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Predictive Modeling

Business Report

Submitted by:
Dev Kumar

Question Description Page

s No.

Problem 1 Linear Regression

You are hired by a company Gem Stones co ltd, which is a cubic
zirconia manufacturer. You are provided with the dataset containing the
prices and other attributes of almost 27,000 cubic zirconia (which is an
inexpensive diamond alternative with many of the same qualities as a
diamond). The company is earning different profits on different prize
slots. You have to help the company in predicting the price for the
stone on the bases of the details given in the dataset so it can
distinguish between higher profitable stones and lower profitable
stones so as to have better profit share. Also, provide them with the
best 5 attributes that are most important.
1.1 Read the data and do exploratory data analysis. Describe the data
briefly. (Check the null values, Data types, shape, EDA, duplicate
values). Perform Univariate and Bivariate Analysis.
1.2 Impute null values if present, also check for the values which are
equal to zero. Do they have any meaning or do we need to change
them or drop them? Check for the possibility of combining the sub
levels of a ordinal variables and take actions accordingly. Explain
why you are combining these sub levels with appropriate
1.3 Encode the data (having string values) for Modelling. Split the data
into train and test (70:30). Apply Linear regression using scikit
learn. Perform checks for significant variables using appropriate
method from statsmodel. Create multiple models and check the
performance of Predictions on Train and Test sets using Rsquare,
RMSE & Adj Rsquare. Compare these models and select the best
one with appropriate reasoning.
1.4 Inference: Basis on these predictions, what are the
business insights and recommendations.
Please explain and summarize the various steps performed in
this project. There should be proper business interpretation
and actionable insights present.

Problem 2 Logistic Regression and LDA

You are hired by a tour and travel agency which deals in selling holiday
packages. You are provided details of 872 employees of a company.
Among these employees, some opted for the package and some didn't.
You have to help the company in predicting whether an employee will
opt for the package or not on the basis of the information given in the
data set. Also, find out the important factors on the basis of which the
company will focus on particular employees to sell their packages.
2.1 Data Ingestion: Read the dataset. Do the descriptive statistics and
do null value condition check, write an inference on it. Perform
Univariate and Bivariate Analysis. Do exploratory data analysis.
2.2 Do not scale the data. Encode the data (having string values) for
Modelling. Data Split: Split the data into train and test (70:30).
Apply Logistic Regression and LDA (linear discriminant analysis).
2.3 Performance Metrics: Check the performance of Predictions on Train
and Test sets using Accuracy, Confusion Matrix, Plot ROC curve and
get ROC_AUC score for each model Final Model: Compare Both the
models and write inference which model is best/optimized.
2.4 Inference: Basis on these predictions, what are the
insights and recommendations.
Please explain and summarize the various steps performed in
this project. There should be proper business interpretation
and actionable insights present.


Table. Description Page NO


1. Table 1 :Sample Dataset for Problem 1

2. Table 2: Data description for Problem 1

3. Table 3 5-point summary for Problem 1

4. Table 4 : Duplicate Rows for Problem 1

5. Table 5: Null Values for Problem 1

6 Table 6 : x,y,z column have zeros value

7 Table 7: x,y,z column have non -zeros value

8 Table 8: unique counts of all Objects types variables

9 Table 9: Merging Levels Cut Feature

10 Table 10: Merging Levels Color Feature

11. Table 11: Merging Levels Calarity Feature

12 Table 12: Encoding of Cut Feature

13 Table 13: Encoding of Color Feature

14 Table 14: Encoding of Calarity Feature

15. Table 15: DateSet After Label Encoding of Problem

16. Table 16: OLS Model Report After Label Encoding of

Problem 2(with outlier treatment)

17. Table 17: Model Report After Label Encoding of Problem

2(without outlier treatment)

18. Table 18: Trained Scaled Dataset after Label Encoding of

Problem 2(without outlier treatment by applying z-score).

19. Table 19: OLS Model Report After Label Encoding of

Problem 2(without outlier treatment using Z-score )

20. Table 20: OLS Model Report After Label Encoding of

Problem 2(without outlier treatment using feature
Engineering )

21. Table 21 : Sample Dataset for Problem 2

22. Table 22: Data description for Problem 2

23. Table 23: Correlation dataset summary for Problem 2

Table 24 Correlation dataset summary for Problem 2

25. Table 25: Dataset after Encoding in Problem 2.

26. Table 26: Data summary after Encoding in Problem 2.
27. Table 27: Label y Train Data after Encoding in Problem 2
28 Table 28: Label y Test Data after Encoding in Problem 2
29. Table 29: Classification Report of training data in Problem
2 on Logistic Regression.
30. Table 30: Classification Report of test data in Problem 2
on Logistic Regression.
31. Table 31: Classification Report of training data in Problem
2 on LDA
32. Table 32: Classification Report of Test data in Problem 2
on LDA
33. Table 33: Comparison of the performance metrics from
the 2 models
34. Table 34: Classification Report of default cut-off train data
& the custom cut-off train data
35. Table 35: Classification Report of default cut-off test data
& the custom cut-off test data


Figure. No. Description Page No.

