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■*-*-*-■■*— 1 1 I 11 I | | | | | | | | | | !

A f r ie n d l y v is it o r
8 i

U lc tu c h c n J ^ c c o r iie
Bringing Good N ew. E v er, The Recorder it backed by >
week For 42 Year., to A ll the local at well at out-of-town
Amity, In All Hornet o f Me-
tuchen and Vicinity------- About
Local E vent, and Lqc*l People
i butine.t men. Advertitements
appearing regularly tell the

A Family Newspaper Published Every Thursday In the I n t e r e s t s ofTn^Boiounh of M ettichen And the Township o f Raritan.

VOL. X L III. N o . 51
METUCHEN, N. I., T H U R S D A Y , DECEMBER 21, 1936 5 Cents at A ll News Standi

Concert of Westfield Handel Candle Light Service Is

Held By Baptist Church TH E METLCHEM MCORDKR
w is h e s a
C HoldChSnsTmLGParty F in a l D r iv e N ° W ^ M ade ®
Choir to be Given This Sunday Last Sunday evening at the Bap­
tist C h u rch a candle ligh t service
was held featuring special Christ-
m erry c h b im h a s

f o r ALL .METtlCMEs
The two Study Hour groups of
the Borough Improvement League
held a joint Christmas party M on­
Collection of Deliquentjaxes
a < , . . . . mas ch oral selections and a drama­ day afternoon at the Y.M.C.A. These
t i c a l Residents Are Included In Membership Of Famous Musical tic reading of The other w is e Man’ ' two stuc*v groups one of which is
Cooperation of Taxpayers W ill
Organization W ho Will Present Program Of
Christmas Music
A solo was rendered by M rs. Bruno
and a du€t by Mlss Egolf and
---------j held at the “ Y ” and the other at
ihe League House every Monday,
BOROUGH COUNCIL Aid In Maintaining Low
Tax Rate In 1937


iMiss E. O xenford.
A n Interesting d evotional service
of the Baptist Young P eop le’s Un­ LEWIS CO* IS
j are children from the kindergarten
to the fourth grade, inclusive, AWARDS CONTRACT APPEALS FOR PAYMENT
j Over 200 local children were pre-
CONCERT IN FRANKLIN SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ion was held Sunday evening at 7
LIKELY !sent at the party which was in FOR POLICE RADIO The taxpayers of the borough,

Music lovers o f this borough and

the leader.
Miss M ildred D im ler was
TEE ! charge of Mrs. Russell Van Nees,
ilS ip ®iai!rT^an of the civic department, System Will IBe Installed In
owing both current and delinquent
taxes, have been urged by T ax C o l­
vicinity are expected to attend in
large numbers the concert of C h rist­ FREEHOLDERS GET Next Sunday, Rev. S am uel B. Ho-
fer will conduct the m orning ser­
vice at 11 o’clock and the evening
.FOR NAY/ II It isted^ by M r s ., Alex Myers, Mrs.
I Glenn Howatt, Mrs. Sam Schenck,
Next Two Weeks At
Cost o f $2,329.
lector Arthur T . Strong during th e
past few weeks, to make a special
effort to pay their obligations to th e
mas music by the Westfield Handel
Choir, to be given In tile Van Kirk
auditorium o f the Franklin High
HAYES REPORT ON service at 8 o ’clock. B oth tJhe Sun­ Prominent Bor®
day s ch ool and the M en ’s Fellow­ Be Aide To
. M 0r- and Mrs. A. A. Turner.
*h M ay I. Allen Potter, a local High School HEARING ON ORDINANCES
gtudent, entertained the ch ild r e n , T___ h e contract for installation
borough before Jan. 1.
It is with the knowledge th a t a ll
After Jan. \
School this Sunday evening at 8:15
o ’clock. PRESENT RATES ship B ible Class will be held Sun­
day m orning at 9:45 o ’clock . The
i^riior Baptist Young P eop le’s Un- NOW PERSONAL USTANT
^ith feats of magic, while Mrs. Chas. the police radio broadcast system
ai\ ?..MrS' AJlen Burr°ughs re- |was awarded to the Graybar E lec-
cash received before that date w ill
help the borough to m aintain a
This fam ed musical organization : a ed Christmas stories. Christmas trie Company of Newark by the B o r- low tax rate fo r 1937, that a fin a l
o f which a num ber o f local residents
County Officials Will Proceed ion devotional service will be held appeal is now being made.
In Effort To Lower The probability that Comp- ar° k ^ ere sunS- and a gift given to cu g h Council at _its regular m eeting
are members, is under the direction at 7 P. M.
Present Rates ton o f R obins plaice, named i€a^ . „ ^ ‘, __ fceld Monday night in the B orough While local tax collections d u r­
of William I fo r Jones, noted c o n ­ T he Sunday school held its an- 1
as assistant to Chartoi in, new ^.‘le ®luc*y Hqur groups will hold Hall. The com pany submitted ing the present year have been gra t­
ductor. From the time it was o r ­ nual C h r’stmas entertainm ent last 1
ENGAGE TECHNICAL AID night. S anta Claus was present with Jassistant secretary of inavy, ap- heir next meeting on Monday, Jan I bid of $2,329 at a previous m eeting ifying according to Tax C ollector
ganized five years ago, two concerts pea red m ore certain • ■the past •cf the council, this being the only Strong, it is absolutely necessary
have been given each season, in - T he fight to lower the alleged 'gifts for the cfhildren.
Meek as Mr. Edison was in |l)id received. that those taxpayers who have n o t
eluding eight cantatas and m any rates of the Middlesex Water
While a patron s’ list has been so- Lonipany, will be continued accord -
licited, there will be no adm ission a decision reached last Thurs- Local Arcanians Will
W ashington. t
Secretary of the Navy Local Alumnae Serving Councilman Paul Fenton, ch a ir ­
m an of ttie departm ent of safety
already done so, should m ake a
special effort to pay a part, if n ot
garding the appoin of Mr. and welfare, stated that the radio all o f their current and delinquent
charge with the exception o f a sil-1 ay by the Middlesex County Board
ver offering to be taken to defray Freeholders, following a report
Attend Grand Regents£ Com pton, appears like
xt few days.
On N.J.C. Committee
rtthin the
C D r A I O O I
system will be the same as has been
' nstalled
obligations w ithin the next week.
in several neighboring m u - Under Chapter 60. P. L., 1934, th e
the incidental expenses. | E m itte d by County Solicitor Ed- C om pton is a-t Ibt a per- rOf benefit Un J3n l)S borough is now operating on a cash

Memfoers o f the choir from this lund A Hayes-
borough include Mrs. Daisy T h o r n - ^ Preliminary report, submitted
Mrs. M arvin Runyon, Mrs. L. by Solicitor Hayes, was followed by
Frolic on January 22, soonal assistant to
Edison industries, havU
in tftie
nam- At
fcicipalities’ wh-ch have proved very
fcxtisfactory. The installation is ex-
rk on tJhe first all-alumnae jpeoted to be com plete within th e
basis, and has been for the p a st 12
months. Legislation recently passed
d several weeks ago, t e x t week or ten days, follow in g makes it obligatory for all m u n ici­
F. Dietz, Jr., Mrs*. Kenneth M errill, I n authorization to that official to T h irty -five members o f the Me- benefit of New Jersey College for
rry the matter Which a public dem onstration will palities in the state, to operate u n ­
Miss Caroline Healy. Miss Elizabeth I arr>r ^ matter before the New tuchen Council No. 1673, R oyal A r - ' ng , A It /omen graduates are two local res-
be given. der this plan by 1943.
Schwartz and Messrs. E. V. C ocke- ^ersey Public Utility Commission, canum, are planning to attend the * u_ j dents, who were chosen to assist be-
The police car, recently bought, is Final notices on delinquent ta x­
fair, Ralph Sayre and Charles L et- was also authorized to engage, the G rand R egents’ Frolic at the Elks' * Armrtinf m _nt Mr . ause of their active work in the As- •lieady equipped fo r immediate in -
son WlftTASSarV I ^ h n l f a l connnoc. ■
STn r»f O ln h TPUrroVnx+V.
necessary technical services to as- Club, Elizabeth. January 22. la n n o r a 99 Thp APPO m tnW Il* UI m / iX_° ociate Alumnae. The organization es and assessments have been m a il­
the naval office w ould i
chorals by B ach.
Rev. F rederick Zimmerman
f*st him in preparing tfhe case for degree team, in uniform , will also
resen tati on. attend. A crowd of 1,500 is expect-
present S tate WPA
I d seek a new state
- s L W r A s j S i : '= '£ » ed by the tax collector’s office d u r­
ing the past few weeks, prior to the
tax sale to be held after the first
chairman o f th e committee in ch 4 The opinion was expressed by Mr. ed to be present on this gala occas-
National Emergency
the other m em bers being as follow s: I *®yes that there was m erit in the ion. o f the year. It Is hoped that th ose
f tion now held by lw ho
. . .w The two M etuchen residents who
ugh limits in approxim ately tw o
persons receiving these notices will
Mrs. R. T. Van Ness, secretary ; Mrs. [ ontention that the rates charged j the regular m eeting of the esign when he goes
— ... ------- -— ------------------ ------------ - --------- v.v« 4.cil held last F riday tfre mem- a s n in g -jave been cbosen for com m ittee minutes
q ____ _ after the ,call is
.. received.
. __ ..
make some e ffort before January 1.
tee on ushers, P. K. Packard, Mra. opinion was based on on flnan- bership contest with the R oselle-R o- to either pay the entire a m ou n t
J. O. B etterton; publicity, M rs. Louis ®*a^ reports of the com pany which seHe Park Council was discussed T L n ^ v e ^ d owed or a large part o f it. W h ile
Deitz, Mrs. S. R. Hills, Mrs. C. C. e has had under investigation d u r-ja n d plans made for a large initia-
Mook, Miss Elano Oxenford, Miss the past month. ition at the next m eeting, January Many Events ' eUne Mundy of 8? S s toet'.
»:rs. Ruttiger is serving as obair-
^ ‘ the money thus received w ill n o t
Z - only raise the cash balance at th e

By B.LL. For 1 |I ear *[iss

Eleanor Sm allw ood; printing, E. V . ' An exam ination of these reports, Ii4th. .V man of the program committee, and , end of the current year, It w ill alro
•telle games; prohibiting ttie distrib-
Cockefalr, J. W Kress, I , E. R id d le; be staged, revealed that the water In th e intramural m em bershlp Mundy is serving as a metn- allow members o f the borough c o u n
n x Ibtion of hand bills and throw aw ays; ell In making up their 1937 budget,
reception, M rs. E. A. B urroughs; om pany has b e e n . p a y i n g I 'M per !contest R t Estoppy-s team ?r of the Middlesex County com - _ , , , , . .. ..
J licensing of pool room s, and p roh lb it-
refreshments, Mrs. Robert Hume. «n t interest on the preferrd stock , eadln(f that of C onrad skoqul8t The B orough t League mittee. to increase th e estimated percen tage
t ig the use of loud speakers fo r a d -
Mrs. H. E. W em ett; finance com -1 nd twelve per cent interest on com - vlce. regent. W R. Drake of Stel- will h old a card recep- o f collection o f delinquent taxes a n d
Yertising purposes.
mittee, Mrs. M . A. Denecke, Mrs.
Kom blatt and Miss Zoe Edwards.
: non stock. Solicitor Hayes pointed
lo a recent court ruling holding that
net earnings of six per cent by a
toon, is general chairm an
of the ion to the new
.eague House on
a y 7, at 2:30 p. m.
at the
Post Office Will Place A number of resolutions were p ass­
ed. transferring balances to the
assessments, estimates will m a ter­
ially affect the 1937 budget an d la
another o f th e factors that w ill aid
Hater com pany are sufficient and T w o indoor baselball team s
Chat any yield in excels of that, has organized with W . C. B ohlk e being
were ]
Army-Navy Series On proper accounts. jail taxpayers, through the m a ln te a -
Recorder Frank Duggan su b m it- ance o f „ low tax ^
t--d a report, turning over t o the
_ j een held to be “ unjust and unreas- chosen captain of one an d Charles
S chw alje of the other, both past!
. , ...
Sale After January 15 a x collector a tota l o f *293.60 tor
Beacon Are Selected
fi . f n
^ ^ regents. »u
Additional team s will be > “ ‘ n ex l
O i aa A S S expenditures of the last lUteen years form ed from tim e to tim e. >
Ones collected fo r th e borough d u r -

- LOSt 1# K e ' ft W 'l u u i e D a earrteo a* c e o l M kmeet-

Y * ments and are carried on the com -
Memorial To "Be- Built Around pany bQOI“ wlth llttle 01 no allow-
P resent Structure A t l,n c * for depr eclat ion.
Christmas Party Held I d ! Van Hees
Ur„ in charge of
Irplc fo r the •
__________ placed on sale for the first I unt *596.50 went to the b orou gh ;
Th* t me at the W ashington, D. C.. post I 828.50 to the county, and *10 t » i Borough

Menlo Park
' A PParen“ y- stated Mr. Hayes,
the purpose of the water company,
By Republican Gub; office on January 15, 1937, and at the state. 1 Ided with im proved sewage fa c lll-
•Books for Children? id Books to Jl0st 0(ftces throughout the country | The meeting was adjourned u n til I es through the completion th is past
I'atcfh the Mood.’ as soon thereafter as distribution iTuesday. December 29, at 7:45 p. m. Veek of the Rose street sanitary se-
TO DEPJCT EARLY W ORK . was to build up a property valuation
« . .. -r^ r- a *©n which the courts bMpd Itteg that Plan Annual Election A meeting of the iusIc depart- wil[ pefmjt, ---------- c---------- wer. The sewer line which w ill re m -
The selection of the firm to design . . now ,n forc€
the *100,000 Edison Memorial B ea-1 ^ rcport <)t
-1. . . ,
lie n t will be held
S 30 p. m. at the 1
The Christm as nnrtv r.r th* mo I V ' V ' - o * ',* " 11
------- 11. at
luary stam p collectors desirous of o b -
House. Mm. ta!ning j anUary
in e cn ristm as party o f the Me- ]tf. R. Hale will have charge of the „
15 cancellations
W ashlnvton m »v send a lim it-
U .L .J . A

