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(Duraiton: Two Years)



(Engineering Trade)

(Revised in 2019)

Version: 1.2



Developed By

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Directorate General of Training
EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 091

S No. Topics Page No.

1. Course Information 1

2. Training System 3

3. Job Role 7

4. General Information 8

5. Learning Outcome 10

6. Assessment Criteria 13

7. Trade Syllabus 30

Annexure I(List of Trade Tools & Equipment) 55

Annexure II (List of Trade experts) 66

Civil Engineering Assistant

During the two-years duration, a candidate is trained on subjects viz. Professional

Skill, Professional Knowledge, Workshop Science & Calculation and Employability Skills
related to job role. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to make/do project work and
Extra Curricular Activities to build up confidence. The practical skills are imparted in simple
to complex manner & simultaneously theory subject is taught in the same fashion to apply
cognitive knowledge while executing task. The practical part starts with simple geometrical
drawing and finally ends with preparing sanction plan of Residential / Public building
including Architecture & Structural drawing, preparation of map Site Plan, use of different
survey instrument, Preparation of Sanitary & Plumbing Layout, detail estimation and costing,
bill of materials, BBS of different RCC structures, different maintenance of civil works, Project
management of site at the end of the course. The broad components covered under
Professional Skill subject are as below:

FIRST YEAR: The practical part starts with basic drawing (consisting of geometrical figure,
symbols & representations). Later the drawing skills imparted are drawing of different
scales, projections, drawing of convertions of three views from pictorial views, section
drawing of single storied building main wall. Practical training imparted to Identify different
building materials, Marking excavation lines & fixing of plinth & floor levels. Setting out
foundation trench, Performing brick masonry, plastering, damp proofing, flooring, arches /
lintel, stair etc. Practical traing imparted to Perform site survey and prepare site Plan (using
Chain & tape, Prismatic compass, Plane table, Levelling instrument, Theodolite and Total
Station), field book entry, plotting, mapping, calculation of area, by using different survey
instrument and observation of all safety aspects is mandatory. The safety aspects covers
components like OSH&E, PPE, Fire extinguisher, First Aid and in addition 5S being taught.

Carpentry; Identification of timber and perform sawing and planning using hand and
power tools.Sharpening and setting of saw bladeand planer blade/ cutter, surface finishing
with exact sizing by planning operation. Preparation of different wooden Joints. (Range of
skill - framing joint, Housing joints, broadening joints, Lengthening joints), Making of
wooden job as per drawing with timber or alternatives of timber i.e. FRP, MDF, FOAM.
Making of doors and windows.

Electrical;Joining of electrical wire and carry out soldering, crimping. Electrical wiring
with fixing of accessories conforming ISI rules ( Range of skills - different types of Electrical
wiring, joining of Fuses,fixing of MCB, connection of lamp with switch and different fitting,
etc.), Installation of electrical appliances, Earthing and estimate costing of wiring. Identify
different types of transformers, test and use.

Plumbing;pipe connection demonstrating use of Plumbing Tools. joining of pipes with

different methods. Cutting and joining of pipes using different types of fittings. Preparation

Civil Engineering Assistant

of layout of soil pipe and waste pipe with different types of sanitary fittings. installation of
water meter and removal of air lock. Preparation of water supply system in residential
buildings using different types of valves, fittings and appliances are being taught.In addition
students are being taught to create objects on 3D modeling concept in CAD.

SECOND YEAR: Concrete Technology; Test and analysis of cement, aggregate, sand, effect
of water cement ratio. Preparation of concrete, carry out form work and reinforcement with
the application of modern Power Tools. Preparation of reinforcement of different R.C.C.
members i,e, Foundation, beams, columns, slabs, Retaining Wall, etc. Erection of scaffolding
and making of intricate form work at different locations. Bar bending and preparation of bar
bending schedule and calculation of estimated quantity of materials. Making of shuttering
& supports for making different types of arches and lintels with chajja. Lay out different
types of vertical movement according to shape, location, materials by using stair, lift, ramp
and escalator are being taught.
Project Work, Estimating Costing, Maintenance & Management; On site practical training of
piling. Preparation of Single Storied Residential Building Plan as per local by law using CAD.
Preparation of drawing with ArchiCAD and 3D Max for Solid Modeling of Architectural / Civil
3D Drawing.Preparation of Solid Modeling of Architectural /Civil 3D Drawing using 3d Max
and Revit software, Creating 3D model from 2D plane, Lighting and rendering, Quantity
calculation of materials using BIM software like Revit, Preparation of rate analysis of
different item of works with detailed Specification. Calculation of floor area and carpet area,
Preparation of detail estimate of building by centre line method and separate wall
method,calculation of quantities of materials involved and preparation of abstract cost for
the works. Performing repair Plastering, white washing, painting flooring, replacing of glass,
repolishing of floor, stain removal from floor, wooden works. Field training of Foundation
failure, Strengthening of foundation, Rectification of leaking roof, repair of expansion joint.
Pre construction and Postconstruction anti - termite treatment and Market survey for
different materials used in anti termite treatment. Layout of house plumbing and drainage
plan, repairing of service main, waist outlet cleaning of sanitary installation, scrapping and
painting of pipes of a new site. Field Training on use of Adhesive in timber, tile fixing,
jointing in concrete, joint filler & sealing compound. Field Training on different types of
construction equipments in Excavation, Hoisting, Conveying, Drilling. Construction
Management training i.e. manpower, materials, machines and economy are being taught to
work as an assist of civil engineer and perform as Site Supervisor.

Civil Engineering Assistant


The Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the need of
different sectors of the economy/ labour market. The vocational training programs are
delivered under the aegis of Directorate General of Training (DGT). Craftsman Training
Scheme (CTS) with variantsand Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer
programs of DGT for propagating vocational training.

Civil Engineering Assistant trade under CTS is one of the popular courses delivered
nationwide through network of ITIs. The course is of two-years duration. It mainly consists
of Domain area and Core area. The Domain area (Trade Theory & Practical) impart
professional skills and knowledge, while Core area (Workshop Calculation & Science and
Employability Skills) impart requisite core skill, knowledge and life skills. After passing out
the training program, the trainee is awarded National Trade Certificate (NTC) by DGT which
is recognized worldwide.

Candidates broadly need to demonstrate that they are able to:

· Read & interpret technical parameters/documentation, plan and organize work

processes, identify necessary materials and tools;
· Perform work with due consideration to safety rules, Govt. Bye laws and
environmental protection stipulations;
· Apply professional knowledge, core skills & employability skills while performing the
· Check the work as per sketches and rectify errors.
· Document the technical parameters related to the work undertaken.


· Can join industry as Technician and will progress further as Senior Technician,
Supervisor and can rise up to the level of Manager.
· Can become Entrepreneur in the related field.Start own agency for construction
equipments contract /own building maintenance contract
· Can take admission in Diploma course in notified branches of Engineering by lateral
· Can join Apprenticeship programme in different types of industries leading to
National Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
· Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming an
instructor in ITIs.

Civil Engineering Assistant

· Can join as Assistant supervisor in construction site of high Rise Buildings/Architect's

· Can join advanced Diploma (Vocational) courses under DGT as applicable.


Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two-years: -

Notional Training Hours

S No. Course Element
1st Year 2nd Year
1 Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 1120 1120
2 Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 240 320
3 Workshop Calculation & Science 80 80
4 Employability Skills 160 80
Total 1600 1600


The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of
course through formative assessment and at the end of the training programme through
summative assessment as notified by the DGT from time to time.

a) The Continuous Assessment(Internal) during the period of training will be done by

Formative Assessment Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning
outcomes. The training institute has to maintain individual trainee portfolio as detailed in
assessment guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the formative
assessment template provided on

b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment. The All India Trade
Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by Controller of examinations, DGT as per the
guidelines. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by DGTfrom time to time.
The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be basis for setting question papers for
final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check individual trainee’s
profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for practical examination.


For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for six
months and one year duration courses and 50% weightage is applied to each examination
for two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Trade Practical and Formative
assessment is 60% & for all other subjects is 33%. There will be no Grace marks.

Civil Engineering Assistant


Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial

barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking the assessment. Due consideration should be given while assessing for
teamwork, avoidance/reductionofscrap/wastage and disposal of scrap/waste as per
procedure, behavioral attitude, sensitivity to the environment and regularity in training. The
sensitivity towards OSHE and self-learning attitude are to be considered while assessing

Assessment will be evidence based comprising the following:

· Job carried out in labs/workshop

· Record book/ daily diary
· Answer sheet of assessment
· Viva-voce
· Progress chart
· Attendance and punctuality
· Assignment
· Project work

Evidences and records of internal (Formative) assessments are to be preserved until

forthcoming examination for audit and verification by examining body. The following
marking pattern to be adopted while assessing:

Performance Level Evidence

(a) Weightage in the range of 60%-75% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the candidate · Demonstration of good skill in the use
should produce work which demonstrates of hand tools, machine tools and
attainment of an acceptable standard of workshop equipment.
craftsmanship with occasional guidance, and · 60-70% accuracy achieved while
due regard for safety procedures and undertaking different work with those
practices demanded by the component/job.
· A fairly good level of neatness and
consistency in the finish.
· Occasional support in completing the

(b) Weightage in the range of 75%-90% to be allotted during assessment

For this grade, a candidate should produce · Good skill levels in the use of hand

Civil Engineering Assistant

work which demonstrates attainment of a tools, machine tools and workshop

reasonable standard of craftsmanship, with equipment.
little guidance, and regard for safety · 70-80% accuracy achieved while
procedures and practices undertaking different work with those
demanded by the component/job.
· A good level of neatness and
consistency in the finish.
· Little support in completing the

(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the candidate, · High skill levels in the use of hand
with minimal or no support in organization tools, machine tools and workshop
and execution and with due regard for safety equipment.
procedures and practices, has produced work · Above 80% accuracy achieved while
which demonstrates attainment of a high undertaking different work with those
standard of craftsmanship. demanded by the component/job.
· A high level of neatness and
consistency in the finish.
· Minimal or no support in completing
the project.

Civil Engineering Assistant

Civil Engineering Technicians; includes all other Civil Engineering Technicians engaged in
construction, survey, and related fields of civil engineering, not elsewhere classified.

Overseer, Civil Engineering; supervisesconstruction of buildings, roads, canals,dams,

airfields, drainage systems, etc.according to specifications and attends totheir repair and
maintenance underguidance of Engineer In Charge. Receivesdrawings and instruction from
Engineer InCharge and studies them. Inspects site,prepares rough estimates and get
themapproved by appropriate authority. Undertakescontour surveys and conducts
levellingoperations. Marks lay out according toplan and instructions of Engineer InCharge,
and commences work under hisguidance and supervision. Checksmaterials and work
frequently at everystage of construction to ensure theirconformity with prescribed
specifications.Measures completed portion of work andgets them checked and approved by
theengineer concerned. Maintains accountsof departmental work and records of day to day
measurements, labourengaged,materials used, etc. Gets-wage-bills ofwork charged
establishment prepared.May prepare sketches, drawings, ifnecessary.

Reference NCO-2015:

(i) 3112.9900 - Civil Engineering Technicians

(ii) 3112.0100 - Overseer, Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering Assistant


Trade Code DGT/1088
NCO - 2015 3112.9900, 3112.0100
NSQF Level Level - 5
Duration of Craftsmen
Two years (3200 hours)
Entry Qualification Passed 10thclass examination with Science and Mathematics or
its equivalent.
Minimum Age 14 years as on first day of academic session.

Eligibility forPwD LD, CP, LC, DW, AA, LV, DEAF, AUTISM, SLD, MD
Unit Strength (No. of
24 (There is no separate provision of supernumerary seats)
Space Norms 120 Sq. m
Power Norms 6 KW
Instructors Qualification for:
(i) Civil Engineering B.Voc/Degree in Civil Engineering from recognized AICTE/UGC
AssistantTrade recognized Engineering College/ university with one-year
experience in the relevant field.
03 years Diploma in Civil Engineering from AICTE / recognized
board of technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma
(Vocational) from DGT with two years’ experience in the
relevant field.
NTC/NAC passed in the trade of "Civil Engineering Assistant"
with three years’ experience in the relevant field.

Essential Qualification:
Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of
the variants under DGT.

NOTE: - Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2(1+1),

one must have Degree/Diploma and other must have
NTC/NAC qualifications. However, both of them must possess
NCIC in any of its variants.
(ii) Workshop Calculation B.Voc/Degree in Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized
& Science Engineering College/ university with one-year experience in the
relevant field.

Civil Engineering Assistant

03 years Diploma in Engineering from AICTE / recognized board

of technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma
(Vocational) from DGT with two years’ experience in the
relevant field.
NTC/ NAC in any one of the engineering trades with three
years’ experience.

Essential Qualification:
National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in relevant trade
NCIC in RoDA or any of its variants under DGT
(iii) Employability Skill MBA/ BBA / Any Graduate/ Diploma in any discipline with Two
years’ experience with short term ToT Course in Employability
Skills from DGT institutes.
(Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic
Computer at 12th / Diploma level and above)

Existing Social Studies Instructors in ITIs withshort term ToT
Course in Employability Skills from DGT institutes.
(iv) Minimum Age for 21 Years

List of Tools and Equipment As per Annexure – I

Distribution of training on Hourly basis: (Indicative only)

Total Hrs Trade Workshop Employability

Year Trade Theory
/week Practical Cal. & Sc. Skills

1st 40 Hours 28 Hours 6 Hours 2 Hours 4 Hours

2nd 40 Hours 28 Hours 8 Hours 2 Hours 2 Hours

Civil Engineering Assistant

Learning outcomes are a reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will
be carried out as per the assessment criteria.


