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JR IIT CO SC N120 DATE : 31/01/2022

Time: 03:00 Hrs CTM Max Marks: 300


This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of
which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
1. An orifice of area 10 sq. mm is made at the bottom of a vessel containing water to a height of 10 m
above the orifice. The force on the vessel is (g=10ms 2 )
A)1N B)2N C)3N D)4N
2. A sphere of density  is half submerged in a liquid of density  and surface tension T.
The sphere remains in equilibrium. Then the radius of the sphere is (the force due to surface tension
acts tangentially to surface of sphere)
T T 2T 3T
A) B) C) D)
(   ) g (   2 ) g (2   3 ) g (2    ) g
3. A liquid is filled in a tank up to a height of 5 m and the bottom of the tank is at 5 m height from the
ground. A hole is punched to the tank so that the liquid coming out touches the ground at maximum
horizontal distance. Then the maximum horizontal distance is
A) 10m B) 2.5m C) 5m D) 1.5m
4. A rain drop of radius r is falling through air, starting from rest. The work done by all the forces on the
drop, when it attains terminal velocity is proportional to
A) r 3 B) r 7 C) r 5 D) r 4
5. Several spherical drops of a liquid of density ‘d’ and radius ‘r’ coalesecene to form a single drop of
radius ‘R’. If all the energy released is converted into K.E. Then the velocity acquired by the drop is
6T  1 1  3T  1 1  T 1 1  T 1 1 
A)    B)    C)    D)   
d r R d r R 6d  r R  3d  r R 
6. Two capillary tubes of same radius r but of lengths l1 and l2 are fitted in parallel to the bottom of a
vessel. The pressure head is P . Then the length of a single tube that can replace the two tubes so that
the rate of flow is same as before is
1 1 ll l
A) l1  l2 B)  C) 1 2 D)
l1 l2 l1  l2 l1  l2

7. A tank of height 15 m and cross-section area 10 m 2 is filled with water. There is a small hole of
cross-section area ‘a’ which is much smaller than the container, located at a height of 12 m from the
base of the container. How much force should be applied with a position at the top level, so that the
water coming out of the hole hits the ground at a distance of 16 m (  w  1000 Kg / m3 , g  10 m / sec 2 )

A) 203 KN B) 200 KN C) 320KN D) 400KN

8. The surface tension of the soap water solution is N / m . The free energy of the surface layer of a
soap bubble of diameter 5 mm will be
A) 2.5  106 J B) 1  107 J C) 8  10 6 J D) 5  106 J
9. If ‘M’ is the mass of water that rises in a capillary tube of radius ‘r’, then mass of water which will
rise in a capillary tube of radius ‘2r’ is
A) M B) C) 4M D) 2M
10. Two capillary tubes of lengths in the ratio 2:1 and radii in the ratio 1:2 are connected in series.
Assume the flow of the liquid through the tube is steady. Then, the ratio of pressure difference across
the tubes is
A) 1:8 B) 1:16 C) 32:1 D) 1:1
11. Two tubes of same length and diameters 4 mm and 8 mm are joined together to form a U-shaped tube
open at both the ends. If the U-tube contains water, then the difference between the levels of water in
the two limbs of the tube is ( T  7.3  10 2 NM 1 ,   0O , W  103 K gm 3 g=10 m s 2 )
A) 3.65 mm B) 36.5 mm C) 0.365 mm D) 365 mm
12. A spherical ball falls through viscous medium with terminal velocity v . If this ball is replaced by
another ball of the same mass but half the radius, then the terminal velocity will be (neglect the effect
of buoyancy)
A) v B) 2 v C) 4 v D) 8 v
13. If the units of mass, length and time are doubled then unit of angular momentum will be
A) Doubled B) Tripled
C) Quadrupled D) Eight times the original value