Y , s»»«® D a w tv r
I a n y
* iy an unsanitary condition, w a«
UrUt for the Borough by the W orks
Progress Administration.
con Tower on the site of the inven- :ichen Republican
RennKlioan Club, rtiihh held
KotH last
u . i meeting,
tuchen the subject of which is w asm ngion may sena a umic M ount Zion Chapter, O. E. S „ re - The fifteen Inch reinforced c o n -
tor's original laboratory at M enlo * December 17, 1936. ed number o f self-addressed covers,
Friday night in the A rcanum Hall, "T od ay’s Ballads.' cently held a Christmas party at creter line extending from R ose St.
Park, marks the culm ination o f Board o f Chosen Freeholders, not to exceed ten, together with
forts by the T hom as Alva Edison Few Brunswick, N. J. proved very successful w ith seventy | Miss Clarette Sehoe will be the Tlsh or monev ordpr~” remhtanee" to M asonic Temple with W orthy M a - to the B orough’s disposal plant, a p -
Foundation to perpetuate Inembers in attendance.. Mrs. How- toes t speaker at tht next regular , „ vpr the cost of the stamps requir- ltron Martin in charge. T h e proximately seven-tenths of a m ile.
tentlem en: «rd B loom field was ch airm an of the .meting o f the Borough Improvement ^ ,V6r povera "miurt bear rostace a t ifeature of the affair was the p re - leans the prevention of sewage o v -
time, the m em ory of the man whose
inventions resulted in lightening the ' A , of^the* m d d l t ' J I ' a“ iSted by a Iar* e Commit- lea g u e on January 21 »t the league , he flrst class rate and ^H ectors, aentotion of a Christmas tableau by erflow through heavy infllteratlon
burdens of m ankind t o n into the affairs of the M iddle- lee. Louse. M ’ ss Sebon_ is connected W r e / o r e should allow for two 2 - 'daughters of the members. A s p e - cn the south side of the B oroh gh .
The firm o f Massena and duP ont *** Water CornpaI' y- M y examina-1 A short business m eeting was held with the training schnl for Feeble-1 t stamPK on eacd cover except cial part5' tor the children was held Kow t)he com m unity will have ade-
of Wilmington Del were the arch i t‘ ° n o f necesslty has been conflned ^ idr to the part5' with W illiam E. | iln ded at Vineland, «nd will speak , h addressed for local delivery nn Monday and several prizes were uate facilities on both sides o f the
oi w lulling ton, mbi„ were m e a re n i- , , , i,„ rir.llt Cumr-.u m u r k nf Bchultz nresMeni. nf n ... i m , o. 1 —- ... . , __ . „ „ T |mose aaaressea ror iocbi ueuveiy, ______ j giilroads B orough officials have In-
im ,inn *° the rarl0US flnancial report5 of president of th e club, a s ’en “ T h e O dd One In Ivery 100.” 'nn whirth^ne Z rent stamp will suf- awarded.
, j i . ’ Liis com pany as filed with the Pub- presiding officer. A nom inating com-1 Mrs. Reginald Crowell will render whkto one 2 c mp --------
M ount . Zion Chapter will hold its | irmed D irector J. H. Weltzen oCj the
which is also raising
000 000 to Drovirie 100 iuna s rh oiaoirsh
$d in,-|
J - ° Tjt.ilit,v
Utllity Commission
Commission but but fromfrom lliittee.
m ittee. with
with Albert
Albert Rank
R ack me
a* rhair. _____—
chair- irusical selections. u®.
Un. Russell Van i c c * ______ _ __ next meeting on Tuesday, January [WPA.
to provide iuu scnoiarsmp.s those it would seem to me there is toan, -
annually fo r bovs and aids to m r , I ‘,v ------- ™ r - —,- a p ;»in te d and will report le s s is in charge of th e'm eetin g, Miss Louise vdn tbrice, who is at the M asonic Temple. Borough Engineer W. F ran klin
on the traditions established bv t h e ,merlt' ^ the contenl®c n bt^at the at th e next nieeting to be held which will be opened t* a short bus- gttending Elmira C :ge, Elmua. N. uchanan states that the new j line
inventor. It is planned to have c o n - i ates char85e by
struction o f the beacon m em orial
ccnw any are ln^ January. T he annual election of liess m eeting with Mrs E. A. Bur- y , is spending the
Excessive. The company pays a divi­
dend of 7 per centff on its preferred
idays with her
Salaki Gets Deer
— n—
• ill supplement the line in paoft o f
. he southerly end of the tow n w h ich
* arries sewage into a pumping [ sta -
tower in the Spring, with its c o m ­
tock and 12 per cent on its com - Patrolm an Henry Salaki, o f the |i0n at o r c h a r d street, where jit is
pletion by n ext Fall.
lon stock and under a recent rul­ ocal police department, was on e o f ( umped to M ain street a n d near
The present problem of the a r­
ing oJ our courts a net earning by the successful nim rods to get h is j street, then flowing by gravity
chitect is to construct a perm anent
a water com pany of 6 per cent is tu ck last Thursday, tftie opening day i 0 the disposal plant. This pipe was
tower around the existing steel
U fficien t and any yield in excess of of the deer season. He made the large enough to carry thifough
framework, w ithout interruption to
hat has been held to be "unjust kill at the brook just below H arry waste matter, so that at
the Edison eternal light. Upon co m ­
nd unreasonable." Oliver ’s camp in the Stokes forest | m€s it overflowed at the m anholes,
pletion of the tower, She existing
This "rate so determined by our where a number o f local fish erm en . Besides lightening the load fd r the
light will be enclosed in prism atic
odrts as being- a fair and proper en joy the trout fishing each s p r i ^ line the Rose street extelns’on
glass to inten sify its brilliancy and
ene is based on the fact that in the The buck weighed 140 pounds. also take ^are of other streets
protect it from the elements.
peration of water companies there •long ;ts rouf e Mr. Buchanan said.
The to.wer, as a symbol to E d i­
son's contribution to the cem ent in ­
dustry, will be a white con crete
Is a minimum of risk in the science
and art of supplying water.
certainty of demand for water and
The Officers Elected By B will run along the Lehigh valley
•nd Pennsylvania Railroads j 2800
L e t to Durham avenue, %*ong D u r ­
monolith. C olor treatment will be
given to the octagonal base, d ep ict­
ing the early inventions of Edison at
Itie low cost of money now prevail­
ing are factors also in determining
Lone ham avenue to Jersey avenue i n d to
|the disposal plant. It was bujilt c<\
he rate o f profit that such com pan­ Lone Eagle Council No. 240, Son s e .fderail goveaT.mflht a lto'm eh t o f
his Menlo Park laboratory.
ies are entitled to. nd Daughters o f Liberty, recen tly $18,359. ^
Each panel will have a bronze
I note also in exam ining the re fceld a regular meeting at the Jr. G ood progress is reported on the
plaque Inset, d e scrib in g-th e in v e n -' thte com pany that there
O. U. A M. Hall. National B an k |rork of erecting a concrete d n v e -
Building. at w hich time officers fo r |ray. im proving a parking soacie and
he ensuing term were elected as (rutting in curbs and walks at the
symbol o f the forw ard-m oving re­ I jIIows: fran klin sch ool. Metuchen. The
l.on than seems to me to be proper, Councilor, Florence Sale: associate resent parking space of cinders and
sults of the Inventor’s genius.
j or instance, equipment, pumps, Inunciior. W illiam Knudsen; vice - fijirt will be transferred and a bad
pipes, etc., are not written off at the muncilor. Doris Bofhl; assiciate v ic e - ( rainage con dition remedied,
Local Riding Club
If 1 1 \ tj n
| ate I believe they should be and
his has had the effect of increasing
mouncitor. Louis bu n ker; g u id e .' A grading and cinder laying jo b
Oennie Henderson; recording sec re - fcas just been comfileted as a W P A
H n l H c * m a c P d f l u t v capital invested so that prac- ary. Esther S oper; associate re c o r d - roject on tw o dow n Highland P ark
1J U IU O A Ilia d 1 a n y | icaiiy all expenditures made In the I ig secretary. Sue Drake; treasurer, itreets A total of 99,170 square
„ „ , . — , , , past fifteen or more years are con- fctyrtle Birdsall; financial secretary. |^et of cinders was required a n d 11.-
The M etuchen Riding c lu b held f dered as a capital investment and fc’ elson Hummer; Inside guard. H a n - 00 square yards of fine grading.
a very successful Christmas p a jty i carrled on the books as such ah Cline; outside guard, O lga P ro- Uhese streets were ungraded and
last Wednesday at the le a g u e House little or no depreciation. The Ityk; trustee. Louis Bunker; re p re- nsurfaced and in bad condition.
Pivot bridge was enjoyed by all t h e '* ny s purpose: in doing this is
|?ntative. Anna Knudsen; a ltern ate
guests, each one receiving a prize. apparent for they thereby hope
lyrtle Birdsall.
Mrs. Julian R itch ie had high score i j lde adle. to have what the courts
with Mrs. G eorge Anderson' secon d. |o0^ f or ,n determining the rate of
Following the lousiness m eeting a
hristmas party was held fo r m e m -
Open House Planned At
The club mem bers present w ere: „ rofit that may be made. viz., the
Mr, M ,T; „ a™ Ce WriB,ht’ M r ’
and Mrs. W . McKenzie, M r. and
lair value
O m pany.
of all theproperty of the
ers and their friends. Delicious re -
reshments were served by M rs. Es- Y.M.C.A., New Year $
|hr Soper and her com m ittee. E ach
Mrs. H. B. Johnson. Mrs. W. F. Bu-| If tde board feels that this mat- An inform al “ open house” w ill be
fa r son present received a gift, and
chanan, Mr. and Mrs. Willis W a sh - . er sb 0uld be carried to a hearing Irs. Hannah Cline and M ary P ro eld on New Y ea rs Day at the
bum , Mr. and Mrs. George A n d er- fo,f0re the Utility Commission it is fcyt won th e dark hors. »rta» an d |^ A , * -d lch wU1' ‘b ^ f e jfjt t h e r
£ o n , Mr, a n d - M r a ^ -P h m p N R u e ^ , .......... T ^ sS n e rH a tfo fe - that I M Ml-" and son games in the lobby-
N ngo prize, respectively.
Mr. and M rs. J. Arthur Applegate, jborized to engage the necessary A pickup basketball gam e fo r
Dr. and M rs. D. J. Witmer, M rs. # c hnical services to enable me to The rummage sale at the Big Dip ligh School boys will be held in the
D °r“ hy J ’ Stl; <lKP!' ^ y; and M rs- obtain the necessary facts and flg- as more attractive things a ll th e gymnasium at 2 o ’clock. eAdle a
H. W. Dunne. M r. and Mrs. C arl H. (c warrant a proper presenta- lim e Stop in and take a look. D olls, head pin bow ling tournam ent win
Harns, Mir and Mrs^ E K. H e m c k ,, tl o f the case to the Utility Com - feasant aprons, and there Is even a Iso start a* that hour.
Mr. and M rs. Paul Fenton, M r. and gas log heater on sale, and. oh. such A badm inton tournament Is s c h -
»»— TT v __ „ mission
Mrs. H. E. W em ett, Mrs. Julian Yours very truly, good food as those Presbyterian w o­ duled for 3 o ’clock, while tw o hour*
Ritchie, Frank M. Powell, M r. and EDMUND A. HAYES. men can make. It goes like “ h o i ater. badm inton will be played b e -
Mrs. E. K. B aum anp, Mr. and Mrs. cakes.” Home m ade bread, rolls, Iween m ixed teams.
J. K. Powell and J. P. Remensmy- Patronize pies, crullers and m any other te m p t­ H ie YM C A will be open f o r in -
der. M etuchen Advertisers ing things. 8 o ’clock in the evening.

Metuchen Official Guide News Review of Current 1 Cuba and his administration, in­
cluding a large part of the co n ­ Front to Rear Phona Mat. 9-02M
gress, are at outs with Col. Ful-
gencio Batista, chief of staff and Moving and Storage
Borough Hall. Main Ctreot and
Middlesex Avsnua.
CHARLES r. LEWIS and JOHN Events the World Over the "stron g m an” of the island re­
public. Batista has been insisting
© Asiociated Newspaper*.
778 Middlesex Ave.
OSes H ours: » A. M. f I P. M. BREEN. SR. members.
on a bill for a 9 cents a bag sugar
Saturdays: 9 A M to II noon jl tax designed to produce $2,000,000
Tel. Met. 6-0096. Board of Assessment Commissioners: President Bark in Washington Preparing for I n a u g u r a tio n 1 revenue annually for rural schools
“ I T WASN’T my fault,” Stormed
to be operated by army sergeants.
BoiougL o f Metuchen, created In — Hopkins May Get New Cabinet Post— Wallace t Mary' Thorpe. “ It w asn’ t! And
1YLIN PIERSON, Chairman; D. J. Gom ez and his crowd have opposed B R E H M E R S I AXI
1901. Population 8,748 (1910 census) BURKE. this legislation, fearing it m eans I won’ t take the blam e! That stupid
Urges Permanent Crop Control the rise of fascism ; but it is w arm ly old Bob Henderson w ouldn't get PHONE 6 0064
^Borough Council Form of Osrern-
Board of Education: Meets on the supported by the farm ers, tob a cco over on his own side o f the road 545 Middlesex Ave.
aient <$ first Tuesday of every month at 8 p m
By E D W A R D W . P IC K A R D raisers and canefield workers, thou­ and he ran right into* m e—on pur­ 5 Pennsylvania Ave.
© Western New.p.per Union sands of whom marched to Havana p o se !” (O pposite Station)
in the Franklin School Building. 600
She uttered the last two w ords
Borough Connell meets the 1st and Middlesex Avenue. ETURNING to Washington in ed from Lo* Angeles were Mr. and to demand the passage of the bill.
trd Monday in each month at 8 p. m JOHN B. MOLINEUX, President; R
fine health and spirits a fter his Mrs. John Wolfe of Chicago, juat These people call Batista “ de­
fender of the com m on people” and
em phatically, almost im pulsively,
as if in one last desperate attem pt
OTTO DREWS. District Clerk; Mrs trip to BuenQS Aires, P resident m arried ; Henry W. Edwards of M in­
“ savior of Cuba.” to clear hers€lfT Her black eyes
BOROUGH COUNCIL W. C. BOHLKE, ALEX MYERS, Roosevelt plunged into a great neapolis; Carl Christopher of S A V E MONEY
EMERSON SORTORE, A. C. GERBER, mass of work that Dwight, I li.; Stewardess Gladys Several months ago Batista w as were furious.
“ Don’ t be absurd, M a ry.” Phil NEW Y O R K T A IL O R IN G
Mayor, A RTH UR K HILLPOT, 39 BLYTHE REYNOLDS, BOYD M. had accum ulated on Witt, and Pilots S. J. Samson and quoted as saying he would not be
afraid to head a dictatorship “ if it B reckenridge reprim anded. “ N o CO.
linden A venue; Tel. 8-1140. JOHNSON, THOMAS H. WcKEOWN, his desk. There William Bogan.
Coancilmen: PAUL FENTON (Presl HARVEY D. SHANNON, CARL H. were numerous re- were necessary for the good o f the man, especially one who has been Keep Your Clothe* Clean end
dent). CH ARLES F. GEIGER. ED­ GALLOWAY, Supervising Principal; p o r t s on. govern­ country.” He m ay soon be called driving as long as Bob Henderson, Trim — It Pay*
P XTENSION of the glass w orkers’
MUND P. GRIMM, GEORGE E. KEL­ DR. JOHN D. WITMER Medical In­ ment activities to be on to assum e that position. is going to run into any one on 402 Main St. 6 0565
^ strike to plants -in Toledo,
LY, JOHN STOCKEL, CHARLES spector, read, plans fo e purpose—not even a w om an,” he
Charleston, W. Va., and uiireveport,
TAYLOR. inaugura1 on Janu­ La., brought the flat glass industry \ \ T AR clouds again gathered over added with a trace o f bitterness in
Borough Attorney, LEON SEMER. PUBLIC SCHOOLS ary 20 to be made, almost to a standstill. The clos ­ the Far East when G eneralis- his tones.
Borough C lerk: JAMES KNOX. 1 Edgar: 56 Brunswick Avenue. outlining of his inau­ ing of these factories is directed sim o Chiang Kai-shek, dictator of j ‘ Well, I'm satisfied that it was
»Vest Walnut Street; Tel. 8-1343-J. Washington: End of S.mpson Place gural address, and against the automobile industry, but of China, was kidnaped at Sianfu, 1 no fault o f m ine," Mary told him.
Borough Engineer: W. FRANKLIN
Franklin. 600 Middlesex Avenue.
the full cabinet con­
with the Ford company is equipped to
produce its own glass and the other
Shensi province, by There was a hint of the defensive
troops com m anded in her attitude. It was this that
St Francis— Main and Linden Aves cerning t h e pro­ automobile makers are said by Marshal Chang aroused P h il’ s suspicions, prom pted
BOARD OF ASSESSORS'"* gram for his second have enough glass in stock for a
Hsueh-liang, form er this interrogation. It w asn’ t like Hardware & Paints
—o— Shade and Park Commission: NEL term. Still m ore immediate w as the month. It was estimated that 14,- war lord of M an­ Mary to provoke the least doubt,
ARTHUR T. STRONG, GEORGE SON RORAY. Prealdeot, E. J KOS task of writing his annual m essa g e 300 men were idle at the plants of churia. 4 The m uti­ even by her attitude that she could j
HAHM, HANS KROGH. TER. EMERSON J. SORTORE on the state o f the nation and his the Libby-O w ens and Pittsburgh nous- m arshal d e­ be wrong whenever she and Phil Main St. near Middlesex Are.
budget m essage for the com in g fis­ Plate Glass companies. manded im m ediate engaged them selves in an argument.
cal year. Then, too, he is exp ected declaration of w ar
POLICE DEPARTMENT The new strikes were called after Besides, there was an issue at
TAX COLLECTOR A R T IE R T to devote considerable tim e to con ­ against Japan; a stake. M ary was desperate, a des- j
Headquarters: Borough Hall. Tel leaders of the Federation of Flat METUCHEN, N. J.
STRONG. sideration o f the revam ping o f the pledge from th e
6-0080. Glass Workers failed to reach an peration conjured by Phil’ s threat ;
RECORDER: FRANK DUGGAN. cabinet and to plans for reorgan iz­ N a n k i n g gov ern ­ Telephone Met. 6-0365W
Chief: WILLARD B. HUTCH IN agreem ent with representatives „of of a month ago. If, he had told her,
OVERSEER OF THE POOR: REV ing the governm ent m achinery in ment to recover all
SON the tw o companies concerning she beca m e involved in one m ore
GEORGE A. HUMPHRIES. various departm ents. v l o s t territory, in­
TITUS J. SCHMELZER. Lieut.: COS strikes already in progress. L ibbey- accident, regardless of blam e, it
The inaugural cerem onies will be Qwens also was negotiating fo f a cluding M anchuria,
TEN A. MANZ1ANO, ENOS FOUR would m ean the end o f her driving
and reorganization of the Chinese
Dlvt8ion or Department*: ATT, SergtL.; GEORGE 1 BREEN simple in accordance with Mr. new union contract, their old one career. She had taken him seriously;
Nationalist party, the Kuom intang,
HENRY F. SALAK1, CHARGES A Roosevelt's wishes, and the tradi­ having expired.
Department of Finance and Admin FROHM. EDWARD LEISS. tional ball will be omitted. After E m ployers said the impasse was
so that Chinese com m unists m ight
her ability to convince him of her
innocence in the Bob Henderson a f­
titration: EDMUND F GRIMM. Chair consultation with Rear A d m iral reached as a result of the union’ s be admitted to membership. fair was important. Funeral Director
The Nanking government p rom pt­
man; JOHN STOJKEL, insurance, Meluche Jai)- Rear of Borough i Cary T. G rayson, chairm an o f the determined demands for a closed "B u t good lord, M a ry," Phil went ; 568 Middlesex Avenue
inaugural com m ittee and V i c e ly declared w ar on Chang and his on, "y o u r cAr was found way, over ;
and ail other p a tte rs pertaining to the] Hall, shop, a checkoff system of union Phone 6-0149
_____ SPresident Garner, it was decid ed dues, and wage increases. arm y and a large body of troops w as on the left-hand side of the road.
fiances or the Borough Also Elections j
that the parade should be lim ited sent toward Sianfu to besiege the You m ust have been partly to
aid Shade Trees. FIRE DEPARTMENT Glen W. McCabe, president of the city. But it was reported in Shanghai*
to units from the army, navy and
Glass Workers’ federation, denied that Chiahg Kai-shek, clinging to his bla m e .”
marine corps and from the West " I f my car was found w-here you
Department of Public Work* Chief OTTO P. ROSENVINGE. the union was demanding a closed ideal of a united China, sent word
Point and Annapolis acad em ies.
C H A R L E S G E I G E R , Chairman; Asst Chief JAMES BONIS shop or that the checkoff system to Nanking by Gen. Chiang Ting- say it w a s ,” Mary returned, "B ob
Governors of all the states will be Henderson knocked it there. I as- 1
CHARLES TAYLOR, Repalra, con Companies: Eagle Hook & Laddei invited but they will be lim ited to had to be granted. wen forbidding hostilities. M ean­ sure you, dear husband, I know my
itruction and maintenance of streets Co. No. kTSSS Main Striet, JOS. SALO three motor ca rs apiece. T h ere will
and sidewalks, sewers and sewage MONKy Captain; Washington Host be no civilian organizations in the C ECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE naped generalissim o were passing right hand from my left.”
while agents of Chang and the kid­
"O f course, dear, but if you were
disposal plan t Street lighting, collec­ Co. No. 1. 505 Middlesex Avenue. FRAN parade. G rand stands are being ^ W A L L A C E in his annual report to and fro trying to open negotia­ EYE SPECIALIST
tion of garbage and waste, building de­ CIS CROWLEY. Captain. in any w ay to blam e for the ac- j
cohstructed on both sides of Penn­ to the President, recommends that, tions for the release of Chiang K ai- cident I want you to admit it. It’ s Hours:
partment, public property and parks. sylvania avenue at the White House, instead of "emergency crop adjust­ shek.
a nasty m ess, and if Bob can col- ^ 9 to 12; 1 to 5
JU S^CES OF THE PEACE and on the steps of the Capitol. m ents,” the government establish Japan professed to believe that lect from the insurance com pany, ;
Department of Public safety and C hang’s action was prom oted by it’ s only fair that we shouldn't stand :
One of Mr. Roosevelt’ s first duties a permanent production control. In Saturday
Welfare: P A U L FENTON, Chairman; JOHN C. BOWERS. REINHOLD was a sad one— that of attending this Mr. Wallace ignores the opin­ Russia, and officials in Tokyo said in his w ay. L et’s go over the whole 9 to 12: 1 to 6; 7 to 8
forceful steps by Japan m ight be
GEORGE E. KELLY, Police depart­ BREHMER. A. L. NIELSEN. the funeral services for August Gen- ion of the Supreme court in the thing j g a in . Just w here did the j
ment, Are department, pour depart­ nerich, his close friend and bod y­ H oosac Mills case holding that necessary. accident o c c u r ? ”
ment and F ree Public Library FRE^ PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD guard who died suddenly in Buenos congress has no power to regulate The soviet news agency T ass in M ary sighed resignedly. “ I’ ve ! NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.
—o— Aires. The services w ere held in agriculture. The secretary said that M oscow issued an official denial o f told you a hundred tim es, Phil. It j
Zoning Board of Adjustment: REV. FREDERICK ZiMMERMAN the White H ouse and with the P resi­ shortage caused by drouth could reports that Russia had conspired was near the lake, between Hilldale
President; MRS L E. MOLINEUX dent w ere M rs. R oosevelt, V ice only be temporary and that the in the Chinese crisis, but diplom ats and Ridgefield
HARRY WIGHT, Presides!; SAM ELLIOT CORBIN. N. HOWARD President and Mrs. Garner and ca b ­ natural reaction will be production in the Far East were of opinion "T h e r e 's an open stretch there,”
UEL C. SCHENCK,'JR., Secretary; AYERS. SAMUEL SCHENCK. Mayor inet m em bers. A delegation of that will glut the market and pile that M oscow would intervene if w ar Phii sa id thoughtfully. “ R eally no METUCHEN
JAMES KNOX. WALTER HALL. L. E ARTHUR K. HILLPOT and CARL H New York C ity policem en w as pres­ up surpluses. Soil conservation should break out between China and excuse for an accident. It was close
RIDDLE, members. GALLOWAY, members rx-offlclo. ent to pay the respects of the “ fin­ alone, he said, is not a sufficient Japan. Japanese action would be t0 sunset, w asn’t it? ”
est” to one who had served with preventive of overproduction. based on the reported setting up n f , uY e s. j rem em ber distinctly,
Edw. Drake
(B oard of Health) Department of Motor Vehicles distinction on the force for tw enty- In anothar section his report, an independent government at Si- , The sky w as lovel she broke
DR. CAR LYLE MORRIS, ANDREW ALONZO U QUINT. five years. W allace d ied figures showing that anfu by Marshal Chang with the off abruptly and p hil was ick t0
S. Main Street, Cor. W alnut
support of soviet, see the sudden change in her ex.
The P resident and his household imports of|agricultural products ex-
were cheered by news from Boston ceeded arts by 418 million dol- i pression. Phone Metuchen 6 -0 6 1 5