1. Preparefree hand sketches of hand tools used in civil work with proper layout and
folding of drawing sheets following safety precaution.
2. Prepare Symbols, Lettering, Numbering, plane figure applying drawing instruments
and practice dimensioning Technique as per BIS.
3. Construct plain scale, comparative scale, diagonal scale and vernier scale.
4. Draw orthographic projections of different objects with proper lines and
5. Draw Isometric, oblique and perspective views of different solid, hollow and cut
sections with proper lines and dimensions as per standard convention.
6. Draw component parts of a single storied residential building with suitable symbol
and scales.
7. Create objects on CAD workspace using Toolbars, Commands, Menus, formatting
layer and style.
8. Identify different types of building materials i.e. Stones, Bricks, Lime, Pozzolanic,
Cement, Sand, Clay Products, Mortar their characteristic, types, use & function.
9. Mark different types of Foundation and Set out Foundation trenches.
10. Demonstrate different types of brick masonry and Tools used in different bonds.
Perform construction of wall - header bond, stretcher bond, English bond, Flemish
11. Perform different types of Plastering & Pointing, rendering & wall cladding.
12. Identify the different types of Protective materials i.e. Paint, Varnish and their
13. Demonstrate Damp Proof Course in different position.
14. Prepare different types of Flooring.
15. Perform site survey with Chain/Tape and prepare the site Plan.
16. Perform the site survey using prismatic compass.
17. Perform site survey with plane table and prepare a map.
18. Preparetopography map by contours with levelling instruments.
19. Perform a site survey with Theodolite and prepare site plan.
20. Perform a site survey with Total Station and prepare site plan.
21. Identify timber and perform sawing and planning using hand and power tools.
22. Demonstrate surface finish with exact sizing by planning operation.
23. Prepare different wooden Joints. (Range of skill - framing joint, Housing joints,
broadening joints, Lengthening joints )

Civil Engineering Assistant

24. Make small wooden job as per drawing with schedule sizes of timber or alternatives
of timber i.e. FRP, MDF, FOAM using various hardware.
25. Make different types of doors and windows with fixing of component.
26. Demonstrate joining of electrical wire and carry out soldering, crimping observing
related safety precautions.
27. Demonstrate Electrical wiring with fixing of accessories conforming ISI rules.( Range
of skills - different types of Electrical wiring, joining of Fuses, fixing of MCB,
connection of lamp with switch and different fitting, etc.)
28. Demonstrate installation of electrical appliances, Earthing and estimate costing of
29. Identify different type of transformers and test and use.
30. Prepare a Simple pipe connection demonstrating cutting, joining of pipe with
different method using different types of fittings.
31. Prepare layout of soil pipe and waste pipe with different types of sanitary fittings.
32. Prepare a water supply system in residential buildings using different types of
valves,fittings and appliances.
33. Create objects on 3D modeling concept in CAD.


34. Demonstrate test and analysis of cement, aggregate, sand, effect of water cement
35. Prepare concrete, carry out simple form work and reinforcement with the
application of modern Power Tools.
36. Prepare reinforcement of different R.C.C. members i,e, Foundation, beams,
columns, slabs, Retaining Wall, etc.
37. Erect scaffolding and make intricate form work at different locations.
38. Prepare a bar bending schedule and demonstrate bar bending and calculate the
estimated quantity of materials.
39. Make different types of arches and lintels with chajja.
40. Lay out different types of vertical movement according to shape, location, materials
by using stair, lift, ramp and escalator.
41. Explain pile foundation.
42. Prepare a Single Storied Residential Building Plan as per local by law using CAD.
43. Demonstrate ArchiCAD and 3D Max for Solid Modeling of Architectural / Civil 3D
44. Prepare Solid Modelling of Architectural /Civil 3D Drawing using 3d Max and Revit
45. Work out rate analysis of different item of works with detailed Specification.
46. Prepare a detail estimate of one room building by centre line method and separate
wall method, calculate the quantities of materials involved from the above
estimated quantities& prepare a abstract of cost for the above item of works.

Civil Engineering Assistant

47. Perform repair Plastering, white washing, painting flooring, replacing of glass,
repolishing of floor, stain removal from floor, wooden works.
48. Perform field training of Foundation failure, Strengthening of foundation,
Rectification of leaking roof, Repair of expansion joint.
49. Demonstrate anti - termite treatment and Market survey for different materials used
in anti termite treatment.
50. Layout of house plumbing and drainage plan, repairing of service main, waist outlet
cleaning of sanitary installation, scrapping and painting of pipes of a new site.
51. Demonstrate use of Adhesive in timber, tile fixing, jointing in concrete, joint filler &
sealing compound.
52. Demonstrate different types of construction equipments in Excavation, Hoisting,
Conveying, Drilling.
53. Demonstrate Construction Management i.e. manpower, materials, machines and

Civil Engineering Assistant


1. Prepare free hand Ensure data and information received are sufficient for preparation
sketches of hand tools of drawing.
used in civil work with Sketch horizontal lines from left to right, vertical lines downward,
proper layout and folding inclined lines in different angles by freehand.
of drawing sheets Draw freehand sketches of tools (viz. hoe, head pan, trowel,
following safety wooden float, plumb bob, sand screener).
precaution. Check the drawings to confirm their compliance with the
supplied design / object.

2. PrepareSymbols, (a) prepare Layout of drawing sheet,

Lettering, Numbering, (b) prepare a Title block,
plane figure applying (c) set and fix drawing paper on the drawing board,
drawing instruments and (d) mark and fold on the designated drawing Sheet.
practice dimensioning (a) draw parallel lines using T-square and set-square
Technique as per BIS. (b) draw angles of 15° increments by combination of set-squares
and check by protractor.
(a) construct different types of geometrical figuresfrom given data
(b) construct ellipse with the given conditions.and parabolic curves
using the various conditions given.
Add dimensions as per the drawing requirements provided and use
relevant and appropriate symbols as per drawing requirement to
provide details in the drawings.
(a) Prepare lettring in full scale 25 mm. height size in Vertical &
Italic system in 7:4 & 5:4 single stroke & double stoke method both
in small & Capital letter.
(b) Prepare Numbering in full scale 25 mm. height size in Vertical &
Italic system in 7:4 & 5:4 single stroke & double stoke method both.
(c) Draw different figures showing different dimensioning system
Aligned & Unidirectional.
Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.

3. Construct plain scale, Read and interpret the drawing requirements. Ensure data and
comparative scale, information received are sufficient for preparation ofdrawing.
diagonal scale and vernier Draw different types of scales.
scale Find out R.F of the scale, calculate the length of scale on drawing.
Construct plain scales, comparative scales, diagonal scales

Civil Engineering Assistant

andvernierscales,mark the distance on the scale.

Check the drawings to confirm their correctness.

4. Draw orthographic Read and interpret the drawing requirements. Ensure dataand
projections of different information received are sufficient for preparation ofdrawing.
objects with proper lines Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of Various
and dimensioning. components/ parts of drawings.
(a) develop view in orthographic projection by placing object
between horizontal and vertical plane of axes,
(b) generate side view of blocks in different inclination on VP and
HP by auxiliary vertical plane.
(a) write name of the drawing on heading at centre alignment,
(b) write individual title for every projection drawing,
(c) construct drawing views, construction lines and dimension lines
as per standard.
Check the drawings to confirm their compliance with the supplied
design / object.
Draw orthographic projection of line in different plane and in
different Position.
Draw orthographic projection of Plane figure in different plane and
in different Position.
Draw orthographic projection of Solid figure in different plane and
in different Position.
Draw orthographic projection of Section of Solid in different
plane and in different Position.

5. Draw Isometric, oblique Read and interpret the drawing requirements. Ensure dataand
and perspective views of information received are sufficient for preparation ofdrawing.
different solid, hollow and Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions ofVarious
cut sections with proper components/ parts of drawings.
lines and dimensions as construct an Isometric scale to a given length. draw the isometric
per standard convention. projection of regular solids.
Draw the isometric views for the given solids with hollow and
cut sections.
Draw three views of different isomertic objects to
Draw the oblique views for the given solids with hollow and
cut sections.
Draw the perspective views for the given solids with hollow and
cut sections.
Check the drawings to confirm their compliance with the

Civil Engineering Assistant

supplied design / object.

6. Draw component parts of Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as rough
a single storied residential sketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure data and
building with suitable information received are sufficient for preparation of drawing.
symbol and scales. Construct parts of a building and list the sequence of construction.
Draw and indicate the levels of different parts of building.
Draw dressing and varieties of finishes, artificial stones, natural bed
of stone.
Draw RCC used in different component parts of a building.
Draw timber joints used in doors, windows and arches.
Draw steel framing for pre-cast concrete.
Use codes and other references that follow the required
Draw the appropriate signs and symbols for showing different
types of openings used in drawing.
Draw the signs and symbols of various types of doors windows and
Check the drawings to confirm their compliance with the upplied
design / object.

7. Create objects on CAD Ensure that computer system is correctly operating. Check that
workspace using allrequired peripheral devices are connected and correctly
Toolbars, Commands, operating.
Menus, formatting layer Start up the software and adjust the page size, measurementunit,
and style. scale and plot area before staring the work.
Set drawing parameters like, colour, layer, line type, lineweight,
text font etc. prepare title block for the drawing covering
specification required.
Draw 2D drafting by using CAD toolbars and from set oftool icons in
Draw drawing using sortcut keyboard command, creating
templates, inserting drawings, Layers, Modify Layers.
Customize Dimension and Text styles.
Provide title and dimension on object drawing.
Add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirement.
Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required
Create layout space and viewports.
Plot the drawing with required scale.

Civil Engineering Assistant

8. Identify different types of Identify different types of building materials i.e. Stones, Bricks,
building materials i.e. Lime, Pozzolanic, Cement, Sand, Clay Products, Mortar.
Stones, Bricks, Lime, Carry out task according to their characteristic, types, use &
Pozzolanic, Cement, Sand, function in different civil engineering structure.
Clay Products, Mortar
their characteristic, types,
use & function.

9. Mark different types of Read and interpret the drawing, ensure data and information
Foundation and Set out received are sufficient for completion of task.
Foundation trenches. carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of Various
components/ parts of drawings.
Mark different types of shallow and deep foundation.
(a) Mark footing for column,
(b) Mark footings for wall,
(c) Mark stepped foundation and inverted arch foundation,
(a) Mark grillage foundation
(b) Mark raft foundation
(a) Mark various types of pile foundation,
(b) Mark pier foundation,
(c) Mark well foundation (caisson),
Check markings to confirm their compliance with thesupplied

10. Demonstrate different Read and interpret the drawing, ensure data and information
types of brick masonry received are sufficient for completion of task.
and Tools used in Arrange required materials to construct a wall.
different bonds.Perform Perform construction of wall –
construction of wall - (a) header bond,
header bond, stretcher (b) stretcher bond,
bond, English bond, (c) English bond,
Flemish bond. (d) Flemish bond .
Check the work to confirm their compliance with the supplied

11. Perform different types of Plan for different types of Plastering & Pointing.
Plastering & Pointing, Arrange required materials to perform different types of Plastering
rendering & wall cladding. & Pointing, rendering & wall cladding.
prepare surface for plastering, rendering & wall cladding.
Perform different types of Plastering & Pointing, rendering & wall

Civil Engineering Assistant

Examine defects and demonstrate remedies of plastering.
Check the work to confirm their compliance with therequired

12. Identify the different Identify different types of Protective materials i.e. Paint, Varnish,
types of Protective etc.
materials i.e. Paint, Plan for application of different types of Protective materials.
Varnish and their Arrange required materials for application of different types of
application. Protective materials.
prepare surface for application of different types of Protective
Perform application of different types of Protective materials.
Examine defects and demonstrate remedies in application of
different types of Protective materials.
Check the work to confirm their compliance with thereqired quality.

13. Demonstrate Damp Proof Read and interpret the drawing and ensure data and information
Course in different received are sufficient for D.P.C. in different position.
position. Plan to perform D.P.C. in different position.
Arrange required materials to perform D.P.C. in different position.
prepare location to perform D.P.C. in different position.
Perform D.P.C. in different position.
a. damp proofing in basement.
b. damp proofing in external wall
c. damp proofing in internal walls
d. damp proofing by cavity wall.
e. damp proofing in flat roof and parapet wall.
f. damp proofing of flat roof by tar felting
g. damp proofing by mud phuska terracing with tile,
h. damp proofing in pitched roof.
Examine defects and demonstrate remedies in D.P.C. and termite
Check the work to confirm their compliance with therequired

14. Prepare different types Read and interpret the drawing and ensure data and information
of Flooring received are sufficient for flooring in different position.
Plan to perform flooring in different position.
Arrange required materials to perform flooring in different position.
prepare location to perform flooring in different position.

Civil Engineering Assistant

Perform flooring in different position:

a. flooring on timber ground floor,
b. flooring on brick floor,
c. flooring on flag stone,
d. flooring on concrete floor,
e. flooring on terrazzo floor,
f. flooring of mosaic floor,
g. flooring by Tiles Floor,
h. flooring on single joist timber floor.
Examine defects and demonstrate remedies in flooring.
Check the work to confirm their compliance with therequired

15. Perform site survey with Interpret the drawing requirements.

Chain/Tape and prepare perform surveying measuring distance by chain, tape and other
the site Plan. accessories.
Enter measured data in field book and plotting the same.
Conduct the chain surveying and prepare the site map.
Calculate the area of the plot.
Add specifications and use codes and other references as perthe
drawing requirements.
Check drawings to confirm their compliance with therequired plan.

16. Perform the site survey Interpret the drawing requirements.

using prismatic compass. Observe the bearings of lines and conduct the traverse survey
using compass and other accessories.
Enter Field book, Compute the correct bearingsand plotting.
Calculate area and check the traverse.
Prepare the site map.
Add specifications and use codes and other references as perthe
drawing requirements.
Check drawings to confirm their compliance with therequired plan.

17. Perform site survey with Interpret the drawing requirements.

plane table and prepare a Perform plane table survey by the following methods:
map. a. Radiation
b. Intersection
c. Traversing
d. Resection (Orientation)
Prepare the traverse by any type of method.
Calculate area.

