English: Quarter 2 - Module 3

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Quarter 2 - Module 3
Collective Nouns and Verb Agreement,
Kinds of Adjectives and Order of Adjectives
English- Grade 5
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 3: Collective Nouns and Verb Agreement, Kinds
of Adjectives and Order of Adjectives
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Ozamiz City Schools

Division Superintendent: Jean G. Veloso, CESO VI

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Carmelita Tirol

Rosemarie Tapayan

Evaluator/ Editor: Shielah Mae E. Cabingas

Reviewers: Miraluna Gaabucayan

Jasmine I. Gaogao
Federico B. Araniego Jr.

Illustrator and Layout Artist: Desi G. Aninao, PDO II

Management Team:
Chairperson: Jean G. Veloso, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairperson: Audie S. Borres, CESE

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Members: Anacleta A. Gacasan, CID Chief ES
Federico B. Araniego Jr., EPS – English
May P. Edullantes, EPS – LRMS
Jasmine I. Gaogao, PSDS
Mary Ann Grace J. Manili, Librarian II
Desi G. Aninao, PDO II

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Department of Education – Division of Ozamiz City
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Quarter 2 - Module 3
Collective Nouns and Verb Agreement,
Kinds of Adjectives and Order of Adjectives

. This instructional material was collaboratively developed and

reviewed by educators from public schools. We encourage teachers and
other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education at
[email protected].

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents

What This Module is about?...................................................................................

What I Need to Know? ...........................................................................................
How to learn from this module?............................................................................. .
Icons of this Module .............................................................................................. .
What I know?………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 7: Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Appropriate

Grammatical Structures: Collective Nouns and Verb Agreement

What’s In .......................................................................................
What Is New ....................................................................................
What Is It .........................................................................................
What Is More ...................................................................................
What I Have Learned .......................................................................
What I Can Do .................................................................................

Lesson 8: Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Appropriate

Grammatical Structures: Kinds of Adjectives
What’s In .......................................................................................
What Is New ....................................................................................
What Is It .........................................................................................
What Is More ...................................................................................
What I Have Learned .......................................................................
What I Can Do .................................................................................

Lesson 9: Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Appropriate

Grammatical Structures: Order of Adjectives

What’s In ..........................................................................................
What’s New ....................................................................................
What Is It .......................................................................................
What’s More ...................................................................................
What I Have Learned……………………………………………………
What I Can Do ..............................................................................
Lesson 10: Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Appropriate
Grammatical Structures: Degrees of Adjectives
What’s In .......................................................................................
What Is New ....................................................................................
What Is It .........................................................................................
What Is More ...................................................................................
What I Have Learned .......................................................................
What I Can Do .................................................................................

Lesson 11: Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Appropriate

Grammatical Structures: Subordinate and Coordinate

What’s In ..........................................................................................
What’s New ....................................................................................
What Is It .......................................................................................
What’s More ...................................................................................
What I Have Learned……………………………………………………
What I Can Do .............................................................................. .

Lesson 12: Identifying Main Idea, Key Sentences and Supporting Details of a
Given Paragraph

What’s In ..........................................................................................
What’s New .................................................................................... ..
What Is It .......................................................................................
What’s More ...................................................................................
What I Have Learned ………………………………………………….
What I Can Do ..............................................................................

Post Assessment
Key to Answers
What This Module is about?

Hi, learners!

It is time to learn new insights with the help of this module. This module is
especially made for you.

This material is self-instructional. The activities are designed for you to work
independently at the convenience of your home.

With this module, you will learn about how to identify collective nouns, verb
agreement, kinds and order of adjectives as well as composing coherent sentences
using appropriate grammatical structures.

Have an enjoyable learning experience!

What I Need to Know

After finishing this module, the learners are able to do the following:

 Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical

structures: Collective Nouns and Verb Agreement.
 Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: Kinds of Adjectives.
 Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: Order of Adjectives.

How to Learn from this Module?

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/ or instructions in the activities and exercises
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need This part contains learning objectives

to Know that are set for you to learn as you go
along the module.

