1click Sisig - Marketing Plan

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Marketing Management
T/TH 5:00-6:30 PM
Delos Reyes, Jericho Andrei
Flores, Ricardo
Lidem, Hazel
Raymundo, Andrea

In terms of suppliers, instead of buying ingredients from anywhere in the market, the business could
choose to contact suppliers of main ingredients like rice and meat which offers good prices. It would be
complicated to depend on resellers so the business could decide to switch to meat and rice suppliers for a good
transaction and continuous service. The business can also bring forth its members to develop new ideas to
exploit and maximize available resources for product innovation instead of sticking to three product offers only.

There are few identified competitors in the market that are in the same industry and area of business
particularly stalls at Xentro Mall like Mang Inasal and stalls in the Food Court located at the upper floor of the
building as well as Chipping’s. These businesses have been in the field for many years now and has lots of
customers flocking among them but 1 Click Sisig but these stores has many offers other than sisig itself. That is
an advantage in our part because our business is focused on Sisig which means a good opportunity to exploit
dishes centered on Sisig to offer to the market. Also, the business offers products they do not, which is another
good competitive advantage. Another thing is that 1 Click Sisig’s operation is focused online which is a greater
convenience on consumer’s perspective and a greater chance of gaining customers.

Covid-19 pandemic had been a threat to the economy for more than a year now which brought about
downsides and upsides for business but more of a downside for many businesses. Due to restrictions and
limitations of going outside, 1 Click has seen this opportunity to open business online. Going online for small
businesses had been a trend nowadays due to the current situation and may orders food for delivery. Thus, the
online transaction and delivery services. However, there are some who are very careful in ordering foods online
particularly to newly opened businesses thus some stick to buying foods from the existing ones. On the other
hand, due to the current local situation, the price of pork has been continuously declining which in turn a good
side for the business in terms of product pricing.

Currently, people are trying to live in the new normal which greatly affected people and businesses. The
restrictions have limited people to go out and adapt the new practices. Many businesses especially physical
stores in the food industry have less customers thus orders than before. This is one posing threat for the
business in terms of market penetration. However, due to the limited number of customers that has to order in
stores daily, online operation was seen as a good advantage. Food culture has also been evolving and people
always want to try something new and attractive hence a great opportunity for the business to focus on.

The public opinion became and is being a powerful tool nowadays. One post on social media can either
build up a business or destroy everything. This is a great reminder for the store to always maintain a good
reputation and integrity. Since the business is in the food industry, cleanliness and quality should always be on
the priority list. One wrong move in the kitchen could result to public hate and distrust. And since social media is
in uproar, the business could use this chance to make very effective advertising ads and promotional strategy
and maximize resources available on the digital world.


Currently, business are required to abide to health and safety protocols being instigated by the
government. This is a good way for the business to ensure safety for both employees and customers and market
safer and better quality products. Although, on the other hand, these legal requirements can be a constraint to
business practices, this draws line for the business to practice safety protocols and avoid possible damage.



Barangay Business Clearance

SEC Registration

DTI Registration

Mayor’s Permit

Sanitary Permit

Garbage Fee

Medical Fee

Business Sticker
• To increase market share of the business by 10% every year.

• To be able to penetrate the market with a great start and attract customers in a given time frame.

• To be able to retain customer loyalty by continuous product development.

• To achieve client expectation and obtain customer satisfaction of more than 90% on annual consumer
satisfaction survey.

The target market of 1Click Sisig are the households of Calapan City. There are estimated 34% of the
total population who consumes Sisig for the past years. The Calapan City household has an estimated annual
growth rate of 1.0144%.

By continuously enhancing product quality and exploit areas in Sisig that needs improvement and
innovation. By maximizing the available resources, the business can also maximize its full potential.

Selecting the place with the right geographic location and having considered every factor there is, is very
significant for the physical store that is to be built. With proper considerations and estimation, a good business
location is beneficial to the business. The location is convenient because the building is rent-free since the one
of the business proponents owns the vacant lot and building.

The most effective type of advertisement and promotion for 1Click Sisig rather than the word of mouth
is social media advertisement. Since almost everyone are involved in social media, the influence of a digital
promotional campaign is even bigger than what posters and flyers could do. Also, 1Click Sisig do mainly operates
through online marketing hence the type of promotion. By creating effective social advertisement strategies, the
business would easily be known to local buyers.

For pricing, first to check is how competitors price their product then plan how to price the products
being offered. Pricing also comes with proper promotion. Setting the prices would always be crucial hence the
business is very careful in pricing strategies that would attract customer attention.
The marketing plan for 1 Click sisig will be implemented at the predetermined time frame as well as the
marketing tasks according to the predefined schedule. The marketing executives will be the ones to supervise
and monitor the implemented plan and watch out for minor and major issues along the way as well as the
adjustments needed in case there are changes in the business environment.

For control of the plan, the business will make sure that the result are kept in check same with the
objectives. While keeping the plan in check, it will be necessary to find out if the plan is still in line with the
achievement of the objectives to see if there are some serious adjustments needed hence the business can
immediately take action.

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