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Class Punjab Board
Chapter Wise MCQs
With Solved Answers For
Exams Preparations

8th Class Computer Science Chapters List

Sr. No. Chapters Page No
1 Chapter No.1 2
2 Chapter No.2 7
3 Chapter No.3 12
4 Chapter No.4 17

Hello Students Well Come to Our Notes, If you are applied for jobs tests in NTS, PPSC, PMS, CTS, OTS, FPSC, SPSC, BPSC,
KPPSC, AJKPSC and others jobs tests then these URDU PDF MCQs about Computer Science Multiple Choice Question
Answers will help you for Preparations of Computer Question Answers. These MCQs are also helpful for Preparations of
Computer Teachers / Educators Jobs tests in All Pakistan.

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8th Class Computer Science Chapter 1 MCQs

1. The statement, which is used to see the output on monitor’s screen:

B. PRINT (Answer)

2. A flow chart must have a logical:

A. Start
B. Start and End(Answer)
C. Process
D. End

3. The chart that shows the proportional size of item to the sum of the items is:
A. Coding
B. Bar Chart (Answer)
C. Colum chart
D. Pie Chart

4. In flow chart oval shape is represented by:

A. Input/output Symbol
B. Decision Symbol
C. Processing Symbol
D. Terminal Symbol (Answer)

5. Worms does not spread from file to file but from:

A. File to computer
B. Virus to virus
C. Computer to computer(Answer)
D. Internet to computer

6. Automatically copies created by:

A. Virus
B. Hacker
C. Worms (Answer)
D. Adware
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7. The most popular type of communication in the use of common person is:
A. Fax
B. E-mail (Answer)
C. Newspaper
D. Mail

8. The addition of numbers in Ms Excel can be obtained by:

A. Sum formula(Answer)
B. Average formula
C. Total formula
D. Product formula

9. To save the program in hard drive, we use:

A. LOAD command
B. LIST command
C. SAVE command (Answer)
D. RUN command

10. The Value of cell “AA4” is the sum of Value of cell “AA2” and “AA3”. If the
value of “AA2” is changed then value of “AA4” is also changed, automatically, it is
an example of:
A. Display data
B. Filtering
C. Consistency
D. Automatic Calculation (Answer)

11. An electronic sheet use for mathematical purpose is called:

A. Report
B. Slide
C. Spread Sheet (Answer)
D. Word Sheet

12. 3-2*(4^5)/9 In the above expression, which operator will be solved at first:
A. *
B. +
C. /
D. ^ (Answer)

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13. To develop a finite list of steps to solve a problem is called:
A. Algorithm (Answer)
B. Data
C. Processing
D. Flow chart

14. More than one computer are attached with single printer with the help of:
A. Bluetooth
B. Computer Network (Answer)
C. Develop a program
D. Satellite Transmission

15. A program which is used to (Answer) the file system of operating system is
A. Antivirus
B. Virus (Answer)
C. Worms
D. Hackers

16. Step by step solving the problem is called:

A. Flow Chart
B. Algorithm (Answer)
C. Programming
D. MS Excel

17. In MS Excel, Sheet name appears in:

A. Title bar (Answer)
B. Manu bar
C. Formula bar
D. Cell’s name box

18. A computer connects to other computer through UTP wire is the example of;
A. LAN (Answer)

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19. A program which allows to edit, subtract and analyze set of numbers is:
A. MS Project
B. MS Excel (Answer)
C. MS Power Point
D. MS Word

20. A variable represented as “LAHORE$” is an example of:

A. String Constant
B. Numeric Constant
C. String variable (Answer)
D. Numeric Variable

21. The language close to machine language is:

A. High level
B. Middle
C. Low level (Answer)
D. Human language

22. After writing a program into Source Code the programmer converts it into:
A. Machine code (Answer)
B. Save file
C. Source Code
D. Program file

