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Location Intelligence
Solving Industry Challenges
ariesoGEO is the world’s leading carrier-grade geolocation solution. Using
data already present in the radio access network it collects, locates, stores
and analyzes details from every customer call or data connection to create a
rich source of intelligence to help boost network performance and enrich user
As the smartphone revolution continues to stretch networks to breaking
point, ariesoGEO transforms Radio Access Network performance engineering,
focussing on those improvements which will have greatest impact on
customer experience. As operators look to serve ever growing data capacity
demands by deploying LTE expansions, small cells and data offload solutions,
it gives planners unprecedented insight into traffic patterns and usage by
key groups of subscribers. By allowing them to deploy the most appropriate
capacity solutions located with surgical precision, ariesoGEO ensures
operators derive maximum business benefit from this investment.

At the Forefront of the Mobile Evolution

ariesoGEO remains at the forefront of geolocation technology, supporting
the widest range of network equipment vendors and technologies in the
industry. As operators look beyond the initial rollout of LTE towards ensuring
these networks deliver on their promised customer experience, ariesoGEO
provides engineers the insight they need to maximise the performance of
these networks. Today many of the world’s leading operators use ariesoGEO
to help maximize their returns from innovative solutions such as small cells
and WiFi offload as they turn to these cutting edge technologies to address
data capacity challenges.
With the promise of self organizing networks becoming a reality, ariesoGEO
brings a customer-cetric location aware approach to automatically deliver
game changing performance and the ultimate customer experience.

2 ariesoGEO — Location Intelligence

ariesoGEO platform
The heart of ariesoGEO is the GEO platform, which connects
to the Network OSS to collect customer generated trace data.
Using patented methods the billions of events per day are
geolocated, analyzed and loaded into the intelligence store.

The platform supports the widest range of infrastructure

vendors and cellular technologies in the industry, with
support for GSM, UMTS and LTE. A key feature of the multi-
technology support is that the data is available in a single
unified data structure, enabling the ariesoGEO applications
to be truly customer centric and perform analytics that
span technology layers, representing the complete customer
experience regardless of the access technology in use at the

The platform leads the industry in terms of scalability,

virtualization and efficiency. Running on commodity servers
with horizontal scalability designed in from the outset, it is
in use as a network wide 24/7 deployment today in multiple
networks worldwide

GEOinsights GEOperformance
As mobile operators look to harness the GEOperformance uses location intelligence
customer data within their networks, both to transform RAN planning and performance
to optimize their own businesses and create engineering to enhance operational efficiency,
new business models and revenue streams, and significantly increasing return on
GEOinsights unlocks the power of the investment, whilst delivering game changing
location intelligence within the ariesoGEO improvements in the network performance
platform. actually experienced by customers.

The powerful GEOinsights data feed transforms the detailed Because of its unique ability to collect data from all calls and
connection centric data within the ariesoGEO platform into an connections on a 24/7 network wide basis, ariesoGEO can provide
anonymized, aggregated feed of insights about places, people, and unmatched insight into network behaviour that cannot be studied in
time. This information is ready to be shared with external systems other ways, allowing engineers to resolve long standing challenges,
and can be integrated with data warehouses using straightforward and deliver unprecedented network performance.
and cost effective techniques. In many cases the intelligence
from GEOinsights can be directly used with business intelligence
GEOanalytics delivers a sophisticated API to
As well as allowing an operator to optimize their own business
allow third party applications to make direct use
through applications such as geomarketing, GEOinsights enables
of the location intelligence held within the GEO
new revenue streams through data monetization. Leading operators
around the world are exploring how the unique customer behaviour
information they hold can be harnessed to deliver value to other Whilst there may be several sources of customer
business segments. experience data available within the network,
getting access is typically extremely complex. With GEOanalytics,
powerful customer experience intelligence, with the additional
GEOson dimension of building level resolution location information, is
GEOson brings the power of location made available in a form that can be directly used by third party
intelligence to automated network applications.
performance improvements – delivering
The power of location intelligence in numerous customer care and
significant cost savings, improved customer
quality assurance applications has already been proven, GEOanalytics
experience levels and transforming network
will enable this value to be realized efficiently in wider applications
performance beyond manual means.
across the enterprise.
Fundamental to the quality of output from any automated system
is the quality of input. Extensive experience with tier 1 global
operators has shown that the location intelligence stored within
ariesoGEO is the best source of information to use when optimising
networks for ultimate customer experience and this remains true
for an automated SON solution.

Contact Us +1 844 GO VIAVI © 2015 Viavi Solutions, Inc.

(+1 844 468 4284) Product specifications and descriptions in this
document are subject to change without notice.
To reach the Viavi office nearest you, ariesoGEOli-br-nse-ae
visit 30179504 900 0715

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