Civil Engineering Assistant

Prepare the site map.

Add specifications and use codes and other references as perthe
drawing requirements.
Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
required plan.

18. Preparetopography map Interpret the drawing requirements.

by contours with levelling Set levelling instrument and adjust the horizontal control.
instruments. Fix vertical control of points by levelling and booking
readings in level book.
Determine reduced levels and check.
prepare a road project for a limited distance.
prepare a plot by contours, fix contour interval, interpolate
contour points and draw contour lines.
Furnish all the details and complete the drawing.
Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the
required design and take out the print.

19. Perform a site survey with Interpret the drawing requirements.

Theodolite and prepare Conduct reconnaissance survey, prepare key plan.
site plan Mark station points.
Prepare reference sketches.
Measure lengths and bearing.
Measure angles, repetition.
Compute co-ordinates, check angles, calculate bearings, find
consecutive co-ordinates, find independent co-ordinates.
Prepare the traverse.
Calculate area.
Add specifications and use codes and other references as per the
drawing requirements.
Check drawings to confirm their compliance with therequired

20. Perform a site survey with Interpret the drawing requirements.orientation-collect data-repeat
Total Station and prepare same procedure at each stations.
site plan. Adjust and fix the Total Station in an station point.
Conduct reconnaissance survey-prepare key plan.
Prepare reference sketches.
Conduct traverse survey-set up the instrument over the first
station-set job-set station-orient-collect data-take foresight to next
station-shift instrument to next station-set up-back.

Civil Engineering Assistant

Download and process the data, prepare plan/map.

Measure remote distance and elevation.
Calculate 2D / 3D area on field/site.
Calculates surface volume of field/site.
Add specifications and use codes and other references as per the
drawing requirements.
Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required one.

21. Identify timber and Identify different wooden sample piece i.e.- soft wood & hard
perform sawing and wood, wooden grains etc. & their applications.(Annual ring, knots,
planning using hand and shakes & chicks etc.)
power tools. Demonstrate application of hand tools, measuring tools, and work
holding devices.
Demonstrate use of different power tools, viz. saws, drills, etc.
Perform sawing, planning,Moulding, Rebating, Chamfering, etc.
using different types of saws, and plains.
Sharpen and set different type saw bladeand planer blade/ cutter.
Check the product to confirm their compliance with the desired

22. Demonstrate surface Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.

finish with exact sizing by Perform Planning face, face edge, etc.
planning operation Demonstrate the use of marking, mortise gauge etc.
Test the accuracy of flatness and twist-ness of the surface by using
try square.
Demonstrate the use of winding strips, cross planning, edge
Demonstrate portable power planer machine and its function.
Check the product to confirm their compliance with the drawing.

23. Prepare different wooden Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
Joints. (Range of skill - Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of Various
framing joint, Housing components/ parts.
joints, broadening joints, Ascertain required timber, tools and other materials to carry out
Lengthening joints) the performance.
Make framing joint - Mortise and tenon Joint (Single and double,
Plain hunched, Mitre corner).
Make Housing joints - Full housing, Bridle, Stopped housing.
Make broadening joints - Simple butt joint, Riveted butt joint, etc.
Make Lengthening joints:End half lap joint, End over lap joint, End
bends lap joint,slopping scarf, racking scared, half lapping scarf,

Civil Engineering Assistant

table scarf joint etc.

Check joints to confirm their compliance with the required design.

24. Make small wooden job Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
as per drawing with Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of Various
schedule sizes of timber components/ parts.
or alternatives of timber Ascertain required timber, tools and other materials to carry out
i.e. FRP, MDF, FOAM the performance.
using various hardware. Perform making of wooden job as per drawing.
Check the job to confirm their compliance with the required design.

25. Make different types of Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
doors and windows with Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of Various
fixing of component. components/ parts.
Ascertain required timber, tools and other materials to carry out
the performance.
Perform making of different Types doors including panelled, glazed
and flush door as per drawing.
Perform making of Different types windows and ventilators as per
Check the job to confirm their compliance with the required

26. Demonstrate joining of Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.

electrical wire and carry Carry out necessary calculations to ascertain required wire and
out soldering, crimping arrange tools and other materials to carry out the performance.
observing related safety Identify various types of cables and measure conductor size using
precautions. SWG and micrometer.
Prepare terminations of cable ends, perform skinning, twisting and
Perform simple twist, married, Tee and western union joints.
Perform britannia straight, britannia Tee and rat tail joints.
Perform Soldering of joints / lugs.
Check the job to confirm their compliance with the required design.

27. Demonstrate Electrical Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.

wiring with fixing of Carry out necessary calculations to ascertain required wire and
accessoriesconforming ISI arrange tools and other materials to carry out the performance.
rules ( Range of skills - Demonstrate different electrical wiring system with fixing of
different types of different accessories as per standard procedure.
Electrical wiring, joining Make electrical Fuse joints, fixing MCB.

Civil Engineering Assistant

of Fuses, fixing of MCB, Connect lamps with switches.

connection of lamp with Perform Stair case circuit wiring.
switch and different Perform Godownwiring.
fitting, etc.) Perform Hospital wiring.
Check the performance to confirm their compliance with the
required one.

28. Demonstrate installation Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.

of electrical appliances, Carry out necessary calculations to ascertain required wire and
Earthing and estimate arrange electrical appliances, tools and other materialsto carry out
costing of wiring. the performance.
Install and connect electrical appliances and take reading with
Install earthing in different position.
Prapare an estimation and costing of materials and wiring.
Check the performance to confirm their compliance with the

29. Identify different type of Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
transformers and test and Carry out necessary calculations to ascertain required wire,
use. transformer and arrange required tools and other materialsto carry
out the performance.
Identify transformer, test and install.
Check the performance to confirm its compliance with the

30. Prepare a Simple pipe Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
connection Carry out necessary calculations to ascertain required pipe and
demonstrating cutting, arrange required tools and other materialsto carry out the
joining of pipe with performance.
different method using Perform cutting, threading, drilling and taping on pipe.
different types of fittings. Prepare a simple pipe connection using different pipe fittings and
Perform Joining of pipe with thread joint.
Perform Joining of pipe with lead joint.
Perform Joining of pipe with flange joint.
Perform Joining of pipe with cement joint.
Perform Joining of pipe with D. Joint etc.
Perform Fixing of ferrule on pipe.
Check the performance to confirm its compliance with the

Civil Engineering Assistant

31. Prepare layout of soil pipe Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
and waste pipe with Carry out necessary calculations to ascertain required pipe, sanitary
different types of sanitary fittings and arrange required tools and other materialsto carry out
fittings. the performance.
Prepare Layout of soil pipe and waste pipe with different sanitary
Perform fitting of I.W.C with high level cistern.
Perform fitting of washbasin.
Perform fitting of E.W.C. with low level cistern.
Perform fitting of kitchen sink.
Perform fitting of bath tub.
Perform fitting of urinal pot with auto cistern.
Check the performance to confirm its compliance with the

32. Prepare a water supply Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
system in residential Ascertain requirement of pipes, valves,fittings and appliances and
buildings using different arrange required tools and other materialsto carry out the
types of valves,fittings performance.
and appliances. Perform installation of water meter.
Demonstrate removal of air lock.
Demonstrate determination of pH by pH meter. Analysis and
treatment of Effluent water.
Demonstrate reconditioning of taps, valves & flushing tank and test
for correct functioning.
Prepare a water supply pipe line system in residential buildings
using different types of valves, fittings and appliances.
Check the performance of water supply system.

33. Create objects on 3D Interpret the drawing requirements.

Modelling concept in CAD Prepare different objects on 3D Modelling using CAD.
Check the performance to confirm its compliance with
34. Demonstrate test and Plan for test and analysis of Construction materials.
analysis of cement, Test cement for consistency, setting times & strength.
aggregate, sand, effect of Conduct field tests for adulteration.
water cement ratio. Make proper arrangement to store cement at site.
Perform sieve analysis on aggregate.
Determine grading, fineness modulus.

Civil Engineering Assistant

Determine presence of silt and clay.

Perform test to determine shape & size of aggregate.
Perform test to determine bulking of sand.
Perform test and analyse the effect of water cement ratio (w/c)
on strength of cement.

35. Prepare concrete, carry Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
out simple form work and Plan for Preparation of concrete, carring out form work and
reinforcement with the reinforcement.
application of modern Demonstrate Batching, Mixing, Transportation, Placing and
Power Tools. Compaction.
Demonstrate all operations taking necessary precautions
related to from work and reinforcement.
Prepare concrete and lay at required place using power tools.
Demonstrate Curing and Finishing.
Test strength of concrete.
Demonstrate removal of form work.

36. Prepare reinforcement of Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.

different R.C.C. members Plan for Preparation of reinforcement of different R.C.C.
i,e, Foundation, beams, members.
columns, slabs, Retaining Demonstrate structural arrangements of different RCC.
Wall, etc. Members:
a. Prepare reinforcement for Foundations.
b. Prepare reinforcement for Rectangular beam.
c. Prepare reinforcement for Column.
d. Prepare reinforcement for Floor slab / roof slab.
e. Prepare reinforcement for Lintel with chajja.
f. Prepare reinforcement for stair.
g. Prepare reinforcement for underground and overhead
h. Prepare reinforcement for Lift pit.
i. Prepare reinforcement for septic tank.
j. Prepare reinforcement for retaining wall.
Check the performance to confirm its compliance with the

37. Erect scaffolding and Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
make intricate form work Plan for Erection of scaffolding and making intricate form work.
at different locations. Select appropriate material for form work at different locations.
Erect scaffolding & make form work at different locations.

Civil Engineering Assistant

Check, Identify defects & rectify form work.

38. Prepare a bar bending Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
schedule and Make a plan for bar bending.
demonstrate bar bending Prepare a bar bending schedule of different RCC members.
and calculate the Demonstrate different operations in bar bending –
estimated quantity of a. straightening of bars,
materials. b. cutting of bars,
c. bending of bars,
d. placing of bars,
e. binding of bars,
f. fixing of cover blocks.
Make an estimate for quantity of steel and binding wire required
for a given job.
Check to confirm their compliance with the drawing.

39. Make different types of Read and Interpret the drawing requirements.
arches and lintels with Plan for makingdifferent types of arches and lintels with chajja.
chajja Demonstrate making of shuttering & supports with uprights
and wedges for Arches, Lintels and Lintels with Chajjahs.
Demonstrate cutting, bending & placing of reinforcement.
Demonstrate mixing, placing & compacting concrete.
Demonstrate spanning of opening with a semi-circular arch, making
centering, cutting of templates for voussoirs&preparing voussoirs,
setting uprights of arch.
Demonstrate Construction of arch & removing centering.

40. Lay out different types of Read and Interpret the drawing requirements for vertical
vertical movement movements.
according to shape, Plan for making lay out of different types of vertical movement
location, materials by according to shape, location, materials.
using stair, lift, ramp and Demonstrate Lay out of straight stairs made of wood.
escalator. Demonstrate Lay out of open well stairs made of brick.
Demonstrate Lay out of dog- legged stairs made of steel.
Demonstrate Lay out of geometrical and bifurcated stairs made of
Demonstrate Lay out of spiral stairs made of steel.
Demonstrate Lay out of Lift and Escalator.
Check lay out to confirm their compliance with the required design.

41. Explain pile foundation. Read and Interpret the drawing requirements for pile

Civil Engineering Assistant

Make a plan for pile foundation.
Make a schedule for materials required for pile foundation.
Prepare a lay out of pile foundation as per drawing.

42. Prepare a Single Storied Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as
Residential Building Plan roughsketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure
as per local by law using dataand information received are sufficient for preparation
CAD. ofdrawing.draw size and position of rooms, wall thickness and
number of openings.
Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of
Various components/ parts of drawings.
Draw the line diagram of the Single Storied residential building.
(a) develop the sectional plan of building
(b) Prepare sectional elevation as per the section plan
(c) draw the elevation of building.
(d) prepare working drawing of the building.
Draw various interior and exterior furnishings details of a Single
Storied residence.
Create a site plan showing details.
Prepare a key / location plan.
Prepare area statement.
Add Symbols and specifications and use codes and other
references as per the drawing requirements.
Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required

43. Demonstrate ArchiCAD Demonstrate ArchiCAD and 3D Max for Solid Modelling of
and 3D Max for Solid Architectural / Civil 3D Drawing.
Modelling of Architectural Apply Software in Civil Engineering field to prepare drawing with
/ Civil 3D Drawing. ArchiCAD and 3D Max for Solid Modelling of Architectural / Civil 3D.
Check drawings to confirm their compliance with the required

44. Prepare Solid Modelling Read and interpret the drawing requirements such as
of Architectural /Civil 3D roughsketches, specifications, drawing brief, RFD etc. ensure
Drawing using 3d Max dataand information received are sufficient for preparation
and Revit software. ofdrawing.
Carry out necessary calculations to compute dimensions of Various
components/ parts of drawings.
Prepare 3D model using 3d Max software.

Civil Engineering Assistant

Create 3D model from 2D plane.

Make Lighting and rendering.
Prepare material editor using BIM software like Revit.
Calculate quantity of materials.

45. Work out rate analysis of Read and interpret the drawing requirements, specifications, etc.
different item of works ensure data and information received are sufficient for preparation
with detailed of rate analysis.
Specification. Carry out necessary calculations to compute estimation and cost
Calculate floor area and carpet area.
Calculate FAR.
Preapare rate analysis and identify the units of measurement.
Calculate quantities of materials and prepare rate analysis from
standard data.
Calculate quantities of labour required for different item of work
from standard data.
Calculate the rate per unit of works of different items including
labour charges from schedule of rate.
Prepare rate analysis of works for Plant machinery.
Prepare rate analysis of works for over head charge, Profit with the
details specification.
Check rate analysis to confirm their compliance with the design.