23. Selected data can be highlighted with the option of:

A. Shading(Answer)
B. Alignment
C. Work Sheet
D. Font size

24. The following expression a=b is the example of:

A. Arithmetic Expression
B. String Expression
C. Logical Expression
D. Relational Expression (Answer)

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25. For decision making, we use of following statement:
A. List
B. Load
C. Run
D. IF (Answer)

26. 10 INPUT “Enter 2 numbers=”; A,B20 PROD = A*B 30 PRINT “PRODUCT of 2

inserted number=”; PROD 40 END This program having a:
A. Logical Error
B. Spelling Error
C. Successful(Answer)
D. Syntax Error

27. A function which is used to filter the virus and save against the work attack on
system is called:

A. Scanning (Answer)
B. Authentication
C. Booting
D. Downloading

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8th Class Computer Science Chapter 2 MCQs
1. A spreadsheet is a computer program which stores and process numerical data
in the form of:
A. Rows
B. Cells (Answer)
C. Columns
D. Tables

2. Problem-analyzing method leads to a:

A. Complicated solution
B. Typical solution
C. Simple solution (Answer)
D. Special solution

3. A person who is good at solving problems can become a good:

A. father
B. computer programmer (Answer)
C. good student
D. teacher

4. The memory required for $ string variable is:

A. 4 Bytes
B. string length (Answer)
C. 8 Bytes
D. 2 Bytes

5. Program upgradation refers to:

A. Program development
B. Program implementation(Answer)
C. Program identification
D. Program enhancement

6. Modem is an abbreviation of:

A. model/ démodé
B. modulation/ demodulation
C. Module/ DE module
D. Modulator/ demodulator (Answer)

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7. Transfer of data or information from one location to another is called:
A. Data Communication (Answer)
B. Satellite Communication
C. Globe positioning system
D. Cellular Communication

8. In spreadsheet the by default font is:

A. Times and Roman
B. Calibri(Answer)
C. Arial
D. Tahoma

9. The logical Errors can be identified by looking at the:

A. Wrong output of the program (Answer)
B. Syntax error
C. Logical error
D. Common error

10. LAN Stands for:

A. Local Access Network
B. Line Access Network
C. Line Area Network
D. Local Area Network (Answer)

11. A compiler converts all the source code into a machine code creating an:
A. executable file (Answer)
B. inside copy
C. Source code
D. interesting file

12. After designing the algorithm we draw a:

A. Decision point
B. Flow chart (Answer)
C. Flow line
D. Computer program

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13. The simplest form of algorithm is:
A. Numbered form algorithm
B. Complete form algorithm
C. Particular form algorithm
D. Step form algorithm (Answer)

14. The diamond symbol represents the:

A. Processing
B. Decision making (Answer)
C. Input/Output
D. Remarks

15. Set of instructions given to the computer to solve a particular problem are
A. Software (Answer)
B. Freeware
C. Hardware
D. Firmware

16. The 3- dimensional chart used in spreadsheet are:

A. Cone chart and cylinder chart (Answer)
B. Area chart and Bar chart
C. Cone chart and pie chart
D. Bar chart and XY chart

17. Computer system and software programs are save if they protected by:
A. Antivirus (Answer)
B. Scanned
C. Downloaded
D. Edited

18. A formula is a:
A. Mathematical data
B. Mathematical expression (Answer)
C. Mathematical process
D. Mathematical information

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19. The operator that is used to compare two values is called:
A. Equal Operator
B. Assignment Operator
C. Numeric Operator
D. Relational Operator (Answer)

20. A computer program is a precise sequence of step-s to solve:

A. Something strong
B. A method
C. A particular problem (Answer)
D. A computer

21. If two or more statements are written on a line, they must be separated by a:
A. Period
B. Colon (Answer)
C. Semicolon
D. Comma

22. After designing our algorithm we verify it through:

A. Flow chart
B. Desk Checking(Answer)
C. Processing
D. Comparison

23. Software programs which contain workbooks and worksheet are called:
A. MS Word
B. MS Power Point
C. MS Project
D. MS Excel (Answer)

