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Nowadays, sending out important information is vital. Because of ICT, things are now sent
much faster than the traditional newsletters or postal mail. Now you can use the Internet to send
out the information you need to share. What if we could still do things much faster – an
automated way of creating and sending uniform letters with

different recipients? Would that not be more convenient? EMPOWERMENT


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to a.

define mail merge;
b. follow the steps in creating mail merge;
c. distinguish the different image placement; and d.
integrate images into the word processor.



Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your answer

1. This creates a blank form document and will use the data file that you selected to
print the information, typically individual addresses.
A. Label Generator C. List File
B. Mail Merge D. Form Document
2. This is where the individual information or data that needs to be merged to the form
is placed.
A. Label Generator C. List File
B. Mail Merge D. Form Document
3. What is the first step in making a mail merge?
A. Click Start Mail Merge C. Click Starting a Document
B. Click the Mailing Tab D. Click Select Recipients
4. The following are choices under the Select Recipient list except to
A. Select from Outlook contact C. Use an existing list
B. Type a new list D. Start from a template
5. These are digital images you have saved in any local storage device.
A. ClipArt C. Screenshots
B. Pictures D. SmartArt
6. These are predefined sets of shapes grouped to form ideas that are organizational
in nature.
A. ClipArt C. Screenshots
B. Pictures D. SmartArt
7. These line art drawings or images used as a generic representation for ideas and objects
A. ClipArt C. Screenshots
B. Pictures D. SmartArt
8. This image placement conforms the text to the general shape of the image.
A. In line with text C. Tight
B. Square D. Top and Bottom
9. It treats your image as a text font with the bottom side aligned with the text line.
A. In line with text C. Tight

B. Square D. Top and Bottom
10.This type of image file is capable of displaying transparencies.


Take a selfie or ask someone to take a shot of you.
Make sure that you capture yourself clearly with white
background. Take a shot of the nature you see around you.
Transfer your pictures on your computer set or laptop. Name
your picture using your nickname and the other one as “my
background”. Save them in the Picture folder in your computer.


How much do you know about Microsoft Word? Let’s test your skills by answering the
questions below.
1. Have you experienced receiving a letter from snail mail? How is the experience?
2. What other medium of sending letters you are now using? Why you use that?
3. How you insert pictures or images in a Word document from external storage?
4. What is Word Processor? How useful is this in making your document?



Mail Merge is a feature within most data processing applications that enables users to
send a similar letter or document to multiple recipients. It enables connecting a single form
template with a data source that contains information about the recipient's name, address and
other predefined and supported data.
Mail Merge is the automatic addition of names and addresses from a database to letters and
envelopes in order to facilitate sending mail, especially advertising, to many addresses.
Mail merging needs 2 components: the first document which has the message, and the
document or file which has the list of names and addresses. When these two documents are
merged (combined) during mail merging, the printed results contain the individual names and
addresses you must send it to.

2 Components of Mail Merge

1. Form Document
This contains the main body of the message we want to send. This part of the
document remains the same no matter whom you send it to from among your list.
The form document also includes place holders, also called data fields or merge fields.
This marks the position on the document where individual information will be inserted. Place
holders are marked by the text with double-headed arrows (<< >>) on
each side and with a gray background. On a standard form, this will be the spaces that you will see
and use as a guide to where you need to write the information that you need to fill out.

2. List File or Data File
The mail merged document’s second element, where the individual information or data
that needs to be merged to the form is placed.

One of the best things about the mail merge feature in Microsoft Word is that it lets
data file to be created from a file in either Microsoft Word, Excel, or other data formats. In
this way, fields that needed to be filled up on the form document can easily be maintained
without altering the form or main document. You can easily add, remove, modify, or extract your
data more efficiently by using other data management applications like Excel or Access
and import them in Word during the mail merge process.

Label Generation
The Label Generator, which is included in the mail merge feature of Microsoft
Word, creates a blank form document and will use the data file that you selected to print the
information, typically individual addresses. This feature also involves the 2 components
of mail merge: the form document and the data file. All you need to do is select the
appropriate size for the label or envelope and select the data file that contains the addresses to be

Steps in Creating Mail Merge in Microsoft


1. In a blank Microsoft Word document,

click on the Mailings tab, and in the
Start Mail Merge group, click
Start Mail Merge.

Source: use-


2. Click Step-by-Step Mail

Merge Wizard.