1. Figure 1 of Carat with distplot and Boxplot

2. Figure 2 of Depth with distplot and Boxplot

3. Figure 3 of table with distplot and Boxplot

4. Figure 4 of x(Length) with distplot and

5. Figure 5 of y(width)with distplot and Boxplot

6. Figure 6 of z(height) with distplot and Boxplot

7. Figure 7 of Price(Dependent variable) with

distplot and Boxplot
8. Figure 8 of “Cut” Feature with countplot and
9. Figure 9 of “Color” Feature with countplot and
10 Figure 10 of “Clarity” Feature with countplot
and pieplot.
11. Figure 11 Scatterplot of “Carat vs Price”

12. Figure 12 Scatterplot of “price vs depth” .

13 Figure 13 Scatterplot of “price vs table” .

14. Figure 14 Scatterplot of “price vs x(Length)” .

15 Figure 15 Scatterplot of “price vs y(width)” .

16. Figure 16 Scatterplot of “price vs z(height)” .

17. Figure 17 Scatterplot of “carat vs x(length)” .

18. Figure 18 Scatterplot of “carat vs z(height)” .

19. Figure 19 of Countplot clarity with Hue in cut:

20. Figure 20 of Countplot color with Hue in cut:

21. Figure 21 Heatmap of Problem 1.

22. Figure 22 Pairplot of Problem 1.

23. Figure 23 :Distplot and Boxplot of Salary in

Problem 2.
24. Figure 24 :Distplot and Boxplot of Age in
Problem 2.
25. Figure 25:Distplot and Boxplot of educ in
Problem 2.
26. Figure 26:Countplot of no_young_children in
Problem 2.
27. Figure 27:Countplot of foreign in Problem 2.

28. Figure 28:Scatterplot of Salary vs age in

Problem 2.
29. Figure 29:Scatterplot of Salary vs educ in
Problem 2.
30. Figure 30:Scatterplot of foreign vs Holiday
Package(in hue) in Problem 2.
Figure 31: Correlation Heatmap of Problem 2.

Figure 32: AUC /ROC for training data in
Problem 2 by applying Logistic Regression.

Figure 33: AUC /ROC and Confusion Matrix for
test data in Problem 2 by applying Logistic

34. Figure 34: AUC /ROC and Confusion Matrix for

train data in Problem 2 by applying LDA

35. Figure 35: AUC /ROC and Confusion Matrix for

test data in Problem 2 by applying LDA

36. Figure 36: ROC curve for the two model on

training data in Problem 2

37. Figure 37: ROC curve for the two model on test
data in Problem 2

Problem 1: Linear Regression

You are hired by a company Gem Stones co ltd, which is a cubic zirconia
manufacturer. You are provided with the dataset containing the prices and
other attributes of almost 27,000 cubic zirconia (which is an inexpensive
diamond alternative with many of the same qualities as a diamond). The
company is earning different profits on different prize slots. You have to help
the company in predicting the price for the stone on the bases of the details
given in the dataset so it can distinguish between higher profitable stones
and lower profitable stones so as to have better profit share. Also, provide
them with the best 5 attributes that are most important.
Introduction to the dataset:

Table 1 :Sample Dataset for Problem 1

 Dataset has 10 fields including: "carat", "cut", "color", "clarity", "depth", "table",
"x", "y", "z", "price".

 :"carat", "cut", "color", "clarity", "depth", "table", "x", "y", "z" are
Independent variable/feature.
 Price is dependent variable/feature.

Data Description:
RangeIndex: 26967 entries, 0 to 26966
Data columns (total 10 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 carat 26967 non-null float64
1 cut 26967 non-null object
2 color 26967 non-null object
3 clarity 26967 non-null object
4 depth 26270 non-null float64
5 table 26967 non-null float64
6 x 26967 non-null float64
7 y 26967 non-null float64
8 z 26967 non-null float64
9 price 26967 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(6), int64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 2.1+ MB

 From the above table we can see that there is null values present in the depth
column of the dataset. Their are total 26967 rows & 10 columns in this dataset
,indexed from 0 to 26966. Out of 10 variables 6 are float64 , 3 variables are
object and 1 variable is int64. Memory used by the dataset: 2.1+ MB.

Table 2 Data description for Problem 1

1.1. Read the data and do exploratory data analysis. Describe the data briefly. (Check
the null values, Data types, shape, EDA, duplicate values). Perform Univariate and
Bivariate Analysis.

Descriptive statistics help describe and understand the features of a specific

data set by giving short summaries about the sample and measures of the data.
The most recognized types of descriptive statistics are measures of center: the
mean, median, and mode, which are used at almost all levels of math and

The 5-point summary for the dataset looks as below:

Table 3 5-point summary for Problem 1


 From the above table we can infer the count, mean, std , 25% , 50% ,75%
and min & max values of the all numeric variables present in the dataset.

 From the above table we can infer the count, unique ,top, freq of all the
categorical variables present in the dataset.

 There is bad values found in the x , y , z columns of the Dataset. As x , y , z

are the length , width & height of the cubic zirconia in mm and we have found
minimum value of x , y , z is zero which does not make sense. As we know
that length , width , height can't be zero. Thus, we need to treat & clean

Checking for Duplicate Rows:

Table 4 : Duplicate Rows for Problem 1

 Number of Duplicated Row in the Dataset = 34

 We have to drop these values.

Next, we will plot the Histograms and Boxplot for each column:
Outlier is defined as data points that is positioned outside the whiskers of the
box plot. It represents a numerically distant value from the rest of the dataset.
Boxplot is the visual representation of distribution of numerical data through
their quartiles. Boxplot is also a tool used to detect outliers in the data.
Below is the boxplot for the dataset columns:
Figure 1 of Carat with distplot and Boxplot


 Carat: weight of the cubic zirconia ranges from a minimum of 0 to maximum of

 The average Carat: weight of the cubic zirconia is around 0.798.
 The standard deviation of the Carat: weight of the cubic zirconia is 0.477.
 25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the Carat: weight of the cubic zirconia are
0.400 , 0.700 and 1.050.
 Skewness indicating that the distribution is right skewed.
 Carat: weight of the cubic zirconia have outliers.