CHURCH CHIMES POST OFFICE H O U R S that Franklin D. Roosevelt, J r., ill lars in
in a hospital with a s treptococcu s blam ed
fiscal year 1936.
however, on
O E PRESEN TATIVES of the 21 “ You w ere watching the su n set!”
Am erican republics gathered in he cried. “ I rem em ber now. You've Guaranteed Repairs
Opeu dally from 6 3'4 A. M to 6 31 infection and sinusitis, was re co v e r­ drouth, 1than the scarcity pol- the conference at Buenos Aires all been driving out there two or three ALL M A K E S — RIG H T
P. M. except Saturday, Sunday* and ing rapidly, that an operation prob­ icies o f 1 AAA and the adm in- signed two measures designed to tim es a week to look at it. You PR IC ES— PR O M PT
FIRST BAPTIST CHURC h maintain peace, security and non­ w eren’ t watching the roa d .”
Holiday*. ably would not be necessaTy and istration'8) ! agreements. SERVICE
Rev. S. B. Hofer, Paster Th« intervention in the Western w orld. “ I w as! I was watching the road!
Banda*, no ter*ice that the young Harvard senior hj that a per-
These projects are; But quite naturally I couldn't help
at 1# A. M. a good ch an ce o f spending
Saturday. « :3 « A. M to 12:09 A. M achieve “ • f^jfcserv ation , consum ­ A plan for maintenance of p eace but look at the sunset. It was there,
■(m tfnr S e r r its at 11 A. M. mas in the White House.
One carrier delivery, all parcel* de er protecioni and crop control al­ and security which provides for con ­ staring m e in the f a c e !”
Baptist Y ou n g People’s Union at llvered. All mail* dispatched an week
together," but outlined no specific sultation in the event of war within “ Of c o u r s e !” Phil was bitterly
f P M.
Ivening S ervice at 8 P. If
Holidays: Christmas. New Year's ^
JOHN HAMILTON Is still chair- plan fo r attaining all those o b je c­ the Am erican continents or w ar sarcastic now. "B ut you couldn't
man of the Republican national tives. abroad which m enaces A m erican very w ell look at both at the sam e
Prayer S ervice on Wedntsuay# at Washington's B i r t h d a y . Memorial committee. A t a meeting in Chi­ peace. time. While you were staring into
.VP. M. Dav. Fourth of July, Labor Day and cago 74 of the 76 m em bers in at- A reiteration of the resolution of space with that enraptured look on
Metuchen Printing ( nmpanr
Thauksgiving. No Carrier or Parcel l tendance rejected his resignation, the 1933 Pan-American con feren ce, 1your fa ce, Bob Henderson’ s ca r ap-
! and he responded: " I ’m gratified, ^ German ambassador to England, W. T. Rowland, Fr0p.
Post delivery. for nonintervention by one nation in peared. He swerved far to his right
ST LUKE’ S EPISCOPAL CHURCH i and I ’ ll keep right on w orking.” addressing an English audience
Half-holidays: Lincoln’s Birthday The opposition to Hamilton w as led London, told the world plainly that another’ s affairs. This carried also a to avoid a collision and—” 115 H iphlan I A ven ue
Rev. H arold W. Dunne, Rector M exican amendment for consulta- " i t isn’ t so,” Mary interrupted
Coiumbu. Day. Election and Arralallce j by HamUtOttrishl V fN ew 'Y o"rk' but Germany intends to
Holy Communion at 8 A M Day.. One Carrier and Parcel Poet de j it dwindied ra p jA y during the de. scrap "the discrimi­ j tion if intervention appears neces- furiously. “ Bob could have avoided T el Met. 6-0 60 4
Sunday S ch ool at 11 A. M. livery. Window service 1 :30 A. M tr •bate. ' sary- that a cciden t if he’d been paying
nating part of the
Morning S ervice at 11 A. M. 12:00 N All mails dispatched 1 attention to his driving. He admits
Before adjournment Hamilton was Versailles treaty”
REAT BRITAIN again defaults him self he was in a hurry to get to
empowered to appoint a group of and that Adolf Hit­ ^ on its war debt to the United Ridgefield— ”
IT. F RANCIS ROMAN CATHOLvC WIN nows ler is determined to Tel. P. A . 4-2027
Republicans soon to form ulate a., States, but intimates it would like “ R idgefield!” Phil blurted. “ But
CHURCM Stamp and Parcel Post. 6 30 to 6 30 plan to bring the party funds out of regain colonies for to re-open negotiations for reduc- good heavens, Mary, if Bob was
Rev. John J. Keley, Pastor Registered Mall, 8 00 to 6 06 the red. Treasurer C. B. Goodspeed his country. iiorV d ebL This time the heading toward Ridgefield you must I. M A N N & SON
Rev. Vincent A. Luther, Avat. Paster Money Order and Postal Sevlngs reported that the campaign expendi­ "O ne thing is cer­ British governm ent does not state have been com ing the other way.
Sunday M asses at 7:30, 8:30, 9:80 8 09 to 8 00. tures w ere $6,546,776, and that the tain,” he said, "and it has found no new reason to w ar- Away from the sunset OPTOMETRISTS
and 10:30 A. M. this I cannot help rant a resumption of payments. All
. INCOMING MAILS . -= r-_ deficit was $901,501. stating: Germany Mary nodded silently, curiously Houre Daily 10-12, 2-5, 7-8
Children's Maas at l : lS A. M! the other debtor nations also d e­
A. M — 6:30. 8 00. 10 15 .All Points has made tip h e r aw are of a strange prem onition of ,
Daily Mass at 8:00 A. M. faulted except Finland, which Wednesday 10-12 Only
P. M. — 12 30 Elizabeth and Shore “ C E C R E T A R Y OF PUBLIC WEL- mind to get rid of disaster. She dreaded her husband’s
von usual proudly paid the installm ent next question.
Points, 1 60 New York. N Y.. 5 <)u A> F A R E ” may be the title of a that discriminating R lbbfn tr0P due.
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Point*, 7 00 West and South (not new m em b er of the President’s part of the Versailles treaty which Cold suspicion was written in 89 SMITH STREET
cabinet, and it may be held by no great nation could have tolerated Phil’ s eyes. "Y ou lied,” he said
Rev. G eorg* A. Humphries, Pastor sorted) \ / f EM BERS of the electoral col-
coldly. “ You couldn’ t have been * PERTH AMBOY. N. J.
OUTGOING MAILS Harry L. Hopkins, forever. *
■ 1 lege met in the capitals o f
Junior Church at itf A. M. WPA administrator. staring at the sunset if you were
Morning Service at 11 A. M. A. M.—: 36 New Y »rk N. Y.. omy. “ To attain this aim by a gree­ their respective states and w ent
The creation of th^s ment, der fuehrer and chancellor through the empty formality o f ca s t­ heading toward Hilldale. C om e now,
Woman’s Bible Class vt JO A. M. 7:30 Phil*, and South,Jersey; 8:30 All might as well make a clean breast
department h a "s made his offer to the world, but the ing their votes for
West and South; 9:30 All Points been, under consid­ world, still blind and w rapped up Presidential candi­ of it.”
M ETH ODIST CHURCH P. M — 12 61 New Brunswick only. M ary suddenly broke down and
eration for some in the mentality which is generally dates — 523 f o r
1:30 All Points: 4 00 All Points; €;<ft cried. Phil usually weakened at Job bin g Phone Met. -4-1174J
Rev. T heodere B. Perry,, Pastor time and becom es known today as ‘ the spirit of V er­ Franklin D. Roose­
All Points. sight of tears. But this tim e he G . W . HANSEN
Sunday S ch ool at 10 A. M. probable with the sailles,’ did not respond. velt and 8 for Alf
AIR MAIL i plans for consolida­ was im m obile. He waited for the Carpenter and Builder
Men s | Bibif Cla*s at 10 A M
9:30 k . M., 3:00 P. M.. 6:00 P M ‘ ‘ But der fuehrer sees now, as M. Landon. About storm to pass, allowed Mary to
tion of several gov­ the sam e time it 205 CHESTNUT AVE.
Mornihg Service at 11 A M. All Points before, in the possession of co l­ drape her arms about his neck,
ernmental agencies was announced in METUCHEN. N. J.
Epworth League at 7 P. M. and Activities per­ onies desired fpr supply of raw m a ­ stared down into her tear-stained
REGISTERED M AIL Washington that a
Evening Service at 8 P M taining to public terials only, dn one side, and in m ove to abolish the face with an expression im passively
8 30 A West ana South; 9 30; H- L- Hopkin: world trade on the other, two m ost cold.
welfare, from the antiquated electoral
A. M.. .East; 4 30 P. M., West and social security program and the in­ essential m ein s of raising the " W e ll? ” he asked.
SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH college system had
South; 6 00 .P M.. All Points. dependent office of education to standard *u of life
* • of. his people
, , from been Mary whimpered. "O h, Phil,
started and
Rev. Nelson Tate, Pastor
Morning S e.vice at 11 A. M.
Menlo Park, Dally except Snnoav> the children’ s bureau now in then
and Holidays, Department of Labor.
Present subsidence fever
easonable solution to the
•uld have the ay. ap- Sen. N orris don't you see? It was m y fault—
proval of many m em bers of both the sunset was beautiful. I couldn't
____ R U Superstitious
Sunday S ch ool at lo A. M. MAIL SERVICE I'U MENLO PARK There has been talk that the new colonial question, therefore, is m ost | houses of congress. help but watch it. You know I spent
Evening Service at 8 P M. Outgoing- 8 50 A. M —6:36 P. M department might be given to Miss desirable and; to m y mind to the ; Leaders of this plan are S enator h °urs *n the mountains last sum m er, if you do you are
Prayer S ervice on Wednesdays at Incoming -9 00 A. M .-5 :3 0 P M Perkins, who is slated to retire from interest of all in the long r u n .” G eorge W. Norris, ___ ____Independent,
, ___________ o f j usl watching T the sunsets. 1 sor- Do You a judicious adver­
i P. M the labor secretaryship, general Nebraska, and Retjr|sentative C lar- ry' 1 11 explain everything to Mr. tiser and a good
Postmaster, Harry Kramer.
opinion is that H op kins,^ fa vorite
I T WAS announced in London that ence Lea, D e m o cr^ P o f California, H enderson, and try to fix it so he'll Believe busi Ju­
1 Great Britsun and 1laiv had al­ both of whom h a veflreviou sly nd- 6et b*s insurance."
money dispenser of Ithe adminis­ dicious advertising
Ass’t Postmaster JameB Hughes.
Money Order Clerk. Carleton La>«p
tration, will get the jo|b. most agreed on the terms for a m u­ vocated a constitutional am endm ent
tual declaration of interests in the making the change, substituting a had hoped Ma_ry would offer an ex-
Phil's brow wrinkled. Secretly he in Signs
Rev. F rederick Zimmerman, Paator A lw a y s Pays
Stamp Clerk, Walter Madison. Mediterranean. At the sam e tim e system whereby state electora l cuse that would clea r her o f guilt,
Sunday Schwoi at 9:46 A. M
Malliig Cicrks. Harry Dalsgaard Y \ T ITH five men and two women Foreign Secretary Eden told the ? a n‘d e s p e r i a 11 y -
Merning S ervice at 11:90 A. M.
Lundy Bloomfield. aboard, a big liner of the house of commons that on S eptem ­ votes would be divided among pres- 11 w as convenient—the fact that she •When you advertise
Christian Endeavor at 7:00 P. M. idential candidates on the basis o f e°uld d rive; and he hated to play
Forwarding Clerk. Harry Dalsgaard Western A ir Express, disappeared ber 12 the British governm ent in a paper that i*
Prayer M eeting on Wednesdays al
C. O. D Clerk. Lundy Bloomfield. in fog and storm south'of Salt Lake warned Mussolini that he m ust keep their relative popular vote strength the part of the brutal husband in reod by everybody
I P. M. in the state. refusing to let her. Even now he
Carriers W A. Smith, Jr.. Nelson City and it was belifcved. it had his hands off the Spanish B alearic Under the present system P resi- . clung to the hope that her ahln
Hummer rParcerPoST)7 crashed and that all seven persons Islands. He said there w as now dent Roosevelt, polling
were killed either in its fall or by ap proxi- would justify her actions of the
HEW H O P E BAPTIST CHURCH Elwood Drake, Jam« teason to believe Italy would not m ately 27,750,000 votes, received 523 afternoon.
Rev. E. Chancey, Pastor Henry Hahm. exposure. Searching paHies found enter into negotiations with Gen­
This newspaper reaches th e eye
possible traces of the accident in eral Franco, the Spanish F ascist electoral votes. Governor Landon, "B u t I don't understand, darling
Sunday S ch ool at 16 A. M. Special Delivery .Carr i polling approximately 16,630,000 Howtin the world coulu you ho look
a broken tree and "tra ck s” in the leader, for a change in the M edi­ of everybody who might he s
Morning Service at 11 A M. snow, but tile weather was 'so votes received 8 votes. Each R oose- ing at the sunset-if -it was behind
B. Y P U. at 7 P M. terranean statua quo. Eden added velt electoral vote represents the y o u ? " uossihle buyer in this section.
severe -and the region so isolated that Great Britain had not re co g ­
Evening S ervice at 8 V M. desires of 53,000 voters. Each Lan­ But, Phil, I’ ve explained ' that,
that the huht was badly hampered. nized Italy’ s apnexation of Ethiopia
don vote represents the wishes of I was ’.ns w atching it in the rear view
PATRONIZE VThose anoard the plane which start- and did not intend to do so. 2,085,000 voters. miri
R ev. J. J. Marteen the merchant! who ad­
Sunday S ch ool a* 10 A. M. Big T ele visio n Center I Corporation of Am erica, w hich will be two powerful ultr^ yVg g( Zero Stone in Washington
Morning Service at 11 A M. vertise in this paper. D p ... p -i, • I New York demonstrated transm is- w ave transmitters, one for round The Zero Stone in Washington H ILLSID E C EM ETER Y
"tening S ervice at 8 P M B ein g Built in P..,scow , sjon by mean3 of dividing each and one for im ages. takes the place of the itinerary co l­
They will treat you right umn planned by L ’ Enfant for a
-ft Moscow.—Construction of a pow- picture into 150.000 elements,
place one m ile east of the Capitol, F oot o f Lincoln Avenue
erful ultra short wave television One him/treri receiving sets have Need Not Bequeath “ One D ollar'
.ivcu not
„V, bequeath a .. m w hi c h- ..........
fro distances of places
"tenturdiiis Uevn starwa..m Moscow ' been purchased^ in A m lrica which A testator need
Metuchen New Jersey
which will be capable not only of will be used for collective audiences d ollar to a ennu
child or uuier
other re ia u v e
relative i U‘ ‘ he ' ", wer e
broadcasting prepared :ubjects but until Soviet industry m asters the w hom he dislikes in order to fore- cr J ^ T h e ' z l r o S t a r " W3S
Sum m er— W eekdays, 9 :0 0 to 1 2 :0 0 A. M . ..street scenes and pictures of dem- production of such equipment. stall any attempt to break his will . is im m edi­
j onstrations. The television center will occupy ately south of the White House
W in te r — W eekdays, 3 :0 0 to 5 :0 0 P. M. The docum ent is amply protected
grounds and is a block o f granite O ffice: 5 6 8 Middlesex Ave.
The transmitting apparatus will two buildings according to V. B. against successful litigation when it
All y e a r — Mon., Tues., Thurs., 7 : 0 0 to 9 :00 P. M. have a range of about forty miles, Shastakovitch head of the radio contains the sim ple statem ent that
four feet high, with a bronze co m ­
pass design on top. It stands on the P hone Metuchen 6 -0 1 4 9
C LO SE D S U N D A Y S A N D H O L ID A YS and technically will follow experi- , department of the Com m issariat of certain individuals are not to share
m eridian of the D istrict o f Colum­
meats conducte ^y the Radio Communications. In one building in the estate.—Collier’s W eekly. bia.