46. Prepare a detail estimate Read and interpret the drawing requirements, specifications, etc.
of one room building by ensure data and information received are sufficient for preparation
centre line method and of estimation.
separate wall method, Carry out necessary calculations to compute estimation and cost
calculate the quantities of analysis.
materials involved from Prepare detailed estimate of a building by centre line method and
the above estimated separate wall method.
quantities& prepare a Prepare a detailed estimate for – boundary wall, septic
abstract of cost for the tank,underground and overhead reservoir.
above item of works. Calculate the quantities of materials in the standard format.
Prepare abstract of estimate.
Check estimation and cost analysis to confirm their compliance with
the design.

47. Perform repair Plastering, Identify the cracks and defect of Plastering, walls for white washing
white washing, painting and painting, area for flooring, replacing of glass, repolishing of
flooring, replacing of floor, stain removal from floor, wooden works and remedy of the

Civil Engineering Assistant

glass, repolishing of floor, defects.

stain removal from floor, Prepare estimation and cost analysis for the identified work.
wooden works. Make scaffolding for plastering or white washing.
Demonstrate removal of cracks and defect of Plastering.
Perform white washing and painting on walls.
Demonstrate removal of cracks and defect of flooring
Perform replacing of glass.
Demonstraterepolishing of floor and stain removal from floor.
Demonstrate wooden works and remedy of the defects.

48. Perform field training of Identify the Foundation failure, defects in structure, leaking roof,
Foundation failure, defects in expansion joint.
Strengthening of Prepare estimation and cost analysis for the identified work.
foundation, Rectification Demonstrate Strengthening of foundation.
of leaking roof, Repair of Demonstrate repairing of defects in structure.
expansion joint. Perform rectification of leaking roof.
Demonstrate repair of expansion joint.

49. Demonstrate anti - Identify locations for Anti-termite treatment.

termite treatment and Plan to perform Anti-termite treatment.
Market survey for Make a Market survey for different materials used in anti termite
different materials used treatment and Prepare an estimate.
in anti termite treatment. Arrange required materials for anti - termite treatment
Perform anti - termite treatment in different position -
Pre construction treatment
Post construction treatment
Check the work to confirm their compliance with the reqired

50. Layout of house plumbing Layout the house plumbing and drainage plan.
and drainage plan, Plan for repairing of service main, waist outlet cleaning of sanitary
repairing of service main, installation, scrapping and painting of pipes.
waist outlet cleaning of Demonstrate house plumbing and drainage.
sanitary installation, Perform repairing of service main, waist outlet cleaning of sanitary
scrapping and painting of installation.
pipes of a new site. Demonstrate scrapping and painting of pipes.
Prepare estimation and cost analysis for the identified work.
Check the work to confirm their compliance with the reqired

51. Demonstrate use of Demonstrate use of adhesive in timber.

Civil Engineering Assistant

Adhesive in timber, tile Demonstrate tile fixing.

fixing, jointing in Demonstrate jointing in concrete, joint filler & sealing compound.
concrete, joint filler & Check the work to confirm their compliance with the reqired
sealing compound. quality.

52. Demonstrate different Identify the different types of construction equipments in

types of construction Excavation, Hoisting, Conveying, Drilling.
equipments in Excavation, Dramatize operation of construction equipments in Excavation.
Hoisting, Conveying, Dramatize operation of construction equipments in Hoisting.
Drilling. Dramatize operation of construction equipments in Conveying.
Dramatize operation of construction equipments in Drilling.

53. Demonstrate Prepare and demonstrate a schedule of work in construction site.

Construction Demonstrate the technique of handling different site problems,
Management i.e. solve the problem properly.
manpower, materials, Demonstrate the technique of controlling manpower.
machines and economy. Demonstrate the technique of handling materials and payment of
different items .
Prepare and demonstrate register book to record the different
purchase of materials, labour payment, tools & equipments.

Civil Engineering Assistant


Reference Professional Skills
Professional Knowledge
Duration Learning (Trade Practical)
(Trade Theory)
Outcome With Indicative Hours
Professional Prepare free 1. Importance of trade Importance of safety and
Skill 56 Hrs; hand sketches of training, general precautions observed
hand tools used demonstrate tools & in the in the industry/shop
Professional in civil work with equipments used in the floor. All necessary guidance
Knowledge proper layout and trade. (2 hrs) to be provided to the new
12 Hrs folding of 2. Importance of comers to become familiar
drawing sheets housekeeping & good with the working of Industrial
following safety shop floor practices. (2 Training Institute system
precaution. hrs) including stores procedures.
3. Occupational Safety Soft Skills: its importance and
&Health :Introduction to Job area after completion of
safety equipments and training.
their uses. Introduction of Introduction of First aid.
first aid. Health, Safety Introduction of PPEs.
and Environment Introduction to 5S concept&
guidelines, legislations & its application.
regulations as applicable. Response to emergencies
(4 hrs) e.g.; power failure, fire alarm,
4. Disposal procedure of etc.(06 hrs)
waste materials of the
trade. (3 hrs)
5. Personal protective
injury prevention, Basic
first aid. (4 hrs)
6. Hazard identification and
avoidance, safety signs for
Danger, Warning, caution
& personal safety
(3 hrs)
7. Preventive measures for
electrical accidents&steps
to be taken in such

Civil Engineering Assistant

accidents. (2 hrs)
8. Use of Fire extinguishers.
(8 hrs.)
9. Awareness about the job · Familiarisation&
sheets made by the ex. information about rules
trainees. (2 hrs) and regulations of the
10. Use of drawing Institute and Trade.
instruments and · Overview of the subjects
equipment with care. (3 to be taught for each year.
hrs) · List of the Instruments,
11. Method of fixing of equipments and materials
drawing sheet on the to be used during
drawing board. (3 hrs) training.(06 hrs)
12. Layout of different size of
Drawing sheets and
folding of sheets. (6 hrs)
13. Draw free hand sketch of
hand tools used in civil
work.(14 hrs)
Professional Prepare Symbols, 14. Symbols &conventional · Importance of B.I.S.
Skill 28 Hrs; Lettering, representation for · Introduction of Code for
Numbering, materials in sections as practice of Architectural
Professional plane figure per IS 962-1989, SP- and Building Drawings (IS:
Knowledge applying drawing 46:2003 for building 962-1989, SP-46:2003).
06 Hrs instruments and drawings. (06 hrs) · Layout of drawing. Lines,
practice 15. Draw types of Lines, Lettering, Dimensioning.
dimensioning lettering and numbering (06 hrs)
Technique as per as per IS 962- 1989, SP-
BIS. 46:2003. (10 hrs)
16. Construction of plain
geometrical figures. (12
Professional Construct plain 17. Construction of scales – · Knowledge of different
Skill 28 Hrs; scale, Plain, comparative, types of scale. Principle of
comparative diagonal, vernier& scale R.F. (06 hrs)
Professional scale, diagonal of cords. (28 hrs)
Knowledge scale and vernier
06 Hrs scale
Professional Draw Drawing of :- · Different types of
Skill 56 Hrs; orthographic 18. Construction of solid projection views:
Professional projections of geometrical figures. (20 Orthographic, Isometric,
Knowledge different objects hrs) Oblique and Perspective.

Civil Engineering Assistant

12 Hrs with proper lines 19. Three views in (12 hrs)

and Orthographic Projection
dimensioning. of Solid objects & section
of solids. (36 hrs)
Professional Draw Isometric, 20. Isometric, oblique and · - DO -
Skill 28 Hrs; oblique and perspective views of (06 hrs)
perspective views geometrical solids,
Professional of different solid, hollow and cut sections.
Knowledge hollow and cut (28 hrs)
06 Hrs sections with
proper lines and
dimensions as per
Professional Draw component Drawing of :- Building materials:-
Skill 28 Hrs; parts of a single 21. Component parts of a · Timber:- Types, Structure,
storied single storied residential disease & defects,
Professional residential building. (in sectional characterstic, seasoning,
Knowledge building with details) Showing preservation and uitility.
06 Hrs suitable symbols Foundation, Plinth, · Alternaative material to
and scales. Doors, Windows, Brick Timber
work, Roof, Lintel and · Plywood, Block board,
Chajjah, Arches, etc. (28 Particle board, Fire proof
hrs) reinforced plastic (FRP),
Medium density fireboard
(MDF) etc.
· Tar, bitumen, asphalt:-
Properties, application and
uses.(06 hrs)
Professional Create objects on 22. Function of keys and Computer aided drafting:-
Skill 28 Hrs; CAD workspace practice of basic · Operating system,
using Toolbars, commands. (05 hrs) Hardware & software.
Professional Commands, 23. Use of elementary · Introduction of CAD.
Knowledge Menus, commands by CAD · Its Graphical User
06 Hrs formatting layer toolbar. (03 hrs) Interface.
and style. 24. Creation of objects in · Method of Installation.
different layers on CAD · Basic commands of CAD.
workspace. (04 hrs) · Knowledge of Tool icons
25. Plotting of drawing from and set of Toolbars.
CAD. (02 hrs) Knowledge of shortcut
26. 2D drafting of flash door, keyboard commands.

Civil Engineering Assistant

panel door, window, (06 hrs)

hand railing, wash basin,
sewerage pipe joints, etc.
(10 hrs)
27. Preparing Library folder
by creating blocks of the
above items. (04 hrs)
Professional Identify different 28. Identify different types of Materials:-
Skill 28 Hrs; types of building bricks, uses and hollow · Stones :– characteristics,
materials i.e. bricks. Standard size of types & uses.
Professional Stones, Bricks, bricks available at local · Bricks :– Manufacturing,
Knowledge Lime, Pozzolanic, market. (04 hrs) characteristics of good
06 Hrs Cement, Sand, 29. Identify different types of bricks, types,uses and
Clay Products, stones, types and uses. hollow bricks.
Mortar their (04 hrs) · Lime :– characteristics,
characteristic, 30. Identify different types of types, manufacturing & its
types, use & tiles, types and uses. (03 uses.
function. hrs) · Pozzolanic :-
31. Identify different types of characteristics, types &
cement, types and uses, uses.
field test of cement. Etc. Cement :– Manufacturing,
(03 hrs) characteristics, types, uses
32. Identify different types of and test of good cement.
sand and aggregates,
types and uses. (03 hrs) Building materials:-
33. Identify different types of · Sand:- characteristics,
lime, types and uses. (03 types & uses.
hrs) · Clay Products :– types,
34. Identify different types of earthenware, stoneware,
steel, types and uses. (04 porcelain, terracotta,
hrs) glazing.
35. Identify different types of Mortar&Concrete:–
timber, earthen ware, Types,uses, preparation,
types and uses. (04 hrs) proportion, admixtures and
applications. (06 hrs)
Professional Mark different 36. Setting out a building: Building Construction:-
Skill 28 Hrs; types of Obtaining first, second, Foundation:-
Foundation and third & fourth lines, · Purpose of foundation
Professional Set out marking diagonals, setting · Causes of failure of
Knowledge Foundation out cross walls & offsets. foundation
06 Hrs trenches. (13 hrs) · Bearing capacity of soils

Civil Engineering Assistant

37. Marking excavation lines · Dead and live loads

& fixing of plinth & floor · Examination of ground
levels. (05 hrs) · Types of foundation –
38. Set out foundation (Spread Footing, Grillage
trench. (10 hrs) foundation, Pile
foundation, Raft
foundation, Well
foundation, Special
· Drawing of footing
foundation setting out of
building on ground
· Simple machine
foundation. (06 hrs)
Professional Demonstrate 39. Demonstrate the use of Building Construction:-
Skill 28 Hrs; different types of brick masonry tools. (04 · Sequence of construction
brick masonry hrs) of a building.
Professional and Tools used in 40. Perform construction of · Name of different parts of
Knowledge different bonds. wall header bond, building.
06 Hrs Perform stretcher bond, English · Brick masonry:-
construction of bond, Flemish bond (24 · Terms, use and
wall - header hrs) classification..
bond, stretcher · Strength of walls.
bond, English · Strength of masonry.
bond, Flemish · principles of construction
bond. of bonds. Tools and
equipments used.(06 hrs)
Professional Perform different 41. Make scaffolding and Plastering : Types, thickness
Skill 28 Hrs; types of prepare surface for in different position,
Plastering & plastering. (06 hrs) materiels, tools used, defects
Professional Pointing, 42. Perform plastering and remedies, surface
Knowledge rendering & wall operation at different preparation for rendering &
06 Hrs cladding. surface - Plaster in two wall cladding.
coats -External finishes— Special meterials used in
sand finish, textured plastering. Types of plaster
finish. (14 hrs) finishes.(06 hrs)
43. Perform rendering & wall
cladding. (08 hrs)
Professional Identify different 44. Perform application of Protective materials:-
Skill 28 Hrs; types of cement paint on different · Paints:- characteristic,

Civil Engineering Assistant

Protective surfaces( 07hrs ) types, uses.

