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1. Autosuggestive techniques can help in the treatment of diseases which cannot be cured
by conventional medicine.

A. ordinary B. popular C. essential D. alternative

2. John received constant physical and psychological abuse from his father.

A. repeatedly B. brutal C. potent D. irregular

3. The use of violence and the level of repression have a direct bearing on movement

A. upshots B. results C. origins D. sequels

4. The child's parents or guardians must give their consent before she has the operation.

A. permission B. sanction C. compliance D. rejection

5. Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic

A. hinder B. promote C. simplify D. expedite

6. His writing is so diffuse and obscure that it is difficult to make out what it is he is
trying to say.

A. ambiguous B. vague C. straightforward D. enigmatic

7. Resources are finite, and choices have to be made between competing priorities and

A. scant B. limited C. deficient D. endless

8. We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.

A. extensive B. restricted C. thorough D. exhaustive

9. The legislature passed a law to prohibit the dumping of nuclear waste.

A. forbid B. impede C. outlaw D. approve

10. This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations.

A. vague B. obscure C. obvious D. complex

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11. The renewal licence will commence on the date your application is received in the
Driver Licensing Central Office.

A. expire B. begin C. extend D. remain

12. Inflation is likely to accelerate this year, adding further upward pressure on interest

A. soar B. rise C. drop D. boost

13. Bonus or incentive pay will fluctuate based upon company, division, or group

A. escalate B. remain C. skyrocket D. vary

14. These countries are characterized by highly dynamic economies.

A. static B. changing C. unsteady D. erratic

15. Harvest festival was the occasion for the collective expression of a community's
religious values.

A. shared B. emotional C. individual D. common

16. Businesses have become increasingly reliant on complicated computing systems.

A. dependent on B. concerned about

C. cautious about D. separated from

17. Though he's not clever, he's a diligent worker and has often done well in the

A. conscientious B. capable C. idle D. attentive

18. He made a rash decision and now he is suffering for it.

A. reckless B. thoughtful C. irresponsible D. hasty

replenish stocks before the winter sets in.

A. remake B. empty C. refill D. repeat

20. There has been no discernible improvement in the noise levels since lorries were

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A. clear B. obvious C. thin D. insignificant

21. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.

A. explicit B. implicit C. obscure D. odd

22. He decided not to buy the fake watch and wait until he had more money.

A. authentic B. forger C. faulty D. original

23. An eminent psychologist who expanded our knowledge of how children think and
develop was a Swiss named Jean Piaget.

A. renowned B. prominent C. clever D. obscure

24. Albert Bandura, who began his career at Stanford University in 1953, stressed the
importance of observation, imitation, and modelling in learning.

A. emphasized B. downplayed C. underscored D. affirmed

25. His observations, which were truly original when first published in 1936, were
described as being so obvious that it took a genius to think of them.

A. unusual B. impressive C. outdated D. interesting

26. The new worker was reprimanded for his serious mistakes.

A. required B. blamed C. praised D. exchanged

27. After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was

A. guilty B. naive C. benevolent D. innovative

28. A chronic lack of sleep may make us irritable and reduces our motivation to work.

A. uncomfortable B. responsive C. calm D. miserable

29. We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.

A. slow down B. turn down C. put down D. lie down

30. We run a very tight ship here, and we expect all our employees to be at their desks
by eight o'clock and take good care of their own business.

A. organize things inefficiently B. manage an inflexible system

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C. run faster than others D. have a good voyage

31. Any student who neglects his or her homework is unlikely to do well at school.

A. approves of B. attends to C. puts off D. looks for

32. Drivers are advised to get enough petrol because filling stations are few and far
between on the highway.

A. easy to find B. difficult to access

C. unlikely to happen D. impossible to reach

33. In some Western cultures, people who avoid eye contact in a conversation are
regarded as untrustworthy.

A. embarrassed B. quiet C. reliable D. suspicious

34. As a sociable boy, Jack enjoys spending his free time going out with friends.

A. mischievous B. outgoing C. caring D. shy

35. They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former
communist countries.

A. promote B. cultivate C. uphold D. hinder

36. Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectations from their
parents and teachers.

A. nervousness B. emotion C. stress D. relaxation

37. The image presented in the media show us celebrities enjoying an enviable lifestyle:
they live in huge mansions, drive expensive cars, and wear the latest in high fashion.

