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Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center

Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800

Subject: Appreciation
Module No: 6-7

I. INTRODUCTION: This lesson will introduce the artists who have dedicated their lives to the
cultivation of arts through the works of great creativity, imagination and daring acts throughout history
and expands into the wider world of the arts and culture.
II. OBJECTIVES: at the end of this modular lesson the learners should be able to;
1. identify the medium in various forms of arts viz. visual, auditory and combined arts.
2. Define an artist’s or artisan’s medium and technique.
3. Define the role of managers, curators, art dealers in the art world.
4. Characterize sources and kinds of arts
5. Differentiate between artists and artisan approach/technique toward a particular medium.
6. Identify national artist’s notable works and their contribution to society.
III. SUBJECT MATTER; Artist and artisans

1. Name an artist whose work you really like.

2. Is there a particular work of art created by him/her that you relate too and appreciate/?
What is it and why?
3. Based on what you wrote, make an assumption about what the painting means?


The art is one of the most significant ways in which we try to grapple with how the present unfolds. In
Robert Henri’s “The Art Spirit (1923), he stated that “Art when really understood is the province of
every human being”. It is simply a question of doing things, anything, well.

The impulse to create is at the core of human civilization, much like the impulse to communicate
through language. Early on artists were embedded in the development of culture, and in turn, art was
nurtured by the varying cultures in which it existed.

Artists even created places and spaces where communities may gather. There are numerous monuments
and memorials that are plotted all over the world such as the infamous Vietnam Veterans Memorial in
Washington DC.

The Artisan and the Guilds

Museums are packed with numerous artifacts and interesting objects from all over the world that have
survived centuries for us to see. Magnificent structures that are often appreciated not only for their
historical significance but more so for their aesthetic characteristics that render them unique become
tourist destinations.


Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800

A master artisan or craftsman would be then be open to hiring apprentices who would be under his
tutelage and instruction. In the context of the cathedral construction site, the master mason oversaw the
work by numerous men of varying artistic proclivities and skills, from the smiths (metal work),
carpenters, carriers, and glaziers(stained glass artists) among others.

The Artist and His Studio

Today, artist studios have been a place of interest for the public. It is interesting to see
and learn where creativity manifests itself, especially since an artist’s studio is an
extension of himself

The Art World-is a network of sophisticated network of relationships and exchanges.
Howard Becker’s Art Worlds (1982) , He asserted that that all artistic work like all human activity,
involves the joint activity of a number of people. through their cooperation the art work we eventually
see or hear comes to be and continues to be.
The Curator- his role is more of the interpretation and development of the art work(s) or the
collection(S) through establishing the significance , relationship, and relevance of these materials- in
isolation and or as part of a wider narrative.. Some of the roles expected of curators are the ability to
research and write, as arbiter of design and layout and deciding for the display and hanging of materials
for exhibition.
Buyers- are those who initially assess and survey the artwork that collectors are interested in. they
oversee the sale of the art work on behalf of the collector. Buyers and collectors are those who acquire
and purchase artworks for a variety of reasons: for the enjoyment and appreciation of art, for the
scholarship and education opportunity, for safeguard and presewrvation of their posterity, for investment
, for communicating a way of life/lifestyle. This days collectors who establishes himself as someone
who does not only appreciates art but one who knows art, understand its behaviour and patterns,
becoming a key player in making or breaking an artist’s career or shaping the the course of the
museum’s collection. Art dealers are those whose direct hand is in the distributionand circulation of the
art works through a variety of meanssuch as direct sales, through galleries or auction houses.They


Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
specialezes in art form,style,medium or period; market trends; even the interrelationships of other key
players in the artworld. .
Art world is seen as a socio-econic network,. The galleries and museums are the main institutions that
display, distribute and circulate different artworks. Museums should involved themselves in the sale of
art works. It is mandated to display artworks for the education of public and appreciation of these
objects only.

Production and Process

The process of creating an artwork does not necessarily follows a linear progression. One of the things
that one must accept is the fact that the arts have an anarchic dimension to it, allowing it to fully harness
its creative potential. The process is essentially tripartite: 1. preproduction 2 production and 3

Medium and Technique

Like what was previously mentioned, medium is one of the aspects of art that directly correlates with its
composition and presumed finality of the artwork. Medium is the mode of expression in which the
concept, idea or message is conveyed.The technique of the artwork shows the level of familiarity with
the medium being manipulated. It alludes to the necessity of additional tools or implements (e.g.,
hammer and chisel may come in handy for sculptors

Engagement with art

The defining roles and nature of exhibitions have had an interesting evolution, changing alongside the
demands of the society that purports to partake in its display.One of the most common platforms to
engage with the art is through exhibitions either at museums or galleries. Aside from exhibitions, other
opportunities for art engagement transpire in the classroom; studio visits, lectures, workshops and other
events that augment the exhibitions

Awards and Citations

After an artist has spent considerable time honing his skills, establishing the relevance of the body of
his works, and even gaining respect from his colleagues in the art world, he may be considered or
nominated for awards and citations.

