty imposed under this Act by the Bank of
Ghana shall be a debt due from that person to the Bank of Ghana and shall
(a) in the case of a director, key management personnel, or any
other person, be recoverable by personal action against the
director, key management personnel, or that other person if
the debt is not paid within sixty days after demand;
(b) in the case of a bank, be recoverable by debit to the bank
account of that bank with the Bank of Ghana; or
(c) in the case of a specialised deposit-taking institution or
financial holding company, be recoverable by an action
against the specialised deposit-taking institution or financial
holding company if the debt is not paid within sixty days after
the demand.
Prosecution of offences and penalties
152. (1) The Attorney-General may, by executive instrument, authorise
an officer of the Bank of Ghana specified in the instrument to prosecute an
offence that arises under this Act.
(2) Where a body of persons is convicted of an offence under this
(a) in the case of a body corporate other than a partnership, every
director and officer of that body shall be deemed to have
committed the offence; and
(b) in the case of a partnership, every partner shall be deemed to
have committed the offence.
(3) A person shall not be convicted under subsection (2), if that
person proves that the offence was committed without the consent or
connivance of that person and that due diligence to prevent the commission
of the offence was exercised having regard to the circumstances.

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Institutions Act, 2016

153. Despite the provisions of any other enactment, where a person is

accused of more than one offence under this Act, that person may be
charged with and tried at one trial for any number of those offences

154. A person who commits an offence under this Act for which a
penalty is not provided is liable on summary conviction,
(a) in the case of an individual, to a fine of not less than five
hundred penalty units and not more than two thousand
penalty units or to a term of imprisonment of not less than six
months and not more than two years or to both.
(b) in the case of a corporate body to a fine of not less than five
thousand penalty units and not more than ten thousand

(c) in the case of a continuing offence to a further fine of fifty

penalty units for each day that the contravention continues.

155. (1) The Minister may, in consultation with the Bank of Ghana, by
legislative instrument, make Regulations prescribing or making provision
for anything which under this Act may be prescribed or

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Minister may make

(a) for the payment of fees and charges under this Act; and
(b) generally for the effective implementation of this Act.

156. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,

(a) a body corporate of which the company is a subsid-

(c) a body corporate that is under a common control

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

“applicant” means a body corporate;

“associate” means an entity over which a bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution, or financial holding company has
power to participate in its financial or operating policy
decisions but which does not control or jointly control its
“bank” means a body corporate which engages in the deposit-
taking business and is issued with a banking licence in
accordance with this Act;
“banking law” means an enactment related to the banking system;
“banking policy” means a policy which is specified by the Bank
of Ghana in the interest of the banking system or in the
interest of monetary stability or sound economic growth;
“capital adequacy ratio” is the ratio expressed as a percentage of
the adjusted capital base to the risk weighted financial
“Chief Executive” in relation to a body corporate, means a person,
by whatever name called, who is responsible, subject to the
authority of the board of directors of the body corporate, for
the conduct and management of the business of the corporate
“Company Regulations” means the Regulations of a company
incorporated under the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179);
“control” means a relationship where a person or a group of
persons acting in concert, directly or indirectly
(a) owns twenty five percent or more of the voting rights
of a person;
(b) has the power to appoint or remove the majority of
the members of the board of directors of the person;
(c) has the ability to exert a significant influence on the
management or policies of a person; or
(d) has the ability to direct the activities of the person so
as to affect the financial returns on any investment
made with the person;