3. Select your document type. In this

demo we will select Letters. Click Next:
Starting document.

4. Select the starting document. In this demo we will use the

current (blank) document. Select Use the current
document and then click Next: Select recipients.

• Note that selecting Start from existing

document (which we are not doing in this demo)
changes the view and gives you the option to choose your
document. After you choose it, the Mail Merge Wizard
reverts to Use the current document.


5. Select recipients. In this demo we will create a new list, so

select Type a new list and then click Create.

• Create a list by adding data in the New Address

List dialog box and clicking OK.

• Save the list

• Note that now that a list has been created, the Mail Merge
Wizard reverts to Use an existing list and you have the option
to edit the recipient list.

• Selecting Edit recipient list

opens up the Mail Merge
Recipients dialog box, where
you can edit the list and
select or unselect records.
Click OK to accept the list as is.

• Click Next: Write your letter.

6. Write the letter and add custom fields.

• Click Address block to add the recipients' addresses at the top

of the document.

• In the Insert Address Block dialog box, check or uncheck boxes and select options
on the left until the address appears the way you want it to.

• Note that you can use Match

Fields to correct any problems.
Clicking Match Fields opens up
the Match Fields dialog box, in
which you can associate the fields
from your list with the fields
required by the wizard.

7. Press Enter on your keyboard and click Greeting line...

to enter a greeting.

8. In the Insert Greeting Line dialog box, choose the greeting line format by
clicking the drop-down arrows and selecting the options of your choice,
and then click OK.

9. Note that the address block and

greeting line are surrounded by
chevrons (« »). Write a short letter and
click Next: Preview your letters.

• Preview your letter and click Next:

Complete the merge.


• Click Print to print your letters or Edit

individual letters to further personalize some or all
of the letters.

Note: All the illustrations used in the Steps in Creating Mail Merge in
Microsoft Word comes from this source:


Integrating or inserting pictures in your document is fun and it improves the

impression of your document. There is a lot of use of inserting a picture on a document that makes
your document more interesting and visual presented. Different kinds of material that you
can insert or integrate into a Word document and its characteristics can help you create a
more efficient, richer document not only in content but also in physical form. A better
understanding of the physical form of your document as well as the different materials you
integrate into it would allow you to be more efficient and versatile in using Microsoft Word.

Kinds of Materials

There are various kinds of

materials Microsoft Word is capable of
integrating to make your
documents richer, more impressive,
and more informative.

This is the Illustrations Ribbon Group under the

Insert tab of Word 2016

The screenshot above shows the kinds of materials that can be integrated or inserted
in your Microsoft Word document and they used it to enhance or improve the effectiveness of
the message you want to convey. Let us describe each of them.

1. Pictures – These are digital pictures you have saved in any local storage device. There are three
commonly used types of pictures files. You can identify them by the extension of their
a. .JPG/.JPEG (“jay-peg”, Joint Photographic Experts Group) – an image file extensions
that identifies the kind of data compression process that it uses to make it more
compatible and portable through the Internet. It can support
16.7 million colors that is why it is suitable for use when working with full-
color photographic images.
b. .GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) – This type of image file is capable of displaying
transparencies. Therefore, it is good for blending with other materials or
elements in your document. It is also capable of displaying simple animation. On the
contrary it can only support up to 256 colors so it is good mostly on logos and art
decors with very limited, and generally solid colors.

.GIF is much better for logos, drawings, small text, black and white images, or low-
resolution files.
c. .PNG (“ping”, Portable Network Graphics) – It was built around the capabilities of .GIF. Its
development was basically to transport images on the Internet at faster rates. It is
also good with transparencies but unlike .GIFs, it does not support animation but it
can display up to about 16 million colors, so image quality for this image file type
is also remarkably improved. .PNG allows the control of the transparency level or
opacity of images.
2. ClipArt – This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images used as a generic
representation for ideas and objects that you might want to integrate into your
document. There are still other clip arts that you can either purchase or free download and use
that come from third-party providers.
3. Shapes – These are printable objects that you can input in your document to enhance its
appearance or to allow you to have some tools to use for composing and
representing ideas or messages.
4. SmartArt – These are predefined sets of shapes grouped to form ideas that are
organizational in nature. If you want to graphically represent flow, relationships, or process
for infographic documents, then you will find this handy to use.
5. Chart – This allows you to represent data characteristics and trends. This is quite useful
when you are preparing reports that correlate and present data using graphs. You can create
charts that can be integrated either directly in Microsoft Word or imported from external
files like Microsoft Excel.
6. Screenshot – This tool lets you take a screenshot of what you are discussing in your report.
Microsoft Word even provides a snipping tool for your screenshots so you can select only the
parts that you want to present in your screenshot.

