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Task 2
Notes of Assessment Submission
1. You must complete the Assessment Submission Sheet of each unit for
assessments marking.

2. You must ensure that you have attempted and completed all assessment tasks
including written questions, case studies and projects etc. before submitting them
for marking. The answers to each question should be entered into highlighted “[ ]”
in the tasks.

3. Referencing: Ensure your work is referenced to prevent plagiarism. For more

information on plagiarism and referencing, refer to the Student Handbook.

4. File naming protocol: Prior to submission, your assessments must comply with
the file name protocol below. The file name must follow this format:

Example: BSBITU304_20190000

5. All of the above items must be adhered to. Failure to do so will result in your
work being returned to you, delaying the marking of your assessments.
Your assessment due date:
Information for Student
In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through
a number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.

You will need access to:

• a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a

meeting space and computer and internet access

• your learning resources and other information for reference

• Project Portfolio template

• Brief outline template

• Self-evaluation checklist

• Simulation Pack (if you need a case study).

Ensure that you:
• review the advice to students regarding responding to
written tasks in the Business Works Student User Guide
• comply with the due date for assessment which your
assessor will provide
• adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
• answer all questions completely and correctly
• submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly
• submit a completed cover sheet with your work
• avoid sharing your answers with other students.
Carefully read the following:

• Identify a complex issue in consultation with relevant stakeholders

This project requires
• establish the objectives, advantages, risks and resources required when
pursuing solutions to the identified issue you to apply a
systematic decision-
• source reliable information about the identified issue
making approach to
• generate a range of solutions together with relevant stakeholders address a complex
workplace issue of
• evaluate and compare solutions to choose the best one your choice. You are
• present the chosen solution to stakeholders for feedback
required to:

• refine the chosen solution to seek approval for its implementation.

This project must be based on an existing workplace issue that
has numeric and financial data available to illustrate or support
the complex issue. You can use the case study business provided
to you by your assessor, or you may like to base this on your own
business, or a business you are currently working for or are
familiar with. It is important that this business has organisational
policies and procedures related to your chosen issue or work
area already developed. Speak to your assessor to get approval if
Continue you want to base this on your own business or one you work for.

You will also need to seek input from people who work for, or are
involved, in this business process several times. Fellow students
or your assessor can be involved in these meetings and play the
roles of process stakeholders as relevant.
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio.
The steps you need to take are outlined below.
Project planning

Make sure you are familiar with the business you are basing If you are using your own business, make sure that the
business is suitable and meets the criteria above.
this assessment on. If you’re basing this assessment on your
own business or a business you work for, it’s important at this If you are using a case study business, refer to the
step that you identify relevant stakeholders and have your Simulation Pack.
business approved by your assessor. Arrange a meeting with at least one stakeholder associated
with the business who may assist you to identify a complex
If you’re basing this assessment on the case study, identify a issue. Prepare to use the financial and numeric information
relevant job role you’ll assume and any relevant stakeholders. at the meeting.
For the purpose of this role-play, your assessor or another
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit.
student can act as a one or more stakeholders.
Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your A meeting can be as simple as a discussion with the
Project Portfolio as well as the necessary background assessor acting as a variety of stakeholders, or one or more
information, relevant policies and procedures. classmates can take on the role of various stakeholders.
Stakeholders meeting 1
Meet with the relevant stakeholder Take notes so you can
complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio after the
meeting. The meeting should last for approximately 10
At this meeting:
• Use the numeric/financial information to discuss issues that fall within the scope of your job

• Identify a complex issue to address for the remainder of this assessment.

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

• Identify and articulating ideas clearly and persuasively

• Use a presenting style and vocabulary to suit the audience and situation

• Seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning

This meeting needs to be viewed in person by your assessor.Make sure you follow the instructions above
and meet the timeframes allocated.
Defining the complex
Before the meeting, choose two critical thinking techniques to use as
tools to generate alternative solutions. Make sure you are familiar with
the two critical thinking techniques as you will be using these
techniques at the meeting.

Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.

When you complete Section 1, you need to:

• Provide an overview of your chosen business, including:

o The name of the business

o a description of what the business does

o the job role you perform in the business

In section 1 -Provide business overview
Provide an overview of the business, You must provide an overview of the business. Information
should include the name of the business, a description of
what the business does (such as key functions, products,
• name of business vision etc) and a brief description of the student’s role in the
• description of what the business If you use the case study, a sample answer may include:
does (e.g., key functions, vision)
• The business is known as “Worlducation” and has a vision to see a
• your job role within the business (or world without illiteracy.

the role you’re assuming if you are basing • They manufacture and sell tablets and learning software to schools.
this assessment on the case study). The product is a shipped tablet and its customer base is largely
business to business (B2B) but are seeking to move to business to
customer (B2C).