24. Another name of guided media is:

A. Baseband Media
B. Bounded Media (Answer)
C. Broadband Media
D. Unbounded Media

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25. We can develop our problem solving skills by following:
A. a flow chart
B. a good computer software
C. a well organized approach (Answer)
D. adopting a good life

26. The following Operator will be processed first:

A. MOD (Modulus)
B. *,/(Multiplication or Division) (Answer)
C. \ (integral Division)
D. +,-(Addition or Subtraction)

27. Ribbon contains a set of:

A. rows
B. columns
C. cells
D. icons (Answer)

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8th Class Computer Science Chapter 3 MCQs

1. The symbol represents:

A. Flow line
B. Start
C. End
D. Decision (Answer)

2. The chart toolbar is displayed when a chart is:

A. View
B. Displayed
C. De-selected
D. Selected (Answer)

3. The processing of transferring a file form a local computer to a remote

computer is called:
A. Downloading
B. Transferring
C. Uploading (Answer)
D. Browsing

4. Each MS-Excel file carries extension:

A. Excel
B. xcl
C. xdl
D. xlsx (Answer)

5. To open and explore the different website are called:

A. Transferring
B. Downloading
C. Browsing (Answer)
D. Uploading

6. The expression (5x7)/3 + (3x7)/5 is:

A. relational
B. arithmetic (Answer)
C. logical
D. assignmen
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7. Problems relating to different fields of life require different;
A. computer programs
B. Person’s
C. places to solve
D. approaches (Answer)

8. An algorithm must be:

A. Clear
B. All of these(Answer)
C. Effective
D. Finite

9. The top most bar is called:

A. Formula bar
B. Status bar
C. Quick Access Toolbar
D. Title bar (Answer)

10. The maximum length of a string constant is:

A. 55 characters
B. 255 characters (Answer)
C. 155 characters
D. 355 characters

11. A secret word or numbers to be typed on a keyboard before any activity can
take place are called:

A. Data encryption
B. Private word
C. Biometric data
D. Password (Answer)

12. BASIC wad developed by:

A. John Kemeny and Thomas (Answer)
B. Alexander and Friday
C. Kurtz Kenedy and Wilson
D. John Smith and Pascal

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13. What is the most common computer crime of these listed below:
A. IRS Database
B. Extension of Bank Funds
C. Software Piracy (Answer)
D. Putting people on junk mailing lists

14. A worksheet consists of ________ columns:

A. 16834
B. 16438
C. 16384 (Answer)
D. 16843

15. A network of several personal computers connected together with in a room

through network interface cards is called:
A. LAN (Answer)
D. Cellular network

16. In a worksheet, the last label of a column is:

D. XFD (Answer)

17. If a negative number is entered in the number parameter, the SQRT function
will return the:
A. Plus value
B. Negative value
C. #NUM! error (Answer)
D. No value

18. The internet is a network of a number of computer networks around the

A. Large (Answer)
B. Small
C. Little
D. Medium
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19. An interpreter simply executes each bit of machine code as it is:
A. Downloaded
B. Printed
C. Objected
D. Converted (Answer)

20. WAN stands for:

A. World Access Network
B. Wide Area Network (Answer)
C. World Area Network
D. Wide Access Network

21. Row header displays the:

A. cell address
B. Alphabets of rows
C. figures of Rows(Answer)
D. figures of column

22. The formula bar shows the cell address as well as:
A. Status
B. Data or formula(Answer)
C. Tasks
D. Actions

23. The character used for string variable is:

A. #
B. %
C. !
D. $ (Answer)

24. Desk checking is an important part of:

A. Requirements
B. Program
C. Problem identification
D. Algorithm design (Answer)

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25. The physical path in which a message travel is called:
A. Protocol
B. Medium (Answer)
C. Signals
D. Little

