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Answer Key

Chapter 1 Organizing Information Step 4

Both the lecture and the passage talk about the
01 Biology function of the appendix in humans. The passage
Step 1 says that the appendix was used to help humans
with digestion in the past. However, the lecture
Main Idea: function of appendix in humans is to aid states that the real purpose of the appendix is to
with digestion maintain good bacteria in the body.
Key Point 1: human diet was different in past The passage claims that the appendix was once
- appendix helped humans break down leaves for used by humans to aid in the digestion of leaves.
digestion When the human diet stopped including so much
- once diet changed due to evolution, appendix foliage, the appendix began to shrink. The lecture
began to shrink refutes this claim by stating that the appendix actually
Key Point 2: other animals have much larger provides protection for good bacteria until bad
appendixes than humans bacteria in the body is flushed out. It explains that
- koalas only eat leaves despite the small size of the human appendix, it is
- koalas have much larger appendixes than humans still able to protect good bacteria in the body.
The passage then says that scientists know that the
Step 2 function of the appendix is for digestion because
Main Idea: appendix maintains good bacteria in other animals whose diets are made up mostly of
human body leaves, such as koalas, still have large appendixes.
Key Point 1: location of appendix is key to its Again, the lecturer disagrees. He says that although
function koalas have large appendixes, other animals that
- when bad bacteria enters body, good bacteria hides eat a lot of leaves, such as pandas, do not have
in appendix appendixes at all.
- safe place for good bacteria until bad bacteria is
flushed from body
Key Point 2: coincidence that koalas have big 02 Social Science
appendixes Step 1
- panda bears eat a lot of leaves but do not have
appendixes Main Idea: eyewitness testimony effective for
- do not need appendix to digest leaves catching criminals
Key Point 1: people who witness crimes reliable
Step 3 sources of information
- give details about when and where crime
Reading: occurred
Main Idea: The function of the appendix was to - can identify who committed the crime
help humans with digestion. Key Point 2: eyewitness testimony regulated by
Key Point 1: The human diet was different in the law
past than it is now. - ensures testimony is truthful
Key Point 2: There are other animals whose - if eyewitness is not truthful, can be punished by
appendixes are much larger than humans’ law
Step 2
Main Idea: The function of the appendix in humans Main Idea: eyewitness testimony not always reliable
is to maintain good bacteria in the body. Key Point 1: eyewitnesses can make mistakes
Key Point 1: The location of the appendix in remembering what they saw
humans is key to its function. - human memory is not perfect
Key Point 2: It is a coincidence that koalas have - study showed after 20 minutes, people start to forget
big appendixes compared to humans. an event

Answer Key 7
Key Point 2: no way to guarantee testimony is true 03 Biology
- witness could be influenced by police
Step 1
- statistics show people mistakenly identified by
witnesses Main Idea: lactose intolerance results from people
not eating dairy foods
Step 3 Key Point 1: lactose intolerance in cultures that do
not consume dairy
Reading: - Chinese never drank milk in the past
Main Idea: Eyewitness testimony is an effective tool - when milk was introduced, Chinese had hard time
for solving crimes. consuming it
Key Point 1: The people who witness crimes are Key Point 2: occurs in people who do not regularly
reliable sources of information. consume dairy products
Key Point 2: The testimony an eyewitness gives is - after infancy, Japanese do not eat dairy at all
regulated by law. - lose about 80 percent of ability to digest dairy
Main Idea: Testimony given by eyewitnesses is not
Step 2
always reliable.
Key Point 1: Eyewitnesses may make mistakes when Main Idea: lactose intolerance inherited from parents
trying to remember what they saw. genetically
Key Point 2: There is no way to guarantee that an Key Point 1: lactose intolerance develops in cultures
eyewitness’s testimony is true. that eat a lot of dairy
- about half of the population in India lactose intolerant
Step 4 - Indian population drinks a lot of milk
Key Point 2: condition can develop as people get
The lecture and the passage talk about the value of older
eyewitness testimony in criminal trials. The passage - happens in many cultures, not just those that do
says that eyewitness testimony is a good tool for not consume dairy products
lawyers trying to prove their client’s innocence. The - Mexican population loses ability to digest dairy
lecture, however, gives examples of how eyewitness products as they age
testimonies are flawed.
The passage says that the strength of eyewitness
Step 3
testimony is that it is hard to argue against something
that has been seen. The lecturer challenges this Reading:
claim by saying that eyewitness testimony is based Main Idea: Evidence shows lactose intolerance
on memory, and there are many problems with the results from people not eating dairy foods.
human memory. He supports this by talking about a Key Point 1: Lactose intolerance occurs in cultures
study that found that people usually start forgetting that do not consume a lot of dairy products.
an event 20 minutes after it happened. Key Point 2: Lactose intolerance occurs in people
Next, the passage states that eyewitness who do not consume dairy products on a regular
testimony is sure to be truthful because it is regulated basis.
by law. Again, the lecture says this is wrong. The
lecturer says there is no way to guarantee that a Lecture:
testimony is true. He supports this by saying that Main Idea: A study of lactose intolerance in cultures
over 200 people have been released from prison that consume dairy products shows it is a genetic
because eyewitnesses did not tell the truth about condition.
what they saw. Key Point 1: Lactose intolerance has developed in
cultures that eat a lot of dairy products.
Key Point 2: The condition of being lactose intolerant
can develop as people get older.