• Key locations and functional departments include headquarters in

Sydney CBD, development in Bulgaria, manufacturing in Hong Kong.
• You are assuming the role of “Senior financial analyst”. Responsibilities relevant to the
situation outlined in the case study includes:

o managing cash flow

o preparing a budget

o liaising with the sales team to understand the sales pipeline and potential scenarios

o liaising with the operations and manufacturing teams to understand capacity and supply
chain constraints.
Defining the complex
• Describe the complex issue associated with the business, including:

1. a brief outline of the issue

2. who the stakeholders are and how they are associated with the issue

3. analysis and presentation of numeric and financial data illustrating

the complex issue

4. two objectives when pursuing solutions

5. three advantages of solving the issue

6. three risks of addressing the issue.

In section 1-defining the complex issue:
-Outline complex issue
You must describe the complex issue by providing a brief outline of the issue, explain who
the stakeholders are and how they are associated with the issue and illustrate the issue
using financial and numerical data.

If you use the case study, a sample answer may include:

The Senior financial analyst will investigate Worlducation’s cashflow pressure on behalf of
the Finance manager to present to the CFO (The projected growth in revenue is expected
to require a significant investment in working capital (both inventory and debtors) and this
combined with an expected decline in profit margin is projected to result in significant cash
flow pressure in the latter half of 2020).
Objectives for pursuing solutions are to:
Stakeholders in this example include the:
▪ Maintain Worlducation’s liquidity
▪Financiers (provide debt)
▪ Meeting budget
▪customers and suppliers (payment terms)
▪ Advantages of solving the issue include:
▪board of directors (guide decision-making and
represent shareholders) ▪ Future growth is viable and sustainable
▪CFO (reports to the board, ultimately responsible for ▪ Positive supplier and customer relationships
▪ Meeting bank covenants and maintaining trusted
▪sales team (generates revenue, customer relationships with financiers
▪ Risks when addressing the issue:
▪operations team and manufacturing team (set
capacity and incur costs to meet sales requirements) ▪ Lose customers

▪ Damaged supplier relationships

▪ Internal HR issues
Defining the complex issue
• Establish the legislative and organisational requirements related to the complex issue, including:
1. a summary of the relevant legislation
2. a summary of the associated organisational policies and procedures
3. an assessment of any actual or perceived bias.
• Calculate the resources required for the solution development process
• Prepare a presentation, using the work done in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio, to present the complex issue to
relevant stakeholders.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach
as outlined in your in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. Submit to your assessor for review.
You will use the work done in this section to meet with stakeholders and then complete Sections 2 and 3 of the Project
Portfolio and it’s important that your identified issue is relevant and appropriate.
In section 1-defining the complex issue:-
Legislative and organisational requirements
You must include a summary of relevant legislation and organisational
Establish the legislative and policies in their answer and attach a copy of the policy to this portfolio.
organisational requirements related to
If you use the case study, a sample answer may include:
the complex issue, including:
• a summary of the relevant
Corporations Act 2001
Employee and labour legislation, such as the Fair Work Act, in all
• a summary of the associated jurisdictions (Australia, Bulgaria and Hong Kong) where employees are
organisational policies and procedures employed

Operational Health and Safety requirements specifically in the Hong Kong

Attach any relevant policies to your manufacturing facility.
Organisational policies and procedures will include those provided in the
case study pack (e.g. Payment of suppliers).
In section 1-defining the complex issue:-
Calculate resources
Calculate the resources required for the solution development process:
You should calculate the resources required for the solution development process.

If you use the case study, a sample answer may include:

Resources required to develop solutions to the cashflow issue at Worlducation may include:

• Internal staff members (CFO, Operations management, Sales management)

• Online meeting facilities

• Budget model

• Sales pipeline document

In section 1-defining the complex issue:-
Prepare presentation
Use the work done in this section to prepare a presentation of scope of your issue to
present to relevant stakeholders.

Use any appropriate format (e.g. MS PowerPoint).

Attach the presentation to your portfolio.

You should prepare a presentation in an appropriate format (e.g. MS

PowerPoint). The presentation should reflect the work done in this section
and will be used to present the scope to relevant stakeholders.
Stakeholders meeting 2
Meet with the relevant stakeholders (at least one other person,
such as your assessor or another student). Take notes so you can
complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio after the meeting. The
meeting should last for approximately 10 mins. At this meeting,
take on the role of facilitator/leader.
At this meeting:
Present the scope of your complex issue (use the presentation prepared in Section 1 of your
Project Portfolio).

