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Common Nursing Ethical issues in “Saudi


Dr. Najat Siddiq

Amira HassanAlfifi

َ َ‫هَـ‬1442
Nursing ethics
Nursing ethics is the branch of applied ethics that is concerned with activities in the field
of nursing. Nursing ethics contributed many principles with the honor of the medical
profession, such as benevolence, doing no harm, and respecting autonomy. It can be
distinguished by its focus on relationships, maintaining dignity, and cooperative care
In my research, I will share with you some of the judges in nursing ethics, namely:
1-Nurse harassment hospital
2-Kidnapping case
3-Forgery case
4-A case of killing
5-The issue of medical errors

1-Nurse harassment hospital

Nurse harassment is the most common issue in nurses' livesSexual harassment is an
umbrella term that covers a range of behaviors, ranging from communication to
everyday exchanges Degrading messages ("petty assaults"), by directing acts of physical
sexual assault. As we shall show, some forms of harassment also constitute criminal
sexual assault. Sexual harassment can negatively affect a woman's safety, well-being,
choice of major, and career advancement.

One of the nurses working in a hospital in the western region of Najran accused a
doctor of Arab nationality of physically harassing her. In a complaint she submitted to
the facility's management, the Filipino nurse stated that she was physically harassed
when she went to the lecture hall to turn off the electricity, but she was surprised that
the doctor entered the hall and then harassed her, which prompted her to scream. She
added that she resorted to the hospital administration and filed a complaint against the
doctor, and a hospital official confirmed that the punishment issued by the hospital
administration against the doctor was a deduction from his salary and a written pledge
not to repeat what he did with changing his work schedules that conflict with the nurse’s
work. In another incident, the nurse Najwa (25 years) stated that while performing her
work, she faced many problems of harassment, referring to a patient who surprised her
when she was doing his service and offered her to go out with him to an isolated place,
so she moved away from him and assigned one of her colleagues to serve him.

In the end, it does not allow anyone to attack anyone in his work or any nurse to
complain and not be silent The vast majority of accidents go unreported due to:
Distrust that reporting will help; Fear of negative consequences, unwillingness to be
perceived as a victim; Complicity of senior officials; And cultural minimization of the
problem. Men also experience harassment, but women are frequently targeted.
While this type of harassment occurs across professions, women in medicine are at
particular risk due to male domination of senior positions and a system of "favoritism"
for training, in which trainees rely on a small group of powerful senior colleagues for
training, evaluation, employment opportunities, and career advancement.

2-Kidnapping case
In the recent period, specifically hospitals in some countries, the phenomenon of
kidnapping children and even adults has spread for multiple reasons, including:

1- Putting the family under threat to carry out what the kidnappers wanted, whether it
was what they wanted; Large sums of cash, or the sexual or physical exploitation of
children, or to trade them or their organs.

The psychological impact on the kidnapped child varies according to the reason for
the kidnapping, the intentions of the kidnapper, and the treatment of the kidnappers of
the child as follows:

A- The kidnapped child for ransom; Often the kidnappers treat him well. As the
purpose of his kidnapping is to get the money, not to harm him.

B- A child abducted for the purpose of sexual exploitation or trafficking in his or her
organs; The abductors often treat this child poorly.

The issue of kidnapping in hospitals, what stirs public opinion the most, the press, what
excites public opinion, the press, where they are people who impersonate nurses and
denigrate nurses, wear their uniforms and enter the kidnapping of newborns
Al-Marsad Newspaper: Surveillance cameras in a hospital in Jeddah governorate
monitored the kidnapping of a woman born by a woman, who had put on a nursing
uniform inside the elevator. I escaped out through the workers' elevator
The kidnapped woman claimed that she was going to hand her over to the doctor for
an examination, as the newborn was with her mother in the presence of her sister, who
had entered her suspicion, but that the kidnapped woman escaped with her with the
workers' back elevator, and then handed her over to a vehicle that was waiting for her at
the main gate of the hospital, which left, while the woman had stepped off Hidden
from the site, before being arrested.