Heirloom Handkerchiefs and Others

By C H E R IE N IC H O L A S u n
National T op ics Interpreted
.1 1
by W illiam Bruckart
'Jhtnkd about
Washington — Senator O’ Mahoney D efenders of Com m unism .
A m erica n - born Wallis Warfield
of Wybming has prepared a bill for Sim pson. It sim ply happened to A N T A M O N IC A , C A L I F .—
T_ r t t
To Control
introduction early c o m e along at the sam e time, but
in the new con. sin c e all the world loves a lover, S Every time I write a squib
against communism, there follows
Bus men gress that will set in Washington one hears reference
. up, if it becom es a flood of letters from persons who
to the Simpson-Edward affair men­
Jaw, a com prehensive mechanism tion ed many tim es in the same begin by saying they’re not com­
to control and regulate some of the b rea th with the State department m unists— perish the thought.
principal activities of business c o r ­ d e c r e e . This obtains because nearlv “ Diving to D eath9 B ut either I’ m attacking free
porations. It is a far reaching prop­ a ll o f our foreign serv ice people have By FLOYD GIBBONS s p e e ch — as though fr e e speech
osition, as it now stands, and it relations or friends in the na­ m e a n t fre e license to underm ine our
cannot be passed off lightly. There tional^ capital and the decree for­ E T ’S dive right into this one with Diver and Distinguished
is support for it in a number o f biddin g international marriages set
quarters. While it undoubtedly will m a n y tongues to wagging.
Adventurer Walker Kayes of New /o rk City. Ana remem­
g ov ern m en t; or, by indirection, I ’ m
tryin g to undermine
ber that we’ re not only diving deep down into the treac *rous cur­ tra d e unionism, al­
not become law in its present form,, But the State departm ent ruling though what trade
it must be regarded as the opening ou gh t to be treated with utmost rents of the St. Lawrence river—w e’ re diving head first into the un ion ism has i n
wedge. R iver of Adventure, too.
seriousness and sincerity., It is im­ c o m m o n with com ­
, Th® Wyoming senator's principal p ortant. It is n eqessary .to stretch W hat was W alker Kayes diving for in the St. Lawrence? Sunken I m u n ism is some­
idea is to require businesses of an th e imagination a g r la t way in or­ trea su re? Nothing of the sort. It isn’ t always the glamorous jobs that thing w hich I don’ t
incorporated ch a ra cter to take out d e r to assume that international furnish the big thrills. Divers do a lot of prosaic worK ® between quite see.
a federal licen se. If they do not m a rria g es of the type banned by those treasure hunts you' read about, and Old Lady Adventure has a O ne camouflaged
comply, the proposedM aw would th e State department would "shake I habit o f piling it onto the lads when th ey’ re doing a routine Job and are red — or anyhow he
deny them the right to ship goods an em pire” after the manner o f ! least expecting it. W alker was inspecting bridge foundations for a rail­ m u st be reddish—
into retail trade between states. international m arriages among roy­ road . In August, 1933, he was looking over the underpinnings ^of the states there are on­
fa m ou s Victoria bridge which spens the St. Law rence at Montreal. ly 100,000 k n o w n
While the m ain theme of the prop­ a lty . On the other hand, it se^ms to *
osition does not s eem anything about m e to be quite fair to say that in­ W e n t D o w n in D a n g e r o u s C u r r e n t. com m u n ists among
which one should get excited, it is ternational m arriages among offi- | I said that Adventure always hits you when youre^iM t ex­ 120,000,000 o f us, so
the things that ca n be done behind c ia l representatives of a nation can pecting it. M aybe I ’ m vrong in this case. Walker kn,ewle was w h y w orry? But w ouldn’ t you worry
such a general requirement that v e r y easily prove embarrassing to j going to have trouble with the V ictoria bridge— at one spit any- if 100,000 lepers w ere suffered to
must and will be examined by con ­ th e government by which the for- 1 w ay. go at large among us, o r 100,000
gress and the country before e ;gn service officer receives creden- j " I was inspecting the piers on the M ontreal side, he sajri, and at stinging lizards to run w ild?
it takes a step o f the kind advocated tia ls. In fact, there are instances t this point runs a treacherous rapid which had taken the lives of two A v e ry passionate lady has been
by Senator O ’ M ahoney. For exam ­ o n record where such marriages j b rid g e Hvorkers only the previous sum m er. The noses of the piers reach j w ritin g in, calling hard nam es. But
ple, if the fed era l government i9 h a v e proved to be serious obstacles too fa r out from beneath th e'bridg e to enable us to lower a protecting I sh an ’ t argue with her, because I’ m
permitted to requ ire businesses to in the settlement of disputes be- j scre e n to stop the current. All we had to work with was a small plat­ a v ictim o f aelurophobia. On look­
obtain a licen se or charter from tw een governments. fo rm , just large enough for two men and the diver, built on the nose of the ing in the dictionary, y o u ’ll find that
Washington, those businesses m ay Then, it must be considered that | p ier down close to the water. The pum p, worked by hand, was up on aelurophobia means one who has
be compelled to m eet all manner th e re is a genuine possibility of j the brid ge and the air line passed down the pier. A short steel ladder an intense aversion f o r cats.
of requirements before such a li­ w a r in Europe in the next few years. | w as lashed to the platform to enable m e to d escend .”
cense or charter is granted. In the A tremendous tragedy is being pre­ T h a t’ s the picture. Now watch it m ove. Walker, looking like “ Smitty’s” T ra vels.
reverse, if after they have the li­ p a red there. While obviously any s o m e strange sort of robot in his air-filled rubber suit and round ball­ TO EA D IN G about a p o lice sergeant
cense, they fail to obserye the pro­ governm ental decision that has the ; like steel helmet is ready to go down. It is eight o ’clock in the morn­ w ho retired after forty years’
visions laid down either by congress e ffe c t of keeping lovers apart ing as he steps onto the ladder and little does he realize that at twelve s e r v ic e and never set foot off of his
or bald - headed bureaucrats, re­ arou ses antagonism, a sympathetic ; noon— four hours later—he will still be down under the river fighting a 'T 'H E handkerchief which we take sketched at the top in the illustra­ n ative Manhattan island m ade me
vocation of the license is the pen­ feelin g among all with tender hearts, life and death battle with a racing tide. Step by step he goes down, so much for granted was once tion proves just that, sin ce it is a think o f a gentlem an known a s
alty that m ay be exacted. It should in this circum stance, the rule seems h u gging the ladder to keep from being swept downstream. Now his a luxury permitted only to those of p erfectly exquisite type such as the “ S m itty” who, in m y reportorial
be added that exa ction of a penalty w e ll justified. In addition to follow­ h elm et vanishes under the surface, and we dive down after him to see noble birth. A Hungarian queen of modern bride carries, to be handed d a y s on Park R ow , w a s general
of this kind, o n ce the license provi­ in g the lead of other nations on the ; w hat happens. m dk the Fourteenth century owned one down from generation to genera­ roustabout at Andy H orn ’ s saloon.
sion is established as a federal gov­ p oint, our State department has ‘ ‘The current is always less at the nose of the pier,” sayi Walker, silk handkei cnief profusely em broid­ tion. Made of sheerest of hand- S m itty was born in the shadow
ernment. $igiu, becom es a powerful banned these international mar­ ‘ ‘ s o I planned to exam ine that first, then attem pt to com e up along the ered and by d ecree of a German woven linen it is em broidered in o f Brooklyn bridge and grew up
weapon 'and the lim it to which that ria g e s largely in ord er to keep our sid e o f the shoulder. After looking at the nose, I started uptiream, ly­ king in the Sixteenth century the fine seed, appenzei type needlework, th ere. He had traveled the various
power may be exercised is scarcely nation free from any possible en­ ing flat on my stom ach to resist the current. I had moved about six handkerchief was _permitted to the entire center spoked in squares. borou gh s, but no m atter where he
to be forecast. tanglem ents in event of that Eu- fe e t when, suddenly, I was struck with locom otive force. A cross j those of noble birth only, The flower centers in ea ch corner w en t w as always within the greater
are embellished with real pearls city . Finally he took a tour to for­
While, as I sa id , the O’Mahoney rop ea n tragedy that loom s like red cu rre n t had caught m e and was whirling m e aw ay from the pier—out i The first record of a handker-
tow ard the middle of the stream ! chief appears on an old Assyrian (48 in number), an a ccessory which eig n parts. He went to visit his
legislation m ay not be expected to fire on the horizon of the future.
H e lp le s s in the B o il in g , F o a m y W a t e r . bas-relief, but even so Persia does becom es an heirloom even as the siste r, w ho’d m arried a truck gard­
becom e law in its present form, its M arriages heretofore contracted, of i
. . . . . . . . ... *--ii *__i-- . i not seem to have adopted it". A c- fine veil and lace m ay be handed en e r b a ck o f Newark, and the broth­
terms and p rovision s give a hint c o u rs e , will not be disturbed j ----------instant I was spun around like a fishing troll—-Imhed , cordlng t0 Zenophon, Cyras the down to posterity. H ow ever, deli­ er-in-law , who owned a ca r , toured
of what can be expected of any b y the new ban, but elimination of by tons of roaring water. It all happened so quickly tkt the
legislation of a sim ila r character. th a t source of potential difficulty Great in Persia forbade his sub­ cate though it is in appearance it S m itty about the landscape.
tender had no chance to snub the line. m a y be laundered.
fo r the future is regarded as likely jects to blow their noses. Jn Egypt, I w a s one who greeted Smitty on
Take this provision , for exam ple: *‘ I was utterly helpless. I cou ld n ’ t see, for the water w a il boiling j
tc be valuable. at this time, royal subjects dried Other kohlkerchiefs (new name h is return.
m a s s of foam , and I could no m pre control m y m ovem edi in that j
"R ates of p a y shall be increased their tears on the bottom of their in modern fashion p arlan ce for cer­ “ F u r m e ,” he said, “ n ever again!
I have heard criticism of the cu rren t than if I had been a chip o f wood. But helplessipg wasn’ t j mantles.
and hours of w ork shall be reduced S tate department's order on the tain high-type handkerchiefs) have I d o n ’ t like that J oisey. Why, all
the w orst of it. An ever-present thought in the mind of H a - diver is j
In accordance w ith gains in the ground that affairs of the heart are the d anger of the suit inflating and blow ing up like a balloon j( the head j Square handkerchiefs originated literally traveled half w ay round the th e m towns over th ere is got dif­
productive e fficien cy of the indus­ p riva te affairs—w hich indeed they g e ts knocked lower than the rest of the body. The minute I began to | in France. Louis XIV m ade a law w orld before they reached the fe re n t nam es.”
try, arising from increased m echan­ a re . But it must be remembered roll, I jam m ed m y head against the hir release valve to Mate the ! ^ a t handkerchiefs, regardless United States. H e re ’ s how —the flax
ization, im provem en ts in technologi­ that where an individual accepts of size and texture, must be m ade w as raised in Belgium , then sent to D olling Up L obbyists.
suit. I must have done it with tpo m uch fo rce , for the
ca l methods, or fro m other causes, as broad as the^ were long. Ireland where it w as m ade into H AT ever b e c a m e o f the bill
tc the end that em ployees shall have
th e rights, prerogatives and priv­ s h a ft of the valve bent and would not w ork properly,
ileges o f official position, he accepts tim e, I was hurtled downstream an4 w edged into a rock
of this day
age know it,
sheerest linen, m u ch o f it hand-
w oven. The linen w as sent to China
W introduced into the Louisiana
an equitable participation in the out­ a t the same tim e certain definite fo r the mom ent, saved m y life.” leg isla tu re requiring lobbyists to
put of industry, and that em ploy­ responsibilities. In the case of a Tons of water were pounding against Walker, sands of the sea does it number, w here it was cut into the required w e a r specia l uniforms while follow­
ment and m a ss purchasing pow er foreig n service officer, his accept­ out o f him and threatening to crush his w hile fashion plays it up in every sizes, stamped w ith d esign s crested ing their trSde? A s I m o o li t h r
may keep p a ce w ith industry." con ceiv ak ’ e m ood as a smart a c­ b y American artists and em broid­ o r ig in a l act, it p ro vid e d that lob­
a n c e o f the governm ent title makes found that, water, trickling in through the broken ered by skilled Chinese needle- b yists o f less than th ree years’ e x ­
cent to the costum e.
h im at once and the same time a filling his suit. He began trying to com m unicate wofnen whose art dates back 2,000
p a rt of that governm ent in a most ro a r o f the water m ade the phone useless, and when he IHedHo signal Not only is the modern handker­ years. When the handkerchiefs are p e rie n ce should w ea r green skull
It seems quite obvious that under c a p s and rainbow-hued plaid trous­
tuch a basic statem ent of princi- pecu liar way. Because foreigners do by jerk in g the line fhe current m ad e it alm ost impossible to feel the chief a "frien d indeed in the tim e finished to the last d egree of perfec­ e r s ; veterans w ere to wear the
’ . . pies, a business not understand our government any je r k s . From the all but unintelligible signals that did come through, of need” but it is created a "thing tion and artistry they are sent to g re e n caps and all-white suits,
D ic ta to r !^ could easily b e better than we understand foreign W alk er gathered that his tender wanted him to move down with the of beauty” — a “ jo y forever” too, A m erica. w h ich latter seem ed especia lly ap­
governm ents, when an American cu rren t and be hauled in at the back o f the pier. He foughthis way out of for the wedding kohlkerchief © Weitern Newspaper Union.
Powers m ade to agree to p ropria te, white being the color foi
collective bargain­ foreign service officer speaks, he the fissure.
H is S uit I n fla te d a n d B le w u p . x „ p u rity.
ing among its em ployees, to estab­ speak s actually as the American
governm ent. One need not amplify In an instant he was picked up by the roaring water and NEGLIGEES ASSU M E I t ’ s just too bad if the notion has
lish minimum w a g e s and to follow
this furti er than to say, therefore, spun Ground like a top. Then the dTeaded “ blow-up” came. His HISTO RICAL TREND b een allow ed to languish. And if an
the dictates o f s o m e bureau or c o m ­
on e o f that official’ s responsibilities feet shot up in the air and his head down as the nk inflated am en dm en t w ere tacked on requir-
mission in W ashington in actual
management and promulgation o f is to carry out p olicy. National pol­ like a balloon. His helmet banged against the rodu. Water The sirens of the centuries have in g that a certain type ? * .legislator
policies. Indeed, it is set forth in ic y can be arranged only at its splashed around inside it. He w as w orse off than before. And in inspired the new negligees. m u st w ear 8arm,e,?tS w lth ” ° P° ? '
:he O ’ Mahoney d ra ft that the fed­ p rop er sources, nam elv, the Pres­ that terrible current there was the im m inent daager that his The high - waisted line of the f ts , ln them and buttoning up the
eral trade com m ission would be au­ ident and the D epartm ent of State. slender life-line would part. glamorous E m press Josephine, the b a c k , princesse style, so the w ear-
“ That line,” sayS Walker, “ was tied around my chest, and the force full - skirted silh ou ette of the Di- e r cou ld n ’ t slip anything inside his
thorized to obtain all "relevant and So, while budding rom ances may
ietailed data as to production costs, b e blighted, heartaches may arise, of the current Lent me backw ard. The corselet collar was forced rectoire belles and the trouser cos­ b o s o m — well, there y o u ’d have an
prices and p rofits.”’ s o ft lights in the eyes of men and aga in st m y neck, strangling me. A fter what seem ed hours, a heavy rope tum es of almond - eyed Oriental id e a that any state in the Union
As I see this sort of thing and m aiden s may be dim m ed by the w a s sent down to m e. The life-line w as taut as a violin string, and all they beauties have all left their mark co u ld profitably adopt, o r , anyhow*
had to do was loop the rope ; round it and the force of the current carried
from the v ie w s o f experts with cru e l and cold w ords o f official regu­ it d ow n. But now I realized that I w as very weak and everything de­ niL.-Outfits d esign ed T oil the loung-- a lm o s t any state.
whom I have consulted, I cannot lations, it needs m ust be said that ing hours of m odern fashionables.
p en ded on getting that rope around m e and securely tied. It took me The outstanding new s is the en­ Styles in W om en’ s Hats.
escape the con clu sion that such le g­ the welfare ol a great nation must h a lf an hour to get that rope tied in a sim p le clove hitch, and then I
A V E you noticed th ose sub-divi-*
islation sim ply, extends to the fed­ supersede the personal desires of a w as com pletely exhausted. I gav e a jerk on the rope to signal the
eral governm ent dictatorial pow ers lon ely man for a m ate.
ten d er, prayed for the breaks, and waited.
sem ble effect gen erally combining
two fabrics and tw o parts, as a H sional hats w om en are wearing
aver virtually all private business. gown and house coa t or pajam as this season? If not, kindly do so.
Thus, where any of our American
S a fe A ft e r F o u r H o u r s ’ S t r u g g le . and jacket. Supple silk satin gowns I t ’ ll d istract your attention from the
It means, m o re o v e r, that politics d iplom ats or co n s u la r officers here­
“ I didn’ t mind d ying so much, but the loneliness was horrible. After designed as night dresses, but al­ p a rt-tim e frocks som e o f them are
and politicians w ould be the guiding a fte r feel they* cannot tread life's
m ost as form al in cut as evening w ea rin g.
force and that if uniori labor leaders highw ay without the accompaniment an eternity I felt strong jerks on the rope and realized I was about
were in control o f the agency hav­ o f a foreign-born princess of their to be pulled in. It was now or never— and I had about an even chance frocks—are top ped by hip-length or T h e average w om an is wearing
floor-length coats, often of a con­ w h at looks like part o f a hat— say
ing supervisory powers over busi­ d re a m s, they sim ply will have to o f getting out before the suit burst or I w as broken in two by the cur­
trasting fabric. ^ __.___ > on e-h a lf to two-thirds. I ’ ve heard
ness or if com m u n ists or conserv­ resign from their job s and bring the rent. But it was a strong, steady pull-—m uch steadier than I thought pos­
atives or any oth er clasp were in la d y ‘home: sib le. Then, suddenly I was out of the water— safe again. My men had the m ore o f the origin a l hat the
control, business would be directed © Western Newspaper Union. borrow ed a winch from some telephone linem en working on the bridge, Military Capet Are All m illin e r chopped off, the higher
in accordance with the econom .c and it w as that w hich had pulled m e out with~5uch an even, rapid pull.” the Rage Now in New York w en t the price fo r w h at was left.
views of that school of thought.- It was a surprise to W alker’ s tenders to see him alive. He had been I suppose with hats, as in the case
Square-shouldered cap es are tak­
Since our nation frequently hands E a rly M agazin es Failed u n d er water, fighting for his life, for FOUR HOURS. A few minutes o f a good clean appendix opera­
ing New York by storm .
the responsibility of government lon g er, and he would have drow ned— drowned inside his suit by the tion , if they’ d cu t the entire thing
to Be Business Success Y ou :ee them in tw eeds and furs,
control from on e political party to w a ter that trickled through the air valve. “ My boys’ faces were chalk a w a y , only very w ealthy wom en
The first magazine in the United w h ite when I ca m e out,” Walker says, “ but m y own, blue from strangu­ velvets and lam es, worn by day and
the other, the implications of such j co u ld afford to go bare-headed.
S tates was called the American lation, must have looked worse than any of them .” by night.
legislation as this are tremendous, | E ven so, the w earer has som e­
M agazine, and w as issued in Phila­ And they appear again in the ad-
to say the least. ®—WNU Service. th in g to do with the effect. I ran
delphia', Feb. 13, 1741, by Andrew f “ uth<;r n , re30rt, ' in to the lovely M rs. Clark G able
Constitutional questions enter into fashions engaging the attention of |and she haH
B radford, printer, business rival of M ule, Jennet and tfebrula Task Well Done had ' on one o f ,the h„ new
this legislation and it may be that Benjam in Franklin. It was edited resort-flitters just now.
O f anim als which owA their exist­ Have you known the satisfaction fra ction a l hats and it was power­
'tfce basic th eory advanced by the b y John Webbe. The cape suit is a new success, in
e n ce to man the mule and the jen ­ that com es with a task well done? fu lly becom ing to her. But I’ ll bet
Wyoming senator will not hold at rough tweeds, suitable for town or
It appears that the idea ol start­ net are the oldest exam ples, and Of course you have. Every farm er it w ould look like the ve ry dickens
all. As I understand it, Senator country wear.
ing a magazine in this vountry, on no on e can deny that the mule is a knows that when a field has been o n m e or Jim m y Durante.
O’Mahoney is* holding no pride of Usually it consists o f matching
the lines of the fam ous Gentleman’s m o s t useful creature. Hardy as a well plowed, a fence properly built IR V IN S. COBB.
authorship as to the language o f skirt and fingertip-length cape, with Copyright:—WNU Service.
M agazine of London originated d on k ey, strong as a horse, sure- or the live stock made com fort­
his bill but to the principles he W ool lace, so fashionable this win­ contrasting fitted ja cket,
ith Franklin. But he incautiously footed and tireless, there is nothing able, he can end the day in a satis­
strongly adheres. So, it is m ade ter fo r daytim e suits and dresses, The capes h pve the square-
divulged his schem e to Webbe, with like it for rough country traveling Wroth S ilver
to appear at lea st, as I said above, fied m ood and go to hi* night’s rest shouldered dash o f historical mili-
th e result that B radford offered his ; Its s u ccess caused the production with a greater peace of mind than is proving a perfect medium for
that this proposal constitutes an en­ smart, sports headgear. When the i s h e r L t l en l ^ i g h « 0 o wh s f rar'
publication to the colonies three o f the zebrula, which is a cross be- if he knows he has shirked a duty outdoor event is to be followed by
tering wedge on an entirely new tering to practica lly any type o f
d a y s before Franklin’ s General j tw een the horse and zebra. The or slighted a job in the day s rou­ ton - on - Dunsmore, W arwickshire,
theory of g ov ern m en t’s relation to figure
M agazine was out. Neither pub- izebru la is as strong as a mule, but tine, "W hatsoever thy hand findeth cocktails and an evening of danc­ h a ve paid Wroth Silver to the Lord
private business. For that reason, ing, what could be m ore apropos
lication lasted very long, however, j liv e lie r and even less liable to dis- tc do, do it with thy might,” is a o f the Manor on St. M artin’ s day.
it is one of the most significant W eb b e ’s expired with its second i ---------------------------------------------------- g o o d m otto to follow; for the occasion than the trim little Print* Are Featured in Shortly before sunrise the money is
propositions to co m e forward in re­ num ber and Franklin’ s with skull-cap chapeau shown here at
cent years, m e r e significant, 1 be­ sixth. The Saturday Evening Post, the top? Of black wool lace it is just Dreue* for Retort Wear p la ce d in a niche in the rem ains
Sydney Harbbr o f an old stone c ro s s, and then is
lieve, than the ill-fated NRA. It another Franklin publication, dates C am e Frorti the Cinarlet the thing for a windy afternoon The resort m od e is breaking into
Sydney harbor is a huge haven colle cte d by the Stew ard of the
certainly is a proposition that should Sorhe five centuries Igo the little and perky enough for any young print. Wild, high colored floral . . .. . ,,
to 1728, but was not originally a fo r ships. The entrance is not im ­
be watched c lo s e ly by all citizens. olive and brown serin finches of the blade to adore. Its trim of shiny prints on white grounds are the
m agazine. p osin g. On the contrary, it is so Canary islands were introduced in black ostrich immediately m akes it trend of the tim es. a zin e. The fees are p urely nominal,
Down to the Revolution, observes unim p ressive that early navigators
Europe by roving Portuguese and quite correct for the more form al Some are in silk crep e and som e ranging from one penny to two shill­
Affairs of the heart are all right a writer in the Cleveland Plain did not recognize it as a harbor
Italian sailors, and selective breed afterm ath. The other hat is also of are in cotton, s o m e are in linen and in gs and threepence-halfpenny. De­
privately, our Am erican Depart- D ealer, .sixteen magazines had and sailed past to go into Botany ing in the hands of patient, devoted black wool lace, showing to advan­ som e chiffon, but all are vivid as fa u lters, however, a re dealt with
. . ment of S t a t e been launched in Am erica. They ba y. The entrance is less than two
peasants, from the Alps to the Scot tage its use for a chic sports model. to color and striking as to design. se ve re ly , and have to pay a fine
M ix in g in holds, but it r e - included such titles as the New m iles wide and lies between North
tish highlands has evolved the The crow n is quite high with the These same prints are the ones o f twenty shillings fo r every penny,
L ove A ffa ir s serves the right to England Magazine__o L Knowledge H ead and South Head, twc* rocky a s w ell as a white bull with red
m any varieties of today, in yellow narrow-shaped brim broadening to­ you will be w earin g next spring
horn into any love and Pleasure, begun in Boston in prom on tories so placed that they
buff, orange., green cinnamon, white, w ard the front to make a flattering and summer, so if you aren’ t a e a r s and a red nose. But there has
affair t.iai in v olves an American fo r­ 1758; the. Am erican Magazine and s e e m to meet and m ingle when blue, fawn and the copper red and shield over the eyes. The large southern bird o f p a ssa ge, ^ ou m ight b e e n no necessity w ithin living m e­
eign service office r. It u all per- M onthly Chronicle, started in Phila­ view ed from the sea at most angles. still keep the s u b je ct in mind. m o r y to enforce this fine.
black. bow is of the sam e wool lace.
ftctly open and above board. The delphia in 1757. None survived.
Department o f State has put its m o re than a few years, Worship of Ra
The “ P ardon’ ,rin Brittany M oham m ed Teaching T h e worship o f R a , the sun god,
conclusions into writing, into an offi­
c ia l regulation, ai.d hereafter no
Charles Brockden Brown, the E a ch com m unity in Brittany has
first American novelist, established ffis “ P ard on ” —a religious procession
M oham m ed taught hi* follow ers What Women Want to Know About Fashions w a s established in E gypt in the
% reig n service officer can m arry an
that there was but one God, that T w elfth Dynasty. Jt c a m e in as a
in New York in 1799 the Monthly o f n early all the people carrying
alien while he is in the foreign M agazine and Literary, Journal, im a g e s o f saints from the ancient
the Jew ish prophets, such as Moses P earls may be worn by young or Hats aren’t su bscribin g to any m ilita ry edict. It indicated the rise
and Jesus Christ were true prophets old—by men or women. particular trend ju st now. o f m asculine pow er, when m an be*
service unless he gets^the consent w hich lasted three years. And in v illa g e church to bless the fields or
of "fath er” S tate department. 1801 there w a j. launched in Phila­ the sea. Between the sowing and
o f God, but that Mohammed was Black knitted caps and mittens Patou shows a sw allowtail suit g a n to accum ulate personal prop­
the latest of them, and the fu lle ^ are gaily flower-embroidered. o f satin com pleted b y a black net e r t y .
It is im m en sely interesting but delphia the Port F olio, which sur­ the harvest these Pardons m ay be
truth revealed to him. A m ink coat is still the gem o f the tunic. -y
'•not significant in an international vived until 1827— a remarkable rec­ seen.
w ardrobe and this yea r’s m odels Wool dresses h ave com e out o f Human Blood a Storage Battery
way that the S ta te department’ s o r ­ o rd among early periodicals. An
Folk Music an “Art” are lovelier than ever. the “ trimly tailored ” category and I f the electrical ch a r g e in the red-
der concerning international m a r­ excellent magazine o f this time was E arly Use o f Cloth Folk m u sic is the “ art” o f a by­
riages should h a ve been prom ul­ the Anthology and Boston Review A w ide leather belt with a leash m ay grace gala evenings. b lo o d cells of a m an could b e co l­
A ccord in g to Chinese tradition, gone age, when people--every bit as The lingerie tou ch es that m ade le cte d and sent through a twenty-
gated during the heat of the British (B oston, 1803 - 1811), to which the use o f cloth was evolved from and collar for your dog attached
E verett Ticknor and John Quincy the p ractice of wom en carrying human as we are poured forth to it is one o f the latest things in grandmother’ s dainty blouses are five watt light bulb, the lamp w ould
constitutional cris is over King E d ­
Adam s were contributors. their inm ost feelings and aspira­ accessories. seen again in cottons for 1937. burn for five m inutes.
ward s determ ination to marry the their children in fiber nets. tions.
1"HE M ETTT h e n R E C 'iH D E R THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1936
Mrs. Willianj Simms and daugh-1 R alp h'' W right, son of Mr. and