Professional materials i.e. 45. Perform application of · Varnishes :–
Knowledge Paint, Varnish plastic emulsion on characteristics and
06 Hrs and their different surfaces(08 hrs) uses.(06 hrs)
application. 46. Perform application of
enamel paint on different
surfaces(05 hrs)
47. Perform application
Process of varnishing on
different surfaces(08 hrs)
Professional Demonstrate 48. Perform Laying of D.P.C Treatments of building
Skill 28 Hrs; Damp Proof with proper methods and structures:-
Course in Materials. (28 hrs ) · DPC Sources and effects
Professional different position. of dampness
Knowledge · Method of prevention of
06 Hrs dampness in building
· Damp proofing materials
– properties, function and
types.(06 hrs)
Professional Prepare different Flooring practice:
· Floors –Types of flooring.
Skill 28 Hrs; types of Flooring 49. Determination and
· Flooring- materials used
Formation of slope / level,
Professional laying of Base Layers,
prepare method of
Knowledge laying of
laying, grinding &
06 Hrs Topping,application of
polishing of floor and
slurry for finishing, setting
prepare a survey report
out of skirting, formation
on materials used in
of spots for skirting. (18
flooring, site visit to
check the practical
50. Use of screeds, formation
techniques of
of curve at the junction
flooring.(06 hrs)
of skirting & floor. (10 hrs)
Professional Perform site 51. Practice of folding & linear & Angular
Skill 28 Hrs; survey with unfolding of chain. (2 hrs) measurement by
Chain/Tape and 52. Ranging (direct/ indirect) instrument i.e. Chain, tape,
Professional prepare the site & distance measure with compass etc.
Knowledge Plan. chain/ tape. (5 hrs) · Introduction, , types of
06 Hrs 53. Offset taking & entering surveying, use, application
field book. (3 hrs) principal.
54. Chaining on sloping · Main divisions (plane &
ground. (5 hrs) geodetic).
55. Conduct a chain survey of

Civil Engineering Assistant

a small area with all Uses of Chain/ tape, testing

details and plotting the of a chain & correction.
map. (8 hrs) Ranging (direct & indirect),
56. Calculating the area of Principle of chain survey,
site. (2 hrs) application. Terms used in
57. Prepare a site plan by the chain survey,
help of chain / tape. (3 types of offsets, limit of
hrs) offset, field book, types of
field book, entry of field
book, method of chaining in
slopping ground.
Field procedure of chain
survey errors in chain survey,
plotting procedure.
Calculation of area (regular &
irregular figure)
· Knowledge of site plan.
· Knowledge of Mouza
Map.(06 hrs)
Professional Perform the site 58. Temporary adjustment of Surveying:-
Skill 28 Hrs; survey using prismatic compass. (03 Compass survey:-
Prismatic hrs) · Basic terms used in
Professional Compass. 59. Measure fore & back compass survey.
Knowledge bearing, R.B.,W.C.B. of a · Instrument &its setting
06 Hrs line. (04 hrs) up.
60. Measure true bearing of a · Conversion of bearing
line. (05 hrs) web to R.B.
61. Prepare a closed & open · Calculation of included
traverse using prismatic angle from bearing local
compass measure the attraction, magnetic
bearings, entry into field declination and true
book, calculation of bearing, closing error.
correct bearing and · Adjustment of closing
adjust. (Local attraction), error, precaution in using
determine the closing prismatic compass. (06
error and adjust. Plotting hrs)
the same. (16 hrs)
Professional Perform site 62. Demonstration of Plane table survey:-
Skill 28 Hrs; survey with Plane instrumentused for plane · Plane table survey,
Table and table surveying & their principle, merits &
Professional prepare a map. uses (alidade, U-fork, demerits
Knowledge trough compass) Set up · Instrument used in plane

Civil Engineering Assistant

06 Hrs the plane table. (06 hrs) table survey setting up

· Centering the plane table.
· Levelling (centering, levelling,
· Orientation orientation)
63. Practice the method of · Methods of plane table
plane tabling (14 hrs) survey (radiation,
· Radiation intersection, resection,
· Intersection traversing)
· Resection · Error in plane table
· Traversing survey.(06 hrs)
64. Determination of height
by telescopic alidade. (08
Professional Prepare Levelling:- (28 hrs) Levelling:-
Skill 28 Hrs; topography map 65. Handling of levelling · Auto level , dumpy Level,
by contours with instruments & their Tilting Level -
Professional levelling settings. introduction, definition
Knowledge instruments. 66. Temporary adjustment of · Principle of levelling.
06 Hrs a level. · Levelling staffs, its
67. Simple levelling. graduation & types.
68. Differential levelling (Fly · Minimum equipment
levelling). required
69. Carry out Levelling field · Types,component / part
book. and function.
70. Equate Reduction of · Temporary and
levels Height of permanent adjust ment,
collimation and Rise and procedure in setting up.
Fall method – Comparison · Level& horizontal
of methods. surface. Datum
71. Solve problems on Benchmark, Focussing&
reduction of levels . parallax
72. Calculate Missing data · Deduction of levels /
and fill up calculations Reduced Level.
&Arithmatical check in · Types of levelling,
various problems and its Application to chain and
solution. Levelling Instrument to
73. Practice levelling with Building construction.
different instruments.
· Contouring ;-Definition,
74. Check levelling.
Characteristics, Methods.
75. Profile levelling or
· Direct and Indirect
Longitudinal , plotting the

Civil Engineering Assistant

profile. · Interpolation of Contour,

76. Surveying of a building Contour gradient , Uses
site with chain and of Contour plan and
LevellingInstrument with Map.
a view to computing earth · Knowledge on road
work. project.(06 hrs)
77. Contour - Direct and
Indirect methods.
78. Make Topography map,
contours map.
79. Solve trigonometric
80. Prepare a road project in
a certain alignment.
Professional Perform a site Theodolite survey:- (28 hrs) · Introduction and Types
Skill 28 Hrs; survey with 81. Field work of theodolite. of Theodolite,
Theodolite and 82. Measure Horizontal angle. · parts of Theodolite,
Professional prepare site plan. Vertical angle, magnetic · Terms used in Theodolite
Knowledge bearing of a line. survey.
06 Hrs 83. Levelling with a · Temporary adjustment
theodolite. of Theodolite,
84. Calculation of area from · Angle measurement
traverse. process. Reading of
85. Determination of Heights. angles, field book entry
86. Calculation of departure, of measured angles.
latitude, northing and · Permanent adjustment
easting of Theodolite.(06 hrs)
87. Setting out work-Building
work, etc.
Professional Perform a site 88. Application of survey Total Station:- –
Skill 28 Hrs; survey with Total using Total Station. (2 hrs) · Introduction.
Station and 89. Field procedure for co · components parts,
Professional prepare site plan. ordinate measurement. (4 accessories used.
Knowledge hrs) · characteristics, features.
06 Hrs 90. Field procedure to run · advantages and
open traverse and closed disadvantages.
traverse. (4 hrs) · principle of EMD.
91. Transfer or establish · Working and need.
Bench Mark. (2 hrs) · Setting and
92. Perform stakeout / measurement.
demarcation of building · Electronic, display & Data
layout /plot layout/

Civil Engineering Assistant

roads/ alignment. (4 hrs) reading.

93. Measure remote distance · Rectangular and polar co-
and elevation. (3 hrs) ordinate system.
94. Calculate surface area on · Terminology of open and
field/site. (2 hrs) closed traverse.
95. Calculate volume of (06 hrs)
field/site. (2 hrs)
96. Procedure for down load
and up load data. (1 hrs)
97. Simple survey map using
Auto CAD. (4 hrs)
Professional Identify timber 98. Identify different · Common Indian timbers
Skill 28 Hrs; and perform wooden sample piece · Defects in timber,
sawing and i.e.- soft wood & hard diseases of timber,
Professional planning using wood, wooden grains knots, shakes, grains etc.
Knowledge hand and power etc. & their applications · carpentry hand tools,
06 Hrs tools. Annual ring, knots, measuring tools and
shakes &chicks etc.). uses.
(03hrs) · work holding devices,
99. Demonstrate power tools, viz. saws,
application of hand drills, etc.
tools, measuring tools, · Description of Carpentry
and work holding Joinery, Planing,
devices. (04 hrs) Moulding, Rebating,
100. Demonstrate use of Chamfering, Sawing,
different power tools, etc.(06 hrs)
viz. saws, drills, etc.
101. Perform sawing,
Rebating, Chamfering,
etc. using different
types of saws, and
plains. (15 hrs)
102. Sharpen and set
different type saw
bladeand planer blade/
cutter. (03hrs)
Professional Demonstratesurf 103. Planning face, face · Type of different planes
Skill 28 Hrs; ace finish with edge, etc. (7 hrs) and their proper uses in
exact sizing by 104. Demonstrate the use of wood work - Description,
Professional planning marking, mortise gauge function and its size,

Civil Engineering Assistant

Knowledge operation etc. (4 hrs) setting, knowledge of

06 Hrs 105. Test the accuracy of sharpening and uses etc.
flatness and twist-ness · knowledge of using
of the surface by using marking gauges.
try square. (4 hrs) · Important instruments
106. Demonstrate the use of necessary for checking
winding strips, cross flatness and twistness of
planning, edge planning. surface
(7 hrs) · Sharpening and grinding
107. Demonstrate portable angle of cutter.
power planer machine · Portable power planer -
and its function. (6 hrs) useful in modern wood
work and new
technology design. (06
Professional Prepare different Prepare different wooden · Description of different
Skill 56 Hrs; wooden Joints. joints by using different types joint.
(Range of skill - tools - · Uses of joint :- Framing
Professional framing joint, 108. Make framing joint - joint angle joint and
Knowledge Housing joints, Mortise and tenon Joint lengthening joint, housing
12 Hrs broadening (Single and double, Plain joint, broadening joint
joints, hunched, Mitre corner) etc.
Lengthening (16 hrs)
joints) 109. Make Housing joints - · Wood products
Full housing, Bridle, - Industrial forms of
Stopped housing (10 timber
hrs) - Veneer
110. Make broadening joints - Laminated sheet
- Simple butt joint, - Fibre board
Riveted butt joint, etc. - Hard board
(15 hrs) - Plywood(12 hrs)
111. Lengthening joints:End
half lap joint, End over
lap joint, End bends lap
joint,slopping scarf,
racking scared, half
lapping scarf , table
scarf joint etc. (15 hrs)
Professional Make small Make small wall bracket – · Calculation of timber
Skill 28 Hrs; wooden job as 112. Make joint on hard required for Wall Bracket
per drawing with wood to make small · List out the sequence of
Professional schedule sizes of frame. (8 hrs)

Civil Engineering Assistant

Knowledge timber or 113. Stopped Tenon & operation of the job

06 Hrs alternatives of Mortise joint on hard (06 hrs)
timber i.e. FRP, wood in the frame to
MDF, FOAM using set the selves. (6 hrs)
various hardware. 114. Make selves by six
pieces of hard wood
with single lapped half
lap dovetail joint with
frame (two nos. of
selves). (14 hrs)
Professional Make different Making of :- · Doors –Parts, Location,
Skill 56 Hrs; types of doors 115. Different Types doors standard sizes, types.
and windows including panelled, · Windows-types.
Professional with fixing of glazed and flush door. Ventilators-purpose-types.
Knowledge component. (30 hrs) (12 hrs)
12 Hrs 116. Different types windows
and ventilators. (26 hrs)
Professional Demonstrate 117. Prepare terminations of Electrical Wiring:-
Skill 28 Hrs; joining of cable ends (02 hrs) · Safety precaution and
electrical wire 118. Practice on skinning, elementary first aid.
Professional and carry out twisting and crimping. · Artificial respiration and
Knowledge soldering, (04 Hrs) treatment of electrical
06 Hrs crimping 119. Identify various types of shock
observing related cables and measure · Elementary electricity
safety conductor size using and its units.
precautions. SWG and micrometer. · General ideas of supply
(02 Hrs) system.
120. Make simple twist, · Wireman’s tools kit.
married, Tee and Wiring materials.
western union joints. Electrical fittings.
(08 Hrs) · System of wirings. Wiring
121. Make britannia straight, installation for domestic
britannia Tee and rat tail lightings.
joints. (08 Hrs) · Conductor,
122. Practice in Soldering of insulator,semi conductor,
joints / lugs. (04 Hrs) cable joints,
measurement of cable
(06 hrs)
Professional Demonstrate 123. Demonstrate different · Types of Fuses, MCB
Skill 56 Hrs; Electrical wiring electrical wiring system soldering, ELCB, RCCB,
with fixing of with fixing of different ABCB, MCCB AC and DC,

Civil Engineering Assistant

Professional accessories accessories. (14 hrs) AC fundamentals, poly

Knowledge conforming ISI 124. Make electrical Fuse phase
12 Hrs rules ( Range of joints, fixing MCB. (04 · types of electrical wiring
skills - different hrs) · Different Electrical
types of Electrical 125. Connect lamps with wiring accessories,
wiring, joining of switches. (06 hrs) · ISI rules of wiring
Fuses,fixing of 126. Stair case circuit wiring. · Illumination
MCB, connection (10 hrs) (12 hrs)
of lamp with 127. Godown wiring. (10 hrs)
switch and 128. Hospital wiring. (12 hrs).
different fitting,
Professional Demonstrate 129. Install earthing in · Earthing, types of
Skill 56 Hrs; installation of different position. (18 earthing
electrical hrs) Earthing Pit.
Professional appliances, 130. Install and connect · Different electrical
Knowledge Earthing and electrical appliances and appliance, accessories,
12 Hrs estimate costing take reading with Voltmeter.
of wiring Voltmeter. (12 hrs) · Estimation and costing of
131. Prapare materials list wiring.(06 hrs)
and costing of wiring.
(10 hrs)
Identify different 132. Identify transformer, Explanation and working of
type of test and use. (16 hrs) different type of
transformers and transformers and its
test and use. classification. (06 hrs)
Professional Prepare a Simple 133. Perform Simple pipe Plumbing tools, meterials
Skill 56 Hrs; pipe connection connection using G.I. used in plumbing. (04 hrs)
demonstrating Pipes, socket, elbow,
Professional cutting, joining of tee, reducing elbow, G.I.
Knowledge pipe with union, cap plug,
12Hrs different method reducer, Three face
using different elbow, reducing socket,
types of fittings. plug, G.I. nipple etc. (18
Perform Joining of pipe with – Different types of pipes,
134. thread joint, (04 hrs) fittings and Joints - GI,
135. lead joint, (04 hrs) PVC, AC,SW, CI, lead, steel
136. flange joint, (04 hrs) - Properties and use in
137. cement joint, (03 hrs) plumbing work(04 hrs)
138. D. Joint etc. (03 hrs)
139. Perform drilling and Method of cutting and joining

Civil Engineering Assistant

taping on pipe. (06 hrs) of pipes.