Image Placement
Inserting any kind of material in your document is quite easy. The real challenge is where to
put the image you inserted or where to move it. In this part of the lesson, we will study the
different characteristics of text wrapping options that you can use with the image you inserted
in your document.

1. In Line with Text. This is the default setting for images that are inserted in your
document. It treats your image as a text font with the bottom side aligned with the text
line. This setting is usually used when you need to place your image at the beginning of a
paragraph. When placed between texts in a paragraph or sentence, it distorts the overall
appearance and arrangement of the texts in the paragraph because it will take up the
space it needs vertically, pushing whole lines of texts upward as in the example below.

Empowerment Technology or E-Tech often deals with the use

of different technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, computer

and other devices to locate, save, communicate and to inform.

Empowerment Technology is important for its innovative uses is sufficient in our
daily lives.

2. Square. This setting allows the image you inserted to be placed anywhere within the paragraph
with the text going around the image in a square pattern like a frame.
Empowerment Technology or E-Tech often deals with the use of different
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, computer and
other devices to locate, save, communicate and to inform.
Empowerment Technology is important for its innovative uses is
sufficient in our daily lives.

3. Tight. This is almost the same as the Square setting, but here the text conforms to the general
shape of the image. This setting can mostly be achieved if you are using an image that supports
Empowerment Technology or E-Tech often deals with the use of different
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, computer and
other devices to locate, save, communicate and to inform.
Empowerment Technology is important for its innovative uses
is sufficient in our daily lives.

4. Through. This setting allows text to flow even tighter, taking the contours and shape of the
image. Both Tight and Through can be best used with a .GIF or .PNG type of image.
Empowerment Technology or E-Tech often deals with the use of different
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, computer and other
devices to locate, save, communicate and to inform.
Empowerment Technology is important for its innovative uses is
sufficient in our daily lives.

5. Top and Bottom. This setting pushes the text away vertically to the top and/or the bottom of
the image so that the image occupies a whole text line on its own as in the example.
Empowerment Technology or E-Tech often deals with the use of different
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, computer and other devices

to locate, save, communicate and to inform. Empowerment Technology is

important for its innovative uses is sufficient in our daily lives.

6. Behind Text. This setting allows your image to be placed behind the text in your
document. It makes your image look like a background.
Empowerment Technology or E-Tech often deals with the use of different
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, computer and other devices to locate,
save, communicate and to inform. Empowerment Technology is important for its
innovative uses is sufficient in our daily lives.

7. In Front of Text. This setting lets your image to cover the text in your document.
Notice the difference between using a .PNG file with a transparency effect and a .JPG
Empowerment Technology or E-Tech often deals with the use of different
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, computer and other devices to locate,
save, communicate and to inform. Empowerment Technology is important for its
innovative uses is sufficient in our daily lives.

Activity 3.1
Mail Merge and Label Generation
List 10 names of people with their corresponding title, company name, and
address. You may use the following place holders: title, name, company, address line 1, address line
2, address line 3 and email address. Refer to the table on the below for the format. It might be a
good idea to collaborate and exchange names and addresses with
your classmates.
Address Address Address Email
Title Name Company Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Address
Snope ACME Inc. 420
Sir Doge Meycauayan Bulacan
Sesame St.
Lexille Braser 69 Lady Alabang Muntinlupa
Madam Lawrence Corp. Inda St. City
… … … … … …

1. Using Microsoft Word 2010 (or any available MS Word available), Create an
application letter. This will serve as your merged document. Go to the Mailings tab and
modify your recipient list so that you have an Email Address on the last column and ten more
additional entries on your list.
2. Examine as well how you can quickly add an address block and a greeting line through
the ribbon.
3. Generate labels using your recipient list.
4. Refer to the rubrics below to see how you will be graded in this activity.