What I Know This is an assessment as to your

level of knowledge to the subject
matter at hand, meant specifically to
gauge prior related knowledge.
What’s In This part connects previous lessons
with that of what you are going to

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson

through various activities, before it
will be presented to you.

What is It These are discussions of the

activities as a way to deepen your
discovery and understanding of the
What’s More These are follow-up activities that are
intended for you to practice further in
order to master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what

Learned you have learned from the lesson.

What I Can These are tasks designed to

Do showcase your skills and knowledge
gained, and applied into real-life
concerns and situations.
Post This assessment evaluates your level
Assessment of mastery in achieving the learning

More These are additional activities

Activities designed to increase the level of your
skills and knowledge.

What I know?

A. Read and analyse the sentences. Identify the nouns in the sentences.
Encircle the correct answer.

1. Georgia is the smartest girl in the class.

Which word in the sentence is a noun?
a. smartest c. class
b. Georgia d. the

2. When Mt. Taal erupted, it threw ashes and smokes around the cities.
Which word in the sentence is a singular noun?
a. cities c. Mt. Taal
b. ashes d. smokes

3. The children enjoyed planting in the yard and cleaning the house.
Which word in the sentence is a plural noun?
a. children c. house
b. yard d. planting

4. The front liners are risking their lives for the safety of all Filipino families.
Which of the following word is not a noun?
a. Filipinos c. front liners
b. risking d. families

5. Angela likes the flowers and plants growing in her plant box.
Which word in the sentence is a singular noun?
a. flowers c. box
b. plants d. Angela

B. Identify the adjectives in the sentence. Encircle the correct answer.

1. This cake tastes wonderful.

2. I like Betty, but she is so noisy.

3. Mimi is a clever chess player.

4. Her voice sounds so sweet.

5. I try to stay healthy.

Lesson Collective Nouns and Verb
7 Agreement
Lesson 7 focuses on collective nouns and verb agreement. You are going to
identify and use nouns that agree to its verb. You are also expected to compose
clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: collective
nouns and verb agreement. The given exercises and activities are carefully chosen
to motivate your interest in learning the topic.

What’s in?

You have learned about making verbs agree with irregular nouns used as
subject from your previous module. Read the following sentences below and choose
the verb in the parentheses that agrees with the subject. Encircle the correct answer.

1. The memoranda about conserving water (is, are) sent to all schools.

2. The school curriculum (include, includes) topics on environmental awareness.

3. Both men and women (takes, take) part in promoting conservation of natural

4. Children in school also (show, shows) support by practicing water and energy-
saving habits.

5. The alumni of the school (is, are) one in campaigning for environment- friendly

6. Different means of conservation (is, are) discussed in forums or seminars.

7. Research analyses made by the environmentalists (discuss, discusses) the

serious need for citizens to act accordingly.

8. The primary basis of these analyses (is, are) the alarming effects of natural
calamities and disasters.

9. Data (is, are) presented very clearly.

10. Environmentalists give syntheses that (awaken, awakens) citizens’ concern

for the environment.
What’s new?

Read the paragraph below. Look and understand clearly the underlined
phrases. Answer the questions after reading the paragraph.

Beach Story

If we’re going to stay at the beach for the day, we’ll bring swimsuits and towels, a
pack of cards, a collection of books, or for the more lively folks among us, a wagon-
load of pails and shovels or beach toys like Frisbees and beach balls. If we’ve driven
to the beach, we’ll be careful to take care of our bunch of car keys as they are so easily
lost in the sand. We’ll keep an eye on the little folks, as they’re just apt to wander off to
the city’s flower beds and pick a big bouquet of flowers for mommy, much to the
dismay of the gardeners chasing after them. If we get bored, the fishers among us will
start telling fish stories, most of which will be a pack of lies.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the paragraph all about?
2. How are you going to spend a day in a beach?
3. How are we going to protect beaches in your community?
Study the phrases and pictures below.

pack of cards collection of books wagonload of pails

and shovels

bunch of car keys bouquet of flowers

What can you say about the underlined word and pictures above?
They are called collective nouns.
What are collective nouns?
Let us learn all together as we go along with our lesson!
What is it?

