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Argument Templates Introducing Something Implied or Assumed

Many students can readily grasp what it means to support a thesis with evidence, to entertain a
counterargument, to identify a textual contradiction, and ultimately to summarize and respond
to challenging arguments, but they often have trouble putting these concepts into practice in
their own writing. Writers rely on certain stock formulas that are so commonly used that they
can be represented in model templates that students can use to structure and even generate
what they want to say. Model templates provide students with access to the academic language
and patterns that sophisticated rhetorical moves require, unlocking and clarifying academic

1. Complete each of the following templates introducing something implied or assumed
using an argument from one of the texts we’ve read in Chapter 3 (listed below). Use at
least two different texts.
“Why Investing in Fast Food May Be a Good Thing,” by Amy Domini
“Star Wars,” by Roger Ebert
“The C Word in the Hallways,” by Anna Quindlen
“Felons and the Right to Vote,” by The New York Times Editorial Board
“Why Can’t Environmentalism Be Colorblind?” by Jennifer Oladipo
“In College, These American Citizens Are Not Created Equal,” by Fabiola Santiago
“Terror’s Purse Strings,” by Dana Thomas
“Not by Math Alone, “ by Sandra Day O’connor and Roy Romer
“Ground Zero Mosque Speech,” by Michael Bloomberg
2. Change any pronoun or possessive pronoun and the agreement accordingly.
3. Change “X” the the author’s last name
4. Rewrite the completed template in the space provided.

1. In his/her/their argument __________ concludes __________ and supports the conclusion with
such evidence as __________ and __________. To link this conclusion with the evidence, he/she
makes the assumption that __________.

In her argument, Domini concludes her position of wishing everyone to stay with slow foods and
supports this conclusion with evidence from “Dogwood Alliance,” which is an organization that
the other side would get their facts from, and the quality of her side, like “prepared slowly and
lovingly.” To link this conclusion with the evidence, she makes the assumption that fast food isn’t
going away, but it can be changed with the help of the people.

2. Although what __________ says about __________ may be true in some cases, his/her position
fails to take __________ into account. A closer look at __________ reveals __________.

Although what Domini says about the slow foods industry may be true in some cases, her

AP Language and Composition (Harvey) 2021-2022

position fails to take into consideration the possible positive effects of fast food in some
communities. A closer look at this reveals that it is an easier way to get a quick meal, taking up
less time than a healthy organic slow food creation.

3. While the position advanced by X may seem reasonable, it assumes __________. If that were
so, then __________. It might be more reasonable to consider __________.

While the position advanced by O'Connor may be reasonable, it assumes that all people agree
with the priorities of government knowledge vs. math or sciences. If that were so, then she
wouldn’t need a counterclaim. However, it might be more reasonable for her to consider the
importance of other subjects in school depending one’s life desires for the future.

4. One way to look at X would be to say __________; but if that were the case, then __________.
Of course, another view might be __________. Yet another way to consider X might be

One way to look at the importance of government knowledge woudl be to talk about citizen
participation like O’connor did; but if that were the case, then she wouldn’t need to consider the
other side, or even write her argument in the first place. Of course, another view might be that it
depends on the importance of the subject based on the future career that one is planning on
going into. Yet another way to consider this position would be to change the curriculum of every
school to match the needs of global knowledge.

5. Position X would be sound only if we chose to ignore __________. When we consider

__________, then __________. In addition, __________.

O’connor’s position would be sound only if we chose to ignore opposite opinions or

counterclaims. When we consider the attention for others who don’t feel the same way, then it
gives credibility and sophistication to the argument.

6. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all agree about __________? The trouble is, __________. X
says __________ and Y says __________. How can we come to a compromise that recognizes
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all agreed about school curriculum and importance of subjects?
The trouble is, there are so many views to be considered. O’connor says that math and sciences
are not as important as knowing about your government and citizen participation. How can we
come to a compromise that recognizes the need for a valuable education in schools?

7. Although he/she has not stated it directly, ______________________ often gives the impression
that ____________________.
Although she has not stated it directly, O’connor often gives the impression that she disagrees
with how the school curriculum is being taught to kids, and the impacts of their future.

AP Language and Composition (Harvey) 2021-2022 adapted from They Say, I Say by Graff,
Birkenstein, & Durst and The Language of Composition Chapter 3 by Shae, et. al.
8. One implication of ____________________’s treatment of ____________________ is that
One implication of O’connor’s treatment of government knoeledge vs. math or science is that
children would benefit more from knowing about citizen participation.

9. Although ____________________ does not say it directly, he/she apparently assumes that

Although Domini does not say it directly, she apparently assumes that eating more and more
fast food is becoming an issue in the U.S, and people need to change their habits.

10. While he/she does not admit as much, ___________________________ takes for granted that
While she does not admit as much, O’connor takes for granted the importance and impact that
other subjects like math, science, and english, can have on a child’s life, depending on their
fields of interest.

AP Language and Composition (Harvey) 2021-2022 adapted from They Say, I Say by Graff,
Birkenstein, & Durst and The Language of Composition Chapter 3 by Shae, et. al.

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