8 Answer Key
Answer Key
Step 4 Step 3
Both the lecture and the passage talk about the Reading:
development of lactose intolerance. The passage Main Idea: It is believed that Mozart’s music has
says that lactose intolerance occurs when dairy is beneficial effects on babies.
not a regular part of one’s diet. However, the lecture Key Point 1: A study has shown that Mozart’s
argues that lactose intolerance is a genetic condition music improves intelligence.
passed down by one’s parents since it occurs in Key Point 2: Listening to Mozart’s music at an early
populations that consume dairy products regularly. age can promote creativity.
The passage says that lactose intolerance occurs the
most in cultures where dairy is not consumed that Lecture:
much. It says that the Chinese population is about 90 Main Idea: Evidence has shown that the Mozart
percent lactose intolerant because they did not drink Effect has not been proven.
milk in the past. The lecture refutes this by saying Key Point 1: The study that proved Mozart’s music
that lactose intolerance often occurs in cultures that increases intelligence was not accurate.
consume a lot of dairy, like India. Key Point 2: There is no real proof that Mozart’s
The passage also claims that lactose intolerance music makes babies more creative.
develops in people that don’t eat dairy products
regularly. It talks about how Japanese people lose Step 4
about 80 percent of their ability to digest dairy products The lecture and the passage both discuss a
after infancy. The lecturer points out that people of phenomenon called the Mozart Effect. According to
other cultures also lose their ability to digest dairy as the passage, the Mozart Effect is the positive
they get older, regardless of diet. She gives the impact that listening to Mozart’s music has on
example of Mexicans, who lose their ability to digest babies. However, the lecture suggests that the
milk as they age. Mozart Effect does not exist.
The passage first talks about a study in which
participants were asked to complete three different
04 Music tests. Afterwards, the participants were found to
Step 1 have an additional nine points added to their IQs after
listening to Mozart. Yet, according to the lecture, the
Main Idea: music by Mozart has beneficial effects
study did not test babies, but college students. The
on babies
lecture also said that the increased IQ of those who
Key Point 1: Mozart improves intelligence
had listened to Mozart only lasted for 15 minutes.
- participants in study that listened to Mozart did
Next, the passage says that playing Mozart for babies
better on tests
before they are born makes them more creative and
- Mozart group’s IQ went up by 9 points
imaginative than those who didn’t listen to Mozart. The
Key Point 2: Mozart promotes creativity
lecture also refutes this by pointing out there is no
- playing Mozart before babies born makes them
scientific proof that listening to Mozart makes children
more creative as adults
more creative. Furthermore, the lecture suggests
- babies who listened to Mozart before born are
that such claims are used to help sell products to
more creative than other babies
expectant parents.
Step 2
Main Idea: Mozart Effect has been disproved Chapter 2 Paraphrasing
Key Point 1: study proving Mozart increases
intelligence not accurate
- participants were college students, not babies 01 Biolgy
- effects on intelligence did not last Step 1
Key Point 2: no scientific proof that Mozart makes Main Idea: The best treatment for an injured
babies more creative muscle is to apply heat to it.
- claims made so expectant parents will purchase CDs
- since there is no proof, most likely it is a marketing tool

Answer Key 9
Step 2 2. While using heat on an injured muscle can relax
and soothe it, it can also relax it so much that
A. 1
you underestimate just how bad the injury is.
B. 2
C. Sample Answer: When a muscle is injured, the
best remedy is to apply heat to it.
02 Chemistry
Step 3 Step 1
Main Idea: putting heat on injured muscles is bad Main Idea: Foods such as vegetables are healthier
Key Point 1: should not put heat on muscles right if they are not cooked.
- will increase the swelling Step 2
- should use ice pack first, then heat
A. 1
Key Point 2: heat can relax the muscle too much
B. 2
- may underestimate how badly muscle is injured
C. Uncooked vegetables are healthier for people.
- if muscle is moved too much, can damage it more
Step 3
Step 4
Main Idea: uncooked vegetables are not healthier
A. should use ice pack first, then heat
Key Point 1: raw vegetables and cooked vegetables
synonyms: ice pack - cold compress
have same amount of vitamins
first - to begin with
- it depends on how long the vegetables are
paraphrase: To begin with, you should
use a cold compress.
- cooking vegetables softens cell walls so body
B. heat should not be applied to muscles right
absorbs vitamins better
after an injury
Key Point 2: raw vegetables are not always easier
synonyms: applied - put on
to digest
after - following
- easier for body to digest a baked potato than a
paraphrase: Heat should not be put on muscles
raw potato
immediately following an injury.
- baked potato has more water in it so body breaks
it down easier
Step 5
A. 1. Applying heat to an (1) aching muscle can Step 4
make it (2) puff up even more, so you should
A. raw vegetables and cooked vegetables have
use an ice pack to (3) reduce the swelling first.
same amount of vitamins
2. Heat can (4) loosen up the muscle enough
synonyms: amount - quantity
that you can move it even though it is (5) hurt,
raw - uncooked
but it can also lead to underestimating how bad
paraphrase: Vegetables that are uncooked
the (6) damage is.
have the same quantity of vitamins
B. 1. In order to prevent an injured muscle from
as cooked vegetables.
swelling even more, you should use an ice pack
B. cooking vegetables softens vegetable cell walls
first, then apply heat.
so body absorbs vitamins better
2. Although heat will allow you to move an
synonyms: softens - makes less hard
injured muscle, you can underestimate how
better - improved
badly it is damaged.
paraphrase: When vegetables are cooked,
their cell walls become less hard,
Step 6
which improves the body’s ability
1. An injured muscle requires special care to to absorb the vitamins in them.
make sure it heals properly, so it is always
important to take into account how bad the
injury is and follow the doctor’s orders.

10 Answer Key
Answer Key
Step 5 - older children had better understanding of grammar,
used when learning new language
A. 1. Cooking vegetables for a brief (1) period
does not (2) cause a(n) (3) considerable loss of
Step 4
2. One (4) untruth about raw vegetables is that A. older children had better understanding of
they are healthier since vitamins are not (5) grammar, used when learning new language
removed during the (6) process of cooking. synonyms: understanding - comprehension
B. 1. Significant loss of vitamins does not occur if used - applied
vegetables are only cooked for a brief amount of paraphrase: Older children had better
time. comprehension of grammar, which
2. It is mistakenly believed that uncooked they applied when learning a new
vegetables are better for you because vitamins language.
are not reduced from cooking. B. appears children learn new languages easier
than adults, but they actually do not
Step 6 synonyms: appears - seems
actually - really
1. While some raw vegetables have been found
paraphrase: While it may seem that children
easier to digest than cooked vegetables, this
are able to learn new languages
does not apply to all of them.
more quickly than adults, they
2. Boiling your vegetables for a long time is not
really do not.
going to help them keep their vitamins since the
heat breaks down the vitamin compounds in the
Step 5
A. 1. Before we (1) accept that children learn new
languages faster than adults, we have to (2) take
03 Linguistics into account the level of fluency (3) expected for
children and for adults.
Step 1
2. Children seem to learn new languages (4) a lot
Main Idea: Studies have tested the theory that faster than adults, but the (5) level of a child’s (6)
children can learn new languages more easily than language is lower than that of an adult’s.
adults and revealed many interesting findings. B. 1. We have to examine the levels of fluency for
children and adults before we decide that children
Step 2 are able to learn new languages more quickly
A. 2 than adults.
B. 1 2. While children appear to be able to learn a
C. The theory that children are able to learn new new language more quickly than adults, in fact,
languages easier than adults has been tested, they do not.
and the results are interesting.
Step 6
Step 3 1. While study after study has shown that children
Main Idea: children do not learn a new language are able to learn new languages faster than
easier than adults adults, we need to think about how simple
Key Point 1: children’s level of fluency is different children’s speaking really is.
than adults’ 2. Sometimes people become so frustrated by the
- vocabulary and sentence structure are simpler process of learning a new language that they
- children able to achieve expected levels sooner simply give up because language acquisition is
Key Point 2: younger children do not have more so difficult.
flexible minds
- study of two groups of children, older did better
learning new language