Collective Nouns and Verb Agreement

Collective noun refers to the names of persons, places, or things taken as a

group, as a unit or as one. It may be either singular or plural in number depending
on the speaker’s intended meaning.

Example: pack collection bunch bouquet

team family crew colony

Collective nouns should agree with its corresponding verb, the singular and
the plural verb.

A collective noun takes a singular verb if it is taken as a group or unit, thus,

making a collective noun singular in number.
A couple of elephants lives in that jungle. (As a pair, one unit)
noun verb
A pack of polar bears is hunting fish. (As a group, one unit)
noun verb

A collective noun takes a plural verb if it refers to individual members of the

group, thus, making the collective noun plural in number.
Example: (As individuals)
The couple of female elephants live with their respective babies.
noun verb
The pack of polar bears are hunting fish with their babies.
noun verb

When does a collective noun take the present singular form of verb? When
does it take a plural verb form?

Collective nouns, when pluralized, such as committees, armies, and herds,

must always take the plural form of the verb.
Litters of pigs are housed in huge pens.
Flocks of sheep graze on those grassy hills.

Let’s practice!

Encircle the collective noun in each sentence and underline the verb.

1. Has anyone seen a bunch of keys?

2. She was attacked by a warm by a swarm of bees.
3. I received a bouquet of flowers from my Auntie.
What’s more?

A. Encircle the correct verb that will agree with the collective nouns.

1. The class (listen, listens) carefully to their teacher’s instruction.

2. Most of the student council (is, are) on the honor roll.
3. The team (is, are) heading for practice this afternoon.
4. Our extended family (includes, include) great grandparents and second
5. The committee (meet, meets) here every Sunday.

B. Pick out the collective noun in each sentence. Encircle your answer.

6. A company of actors goes to a jungle for a movie slot.

7. Colonies of beavers, anteaters, and bats thrive in that jungle.
8. Soon, a knot of toads begins to croak aloud.
9. The crew of cameramen and camerawomen begin their job.
10. But then, a leap of leopards frightens the movie people who decide to
leave the jungle immediately.

C. Use each collective noun in two meaningful sentences, one using the
collective noun as a singular subject and the other using the collective noun
as a plural subject. Observe subject- verb agreement. Write the sentences on
your paper.

11. Army of soldiers

12. Troop of lions

13. Crowd of people

What I have learned?

When does a collective noun take a singular verb?

When does a collective noun take a plural verb?

Encircle the collective nouns on the following sentences.

1. The team are eating with their families tonight.
2. Our staff work hard to meet their goals and deadlines.
3. The mock trial team was happy with its presentations to the judge.
4. The jury has finally reached a decision.
5. The staff have gone their separate ways for the holidays.

Use the following collective nouns in a sentence.

1. basket of fruits - __________________________________

2. galaxy of stars - __________________________________
3. army of frogs - __________________________________
4. flocks of sheep - __________________________________
5. fair of shoes - __________________________________

What I can do

Write the correct verb choice that will agree with the collective nouns in the
sentences below. Underline your answer.

1. On the first day of school, the class (describe, describes) their vacation.
2. The jury (agree, agrees) that the state prosecutors did not provide enough
3. The swarm of reports (engulf, engulfs) the famous actor all at once.
4. The audience (cheer, cheers) the winner of the million dollars.
5. The group who (get , gets) the highest score wins the activity.
Lesson Kinds of Adjectives
Lesson 8 focuses on the kinds of adjectives. You are going to identify the
kinds of adjectives present in a sentence. You are also expected to compose clear
and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: kinds of
adjectives. The given exercises and activities are carefully chosen to motivate your
interest in learning the topic.

What’s in?