The two major awards given to artists in the Philippines are the Orden ng Pambansang Alagad ng
Sining and Gawad sa Manlilikhang Bayan.

National Artist- the conferment of the order of national artist is the highest national recognition given to
a Filipino individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of Philippine arts
namely: music, dance, theatre, visual arts, literature, film, broadcast arts,and architecture and allied arts.
The order is jointly administered by “ National Commission for Culture and Arts( NCCA) and the
Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
Cultural Center of the Philippines(CCP) and conferred by the President of the Philippines upon
recommendation by both.

Fernando Amosolo- first recipient of this award” Grand Old man of the Philippine Art” sole awardee
in 1972. National Artist for Visual arts. The most recent conferment was in 216.The Gawad sa
Manlilikha ng Bayan( GAMABA) or the National Living Treasurers Awards was created in 1992 under
RA no. 7355 and also NCCA and NCCA and NCCA 2015 through the Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan
Committee and Adhoc panel experts conducts the search for the finest traditional artist of the land.,
adopts a program that will ensure the transfer of skils to others and undertake measures to promote a
genuine appreciation of and instill pride among our people about the genius of the manlilikha ng
Bayan It was first conferred to 3 outstanding artist in music, poetry back in1993. They are Ginaw
Bilog, a master of ambalan poetry; Masino Intaray, a master of various traditional musical instruments
of Palawan people and Samaon Sulaman, a master of the Kutyapi and others other insteruments.,

Some Honors and privileges that a national artist receives are the ff:
1. The rank and title-
2. A medallion or insignia and a citation-read during the conferment
3. Cash awards and a host of benefits ( monthly life pension,medical, hospitalization , life
insurance coverage
4. A state funeral and a burial at the Libiingan ng mga Bayani
5. A place of honor or designated area during national state functions and cultural events.

1. Identify and select an artist either Filipino or foreign and may be identified in any art
form: architecture, sculpture, painting, music, literature, film, dance, performance /theater
and living traditions among others.
a. Research on him/her and select five aspects of his/her live( events, ideas, works,
awards citations) that you think have substantial contribution not only local or foreign
art scene but also to human history.
b. Present it in Pecha Kutcha format- devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of
Klein Dytham architecture where you show 20 images to make a presentation. The
image advance automatically ( 20 seconds are allotted for each image and you talk
along to the images .
2. As a possible artisan, make a creative interpretation of different musical genres that you
like ( jazz, pop, etc) can you perform with gangnam style and fuse it with classical music

1.make an artist’s or artisan’s brochure to be uploaded on social media.( submit first for checking
of output before uploading.
2.mount an exhibit of artists’ /artisans’ portfolio and work

VI. REFLECTION: what have you learned from this lesson that will help you in achieving your

1.Castillo,Jr et al, Art Appreciation, Rex Bookstore
2. Art, Perception and Appreciation, Ortiz et al, 1978
3. Alampat, an introduction to art Appreciation, Perez, Cayas and Narciso 2013
4. The philosophical concept of Beauty, Jacques Maritain from creative institution of arts.
5. Aesthetics and Art Theory.Osborne, 1970

Prepared by: Noted by: Parent’s Signature


Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800

Checked by:

Discipline Head

Language Teacher

Noted/Recommending Approval by:


Approved by:


VP for Academic Affairs


Name__________________________________ Dept.____________________ score____________


Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800

1. Name an artist whose work you really like.

2. Is there a particular work of art created by him/her that you relate too and appreciate/?
What is it and why?
3. Based on what you wrote, make an assumption about what the painting means?


1. dentify and select an artist either Filipino or foreign and may be identified in any art
form: architecture, sculpture, painting, music, literature, film, dance, performance /theater
and living traditions among others.
a. Research on him/her and select five aspects of his/her life( events, ideas, works,
awards citations) that you think have substantial contribution not only local or foreign
art scene but also to human history.
b. Present it in Pecha Kutcha format- devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of
Klein Dytham architecture where you show 20 images to make a presentation. The
image advance automatically ( 20 seconds are allotted for each image and you talk
along to the images .
2. As a possible artisan, make a creative interpretation of different musical genres that you
like ( jazz, pop, etc) can you perform with gangnam style and fuse it with classical music

1.make an artist’s or artisan’s brochure to be uploaded on social media.( submit first for checking
of output before uploading.
2.mount an exhibit of artists’ /artisans’ portfolio and work

VI. REFLECTION: what have you learned from this lesson that will help you in achieving your


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