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

“credit union” means a body corporate established to operate as a co-

operative and not for profit but to provide savings, credit and other
financial services to members of that body corporate based on a
common bond and linkage of association; “controlling shareholding”
means a holding or means of influence exercised by a person or a
group of persons acting in concert, directly or indirectly that
constitutes control over the bank or specialised deposit-taking
institution; “corporate group” means a company and the affiliates or
associates of that company;
“deposit” means a sum of money paid to a person on condition
that it is to be repaid by that person, with or without interest
or premium either on demand or at an agreed time under the
legal and contractual conditions applicable and not referable
to the provision of property or services or the giving of
“Deposit Protection Scheme” means the Ghana Deposit
Protection Scheme established under the Ghana Deposit
Protection Act, 2016 (Act 931).
“deposit-taking business” means the business of
(a) taking money on deposit and making loans or other
advances of money; and
(b) financial activities prescribed by the Bank of Ghana for
purposes of this definition;
“deposit-taking microfinance institution” means a specialised
deposit-taking institution engaged primarily in the provision
of deposit-taking and credit services targeted at low income
clients and the economically active poor;
“emolument” means salaries and allowances other than performance
related earnings;
“employee” means an individual employed by a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution other than a director or
key management personnel;
“enhanced reporting” means frequent and detailed reporting;
“examination” includes the carrying out of on-site, off-site, credit
reporting and any other examination as may be

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

determined by the Bank of Ghana under the Anti-Money

Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749) or any other relevant
“financial exposure” in relation to a bank, specialised deposit-
taking institution, or financial holding company with respect
to a person is the aggregate of
(a) the loans, advances, placements, and credit facilities
including off-balance sheet obligations given to that
person, and
(b) the value of the holdings by that bank, specialised
deposit-taking institution, or financial holding
company of shares and debentures and other debt
securities issued by that person;
“financial group” means a corporate group that includes a bank or
a specialised deposit-taking institution and its affiliates or
associates that the Bank of Ghana determines to be taken into
account for purposes of this Act;
“financial holding company” means a company that controls a
bank or a specialised deposit-taking institution which is subject to
registration requirements under this Act; “finance house” means a
specialised deposit-taking institution engaged primarily in
providing consumer credit and business finance;
“financial institution” means a bank or a specialised deposittaking
“Financial Sector Regulators Forum” means a platform for
exchange of information between regulators of the financial
system in the country;
“fit and proper person” means a person who is suitable to hold the
particular position which that person holds or is to hold as
(a) the probity, competence and soundness of judgment of
the person for purposes of fulfilling the responsi-
bilities of that person;
(b) the diligence with which that person fulfils or is likely
to fulfill those responsibilities;

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

(c) whether the interest of depositors or potential

depositors of the entity are threatened, or likely to be,
in any way threatened by the person holding that
position; and
(d) that the integrity of the person is established and the
qualifications and experience of the person are
appropriate for the position in the light of the
business plan and activities of the entity which the
person serves, or is likely to serve, taking into
account the size, nature and complexity of the
“foreign bank” means a foreign company that is authorised to
engage in a deposit-taking business in the country where its
head office is located;
“foreign company” means a company incorporated under the
laws of a country other than Ghana;
“foreign exchange business” means the business of buying,
selling, borrowing, lending, receiving or paying foreign
“holding company” means a company that controls another
company or body corporate, whether or not the holding company is
a non-operating or operating company; “insider” with respect to a
bank or a specialised deposit-taking institution means a director, an
executive director, key management personnel and a significant
shareholder other than a financial holding company;
“key management personnel” includes the chief executive,
deputy chief executive, chief operating officer, chief finance
officer, board secretary, treasurer, chief internal auditor, the
chief risk officer, the head of compliance, the anti-money
laundering reporting officer, the head of internal control
functions, the chief legal officer, the manager of a significant
business unit of the bank, a specialised deposit-taking
institution, or a financial holding company or any person with
similar responsibilities;

Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

“large exposure” means financial exposure to a single borrower or

group of connected borrowers that in the aggregate exceeds
ten percent of the net own funds of the bank, a specialised
deposit-taking institution, or financial holding company;
“law enforcement agency” means the Police, Bureau of National
Investigations and officers of the Economic and Organised
Crime Office;
“management letter” means a formal letter from the auditor
addressed to the financial institution on the weaknesses
identified in the operations of a financial institution during
the audit;
“micro and small business financing” means the financing of
households and small business enterprises;
“minimum paid-up capital” includes
(a) initial funds required to start-up a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution, and
(b) the operational start-up costs as may be prescribed by
the Bank of Ghana
but excludes expenses incurred in employing capital;
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for Finance;
“net open position” means the sum of the foreign currency
exposure of a bank expressed as a percentage of that bank’s
net own funds taking into consideration the following:
(a) the net position of its total foreign currency assets
and liabilities,
(b) the position of spot and forward foreign exchange
transactions on the reporting date, and
(c) the sum of all off-balance sheet obligations maturing
within two working days of the reporting date or any
other period as may be prescribed by the Bank of
“net own funds” includes the sum total of share capital that has
been paid-up, free reserves but excludes revaluation