Figure 2 of Depth with distplot and Boxplot

 *Depth: The Height of cubic zirconia, measured from the Culet to the table,
divided by its average Girdle Diameter ranges from a minimum of 50.800 to
maximum of 73.600.

 *The average Depth: The Height of cubic zirconia, measured from the Culet to
the table, divided by its average Girdle Diameter is around 61.800.

 *The standard deviation of the Depth: The Height of cubic zirconia, measured
from the Culet to the table, divided by its average Girdle Diameter is 1.412.

 *25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the Depth Insight: The Height of cubic
zirconia, measured from the Culet to the table, divided by its average Girdle
Diameter are 61.000 , 61.800 and 62.500. Skewness indicating that the
ditribution is normal distributed.

 *Depth: The Height of cubic zirconia, measured from the Culet to the table,
divided by its average Girdle Diameter have outliers.

Figure 3 of table with distplot and Boxplot


 *Table: The Width of the cubic zirconia's Table expressed as a Percentage of its
Average Diameter ranges from a minimum of 49.000 to maximum of 79.000.

 *The average Table: The Width of the cubic zirconia's Table expressed as a
Percentage of its Average Diameter is around 57.455.

 *The standard deviation of the Table: The Width of the cubic zirconia's Table
expressed as a Percentage of its Average Diameter is 2.232.
 *25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the Table: The Width of the cubic zirconia's
Table expressed as a Percentage of its Average Diameter are 56.000 , 57.000 and

 *Skewness indicating that the distribution is slightly right skewed.

 *Table: The Width of the cubic zirconia's Table expressed as a Percentage of its
Average Diameter have outliers.

Figure 4 of x(Length) with distplot and Boxplot


 X: Length of the cubic zirconia in mm ranges from a minimum of 0 to maximum

of 10.230.
 The average X: Length of the cubic zirconia in mm is around 5.729.
 The standard deviation of the X: Length of the cubic zirconia in mm is 1.126.
 25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the X: Length of the cubic zirconia in mm are
4.710 , 5.690 and 6.550.
 Skewness indicating that the distribution is slightly right skewed.
 X: Length of the cubic zirconia in mm have outliers.
Figure 5 of y(width)with distplot and Boxplot


 Y: Width of the cubic zirconia in mm ranges from a minimum of 0 to maximum of

 The average Y: Width of the cubic zirconia in mm is around 5.733.
 The standard deviation of the Y: Width of the cubic zirconia in mm is 1.163.
 25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the Y: Width of the cubic zirconia in mm are
4.720 , 5.700 and 6.540.
 Skewness indicating that the distribution is slightly right skewed.
 Y: Width of the cubic zirconia in mm have outliers.

Figure 6 of z(height) with distplot and Boxplot


 Z: Height of the cubic zirconia in mm ranges from a minimum of 0 to maximum of

 The average Z: Height of the cubic zirconia in mm is around 3.538.
 The standard deviation of the Z: Height of the cubic zirconia in mm is 0.717.
 25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the Z: Height of the cubic zirconia in mm are
2.900 , 3.520 and 4.040.
 Skewness indicating that the ditribution is right skewed.
 Z: Height of the cubic zirconia in mm have outliers.

Figure 7 of Price(Dependent variable) with distplot and Boxplot


 Price:The Price of the cubic zirconia ranges from a minimum of 326.00 to

maximum of 18818.00.

 The average Price: The Price of the cubic zirconia is around 3937.526.

 The standard deviation of the Price: The Price of the cubic zirconia is 4022.55.

 25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the Price: The Price of the cubic zirconia are
945.00 , 2375.00 and 5356.00.

 Skewness indicating that the ditribution is right skewed.

 Price: The Price of the cubic zirconia have outliers.

Univariate Analysis on categorical variable:

 A countplot is kind of like a histogram or a bar graph for categorical variables.

* Piechart:

A pie chart is a circle divided into sectors that each represent a proportion of the whole.
It is often used to show proportion, where the sum of the sectors equal 100%.
Figure 8 of “Cut” Feature with countplot and pieplot .


 There are 5 type of cut quality of the cubic zirconia present in the data set named
as 'Ideal' , 'Premium' , 'Very Good' , 'Good' & 'Fair'.
 Cut Quality is increasing order Fair, Good, Very Good, Premium, Ideal.
 40.11% cubic zirconia have Ideal cut quality which is the max among all 5 cut
quality present in the data.
 25.6% cubic zirconia have Premium cut quality.
 22.4% cubic zirconia have Very Good cut quality.
 9.0% cubic zirconia have Good cut quality.
 Only 2.9% cubic zirconia have Fair cut quality which is the min among all 5 cut
quality present in the data.
Figure 9 of “Color” Feature with countplot and pieplot .


 There are 7 type of colour of the cubic zirconia present in the data set named as
'D' , 'E' , 'F' , 'G' , 'H' , 'I' & 'J'.
 With D being the worst and J the best.
 21% cubic zirconia are of G color which is the max among all 7 color present in
the data.
 18.3% cubic zirconia are of E color.
 17.5% cubic zirconia are of F color.
 15.2% cubic zirconia are of H color.
 12.4% cubic zirconia are of D color.
 10.3% cubic zirconia are of I color.
 5.3% cubic zirconia are of J color which is the min among all 7 color present in
the data.
Figure 10 of “Clarity” Feature with countplot and pieplot .


