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Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics 5


Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of area, volume and


Performance Standard: The learner is able to apply knowledge of area, volume and
temperature in mathematical problems and real-life situations.

Learning Competency: Finds the area of a given circle (radius) M5ME-Iva-74

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Finding the area of a circle

References: Mathematics curriculum guide p. 168
Materials: pictures, activity cards, activity sheets, manila paper, Powerpoint
Values Integration: Perseverance

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary activities

1. Prayer
Let us stand for a short prayer.

2. Greetings
Good morning, children. Good morning, sir.

3. Energizer
Let us sing the song “Oh It’s Math Time”. Oh, it’s Math time
after all.
Oh, it’s Math time
after all
Oh it’s Math time
after all
Oh it’s Math time
after all
4. Checking of Attendance
Are there any absent from the class? None, sir.

5. Recalling of the Classroom Rules

Before we begin our lesson, let us recall

the what to do during clases.

Classroom Rules: The 5 P’s

1. Be prepared
2. Be positive
3. Be productive
4. Be resPectful
5. Be participative

B. Development activities

1. Drill

Let us try answering the following problems.

Show your solution and answers using the

1. Mang Pedring plans to build a circular fence on his

plot. From the center, it measures 3 meters to any
point of the circular plot. How much fence does Mang
Pedring need? 18.84 meters

2. A pizza chef is planning to bake a big pizza. He wants

the pizza to measure 20 centimeters from the center to
any point of the pizza. What is the circumference of
the pizza he is planning to bake? 125.6 centimeters

C. Motivation

(Post a picture of a farm.)

What do you see in the picture? That is a farm.

Correct! What worker utilizes a farm? A farmer.

Give some examples of some plants that a farmer

plants in a farm. (The pupils will answer.)

A farmer plants a lot of rice, and vegetables. They

stay under the hot sun just to plant and give food
to all people.

They work hard just to provide food for the people

especially their families.

Values Integration:

They are persevering. They have perseverance. A person

is persevering when he works hard even when faced with

We should be persevering just like our farmers.

D. Modeling

Let us read the problem about this picture.

Mang Tonying has a circular plot of land. He plans

to plant tomatoes and eggplants. From the center, it measures
1 km to any border of the plot. What is the area of the

Who is the farmer? The farmer is Mang Tonying.

What is he planning to plant in his farm? He plans to plant
tomatoes and eggplants.

Correct! What is the distance from the center

of the plot to the border? It measures 1 km.

What is asked in the problem? What is the area of the land?

Exactly. Let us discuss how to find the area of

a circle.

In finding the area of the circle, we need the radius

of the circle.

What is the radius in the problem? The radius is 1 km.

In finding the area of a circle, we have to use this


𝐴𝐴 = 𝜋𝜋𝑟𝑟 2

“A” stands for the area of the circle.

π is the pi. It’s value is 3.14. “R” stands for the radius of the
circle. The exponent “2”means that you have to multiply
the radius to itself.

Let us solve the problem. A = 3.14 * (1km)2

A = 3.14 * 1km2

A = 3.14 km2

What is the area of the circle? The area of the circle is

3.14 km2.

Correct! Always remember that the unit of

measurement is also squared in finding the area.

Let us have another problem.

Tita Lucing is making a circular biko. From its center,

it measures 15 centimeters to any border of the circle.
What is its area?
What is the radius of the circle? The radius is 15 cm.

Correct. Let us solve the problem. A = 3.14 * (15cm)2

A = 3.14 * 15cm2

A = 47.1 cm2

What is the area of the biko? The area is 47.1 cm2.

E. Guided Practice

1. Group Activity

Let’s have a group activity. I will group you

into three. Choose your leader. (The pupils will choose
their leaders.)

Before we continue, let us recall the

guidelines in doing a group activity. Who can give
me the first reminder? Work with your groupmates.

What are the other reminders? Read the directions.

Cooperate with your
Great! I will give the activity cards.
Read the directions carefully and write your solution
and answers in the manila paper provided. You have
5 minutes to do this activity. (The pupils will do the

Group 1:

Lola Marissa made a big bibingka for the family. Its

radius is 20 centimeters. Find the area. 1,256 cm2

Group 2:

The playground’s radius measures 500 meters. What

is the area of the playground? 785,000 m2

Group 3:

Lolo Maximo made a circular fence for his chickens.

From the center of the land, it measures 1.5 km to the
border. What is the area? 7.065 km2

2. High Five

Find a partner. I will give you an activity sheet.

Read the directions and show your solutions on
the papers provided.

1. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 3 cm. 28.26 cm2

2. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 20 cm. 1,256 cm2

F. Independent Practice

I will give you an activity sheet. Please read

the directions carefully. Write your solutions and
answers on the spaces provided.

1. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 14 cm. 615.44 cm2

2. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 20 dm. 1,256 dm2


Direction: Solve for the area of the circles.

1. A race-track is in the form of a circular ring. The radius is 63 meters. Find the area of the race-

2. A circular mirror has a radius of 21 cm. What is the area?

3. A circular clock has a radius of 35 cm. What is the area?

4. The radius of a circle is 10 meters. Find the area.

5. The radius of a race-track is 1.5 kilometers. What is the area?


1. 12,462.66 m2
2. 1,384.74 cm2
3. 3,846.5 cm2
4. 314 m2
5. 7.065 km2

V. Assignment

Find the area of a circle whose radius is 567 meters.

Prepared by:

Teacher – II
NAME: ____________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the following sentences and find the area of each circle.

1. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 3 cm.

2. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 20 cm.

NAME: ____________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the following sentences and find the area of each circle.

1. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 3 cm.

2. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 20 cm.

NAME: ____________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the following sentences and find the area of each circle.

1. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 14 cm. 615.44 cm2

2. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 20 dm. 1,256 dm2

NAME: ____________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the following sentences and find the area of each circle.

1. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 14 cm. 615.44 cm2

2. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 20 dm. 1,256 dm2
NAME: ____________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the following sentences and find the area of each circle.

Direction: Solve for the area of the circles.

1. A race-track is in the form of a circular ring. The radius is 63 meters. Find the area of the race-

2. A circular mirror has a radius of 21 cm. What is the area?

3. A circular clock has a radius of 35 cm. What is the area?

4. The radius of a circle is 10 meters. Find the area.

5. The radius of a race-track is 1.5 kilometers. What is the area?

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