Answer Key 11
04 Biology B. 1. People suffer from allergies because they
Step 1 are not being exposed to allergens, and as a
result, they do not develop immunity to them.
Main Idea: Scientists think that overly sanitized 2. I’d like to point out that allergens are often
conditions are causing more illnesses in children. harmless substances, such as peanuts and cat
Step 2
A. 1 Step 6
B. 1 1. Physicians think that children have more contact
C. According to scientists, children may be getting with animals, they may not develop as many
sick more frequently due to overly sanitized allergies and they would be less likely to develop
conditions. autoimmune diseases.
2. Some studies show that people have taken
Step 3 cleaning too far because although we know
Main Idea: cleanliness is not always a good thing sanitization is a good thing, sanitizing everything
Key Point 1: by sanitizing everything, common eliminates common allergens.
allergens are eliminated
- allergy sufferers have increased in the past 20 years
- people are not exposed to enough allergens, so
Chapter 3 Making Connections
no immunity to them
Key Point 2: children should be exposed to animals
- children around farm animals did not have as 01 Biology
many allergies as children who were not around Step 1
Main Idea: sharks hunt in packs
- children around animals less likely to develop
Key Point 1: humans were attacked by more than
autoimmune diseases
one shark
- first attacked by one shark
Step 4
- more sharks would arrive and attack
A. by sanitizing everything, common allergens Key Point 2: sharks hunt other animals in packs
eliminated - usually ambushes prey in groups
synonyms: common - frequent - this way, entire pack gets to eat
eliminated - removed
paraphrase: Frequent allergens are removed Step 2
when everything is sanitized.
Main Idea: sharks hunt in groups
Key Point 1: survivors confirm more than one shark
B. too much sanitization can cause health
was present at an attack
- witnesses have seen more than one shark attack a
synonyms: sanitization - cleaning
problems - complications
- bite wounds can show if more than one shark
paraphrase: When people clean too much it
attacked a victim
can lead to health complications.
Key Point 2: sharks hunt other animals in packs
- one shark approached baby whales, which
Step 5
A. 1. People cannot (1) develop any immunity to - entire group of sharks then showed up to eat the
allergens because they are not being exposed to baby whales
them, and as a(n) (2) consequence, they are
made (3) miserable by allergies.
2. I want to (4) stress that allergens are (5) usually
harmless substances; some (6) frequent ones are
peanuts and cat fur.

12 Answer Key
Answer Key
Step 3 02 Anthropology
Step 1
Step 1 Reading Passage Step 2 Lecture
Main Idea: sharks hunt in
Main Idea: anthropologists learn about Native
Main Idea: sharks hunt in
packs groups Americans by studying totem poles
Key Point 1: main purpose of totem poles is
Key Point 1: victims Corresponding Point:
evidence confirms there is
reported being attacked
by one shark but then often more than one shark - totem poles may have been center of religious
more sharks showed up present at attack; this ceremonies
to continue the attack information comes from - large figures on totem poles are gods
witnesses and studying Key Point 2: totem poles can also help scholars
bite wounds on victims
understand Native American culture
Key Point 2: in nature, Corresponding Point: - totem poles have different stories and figures
sharks hunt in packs; sharks hunt other animals
- can tell how important figures were by position on
ambush their prey and in groups; single shark
approached baby whales the totem pole
whole pack gets to eat
then more sharks appeared
to attack and eat Step 2
Main Idea: totem poles do not reflect Native
Step 4 American culture
Key Point 1: explorers guessed what totem
The passage and the lecture talk about the hunting poles were for
patterns of sharks. While before, people thought that - animals represent clans within the tribe, not gods
sharks hunted alone, the passage says that sharks - totem poles not treated like objects of worship
actually hunt in groups. The lecture supports this and Key Point 2: no evidence position on totem pole
(1) gives examples to demonstrate this theory. is important
First, the passage says that scientists began studying - on many totem poles, position of figures vary
shark attacks on humans. Their research revealed - anthropologists think position doesn’t mean
that many times, humans were attacked by multiple anything
sharks. The lecture (2) supports this by giving an
example of a recent case. Witnesses saw a teenager Step 3
in Australia being attacked by more than one shark.
(3) In addition, the passage says that sharks attack in Step 2 Lecture
Step 1 Reading Passage
groups in nature as well. According to the passage,
one shark attacks and stuns the prey. Then the rest of Main Idea: totem poles Main Idea: totem poles do
tell anthropologists about not reflect Native American
the pack arrives to feed. The lecture (4) also talks Native American culture culture
about some researchers who saw a pack of sharks
attack a group of baby beluga whales. The baby Key Point 1: purpose Corresponding Point:
whales were first herded into some rocks by a single of totem poles was for explorers simply guessed
worship and were the their purpose; poles are
shark. Soon after, the rest of the pack showed up
center of religious not treated like objects of
and ate the whales. ceremonies, and figures worship, and animals on
According to both the lecture and the reading, on poles are of gods poles represent clans within
there is a significant amount of proof that sharks the tribe, not gods
hunt in packs.
Key Point 2: totem Corresponding Point:
poles help scholars study no evidence position is
Native American culture; important; position of
different figures on poles figures varies and
and position of figures tell anthropologists don’t think
how important they are position means anything

Answer Key 13
Step 4 - similar features such as wide mouth with large
teeth and powerful jaws
Both the passage and the lecture talk about totem
poles. The passage makes several claims about the
Step 3
function and the significance of totem poles. The
lecture, (1) however, says that the claims are wrong.
(2) First, the passage says that the poles were used Step 1 Reading Passage Step 2 Lecture
by the Native Americans for worship. The passage Main Idea: species of Main Idea: Devil Toad was
claims that the figures on them represented the ancient toad was larger much larger than any toad
Native American gods. (3) On the other hand, the than any toad seen today species living today
lecture says this is wrong. It states that this myth was Key Point 1: Devil Corresponding Point: size
created by the first explorers who saw the poles and Toad was much larger differences show the Devil
that the animals depicted on the poles represent than modern toads and Toad weighed about 10
clans within the tribe, not gods. The lecturer supports had a large skull, protective pounds and was 16 inches
armor, and powerful jaws long--much larger than any
this claim by arguing that if the poles were objects of modern toad species
worship, Native Americans wouldn’t leave them
Key Point 2: Devil Toad’s Corresponding Point:
behind to rot when they moved from place to place.
closest living relative in closest living relative of
Next, the passage says that the position of figures South America, though Devil Toad is the South
on the pole represented how important they were to scientists thought it American Horned Toad,
the culture. (4) Again, the lecturer disagrees. She would be in Africa until which has similar features
says that important people were placed in different comparisons showed the such as wide mouths, large
Devil Toad and African teeth, and powerful jaws
positions, so the position of the figures on the pole
species were not related
must not mean anything.