 There are 8 type of clarity of the cubic zirconia present in the data set named as
'IF', 'VVS1', 'VVS2', 'VS1', 'VS2', 'SI1', 'SI2', 'I1'.
 cubic zirconia clarity refers to the absence of the Inclusions and Blemishes. (In
order from Worst to Best) IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1.
 24.4% of cubic zirconia are of SI1 clarity which is the max among all 8 clarity
quality present in the data.
 22.6% of cubic zirconia are of VS2 clarity.
 16.9% of cubic zirconia are of SI2 clarity.
 15.2% of cubic zirconia are of VS1 clarity.
 9.4% of cubic zirconia are of VVS2 clarity.
 6.8% of cubic zirconia are of VVS1 clarity.
 3.3% of cubic zirconia are of IF clarity.
 1.4% of cubic zirconia are of I1 clarity which is the min among all 8 clarity quality
present in the data.

Bivariant Analysis:

Scatter Plot

A scatter plot (a scatter chart, scatter graph) uses dots to represent values for two
different numeric variables. The position of each dot on the horizontal and vertical axis
indicates values for an individual data point. Scatter plots are used to observe
relationships between variables.

Figure 11 Scatterplot of “Carat vs Price” .


From the above plot we see that as the carat and the price is showing a strong
relationship,with increase in carat price is also increases.
Figure 12 Scatterplot of “price vs depth” .

From the above plot we see that as the depth and the price is showing a no relationship
as all the datapoints are scatter around its mean.

Figure 13 Scatterplot of “price vs table” .


From the above plot we see that as the table and the price is showing weak
relatioship as all the datapoints are scatter around its mean.
Figure 14 Scatterplot of “price vs x(Length)” .

From the above plot we see that as the x(length) and the price is showing
strong positive relationship as all the datapoints are increasing when the
price is also increasing.

Figure 15 Scatterplot of “price vs y(width)” .


From the above plot we see that as the y(width) and the price is showing
strong positive relationship as all the datapoints are increasing when the
price is also increasing.
Figure 16 Scatterplot of “price vs z(height)” .

From the above plot we see that as the z(Height) and the price is showing
strong positive relationship as all the datapoints are increasing when the
price is also increasing.

Figure 17 Scatterplot of “carat vs x(length)” .


From the above plot we see that the carat and the x(length) is showing a
positive relationship with increase in carat x(length) is also increases.
Figure 18 Scatterplot of “carat vs z(height)” .

From the above plot we see that the carat and the z(height) is showing a
positive relationship with increase in carat z(height) is also increases.

Countplot with Hue:

 A countplot is kind of like a histogram or a bar graph for categorical

 Hue :This parameter take column name for color encoding
Figure 19 of Countplot clarity with Hue in cut:


Note - cubic zirconia clarity refers to the absence of the Inclusions and Blemishes. (In
order from Worst to Best) IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1.

Cubic zirconia clarity of VS2 have maximum ideal cut quality.

Cubic zirconia clarity of I1 have minimum ideal cut quality.

Cubic zirconia clarity of SI1 have maximum premium cut quality.

Cubic zirconia clarity of I1 have minimum premium cut quality.

Cubic zirconia clarity of SI1 have maximum very good cut quality.

Cubic zirconia clarity of I1 have minimum very good cut quality.

Cubic zirconia clarity of SI1 have maximum good cut quality.

Cubic zirconia clarity of IF have minimum good cut quality.

Cubic zirconia clarity of SI2 have maximum fair cut quality.

Cubic zirconia clarity of IF have minimum fair cut quality.

Figure 20 of Countplot color with Hue in cut:


G color cubic zirconia have maximum ideal cut quality.

J color cubic zirconia have minimum ideal cut quality.

G color cubic zirconia have maximum premium cut quality.

J color cubic zirconia have minimum premium cut quality.

E color cubic zirconia have maximum very good cut quality.

J color cubic zirconia have minimum very good cut quality.

E color cubic zirconia have maximum good cut quality.

J color cubic zirconia have minimum good cut quality.

H color cubic zirconia have maximum fair cut quality.

J color cubic zirconia have minimum fair cut quality.


A correlation heatmap uses colored cells, typically in a monochromatic scale, to show a

2D correlation matrix (table) between two discrete dimensions or event types.
Correlation heatmap are ideal for comparing the measurement for each pair of
dimension values. Darker Shades have higher Correlation , while lighter shades have
smaller values of correlation as compared to darker shades values. Correlation values
near to 1 or -1 are highly positively correlated and highly negatively correlated
respectively. Correlation values near to 0 are not correlated to each other.

Figure 21 Heatmap of Problem 1.


 From the above correlation table we conclude that,

 carat with x(length), y(width), z(height) have strong correlation i.e. 0.98 ,0.94 ,
 carat with price also have strong correlation i.e. 0.92.
 x(length), y(width), z(height) with price have strong correlation i.e. 0.89 ,0.86 ,
 carat with table have poor correlation i.e. 0.18.
 table with x(length), y(width), z(height) have poor correlation. i.e. 0.20, 0.18,
 carat with depth have very poor correlation i.e. 0.04.
 table with price have poor correlation i.e. 0.13.
 table with depth shows negative correlation. i.e. -0.30.


Pairplot shows the relationship between the variables in the form of

scatterplot and the distribution of the variable in the form of histogram.

Figure 22 Pairplot of Problem 1.

1.2 Impute null values if present, also check for the values which are equal to
zero. Do they have any meaning or do we need to change them or drop them?
Check for the possibility of combining the sub levels of a ordinal variables and
take actions accordingly. Explain why you are combining these sub levels with
appropriate reasoning.
Checking for Null Values.

carat 0
cut 0
color 0
clarity 0
depth 697
table 0
x 0
y 0
z 0
price 0
dtype: int64

Table 5: Null Values for Problem 1


From the above function we infer that only depth variable have null values i.e. 697.As
we know that Theoretically, 25 to 30% is the maximum missing values are allowed,
beyond which we might want to drop the variable from analysis.Here we have 2.58%
(approx) null values in the the depth variable we are going to impute the null values by
median by using numpy .replace func( ).