A. desirable B. superior C. savory D. rejected

38. If you are at a loose end tomorrow, why don't we spend the day sunbathing and
relaxing on the beach?

A. having a lot to do B. having nothing to do

C. having nothing to lose D. having a lot to gain

39. You should not wear casual clothes when coming to a job interview.

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A. vital B. normal C. formal D. total

40. Do you believe in eternal friendship in which the friends never betray one another?

A. temporary B. lasting C. potential D. suitable

41. The captain ordered the soldiers to gather on the double, even though they were

A. intensively B. increasingly C. hesitantly D. immediately

42. It is widely known that the excessive use of pesticides is producing a detrimental
effect on the local groundwater.

A. useless B. harmless C. damaging D. fundamental

snowed under with work at the moment.

A. busy with B. free from C. tired of D. interested in

44. The coming exams caused her a lot of distress and exhaustion.

A. worry B. action C. ease D. doubt

45. It's not a pleasant feeling to discover you've been taken for a ride by a close friend.

A. driven away B. deceived deliberately

C. given a lift D. treated with sincerity

46. She is a very generous old woman. She has given most of her wealth to a charity

A. mean B. amicable C. kind D. hospitable

47. In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental

A. something to suffer B. something enjoyable

C. something sad D. something to entertain

48. Affluent families find it easier to support their children financially.

A. Well-off B. Impoverished

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C. Wealthy D. Privileged

promoted its trade

relations with other countries.

A. boosted B. expanded C. restricted D. balanced

50. There weren't many tough questions in the exam, so I could answer most of them.

A. simple B. difficult C. important D. interesting

51. This new washing machine is not a patch on our old one. These clothes are still dirty.

A. to be expensive B. to be broken C. to be strange D. to be better

52. Solving this type of mathematical problem is


A. so childish B. easy C. challenging D. undemanding

53. If you say bad things about the person who gives you a job, you bite the hand that
feeds you.

A. be unfriendly B. be ungrateful C. be thankful D. be devoted

54. The new cow-boy film catches the fancy of the children. They have watched it since
the morning.

A. attracts B. amuses C. bores D. amazes

55. I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry. I have put in a lot of effort
for this moment.

A. unsuccessful B. pessimistic C. hopeless D. humorous

56. It is a really difficult matter to decide how to solve now. I will need time to think

A. consider carelessly B. accept immediately

C. refuse at once D. consider carefully

57. He when he realized he failed the exam again.

A. was very surprised show surprise

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C. was very disappointed

58. You need to keep abreast of the current events. You look so clueless when I mention
the result of the election.

A. keep up with B. obtain information

C. become outmoded D. bring about

species will die out.

A. be extinct B. remain unharmed

C. continue to live D. get bigger

60. Sporadic conflict is inevitable among families and the way families choose to
approach issues can make a colossal difference.

A. negligible B. substantial C. enormous D. significant

61. The government is not prepared to put up with this situation any longer.

A. escape from B. differ from C. result in D. disagree with

62. Not until all their demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on
strike for more welfare.

A. rejected B. accepted C. removed D. encountered

63. Only the graduates are eligible for this job as it requires a lot of intensive knowledge.

A. qualified B. adequate C. unfit D. suitable

64. He is a very vigorous student. He always engages in social activities at school.

A. energetic B. active C. agreeable D. feeble

65. Formal dress is compulsory at this meeting where a lot of big figures will show up.

A. optional B. obligatory C. necessary D. unavoidable

66. He has come up with an ingenious

A. clever B. effective C. inventive D. unimaginative

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67. There is an implicit threat

waves will do to your health.

A. obvious B. indirect C. hidden D. incentive

68. His aggression was inevitable as he had been through a lot of pressures.

A. unexpected B. predictable C. foreseeable D. immovable

69. After winning a national lottery, he squandered it frivolously.

A. thoughtlessly B. ineffectively C. professionally D. seriously

70. At the concert, he showed his exceptional ability to sing these high notes.

A. remarkable B. fearless C. mediocre D. extraordinary

71. Kindness is intrinsic in his personality as he has received good care and love from his
parents from the start.

A. explicit B. integral C. essential D. acquired

72. Smallpox is a fatal disease that used to claim the lives of millions of people in the

A. wholesome B. lethal C. ill-intentioned D. unforthcoming

73. I think his rules are quite rigid. If he wants to succeed, he needs to change his
opinions in some circumstances.

A. stiff B. flexible C. severe D. fundamental

74. It is not a valid

A. illegal B. rational C. unusual D. unconvincing

75. Marriage is just his peripheral concern. He has set his heart on becoming a successful
business man for the rest of his life.