03 Biology Step 4
Step 1 Both the passage and the lecture talk about an
ancient species of the toad called the Devil Toad.
Main Idea: one ancient species of toad was bigger The passage gives information about the size of the
than any seen today toad and where it came from originally. The lecture (1)
Key Point 1: giant toads much larger than modern supports this information with more details about the
toads toad.
- skull was much thicker First, the passage says that the toad was much larger
- had protective armor and powerful jaws than any modern species. It describes the toad as
Key Point 2: closest living relative to Devil Toad is large with a protective armor. It also mentions that it
found in South America was probably able to eat baby dinosaurs. The lecture
- scientists thought it was related to African toad agrees with the reading (2) and says that the Devil
species Toad could grow up to 10 pounds and be 16 inches
- comparisons to African toad species show they long.
are not related (3) Next, the passage explains that though the fossils
of the Devil Toad were discovered in Africa, the
Step 2 closest living relative of the Devil Toad is from South
Main Idea: Devil Toad is bigger than any living America. Again, the lecture agrees with this. To
toad species today support the claim, the lecturer lists the similarities
Key Point 1: size differences between Devil Toad between the Devil Toad and the South American
and modern toad species Horned Toad. (4) For example, both had wide
- Devil Toad weighed about 10 pounds; largest living mouths, large teeth, and powerful jaws.
toad species about seven pounds In conclusion, both the passage and the lecture
- Devil Toad could grow up to 16 inches long agree that the Devil Toad was larger than any toad
Key Point 2: possible modern relatives of Devil Toad species found today.
- closest living relative is South American Horned

14 Answer Key
Answer Key
04 Sociology passage says that children with odd names often
Step 1 have harder lives than those with more common
names. (1) However, the lecture disagrees. It says
Main Idea: children with odd names have more that having an odd name doesn’t make a difference
difficult lives how difficult one’s life is.
Key Point 1: children with odd names do worse in (2) To begin with, the passage mentions a study
school where children with odd names have lower grades
- they get lower grades than other children. The author says this is because
- lower performance may be caused by teasing children get teased a lot and are distracted from
Key Point 2: oddly named children less successful school. The lecturer says this is wrong and states
as adults that children with odd names are more likely to have
- may be more likely to quit college uneducated parents, so they cannot get academic
- may affect chances of being hired for job help at home.
Next, the passage talks about how people with odd
Step 2 names are more likely to quit school and not get
Main Idea: having an odd name does not make a hired for jobs because of their names. (3) Again, the
difference lecture disagrees with this point. The lecturer says
Key Point 1: study shows why children with odd that surveys show that people with odd names are
names may do worse in school proud of their names and do not have any trouble
- more likely to have uneducated parents finding jobs. (4) In addition, the lecturer mentions
- not enough academic support at home that because they stand out more, it might be easier
Key Point 2: children with odd names not failures for them to find jobs.
as adults
- did not have trouble finding jobs
- odd names make them more memorable to employers
l Vocabulary Review 1 l
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A)
Step 3 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (D)
7. (B) 8. (C)
Step 1 Reading Passage Step 2 Lecture
9. (B) 10. (C) 11. (C)
Main Idea: children with odd Main Idea: odd names do 12. (D) 13. (A) 14. (C)
names may do worse in life not make a difference in life
15. (B)
Key Point 1: children Corresponding Point:
16. delicious 17. attractions 18. significant
with odd names do not study showed that children
perform as well in school with odd names were more 19. extra 20. experience
because they are teased likely to have uneducated
21. (C) 22. (A) 23. (E)
and distracted from parents and did not get
studying enough academic support 24. (B) 25. (D)
at home, resulting in poorer
l Vocabulary Review 2 l
Key Point 2: children Corresponding Point:
with odd names grow up children with odd names do 1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (C)
to be less successful not grow up to be failures 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (A)
adults since they are as adults since they do not
have trouble finding jobs
7. (C) 8. (A)
more likely to quit college
and have trouble finding and unusual name may 9. (C) 10. (C) 11. (C)
jobs make them more memorable
12. (B) 13. (D) 14. (A)
to employers
15. (D)

Step 4 16. popular 17. appreciate 18. achieved

19. accomplish 20. correspondence
The lecture and the passage discuss whether having
an odd name makes life difficult for a person. The 21. example 22. room 23. wasting
24. signify 25. speak

Answer Key 15
Chapter 4 Brainstorming Step 4
1. The essay takes the side that text messaging
01 Experience and email is preferable to writing notes or letters
Step 2 by hand.
2. One example the writer gives to support the
As technology improves in the modern world, methods
thesis statement is that the writer is able to send
of communication are changing constantly. It is now
a message using text messaging or email with
possible for people to contact each other using
a click of a button, and it will be received
text messaging and email. Some people prefer to
communicate through more traditional methods,
3. The writer does present an idea from the other
such as handwritten notes or letters. I prefer to
side of the argument in the conclusion. The writer
communicate through text messaging and email for
states some people prefer to use handwritten
several reasons.
communication because it is more personal.
One reason I prefer to use text messaging and
4. The main idea of the conclusion is that while
email over handwritten notes is because it is faster
some people may prefer to use handwritten
to use. I can type out a letter in just a few minutes,
communication, the writer prefers to use text
but it takes me a long time to write things out by
messaging or email.
hand. It can take me up to an hour to write a single
letter. It is also faster in the sense that it takes less
time to deliver. With just a click of a button, the
recipient will receive my message in just a couple 02 Experience
of seconds. If I handwrote the letter and sent it by Step 2
mail, it could take up to a week to get there! When it comes to eating, there are many choices for
I would also rather use text messaging and email people. They can either eat at restaurants or
because it is guaranteed to be readable. Text cook food at home. Some people prefer to eat in
messaging and email use a standard, easy-to-read restaurants because they think the food tastes better.
font that people can understand. When I write However, I think that home-cooked meals taste the
things out by hand, people don’t always understand best for a couple of reasons.
my handwriting. I’ve had several misunderstandings First of all, the food cooked at home represents
with people because they couldn’t read what I unique recipes that have been passed down in my
wrote. However, if I type it, it is easy to read and family. Those are the meals I grew up eating and
understand. are a part of my culture. For example, my mother
While some people like writing letters and prepares a very tasty dish called mole. It is basically
messages by hand, I find text messaging and sending a sauce made out of chocolate and chilies that
emails to be a far more convenient, speedy, and clear she pours over chicken. When I have tried the same
means of communication. dish in restaurants, it never tastes as good as my
mother’s. That’s because I prefer my mother’s
Step 3 recipe to anybody else’s.
1. The thesis statement of this essay is, “I prefer Another reason I think home-cooked meals taste
to communicate through text messaging and better than food in restaurants is because people
email for several reasons.” use fresher ingredients at home. Every week, people
2. The topic sentence of paragraph 1 is “One reason must go to the market or grocery store to buy their
I prefer to use text messaging and email instead food. Most restaurants, meanwhile, use frozen foods to
of handwritten notes is because it is faster to use.” make their meals. When the ingredients are cooked, I
3. The topic sentence of paragraph 2 is “I would can taste the difference. Fresh ingredients taste the
also rather use text messaging and email best when cooked and have better flavors than
because it is guaranteed to be readable.” food that has been frozen. I think fresh ingredients
produce the most delicious flavor.
It may be fun to eat out at a restaurant every now
and then, but in my opinion nothing beats the

