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E. Aguinaldo Hi-Way, Crossing Silang, Tagaytay City

Research Title: Prisoners of their Own Houses: The Lived Experiences of Families with a COVID-19
Patient in Cavite
Brief description of the study: This study is about the lived experiences of families with a
covid-19 patient in Cavite, the researchers will interview the family member of the covid patient
that lived and took care of them to gather information about their challenges and how they cope
up on those significant experiences to lived on a house together with a covid patient.

Description of the research and your participation

You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by senior high school students under
the STEM Strand from Olivarez College Tagaytay. The purpose of this research is to gather
information and to have wider comprehension about the family's experiences with a COVID-19 patient.
As well as the challenges that they’ve encountered and their strategy on how to cope with them. This can
help people with similar situations that they have already experienced, for them to be aware to the things
that they need to do and what they can do in their situation. Thus, deeply understanding their situation can
help people who are interested to help them see what they can do to help and hopefully to encourage
people to help and understand them.
Your participation will involve one on one interview with video/audio recording.

Risks and discomforts

There is no known emotional or physical harm that this study can cause to the researchers and to
the research participants of this study.

Protection of confidentiality
We will do everything we can to protect your privacy. Your identity will not be revealed in any
publication resulting from this study.

Voluntary participation
Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You may choose not to participate and you
may withdraw your consent to participate at any time. You will not be penalized in any way
should you decide not to participate or to withdraw from this study.

Both the researchers and the research participants agree to be honest in both data collection and
reporting. No dishonesty is allowed.

Contact information
If you have any questions or concerns about this study or if any problems arise, please contact
Shane Angel Selecia (0905-914-9786). If you have any questions or concerns about your rights
as a research participant, please contact their research adviser at Olivarez College Tagaytay.
*Kindly fill out the statements below before sending the file to the researchers.



I, _______________________________, understand the purpose of this research project

and voluntarily give my permission to participate freely. For the interview, I
prefer____________ (face-to-face interview, video call via Messenger, videoconference via
Google Meet)

Date: __________________
Cellphone number (needed only if there is any question) ___________________________

A copy of this consent form should be given to you.


Shane Angel Selecia Marineth Karyl Castillo

Rhandrei M. David Jethro Cabingan
Katrina Dorol John Arvin Varias
Kirsten Shane Dimaano Angelene Dela Peña
Joshua Leif Condino Ma. Krysthel De Padua

Noted by:



Thesis Adviser

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