31je Ifeurlmt SimiriTr ters, Betty and D oroth j . of C olum - Mrs. Clarence W right of Oak A ve-
b a avenue, w^re Hoste:§es~ M onday _nue.- Robert Boh Ike. son of M r. and -
a ^'iristm as party in honor of Mrs. William Bohlke, of Amboy ave-
V E I .E C T R I CA L ~
PUBLISH ED EVERY THURSDAY t ie knitting of tv,e third and r.ue. and Telford M ook, son of Mr. CONTRACTING and REPAIRING
M 7 MAIN STREET Tel. Met, 6-0501 surth grades of the F: •anklm Pub- and M is. Walter Mook. of Highland OIL BURNERS and AIR CONDITIONING
ic Scffiybn The knitting class is u n-iavenue. are spending the Christmas
tier the direction o ' Mrs, Phylis \acalion at their respective homes. Service and Sales
E ntered at the M etuchen, N. J., Post O ffice as Second Class Matter jThe young men are students at
Subscription Rates— Per Year, $ 1:5 0 ; Single "Copies, 5 cent* Dartm outh College, Hanover, N. H, J. M. LEIDECKER
l C. A. PRICKITT, Editor 91 Main St., Metuchen Phone Met. 6-0539
j C H ARLES N. PRICKITT, Business Manager


R.T. Mines, prtt. *
WnrV«fc-CMcm>--Pian *Mi i i wnt
B U T W J i H l l

“ ^ T O P M Y P A P E R !” METUCHEN Let Walters Take Your Portrait

“ Stop my paper!” That is not an unfamiliar cry in every
newspaper office. It is heard at times even in the Record ot- HARDWARE CO. Individual or Group Photographs can be taken at
home and finished in time for Xmas.
fice. Usually it is caused by a subscriber’s moving away or by I ll MAIN STREET
inability to pay the small annual cost of the paper. But eve),, i
now and then- someone with a peeve telephones or writes stop VVe have your original negatives on file should you
m y paper.” „ .- require additional prints.
If it is a case o f peeve the paper .is stopped promptly, tsui,
i f it is a case of hal’d times it HTstopped very reluctantly and if Classified Ads
possible not at all. The biggest number of stops because of
peeves during one week was two. Such stops do not injure oi X )R SALE: Imported R ug. approx. CROSBY CLARKSON Walter’s Studio
affect a paper, because it is a poor newspaper man who cannot; 9x12 fee:. Never used. Sacrifice REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE NEW ARK, N. J.
get each week enough new names on his list to more than oliset fo r $20.00. Apply Box 19. R ecord­
er Office, 12-17-? 1 STATION PLACE
such losses. The week we lost the two, we added eight new
names to the list. F O R SALE: Must sacrifice excep­
The peeve-stop is usually caused by something the paper tion al fine new Seal Coat. Cash
said. Its object is probably to injure the paper and so get back needed. Price. $45.00. Box 19. R e­
at the editor. This object is practically never achieved. The cord er O ffice 12-17-?
only one injured is the reader, who deprives himself o f the only
way that he can get home town news. The best way for a read­ POR SALE: ^7 tube, all wave, radio PICTURES FOR CHRISTMAS FORUM THEATER
1936 table model, metal tubes, 6 METUCHEN. N. J.
er to deal With the situation is frankly to inform the publisher m onths old. Cost $65. W ill sacri­ finely Fram'd. Are Always the Appreciated G ift’ C. Forgi< »•. M*r. T el. M et. 6 -0 5 8 2
w hat the objectionable matter is, for the publisher is eager to fice for $25 cash. Inquire at R e­ St.00 to $50.00
learn and will usually co-operate. He knows he needs lights cord er . office. 11-19-lt SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY ;I
and a selection between these prices that -for style, quality and
on local matters and it leaves a better felling all around. * “Cain and Matvei” with Clark Gable, Marianne Davies «
value are without competition.
“ After all,” as one wise man said, “ the editor always has PO R S ALE • Thor washing machine I
£ Popeye C a rtoon — "I W an n a Be A Lifeguard” k
the last word.” — Exchange. in good condit.on. $20 cash. In - | Give Mother that picture or m irror she ha.s wanted so long.
u &
* Musical Act—“ Here Comes the C ircu s” Paramount News Events
The above editorial also states the experience and policy quire 259 Amboy avenue.
o f the Metuchen Recorder during 36 years of the present own­ IF YO U -ARE PAYING $50.00 —per I
Father one for his office or den.
Painting Outfits for Amateur or Professional
§ ______ •*_______________________ £«.
ership. , Beautiful, M odern Photograph Frames
yea r for water see W. R. Osborne, j S "Thank You, Jeeves” with Arthur Treacher
^ G raham avenue. He will drill j A LSO
you a well and put in automatic ! Goodwill Christmas Coupons Given With Each SI Purchase
pum ps. Have SOFT water! O P E N E V E N I N G S "Walking on Air” with AH Star Musical Cast
ll-2 5 -3 t Fox News Events
POUND: Bracelet, after the Pres­
byterian Church card party at
| "Pigskin Parade” with Stuart Erwin, Arlene Judge »
i ' h om e of Mrs. C. A. Prickitt. Own­ J|ny Evening by Appointm ent Call Plfd. 6-1707
i«ffi)Bfi)OTaii»eM8e w it s 8etm-i8)<.ie)<,x k'x .x k x s x x x k x w x x » x’x M m a sssisa a sm
er m ay have same by calling M et­
u ch e n 6-0488 12-3-lt

T h e last meeting o f the year w as;treat dinner was served by the meet-
beld by #*ugle-Hummer Post No. 65, jng”s kitchen detail, with Fred Peck
th e American Legion, on Tuesday acting as chierf cook.
evening, December 15, in the Legion j Com m ander Carman announced r

Thanking AB My Friends For Their
M em orial Home. Com m ander Chas. during the dinner that Nat "Skip- ;1
B. Carman presided. per” Pierce, would be in charge of i j
T h e ten o’clock ritual, was pre- refreshm ents at the second meet-!
•ented for the first time by the new- ing in January,
Loyal Styport and Patronage
ly organized ritual team, under the I The annual Christmas party for
leadership of Nat. W . Pierce, cere- the Veterans of the M enlo Park
m on ia l officer. M em bers of the S oldiers’ Home was held at the Sol- j
During the Bj|t Year and Wishing
team are: Oarl A. R oos. Leo C. diers’ Home on M onday evening.
Steffener, William T h om pson and T he Legion Middlesex County Corn-
Frank A, Duggan. jm ittee was in charge.
a Very
■’. q A o rt business sea-j M em bership Officer William A.
a k m , at which the com m ander re- Sm ith, Jr., reported 55 members en-

Merry Christmas
p orte d a most healthy condition of rolled fo r 1937.
the post at the end o f th e calendar I T h e next regular meeting of the
year, the members ad jou rn ed to the post will be held Tuesday evening,
c lu b room, where a delicious dutch January 5. 1937.
M r. and Mrs. W illiam Bitner left
S atu rday for Taunton, Mass., where
100 MAIN STREET TEL. MET. 6-1168
th e y will make their hom e.