16 Answer Key
Answer Key
uniqueness of a home-cooked meal made with Prompt 3:
care, using fresh, tasty ingredients. Do you think people should only do the things they
are good at, or should they try to improve at the
Step 3 things they do not do well? Provide reasons and
examples for your choice.
1. The thesis statement of the essay is “However, I
think that home-cooked meals taste the best for
Prompt 4:
a couple of reasons.”
Books are often made into movies. Which do you
2. The topic sentence of body paragraph 1 is
prefer, reading the book or watching a movie that is
“First of all, the food cooked at home represents
based on the book? Support your preference using
unique recipes that have been passed down in
specific details and reasons.
my family.”
3. The topic sentence of body paragraph 2 is
Step 2
“Another reason I think home-cooked meals
taste better than food in restaurants is because Prompt 1: opinion
people use fresher ingredients at home.” Sample thesis statement: I agree with the statement
because wars have happened throughout history
Step 4 and no matter what the date is, they are always
caused by the same things.
1. The writer takes the side that food prepared at
home tastes better than food prepared in a
Prompt 2: experience
Sample thesis statement: I was not honest just last
2. An example the writer gives to support the thesis
week when my friend asked me if I liked her new
statement is that when she tries dishes in
shoes because I did not want to hurt her feelings.
restaurants, they never taste as good as the
same dish that has been cooked at home.
Prompt 3: experience
3. The writer states, “It may be fun to eat out at a
Sample thesis statement: Last year, I had to give a
restaurant every now and then.”
speech in front of my school when I ran for student
4. The main idea of the conclusion is that the
body president, and I was very nervous.
writer prefers home-cooked food to restaurants
and gives the reasons why.
Prompt 4: opinion
Sample thesis statement: It is beneficial for young
adults to have other activities instead of studying
Chapter 5 Writing Thesis Statements because they teach things that are not always
and Topic Sentences emphasized at school.

01 Thesis Statements
Step 1 02 Topic Sentences
Step 1
Prompt 1:
Do you think that it is more important to do things to Prompt 1:
make other people happy than it is to do things to ( 3 ) Without homework, students would just learn
make yourself happy? Use specific reasons and things by listening and not by doing them.
examples to support your answer. ( 1 ) I believe that homework is an important part of a
student’s education.
Prompt 2: ( 2 ) Homework helps students because it helps
In many schools, students with special needs are them practice what they learned in class.
taught in separate classrooms from other students.
However, it is being argued that all students should Prompt 2:
be taught together in the same classrooms. Do you ( 3 ) Today, people drive cars instead of walking
think this is a good idea? Why? Give specific reasons and use elevators or escalators instead of walking
and examples to develop your essay. up and down stairs.

Answer Key 17
( 2 ) People do not get as much exercise as they since they have time outside of
used to, which contributes to the rise in obesity. school to socialize and develop their
( 1 ) I think people are gaining weight around the social skills.
world because of fast food and a lack of exercise.
Prompt 3:
Prompt 3: I would choose to be a professional athlete instead
( 1 ) It is important for humans to share the Earth of a famous entertainer.
with plants and animals. Reason 1: I like playing sports rather than acting or
( 2 ) Plants help produce oxygen and get rid of singing, so it would suit me better.
carbon dioxide, which benefits humans. Reason 2: I would be required to stay in shape as
( 3 ) If humans take all of the land for themselves, part of my job.
the quality of the air we breathe will decline. Reason 3: I think the public and media focuses more
on famous entertainers than athletes.
Prompt 4: Topic sentence: It seems to me that the public and
( 3 ) If I call a friend to see if he or she wants to go media focus more on famous
to a movie and if he or she is busy, I can always call entertainers than athletes, and I
another friend to go with me. would prefer not to always have
( 2 ) Since I have a lot of friends, I always have attention drawn to me.
someone to do something with.
( 1 ) Having a lot of friends is better than having Prompt 4:
just a few friends. I believe giving children chores teaches them
responsibility, which will help them later on.
Step 2 (possible student responses) Reason 1: It teaches them about getting things
Prompt 1: done when they need to be done.
When faced with making a big decision I always Reason 2: If children get an allowance for chores, it
consult my friends and family for their opinions. teaches them about money.
Reason 1: They will see things from a more objective Reason 3: When children do chores, it shows
point of view. them they are a contributing member of
Reason 2: They may have faced a similar decision the family.
at some point in their lives. Topic sentence: When children get an allowance for
Reason 3: They can offer positive and negative doing chores, it teaches them about
consequences I may not have thought money and spending it responsibly.
Topic sentence: One of the reasons I ask my friends
and family for advice is because Chapter 6 Making Ideas Flow
they might have experienced making
the same decision at some point in
their lives. 01 Opinion
Step 2
Prompt 2: Introduction: while, however, and
I think that while at school, the most important thing Body 1: In addition, and, the main reason,
for students is academics, not socializing. because, since, also
Reason 1: Students have plenty of time outside of Body 2: Therefore, for example, so, and, also,
school to develop their social skills. because
Reason 2: Social skills can help a person get Conclusion: and, also, in conclusion
friends, but not necessarily a good job.
Reason 3: It is easy to learn social skills, but if you Introduction: (C), (A), (B)
get behind in academics it is hard to Body 1: (B), (C), (A), (D)
catch up. Body 2: (C), (A), (B), (D)
Topic sentence: I think while students are in school, Conclusion: (B), (A)
the focus should be on academics