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

reserves, on property, plant, and equipment, other non-

distributable reserves unless with the approval of the Bank of
Ghana, other than the Reserve Fund established under
section 34, subject to netting out accumulated losses,
goodwill and unwritten off capitalised expenditure including
pre-operating expenses and deferred tax;
“non interest banking” means a banking service that does not

“off balance sheet transaction” includes contingent assets

contingent liabilities in the form of letters of credit, guar-
antees, bids, bonds and indemnities;
“ordinarily resident” means a situation where a person has lived
in Ghana for at least twelve months;
“paid-up capital” includes minimum capital, additional fully paid-
up shares, and the capitalisation of income surplus; “person”
includes a body corporate, whether corporation, aggregate or
corporate sole and unincorporated body of

“prescribed” means prescribed by Regulations or Rules or

directives issued by the Bank of Ghana under this Act; “public
interest” includes a right or advantage which enures or is intended
to enure to the general benefit of the people of

“purchase and assumption” means an agreement in which a part

or the whole of the assets of the failed bank are purchased
and all or some of the liabilities are assumed by an

“relevant entities” include a bank, a specialised deposit-taking

institution, and financial holding company;
“Regulations” means the Regulations made under this Act;
“related interest” in relation to an insider means
(a) a firm or company in which an insider is interested,
directly or indirectly as a director or controlling
shareholder, partner, proprietor, employee or guar-

(b) a holding company, subsidiary, or affiliate of that

company in which an insider is interested, directly
Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

or indirectly, as director, key management personnel,

controlling shareholder, partner, proprietor, employee
or guarantor;
“related persons” in relation to an insider means a spouse, son,
daughter, step son, step daughter, brother, sister, father,
mother, cousin, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, step sister and
step brother of an insider;
“rural or community bank” means a specialised deposit-taking
institution engaged primarily in deposit-taking business
within a defined catchment area;
“savings and loans company” means a specialised deposittaking
institution engaged primarily in the deposit-taking business
from households and small business enterprises and the
provision of credit to the corporate and non-corporate sector,
and micro and small business financing;
“shell company” means a company that has no physical presence
in the country in which it is incorporated and licensed, and that is
unaffiliated with a regulated financial service group that is subject
to effective consolidated supervision; “significant shareholder”
means a shareholder who has a direct or indirect holding which
represents five percent or more of the capital or of the voting
“significant shareholding” means a direct or indirect holding
which represents five percent or more of the capital or of the
voting rights;
“specialised deposit-taking institution” means a body corporate
which engages in the deposit-taking business and is issued
with a licence to engage in the deposit-taking business in
accordance with this Act;
“subsidiary” means a company over which another company has
“supervisory structures” include units, offices, departments or
other outfits within the Bank of Ghana authorised by the
Bank of Ghana to supervise banks and specialised deposit-
taking institutions;
“time deposit account” means an account held at a bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution into which money is

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

deposited for a specified period and out of which money can

only be withdrawn before the expiration of the specified

“ultimate beneficial owner” means an individual that ultimately

derives the benefits of ownership or control of a juridical

157. (1) The following enactments are repealed:

(b) the Banking (Amendment) Act, 2007 (Act 738).

(2) Despite the repeal of Act 673 and Act 738, the Regulations,
orders, directives, notifications, instructions, exemptions, approvals,
decisions, rules and any other executive or administrative act lawfully made,
given or done under Act 673 and Act 738 shall, upon the coming into force of
this Act, continue in force until amended, reviewed, terminated or revoked in
accordance with this Act.