Imputation of Null Values by .replace() function with median.

 Imputation is the process of replacing missing data with substituted values like
mean / median , if outliers are present then we impute with median ,if outliers
are not present then we impute with the mean.Because missing data can create
problems for analyzing data, imputation is seen as a way to avoid pitfalls
involved with listwise deletion of cases that have missing values.For imputation
we are going to use the numpy .replace func( ).
 replace() function, each element in arr, return a copy of the string with all
occurrences of substring old replaced by new.
 We can see that we have various missing values in depth column. There are
various ways of treating your missing values in the data set. And which technique
to use when is actually dependent on the type of data you are dealing with.
 In this exercise, we will use .replace( ) function for the numerical columns and
replace the null values with the median value.
Check for the values which are equal to zero.

Table 6 : x,y,z column have zeros value

There is bad values found in the x(lenght) , y(width) , z(height) columns of the Dataset.
As x(lenght) , y(width) , z(height) are the length , width & height of the cubic zirconia in
mm and we have found mininum value of x(lenght) , y(width) , z(height) is zero which
doesnot make sense. As we know that length , width , height can't be zero. Thus, we
need to treat & clean them.

Table 7: x,y,z column have non -zeros value


*We successfully impute the bad values or zero present in the x(lenght) , y(width) ,
z(height) columns of the Dataset. Now we clearly infer that min value of x(lenght) ,
y(width) , z(height) is not zero anymore & we have appropirate min values for
x(lenght) , y(width) , z(height) columns of the Dataset.
Geting unique counts of all Objects:

Ideal 10805
Premium 6886
Very Good 6027
Good 2435
Fair 780
Name: cut, dtype: int64

G 5653
E 4916
F 4723
H 4095
D 3341
I 2765
J 1440
Name: color, dtype: int64

SI1 6565
VS2 6093
SI2 4564
VS1 4087
VVS2 2530
VVS1 1839
IF 891
I1 364
Name: clarity, dtype: int64

Table 8: unique counts of all Objects types variables

combining the sub levels of a ordinal variables:

 We combine the sub levels of a ordinal variables in order to reduce the

lebels before encoding because if we do the one hot encoding or label
encoding then more new dummy cols of the label will be created or it
can increase the dimensions of the dataset to keep ourself safe from
the curse of dimensionality. We usually combine the sub levels of
ordinal variables.

 We combine the sub levels of a categorical ordinal variables in order

to reduce the labels before encoding because if we do the label
encoding the label encoder or func ( ) allots number from 0
upto the number of labels present in that variable so model will might
be confuse & so this is advised for the model building too if we have
some labels which can club into each other so we can proceed with
clubbing of labels . That's why we combine the sub levels of a ordinal


Cut - Quality is increasing order Fair, Good, Very Good, Premium, Ideal. We are going to
club Good and Very Good labels.

Ideal 10805
Premium 6886
Very Good 6027
Good 2435
Fair 780
Name: cut, dtype: int64

Ideal 10805
Very Good 8462
Premium 6886
Fair 780
Name: cut, dtype: int64

Table 9: Merging Levels Cut Feature


After grouping we have 4 labels in the 'cut' labelled as - Quality is increasing order Fair,
Very Good, Premium, Ideal.


Color - Color of the cubic zirconia. With D being the worst and J the best. Here we
labelled the color in order to understand better & will encode with label encoding for
model building.

Best 1440
Very Good 2765
Worst 3341
Good 4095
Bad 4723
Very Bad 4916
Fair 5653
Name: color, dtype: int64

Best 1440
Very Good 2765
Worst 3341
Bad 4723
Very Bad 4916
Good 9748
Name: color, dtype: int64


Table 10: Merging Levels Color Feature

Combining the sub levels of a ordinal variables.

Here we are going to club the Fair and Good to reduce the labels.


Now we have 6 labels in the color categorical variable.


cubic zirconia Clarity refers to the absence of the Inclusions and Blemishes. (In order
from Worst to Best) IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1. Here we labelled the clarity in
order to understand better & will encode with label encoding for model building.

Best 364
Worst 891
Very Bad 1839
Bad 2530
Fair 4087
Very Good 4564
Good 6093
Better 6565
Name: clarity, dtype: int64

Here we are going to club Bad & Very Bad, Fair & Good and Better & Very Good to
reduce the labels.

Best 364
Worst 891
Very Bad 4369
Good 10180
Very Good 11129
Name: clarity, dtype:

Table 11: Merging Levels of Clarity Feature

1.3 Encode the data (having string values) for Modelling. Split the data into train and test
(70:30). Apply Linear regression using scikit learn. Perform checks for significant
variables using appropriate method from statsmodel. Create multiple models and check
the performance of Predictions on Train and Test sets using Rsquare, RMSE & Adj
Rsquare. Compare these models and select the best one with appropriate reasoning.

Preprocessing Steps for Linear Regression Model Building:

Model build with Treatment of Outliers:

Outliers are unusual values in your dataset, and they can distort statistical analyses and
violate their assumptions. Outliers increase the variability in your data, which decreases
statistical power. Consequently, excluding outliers can cause your results to become
statistically significant. That's why are doing the outlier treatment.

Model build without Treatment of Outliers:

we can build the model without performing outlier treatment and compare the results.