Activity 3.2
Integrating Images and External Materials
1. Open a blank document in the MS Word. Set the paper size into letter size.
2. Insert the picture my background that you captured located in the picture folder.
3. Set the image behind text. Placing the picture into the center of the page.
Stretch the picture as it covers the entire space of the paper leaving only the 1”
margin (left, right, top and bottom)
4. Insert your picture named using your nickname. Crop the picture to 2" wide x 2” height.
Make sure that the picture is still in proportion. Format the border of the picture using a
dark blue (weight of 3 pt.).
Set the image in front of text and place this at the center of your background.
5. Save your output using filename Activity 3.2.
6. Make a screenshot of your activity.

Rubrics for Activity 3.1 and 3.2

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Category Score
5 4 3 2
All skills in Most skills in Some skills in Few or no skills
Advanced Word Advanced Word Advanced Word from Advanced
Processing are Processing are Processing are Word Processing are
applied. applied applied. applied.
The output The output is The output has The output contains
Content exceeds complete. several errors. many errors.
The output is free The output The output has The output contains
from errors. contains minimal several errors. many errors.

The student was The student was The student TECHNOLOGIES
was The student was
able to finish the able to finish the able to finish the able to finish the
task most task in the task but used task using the least
effectively without projected amount methods that efficient method in
wasting time and of time. consumed more finishing the task.
effort. time or resources.


Multiple Choice: Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What feature of Microsoft Word Allows you to efficiently create documents that have
the same general content but may have different recipients or purpose?
A. Mail Merge C. Send Merge
B. Print Merge D. View Merge
2. Which of the following is not a component of the mail merge?
A. Address C. Form Document
B. List File D. Data File
3. What are the steps in creating a simple mail merge?.
A. Create form document; preview; insert place holders; print
B. Preview; insert place holders; create form document; print
C. Create the main document; create data source; insert place holders; preview
D. Create data source; insert place holders; preview; print
4. Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button?
A. File Tab C. References Tab
B. Mailings Tab D. Home Tab
5. What tells Microsoft Word exactly where to place the information coming from the data file
to the main document?
A. Data Source C. Place Holder
B. Insertion Line D. Insertion Tag
6. What type of document cannot be created using mail merge?
A. Envelopes C. Poster
B. Letters D. Labels
7. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or send it
A. Preview Results C. Address Block
B. Insert Merge Field D. Greeting Line
8. What file contains the information you need to merge with your main document?
A. Address Block C. Data File
B. Contact List D. Directory
9. What essential component of mail merge is required from users when generating labels?
A. Data File C. Place Holder
B. Form Document D. Merge Field
10. What image compression/file type type is capable of displaying simple


Check I can…
uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced
application techniques.
*You may choose only one reflection guide here..

Today I have learned that .

I find the most interesting because _. I got
checks because .
I need to improve on because .
I need to practice because .
I plan to .


Dunn, D. How to Use Mail Merge in Microsoft Word. Webucator.
Estrada, T. (2011, May 26). Understanding images: Part 2 - Wrapping styles. Microsoft
365 Blog.
365/blog/2011/05/26/ understanding-images-part-2-wrapping-styles/. How To
Wrap Text In Microsoft Word. Text Wrapping In Word.
Regisjoyce. (2018, April 1). Empowerment Technologies LESSONS 1-15.Empowerment
Technology. ent-
technologies- lessons115/?fbclid=IwAR17QRDe_a1YptDpWWm55XMCTmqp2bW8pc
Tutorial: Managing Mailings: Advanced Microsoft Word Tutorial. Webucator.
microsoftword/managingmailings .cfm.
(Untitled illustration of the process of mail merge). How to Use Mail Merge in Microsoft Word. mergemicrosoftword.cfm


A graduate of Bulacan State University with the degree

of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education major in
Drafting. An educator for 17 years in the High School
Department and a former instructor of Polytechnic
College of the City of Meycauayan (PCCM), formerly MQAPC
in the Engineering Department from
2004-2008. She is a Senior High School Teacher III,
handling Empowerment Technologies and Media and
Information Literacy in Grade 11 and 12 and Technical
Drafting in the Junior High School Department.
She is the 2020 National Coach for Technical
Drafting in the 2020 National Festival of Talents held at
Ilagan, Isabela. The 2019 Regional Champion Coach (RFOT)
and three-consecutive Division Champion Coach in the
same category (2017-2019).

She has TESDA Trainers Methodology-I

certification and TESDA National Certificates (NC) in Video
Graphics Design NC III and Technical Drafting NC II.


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