158. A bank or specialised deposit-taking institution licensed under or

provided for under the Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673) or established under any
other enactment and in existence before the coming into force of this Act
shall continue in existence subject to compliance with this

159. (1) A person who controls a bank or specialised deposit-taking

institution on the coming into force of this Act shall file an application for
registration as a financial holding company within ninety days of

(2) Where the Bank of Ghana rejects an application filed under

subsection (1), the Bank of Ghana shall restrict transactions between the
Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

bank or specialised deposit-taking institution and the applicant and direct

the applicant to divest the bank or a specialised deposit-taking institution in
respect of which the applicant is a financial holding company.
(3) Where a divestiture directed under subsection (2) is not
accomplished within one year from the date the directive is issued, the Bank
of Ghana shall take over the official administration of the bank or
specialised deposit-taking institution and may exercise any of the powers
available to the Bank of Ghana under this Act in order to change the
ownership of the bank or specialised deposit-taking institution.
(4) The Bank of Ghana may exempt a person to which this section
applies from a provision of this Act that is applicable to a financial holding
company or modify the application of a provision of this Act, where the
Bank of Ghana determines that the exemption or modification is not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.
(5) An application filed in accordance with this section shall not be
approved unless the applicant has submitted as an alternative a plan for
achieving compliance that is satisfactory to the Bank of Ghana in place of
compliance with all applicable provisions of this Act.
(6) Where an applicant fails to implement a plan for compliance,
the Bank of Ghana may take action under subsections (2) to (4) and any
other action authorised under this Act.
Moratorium for transition
160. (1) A bank or a specialised deposit-taking institution that owns
(a) a subsidiary company engaged in agricultural, commercial or
industrial activity or
(b) investments, activities or properties
in breach of section 19 shall divest itself of such subsidiaries, investments,
activities or properties not later than one year after the coming into force of
this Act, or any other period as the Bank of Ghana may prescribe.
(2) A bank and specialised deposit-taking institution in existence
before the coming into force of this Act shall, upon the coming into force of
this Act, have a grace period of six months or any other period as the Bank
of Ghana may determine to ensure full compliance with the provi-

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

sions of this Act in relation to matters of capital, liquidity, corporate

governance, lending and investments.
(3) The Bank of Ghana may
(a) exempt a bank or specialised deposit-taking institution to
which this section applies, or
(b) modify the application of this section to a bank or specialised
deposit-taking institution,
if the Bank of Ghana determines that the exemption or modification is not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.
Act 930 Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking
Institutions Act, 2016

(Section 145 (1) (a))
Oath of Confidentiality

I, ..................................................................................................................... .
having been appointed..................................................................... do hereby
swear/solemnly affirm that I shall maintain during or after my relationship
with the Bank of Ghana the confidentiality of any matter related to the bank-
ing laws which comes to my knowledge and shall not, on any account and at
any time, disclose directly or indirectly to any person, any matter or
information related to the affairs of the Bank of Ghana or of any other bank,
specialised deposit-taking institution or financial holding company or the
affairs of any of their customers, otherwise than for the purpose of the
performance of my functions or the exercise of my powers under the
banking laws or when meeting the requirements of an agreement or
understanding reached by the Bank of Ghana with any other relevant
supervisory body or when lawfully required to do so by a Judge in chambers
or any court of law or under any enactment.

Signature of declarant ....................................................................................

Taken before me .............................................................................................

Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016

The Registrar of the High Court on....................................................... (date)

Part II
(Section 145 (1) (b))
Declaration of Confidentiality

L ......................................................................................................................
having been appointed............................................... do hereby declare that Ishall
maintain during or after my relationship with............................................ the
confidentiality of any matter related to the banking laws which come to my
knowledge and shall not, on any account and at any time, disclose directly or
indirectly to any person, any matter or information related to the affairs of
.................................. otherwise than for the purpose of the performance of
my functions or the exercise of my powers under the banking laws or when
lawfully required to do so by a Judge in chambers or any court of law or
under any enactment.

Signature of declarant .............................................................

Made before me.......................................................................
Name .......................................................................................
The Chief Executive.................................................................. (date)
Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Act 930
Institutions Act, 2016


Website: E-mail:
[email protected]

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