 Label Encoding:

Label Encoding of Cut:

0 780 Fair
2 6886 Premium
1 8462 Very
3 10805 Ideal
: cut, dtype: int64
Table 12: Encoding of Cut Feature

Label Encoding of Color:

5 1440 Best
4 2765 Very Good

0 3341 Worst
2 4723 Bad
1 4916 Very Bad
3 9748 Good
Name: color, dtype: int64
Table 13: Encoding of Color Feature

Label Encoding of Clarity:

4 364 Best
0 891 Worst
1 4369 Very Bad

2 10180
3 11129 Very Good
Name: clarity, dtype: int64

Table 14: Encoding of Clarity Feature

Checking the Dataset after Encoding:

Table 15: DateSet After Label Encoding of Problem

Linear Regression Model:1(with outlier treatment):

Train-Test Split for Linear Regression Model

For More detail go to Code file:------

OLS Report:

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is
correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.01e+04. This might indicate that
there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Table 16: OLS Model Report After Label Encoding of Problem 2(with
outlier treatment)


carat ---> 121.0393389522025

cut ---> 7.825817600127252
color ---> 4.270949713420288
clarity ---> 9.503246843639163
depth ---> 1155.5475921943837
table ---> 871.3738716144344
x ---> 10646.829638778272
y ---> 9357.38254505309
z ---> 2998.8096429554753


VIF value must be in between 1 to 5 , but we saw here all the VIF are very high
means that their is a strong multicollinearity between the variables.

Linear Regression Model : 2 ( without outlier treatment ):

OlS Report:


[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is
correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 6.7e+03. This might indicate that there
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Table 17: Model Report After Label Encoding of Problem 2(without outlier


carat > 81.5033418559768

cut > 6.860729682922422
color > 4.27389351773964
clarity > 9.369000024698023
depth > 558.577146731718
table > 556.1039170515155
x > 1133.1266837484013
y > 347.88572635041317
z > 382.0311260961392

VIF value must be in between 1 to 5 , but we saw here all the VIF are very high
which means their is a strong multicollinearity between the variables.

Linear Regression Model : 3 ( Z-Score )

Table 18: Trained Scaled Dataset after Label Encoding of Problem

2(without outlier treatment by applying z-score).

OLS Report:
[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is
correctly specified.
Table 19: OLS Model Report After Label Encoding of Problem
2(without outlier treatment using Z-score )

carat ---> 81.5033418559768
cut ---> 6.860729682922422
color ---> 4.27389351773964
clarity ---> 9.369000024698023
depth ---> 558.577146731718
table ---> 556.1039170515155
x ---> 1133.1266837484013
y ---> 347.88572635041317
z ---> 382.0311260961392
Linear Regression Model 4 (Applied Feature Engineering):

OLS Report:

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is
correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.22e+04. This might indicate that
there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Table 20: OLS Model Report After Label Encoding of Problem

2(without outlier treatment using feature Engineering )
carat > 50.8593205612385
cut > 6.38981578579258
color > 4.271191049858925
clarity > 9.187574857372661
depth > 454.0528564411028
table > 427.92455431733987
area > 47.34501022665412


Hypothesis Testing:

H0 : There is no relationship between independent and the dependent


H1 : There is a relationship between independent and the dependent

As we found that in stats model summary the p value of depth variable is
0.192. We know that if pvalue < 0.5 reject the null hypothesis & if p value >
0.5 we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Here we found that p value of depth
is 0.195 which greater than 0.5. So, we fail to reject the null
hypothesis.Depth is not good variable to predict the price of the cubic
zirconia so we drop it from the ols model and rebuilt the model again and
check the stats model summary and rmse and accuracy of the model again.

1.4 Inference: Basis on these predictions, what are the business insights and

Problem 2: Logistic Regression and LDA

You are hired by a tour and travel agency which deals in selling holiday
packages. You are provided details of 872 employees of a company. Among
these employees, some opted for the package and some didn't. You have to
help the company in predicting whether an employee will opt for the
package or not on the basis of the information given in the data set. Also,
find out the important factors on the basis of which the company will focus
on particular employees to sell their packages.
Introduction to the dataset:

Table 21 : Sample Dataset for Problem 2

 Dataset has 8 fields including:

“Holliday_Pac “Sala “ag “ed “no_young_chi “no_older_chil “forei

kage” ry” e” uc” ldren” dren” gn”

 “Holliday_Package", "Salary", "age", "educ", “no_young_children", “

foreign" are Independent variable/feature.
 “Holiday_Package” is dependent variable/feature.

Data Description:
RangeIndex: 872 entries, 0 to 871
Data columns (total 7 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Holliday_Package 872 non-null object
1 Salary 872 non-null int64
2 age 872 non-null int64
3 educ 872 non-null int64
4 no_young_children 872 non-null int64
5 no_older_children 872 non-null int64
6 foreign 872 non-null object
dtypes: int64(5), object(2)
memory usage: 47.8+ KB

Table 22: Data description for Problem 2


 From the above results we can see that there is no null values present in the
dataset. Their are total 872 rows & 7 columns in this dataset, indexed from 0 to
 Out of 7 variables 5 are int64 , 2 variables are object. Memory used by the
dataset: 47.8+ KB.

2.1 Data Ingestion: Read the dataset. Do the descriptive statistics

and do null value condition check, write an inference on it.
Perform Univariate and Bivariate Analysis. Do exploratory data
Descriptive statistics help describe and understand the features of a specific
data set by giving short summaries about the sample and measures of the data.
The most recognized types of descriptive statistics are measures of center: the
mean, median, and mode, which are used at almost all levels of math and

The 5-point summary for the dataset looks as below:

Table 23: 5-point summary for Problem 2


 From the above table we can infer the count,mean, std , 25% , 50% ,
75% and min & max values of the all numeric variables present in the

 From the above table we can infer the count, unique, top, freq of all the
categorical variables present in the dataset.