PEACE Joseph Fischer, Inc.
EARTH Authorized Delco Heat Dealer
B e it ordained by the Mayor and
C ou n cil of the B orough o f M etuch-
261 Lake Avenue Metuchen, N. J.
Phone Metuchen 6-0851
« n : that
S ection 1. I t shall be unlawful for MEN A. V. HARDING & SONS
a n y person, -pq g en v fir m o r corpoi—
ation to cast, or place, or cause to 3 LIVINGSTON AVENUE
be cast or to be placed on the
S treets of the B orough o f M etuch­
e n , or in any autom obile or vehicle
o r into the vestibule, yards or upon
th e porches and verandas of any
dw elling house or oth er building A DEPARTMENT STORE
w ith in the corporate lim its of this
B orou gh , any advertisem ent, hand­ OF
TREAT Your Feet to a Smart, Correct-
G O I N J :?H O M E
bill, circular, or waste paper; pro­
vided however, that this section HOME FURNISHINGS
■hall not apply to the delivery of
134 E. FRONT ST.
newspapers or magazines.
Section 2. No person,
firm or corporation shall place or
fitting Pair of WALK OVER Shoes
cause to be placed on any post, tree
fe n ce , sidewalk, telegraph pole or
electric light pole in the streets of
th e Borough of M etuchen advertise
for Men and Women
m ents, handbills or circulars. TH E COMMONWEALTH BANK
S ection 3. Any person or persons OF METUCHEN
♦not including a corp o ra tio n ' vio­ N otice of Annual M eeting of v [
la tin g any o f the provisions of this Shareholders
© shall upon conviction N otice is hereby given that the
th ereof be punishable by a fine in Annual Meeting of the Sharehold-
any sum not exceeding Twenty-five ers o f T h e Commonwealth Bank of
<$25.00' Dollars, or in default th e r e -;M etuchen will be held at its Bank-
o f may be Imprisoned in the Coun- ing House, Commonwealth Bank
ty Jail for a period not exceeding Building in the Borough o f Metuch-
ten <101 days: any corporation v io -ie n M iddlesex County, Newr Jersey,

M o B a lly h o o ...
latin g any of the provisions of th is 'on Tuesday. January 12, 1937, at 5
ordinance shall upon conviction P. M.. fo r the election o f directors
th ereof pay a fine of not more than o f the. Association and the transac-
T w enty-five ($25.00> “Dollars, which tion o f such other and further bus­
m ay be recovered in an action of iness _ as m ay properly com e before _ JUST GOOD GOAL .V N D FUEL (H I.
d ebt. “ the m eeting. Polls will be open for
Section 4. Thesprovisltins o f this one hour.
ordinance shall not apply to the Dated December 10. 1936. CO A L PRICES C. O. D. *
distribution and posting of hand­ S. R . Manning.
bills, posters.- advertisements or cir- 12-17-36 Cashier,
cu lars of charitable or civic organ­ STOVE COAL $ 11.00
ization s for charitable or civic pur­ NUT GOAL
$ 11.00
Section 5. All ordinances and • SURROGATE’S COURT
PEA COAL .$ 9.75
parts of ordinance^ inconsistent BUCKWHEAT $ 8.00
w ith the provisions o f this ordin­ i n o t ic e t o c r e d it o r s
an ce be and the sam e are hereby
repealed. M arjortp G. Thomason, Adminis­
Section 6. This ’ ordin an ce shall tratrix o f Thomas M. Thomason,
deceased, by direction o f Frank A. C. O. D. Prices
ta k e effect im m ediately upon final
passage and p ublication according C on n olly . Surroga te 1 of the c ounty1"" Strained Prompt

t o law. of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to
the creditors of the said Thomas M. and Delivery
Fam ed: December 2 1 . 1936. Thom ason, to bring in their debts, By Our Own
Approved: D ecem ber 23, 1936 dem ands and claims against the es­ Metered
A. K . HiUpot, M ayor tate “ o f” The said deceased- under J
A ttest: James P. K n ox, oath or affirmation, within '.six mon­ G a l.
B orough Clerk. ths from this date or they will be
I certify tbat the. foregoin g ordi­ forever barred of anV action there­
nal - e waa passed o n th ird and final for against the said Administratrix.
r r -d ih g by the B orough Council of
th e Borough o f M etuchen at a reg­
D ated, December 10th, 1936.
" Marjorie G. Thomason,
M etuchen Coal C o.
u lar meeting held D ecem ber 21st. Administratrix. H. J. Wilbert, Pres.
1936. and was approved by* the M a­ H arrison E. Wemett. Esq
A yor on December 23 1936 Counselor at Law Main and ( hristol Sts., Metuchen Tel. Met. (>-0190
B orou g h ' t •k

racuse, N. Y., for the Christmas h o li­

4-H Clubs days. Miss Cokefair is a senior in
Wishing to acknowledge the many
Personal Item s of Interest Metuchen Girl tne College of Home Econom ics and courtesies extended to h e r by tha
The 4-H Live Wires gathered at Miss Jessen, a freshm an in-" the C o l­ B. I. L. m em bers, Mrs. P . A. Patti-
it'ie home of their leader, Mrs. W al- li:' ge of Liberal Arts. son is hereby inviting, through the

Dr. L ouis Kuntz, o f Middlsex a v e - Gunther Heyse, son o f Mr. and

nue, w a s recently elected state t r u s - Mrs. Emil Heyse' of 23 Bnmswick
Scout News ? ’r c Hall o f Spear street, on M on- president, M rs. Allen Burroughs, all
cay evening for the last m eeting of | Miss Ada Spoerl. student a t N orth B. I. L. mem bers and th eir escort*
t ie year 1936. The holiday spirit Carolina State College, .is spending nd friends to a “ tea” a t her home
lee o f the Middlesex County D en ta l avenue, who is a m em ber of the iwas manifested by the presence of ,the holiday vacation at the hom e of on New Y e a r ’s Day, fro m 2 o’clock
Society. fieshman class at Tusculum College. (Various kinds of evergrens, which her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elm o H. on. The new home is the little Wue
Troop 1- Mary Jane Richards. [Wednesday afternoon at the League Mrs. Hall provided fo r the members Bpoerl, of Pleasant place. house on the O h ain -of-H ills road.
Mr. an d M 7 o ^ Moiineux h a v e " ‘ " fo ^ T h e Bernice Clark and E leanor Reynolds i h o u s e where M « . Hale demonstrated K1 use in making Christmas wreaths
” . " tned» i ° 6 .o h T * °n ^ t 0 r Heyse is m ajoring in G erm an I were recently invested as tenderfoot th e use of greens trom their own Pad other yuletide decorations. Two
■street a fter a visit w ith Mr. M o lin - • —-------- . their captain Mrs. R Herb, ard en s to ma*® jvnristmas wreaths.
cent of
of the local Girl ^uests were present.
eux s brother, Edward Molineux, o f I Gebrge C. Gieger, a freshman, and j j ^ is g10up is rehearsing dhoral O v e r 50 per cem T h e-n ext meeting will be held in
Augusta, Ga.
' -
jKenneth G. Jensen, a sophomore, headings and Christmas plays.
students at Lefhigh University, B e th -i Troop 2- Tuesday even in g sever-
S co u ts were
a well attended leaders' meeting
•January 4, at 7:30 p. m. at the home
cf Mrs. W alter C. Hall.
AN ORDINANCE T O LICENSE A N D J-hem* Pa are s P ^ ^ n g the Christ- Bl girls and their ca p ta in trimmed (was held at the home of Mrs, P. T.

REG ULATE AUTOM ATIC A M U SE - holldays w,lth their parents in | ie Christmas tree fo r t h e Fugle- H am m ond, Jonesdale avenue, last
MENT GAMES AND DEVICES; T O tdl6, t r o u g h . 'Classes will re-open n ummer Post No. 65, A m erican Le- T h u rsday evening.Those attending <JBJV7I?J2r?J2I?T?r?r?r?T?T?r?T?lir?r?t
FIX T H E LICENSE FEES T H E R E - Rt U'hlgh on Monday, January 4. J g ,on at the Legion Home. Tomorrow iware: Troop 1.Mrs.R. C. Herb. ~ tia a ilfliH IH a iB lj!

OF F O R THE PURPOSES OP R E G - Charles Tretsk7~has returned to Christmas Eve, the girls w ill sing C a p ta in ; Miss Jean VanderhooL
AND R EVENUE AND T O hls home on c L m L w carols t a t -t h e Home fo r Ptortded leu tm ia n t. Betty Merck. Have Your Next Evening
PRO V ID E PENALTIES FOR V I O - ( 3UowlnK an j " f V e t e r a n s , M enlo Park. Following lieutenant. Troop 2. Mrs. Lo,
Brassiere Fitted At
LATIO N THEREOF. 'at St P e t e 's Hm nitil U h the girls will visit a n d carol to B im m s, captain; Miss Elizabeth
Be it ordained by the Mayor a n d wick I ocal Shut-ins, ending at the home (Magill, lieu ten a n t. Troop 3, Mrs.
•Coimcil o f the B orough of M etu o h -I
<?n: th a t
______ ©f Mrs. C. J. Carroll, T r o o p C o m - p . T . H a m m on d , frfrptain; Mrs, Eric
Miss Betty Betterton, a student in tnittee Chairman, for a holiday B teckel. TroQP1J : Mrs- Frank M ik-
The Gossard
S e c tio n 1. That hereafter no p e r - the freshman class at B radford J u -I reat. fl^sky, captain; M i* Julia Salomone,
-son. persons, firm ,F or corporation jnior College, Bradford, Mass., h a s ' Troop 5; On Decem ber 15, T roop, lieutenant; Miss Grace Whitnebert
Corset Shop
shall operate, m aintain or install in returned hom e to spend the Christ- 0 enjoyed a Christmas p a r ty at the p r o w n Owl Pack 1, and Miss Virgin-
any sto re , building, public or q u a si mas holidays with her parents. Mr. 6 t. Francis School A ssem bly rooms, fa M ason. Brown Owl Pack 2. Mrs. Full line of two way
public place, wherein the public are land Mrs" J. O. B etterton, of Cliff- T h e parents^ together w ith R£v. p , c . Henb presided with M:ss Jean stretch garments, evening
invited, or wherein the public m a y jwood place. 3ohn Foley, Rev. V in cen t Luther, j v a n d erh oof as rfcording secretary,
•enter, any autom atic amusement ---------- ^ ' and Commissioner Mrs. C . C. Mook a n d various pteos and announce- brassieres, and corseletten.
game o r devise com m only known as ! Theresa StQguveit, of P ar- |jpere the guests. Santa Claus was m e n ts were made in connection with
bagatelle. skee-ball. baseball or p in R o a d - celebrated her fourth present and gave everyone presnt a (the Handel choir to be presented
am usem ent games, or similar m a - home Sunday after- ( gift, made by the girls u n d er the di- D ecem ber 27, at the Franklin School The Gossard
chines or devices, and particularly noon' fraction of Mrs. G eorge Bullwinklel t w hich time appointed Girl Scouts
but n o t by way o f limitation, a n y Two s tu d en ts ~ M i7 M argaret Pnk e n d Mrs. J .F. Hines. T h e P in el^ jil serve astasherr It was recom - Corset Shop
coin operated autom atic game, m a - e fair daughter o f' Frnest v 7'ree and Blue Jay P a t r o k served jh en d ed by the leaders that a Scout
chine o r device o f th e type h e re to - £ & “ H ig h la n ^ T v en u e and Kfrertimenta. while th e Crescent o lid a y vacation be declared.
..................... The 186 East Front Street
c o u t s are urged to' watch the pa-
fore m entioned, unless such p erson Mlss Elizabeth Jessen daughter of Patro1 had charge ° f th e deC° ra‘
■or person s, firm or corporation s h a ll l«^r and M ,.s Marill, Tpc.<.pn nt ™ *10ns- e r s for further developments.
have first obtained a license f o r Homer place returned
that purpose from the Council o f
h o m ^ t h ^ l Au enthusiastic group
c*fgirls m?t
With M » . W . R. Hale, chairm an of
T lie fcrirl Scouts of Metuchen ex- Plainfield, N. J.
the B oro u gh of M etuchen ______ ________ th e conservation and ed u ca tion de- e n d their greeting* otf the season to
N f .ta o N —Itcn t t p s EN partm ent of the G arden Club, last [all
Tel. Plainfield 6-2182
S ectio n 2. The license* for th e
placing, operation, maintenance or The engagement o f Miss Edna I ___________________ ________________________
use o_ f such____ ___________
amusement devices ... o r I^e^ on daughter o f M r. and Mrs. HiHJHfafarzjaizjajarejHfEjzrazjzjgraiz
m achines mentioned aforesaid s h a ll Nelson- of the F ords section o f 1
be issu ed to and in the names o f Raritan Township to Bertram Knud-
the proprietor o f the prem ises £eT1, 5011 of Mr. and M rs. Sophus
where the machine o r machines a re ^ nudsen, of 45 Eggert avenue, this
to b e installed fo r one year c o m ­ borough, has been announced. HEAR YE! HEAR Y E !
m encing January 1st and exp irin g
D ecem ber 31st n e x t at m idnight, All Ye Men Who Love a
the f e e shall be five dollars <$5 ) Woman
per y e a r for each and every m a c h ­
ine in stalled on said premises. S&id Fathers, husbands, sons, b ro th ­

license shall be transferable t o a ers, are you troubled over the
sim ila r device o r machine provided
however, that the license issued to erft question? Nothing will
the proprietor shall specifically s ta te
the n u m b er of m achines which said
delight H E R more than a new
dress fo r Christmas. TO 75
p roprietor shall be entitled to in ­ Y ou say you d on ’t know any
stall an d operate on the said p r e m ­ Every coat in the store greatly reduced for this
thing about such things; well,
ises a n d provided further that sa id event. Lavishly fur trimmed dress coats at very un­
proprietor shall at no time m a in ­ here’s the answer:
usual savings!
tain. operate, or install any m a c h ­
ine, o r machines in excess o f th e WERNIK’ S REXALL DRUG STORE M etuchen 6-1471. and tell her
num ber licensed.
S e c tio n 3. Any person who s h a ll 412 MAIN STREET
your problem and let h er s e ­
lect the dress and wrap it in
know in gly permit a minor u n d e r
METUCHEN FRUIT & Christm as wrappings and d e ­
$13. $23. ^
the a g e o f sixteen years to p la y o r A . P. Wemik, Proprietor
operate any of the machines or d e ­ liver it Christmas Eve.
vices licensed by this ordin an ce
^hall be deemed to be guilty o f a
VEGETABLE MARKET Low Price Best of Q uality— Prom pt! W h a t Could Be Easier?


viola tion of this ordinance and p u n ­
ishable therefore as herein p rovided.
S e c tio n 4. Any person who s h a ll
use o r permit to be \ised, any o f th e
m ach in es or devices licensed h e r e ­
* «c t« c tc tc tc tc tc tc tc te tc

under fo r the purposes of gam blin g O pposite Clara Barton School
shall be deemed to be guilty o f a Telephone: New Brunswick 7100 •
violation o f this ordinance and p u n ­ AM BOY AVENUE
S tore Hours: D aily 9 to 6: Saturday 9 to 9
ishable therefore as hereinafter p r o ­
vided. C A S E R T A ’S CON FECTION ERY Phone Met. 6-1471
S e c tio n 5. No license shall be is ­
sued under this ordinance to a n y
•person who shall have been c o n v i c ­
(Formerly Costa’s) TTixrxxxrxxr
ted o f a crime, o r who has b e e n
INVITES Y O U :— Hard Candy & Canes, At
con victe d of any offense a ga in st
either the Crimes A ct of the S ta te To Come In to See Our Reduced Prices to Schools,
of N ew Jersey, th e Disorderly P e r ­
sons A ct. or against any m u n icipal Complete Varieties Churches and Organiza­
ord in a n ce, if the said offense f o r tions
w hich the applicant was co n victed OF CHRISTMAS
was on e of gam bling, and in th e Candies and Novelties Ordier Now—Avoid Rushl
event the licensee shall, after th e
Issuance of such license be c o n v i c ­
ted o f any crimes or shall be c o n -

v icte d “ uf the o ffe n s e of gam bling,
under the Crime A ct, the D isord er­ With Every Purchase o f Candy A ll Next Week
ly P erson s Act, or any such m u n ic i­
pal ordinance, then the license o f
such person shall be forthwith c a n ­
We will give a Sample box o f Whitman’s Candy
celled and all m achines operated or
con tro lle d by said person s h a ll
th erea fter be deem ed to be op era ted
When Out Shopping, Com e In For One of Our
in v iola tion of this ordinance. Blue Plate Luncheons Consisting of H om e Cooking or One of Oor
S e c t io n 6. T h is ordinance is e n ­ Delicious Grilled Sandwiches
acted fo r the purpose of ra isin g
revenue^ and f b f th e regulation an d
con trol; b f autom atic am usem ent
gam es o f the type commonly k n o w n Free 15 Minute Delivery Service Telephone Met 6-0765
and designated as bagatelle, b a s e ­
ball or pin amusement gam es or
sim ila r machines o r devices.
S e c tio n 7. Any person or p erson s
(n ot including a corporation) v i o ­
lating any of the provisions o f th is
ord in a n ce shall upon c o n v ictio n
•thereof be punishable by a fin e in
any su m not exceeding Fifty D o lla rs
($50.00)v or in defa u lt thereof m a y
be im prisoned in the County J a il i , «
for~*a period n ot exceeding th ir ty
days ( 30) ; any corporation v iola tin g
any o f the provisions of this o r d i­
1 ... THE ... ii
n a n c e shall upon conviction t h e r e o f
pay a fine of n ot more than F ift y
($50.00) Dollars, w hich may b e r e ­ 1 P pv • l!
covered in an a ctio n of debt.
S e c tio n 8. If. fo r any reason, any
se ctio n or provision of this o r d in ­
a n ce shall be questioned in any
cou rt, and^shall b e held to be un-
| hooper Dairy harm |
constitu tion al or invalid, the sa m e
shall n o t be held to effect any o t h ­ Iselin.N. J.
er section or provision of th is o r ­
d ina n ce.
S e c tio n 9...... All
p arts
ordinances and
of "dM1‘h an «es inconsistent
' w ith the provisions of this o r d in a n ­
ce b e and the sa m e are hereby r e ­ THEIR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR
p ealed .
S e c t io n 10. T h is ordinance shall
take effect immediately upon fin a l
p assa ge and publication/ a cco rd in g

•S e c t io n 11. T h is ordinance is
j lb e e d for the purbose of ra isin g
reve n u e and regulating the business
hereinabove referred to. More Than Thirty Years in Business, W e Have Consistently Endeavored
To Maintain a Uniform High Quality of all our Products, and
P a s se d : D ecem ber 21, 1936.
A p proved: D ecem ber 23, 1936. Are Prepared to Supply Metuchen with any extra Am­
* A. K. Hillpot. Mayor ount of Milk, Cream or Butter That M ay Be
A tte s t: James P. Knox,
Required for the Holidays
B orough Clerk.
I certify that th e foregoing o r d i­
n a n c e was passed on third and final
Telephone Metuchen 6-0309J
read in g by the Borough C ou n cil of
the B orough o f Metuchen at a r e g ­ COOPER DAIRY FARM
ular meeting h eld December 21st,
1936 and was approved by th e M a ­
yor (>n December 23. 1936
Borough C lerk