26. For some problems we do a lot of;

A. processing
B. Flow lines
C. Work
D. thinking (Answer)

27. The following Operator will be processed first:

C. \(integral Division) (Answer)
D. <>, <=,>=,<,>. (Relational operators)

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8th Class Computer Science Chapter 4 MCQs

1. The formula for addition of a range from B1 to B5 in spreadsheet is:

A. =SUM (B1 + B5)
B. SUM (B1: B5)
C. SUM (B1, B5)
D. =SUM (B1: B5)(Answer)

2. Inside the Fiber-Optic Cable, each stand surrounded by:

A. a layer of carbon
B. a layer of plastic
C. a layer of glass (Answer)
D. a layer of aluminum

3. The following Operator will process first:

A. - (Negative)
B. *,/(Multiplication or Division)
C. MOD (Modulus)
D. ^ (Exponent) (Answer)

4. The rows have:

A. Numeric labels (Answer)
B. Alphanumeric labels
C. Alphabetic labels
D. Symbols labels

5. NYB is an example of:

A. Virus
B. Adware
C. Worm
D. Antivirus (Answer)

6. By default font size in spreadsheet is:

A. 14
B. 12
C. 11 (Answer)
D. 10

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7. The Symbol represents:
A. End
B. Flow line
C. Input / Output (Answer)
D. Decision

8. When the infected program or file runs, the virus becomes:

A. De- Active
B. Active (Answer)
C. Silent
D. Halt

9. AVG stands for:

A. Antivirus Guard(Answer)
B. Antivirus Green
C. Antivirus Gold
D. Antivirus Grey

10. NIC stands for:

A. Network inference card
B. Network information card
C. Network interface card(Answer)
D. Network initial card

11. Cellular communication works by transmission radio signals to:

A. Telephones
B. Cellular towers(Answer)
C. Local callers
D. Telephone exchanges

12. The person who gains access to a computer system illegally called:
A. Both A & B
B. Crackers
C. Hacker (Answer)
D. Theft

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13. For editing the data in an active cell, we press:
A. F4
B. F3
C. F2 (Answer)
D. F1

14. The servers, which manage disk drives, called as:

A. Print servers
B. Network servers
C. Web servers
D. File servers (Answer)

15. Problems relating to different field of life require different:

A. approaches (Answer)
B. computer programs
C. Person’s
D. places to solve

16. The Relational operator is:

A. *
B. ^
C. -
D. = (Answer)

17. In our everyday life we face many small and big problems and to solve our
problems we make different:
A. Flow charts
B. Computer programs
C. Problems
D. Decisions (Answer)

18. The earth stations consist of large:

A. Area of antennas
B. Dish antennas (Answer)
C. Small dish antennas
D. Cellular towers

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19. In a computer a virus is created by:
A. Hacker
B. Antivirus
C. Adware
D. Different viruses (Answer)

20. In a Flow Chart all necessary requirements should be listed in:

A. a problem
B. a ogical order (Answer)
C. strange form
D. a alphabetical

21. The file that contains worksheets is called:

A. Active book
B. My book
C. Workbook (Answer)
D. Book 1

22. We filter our irrelevant matter from the problem at the stage called:
A. Input data
B. Processing
C. Problem identification (Answer)
D. Flow chart

23. An interpreter does not create an:

A. executable file (Answer)
B. display
C. Inside memory
D. source code

24. BASIC was developed in;

A. 1900
B. 1993
C. 1800
D. 1963 (Answer)

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25. The memory required for % integer variable is:
A. 6 Bytes
B. 2 Bytes (Answer)
C. 4 Bytes
D. 8 Bytes

26. The character used for string variable is:

A. #
B. !
C. %
D. $ (Answer)

27. The (Answer) preference order of arithmetic operator:

A. +, x, -, ÷ (Answer)
B. ÷, -, x, +
C. +, x ÷, -
D. x, + , - , ÷

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