18 Answer Key
Answer Key
02 Opinion 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (A)
Step 2 25. (B) 26. (C) 27. (D)
28. (C) 29. (D) 30. (B)
Introduction: personally,
Body 1: because of, since, but if, and, as a result 31. ancient 32. massive 33. depicted
Body 2: then, another reason, because, for 34. construction 35. similar 36. based on
example 37. comparison 38. determined 39. disaster
Conclusion: so, and, to conclude, regardless of 40. fragments
41. stagger 42. unique
Introduction: (C), (A), (B) 43. scent 44. bend 45. frequent
Body 1: (B), (A), (C), (D)
Body 2: (C), (B), (D), (A) 46. (S) 47. (O) 48. (S)
Conclusion: (B), (A) 49. (O) 50. (S)

03 Opinion l Vocabulary Review 4 l

Step 2 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (D)
4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (B)
Introduction: however
7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (B)
Body 1: for example, but, since, first of all, yet
10. (C) 11. (B) 12. (C)
Body 2: another reason, because, So
13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (C)
Conclusion: to sum things up, and
16. (B) 17. (D) 18. (C)
Introduction: (C), (B), (A) 19. (A) 20. (D) 21. (C)
Body 1: (C), (D), (A), (B) 22. (D) 23. (A) 24. (B)
Body 2: (A), (C), (D), (B) 25. (D) 26. (C) 27. (A)
Conclusion: (A), (B) 28. (B) 29. (B) 30. (C)
31. fossil 32. curious 33. approximately
34. previously 35. possible 36. admire
04 Opinion 37. monstrous 38. challenge 39. according to
Step 1 (possible student response) 40. resource
3. I have a closer relationship with people I know, 41. known 42. interview 43. observe
so I can tell how honest they are. 44. ruin 45. model
46. (O) 47. (S) 48. (O)
49. (S) 50. (O)
06 Opinion
Step 1 (possible student response)
3. Young people have more things in common Chapter 7 Verb Forms
with their friends.
Verb Tense
Exercise 1
l Vocabulary Review 3 l
1. My sister Margaret has studied ballet since she
1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (C) was six years old. Earlier this year, she went to
4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (C) New York City to audition for a ballet company.
7. (D) 8. (A) 9. (B) The company director was so impressed that
10. (C) 11. (C) 12. (D) he offered her a position right away. Margaret
13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (D) packed her things and moved to the city. She
16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (D) felt lonely when she first got there, but she made
19. (B) 20. (C) 21. (A) friends with some of the other dancers. Now,

Answer Key 19
she is happy because she performs onstage Word Forms
almost every weekend, and she enjoys going Exercise 1
places with her new friends. She has written me
every week since she left. Sometimes, she sends 1. (A) 6. (A)
me postcards, which I like because I can see 2. (B) 7. (B)
what Margaret’s new home looks like. 3. (B) 8. (A)
4. (B) 9. (B)
2. Last night was a very interesting evening. 5. (A) 10. (B)
Around 8:30, I was helping my mom clean up
the house when I heard a strange noise coming Exercise 2
from the laundry room. I thought it was probably 1. Good study skills are important for any
just some mice. Mice often come into our house, student. Poor study skills can lead to wasted time,
especially in the wintertime. I went into the laundry frustration, and low grades. One of the biggest
room and heard the sound again. It was coming problems for students is time management.
from behind the washing machine. I moved the Making a schedule can help you make the most
washing machine aside and saw something that out of your time. When you develop your study
made my heart race. Suddenly, something schedule, be sure to include your social activities
jumped out at me. I was terrified! Very quickly, as well so you know how much time you can
however, I realized what was behind the washing devote to academics. You need to account for
machine. It was just Whiskers, our old cat. how you spend your time each day. Keep in mind
your schedule can always be revised if needed.
Exercise 2 However, you must make a commitment to stick
1. Perhaps my favorite teacher in high school was to it as much as possible for it to be effective.
Mr. McGee, my science teacher. By the time I
knew him, he was already in his early 60s. In 2. In ancient Greece there was a city called
fact, teaching was a second career for him. He Sybaris, which was said to be the wealthiest
had worked at a government agency before he trading port at the time. The residents of
taught science. At the government agency, he Sybaris had accumulated so many riches that
did a lot of climate studies. He described the they spent most of their time indulging in fun
work to us, making class very interesting. I activities. This included the Sybarite army that
graduated a few years ago and am now in taught the horses to dance to pipe music. A
college. Since graduating, I have gone back to neighboring city decided to attack Sybaris, but
my old high school every year just to say “hi” to its army was much smaller. They came up with
Mr. McGee---my favorite teacher. a good solution. The invading army carried
musical pipes and began playing them when
2. One of my favorite things to do on weekends is they reached Sybaris. The Sybarite horses began
visit the zoo. I have gone to the zoo since I was dancing, and the Sybarites could not get them to
only five or six years old. They change the stop, which allowed the city to be captured.
exhibits often, so I never grow tired of it. In fact,
I went there this past weekend because they
just opened up the polar bear exhibit. When I Subject-Verb Agreement
arrived at the exhibit, one of the bears was lying Exercise 1
on the rocks and enjoying the sunshine.
________ 1. The mail are on the kitchen counter.
Another one was playing with a big piece of ice
in the water. It was great! C
________ 2. Everybody is seated at the table for dinner.
________ 3. He races dirt bikes on weekends at the
local track.
________ 4. A lot of people are waiting in line at the
movie theater.

20 Answer Key
Answer Key
________ 5. Some of the children have gone to the 2. Amy studied really hard for her test. And got a
park to play baseball. perfect score on it.
➯ Amy studied really hard for her test and got a
________ 6. Several people is absent from the perfect score on it.
meeting tonight.
3. On my way to work. I stopped to visit my aunt
________ 7. Nobody want to take the trash out to yesterday.
the dumpster. ➯ On my way to work, I stopped to visit my
IC aunt yesterday.
________ 8. She return from her trip next Saturday.
C 4. Jack was very tired today at work. Stayed up
________ 9. A portion of the exam was very difficult
too late last night.
for me.
➯ Jack was very tired today at work because
________ 10. There were sand in my shoes from he stayed up too late last night.
walking on the beach.
5. Unsafe to enter. So, you can’t go in there.
________ 11. Each person thinks differently about ➯ It is unsafe to enter, so you can’t go in
what should be done about the problem. there.
________ 12. A notice are posted on the bulletin 6. I skipped lunch today. Hungry when I got home.
board by the front door. ➯ I skipped lunch today, so I was hungry
when I got home.
________ 13. Several of the students was sent
home due to illness. 7. Melissa made a new friend today. Invited her
over for dinner.
________ 14. Every summer, Kate goes to her ➯ Melissa made a new friend today and invited
grandmother’s house in Oregon. her over for dinner.
________ 15. Coffee were served at the meeting 8. Soaking wet on my way to work. I forgot my
yesterday morning. umbrella at home this morning.
IC ➯ I got soaking wet on my way to work
________ 16. Sheryl and Sarah has not decided on
because I forgot my umbrella at home this
a restaurant yet.
Exercise 2
9. My uncle travels to a lot of foreign countries.
1. works 9. bloom Tells me interesting stories about them.
2. pours 10. leave ➯ My uncle travels to a lot of foreign countries
3. cry 11. disappears and tells me interesting stories about them.
4. watches 12. dream
5. is 13. pay 10. I hate going to the dentist. Appointment this
6. agrees 14. looks afternoon.
7. read 15. rises ➯ I hate going to the dentist, but I have an
8. speaks 16. believe appointment this afternoon.