It's Easy to Crochet Tarpon Swim Suits New Florida Vo "ire theaters, a ffe-^tory skyscraper, tall­
est in South tAmerica, many movies
This Set of Lace Filet
’Twas This Way
(even shown free in restaurants),
a financial center that resembles Making a Choice—
A bit o f humble strin g—this gor­ Wall Street itselif and enterprising
geous p ea cock pattern — and new spapers full 01 world news in Independence and Loneliness or
every im portant language Ameri­
presto— yo u ’ re the proud owner of
dainty filet lace ch a ir sets, sca rf can m oney has helped build Buenos •• \ Dependence With Ties of Affection
ends, or buffet sets! Fascinating Airet^WVth investments in packing
n eedlew ork, the K stitch sets off houses, public utilities and banks. By L Y L E S P E N C E R
' T ' O MOST persons there com es atm osphere and a lw ays see eye to
“ Fortunes are made, and dis­ eye. There is w isdom in this plan.
som etim e in their lives the
played, in the Argentine capital.'
opportunity fo r a choice between Individuality would be quelled if
V eritable palaces, homes of the
independence and loneliness o r ties what any person thought (how­
wealthy, line the fashionable ave­
Cheap E m eralds and affection. The wise m ature ever beloved) cou ld always be
nues On the imposing Plaza de
D ERYLLIUM is ~ one of those person thinks long before choosing accepted without dissent by those
M ayo (n am ed for the month of May
strange m etals we never hear the form er a b ove the latter. There around him (or h e r ). Nor can ac­
in which Argentina won inde­
about except when learned scientists are m any you n g people, how ever, tions o f even those dear to us, in­
pendence from Spain) stand Hie vast
get together. Practically unknown w ho feel so sure of th em selves variably meet with our approval,
ram bling ‘ pink house. popular
before the beginning of the Tw enti­ and their ability to “ get along whether expressed o r u n e x -
nam e for the rose • colored gov­
eth century, it is about the most un­ all right” that they are irked by p iessed.
ernm ent palace, the Banco de la
usual metal yet d iscovertd . the least restraint. They throw it It is when we learn to permit
Nacion and the pillared cathedral,
In the first place, beryllium is off, only to d iscover later in life personal differences without cen­
suggestive of Paris’s Madeleine.
really made from low -grade em er­ that affection is worth the cu rta il­ sure that com panionship, in the
“ F rom the Plaza the Droad Ave- alds. The formula for beryl in case ing restraint and d ependence en­ hom e or out of it, develops best.
nida de M ayo. lined with fine hotels, you haven’t forgotten your ch em ­ tailed. Com panionship has been Even when .ch ildren are young
clubs, ca fe s and business buildings istry. is Be,A1 ,SiH0 (R. Pure c r ^ - their portion up to the tim e of they rnusTte allow ed a modicum
extends m ore than a nile to the tais of this com p licated com pound their d ecision that d ependence Is of such freedom o r when older
Plaza Congreso, where rises the in the right colors are em eralds what they m u st have, at any cost. they will long to break away, and
dom ed Hail of Congress, resembling It originally cost $200 a pound, and T h ey have no idea of w hat lone­
the cap itol at Washington. So eager if they do then th ere is loneliness
is still valued at $25. which puts it liness m eans. in store for the youth, and sadness
Pattern 5520 is Buenos Aires to beautify herself well up in the class of sem i-precious Separation.
that an annual prize is offered for left in the home.
the design effectively. E ven be­ m etals T h e adult who is separated from
the best-designed business and resi­ D ivorce.
ginners wUl find this pattern an The most amazing quality ot be­ his fam ily because of distance,
dence buildings ” ryllium , however, is its lightness d om estic estrangem ent, or who M arried couples, *vhon they con­
easy w a y to add to their prestige
as needlew om en. In pattern 5520 A 250-horsepower engine made of has outlived the other m em b ers, tem plate divorce, h ave the choice
you w ill find instructions and it would weigh only 70 pounds, and realizes to the full what it m eans between independence plus lone-
ch arts fo r making the set shown; San Francisco Loses Its a standard size autom obile would to be alone. It is when jestran ge- lir.c:':\ or- dependence, each on
the other with affection restored
an illustration of it and o f all the Oldest Livery Stable weigh less than the passengers. m ent causes the separation that
or rem aining less than could be
stitches needed; m aterial require­ In spite of its light weight, beryl­ there are tim es when the alone-
ments. Coincident with the opernng of the w inter fishing season in Florida, San F rancisco. — The oldest of desired. It may be there is incom-
lium has tfie ugidity of ;-teel. So ness is bea ra b le or agreeable, but
T o obtain this pattern send 15 pretty Miss Shirley Stynchcom b, of Asheville, N. C., appeared on Tahiti San F ra n cisco’s livery stables has far its greatest com m ercia l im por­ patability, but it should be
these tim es are interrupted by
cents in stam ps or coins (coins beach at M ia m i in her new beach suit m ad e of real silver tarpon scales. passed out o f existence, to be suc­ tance has been us an alloy Copper m cnibered thrt no two pers
hours when the feeling o f loneli­
ceeded by a garage. m arried or single, "an live
p re fe rre d ) to The S e e in g Circle, alloyed with beryllium is as hard ness creeps over~ h im (o r h er),
259 W. Fourteenth St., New York, The K elley Livery Stables, as they as m ost steels. Such alloys are and com panionship, though with gether under the sa m e roof and
N. Y. w ere known, were founded in 1859. often used in m aking cold chisels but a sm all degree of affection , is alw ays be congenial. However,
W rite plainly your nam e, ad­
dress and pattern num ber.
Superlatives Crowd Fast The founder, Thomas Kelly, landed
in San F rancisco during the gold
and hammers to be used in muni
tions industries Lecause they do
craved .
Human nature is so constituted
this does not signify that at heart
affection is gon e. Separation
rush, having sailed around the Horn not strike sparks when dropped on that people cannot live in the sam e m eans loneliness fo r one or both
Outdoing Webster in City of Buenos Aires in a clipp er ship.'
The stables played a picturesque
a cem ent floor
Beryllium looks so m 'ch like gold
of them .
F am ilies.
on Interpretations part in the early days of California, that it is already used for "gold - Within a fam ily tkeriTis sure to
when swank turnouts, with hatted p lated” . jewelry. Although it has be som e dissension at times—
B lue—Sky, a streak, black writ­ " A single ranch am ong the many alm ost unlimited potential uses, it
ing ink.
Combination of Chicago, coach m en and high-steppers were young folk may q u a rrel and adults
that feed their products into Buenos the signs that gold had rolled in has been neglected so far L-ecause dispute. But when these times are
G reen — Lettuce leaves, jea l­ New Y ork and Paris. Aires has been known to possess from the mines. of its high cost. • over, the lies of affection, the as­
ousy, im m igrant. 50.000 cattle, 25,000 hogs, and In 1906 the son of Kelly took over sociations that intertwine, and the
P u rple — Violets, rage, som e 1,200 horses, and the city to ship Crazy Fads
socks. Washington, D. C. — What is the the stables and continued the busi­ fabric of their liv e s so closely
world's larg est Spanish - speaking 4.000 pounds of butter d aily to Eng­ ness. H owever, he was quick to \ A f E AMERICANS must seem woven together, should prove a
White — A baby’ s soul, lilies, land. Railroads and w aterways
city? M adrid? No, Buenos Aires. sense the incoming power of the like a nation of m aniacs to firm foundation fo r continued com ­
blue shirts laundered. spread fanlike into the hinterland
What is the third largest city in the m otor ca r and was one of the first foreigners. At least, we would if panionship. The d oor to loneliness
Short-lived — W ife’ s vacation, from Buenos Aires to brin g in the
New World? Not Detroit or Phil­ livery stable proprietors on the we w ere judged solely by the type should remain barred .
w ea r-ever ties, a blon de's love. agricultural products that are the & Hell Syndicate — WN V Service.
adelphia. B uenos Aires. W here is Coast to equip his stables in such of amusement that entertair > us.
F resh — Vegetables, paint—that ch ief source of its am azin g wealth.
we touch, buttpr-and-egg men. the_ world’ s larg est meat refrigerat­ a m anner that a customer could Back in 1928, tree-sitting contests
ing* plant? C hicago? Wrong again. Its world-record size refrigerating have his choice between Dobbin had us all agog. In 1930 we were
H igh—Clouds, mountain peaks, plant can handle 5,000 cattle and
c o v e r charges. Buenos A ire s ! And that’ s only a or an automobile. crazy about dance marathons. Pee-
beginning. 10.000 sheep a day. • “ H ”
B la ck—Coal, eyes, the future.— wee golf was sweeping the country R everse the Charges
‘ •Superlatives crowd fast upon one “ S hip s move in a steady pro­ about the same time. Walkacuons
Life. cession 125 miles up from the mouth T axi D river — That’ ll be one
another w hen one d escribes the had us by the ears in 1932 Last I F YOU'VE the gift of Giving
P oison ou s—Laudanum, ivy (poi­ of the mighty and m ud dy Rio de la buck an’ a h alf, young feller.
wealthy, hustling capital of Argen­ year bank nights and screeno had * for the love o f that alone,
son iv y ), staying hom e one night. Plata (riv er of silv er) to Buenos .YoUfig F e lle r — Gosh! — Say,
tina, says th e National G eographic us signing our nam es at e v e ry E xpecting no return f( r gifts
F ie rce — Lions, tigers, sour Aires, rising on the flat river bank y o u ’d better back up to 75 cents.
society. m ovie theater. And now it begins or kindness you have
ketchup. only 30 feet above high w ater level. T hat’ s a’ll I 'v e got!
Young— Moving picture industry “ Buenos A ire s , 'city of good airs,’ to look as though i oiler derbies are show n;
though little known to m ost North Though one of the w orld ’ s busiest about to attract our fancy. If yo u 've the g r a c e of Grati­
(su rfa ce not even scratch ed), ports with traffic rivaling the Pan­ Call AgaiL
w om en under fifty. A m ericans, is one of the great cities Leo “ Bromo’ ’ S eltzei, a form er tude, can se e , when day
am a can al, it has no natural harbor. cin em a salesman, is the guiding Servant (to professor in b ed ) — is done,
Hard — Cobblestones, soft-shell The riv e r at Buenos Aires is so wide T he d octor is here to see you , sir.
crabs, life. genius behind it all Seltzer was A vision in the sunset of to­
E N V O Y TO R U SSIA that you cannot see a cros s it ex- also the man who staged the first P rofessor (absen t-m in dedly)—I m orrow 's risin g sun;
cept fro m a high building on a very com m ercial walkathon in Denver. c a n ’ t see him now. Tell him I ’ m Yours is a fairy garden, that
Philippine Government clea r d ay. but so shallow that ships This proved such a success he is fed by hidden springs.
On N ovem ber 14, 1935, a p roc­ fo rm e rly had to anchor m iles from staged 22 more in other places and Is lit by fairy sunlight and
lam ation certifying the freedom shore. Tw o dredged channels bring g loss ed $2,000,000 before the fad be­ fanned by rairy wings.
o f the Philippine Islands and the v essels from m id-stream direct to gan to run out. - “ W .P .’ in C ham bers'Journal.
election o f officials ch osen by bal- the g rea t docks and ship basins In case you haven’ t already seen
RSfwSwv-. m t o t i p Wanda on September that line the busy w aterfront. one, roller derbies are roller skat- Com plim ents a re the fuel to
17 w as stoned by P resid en t Roose­ Like Washington. r*' lng contests, run on the order of six- inspiration. .
velt a feto minutes a fte r noon. At day bicycle races. Contestants skate
On sfiore. Buenos A ires is laid
M anila '"occurred the inaugural about 4,000 miles in a roller derby.
out in checkerboard fashion with
ce rem on ies for President Manuel Each team has two m em bers, one
100 parks and m agnificent broad
Quezon on the steps o f the L egis­ of whom must be continually skating
avenues. Like Washington, D. C.,
lature building. The island gov­ during the length of the contest.
it o ccu p ie s a federal d istrict sep^
ernm ent is now in its trial period First prize in a big m eet m ay run
a rate from the p rovin ces. Despite

with a president artf a republican as high as $1,000, although with the A mu
rapid growth it is a ‘ planned’ city
form o f governm ent. ex ce p t in the older section* exception of P rom otor Seltzer, m ost
contestants com e out with nothing
“ W ith a population fast approach­ ^Why didn ’ t my dog w in a
m ore than a pair of worn-out rollei
ing 2,250,000, the city is busily p rize ?”
AsfcforGENUINI A recent photo o f Charles Edison, skates.
w id en in g streets, extending diagonal son of the late invtntor, Thom as A. “ He failed on legs—not long
a ven u es and lengthening the sub­ Edison, who was ^ p oin ted by Pres­ enough.”
w ay lines already in service. N&r- ident Roosevelt a s assistant secre­
ly one-fifth of all the people in Ar- tary of the navy to su cceec Henry
Hom e of the M ovie Sfhrs
A LTHOUGH Hollywood, Califor-
“ Well, they touch the floor, don ’ t
th e y ? ”
gentina live here. In m any ways L. Roosevelt who died several * * nia, is supposed to be the center
Buenos Aires would m ake an Amer­ months ago. Edison is at present i of our fabulous m ovie industry,
5 /
Stupendous Task
ican | there really is no such place in ALKALINE RESERVE
, feel
, atu home,, for he would find ----- state director for New Jersey of M atthew—Where are you going
MADE STRONGER • LAST LONGER not o n ly subways but air-conditioned . the national emergency council. Am erica. A dozen other states have
with that little shovel? WHIN YOU HAVE A COLDI
Coleman SILK-LITE Mantles, made • towns or villages nam ed Hollywood,
M ichael — G oing to bu ry m y
especially fo r use on pressure man­ . but there now i- none in the state of
Joseph E. D avies, Washington at­ past.
tle lamps and lanterns, give you more ! California bearing that name.
light and better light. Their triple torney, w hose appointment as am­
bassador to S oviet Russia was an­
lirst U. S. Typewriter Displayed Way back in 1887, a town called
Matthew — Man, you need a
steam shovel.— Pathfinder.
lock weave makes them stronger— Hollywood was laid out by som e
they last longer. Cost less to use. nounced recen tly by the White
of California’s founding fathers. .It
They are made from high quality House. He s u cceed s W illiam C .. Bul­
• was incorporated in 1903, but when;
rayon fibre, specially treated with litt, who la tely received the am bas­
light-producing chemicals; correct in
size, sh shape and wjgive to provide
more►ana b ette r rfig ht.— Withstand- - -------
sadorial assignm ent in Paris.
legally-annexed by Los Angeles in
1910, it lost its individua. identity.
-----T h at w as the sam e y e a .1 the first
severe shocks.
ASKYOUR DCALESfor srehuine Coleman SILK-
LITE Mantle:;. If he cannot supply you. send
of the w orld . Sprawling fa r over
Vvude. flat p rairies like C hicago;
moving picture studio was estab­
lished in that vicinity. The early TIRED EYES
Modern living puts such a strain on the eyes
45j for six Mantles. Write for FREE Folder. busy seaport and bustling m art like m ovies had to be m ade in sunlight, SINGH HOOJ^MRiyATE BATH
that more and more people are finding Murine
THE COT.EMAN LAMP &. STOVE CO. New York; center of art, culture, and the California, clim ate, with its as necessary as a dentifrice in their morning
D«pt.WU171. Wlchit., Kan,.; Chic.«o, III.; varied scenery, provided an ideal and evening toilet routine. Murine gently and
Philadelphia, Pa.; Lo« Angeles, Calif. (6173) and gayety lik e Paris,. B uenos Aires pleasantly
nlpasantlv relieves irrigation, wasnes awav
irritation, washes away the
me • A new hotel on 42nd Btieel •
. background. And H ollywood; then a invisible dust, gives amazing com(ort when
I -oils them a ll into one and adds a eyes are watery and inflamed by a cold. Murine
2 blocks o u t of Grand Central
sm all village on the outskirts, of Los
flavoring dash o f the Argentine that is a physician's formula containing
ining 7 ingredients Statiea in NEW Y O R K CITY
' Angeles, provided amDle space for value in proper care of the eyes. In use
m akes it different from them all.
the studios.
M iles Mean Little. From such a humble beginning,
“ It is m ore m iles from N ew York I Hollywood grew trem endously un­
RidYourself of tu Buenos A ire s than from San der the influence of its new-found
i industry, until by 1930 it had a pupu-
F rancisco to Tientsin, China, but
Kidney Poisons m iles mean little today. Y ou can ' lation of one huid red and fifty-four
I thousand. Back in 1903, the village
fly down to Buenos Aires in five'
O y o u suffer burning, scanty of alderm en had passed an ordinance
D d ays or pick up your telephone and
too frequent urination; backache, - Jalk to a n yon e there without leav­
headache, dizziness, loss of energy,
prohibiting the driving of m ore than
ing vour ro o m . But don’ t ask about t^ o thousand sheep down Main
leg pains, swellingt and puffiness ' street Main stree* has now becom e
under the e yes? A re yo u tired, nerv­ i he autumn weather, for in Buenos
Aires now it’ s spring! | hollyw ooc boulevard, and contains
ous— feel all unstrung and don'*
know what is w rong? “ Stop the steady flow of ships to i som e of the m ost exclusive a n d
ahd from B uenos Aires and mil­ | expensive shops in the world. But
Then give some thought to your
kidneys. Be sure they function proper­ lions soon w ould feel -the pinch of i don’ t let anyone tell you that Holly-
ly for functional kidney disorder per­ hunger. W heat, beef, pork, mutton ‘ wood boulevard is in Hollywood, be-
mits excess waste to stay in the blood, and butter r o ll in a steady stream | cause there isn’ t suc^ a place any
r P h oto shows Miss Lorraine Vocco, ol New York city, dem onstrating
end to poison and upset the whole from the vast pampas of the Ar­ ine m od el of the first United States typewriter now on exhibition at the m ore!
gentine into Buenos Aires, then out Sm ithsonian institution. It was invented by William Austin Burt in 1829.
Use D o a n 's Pills. D o a n 's are for the again to the markets of the world The 2rude wooden, m a ch in e w a ~ ........ U n iq u t F o r m o f H o m e R u le
kidneys only. They are recommended •
; produced commercially. -
The Isle of Man has its own
the world over. You can get the gen­
uine, time-tested D o e n 't at any drug
store. Navy’s Program Calls fo r
Now D ir igibles
unique form of home rule. No act
of the parliam ent applies
to th e island airless ex pr essly so
Double of Edward stated in the law. The Court o f