Page 2
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

14. If P,Q and R are physical quantities, having different dimensions, which of the following
combinations can never be a meaningful quantity
PQ  Q 2 PQ ( PR  Q 2 )
A) B) PQ  R C) D)
a a  t2
15. The dimensions of , in the equation P  , where P is pressure, x is distance and t is time,
b bx
A)  M 2 LT 3  B)  MT 2  C)  ML3 T 1  D)  LT 3 
16. If speed V, force F and acceleration a are chosen as the fundamental physical quantities, then the
dimension of young’s modulus in terms of F, V and a are
A) V 3 Fa  B) V 4 F 2 a 2  C) V 4 Fa 2  D) V 4 F 2 a 
17. Two gold pieces, each of mass 0.035 g, are placed in a box of mass 2.3 g. The total mass of the box
with gold pieces is
A) 2.3 g B) 2.4 g C) 2.37 g D) 2.370 g
18. In CGS system of units, the density of a material is 4 g cm 3 . What will be the value of the density of
the material in a system where unit of length is 10 cm and unit of mass is 100 g
A) 0.04 B) 0.4 C) 40 D) 400
19. The accuracy in the measurement of time for 20 oscillations of a pendulum for the following
measurements t1  39.6 s , t2  39.9 s and t3  39.5 s, is
A) 0.2 s B) 0.3s C) 0.5s D) 0.4s
20. Suppose a quantity can be dimensionally represented in terms M, L and T, that is  y  =  M a LbT c  .
The quantity mass
A) may be represented in terms of L, T and y if a=0
B) may be represented in terms of L, T and y if a  0
C) can always be dimensionally represented in terms of L,T and y
D) can never be dimensionally represented in terms of L,T and y

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has more
than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer any 5 only out of 10
questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
21. Dimensional analysis of the equation (velocity) x =(pressure difference) 3 / 2  (density) 3 / 2
, gives the
value of x as.
22. The lengths of sides of a cuboid are a, 2a and 3a. If the relative percentage error in the measurement
of a is 1 %, then what is the relative percentage error in the measurement of the volume of the cube.
23. The density of a sphere is measured by measuring the mass and diameter. If it is known that the
maximum percentage errors in the measurement of mass and diameter are 2% and 3% respectively
then the maximum percentage error in the measurement of density is.

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

24. Steam is passed into a calorimeter with water having total thermal capacity 110 cal/ gm and initial
temperature 300 C . If the resultant temperature is 900 C , the increase in the mass of the water is
25. A gas is compressed at a constant pressure of 50 N / m 2 from a volume 10 m3 to a volume of 4m3 . If
100 J of heat is added to the gas, then change in its internal energy in joule is
26. A diatomic gas (  1.4) does 2000J of work when it is expanded isobarically. Find the heat (in KJ)
given to the gas in the above process.
27. A body takes 4 min to cool from 1000 C to 700 C . To cool from 700 C to 400 C it will take ( room
temperature is 150 C ) (in min)
28. A carnot engine operates between two reservoirs of temperatures 900 K and 300 K . The engine
performs 1200J of work per cycle. The heat energy (in J) delivered by the engine to the low
temperature reservoir , in a cycle, is
29. If a wavelengths of maximum intensity of radiations emitted by the sun and the moon are
0.5  10 6 m and 104 m respectively, the ratio of their temperatures is
30. A wire has a mass 0.3  0.003 g , radius 0.5  0.005 mm and length 6  0.06 cm. The maximum
percentage error in the measurement of density is


This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of
which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
31. The compound x in the reaction is

A) B) C) D)

32. Which of the following benzene ring substitute is deactivating but ortho-pora directing
A)  NO B) OCH 3 C)  C  CH 3 D)  NO2

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

33. Give the product of the following reaction

A) B) C) D)

34. Product. Then product is

A) B)

C) D)

35. n- Butyl benzene on on oxidation with hot alkaline kmno 4 gives

A) Benzoic acid B) Butanoic acid C) Benzyl alcohol D) Benzaldehyde
36. In nitration of Benzene by mixed acid the rate of reaction will be
A) C6 H 6  C6 D6  C6 T6 B) C6 H 6  C6 D6  C6 T6
C) C6 H 6  C6 D6  C6 T6 D) C6 H 6  C6 D6  C6 T6
37. During Nitration in Benzene by using HNO3 and H 2 SO4 mixture, HNO3 act as
A) acid B) base C) salt D) Reducing agent
38. During sulphonation reaction the attacking electrophile is
A) So3 B) So 3 C) So 3 D) So3 H
39. The sequence of iconic mobility in aqueous solution is
A) Rb   k   cs   Na  B) Na   k   Rb   cs 
C) k   Na   Rb   cs  D) cs   Rb   k   Na 

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

40. Among the following the paramagnetic compound is ________

A) Na2o2 B) O3 C) N 2O D) KO2
41. In a set of reactions, ethyl benzene yielded a product ‘c’

.Then what is ‘C’

A) B) C) D)

42. .Then product ‘A’ is _______

A) B)

C) D)


A) B) C) D)

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

44. The major product of the following reaction sequence is __________

A) B)

C) D)

45. The major product expected from the following reaction

A) B)

C) D)


A) B)

C) D)