You have learned about making verbs agree with collective nouns used as
subject from your previous module. Read the following sentences below and choose
the verb in the parentheses that agrees in the collective noun. Encircle the correct

1. This business minded group (put, puts) on a barbecue every celebration.

2. The violin ensemble (is, are) playing at the Katubigan Festival.

3. Angela’s family (plan, plans) to have a vacation in Boracay this summer.

4. A huge swarm of locusts (have, has) wrecked the yields.

5. The pack of cats (was, were) running off in different directions.

6. The committee (decides, decide) when to start the meeting.

7. Our team (is, are) the strongest.

8. The school (provides, provide) a Facebook page with enrollment instructions.

9. The staff (works, work) hard to meet all their deadlines.

10. The violin ensemble (is, are) tuning their instruments.

What’s new?

Using the diagram below, describe the given word/s inside the circles in just
one word. Write your answers on the empty circles.



How did you feel while describing the words inside the circles? Did you find it
difficult to describe? Did you find it easy to describe?
How did you describe the word “teacher? How did you describe the word
Describing words are called adjectives. Let us learn more about adjectives as
we go along with our discussion.
What is it?

An adjective is a word that is used to modify a noun or a pronoun. It helps

you express your ideas more clearly by allowing you to give additional information
about words. Adjectives also help the readers to have clearer picture of what the
writer is talking about.
I live in a peaceful community.

The helpfulness of our neighbors is heartfelt.

Filipino values are extraordinary.

Peace, heartfelt, and Filipino are used as adjectives in the sentences.

They are used to describe nouns. The nouns that they describe are community,
helpfulness, and values. The nouns are the modified words.

Proper nouns, derived words, and compound nouns may be used as


Types of Adjectives

1. Proper Adjectives
It comes from proper nouns and begins with a capital letter.
Example: a. American culture b. Chinese proverb
Asian cuisine is exotic and delicious.
The Philippine territory is guarded and strictly protected.

2. Derived Adjectives
They are formed by adding an adjective – forming suffix to a root word.
Example: a. friendly neighbor b. noisy engine
Ailiyah is a thoughtful friend of mine.
James is being punished because of his childish behavior.

3. Compound Adjectives
They are formed by joining two or more different words to have a new
Example: a. two- story building b. well- known singer
I was given a three – day vacation from work.
He is one of those open- minded persons I’ve known.
4. Predicative Adjectives
When an adjective comes after a linking verb, describing the subject, it
functions as a predicate adjective.
Example: The ballerina’s skill is extraordinary.
She felt great after her successful performance on stage.
Her performance was truly remarkable.

What’s more?

Read and understand the sentences. Identify the adjectives. Encircle the letter
of your answer. Describe its type of adjective and write the answer before the

_________ 1. The boys decided to join the Philippine Navy after graduation.
a. boys b. Philippine navy c. graduation
_________2. After the performance, all the actors joined hands and bowed- deeply
toward the audience.
a. performance b. actors c. bowed- deeply
_________3. Yeti keys, marbles, and rubber bands were just a few of the things in
his drawers.
a. Yeti keys b. things c. pile
_________4. The team is heartily praised after scoring a winning goal.
a. heartily praised b. winning c. goal
_________5. Most of the students on the Rotary council are also on the honor roll.
a. students b. Rotary council c. honor roll
_________6. The Seafarer crew worked all night to stop the engine leak.
a. stop b. Seafarer crew c. leak
_________7. The Wowowin talent show featured several individual performers,
along with three bands.
a. Wowowin talent show b. performers c. bands
_________8. Our extended family includes great- grandparents and second cousins.
a. family b. great- grandparents c. cousins
_________9. All of the students are attending a PTA school assembly on Friday.
a. students b. PTA school c. assembly
_________10. The senate will be voting on three educations funding scholarship
bills tomorrow.
a. senate b. scholarship bills c. tomorrow

What I have learned?

A. Read and understand carefully the sentences below. Underline the

adjectives in each sentence. Write the type of adjective used before the
___________1. The vampire is a cold- blooded man.