140. Fix ferrule on pipe. (04 Drills - types and uses .
hrs) Tap and Dies - types and
141. Perform Joining of pipe uses, calculation of Tap drill
with Elbow joint, socket size.(04 hrs)
joint, Tee joint, reducing
elbow joint, floor trap
joint, etc. (10 hrs)
Professional Prepare layout of 142. Layout of soil pipe and Sanitary Technical terms
Skill 56 Hrs; soil pipe and waste pipe to the - sewer, sewage, sullage etc.
waste pipe with sanitary fitting using -Soil pipe and waste pipe
Professional different types of different types of fitting fitting
Knowledge sanitary fittings. viz. Door junction, door Different types of water
12 Hrs Bend , H.R. bend, Plain closets Different types of
Bend, Double door urinal port Kitchen sinks,
junction, inverter Bath tub, Wash basin.
junction, cowel , floor (12 hrs)
trap, Gully trap, P-trap
etc. (26 hrs)
143. Fitting of I.W.C with
high level cistern. (05
144. Fitting of washbasin (05
145. Fitting of E.W.C. with
low level cistern. (05
146. Fitting of kitchen sink.
(05 hrs)
147. Fitting of bath tub. (05
148. Fitting of urinal pot with
auto cistern. (05 hrs)
Professional Prepare a water 149. Install water meter. (08 Water meter
Skill 56 Hrs; supply system in hrs) • Installation of water
residential 150. Remove air lock. (06 hrs) meter
Professional buildings using 151. Determination of pH by • Removal of air lock
Knowledge different types of pH meter. Analysis and Purification of water
12 Hrs valves, fittings treatment of Effluent · Mineral matter,
and appliances. water. (10 hrs) Hardness, Causes of
Scale formation &their
Removal. Water

Civil Engineering Assistant

Purification: Treatment
plants for different
Treatment plants for
surface water.(06 hrs)
152. Recondition taps, valves Types of damages in taps ,
& flushing tank, test for valves , water meter and
correct functioning. (06 tanks - Method of
hrs) rectification
153. Prepare a water supply Water supply - Sources of
pipe line system in water
residential buildings Storage of water Distribution
using different types of of water Different types of
valves, fittings and valves used in Plumbing,
Create objects on appliances. (10 hrs) Types of tanks R.C.C., P.V.C.
3D Modelling 154. Prepare different Iron tanks etc.
concept in CAD objects on 3D Modelling (06 hrs)
concept in CAD. (16 hrs)
Project Work/ Industrial Visit

Civil Engineering Assistant


Reference Professional Skills
Professional Knowledge
Duration Learning (Trade Practical)
(Trade Theory)
Outcome With Indicative Hours
Professional Demonstrate test 155. Test cement for · Definitions and terms
Skill 56 Hrs; and analysis of consistency, setting related to concrete
cement, times & strength. (12 hrs) technology.
Professional aggregate, sand, 156. Conduct field tests for · Applications of concrete
Knowledge effect of water adulteration. (06 hrs) technology and modern
16Hrs cement ratio. 157. Make proper trends
arrangement to store CEMENT :
cement at site. (04 hrs) Types of cement, relevant IS
158. Perform sieve analysis on codes comparative study of
aggregate. (04 hrs) their physical & chemical
159. Determine grading, properties, significance of
fineness modulus. (04 different properties
hrs) • Hydration of cement
160. Determine presence of • Selection of cement
silt and clay. (04 hrs) • Storage of cement
161. Perform test to • Factors affecting strength
determine shape & size of cement
of aggregate. (04 hrs) • Rejection of cement
162. Perform test to AGGREGATE :
determine bulking of • Classification (IS : 383)
sand. (04 hrs) • Grading
163. Perform test and analyse • Characteristics (grading,
the effect of water fineness modules)
cement ratio (w/c) on • Bulking of fine aggregate
strength of cement. (14 • Deleterious substances
hrs) • Factors affecting strength
of concrete
• Quality
• Water requirement for
hydration & workability
• Effect of impurities
present in water
• Meaning of terms

Civil Engineering Assistant

• Functions
• Classification
• Water proofing and
permeability reducing
• Interpretation of
specifications manufactures
• Meaning of terms
• Functions
• Classification (IS : 4082)
• Water proofing and
permeability reducing
admixture(16 hrs)
Professional Prepare concrete, 164. Prepare concrete and lay Preparation of concrete
Skill 56 Hrs; carry out simple at required place using Methods used, merits and
form work and power tools. (14 hrs) demerits of methods, tools
Professional reinforcement 165. Carry out all operations and equipment used and
Knowledge with the taking necessary precautions to be taken for
16Hrs application of precautions related to the following processes :
modern Power from work and • Batching
Tools. reinforcement. (14 hrs) • Mixing
166. Test strength of • Transportation
concrete. (14 hrs) • Placing
167. Remove form work • Compaction
Properly. (14 hrs) • Curing
• Finishing
• Strength & durability
requirements (IS : 456 -
• Stripping of form work
• Application of Modern
Power Tools(16 hrs)
Professional Prepare 168. Prepare reinforcement · Classification &
Skill 112 Hrs; reinforcement of for foundation, beams, specifications of concrete
different R.C.C. columns, slabs, Retaining · Classification of concrete
Professional members i.e. Wall etc. (112 hrs) according to grade,
Knowledge Foundation, weight & methods of
32 Hrs beams, columns, mixing
slabs, Retaining · Ready mixed concrete,
Wall, etc. self levelling concrete,
· nominal mixed and

Civil Engineering Assistant

design mixed concrete

· Properties of concrete -
ü Workability &
ü Segregation
ü Bleeding
ü Strength
ü Durability
ü Impermeability
ü Volume stability
· R.C.C. members for
foundation, beams,
columns, slabs, Retaining
Wall etc.(32 hrs)
Professional Erect scaffolding 169. Select appropriate Scaffolding & form work -
Skill 84Hrs; and make material for form work at · Definitions of common
intricate form different locations. technical terms used in
Professional work at different (08hrs). Scaffolding, form work .
Knowledge locations 170. Erect scaffolding & make · Types & applications
24Hrs form work at different · Different materials used
locations. (66hrs) in form work.
171. Identify defects & rectify · Methods and tools used
form work. (10hrs) for form work.
· Safety precautions to
be observed in
scaffoldingand form
· Defects in form work
· Deshuttering /removal of
form work.
· Maintenance & repair of
form work
· Plain cement concrete
(PCC) & Reinforced
cement concrete (RCC)
· Properties of PCC & RCC
in green state and
hardened state
· Importance of form work
and reinforcement in

Civil Engineering Assistant

Professional Prepare a bar 172. Prepare a bar bending Bar bending

Skill 84 Hrs; bending schedule schedule of different RCC · Technical terms & their
and demonstrate members. (14 hrs) meanings, Symbols,
Professional bar bending and 173. Demonstrate different conventions used in bar
Knowledge calculate the operations in bar bending
24 Hrs estimated bending (straightening of · Specifications of material
quantity of bars, cutting of bars, · Physical properties of
materials. bending of bars, placing reinforcing bars
of bars, binding of bars, · Estimate the quantity of
fixing of cover blocks). material
(60 hrs) · Structural elements &
174. Estimate quantity of characteristics (simply
steel and binding wire supported, continuous,
required for a given job fixed, cantilever,
(10 hrs) overhang)
· Importance of use of
reinforcement in concrete
· Tools used in bar bending
· Correct use of tools
· Different operation in bar
bending (straightening of
bars, cutting of bars,
bending of bars, placing
of bars, binding of bars,
fixing of cover blocks)
· Use of relevant BIS codes
& tables
· Guidelines for laying
Professional Make different 175. Making of shuttering & · Arches: - Technical terms-.
Skill 56 Hrs; types of arches supports with uprights types ,centring
and lintels with and wedges for Arches, · Lintel :-types,wooden,
Professional chajja Lintels and Lintels with brick, stone, steel & RCC.
Knowledge Chajjahs. (16 hrs) Chajjas – characteristics,
16 Hrs 176. Cutting, bending & Centring&Shuttering.(16 hrs)
placing of
reinforcement. (12hrs)
177. Mixing, placing &
compacting concrete.
(06 hrs)
178. Spanning of opening with

Civil Engineering Assistant

semi-circular arch,
making centering, cutting
of templates for
voussoirs& preparing
voussoirs, setting
uprights of arch. (12 hrs)
179. Construction of arch
&removing centering.(10
Professional Lay out different Layout different forms of · Stairs: Technical terms,
Skill 84Hrs; types of vertical vertical movements:- relation between tread &
movement 180. As per shape - straight, rise,
Professional according to open newel, dog- · Types of stairs,
Knowledge shape, location, legged, geometrical and construction details of
24Hrs materials by using bifurcated stairs & spiral brick, stone & RCC stairs.
stair, lift, ramp stairs. (30 hrs) · Spiral stairs with precast
and escalator. 181. As per material - brick, concrete steps.
wooden, steel & RCC · Basic concept of lift and
stairs. (30 hrs) Escalator.(24hrs)
182. Lay out of Lift and
Escalator (24hrs)
Professional Explain pile 183. On site practical Pile foundation
Skill 56 Hrs; foundation. trainingof piling (Visit to • uses of piles
new construction site at • types of piles
Professional the time piling work or • materials used in the
Knowledge Demonstration through construction of load bearing
16 Hrs related video) (56 hrs) piles
· Factors considered in
selection of piles
· Pile driving & equipments
used for pile driving(16
Professional Prepare a Single 184. Prepare a Single Storied · Introduction about
Skill 84 Hrs; Storied Residential Building Plan building construction
Residential as per local by law Types of buildings
Professional Building Plan as including all details Plan, Structural system of
Knowledge per local by law Elevation, Section building.
24 Hrs using CAD through Staircase and · Different parts of
Toilet & Kitchen, Terrace building
Plan, Structural Plan and · Site selection
other details i.e. Sanitary

Civil Engineering Assistant

& Electrical items with · Orientation and

proper symbols by using ventilation of building
CAD. (84 hrs) (24 hrs)
Professional Demonstrate 185. Prepare simple drawing Building plans - Introduction,
Skill 28 Hrs; ArchiCAD and 3D with ArchiCAD and 3D Types of plan- Typical floor
Max for Solid Max for Solid Modelling plan, Foundation plan,
Professional Modelling of of Architectural / Civil Structural plan, Terrace
Knowledge Architectural / 3D (28 hrs) plan.(08 hrs)
08 Hrs Civil 3D Drawing.
Professional Prepare Solid 186. Prepare 3D model using · Main considerations of
Skill 28 Hrs; Modelling of 3d Max software (08 architectural design
Architectural Hrs) · Bye-law of the locality
Professional /Civil 3D Drawing 187. Create 3D model from · Climate and its effects
Knowledge using 3d Max and 2D plane (08 Hrs) · Materials and method of
08 Hrs Revit software. 188. Lighting and rendering its construction.
(04 Hrs) · People and their
189. Material editor using requirements.
BIM software like (08 hrs)
Revit(04 Hrs)
190. Quantity calculation of
materials(04 Hrs)
Professional Work out rate 191. Prepare rate analysis of · Steps in rate analysis
Skill 28 Hrs; analysis of different item of works · Material
different item of including material, · Labour
Professional works with labour, Plant machinery, · Plant and machinery
Knowledge detailed over head charge, Profit · Overhead charges
08 Hrs Specification. with the details · Profit
specification. (16 hrs) · Specification
192. Calculation of floor area · General and detailed
and carpet area. (08 hrs) specification(08 hrs)
193. Calculation of FAR. (04
Professional Prepare a detail 194. Estimate of one room Estimating and costing
Skill 84 Hrs; estimate of one building by center line Need and importance
room building by method and separate Types of estimate
Professional centre line wall method. (44 hrs) Items of work
Knowledge method and 195. Calculation of different Measurement of items
24 Hrs separate wall material from the Calculation of quantities of
method,calculate quantities worked out in various items
the quantities of the estimate.(40 hrs) (24hrs)
involved from the

Civil Engineering Assistant

above estimated
prepare a
abstract of cost
for the above
item of works.
Professional Perform repair 196. Perform repairing of Repair Plastering, white
Skill 28 Hrs; Plastering, white plaster and different washing, painting
washing, painting items of works. (12 hrs) flooring, replacing of
Professional flooring, replacing 197. Use of Water proofing glass, repolishing of
Knowledge of glass, compound, Admixture. floor, stain removal from
08 Hrs repolishing of (6 hrs) floor, wooden works.(08
floor, stain 198. Perform white washing, hrs)
removal from floor polishing,stain
floor, wooden removal form floor,
works. wooden works. (10 hrs)
Professional Perform field 199. Field Training to Special repair
Skill 28 Hrs; training of Strengthening of • Foundation failure
Foundation foundation (14 hrs) • Strengthening of
Professional failure, 200. Rectification of leaking foundation
Knowledge Strengthening of roof.(7 hrs) • Rectification of leaking
08 Hrs foundation, 201. Repair of expansion roof
Rectification of joint. (7 hrs) • Repair to expansion
leaking roof, joint(08 hrs)
repair of
expansion joint.
Professional Demonstrate anti 202. Market survey for Anti-termite treatment –
Skill 28 Hrs; - termite different materials used objectives, materials, uses
treatment and for anti termite and applications.
Professional Market survey for treatment (06 hrs) • Pre construction treatment
Knowledge different 203. Pre construction Anti - • Post construction
08 Hrs materials used in termite treatment(10 treatment
anti termite hrs) · Weathering course –
treatment 204. Post construction Anti - objectives and materials
termite treatment (12 required.(08 hrs)
Professional Layout house 205. Visit to new construction Plumbing
Skill 56 Hrs; plumbing and site at the time laying of •Layout of house plumbing
Professional drainage plan, plumbing lines and and drainage plan
Knowledge repairing of sanitary fittings. (56 hrs) •Tracing leakage, repair to
16 Hrs service main, service main, repairing of
waist outlet waste outlet