A kidnapping case has become very much watched after the case who kidnapped
Dammam, became famous in 2020, which was greatly praised by international public
However, the psychological impact of the kidnapping process remains painful on the
child and leads to his affliction with many psychological disorders, including stress
disorder related to a traumatic accident, which occurs after a trauma to the person and
is characterized as the following:

1- The child brings back memories of the painful kidnapping experience and re-
experiences them.
2- The child becomes absorbed in memories to the point where he is isolated from the
world around him and unresponsive to it.
3- The child loses his social relations with increased alertness and caution or increased
recklessness and impulsivity

3-Forgery case
The nation has gone through tremendous developments, and great changes in various

In all respects, and in all areas, it has given rise to many conflicts and issues
That the jurists did not know, and did not speak about, and because it does not accept
Shariah to remain
These calamities are devoid of a jurisprudential judgment and legal foundation. I
preferred to have this brief jurisprudence study in something of those urgent conflicts.
God is to accept this little effort, and fill a gap in the jurisprudential library with it.
I have signed my choice on the topic (The False Medical Report “Jurisprudence
Study”) due to the extreme importance of the report. 7
Medical care in the modern era, as it is one of the strong documents that has its
fortune from the consideration of the judicial authority, and other bodies
Administrative denial and proof, which makes lying about it, or tampering with
Its data is a major crime to which it is linked, and to which many crimes are generated.
And the problems, and this matter requires a jurisprudential description of this crime,
And a legal consideration of its effects in general and in particular.

The issue of forgery, which was common in a time before the Corruption Commission, by
persons who are not of Saudi nationality or most of the fact that nationality give certificates to
a non-pregnant woman to a bachelor’s degree in nursing and now it has become an emphasis
on it and no one can practice the profession without reliable certificates
Several new secrets have unfolded around the forged nursing certificates; This came after the
case of the Filipino resident, which issued a prison sentence and a fine for imprisonment and
a fine for the Second Criminal Department at the Board of Grievances in Jeddah for forging a
bachelor’s degree in nursing in her country, to work in a health facility in the Kingdom.
A judicial source said that the nurse revealed that there are many offices in her country that
provide forged certificates for various scientific qualifications upon request, and this is often
not discovered and that she initially worked in a health facility without problems, but she
wanted to move to a larger facility with a higher salary, so she resorted to Obtaining a forged
bachelor's degree.
It was also stated in the confessions of the nurse that it almost worked. She was hired through
the Filipino website, "Narcissus Lab", which offered several job opportunities in Saudi
hospitals in the field of nursing, and she was initially accepted, and after she was directed to
finish her procedures to work in a private health facility, she was asked to authenticate the
certificate from the branch of the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In Jeddah, the branch
questioned the testimony and sent it to the Health Specialties Authority to verify its

authenticity before ratifying it, and it was found to be fraud, then he referred the case to the
security authorities, and then to the Administrative Court of the Board of
Grievances, ”indicating that the case overseer issued a sentence of one-year imprisonment and
a fine of 1,000 Rial.
The source revealed that the Ministry of Health examined the certificates of 1000 Filipino
nurses two years ago who were recruited to work as nursing cadres in the Ministry's hospitals
and the private sector, and after the Health Specialties Authority reviewed their certificates, it
was found that most of them were forged, and most of them were deported to their country
after serving their sentences, and paying the fines that were imposed. On them.
A case of forgery has become impossible now during the period of the Corruption
Commission because there have become tests from the Medical and Health Authority
because it has become impossible to practice the profession without a bachelor’s degree, a test
from the medical body, and a certificate in the application