___________2. The stars shine brightly above the sky.

___________3. She adopted a two- year old cat.

___________4. Diana has submitted a 6- page document.

___________5. Hanna is the smartest girl among the group.

___________6. That Filipino restaurant allows its patrons to create their own.

___________7. Laura speaks American language.

___________8. Yesterday, we saw a spectacular sunrise.

___________9. Her pair of shoes was a Marikina made.

___________10. Her dress resembles like a wonderful rainbow.

B. Construct sentences using the adjectives below.

1. Check- up

2. Rectangular

3. Japanese

4. Two- story

5. Leafy
What I can do

A. Choose the adjectives that best complete the sentence in Column A,

match your answer in Column B. Write the correct letter of your answer in the blank.

1. How much does this ____________ cost. A.) delicious

2. He writes in outmost ______________. B.) Philippine robe

3. I am a __________ citizen. C.) beautifully

4. We bought a __________bibingka in the mall. D.) Filipino

5. His last period is a _______________. E.) miraculous

6. Let’s visit the ___________ Birhen sa Cota. F.) blue- eyed

7. This view is ___________ breathtaking. G.) clarity

8. Beware of the _________ owl. H.) Mathematics class

9. A ______________ gives me a birthday gift. I.) thoughtful friend

10. I love this ___________ idea. J.) wise

B. Using appropriate adjectives, describe the following in two or more

sentences. Write the sentences on your paper.

1. The person you love the most

2. A favotirte flower

3. A tree you have in your backyard

4. A scenery or view you like best

5. An animal that interests you most

Lesson Orders of Adjectives
Lesson 9 focuses on the order of adjectives. You are going to identify the
adjectives present in a sentence and arrange it carefully according to its order. You
are also expected to compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures: order of adjectives. The given exercises and activities are
carefully chosen to motivate your interest in learning the topic.

What’s in?

You have learned about the kinds of adjectives from your previous module.
Read the paragraph below and underline the adjectives present. Also, answer the
guide questions after the paragraph.

The Ugly Duckling

A little duckling was very sad because he thought he was the ugliest amongst
all his brothers and sisters. They would not play with him and teased the poor ugly
duckling. One day, he saw his reflection in the water and cried, “Nobody likes me. I
am so ugly.” He decided to leave home and went far away into the woods.

Deep in the forest, he saw a cottage in which there lived an old woman, her
hen, and her cat. The duckling stayed with them for some time but he was unhappy
there and soon left. When winter set in the poor duckling almost froze to death. A
peasant took him home to his wife and children. The poor duckling was terrified of
the children and escaped. The ugly duckling spent the winter in a marshy pond.

Finally, spring arrived. One day, the duckling saw a beautiful swan swimming
in the pond and fell in love with her. But then he remembered how everyone made
fun of him and he bent his head down in shame. When he saw his own reflection in
the water he was astonished. He was not an ugly duckling anymore, but a handsome
young swan! Now, he knew why he had looked so different from his brothers and
sisters. “They were ducklings but I was a baby swan!” he said to himself.

Source: https://shortstoriesshort.com/story/the-ugly-duckling/

1. What is the story all about?

2. Why is ugly duckling different from his brothers and sisters?
3. How are you going to help and comfort ugly duckling in his problem?
4. What lesson did you learn from the story?
What’s new?

Read the paragraph below and answer the corresponding questions.

Grandmother is getting ready for the birthday party of her beautiful little
granddaughter, Anna. She will buy Anna a new red dress and will bake one big
round pink cake. Anna’s grandmother will also cook four delightful dishes for the
families, classmates, and friends.

1. Who is going to have a birthday party?

2. What will grandmother buy her?
3. What will grandmother bake?
4. What will grandmother prepare?

Read the answers you gave.

1. Beautiful little Anna will have a birthday party.

2. Grandmother will buy her a new red dress.
3. Grandmother will bake one round big pink cakes.
4. She will prepare four delightful dishes.

Notice the underlined words.