A. marginal B. central C. unimportant D. simple

76. Her knowledge of world history is very extensive. She can tell you the stories of
many dynasties from different countries.

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A. restricted B. broad C. widespread D. general

77. Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years, which have provided a lot of
jobs for local people.

A. dwindled B. expanded C. replicated D. admitted

78. The fashion industry in this country is prospering since people are paying more
attention to their appearance.

A. succeeding B. flourishing C. declining D. destroying

79. is a website which offers a job research facility to assist qualified students
in finding work.

A. help B. aid C. support D. hinder

80. Different forms of justifiable

ability to differentiate between right and wrong.

A. legitimate B. brutal C. severe D. ridiculous

81. He maintained that he had seen her steal his phone.

A. insisted B. denied C. supported D. declared

82. She is not worth our respect as she has abandoned her children.

A. walked out on B. left C. given up on D. kept

83. In order to curb the unemployment rate in this country, the government should create
policies that can attract international corporations.

A. control B. limit C. promote D. improve

84. They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.

A. cooperate B. put together C. separate D. connect

85. He was ostracised by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.

A. crucified B. included C. patronized D. lionized

86. The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.

A. separate B. assemble C. collaborate D. coordinate

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87. Urbanization is the shift of people moving from rural to urban areas, and the result is
the growth of cities.

A. movement B. maintenance C. variation D. transmission

88. I believe he has full competence to do that job. He is a very intelligent and
responsible man.

A. bravery B. proficiency C. failure D. ability

89. There is a disparity in the way people from different cultures view money.

A. contradiction B. compromise C. steadiness D. harmony

90. He has no hesitation to tell me his secrets. We have known each other since we are a

A. willingness B. qualms C. reluctance D. restriction

91. You should be more polite to your teacher, she has very little tolerance for bad

A. agreement B. forbearance C. disapproval D. acceptance

92. She could not hide her dismay at the result. She has worked really hard for this exam.

A. disappointment B. depression C. happiness D. pessimism

93. I clearly remember talking to him in a chance meeting last summer.

A. unplanned B. deliberate C. accidental D. unintentional

94. In the dawn of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric conditions on Earth
may be unique in the solar system was strengthened.

A. outcome B. continuation C. beginning D. end

95. John stayed at home from work yesterday because he was feeling under the weather.

A. unwell B. sick C. unhealthy D. fine

96. With her sophisticated tastes, the singer has become an omnipresent icon of style and

A. oblivious B. controversial C. ubiquitous D. unknown

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97. The works of such men as the English philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes
helped pave the way for academic freedom in the modern sense.

A. terminate B. prevent C. initiate D. lighten

98. No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space.

A. correctly B. flexibly C. falsely D. formally

99. She is gratified to accept this invitation as she will be able to meet a lot of people of
the same interests.

A. overjoyed B. unpleased C. miserable D. innocent

100. The dim lights made

in the distance.

A. faint B. muted C. weak D. strong

hoping that you have good luck on the day of your


A. keep my fingers crossed for you

B. wish ill upon you

C. wish the ground would open up and swallow you

D. lay my fingers on you

102. The houses in the immediate vicinity of the blast were badly damaged.

A. across the street

C. in the neighborhood D. beyond the horizon

103. If you ask me, the Chinese restaurant at the center of the city has seen better days,

A. in bad condition B. the worse for wear

C. in good repair D. beyond repair

104. The professional sprinter was robbed of victory at the finishin

World Championship.

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A. was on his beam ends B. fought a losing battle

C. took a battering D. carried the day

wrap your children in cotton wool - let them play with the others at school.

A. overprotect your children B. mollycoddle your children

C. overindulge your children D. ignore your children

106. Provided that you live within your means at this luxurious and glamorous

A. live within your budget B. are a spendthrift

C. do some penny-pinching D. save for a rainy day

107. Getting an earnest apology from such a headstrong man like him was like getting
blood out of a stone.

A. out of the question B. contrary to reason

C. hundred-to-one D. a piece of cake

108. The seemingly reticent boy in our class has greater depths to him than you may

A. has a more complex personality B. has a simpler personality

C. has a more unique personality D. has a more mysterious personality

109. The rock concert last night was a complete sell-out

A. there was no ticket left B. there were some tickets left

C. the ticket price was too high D. the ticket price was too low

110. Other issues take the back seat other than concerns about job and public safety.

A. take a less important position than B. are of more paramount significance than

C. can be tackled more easily than D. raise more controversy than

111. The actor gave a very run-of-the-mill performance, and the critics expressed their
disapproval in their reports the following days.


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