Teaching Arts in The Elementary Grades

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Student Name: Andrea A. Santos Degree Program: BEED

Section: 3.1 BEED Mobile Number: 09679548855

Professor Name: Jocelyn Margaret A. Ruzol Email Address: [email protected]


The Art Teacher

Everything we see is a work of art.

All of our creations are works of art.
We are all surrounded by art in some way.
Every beautiful thing we saw was a work of art.

An art teacher teaches us the fundamentals of art.

They adore art, so they teach us to love it as well.
They adore art, so they have surrounded us with it.
A good art teacher is enthusiastic about art.

Art is essential to our existence.

It provides us with an aesthetic ambiance.
We should understand how art can help us appreciate things.
A good art teacher can also teach us to appreciate art.

A. Which of the desirable characteristics of an art teacher do you like most?

Expound your answer.

 The characteristics of an art teacher that I admire the most are their
enthusiasm and surround their students with art. They are eager to teach
us about various types of art, and they never tire of telling us that
everything we draw or create is an art form. They are art enthusiasts, so
they do everything they can to teach us how to appreciate art. They
surround us with art because they want us to understand that art is all
around us.

B. As an elementary art teacher in the near future, how will you prepare yourself
for it?

 In the near future, I hope to be an elementary art teacher who inspires my

students to love art. I'm the type of person who isn't particularly gifted in
the arts, but I adore art and appreciate it in all of its forms. In the future, as
an art teacher, I plan to learn more about art and teach my students how
to appreciate it.

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