 The Holiday_Package.csv data set has 872 observations (rows) and 7

variables (columns) in the dataset.

Checking for Null Values:

Holliday_Package 0
Salary 0
age 0
educ 0
no_young_children 0
no_older_children 0
foreign 0
dtype: int64


 From the above output we infer that only their is no null values in the

Checking Duplicate Values:

Number of Duplicated Row in the Dataset = 0


We found here is no duplicated rows in the dataset.

Univariate Analysis of Numerical Variables:

Histogram & Boxplot:

 A histogram takes as input a numeric variable only. The variable is cut into
several bins, and the number of observation per bin is represented by the height
of the bar. It is possible to represent the distribution of several variable on the
same axis using this technique.

 A boxplot gives a nice summary of one or several numeric variables. The line that
divides the box into 2 parts represents the median of the data. The end of the
box shows the upper and lower quartiles. The extreme lines show the highest and
lowest value excluding outliers.
Figure 23 :Distplot and Boxplot of Salary in Problem 2 .


 Salary : Employee salary ranges from a minimum of 1322 to maximum of

 The average Salary : Employee salary is around 47729.172.
 The standard deviation of the Salary: Employee salary is 23418.668.
 25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the Salary : Employee salary are 35324 ,
41903.500 and 53469.500.
 Skewness indicating that the ditribution is slightly right skewed.
 Salary:Employee salary have outliers.

Figure 24 :Distplot and Boxplot of Age in Problem 2 .


 Age : Age in years ranges from a minimum of 20 to maximum of 62.

 The average Age : Age in years is around 39.95.
 The standard deviation of the Age: Age in years is 10.55.
 25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the Age : Age in years are 32 , 39 and 48.
 Skewness indicating that the ditribution is slightly right skewed.
 Age : Age in years don't have outliers.

gure 25:Distplot and Boxplot of educ in Problem 2 .


 Educ : Years of formal education ranges from a minimum of 1 to maximum of 62.

 The average Educ : Years of formal education is around 9.30.
 The standard deviation of the Educ: Years of formal education is 3.03.
 25% , 50% (median) and 75 % of the Educ : Years of formal are 8 , 9 and 12.
 Skewness indicating that the ditribution is slightly left skewed.
 Educ : Years of formal education have outliers.

Univariate Analysis of Discrete Variables.


A countplot is kind of like a histogram or a bar graph for Discrete & categorical
Figure 26:Countplot of no_young_children in Problem 2.

 76.26% employee have 0 young children (younger than 7 years).
 16.85% employee have 1 young children (younger than 7 years).
 6.3% employee have 2 young children (younger than 7 years).
 0.57% employee have 3 young children (younger than 7 years).

Figure 25:Countplot of no_older_children in Problem 2.


 45.06% employee have 0 older children.

 22.70% employee have 1 older children.
 23.85% employee have 2 older children.
 6.3% employee have 3 older children.
 1.6% employee have 4 older children.
0.22% employee have 5 older children.

Univariate Analysis of Categorical Variables:

Figure 26:Countplot of Holiday_Package in Problem 2.


 54.0138% employee Opted 'no' for Holiday Package.

 45.9862% employee Opted 'yes' for Holiday Package.
Figure 27:Countplot of foreign in Problem 2.
 75.22% employee are not foreigner.
 24.78% employee are foreigner.

Bivariant Analysis:

Scatter Plot

A scatter plot ( scatter chart, scatter graph) uses dots to represent values for two
different numeric variables. The position of each dot on the horizontal and vertical axis
indicates values for an individual data point. Scatter plots are used to observe
relationships between variables.

Figure 28:Scatterplot of Salary vs age in Problem 2 .


There is no such significant realtionship between salary and age.

Figure 29:Scatterplot of Salary vs educ in Problem 2 .

There is weak relation between salary and education.

Countplot with Hue:

 A countplot is kind of like a histogram or a bar graph for categorical variables.

 Hue :This parameter take column name for color encoding.

Figure 30:Scatterplot of foreign vs Holiday Package(in hue) in

Problem 2.

 Around 61.2% employee who are not foreigner opted no for holiday package.
 Around 38.71% employee who are not foreigner opted yes for holiday
 Around 68.05% employee who are foreigner opted yes for holiday package.
 Around 31.94% employee who are foreigner opted no for holiday package.

Checking for Correlations:


A correlation heatmap uses colored cells, typically in a monochromatic scale, to show a

2D correlation matrix (table) between two discrete dimensions or event types.
Correlation heatmap are ideal for comparing the measurement for each pair of
dimension values .Darker Shades have higher Correlation , while lighter shades have
smaller values of correlation as compared to darker shades values. Correlation values
near to 1 or -1 are highly positively correlated and highly negatively correlated
respectively. Correlation values near to 0 are not correlated to each other.

Table 24 Correlation dataset summary for Problem 2


From the above correlation table we conclude that,

 Salary with age shows weak correlation (not so significant)i.e. 0.07.
 Salary with educ shows max correlation i.e. 0.33
 age with no_young_children shows least correlation i.e. -0.52.
Figure 31: Correlation Heatmap of Problem 2.

2.2 Do not scale the data. Encode the data (having string values) for
Modelling. Data Split: Split the data into train and test (70:30). Apply Logistic
Regression and LDA (linear discriminant analysis).

ENCODING: Original Dataset after Encoding-----

Table 25: Dataset after Encoding in Problem 2.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 872 entries, 0 to 871
Data columns (total 7 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Holliday_Package 872 non-null int8
1 Salary 872 non-null float64
2 age 872 non-null int64
3 educ 872 non-null int64
4 no_young_children 872 non-null int64
5 no_older_children 872 non-null int64
6 foreign 872 non-null int8
dtypes: float64(1), int64(4), int8(2)
memory usage: 35.9 KB

Table 26: Data summary after Encoding in Problem 2.