Civil Engineering Assistant

cleaning of •Cleaning of sanitary

sanitary installation
installation, •Scrapping and painting of
scrapping and pipes(16hrs)
painting of pipes
of a new site.
Professional Demonstrate use 206. Field Training about use Adhesive and joint filler
Skill 28 Hrs; of Adhesive in of Adhesive in imber,tile •Introduction
timber,tile fixing, fixing, jointing in •Types
Professional jointing in concrete,joint filler & •Adhesive used in timber
Knowledge concrete,joint sealing compound. (28 construction
08 Hrs filler & sealing hrs) •Adhesives used in ceramic
compound. tile fixing
•Adhesives used in joining
•Joint filler
•Sealing compound(08hrs)
Professional Demonstrate 207. Field Training(56hrs) Construction equipments
Skill 56 Hrs; different types of •Classification
construction •Selection of equipments
Professional equipments in •Sources of equipments
Knowledge Excavation, Excavation equipment
16 Hrs Hoisting, •Tractor
Conveying, •Bull dozer
Drilling. •Excavator
Hoisting equipment
•Cable way
Conveying equipments
•Belt conveyor
•Rope way
•Pumping equipments
Drilling equipments
•Types of drills
•Classification of drill
•Drill bits
Selection of drilling
pattern(16 hrs)
Professional Demonstrate 208. Visit site and training Construction management.
Skill 56 Hrs; Construction about site supervision. Management of manpower,
Professional Management i.e. (20 hrs) materials,machines with

Civil Engineering Assistant

Knowledge manpower, 209. work to assist a civil economy.(16 hrs)

16 Hrs materials, engineer and perform as
machines and trainee Site Supervisor.
economy. (36 hrs)
Project Work/Industrial Visit

Civil Engineering Assistant


1. Workshop Calculation &Science(Common for two year course) (80Hrs + 80 Hrs)
2. Employability Skills(Common for all CTS trades) (160Hrs + 80 Hrs)

Learning outcomes, assessment criteria, syllabus and Tool List of Core Skills subjects which is
common for a group of trades, provided separately in

Civil Engineering Assistant


CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT (For batch of 24 Candidates)

S No. Name of items Specification Quantity


1. DualDesk 12Nos.
2. DrawingBoards measuring 1250mm x900mm fixed 24+1Sets
over adjustable stand
3. Draughtsmanstoolwithback revolvingtype 24Nos.
4. StudentsLockers with8compartments 3Nos.
5. Wooden ChestofDrawers 4Nos.
6. Steelbookcase(withlockableglassshutters) 1No.
7. Instructor’stablewithglasstop 2Nos.
8. RevolvingChairforClassroom 2Nos.
9. Instructor’srevolvingwitharmchair 2Nos.
10. Visitor’s chair 2Nos.
11. SteelAlmirah 2Nos.
12. MagneticWhiteBoard 2Nos.
13. Pin-upboard(withorwithoutstand) 6Nos.
14. Workingtablesize 1250x950 2nos
15. Tracing Table with plain glass 1250x900 1No.
16. Desktop Computer CPU: 32/64 Bit i3/i5/i7 or 24 Nos.
latest processor, Speed: 3
GHz or Higher. RAM:-4 GB
DDR-III or Higher, Wi-Fi
Enabled. Network Card:
Integrated Gigabit
Ethernet, with USB Mouse,
USB Keyboard and Monitor
(Min. 17 Inch. Licensed
Operating System and
Antivirus compatible with
trade related software.
17. Notebook PC 2 Nos.
18. Drafting Software like AutoCAD, or equiv. 24 Nos.
19. Plotter A0 size 1 No.
20. Laser Jet color printer A4 size As Required
21. Inkjet/ Laser Jet Printer A3 size 1 No.
22. Color Scanner/printer with Latest 1 No.

Civil Engineering Assistant

23. Offline UPS As required

24. Computer work station module type 24 Nos.
25. Printer Table module type 1 No.
26. Operator’s chair 25 Nos.
27. Instructor ‘s Lab table 1 No.
28. Instructor’s chair with arm 3 Nos.
29. Book shelf with glass shutters 1 No.
30. Air conditioner As per
31. LAN connectivity As per
32. Internet connection 1 No.
33. Visualizer 1 No.
34. Vacuum Cleaner 1 No.
35. LCD Projector 1 No.
36. Interactive Board 1 No.
37. Box drawing instrument one 15 cm 5 nos.
compass with pin point, pin point &
lengthening bar, one pair spring bows,
rotating compass with interchangeable ink
and pencil points, drawing pens with plain
point & cross point, screw driver and box
of leads.
38. Protractor celluloid 15 cm semi-circular. 5 nos.
39. Scale card board-metric set of eight A to H in a box 1:1, 1:2, 1:2: 24 Nos.
5, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50,
1:100, 1:200, 1:500,
1:1000, 1:2000, 1:1250,
1:6000, 1:38 1/3, 1:66 2/3.

40. Set square transparent 2 mm thick with beveled 24 sets.

edges 45 degrees 20 cm.
41. Set square celluloid 2mm thick beveled edges 24 Nos.
60degress 20cm.
42. Drawing Board with facility of parallel bar 24 Nos.
43. Mini drafter / T - Square 24 Nos.
44. Erasing shield small size 5nos.
45. Template – Architects and builders 5 nos.

Civil Engineering Assistant

46. Pantograph 1no.

47. Geometrical Models (wooden) as per given below
Cube 08 mm sides. 2 nos.
Rectangular parallel piped 8 cm x 15 cm. 2 nos.
Sphere 8 cm dia. 2 nos.
Light circular core 8 cm x 15cm vertical height 2 nos.
Square pyramid 8 cm side base and 15 cm 2 nos.
vertical height.
Cylinder 8 cm dia. 15 cm height. 2 nos.
Prisms triangular length. 8 cm side base and 15 cm 2 nos.
Prism hexagonal 8 cm sides hexagon and 15 2 nos.
cm length.
48. French curves-transparent plastic set of 5nos.
49. Flexible curves 80 cm long. 5 nos.
50. Calculator (pocket size) 1 (FX) 5nos.
51. Proportional dividers 15 cm. 5 nos.
52. Stencils-complete set 6 H. 2 sets
53. Print Trimmer cutting edge 100 cm. 1 no.
54. Land measuring chain 30 mm with arms. 5 nos.
55. Steel tape 20 meter long. 2 nos.
56. Ranging rods wooden 2m long 24 nos.
57. Optical square PWD pattern. 5 nos.
58. Optical square box type circular 1 no.
59. Off set rod. 5 nos.
60. Steel tape 5m & 2.5 m. 1 no.
61. Gunter’s chain 1 no.
62. Engineer’s chain 1 no.
63. Dumpy level builder 25 cm focal length x 23 mm 2 nos.
completes with box and
accessories and stand.
64. Levelling staff 4 meters reading to 5mm 2 nos.
telescopic type.
65. Surveyor’s umbrella. 4 nos.
66. Spade 2 nos.
67. Pickaxe. 2 nos.
68. Gloves (canvas and plastic) 24 Pair each
69. Gum boots 24 Pair
70. Chains 3 sets

Civil Engineering Assistant

71. Prismatic compass with stand and all 3 sets

72. Plane tables 3 sets
73. Auto level latest model with all 3 sets
74. Theodolites latest model with all 3 sets
75. Total station latest model with all 2 sets
76. Flexible tape role steel 3 meter 24 Nos.
77. Try Square 20 mm 24 Nos.
78. Square bevel 24 Nos.
79. Marking Gauge Wooden 24 Nos.
80. Hand Saw 450 mm 24 Nos.
81. Saw tenon 300 mm 24 Nos.
82. Jack plane metal 335 mm X 50 mm cutter 24 Nos.
83. Plane smoothing metal 250 mm X 50 mm cutter 24 Nos.
84. Chisel firmer (bevel edge) 6, 10, 15, 20, 25mm with (5 24 Nos.
85. Chisel mort ice 6,10,15, 24 Nos.
86. Screw driver 300 mm 24 Nos.
87. Wooden mallet medium size 24 Nos.
88. Hammer claw 500gms 24 Nos.
89. Carborandom stone 200x 50x 25mm 24 Nos.
90. Hand brush for bench cleaning 400mm 24 Nos.
91. Screw Driver 250 mm 24 Nos.
92. Pincer 50mm 5 No.
93. File Half Round 2nd Cut 250mm 12 Nos.
94. File half wood rasp bastard 300mm 12 Nos.
95. File slim taper 100 mm 12 Nos.
96. Card File (Steel) wire brush for file 12 Nos.
97. Electrically operated motorized cutter 5
98. Boring tools 1 set
99. Fastenings 1 set
100. Hinges and locks 1 set each
101. Steel Rule 300 mm both in inch and 25 Nos.

Civil Engineering Assistant

102. Hacksaw frame adjustable 250 to 300 mm 25 Nos.

103. Chisel cold flat 20 x 250 mm 25 Nos.
104. Hammer ball peen 800 gms. 25 Nos.
105. File flat rough 300 mm 25 Nos.
106. Level spirit wooden 300 mm 25 Nos.
107. Plumb bob 50 gms. 25 Nos.
108. Stilson wrench 200 & 350 mm 25 Nos.
109. Wooden mallet small 25 Nos.
110. Cutting pliers 25 Nos.
111. Chisel cold flat 20 mm x 300 mm 2 Nos.
112. Tap and die set to cut BSP Thread 1 set.
113. Spanner monkey up to 50 mm 2 Nos.
114. Cutter, pipe wheel type 6 mm to 25 mm. 1 No.
115. Inside caliper 150 mm 5 Nos.
116. Caliper outside 15o mm 5 Nos.
117. Plumbers ladle 2 Nos.
118. Plumbers metal melting pot 10 kg. 1 No.
119. Pipe vice to grip pipes up to 77 mm. 2 Nos.
120. Tool caulking set of 2 2 Sets
121. Stillson pattern pipe wrenches 450 mm to take pipe up to 2 sets
52 mm dia.
122. Stillson pattern pipe wrenches 300 mm to take pipe to 20 2 sets
mm to 32 mm.
123. Chain pipe wrenches 90 mm-650 mm 2 sets
124. Flat Smithy tong. 2 Nos.
125. Working Bench 24oox 1200 x 750 mm 2 Nos.
126. Ratchet rack with post and clamp flat 5 1 Set
drill 6 to 35 mm by 0.2 mm.
127. Ratchet pipe die 15 mm to 32 mm 2 No.
128. Double face hammers 5 Nos.
129. Monkey Plier (gas pliers) 5 Nos.
130. Electric handling machine 6 to 35 mm by 0.2 mm. for 1 No.
131. Trowel 125 2 Nos.
132. Saw plumber 300 mm 2 Nos.
133. Rule wooden 4 fold 60 mm 24 Nos.
134. Scriber 150 mm (Knurled Centre 24 Nos.
135. Pincer 150 mm 24 Nos.
136. Plier insulated 150 mm 24 Nos.

Civil Engineering Assistant

137. Screw driver 150 mm 24 Nos.

138. Punch Centre 150 mmx 9 mm 24 Nos.
139. Knife double bladed electrician 24 Nos.
140. Hammer, cross pane 115 grams with handle 24 Nos.
141. Electrician connector, screw driver 100 mm. Insulated handle 24 Nos.
thin stem
142. Electrician testing pencil I I neon Tester 24 Nos.
143. Heavy duty screw driver 200 mm 24 Nos.
144. Electrician screw driver 250 mm thin stem 24 Nos.
insulated handle
145. Saw tenon 250 mm 24 Nos.
146. Hammer ball pane 0.75 kg with handle 24 Nos.
147. Firmer chisel wood 12 mm 24 Nos.
148. Gimlet 6 mm 24 Nos.
149. Bradawl 24 Nos.
150. Plier sued cutting 150 mm 24 Nos.
151. C. Clamps 200 mm, 150 mm, 100 mm 2 Nos.
152. Spanner 150 mm adjustable 15 2 Nos.
degree as cly-burns
153. Blow lamp 0.5 liter 2 Nos.
154. Melting pot 1 No.
155. Ladder 2 Nos.
156. Chisel cold flat 12 mmx 200 mm 2 Nos.
157. Chisel firmer 25 mm and 6 mm 4 Nos.
158. Drill machine hand 0 to 6 mm capacity 2 Nos.
159. Electric drill machine 12 mm capacity 1 No.
160. Out side micrometer 0 to 25 mm 1 No.
161. Bench grinder motorized 1 No.
162. Raw plug tool and bit 2 Nos.
163. Bearing puller 1 No.
164. Multi meter 0 to 1000 M ohms 2.5 to 2 Nos.
5000 volt
165. K.W. meter. 0 to 1 K.W. capacity with 1 No.
C.T.1: 2
166. Milli voltmeter Centre zero 100-0-100m volt. 1 No.
167. Spring balance 0 to 15 kg. And 0 to 2.5 kg. 2 Nos.
168. Screw driver 100 mm 5 Nos.
169. Square try 150mm blade 5 Nos.
170. Divider 150 mm, out side and 4 Nos.
inside caliper
171. Tweezers 100 mm. 5 Nos.