11. My flight was terrible. A lot of turbulence.

➯ My flight was terrible because there was a
Chapter 8 Sentence Formation lot of turbulence.

12. Susan’s report not completed yet. She was having

Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences problems with her computer.
Exercise 1 ➯ Susan’s report is not completed yet
because she was having problems with her
1. It is easy to ride a bike. Once learn how to do it.
➯ It is easy to ride a bike once you learn how to
do it.

Answer Key 21
13. The new horror movie at the theater. I was too CS
________ 7. Although air travel is quicker, I prefer to
scared to go to sleep that night. travel by car because flying makes me
➯ I saw the new horror movie at the theater, sick.
and I was too scared to go to sleep that night.
________ 8. The circus is coming to town this
14. The community theater will have a new weekend I think we should definitely go
production. Going to be Camelot. see it.
➯ The community theater will have a new ➯ The circus is coming to town this
production, and it is going to be Camelot. weekend, and I think we should definitely
go see it.
15. I don’t like to eat vegetables. Like fruit, though.
➯ I don’t like to eat vegetables, but I like fruit, ________
CS 9. The award presentation was delayed
though. because the person receiving the award
was late.
16. The dog got out of the yard. Digging a hole
under the fence. F
________ 10. My cousin is allergic to peanuts. And
➯ The dog got out of the yard by digging a chocolate.
hole under the fence. ➯ My cousin is allergic to peanuts and
Exercise 2
________ 11. It is very important to have the brakes
________ 1. In many countries, soccer is a very on your car checked once a year.
popular sport it is played on a field.
➯ In many countries, soccer is a very RO
________ 12. The lecture was boring and it lasted a
popular sport. It is played on a field. long time some people actually fell
________ 2. I called the travel agency you ➯ The lecture was boring, and it lasted
recommended. Did not have the tour I a long time. Some people actually fell
wanted. asleep.
➯ I called the travel agency you
recommended, but they did not have F
________ 13. Emma has trouble sitting still for long
the tour I wanted. periods of time. Has a lot of energy.
➯ Emma has trouble sitting still for long
________ 3. The company picnic seemed to be a periods of time because she has a lot of
success a lot of employees showed up energy.
for it.
➯ The company picnic seemed to be a CS
________ 14. There is a petting zoo nearby that has
success. A lot of employees showed up goats, sheep, pigs, rabbits, and other
for it. animals.

________ 4. I went to the bank on Friday afternoon F
________ 15. Steve likes to play golf in the autumn
and waited a long time before I but not in the summer. Says it is too
received help. hot.
➯ Steve likes to play golf in the autumn
________ 5. I have never been to Scotland I hear it but not in the summer. He says it is too
is very beautiful in the Highlands. hot.
➯ I have never been to Scotland, but I
hear it is very beautiful in the Highlands. RO
________ 16. Several students were selected to go
on the trip to California they were very
________ 6. The audience gave a standing ovation excited.
for the musicians. Gave an encore ➯ Several students were selected to go
performance. on the trip to California. They were very
➯ The audience gave a standing ovation excited.
for the musicians, so they gave an encore
22 Answer Key
Answer Key
Noun Phrases, Clauses, and Their Equivalents 2. She likes vacationing somewhere that has a
Exercise 1 beach.
➯ (to) She likes to go on vacation somewhere with
________ 1. My friend asked me to study with her a beach.
on Wednesday night.
3. I have a hard time apologizing when I know I
________ 2. Move to a new place is scary and exciting am wrong.
at the same time. ➯ (to) It is hard for me to apologize when I
C know I am wrong.
________ 3. His proposal was to find a cheaper
supplier for materials. 4. Karla figured everyone left the house already.
C ➯ (that) Karla figured that everyone had left the
________ 4. We should have known that was too
house already.
good to be true.
C 5. The professor held a study session in which he
________ 5. I saw a stray dog in my backyard
reviewed the material for the midterm.
yesterday afternoon.
➯ (to) The professor held a study session to
________ 6. Traveling around the world is fun to do. review the material for the midterm.
________ 7. Her idea is that the company should 6. They recycled all of their paper products to help
hire more people. the environment.
➯ (that) They recycled all of their paper products
________ 8. It is hard for her decide if she should so that they could help the environment.
purchase a new television set.
7. Many people prefer giving gifts rather than
________ 9. She assumed that I had already heard receiving them.
the good news. ➯ (to) Many people prefer to give gifts rather
IC than receive them.
________ 10. I want try the new Thai restaurant on
Brookfield Street. 8. Jack agreed to stay late to finish the project.
IC ➯ (that) Jack agreed that we should stay late to
________ 11. She would not like work in a factory.
finish the project.
________ 12. To create a work of literature takes a
9. We have nothing in common, but we are best
lot of imagination.
friends anyway.
________ 13. I think to doing that would be a very ➯ (that) We know that we have nothing in
big mistake. common but we are best friends anyway.

________ 14. He prefers to watch educational 10. I think it is better going left down Main Street
shows instead of sitcoms. and then right on Butler Avenue.
➯ (to) I think it is better to go left down Main
________ 15. Many people would like win the lottery. Street and then right on Butler Avenue.
________ 16. Their marketing concept is to sponsor
a local baseball team.
Coordinating Conjunctions and
Exercise 2 Coordinating Adverbs
Exercise 1
1. Everybody decided to meet at the restaurant at
seven o’ clock. 1. I tried to move the sofa so I could clean
➯ (that) Everybody decided that we should underneath it. But it was too heavy.
meet at the restaurant at seven o’clock. ➯ I tried to move the sofa so I could clean
underneath it, but it was too heavy.

Answer Key 23
2. Susan is taking classes at the community 12. I believe in wishing on stars however my brother
college during the day also works at night. says that it’s nonsense.
➯ Susan is taking classes at the community ➯ I believe in wishing on stars; however, my
college during the day. Also, she works at brother says that it’s nonsense.
13. We drove to Shelley’s to pick her up then we all
3. We could go ice skating. Or go sledding. went to Alex’s house together.
➯ We could go ice skating, or we could go ➯ We drove to Shelley’s to pick her up. Then,
sledding. we all went to Alex’s house together.