What does beautiful tell?

(It tells about the quality.)
What does little tell?
(It tells about the size.)
What does new tell?
(It tells about the kind or quality.)
What does red tell?
(It tells about the colour.)
What does one tell?
(It tells about the number.)

How many adjectives are used in each answer above?

How are they arranged?
What kind of adjectives comes first?
What comes next?
What comes last?
Do the adjectives follow a certain pattern?

Remember that adjectives follow a certain order.

Let’s find it out as we go along with our lesson!
What is it?

If you use a number of adjectives together, there is a certain order or

sequence depending on the function of each adjective.

The common order is shown in the chart below. Study the examples.

Quantity eight Several
Quality/ handsome beautiful
Size jumbo
Age old new
Temperature Cold
Shape Round
Colour yellow
Origin/ Proper Italian French concrete January
Purpose/ sports commercial Park
NOUN car airplanes tables Sunday

Read the sample sentences below and study the order of adjectives based on
the chart above.
1. My grandfather owns an old Italian sports car.
2. As a pilot, he had flown eight jumbo new French commercial planes
during his time.
3. Several round yellow concrete park tables were built by local
4. I always love a beautiful cold January Sunday.

Here are more tips in using two or more adjectives:

1. When there are two adjectives that are from the same group, the conjunction
and is placed between the adjectives.
The library is filled with old and new books.
Mr. and Mrs. Sison’s children are responsible and obedient.

2. When three or more adjectives of the same group are used, place a comma
after the first and second adjective (and third, as the case may be), and then
the conjunction and before the last adjective.
Have you seen a blue, red and white towel at the pool side?
Filipinos are hardworking, hospitable, and creative people.
3. Opinion adjectives maybe general or specific.
General: good, nice, cute, sad, happy, great
Specific: tasty, delicious, appetizing, palatable instead of good for food, taken
aback, dismayed, amazed, shocked, startled, astounded instead of surprise

4. When two nouns go together to show that one thing is a part of something
else, the possessive form is not used.
Correct: the village chapel; the airplane wings; her car door; Baguio City
Incorrect: the village’s chapel; the airplane’s wings; her car’s door; Baguio
City’s residents

 When you use more than one adjective, you have to place them in the right
order according to the type or function of each: quantity, opinion, size, age,
temperature, shape, color, origin or material, and purpose
 Before adjectives + noun, a determiner (a, an, the, my, your, our, her, his,
their, its, this, those) is normally placed.

What’s more?

A. Choose the correct order of adjectives. Encircle your answer.

1. A. a cotton, orange shirt

B. an orange, cotton shirt

2. A. a beautiful, old woman

B. an old, beautiful woman

3. A. an amazing, Floridian sunset

B. a Floridian, amazing sunset

4. A. twelve, shampoo, medium bottles

B. twelve, medium, shampoo bottles

5. A. two, square, blue tables

B. two, blue, square tables

B. Rearrange the adjectives according to its correct order to complete

the sentence. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. We saw (gray, huge, a) whale shark in Donsol.


2. Stan uses the (blue, medium, rubber) ball for basketball

3. Mom can eat (thin-crust, square, five) pizza slices.

4. The Pyramids of Egypt are made out of (enormous, rectangular,

boulders) rocks.

5. Dan brought (few, a, chocolate, dark, triangular) bars to the party.


What I have learned

Arrange the following adjectives according to its proper order and use it
in a sentence.

1. a / silver / mirror /expensive / antique

Correct order: ___________________________________________

Sentence: ______________________________________________

2. car / old / Italian / beautiful

Correct order: ___________________________________________

Sentence: ______________________________________________

3. cute / a/ brown / little / dog

Correct Order: __________________________________________

Sentence: ______________________________________________

4. painting / an / old / interesting / French

Correct Order: __________________________________________

Sentence: _____________________________________________

5. purple / summer / a / dress / silk

Correct Order: __________________________________________

Sentence: ______________________________________________
What I can do

Compose your own sentences using the pictures and the given adjectives

1. small, new, high, heels

2. flat, light, black, doll shoes

3. one, plastic, knife

4. a, handsome, Philippine young, singer

5. sweet, red, round apple

Post Assessment

A. Choose the correct verb agreement. Encircle your answer.

1. An average family (consists, consist) of four members.

2. The council (is, are) made up of five men and five women.
3. The choir (sings, sing) beautifully during the mass.
4. The audience (applaud, applauds) the young singer.
5. The club (sponsor, sponsors) a bloodletting every January.