Conclusion :
The danger of forgery lies in the difficulty of detecting it, while some procedures are sufficient
to uncover some crimes, the forgery, if he is proficient in his crime, turns the facts because he
is professionally assuming the personality of the forger against him, which reduces the ability
to differentiate between the forgery and the non-counterfeiter. The outcome is not small, and
the perpetrator of the forgery is dangerous, and the nature of what he visits most often consists
of important documents and papers and has prejudice to the security aspects, and its damage
infringes upon the public order.
If the matter, as previously mentioned, is dangerous, then it is necessary to emphasize dealing
with these issues, starting with the mechanism for issuing important documents and
documents, so that they contain security signs that make forgery difficult and facilitate
detection if they occur to specialists, and through raising the competence of the competent
agencies in this field and providing them. With modern equipment and technologies, and
ending with stressing the perpetrator of this heinous crime in terms of punishment.
Among the important papers and documents that are "mostly" involved in forgery are:
currencies, identity cards and passports, signatures and seals, checks, and it is known that
there are many precautions and guarantees with regard to currencies, cards and passports, as
they have been provided with security signs that protect them from forgery. As for the
signatures and seals there are It is very difficult to include them with security signs, but it is
not mentioned in the first place with regard to signatures, for example, so that remains of the
important documents: the instruments, especially real estate deeds, which reach in importance
to the importance of money on the one hand that they contain money, and they need to be
reviewed in order to protect them from Forgery, and there are specialized companies working

to provide these protections and guarantees for all important documents. (Al-Tabakh, 2009,
p. 25)

4-A case of killing

The murder case was against one of the nurses at the hands of
one of the patients in his home. The nurse went to treat the
patient in his house and the patient killed the nurse
Al-Marsad Newspaper: The security authorities are dealing with the case of the killing
of a nursing specialist while performing his work for a beneficiary in Riyadh.
Activist Abdullah Al-Barqawi said in a tweet on his page on the social networking site
“Twitter”: The security authorities are dealing with the killing of a nursing specialist,
who was killed while performing his work in home health care for one of the
beneficiaries of the Irada and Mental Health Complex in Riyadh.
And "Al-Barqawi" added in the tweet: We ask God to cover him with the mercy of his
mercy, to dwell in his spaciousness, and to inspire his family with patience and solace.
For their part, several activists interacted with the tweet, and one of them said: “I seek
refuge in God !! May God has mercy on him, but a dangerous criminal act. ”

Conclusion :
Praise be to God that this issue does not recur very rarely

5-The issue of medical errors


The issue of medical errors that occur in hospitals, but some people with the task of
nursing become ruthless, and the nursing profession is riding on mercy and considering
dealing with patients

Informed sources from the Medical Sharia Board in Jeddah revealed to Al-Watan that
the number of nurses who committed medical errors during the year 1432 in private
hospitals in Jeddah reached 24 nurses, including causing one death, while the other
charges are in the context of causing disability, according to the specialty And the type
of conviction.
The source pointed out that most of the nurses who filed cases before the Sharia
committee are of Asian nationalities, while there are only two nurses of Arab
nationalities, stressing that most of the medical errors committed by the nurses who
presented to the committee were mistakes that were intravenous injections due to high
doses directly into the blood and causing paralysis. Or, wrong injections into the
muscles that cause paralysis in the organ by mistake, in addition to the mistakes that are
committed through the lack of medical capabilities of the nurses and assigning tasks to
them that are not from their specialties, which causes medical errors in the operating
rooms and death in some cases, where there are Cases in which the victims were
compensated with financial fines imposed by the authority according to the estimation
of the error, and there are errors. The defendant was fined an amount from one
hundred thousand to five hundred thousand riyals, after the issuance of a decision to
change the value of the medical errors money on the date of 10/8/1432, where the
male blood money was changed One hundred thousand to 300 thousand riyals, and a
woman from 50 thousand to 150 thousand riyals.

Conclusion :
Originally the profession of nursing is mercy, and nurses are called the angels of
mercy. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, recommended mercy
and the point of being a nurse is to be merciful.



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