47. The major product expected from the following reaction is ______
1) alc KOH
CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 2 
2) NaNH 2 in liq NH 3
 major product
| |
Br Br
A) CH 3  CH  C  CH 2 B) CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 2
| |
C) CH 3  CH  CH  CH 2  NH 2 D) CH 3  CH 2  C  CH

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

48. The major product of the following reaction is ______

  1) DCl 1mole
CH 3  C  CH 
2) DI

A) CH 3  CD  CHD B) CH 3  CD  CHD C) CH 3  CD2  CH  Cl D) CH 3  C  CHD2
| | | | | |
I Cl Cl I I I

49. The correct order of heat of combusation for following alkadienes is

1) 2) 3)
A) 1<2<3 B) 1<3<2 C) 3<2<1 D) 2<3<1
50. In the given reaction product ‘A’ is

Product ‘A’

A) B) C) D)

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has more
than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of two decimal places. Have to Answer any 5 only out of
10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
51. How many group are o/p director in the electrophillic aromatic substitution
1  NH 2  2   CHO  3  N  O  4   COOH
|| ||
 5  OCH 3  6   O  C  CH 3  7   C2 H 5 8  C  NH  CH 3
 9   NH  C  CH 3 10   SO3 H

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.


Identify the position where electrophillic aromatic substitution will takes place

Identify the position where electrophillic aromatic substitution will takes place
54. Examine the structural formulas shown below and find out how many compounds cannot give Friedel
crafts reaction


No. of SP3 hybrid orbitals in product ‘B is x. Then x is _______

56. Among the following how many are more reactive than Benzene towards electrophillie aromatic
substitution reactions

Page 9
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

57. No. of Benzylic hydrogen’s in the following compound

58. To get 100 ml O2 how much ml of 20 volume H 2 O2 to be decompose

59. The OH  ion concentration of the solution containing 0.2 M NH 4OH & 0.2 M NH 4Cl is
1.8  10  x M .

K b 
for NH 4OH is 1.8  10 5 . Then x value is _____

60. The p H of 0.1M KCl solution is_______


This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of
which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
61. If the tangent at 1,1 on y 2  x  2  x  meets the curve again at P . A tangent is again drawn at
point P . Then, the acute angle between two tangents is equal to:
A) tan 1 2 B) tan 1 7 C) tan 1 10 D) tan 1 12
62. The tangent to y  ax 2  bx  at 1, 2  is parallel to the normal at the point  2, 2  on the curve
y  x 2  6 x  10 . Then the value of  b is:
A) 2 B) 0 C) 3 D) 1
3 3
63. The curves y  x  x  1 and 2 y  x  5 x touch each other at the point P . Then, the slope of the
common tangent at P is:
A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 8
64. The triangle formed by the tangent to the curve f  x   x  bx  b at the point 1,1 and the
coordinate axes, lies in the first quadrant. If its area is 2, then the value of b is:
A) 1 B)  C) 4 D) 6

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

65. The tangent at any point on the curve x  a cos 4  and y  a sin 4  meets the axes in P and Q .
Then, the locus of the midpoint of PQ is:
a a2 a3 a4
A) x  y  B) x 2  y 2  C) x 3  y 3  D) x 4  y 4 
2 8 32 128
x y 2 z 3
66. The equation of the perpendicular line from  3, 1,11 to the line   is also
2 3 4
perpendicular to which one of the following lines in the options?
x  3 y  1 z  11 x  3 y  1 z  11
A)   B)  
2 1 4 4 2 2
x  3 y  1 z  11 x  3 y  1 z  11
C)   D)  
1 1 3 0 1 1
2x 1 y  1 z  2 x  1 y 1 z  2
67. The plane passing through two lines   and   is also passing
2 3 1 1 3 1
through the point:
A)  0, 4, 1 B) 1,1,1 C)  2,1, 1 D)  0,0, 2 
x  2 y  2 z 1
68. The plane passing through the point  4, 1, 2  and parallel to the lines   and
3 1 2
x  2 y 3 z  4
  also passes through the point
1 2 3
A)  2,1, 1 B)  1, 1,1 C)  5, 2, 6  D) 1, 4, 3
5  x 7 y  14 z  3 2
69. If the angle between the lines x  y  2 z and   is cos 1   , then the direction
2  4 3
ratio of the line along the shortest distance is:
A) 1, 4,3 B)  5, 4, 2  C)  3,5, 2  D) 1, 2, 5 

