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GREEN PHONICS - long vowel (final e)

long A long E long I long O long U

bake cede bike bone brute
base Crete bite bore crude
blaze eke bride broke cube
brave eve brine choke cure
cage gene chide chose cute
cake grebe chime close drupe
came heme dice code dude
cape here dike coke duke
case mere dime cone dune
crave mete dine cove dupe
dame Pete drive dome fluke
date plebe file drone flume
Dave scene fine drove flute
face sere fire froze fume
fade sphere five grove glume
fake stere glide hole huge
fame Steve grime home June
fate Swede gripe hope jute
game thebe hide hose lube
gate theme hike joke Luke
gave hive lone lure
glaze kite mole lute
grave lice nose mule
graze life note mute
Jake lime poke plume
Jane line pole prune
lace mice probe pule
lake Mike rope pure
lame mile rose rude
lane mine slope rule
late nice smoke rune
made pile stole scute
make pine stone spume
mane pipe stove sure
name price stroke tube
page pride tone tune
pale prime Ute
pane rice yule
pave ride
plate side
race size
rake slice
rate slide
rave smile
safe strike
sale stripe
same tide
save tile
slave time
take tire
tape vine
vane wide
vase wife
wage wine
wave wire

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GREEN PHONICS - vowel digraphs
bloat blow bail bay bee seep beach heal
boar blown bait bray beech sheen bead heap
board bow braid cay beef sheep beak heat
boast bowl brain clay beep sheer bean heath
boat crow chain day beet sheet beard kea
broach flow chair dray bleed skeet beast knead
cloak flown claim flay bleep sleek beat leach
coach glow drain fray breech sleep bleach leash
coal grow fail gay breed sleet bleak least
coast grown faint gray cheek sneer blear meat
coat know fair hay cheep speech bleat neap
coax known faith jay cheer speed breach peach
croak low flail Kay creed spleen bream peat
float mow flair lay creek spree cheap plea
foal mown frail may creel steed cheat pleat
foam own gain nay creep steel clean preach
gloat row gait pay deed steep clear reach
goad show grain play deem steer cleat reap
goal shown hail pray deep street creak scream
goat slow hair quay deer sweet cream sea
groan snow jail ray eel tee deal sear
groat sow krait say fee teem dean seat
hoar sown laid shay feed teen dear sheaf
hoard stow lain slay feel teeth dream shear
hoax throw lair spay feet thee drear sheath
Joad thrown maid splay flee three each smear
Joan tow mail spray fleet tree ear sneak
loach maim stay free tweed east speak
load main stray glee tweet eat spear
loaf nail sway greed veep fear squeak
loam paid tray green veer feast squeal
loan pail way greet wee feat steal
moan pain heel weed flea steam
moat paint jeep week freak tea
oaf pair jeer weep gear teach
oak plain keel whee gleam teat
oar plaint keen wheel glean treat
oat plait keep heap tweak
oath quail leech hear veal
poach quaint leek heat weal
roach raid leer jean weald
road rail meek lead wean
roam rain meet leaf wheat
roan sail need leak wreak
roar saint peek lean wreath
roast snail peel leap yea
shoal Spain peen meal yean
skoal sprain peep mean year
soak staid peer near yeast
soap stain preen neat zeal
soar stair queen pea
stoat strain queer peak
throat strait reed peal
toad tail reef read
toast trail reek real
whoa train reel ream
woad trait screen rear
twain see seal
vain seed seam
wail seek team
wain seem weak
waist seen year

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GREEN PHONICS - vowel combos
OY OI OU short OW short OO long OO AU AW
boy boil bound bow book bloom tool aught aw
cloy broil bout brow brook bloop toot auk awl
coy coif cloud brown cook boo tooth aunt awn
joy coil clout chow crook booch troop baulk bawl
ploy coin couch clown foot boom vroom caught brawl
Roy coir count cow good boon woo caul brawn
sloyd droit crouch crowd hood boost wool caulk caw
soy foil dour crown hoof booth zoo daub claw
toy foist flour down hook brood zoom daunt craw
troy groin flout drown look broom fault crawl
hoist foul fowl nook coo faun daw
join found frown rood cool flaunt dawn
joint fount gown roof coon fraud draw
joist gout growl rook coop fraught drawl
loin grouch how shook croon gaud drawn
moil ground howl snood doom Gaul fawn
moist grout now soot drool gaunt flaw
oil hound plow soot droop gauss gawk
oink joust prow spoor food haul gnaw
poi knout prowl stood fool haunt haw
point loud scowl took gloom jaunt hawk
quoin lour sow whoop goo laud jaw
quoit lout town wood goof launch law
roil mound vow woof goon maul lawn
soil mount groom naught maw
spoil mouth hoop nautch paw
toil noun hoot Paul pawl
void ouch kook Saul pawn
our loom scaup prawn
oust loon taught raw
out loop taunt saw
pouch loot taut sawn
pound moo vault scrawl
pout mooch vaunt shawl
proud mood waul shawm
round moon slaw
rout moot spawn
scour noon sprawl
scout oops straw
shout pooch yawn
shroud pool taw
slouch poop trawl
snout proof yawl
sound room yawp
sour root yaws
south school
spout scoop
sprout scoot
stout shoo
thou shoot
tout sloop
trout snook
vouch snoop
wound snoot

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GREEN PHONICS - murmer dipthongs
berg birch blur arc spark bore
berm bird blurb arch star born
berth birl blurt ark starch chord
clerk birth burg arm stark chore
erg chirp burl art start cord
fern dirk burn bar sward core
germ dirt burnt barb swarm cork
her fir burp bard tar corn
herb firm burr barf tarn ford
herd first burst bark tarp fore
herl firth church barm tart fork
hertz flirt churl barn thwart gore
jerk gird churn car wharf horn
kerf girl churr card yard Lord
kern girth cur carp yarn more
nerd irk curb cart zarf morn
per mirth curd cart porch
perch quirk curl char pork
perk quirt curt chard scorch
perm shirk fur charm score
pert shirt furl chart scorn
quern sir hurl czar shore
serf skirl hurt dark snore
stern skirt knurl dart sore
term smirch lurk far spore
tern smirk murk farm store
verb spirt purl gar stork
squirt purr garb sword
stir scurf gnarl swore
swirl slur hard sworn
third slurp hark thorn
thirst spur harm torch
twirl spurn harp tore
twirp spurt harsh torn
whir surd hart wore
whirl surf jar worn
turd karst York
turf kart
turn knar
urn larch
wurst lard
yurt lark

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GREEN PHONICS- other combos
eight bight child bold boll
eighth blight mild cold droll
feign bright wild fold knoll
feint fight find gold poll
freight flight bind hold roll
heigh fright blind mold scroll
heir height grind old stroll
lei high hind scold toll
neigh knight kind sold troll
reign light mind told
rein might rind bolt
skein nigh wind colt
sleigh night jolt
their plight molt
veil right smolt
vein sigh volt
weigh sight host
weight slight most
thigh post

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