Civil Engineering Assistant

172. Snip straight 150 mm 2 Nos.

173. File flat 200 mm 2nd cut 3 Nos.
174. File half round 200 mm 2nd cut 5 Nos.
175. File half round 200 mm smooth 5 Nos.
176. File round 200 mm 2nd cut 5 Nos.
177. File flat 250 mm rough 5 Nos.
178. File flat 250 mm bastard 5 Nos.
179. Rasp, half round 200 bastard 5 Nos.
180. Iron, soldering 225 grams 125 watt with 5 Nos.
181. Vice hand 50mm jaw 5 Nos.
182. Megger 500 volts 1 No.
183. Fan A.C. 230 volt 1200 mm 2 Nos.
184. Fan D.C. 220 volt 1200 mm 2 Nos.
185. Bench working 2.5x 1.20x 0.75 meters 5 Nos.
186. Almirah 2.5x1.20x0.50 meter 1 No.
187. Metal rack 180x150x47 cm. 5 Nos.
188. Wire stripper 20 cm. 1 No.
189. Domestic appliances: 1500 watt. 220v with 2 Nos.
(a) Electric hot plate temperature control.
(b) Electric kettle, 1000 watts, 230v 2 Nos.
(c) Electric iron 1200 watts, 230v with 2 Nos.
temperature control.
(d) Immersion heater 750/1000/1500w-230v 2 Nos.
(e) Geyser 25 liter 240v (storage type) 2 Nos.
(f) B.A. taps and dies 0-2-4-6-8 sizes 2 Nos.
(g) Mixture grinder 2 Nos.
190. Spring balance 0 –1 kg. 1 No.
191. Motor A.C. series type 230 v, 50 cycles, ¼ HP with 1 No.
starter and switch
192. Multi meter digital 12 Nos.
193. Motor AC single phase 230 volt, 50 cycles 1 No.
capacitor type with starter
switch 1HP
194. Motor universal 230 volt, 50 cycles with 1 No.
starter/switch 1 HP
195. Variable auto transformer 0-250 V, amps 2 Nos.
196. Earth leakage ckt. Breaker 1 no.
197. M.C.B. 5 KVA 1 no.
198. Voltage stabilizer manual and automatic 1 no.

Civil Engineering Assistant

199. Multi meter 3 sets

200. Meger 2 sets
201. Earth tester 2 sets
202. Electric tool kit 4 sets
203. Multi meter 3 sets
204. Measuring tape 15 mtr. (steel) 4 nos.
205. Land measuring steel tape 30 mt long 12 Nos.
206. Land measuring plastic tape 30 mt long 12 Nos.
207. Steel tapes 3 mt long 24 Nos.
208. Steel tapes 5 mt long 24 Nos.
209. Try square 4 Nos.
210. Marking point 4 Nos.
211. Tenon saw, dovetail saw 4 each
212. Chiesel different suitable sizes 4 sets
213. Hammer 500 gm. 4 Nos.
214. Hammer 1 kg. 4 Nos.
215. Hammer 5 kg. 4 Nos.
216. Bar bending table 4 Nos.
217. Bending pipes (suitable diameter and 2 each
218. Bar bending lever (suitable diameter and 2 sets
219. Manual bar bending machine of suitable 2 Nos.
220. Portable hand bender of suitable size 2 Nos.
221. Power cutter of suitable size 2 Nos.
222. Safety gloves 8 pairs
223. Safety glass 8 pairs
224. Shovel 5 Nos.
225. M.S pan 45 cm dia. 12 Nos.
226. Farma of mild steel for measuring Heaving volume 0.03472 2 No.
aggregate cm
227. Bucket G.i. 35 cm dia. 5 No.
228. Mason plumb rule with spirit level 24 Nos.
229. Mason square 30x60 cm 24 Nos.
230. Sieve for sand in adjustable stand 1mm, 100cm x 60cm fixed 2 No.
in steel frame
231. Trowel 25 cmx10cm 16 Nos.
232. Brick hammer with handle 12 Nos.
233. pointing Trowel 6” 24 Nos.

Civil Engineering Assistant

234. Line pin corner block 24 Nos.

235. Mortar board 2 mtx2 mt. 2 No.
236. Wire brushes 12 Nos.
237. Float wooden 24 Nos.
238. Steel float 24 Nos.
239. Sprit level 30 cm long 12 Nos.
240. Bolster 12 Nos.
241. Spade 12 Nos.
242. Ladder aluminium 3m long 3 Nos.
243. Pick axe 5 Nos.
244. Hammer 250 grams 12 Nos.
245. Crow bar 30mm dia 1.5 m long of 6 Nos.
mild steel
246. Gloves canvas 12 Pair
247. Gloves plastic 12 Pair
248. Drums 200 liters capacity 2 Nos.
249. Brush for painting & white washing As required
250. Marking rope & thread 15 m 64 each
251. Bevel 8 Nos.
252. Pan (M.S. or PVC) 16 Nos.
253. Mortar board 2000 x 2000 2 Nos.
254. Measuring box 35 ltr. Capacity 4 Nos.
255. Plumb rule and Bob 8 Nos.
256. Straight edge 8 Nos.
257. Water tube 6m 8 Nos.
258. Bucket 5 ltr. & 10 lrt. 8 each
259. Concrete mixer 2 Nos.
260. Concrete vibrator pin type & plate type 2 each
261. Water drum 200 ltr. 4 Nos.
262. Mono block pump set 1/2 HP 4 Nos.
263. Steel / plywood shuttering plates 50 sqm.
264. Telescopic pipes / props 100 Nos.
265. Telescopic/ adjustable spans 25 Nos.
266. Masonry grinder 2 Nos.
267. Scientific calculator 16 Nos.
268. Weighing balance 1 kg., 10 kg. Digital 2 each
269. Bristle brush 25 & 40 mm with 250 2 each
270. Vicat apparatus with plunger, needles and 2 set
271. Stop watch 8 Nos.

Civil Engineering Assistant

272. Gauging trowel 4 Nos.

273. Digital compression testing machine 1 No.
274. Cube mould 150 mm size 24 No.
275. Cube mould 70.5mm size 10 Nos.
276. Measuring cylinder 100 ml., 500 m., 1000 ml. 4 each
277. Non porous plate 16 Nos.
278. Water container 1000 ltr. 1 No.
279. Vibrating machine 12000 ± 400 rpm 2 set
280. Graduated cylinder 8 Nos.
281. Metal tray 8 Nos.
282. Beaker 8 Nos.
283. Oven 1 No.
284. Weighing plateform digital 100 kg. 1 No.
285. Slump test apparatus with temping rod 2 set
286. Electronic balance 30kg – 1gram L.C 1 No.
287. IS Brass sieves - 4.75mm,2.36mm, 1.18mm, 1 each
600micron, 300 micron,
150 micron, 90 micron, 75
micron, 45micron, pan and
288. Motorised sieve shaker 1 No.
289. Thickness and length gauges (Elongation 1 each
and Flakiness Index)
290. Pyconometer for specific gravity 2 Nos.
291. Bulk density apparatus (Cylindrical 1 No.
measure for fine aggregate and coarse
aggregate )
292. Aggregate impact tester with cylindrical 1 No.
cup and measuring cylinder
293. Sample tray- steel and plastic 300x250x40mm 12 Nos. each
294. Mortar cube vibrator 12000±400rpm 1 No.
295. Standard IS sand Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 2 bagseach
296. Water testing kit – for ph value 2 Nos.
297. Electric heater 1 No.
298. Le Chatelier Mould (for soundness test of 1 No.
299. Le Chateliers flask (For specific gravity test 1 No.
of cement)
300. Slump Cone 1 No.
301. Marking rope & thread 15 m 64 each
302. Pan M.S. or PVC 16 Nos.

Civil Engineering Assistant

303. Sampling scoops 2kg and 5 kg 3 Nos.each

304. Drill and bit set 3 Nos.each
305. Spray painting machine 1 No.
306. Brushes for painting 12 Nos. each
307. Floor polishing machine 1 No.
308. Spanner monkey up to 50 mm 1 12 Nos.
309. Stillson pattern pipe wrenches 450 mm to take pipe up to 2 Nos.
52 mm dia.
310. Adjustable spanner A 375 12 Nos.
311. Double face hammers 12 Nos.
312. Screw driver Set 12 Nos.
313. Floats wooden 8 Nos.
314. Wire brushes 8 Nos.
315. Ladder 3m 8 Nos.
316. Aluminum float 8 Nos.
317. Tile cutter hand operated 4 Nos.
318. Power operated cutting machine 4 Nos.
319. Wooden mallet 8 Nos.
320. Polishing machine 1 No.
321. Polishing stone different grade / number 8 set
322. Bending pipes suitable dia& length 2each
Note: -
1. All the tools and equipment are to be procured as per BIS specification.

Civil Engineering Assistant

The DGT sincerely acknowledges contributions of the Industries, State Directorates, Trade
Experts, Domain Experts, trainers of ITIs, NSTIs, faculties from universities and all others who
contributed in revising the curriculum.

Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.

List of Expert Members contributed/ participated for finalizing the course curriculum of Civil
Engineering Assistant trade at CSTARI, Kolkata

Name & Designation

S No. Organization Remarks
B.V.S.Seshachari, CSTARI, Kolkata Chairman
Mohinimohan Pal Govt. ITI, Siliguri, Kolkata – 40 Member
L. K. Mukherjee CSTARI, Kolkata Member
Dy. Director of Trg.
Nirmalya Nath CSTARI, Kolkata Member
Asst. Director of Trg.
Prasoon Kr. Ghosh, CSTARI, Kolkata Member
Sr. Draughtsman
R.N.Manna, CSTARI, Kolkata Member
Training Officer

Name of the members of Sector Mentor Council with

S No Remarks
Designation and Representing organisation
1 Mr. G.M. Rao Nominated by Federation of
Chairman Indian Chambers of
GMR Infrastructure Commerce and Industry
IBC Knowledge Park, Phase 2, "D" Block, 9th Floor, (FICCI)
4/1, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore - 560 029,Karnataka
2 Mr. Jasmeet Singh Nominated by Federation of
Head-Customer Experience Program Indian Chambers of
JCB India, 23/7 Mathura Road Commerce and Industry
Ballabgarh, Faridabad, Haryana 121004 (FICCI)

Civil Engineering Assistant
3 Mr. C.S. Gupta
Indian Plumbing Association
E - 117, L.G.F. Greater Kailash - 3
Masjid Moth, NEW DELHI – 110 048
4 MrAjitGulabchand
Chairman HCC
Chairman Construction SSC
Hindustan Construction Co. Ltd.
Hincon House, 247 Park
LBS Marg, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai - 400083
5 Mr. SatishGottipati Nominated by Federation of
M/s Precca Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Indian Micro and Small &
Plot No 6, D. No. 2-9/5/6 Medium Enterprises (FISME)
VenkatSai Gateway, Green Land Colony, Hyderabad-
6 Dr. AnjanDutta Nominated by Indian Institute
Professor Dept. of Civil Engg. of Technology, Guwahati
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati 781039, Assam, India
7 Dr. Mahendra Singh Nominated by Indian Institute
Professor of Technology, Roorkee
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India - 247667
8 Pr. S.C. Dutta Nominated by Indian Institute
Professor of Technology, Bhubaneswar
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Bhubaneswar-751 013
9 Dr. Rajesh Deoliya Nominated by Central
Principal Scientist, CSIR-CBRI Extension Centre Building Research Institute
Zone 6, II nd Floor (CBRI), Roorkee
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003
10 Dr. N. Dhang Chairman
Professor, D/o Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Kharagpur, India - 721302
11 Dr. P. SitapatiRao Nominated by National
Additional Director General Academy of Construction,
National Academy of Construction Hyderabad
NAC Grounds,
Cyberabad, Hyderabad-500084,Andhra Pradesh, India
12 Dr. Koshy Varghese Nominated by Indian Institute
Professor, D/o Civil Engg, of Technology, Madras

Civil Engineering Assistant
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, IIT P.O., Chennai
600 036
13 Shri M.C. Sharma, Jt. Director (TTC) Mentor
14 Shri.R.N. MANNA, TO Representative of CSTARI
15 Shri. GOPALKRISHNAN, TO Representative of NIMI
16 Smt. ARPANA SINGH, TO, NVTI NOIDA Champion Master Trainer
17 Shri. S.RANA, TO, ATI, Kolkata Member
18 Shri.S.R. VHATKAR, TO, ATI, Kolkata Member
19 Shri, T.K. BHATTACHARYA, TO, ATI, Hyd Member
20 Shri.P.K. MADAVI, TO, CTI, Chennai Member
21 Smt. Surya Kumari, TO, RVTI Kolkata Member
22 Shri. C.T. SHANTILAL, VI, ATI, Calicut Member
23 ShriDevasariGanesh,TO, RVTI Mumbai Member
24 Shri K.N. Babu, TO, RVTI, Bangalore Member
25 Shri. D.K. Chattopadhyay, TO, ATI Kolkata Member
26 Shri. Chockalingam, TO, CTI, Chennai Member
27 Smt. Brahmeswari, TO, RVTI(W), Bangalore Member
28 Shri. K V Suresh, Principal, ITD, Kerala Member
29 Shri. Musthfa V M, Sr. Instructor, ITD, Kerala Member
30 Shri. Madhusudhanan C, Sr. Instructor, ITD, Kerala Member
31 Shri. Suresh S, Sr. Instructor, ITD, Kerala Member
32 Shri. R Sundar, ATO, Govt. ITI, Channai Member
33 Smt. Amrutha, VI, RVTI(W), Bangalore Member
34 Smt. HariChandana Devi, VI, RVTI(W), Panipat Member
35 Ms. AswathyPrabhakaran, VI, RVTI(W), Bangalore Member
36 Shri. Sugesh K, Jr. Instructor, ITD, Kerala Member

Civil Engineering Assistant


CTS Craftsmen Training Scheme

ATS Apprenticeship Training Scheme
CITS Craft Instructor Training Scheme
DGT Directorate General of Training
MSDE Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
NTC National Trade Certificate
NAC National Apprenticeship Certificate
NCIC National Craft Instructor Certificate
LD Locomotor Disability
CP Cerebral Palsy
MD Multiple Disabilities
LV Low Vision
HH Hard of Hearing
ID Intellectual Disabilities
LC Leprosy Cured
SLD Specific Learning Disabilities
DW Dwarfism
MI Mental Illness
AA Acid Attack
PwD Person with disabilities

Civil Engineering Assistant


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