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Reality dictates that school face

the fact that each classroom,
especially in public or
government schools, may not be
equipped with appropriate
number of computers.
The creativity of the teacher will
have to respond to the situation,
and so cooperative learning will
likely be the answer to the
implementation of IT
Cooperative or Collaborative Learning

Is learning by small groups of

students who work together in
a common learning task.
It is also called Group Learning.
5 Elements are needed
to be truly cooperative
A common goal
Individual accountability
Social skills
Advantages of Cooperative Learning

Encourages active learning,

while motivating students.
 Promotes
literacy and
language skills.
 Improves teachers effectiveness.
 In addition, there are studies which
show that cooperative learning

1. Personal and social

development among
2. Self- esteem
3. Social relations between racially
and culturally different students.
 Based on a study conducted,
researchers agree that the computer is
a natural learning vehicle for
cooperative (at times called promotive)
 Thus, it shows that when students work
with computers in groups, they cluster
and interact with each other for advice
and mutual help.
 Moreover, given the option to work
individually or in a group, the students
generally wish to work together in
computer-based and non-computer-based
 Reflecting on this, psychologists think the
computer fosters this positive social
behaviour because it has a display
– where they look something in common.
 Educators are still wary about
the computer’s role in
cooperative learning. Thus
they pose the position that the
use of computers do not
automatically result in
cooperative learning.
 There therefore assign the teacher
several tasks in order to ensure
collaborative learning. These are:
-Assigning students to mixed-ability
-Establishing positive interdependence
-Teaching cooperative social skills
-Insuring individual accountability, and
-Helping groups process information
 These are in addition to
assigning a common work goal in
which each member of the group
will realize that their group will not
succeed unless everyone
contributes to the groups’ success.
 It is also important for the teacher
limits learning group clusters (six is the
ideal number in a group) so there can
be closer involvement in thinking and

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