B. Write appropriate adjectivs as indicated for the given nouns. Then,

use each pair of adjective and noun in a sentence.

6. Painting (derived adjective)

7. Car (proper adjective)
8. Family (compound adjective)
9. Friend (derived adjective)
10. Number (dereived adjective)

C. Fill in the blank with the correct order of adjectives to complete the

11. I bought a ___________________________________ skirt.

( long silk black fashionable )

12. I love your __________________________________ boots.

( leather brown comfortable )

13. This is an ___________________________________ watch.

( Swiss gold expensive )

14. Look at that _________________________________ coat.

( red nice woolen )

15. Can I borrow your ____________________________ bag?

( velvet Italian trendy )
Key to correction for Lesson 7 Key to correction for Lesson 8 Key to correction for Lesson 9
What I know? What’s in? What’s more?
A. 1. puts A.
1. B 2. is 1. a
2. C 3. plans 2. a
3. C 4. has 3. a
4. B 5. were 4. b
5. D 6. decides 5. a
B. 7. are B.
1. Wonderful 8. provides 6. a huge gray
2. Noisy 9. works 7. medium blue rubber
3. Clever 10. is 8. five thin-crust square
4. Sweet 9. enormous rectangular
5. Healthy What’s more? boulders
10. a few triangular dark
What’s in? 1. b, proper chocolate
1. Are 2. c, compound
2. Includes 3. a, proper Key to Corrections for Post
3. Take 4. a, derived Assessment
4. Show 5. b, proper
6. b, proper A.
5. Are 1. consists
6. Are 7. a, proper
2. is
7. Discuss 8. b, compound
3. sings
8. Is 9. b, proper
4. applauds
9. Are 10. b, proper
5. sponsors
10. Awaken
What I have learned? B.
1. Cold- blooded/ 6- 10. Answers may vary
What’s more?
compound C.
1. Listens 2. Brightly/ derived 11. long, black, silk,
2. Is 3. two- year/ compound fashionable
3. Is 4. 6- page/ compound 12. comfortable brown
4. Includes 5. Smartest/ derived leather
5. Meets 6. Filipino restaurant/ 13. expensive gold, Swiss
6. Company of actors proper 14. nice, red, woolen
7. Colonies of beavers, 7. American language/ 15. trendy, velvet, Italian
anteaters, and bats proper
8. Knot of toads 8. spectacular / derived 1.
9. Crew of cameramen 9. Marikina made/ proper
and camerawomen 10. wonderful/ derived
10. Leap of leopards, movie
people What I can do
11-13. Answers of the 1. Are
learners may vary. 2. Includes
3. Take
What I have learned? 4. Show
1. Team 5. Are
2. Staff 6. Are
3. Mock trial team 7. Discuss
4. Jury 8. Is
5. Staff 9. Are
10. Awaken
Answer Key

Angeles, Evelyn B. (2010). English Expressways. Language Textbook for

Grade V Revised Edition. SD Publications, Inc. Department of Education, Republic
of the Philippines.

Castillo, Kristine Erika C., et. al. (2016). Joy in Learning English Textbook-
Grade V. Vibal Group. Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines.

Heinle Cebgage Learning (2001). More Grammar Practice 1. Texas Edition

Jill, Norma J. (2017, June 20). Beach Story Using Collective Nouns.
Retrieved fromhttps://penandpapermama.com/2017/06/20/beach-story-using-

The Ugly Duckling Story. Short Stories. Retrieved from










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