Label Encoding has been done for categorical columns and all columns are
now in number.

After performing EDA , various data preprocessing & data preparation steps.
Our dataset is now ready for supervised modelling algorithms like Logistic
Regression & LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis).
Checking the dimensions of the training and test data.

Splitting data into training and test set in 70:30 ratio

x_train (610, 6)
x_test (262, 6)
train_labels (610,)
test_labels (262,)

Building a Logistic Regression Model

Grid Search for finding out the optimal values for the hyper parameters
{'penalty': 'l2', 'solver': 'newton-cg', 'tol': 0.0001}

LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000, n_jobs=2, solver='newton-cg')

2.3 Performance Metrics: Check the performance of Predictions on Train and Test sets
using Accuracy, Confusion Matrix, Plot ROC curve and get ROC_AUC score for each
model Final Model: Compare Both the models and write inference which model is

Logistics Regression Model:--

Predicting on Training and Test dataset----

70% of Label/Dependent (y)Training Set:--

Table 27: Label y Train Data after Encoding in Problem 2

30% of Label/Dependent (y)Test Set:----

Table 28: Label y Test Data after Encoding in Problem 2

Model Evaluation On LOGISTIC REGRESSION:------

Confusion Matrix for the Training Data:--

AUC and ROC for the Training Data

Figure 32: AUC /ROC for training data in Problem 2 by applying Logistic

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.67 0.77 0.72 326

1 0.68 0.56 0.62 284

accuracy 0.67 610

macro avg 0.68 0.67 0.67 610
weighted avg 0.67 0.67 0.67 610

Table 29: Classification Report of training data in Problem 2 on Logistic


Confusion Matrix for the Test Data:--

AUC and ROC for the Test Data

array([[102 43]
[ 50 67]] dtype=int64)
Figure 33: AUC /ROC and Confusion Matrix for test data in Problem 2 Logistic

Classifiaction Report:-

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.67 0.70 0.69 145

1 0.61 0.57 0.59 117

accuracy 0.65 262

macro avg 0.64 0.64 0.64 262
weighted avg 0.64 0.65 0.64 262

Table 30: Classification Report of test data in Problem 2 on Logistic


Logistic Regression Model Conclusion:

Train Data:
 AUC: 74.1%
 Accuracy: 67.37%
 Precision: 68%
 Recall: 56%
 f1-Score: 62%

Test Data:
 AUC: 70.5%
 Accuracy: 65%
 Precision: 61%
 Recall: 57%
 f1-Score: 59%
Model Evaluation on LDA

AUC and ROC for the Training Data

Confusion Matrix for the Training Data:--

array([[254, 72],
[126, 158]], dtype=int64)
Figure 34: AUC /ROC and Confusion Matrix for train data in Problem 2 by
applying LDA

Classification Report Train data:--

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.67 0.78 0.72 326

1 0.69 0.56 0.61 284

accuracy 0.68 610

macro avg 0.68 0.67 0.67 610
weighted avg 0.68 0.68 0.67 610

Table 31: Classification Report of training data in Problem 2 on LDA

AUC and ROC for the Test Data:

array([[103 42]
[ 52 65]] dtype=int64)

Figure 35: AUC /ROC and Confusion Matrix for test data in Problem 2 by
applying LDA

Classification Report Test data:--

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.66 0.71 0.69 145
1 0.61 0.56 0.58 117

accuracy 0.64 262

macro avg 0.64 0.63 0.63 262
weighted avg 0.64 0.64 0.64 262

Table 32: Classification Report of Test data in Problem 2 on LDA

LDA Conclusion:

Train Data:
 AUC: 74%
 Accuracy: 68%
 Precision: 69%
 Recall:56%
 f1-Score: 61%

Test Data:
 AUC: 70.5%
 Accuracy: 64%
 Precision: 61%
 Recall:56%
 f1-Score: 58%

Comparison of the performance metrics from the 2 models:--

Table 33: Comparison of the performance metrics from the 2 models

ROC Curve for the 2 models on the Training data:-

Figure 36: ROC curve for the two model on training data Problem 2

ROC Curve for the 2 models on the Test data:--

Figure 36: ROC curve for the two model in test data Problem 2

How to change the cut-off values for maximum accuracy?¶

We will do this exercise only on the training data and test data.

Classification Report of the default cut-off train data:

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.67 0.78 0.72 326

1 0.69 0.56 0.61 284

accuracy 0.68 610

macro avg 0.68 0.67 0.67 610
weighted avg 0.68 0.68 0.67 610

Classification Report of the custom cut-off train data:

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.72 0.61 0.66 326

1 0.62 0.73 0.67 284

accuracy 0.67 610

macro avg 0.67 0.67 0.67 610
weighted avg 0.67 0.67 0.67 610

Table 34: Classification Report of default cut-off train data & the
custom cut-off train data

Classification Report of the default cut-off test data:

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.66 0.71 0.69 145

1 0.61 0.56 0.58 117

accuracy 0.64 262

macro avg 0.64 0.63 0.63 262
weighted avg 0.64 0.64 0.64 262

Classification Report of the custom cut-off test data:

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.75 0.59 0.66 145

1 0.60 0.75 0.67 117

accuracy 0.66 262

macro avg 0.67 0.67 0.66 262
weighted avg 0.68 0.66 0.66 262

Table 35: Classification Report of default cut-off test data & the custom
cut-off test data

2.4 Inference: Basis on these predictions, what are the insights and recommendations.

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