Doans Pills Akron and M a co n M ishaps Held

No B a r to Future.
Both the report and the bureau’ s
recommendations., now
con sid ered by the naval high com­
m and and are expected to form the
are being
Find* Role Irksom e
Newton, Mas*- — B asil
Dandison, thirty-six years old, so
Tynwald, one of the oldest legisla­
tive assembles in the world, con­
sists of a lieutenant governor ap­
pointed by the crow n, and two
closely resembles King Edward
Washington.-^Despite—the Akron basis for a final determ ination *of j cham bers, the Council and he
VIII of England that when ne House of Keys. The 24 m em bers
|and Macon disasters, the navy high p olicy with respect to la rg e lighter- !
! com m and is studying recom m enda- ‘ h an -air ships. travels through Europe people of the lattei are elected by popular
"Q u otation s" |tions for resum ing the developm ent T h e n a v y ’ s program for dirigibles
think that he
ing incognito.
is the king travel­ vote, in which women share equal
I o f big lighter-than-air dirigibles. rights with men. All m easures must
suspended indefinitely after !
I have always felt that religion was A new construction program has j s u ccess iv e disasters in 1933 and 1935 Dandison says it soon becom es pass both Council and Keys, and
something to he lived, not discussed. monotonous to be told that one receiv e approval from the sov­
been recom m ended by the bureau of |had d estroyed the Akron and Ma-
—Mary Pickford. is a double for a fam ous p e r s o n - ereign.
aeronautics, the annual .'report o f T con, ih e form er with~a la rg e loss of
It is so mUch easier to he enthu­ R ear Adm iral _A- B. Cook, chief V f j life, even if the personage be Eng-
siastic than to reason.—Mrs. Frunki land’s Edward.___________________ Seek Stupid for Ruler
tin Ot K oosgyelf.----------------------------- the bureaii, disclpggd,— ....The repack..J_—T
axih—lsru . b o s c ienUfio-ooifa-n ------ report,-
also asked increases in the navy ^ h ow ev er, urged that these accidents The Russians have an old story of
No one can doubt that China is thfe city of Glupov, Fool City, where
one day destined to be among the com bat airp lan e strength, aviator' I not be permitted to d e te r th e United
most powerful nations. — Pearl S. personnel and shore-facilities for |States from participating in the ad- at this time, pending a clarification' the people were such fools that they
them. were not content until they found
Buck. j van ce o f airship d evelopm ent and of activities in the com m ercial air­ som e one to rule them who was
I think women are giving up Admiral C ook noted that his pred­ j transportation and recom m ended a ship field, in which com m ercia l air- m ore stupid than they were them ­
men's ideas about life and stepping ecessor, R ear Admiral E. J. King, ! ‘ ‘ca re fu lly considered p rogram of sh.p activities and the departm ent selves. \
back to the home.—Queen Marie of had recom m ended to Claude A. |airship construction.” should co-operate whcrevei prat
Swanson, S ecretary of the Navy, I R e fe rrin g to this, A dm iral King ticable.” A lco h o l in In d ia
Youth will be served. Middle-age
last May a continuing p rogram of | recom m en d ed the inclusion of The most unsual form in which
should be.—Fannie Hurst. P ecu lia rity of F u n g i
The people who make wars never dirigible construction in line with a I “ la rg e airships in the departm ent’ s alcohol is consumed in India is
report presented by a com m ittee of j p rog ra m for airship development, Most,fungi thrive on rain, but an country spirit or arrack, distilled
have trouble getting the money to exception is the powdery m ildew so
do it with.—Gen. Smedley B. Butler. scientists w h ich studied the ques­ ! vut th a t ways and m eans for ac- from the flower of a very com m on
tion for a lm ost a year. ! quiring large airships be not fixed
common on red clover, which is ad­
versely affected by rainfall. |
tree, or from sugar cane. The Original M ilk of Magnesia Wafers
THURSDAY* DECEMBER 24, 19,% ID E keeokdkk PAUK o t V t R

Showing Three New Styles

T H E FE A T H E R H F A D q
No Comment jJu a K
"THERE 'You A p E U
HUH ? SA Y — I BET T oU £ ADE I t h l u VOL) — IT, IS KIO Jo k e .
that sm flly o ld h
MAK'im 0 -fH0 ROOM To HAVE "Tfc> T i D V OP A F T E R
THAT O M 6 U P T o U R'& E lT ^ _rpT"TifJe
A ^ P A S F A R A S W IV /E S O B J A VJA l k im <jt B o s lP iR E ./ v j h AT S il 6 Mc £
To S M O K E : IM THfe HAslE Y O U T o S A V T o MAY B £
T o U H A P T o C L E A kI — ’A M D <3bU>Ert-
jS o m s - A M D -W ASH C U R T A ^ .
B l)T BOm'T
fO R & E T
Th 6 c o l o r
i s veU O vY

S’M A T T E R P O P -K i d . W ill Nearly A lw ays Li,ten to Rea.on By C. M . P A YN E

■P oT )

\J OU w ho sew-your-own w ill be
* m ore enthusiastic than ever
after m akin g realities o f these
three new styles. Each is truly a
M E S C A L IK E b, l. huntley Krty Work at the Ballot Box delightful fashion and b e s t t)f all
there’ s som eth in g for e v e r y size
DISG U5TE1D OOlTM T H E the fa m ily —from th e “ little
U JU OLE DA-DC j U M M E O bear” rig h t on up.
LODGE. 1 CUE-HAT C H A N C E HA Pattern 1997 is the sm artly
A F E L L G R ID GlT HlSSBLF 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 , 46 , 48, 50 and
styled s m o c k that p ro b a b ly has
E L E C T E D TO -5 0 M E T H IS J' 52. S ize 38 requires 4% yards of
OR. AJOOTV4ER IM T W E T , an - option on a little p ortion of
39 in c h m aterial. L e s s with short
SS £ ' P A T '> J ' O U T F IT .' your Heart right n ow . Fair
sle e v e s . The colla r in contrast4'
enough, fo llo w the dictates o f your
re q u ire s % yard.
heart and yo u can’t g o wrong.
T h e . adorable little num ber for
This little wardrobe n ic e ty will
M iss Tw o-To-E ight, P attern 1994,
serve you becom ingly a n d well.
is s u r e ly without com p etition in
It will add to your c o m fo r t too.
Make it o f broadcloth, gingham , the w a y o f downright intrigue. It’s
the e s se n ce of youthfulness with
sateen or ch in tz for prettin ess and
a lot o f grown-up tech n iqu e added
easy m aintenance. T h e re is a
to m a k e it a c r a c k a ja c k . Why
choice of lon g or short sleeves
not d o things up rig h t and cut
and the sh in y gold buttons offer
this m o d e l twice—p a n ties too, nat­
just the s o r t of spicy contrast
u ra lly— using sheer w o o l for the
one likes in informal apparel.
“ b e s t " occasion fro ck and gingham
Available fo r sizes 32, 34 , 36 , 38,
or s eersu ck er for s ch o o l, play and
40, 42 and 44. Size 34 requires
FINNEY OF TIIE FORCE «> W ash Out 3V2 yards o f 39 inch m a teria l.
all-pu rp ose use? P a tte rn 1994 is
a v a ila b le in sizes- 2, 4, 6 and 8
Pattern 1204—This n e w day y e a rs . Size 4 r eq u ires 2% yards
frock for sizes 36 to 52 is the of 39 inch m aterial p lu s % yard
‘ So a p B e
final w ord in style and c h a r m in of b ia s binding for trim m ing.
ALLU S any w o m a n ’ s language. T o don S en d for the B a rb a ra Bell Fall
6 it t im ‘ this flattering fashion is to step and W inter Pattern B o o k contain-
IHTb HOT blithely in to the realm o f high ing. 100 well-planned* easy-to-m ake
Wa t e r .- fashion. T h e soft fem in in e co l^ r p a tte rn s. E xclusive fashions for
THAT BE. is most b ecom in g and it serves ch ild r e n , young w o m e n , and m a-
WH4 IT ex ce lle n t m edium fo r con- tropjj^J Send fifteen c e n ts in coins
USUALLY trait. T h e sleeve len g th is op­ f o r - y o u r copy.
tional. S len d e r lines a r e th e main S e n d your order to The Sewing
BE u4 A
feature o f the skirt an d a very C ir c le Pattern D e p t., 247 W.
LATHER pleasant e ffe c t results fr o m the F o rty-th ird St., N ew Y ork , N. Y.
wide and handsome flare. Satin P r ic e o f patterns, 15 cents (in
or sheer w o o l would m o st assured­ c o in s ) each.
ly win y o u r friends’ a p p ro v a l and © Bel! Syndicate.— WNU Service.
perhaps ju s t a little o f th e ir envy.
This pattern is designed f o r sizes

B R O N C P E EL ER _C oyote Pete Makes U p H i, Mind By F R E D H A R M A N ILtcLe P h il CHEST C

y & T h e y i H i n k i'fA v Jo s k im ’ on) HAD HIM IN AGONY,
' t h ' s a m e r a n c h v j it h t h a t TR/
wdAmziaf V
R E L IE F \
Disregard Troubles o n t P A IN V i
- l i a ve th e mafi that ca n sm ile in
trouble, th a t can gather strength la r a c h e s and
from d istress, and grow b r a v e by pains 1Thousands
reflection: report wonderful
soothing relief with Hamlins Wizard Oil.
H appiness is like ja m — you Just r u b it on—rub it in . A cta quick. Ren
can’t s p rea d even a little without lieves that terrible soreness. Loosens up
getting s o m e on yourself. stiff, a ch y muscles. H as a pleasant odor.
A sm art woman m ay b e able to Will not stain clothes. A t all druggists.
make a fo o l of any m a n but the
smarter sh e is the m o r e often
she doesn’ t do it.
Control Your Life
No life is easy that is n o t under
som e firm control.
It is fr o m the physical sciences
“ K E E P IN G U P W I T H T H E JONESES” — Police G et Clarice to Talk— Plenty By P O P M O M A N D that the stream of new facts The One Ambition
com es fastest. D o n ’ t trust the m a n who says
t h a t 's (H O T ' P unctuality is the p oliten ess of his o n e ambition is t o get rich.—
T i s u e MN O W S H E TALKED ALL kings—and the insolence o f bill E . W . Markham.
M T o u LISTTENJ RICtH T - - AMD collectors.
A to M e -■ M O W '! -W H O O '6®
NEB, Slf2.--.SHE God’ s cou n try is a n y region
) V o u E.I Gr
, TA LK E D A PLE.MTV.' where n o b o d y notices y o u r funny
W a y to Relieve Coughs
Resistance Strengthens

Li Every trium ph over tem ptation

strengthens the soul a g a in st fur­
ther “assaults.
IT'S BY relieving boththeirritated times of the

t W~ One w h o expects only gratitude

for his generosity, it s e e m s, is
certainly entitled to that.
sod soothes irritated throat limngsto keep you
from ooughin*. Another set actually enters tbs
blood, reaches the affected bronchial tubes,
loosens phlefm, helps break up oough and
The unusually b r i g h t are speeds recoeery. Check a couch due to a cold

TopiW f doomed to be always in the “ in­

telligent m in ority.”
before it gets worse, before others catch it.
Check it with FOLEY’8 HONEY k TAR.
It girts quick niisf and speed * up recmery.


His Logic
The Curse cf Progress Sonny sat on the low er step, his COHPANTIEDTUIE By GLUYAS WILLIAMS
face resting in two chubby hands.
“ W hat’s the m atter. S onny?’ ’ ;
asked e gentleman.
“ N othip’ , just thinkin replied ’
“ WJiat a b ou t?”
“ T hinkin’ how dumb trees are to
take off their clothes in winter an’ ■
put ’em on in sum m er.” — The Auto- 1

So Helpful W W WI * «tW «tK «V Hots uon urn uwti

Mother (finding John, aged four, arr»J ALUlWEP WI w AWD 60CCHI6H1 MOWLm,WHOova nooni \ ncttnte 1b « ip
playing with her p u rse)—John, put o m M s e im won euwiHs orr
that dow n. You know you mustn’ t
play with M ummie’s purse.
John—0 . Mummie, I w a s n ’t p iayt'
mg- 1 w as helping. I ’ v e licked all
your sta m p s ready to go on your

In the Hills of Kentucky

S alesm an —Say, your shoes are
m ixed; y o u 'v e got the left shoe on
the, right foot. s lS w e a w * * ® * waives KDDWrt*/ mms mdewaipit) ft*ICR COMES to foot-OF PicKi ueiw wwbwcib FWKfaiif SUSBE4 Mefrtrs WKttufrt*. anhtts u ew w
wu.ntitifor w K ts«M *en > om «f w i wjs *HDSW« 1 ■ HOWIES H C*bl M> <TCES KrfMDt. HER. MbR4. XFft fSreV-
S traw foot— And here for twenty |WIVWUOICE. wauhbtoHoWRit. e o w N ,^
years I thought I was clu b footed .- "Wtit SM0C-bfRjH6 bCMWD-
“ W STW4U.M. Im .)
b-l I ih e A nnapolis Log.

chi A musical com edy “ W alking on

luday the teal
nesday and Thursday with “ Thank
Prosperous New Year to all our
A ir” will be double-featured W ed ­ friends and patrons.

Stage Struck, COLDS
Several holiday season film treats You Jeeves,” while the New Y ea r’* Honey Lose Stinger
Joan Blondell
“ R AVIN G S” are in store for patrons of the F or­
um Theatre in Metuchen during the
while the production to follow on
Friday and Saturday show will find
‘ Pigskin Parade” occupying
When honey bees sting they lose
the their stinger, it being fastened to
Sunday, M onday * nd Tuesday, Deo- spotlight.
By The Sports “ Ed” lext few days in line with M anager 27, 28, 29, w ill be the sensational their intestines, and this kills them . first day
Tames Forgione’s plans to offer The Forum ’s lobby has been at­ In other words their slinger^is a Liquid, Tablets
iev>, Clark CJable-Marianne Davies Salve, Nose Headache, !
A BOWLER'S CHRISTMAS EVE omething special from Christmas to tractively decorated in appropriate single-shot affair, whereas with the
,it. “C ain and Mabel," D rops minutes
(With A pologies to No One) holiday splendor to express the best bum ble bee and w asps it is different
wishes of the m anagement. The —the;/ can sting repeatedly' v, ithout
ent’ re staff; arid your Forum rep ort- doing them selves in ju ry; their stin g­ “ R u b -M y-T istn ” -W o rld ’s B««>
Twas the n ig h t before Christmas,
^ r f o r a very M erry Christmas and er is som ething like a machine gun. Liniment
And all through our town
Not a pin b o y was stirring,
No wood w as knocked dow n....

For all the" g o o d bowlers

Were hom e in their beds,
While jfffief haughtier rollers
Were getting big heads.

With liberal portions

Of Christmas Eve cheer
Some whiskey, some wine.,. -
And some drinking beer. -

N ow believe" it or n ot, this happened to me
(Though many w ill sneeringly d oubt),
I rode 'round M etuchen with Jolly Saint Nick,
M llt llV IM A R E N ’T Becom ing
A nd helped him spread presents about.
“ H o there, Sports E d !” he loudly had roared. 132 MAIN STREET 137 MAIN STREET
Y o u ’ve been a good lad this past year
Y ou r present shall be an exclusive yarn
T ° spin to you r readers so dear.
Metuchen 6-1693 Metuchen 6-0Stv> Y ou Should B e Coming T o
I ’ll tell in,,advance what I ’m going to give

“BO N D S”
Som e prom inent bowlers in town;
M aybe you think I don't know their needs:
$ Say, big boy. Old Nick gets around 1 i
A a s a fiv
T o Jonathon D ietz I am going to send
Som e bowlers tried and true,
S om e men who'll show up for a mat-ch
W hen old Jaw n wants the mto.

“ C o b ” Clarkson gets a cigar lighter

( Which I hope h e ’ll learn to use;
“ C h ick” Weirup a box of polish black
T o shine up those bowling shoes.

S om e Turkish tow els I will pass out

T o P. SchWalje, Wolff and Kiss,
T hese laddies really tear their hair
E ach time a p in they miss;

A n d ‘ •Popeye” spin ach for Lake and Kohn,

A ir brakes fo r Johnny Shine,
S o when he rolls those real high scores,
H is feet won't cross that line.

T h e xpinboys at th e “ Y ” and “ Club''

■\p. W ill find cash in their socks,
t->, * T ip s to them are so darn scarce
They think the boys all Scotch.

•j Bill Miller gets a brand new line

^ T o entertain th e gang with,

Merry Chrisbnas
A nd Lutes I leave some more clean games,
-«sqv» T h e same to L egion Bill Smith.

, B db Dalsgard n eeds some hook control,

m I ’ve brought a b o x , you see.
McKerihan's M ethodist Men lack pep; " 3 r
Can you name the remedy?

T h e Holy Name needs George Segal,
Like a 'halfback needs good blocking,
B u t I don’t think I ’ll be able to
Squeeze that b oy in a stocking.

W a lt Herold rates a raise in pay.

A nd from the bunch three cheers.
Like Arronet, h e ’s kept the books
4 In perfect shape this year.

M a rk Adams I m u st disappoint,
H e wants first place, twould seem;
H ie Presbys seem to have that spot
Reserved for th e ir big team.

Overshoes for B ill Messeroll

A re ready fo r delivery;
H e claims his use o f these steamboats
M akes the lanes less slippery.

“ P o p ” Gooodenow next I would console,

H is team is qu ite a flop,
B u t still he has th e same good fun
In the cellar as at the top.
I5> 3 6
What Styles! What Fabrics!
I happiness
What Tailoring! What Prices!
I ’ll, give some strikes to G. M ario,
Steve Eosso a n d Pinella too.

| to all..
T h eir teams w ould be In a heck of a fix
Without these buckaroos.

_________________ P ete Dughi gets a noiseless ball,

T o drop to h is 'heart’s content;
F ra n k Fugle a b o o k of alibies.
T o explain w here his h ook ball went.
A Quartet of Headliners That Have Attracted
B u t here the sleigh swung ’round a bend,
And off I slid in the snow,
J. SCHWARTZ Wide Attention for Years—Make This Christ­
I wish I’d hung on longer 284-290 BURNET ST., NEW BRUNSWICK mas a “ Noticeable” Improvement Over Last
T o see how fa r he would go.

N ow call me a fibber, a fake or a fraud,

Year’s—For Him—And For Yourself.
O r say that I was tight;
I t ’s Xmas Eve. M erry Christmas to all,
And to all a ve ry good night! FINEST FURNITURE Do What Thousands Are Doing Yearly.
Only Words With Three Doubles SINCE 1904
Bookkeeper and bookkeeping are
the only two' words in the English
language that have three double let-
ters in succession
& V i’ Bnv "BOM) CLOTHES”
Direct From the Factory At Factory Prices

Painter and
Paperhanfifer Su its Overcoats

To All Citizens of Metuchen and Vicinity $ 2045 ■, UP
With 2 Trousers Beautifully Tailored
Our Best Wishes For
A MERRY CHRISTMAS Be Clothing Wise 44B O N D i Z 6 M Y our Wardrobe
— AND—




Open Daily 8 A. M. - 6 P. Ml


1 Evenings— Tuesday & Thursday 7 to 9— Saturday U ntil 9 P. M.


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