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The judiciary is the branch of

government that is primarily

responsible for interpreting the law.

Prepared by: Mrs. Brown-for Grade 9 and
The main function of the courts is to see that
justice reaches people who have been

In Jamaica and most other Caribbean

countries, the court system include; the Petty
Sessions , the Resident Magistrate, Supreme
Court, Court of Appeal and the Privy Council
which act as a final court of appeal.
The Privy Council
Court System of Jamaica

Court of Appeal – Highest court

in Jamaica

Defendants have the right to appeal a conviction

of any of the three trial courts to the Court of
The Court of Appeal consists of the president of
the Court of Appeal, the chief justice and six
Court System of Jamaica
Supreme Court –

Consists of the Chief Justice, a Senior

Puisne Judge and at least twenty other
Puisne Judges.

Puisne Judges must be Attorneys-at-

law of at least ten years standing.
Court System of Jamaica

Supreme Court -

Criminal cases come to the Circuit Court or

Supreme Court from the resident magistrate.

The Supreme Court is also concerned with civil

actions arising from negligence, breach of
contract, slander, libel, trespass, divorce
administration, equity, guardianship of infants
and the estate of lunatics.
Court System of Jamaica
Resident Magistrate’s Court-
There is one in every Parish. This Court
presides over both civil and criminal matters .

This Court has no power to hold a trial for

certain criminal offences including murder,
treason and rape, however in such cases a
Preliminary Examination or enquiry into the
charge is held.
Court System of Jamaica
Petty Sessions Court

Deals with minor offences and is usually

presided over by a justice of the peace.
This court deals with offences such as
small thefts, assaults, malicious injury to
property, drunkenness and cruelty to
animals among other lesser crimes.
Court System of Jamaica

Traffic Court

The traffic court deals with breaches of

the Road Traffic Act within the Corporate
Area of Kingston and St Andrew. Traffic
breaches in the other parishes are dealt
with in the resident magistrate's courts.
Court System of Jamaica
The Coroner's Court

A coroner is an officer who holds

inquests on the bodies of persons
supposed to have died by violence or
accident, in order to determine whether
the death was natural or caused.

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