70. The perpendicular distance of the point 1,1,1 from the plane passing through the point 1, 2,3 and

 
containing the line, r  iˆ  ˆj   2iˆ  ˆj  4kˆ , is:
1 2 3 4
A) B) C) D)
41 41 41 41
71. The equation of the line passing through  4,3,1 parallel to the plane x  2 y  z  5  0 and
x 1 y  3 z  2
intersecting the line   is:
3 2 1
x  4 y  3 z 1 x4 y  3 z 1
A)   B)  
3 1 1 1 1 3
x  4 y  3 z 1 x4 y  3 z 1
C)   D)  
1 1 1 2 1 4

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

x 1 y  1 z
72. If the shortest distance between the lines     1
 1 1
and x  y  z  1  0  2 x  y  z  3 is , then a value of  is
16 19 32 19
A)  B)  C) D)
19 16 19 32
73. Let P be the image of the point (3,1,7) with respect to the plane x  y  z  3 . Then equation of the
x y z
plane through P and containing the straight line   is
1 2 1
A) x  y  3z  0 B) 3 x  z  0 C) x  4 y  7 z  0 D) 2 x  y  0
x y z
74. Equation of the plane containing the straight line   and perpendicular to the plane
2 3 4
x y z x y z
containing the straight lines   and   is
3 4 2 4 2 3
A) x  2 y  2 z  0 B) 3 x  2 y  2 z  0 C) x  2 y  z  0 D) 5 x  2 y  4 z  0
75. The point P is the intersection of the straight line joining the points Q(2, 3, 5) and R(1, 1, 4) with
the plane 5 x  4 y  z  1. If S is the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point T (2,1, 4) to QR ,
then the length of the line segment PS is
A) B) 2 C) 2 D) 2 2
76. The value of n in the equation of the curve y  a1 n x n ( a  0 ), so that the subnormal is of constant
length is:

1 1 1
A) 1 B) C) D)
4 3 2
2 2
 x 3  y 3
77. If the tangent at any point on the curve       1 makes intercepts p , q on the axes, then
a b
2 2
p q
 2 
a b
A) 0 B) C) 1 D) 2

n n
x  y
78. If the straight line x cos   y sin   p touches the curve       2 ( n  R  0 ) at the point
a b
1 1
 a, b  on it, then 2  2 
a b
1 2 3 4
A) 2 B) 2 C) 2 D) 2
p p p p

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

79. Water is dripping out at a steady rate of 1 cm3 / sec through a tiny hole at the vertex of the conical

vessel, whose axis is vertical. It’s given that the vertical angle of the conical vessel is . When the
slant height of water in the vessel is 4 cm , then the rate of decrease of slant height is equal to:
1 1 2 1
A) cm / s B) cm / s C) cm / s D) cm / s
2 3 3 3 4 3

80. Equation of the line passing through (1,1,1) and parallel to the plane 2 x  3 y  z  5  0 is
x 1 y 1 z 1 x 1 y 1 z 1
A)   B)  
1 2 1 1 1 1
x 1 y 1 z 1 x 1 y 1 z 1
C)   D)  
3 2 1 2 3 1

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has more
than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer any 5 only out of 10
questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
x2 y 2
81. The coordinates of the point P lying in the first quadrant on the ellipse   1 so that the area
8 18
of the triangle formed by the normal at P and coordinate axes is the greatest, are  ,   . Then,
 2   2 is equal to
82. The curve y  x3  ax 2  bx  c touches x-axis at P  2,0  and cuts the y-axis at a point Q where its
gradient is 3. Then the value of 4a  b  c is equal to:

83. If the acute angle between the curves y  x 2  1 and y  x 2  5 at their points of intersection be  .
4 3
Then is equal to:
tan 
84. If the curves 6 y  x 2  7 and y  ax 3  ax  1 cut orthogonally at 1,1 , then a is equal to:
85. The shortest distance between the line y  x  2 and the parabola y  x 2  3 x  2 is equal to d . Then,
2d is:
86. The sum of all the real roots of the equation (3  x) 5  ( x  5)5  32 is
87. In a square ABCD , G1   3,5  and G2   5, 3 are the centroids of ABC and ACD , then side of
the square is …

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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

88. The sides of a triangle are a  1, a, a  1 where a is a natural number and a>1, its largest angle is twice
the smallest. The value of 3a 3  20a 2  35a is equal to 210k , k 
89. The straight line L  x  y  1  0 and L1  x  2 y  3  0 are intersecting. M is the slope of the
straight line L 2 such that L is the bisector of the angle between L1 and L2 . The value of m`2  1 is
equal to
1/ x
 
90. The value of  e  lim tan   x  is
x 0
4 




CHEMISTRY Sri. MADHAN 9393309607


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He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

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