4. I want to buy a new computer. So I am saving 14. They like to go hiking when it’s warm out also
my money. they enjoy water skiing.
➯ I want to buy a new computer, so I am saving ➯ They like to go hiking when it’s warm out.
my money. Also, they enjoy water skiing.

5. Mr. Alvarez thinks he is a good candidate for 15. He is faster than the rest of us therefore he
the job however Mr. Jackson disagrees. should be the last runner on our relay team.
➯ Mr. Alvarez thinks he is a good candidate ➯ He is faster than the rest of us; therefore, he
for the job. However, Mr. Jackson disagrees. should be the last runner on our relay team.

6. They need to decide which restaurant they want 16. I like to take pictures with my camera but, they
to go to. Or they can just order pizza. never come out the way I want them to.
➯ They need to decide which restaurant they ➯ I like to take pictures with my camera, but
want to go to, or they can just order pizza. they never come out the way I want them to.

7. He thinks we should make an outline first then Exercise 2

we can start writing the report.
➯ He thinks we should make an outline first. 1. While the game of baseball was invented in
Then, we can start writing the report. America, it was modeled on the British game of
rounders. The first game of baseball happened
8. I like chocolate ice cream but my sister likes around 1834, whereas the first game of
vanilla therefore we always have both at our rounders was played in 1744. The two games
house. have quite a few similarities. For example, both
➯ I like chocolate ice cream, but my sister games are played on diamond-shaped fields.
likes vanilla. Therefore, we always have both at Both games also have pitchers, although in
our house. rounders, they are called bowlers. Additionally,
both baseball and rounders have fielders to
9. This summer we are going to England. And in catch or chase after balls. If a fielder catches a
the winter we are going to Mexico. ball after it has been hit in rounders, then the
➯ This summer we are going to England, and batter is out, just like in baseball. It is believed
in the winter, we are going to Mexico. that rounders made its way across the ocean to
10. Our team is down by 20 points however we America in the last half of the 18th century and
haven’t given up yet. eventually evolved into the game of baseball.
➯ Our team is down by 20 points. However,
we haven’t given up yet. 2. Everyone knows zebras have stripes, but have
you ever wondered what they are for? Scientists
11. She wanted to go to the store and the library. believe zebras’ stripes help them hide from
But she did not have enough time to do both. predators. When in danger, zebras huddle
➯ She wanted to go to the store and the together, so they look like one big mass of
library, but she did not have enough time to do stripes. Therefore, it is hard for a predator to
both. single out one zebra to attack. There are actually
eight kinds of zebras and each kind has a

24 Answer Key
Answer Key
different style of stripes. However, most people hearts, flowers, and cows on it. It was knit with pastel
are familiar with the plains zebra, which has very colors of light blue, pink, and yellow, except for the
thick vertical stripes on its body. People probably black and white cows. My mother thought it was cute.
cannot pick out one zebra from another. On the My brother laughed when I pulled it out of the box.
other hand, zebras are able to identify each One of the reasons I did not like it was because at
other individually by their stripes. No two zebras that age, I preferred wearing plain clothing. My
have the same stripe pattern. Although most wardrobe was made up of blue jeans and tops in
zebras are striped, there are some that are solid colors. Another reason I disliked it was because
either all black or all white. I did not understand why anyone would send me a
cow sweater when everyone knew I liked unicorns.
When I tried it on, it made my neck itch, and my
brother mooed at me.
Practice Test 1 When my grandmother came to visit a few weeks
later, I had to wear the sweater. I was miserable the
Sample Responses entire day. Therefore, I was very happy the following
Task 1 winter when I discovered I had outgrown the cow
The lecture and the passage both talk about how
people with weak immune systems react to the
virus that causes the common cold. The passage
says that in order to become infected with the cold, you Practice Test 2
must have a weakened immune system. The lecture
disagrees with this statement. Sample Responses
First, the passage explains the function of the Task 1
immune system is to defend the body from disease.
It says that since people with weak immune systems Both the lecture and the passage talk about the
have fewer defenses against diseases, they become effectiveness of anti-virus software. The passage
ill when exposed to the cold virus. The professor claims that the software is useful for preventing all
refutes this by talking about a study. In the study, 95 attacks on a computer. The professor, however,
percent of the people with healthy immune systems disagrees with this claim. He explains how anti-virus
became ill when exposed to the cold virus. This software is not effective.
shows that you don’t have to have a weak immune First, the passage describes how anti-virus
system to become ill. software works. By running frequent scans and
Next, the passage claims that people with weak monitoring suspicious behavior, it is able to prevent
immune systems suffer from more symptoms when all attacks. But the professor says that this is wrong.
they become sick with a cold. The professor also He says that anti-virus software is not 100 percent
disagrees with this. She explains that cold symptoms effective because the people who write the viruses
occur when the body attacks the cold virus. So, a try very hard to make them undetectable. Because
person with a healthy immune system would actually of this, it sometimes takes a while for the software to
have more symptoms. find the viruses.
Next, the passage says that once anti-virus software
Task 2 is installed, the user can let the software do all the
work. But the professor disagrees with this as well.
When I was younger, I was very disappointed He says that in order for the software to be effective,
whenever I opened a present on Christmas and the user must constantly download updates so that
found clothes. Even worse was when it was a piece the software will have current information about new
of clothing that I would never choose to wear in a viruses.
million years. However, the absolute worst thing
was when I had to wear it.
One year for Christmas, my grandmother sent me a
sweater. It looked thick and warm but it also had

Answer Key 25
Task 2
Knowledge can be gained from many places, such
as books or scientific observation, but there are also
other sources that are important. Since a lot of
emphasis is placed on book learning and making
theories about the world around us, we can forget
about the other ways we can learn things.
Personally, I think the Internet and family members
are also valuable sources of knowledge.
First, the Internet is a very important source of
knowledge. There is so much information that can
be found through Internet search engines, and it is
right at our fingertips. In addition, the knowledge
found on the Internet is usually current, unlike
books that can become outdated when theories are
disproved. The latest news in science, history, art,
and many other subjects is posted on the Internet
almost as soon as it happens.
Second, family members are a valuable source of
information as well. Although they might not be able
to tell you exactly what a certain math concept is,
they can help you make informed life decisions
based on their own experiences. Also, they can
teach you about things that will help you in the real
world, such as money and how to change a flat tire
on a car. I believe the life knowledge family members
can teach someone is just as valuable as information
received from academic sources.

26 Answer Key

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