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THIS DEED OF ASSIGNMENT made at …………… on this……………day of ……20 …

Between A son of Shri ……resident of ……… (hereinafter called the Assignor) of the ONE PART
and Mrs. B, wife of Shri ……………resident of …………(hereinafter called the Assignee) of the
(1) The assignor has sold and conveyed his house bearing sold house municipal No …………
on ....... road ……………city to Mrs. B wife of Shri ……………resident of……………..
by deed of sale dated……………and registered on …………subject to the existing tenancies
of persons named in the Schedule hereunder written.
(2) The aforesaid tenants have not paid rent of the premises for various periods, prior to the
date of the said sale and it has been agreed by and between the assignor and the assignee that
the assignor shall transfer and assign unto, and to the use of the said assignee all rents payable
by all such tenants accrued upto the date of sale.
NOW THIS DEED OF ASSIGNMENT witnesses that in pursuance of the said agreement and in
consideration of the sum of Rs . ............. paid by the assignee, (the receipt whereof the said
assignor hereby admit and acknowledges), the said assignor as the beneficial and sole owner
do hereby assign and transfer unto and in favour of the assignee, all his right, title and interest
to the various sums of rents due and owing to the assignor by the tenants of the said house for
the period prior to the sale of the said house to the assignee as aforesaid more particularly
detailed in the Schedule hereunder written and all the benefits, advantages, accruing therefrom
and all rights and privileges attached thereto, to hold the same unto the assignee absolutely and
this indenture further witnesses that the assignor do hereby covenant with the assignee that all
and every item of such rents are still lawfully due and payable by -the said. respective tenants
AND the said assignor has not received any advance against such rents nor any part payment
nor released or committed to release or remit the same or any portion thereof nor written off any
amount with intent to exonerate any tenant or FSSFS any thing to prejudice the right of the
assignee as transferee thereof to recover the said rents absolutely, AND FURTHER there is no
injunction or prohibitory order from any court against him from recovering the rents or any
portion thereof and further that the assignor hereby agree and undertake that, he shall write
letters of attainment to the respective tenants in favour of the assignee and on the request of the
assignee, he shall do all acts and make such writings or statements as. shall be necessary to
effectuate this assignment
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set and subscribed their respective
hands, the day and year first hereinabove written.
The Schedule above referred to
S. Name of Description, Monthly Period for Total amount
No. the tenant of the tenement rent which rent of rent due
1 2 3 4 5 6


1. Signed and delivered by A, the withinnamed assignor

2. Signed and delivered by Mrs. B, the withinnamed assignee

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