• Use two critical thinking techniques to generate four to six solutions for your complex issue
(you will need to attach the outcome e.g., mindmap to Section 2 of the Project Portfolio.).

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

• Identify and articulating ideas clearly and persuasively

• Use a presenting style and vocabulary to suit the audience and situation

• Seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning

This meeting needs to be viewed in person by your assessor.Make sure you follow the
instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated.
Systematic decision making
Complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio.When you complete Section 2
you need to:
• Summarise the outcomes of your meeting with the stakeholder, including:

1) an outline of two critical thinking techniques used to generate solution

alternatives with other stakeholders
2) a list of four to six alternative solutions.
• Evaluate each identified solution to establish their feasibility, including:
1) success criteria
2) constraints
3) evaluation of each alternative against the criteria and constraints
4) list of all feasible options.
In section 2-Generate alternative solutions
for your issue
You should list four to six alternative solutions to their chosen issue. They also
Summarise the outcomes of your need to outline two critical thinking techniques used at the stakeholder meeting to
meeting with the stakeholder, generate alternative solutions and attach proof to this section of the portfolio (e.g.,
mind map and brainstorming).
If you use the case study, a sample answer may include:
• an outline of two critical thinking
Solutions to the cashflow issue could include:
techniques used to generate solution
alternatives with other stakeholders • Extend supplier payment terms

(attach proof e.g. mind map to this • Shorten customer payment terms
section of your portfolio) • Increase cost of iPad

• List of four to six alternative solutions. • Raise funding from financiers

• Offer discounts for customers to pay early

Relevant techniques to generate solutions could be a mind map and brainstorming.

In section 2-Evaluate alternative solutions
You must evaluate each identified solution to establish their feasibility. They
Evaluate each identified solution to
should establish a set of criteria and constraints to use when evaluating
establish their feasibility. Include: each solution. You should create a final list of all feasible solutions.

• success criteria If you use the case study, a sample answer may include:

• constraints Success criteria to evaluate the alternatives could include customer satisfaction,
shareholder approval, penalty-free supplier relationship, meeting budget and
• evaluation of each alternative against continued liquidity. Constraints may include bank agreements (e.g., covenants)
and manufacturing capability.
the criteria and constraints
• List of all feasible options
Example for Evaluation of each solution
against the criteria is shown below.
Customer Shareholder Penalty free Meeting Continued
satisfaction approval supplier budget liquidity

Extend Yes No No Yes Yes After evaluating solutions, feasible solutions include:

market due to
Offer discounts for early customer payment

Shorten No Yes Yes Yes Yes • Shorten customer payment terms


Increase No No Yes No Yes

cost of
(conflicts (decreased
vision) sales)

Raise Yes No Yes Yes Yes

(covenants at

Offer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

(assuming (discount
manufacturing may result
capability has in
to pay
been increased
resolved) sales)
Systematic decision making
Use one appropriate tool/technique to compare all feasible alternatives with
one another. Include:
a) a description of the tool or technique used
b) proof of your comparison
c) an assessment of bias in your decision-making
d) Choose the best solution and explain:
e) why did you choose it
f) how does it meet the legislation and organisational policy requirements
g) are there any risks associated with your solution?
h) what are the advantages of the chosen solution?
i) what are the resources required?
In section 2-Choose the best solution for
your complex issue
You must select the best alternative solution for their issue and explain why they chose the
Choose the best alternative and explain: solution. You must highlight how their chosen solution meets legislative and policy requirements
and identify any risks, advantages and resources associated with their new solution.
• Why did you choose it?
If you use the case study, a sample answer may include:
• How does it meet the legislation and
organisational policy requirements? The best solution to address the issue of cashflow is to offer discounts for customers to pay
early. Assuming the manufacturing capability has been addressed, the board of directors agree
• Are there any risks associated with your that sales will increase with the discount and offset the revenue lost in the discount. This is the
solution? only solution that meets all success criteria within the set of constraints. Risks include additional
unplanned manufacturing challenges and lack of demand. Advantages include stable customer
• What are the advantages of the chosen and supplier relationships, maintaining bank covenants, meeting budget and sustainable
solution? liquidity. Resources include the sales and marketing team and the distribution of marketing
material. This solution does not counter any legislation or organisational policies and
• Resources required
procedures and support the company’s vision.
In section 2-Compare feasible solutions
You should describe and use one critical thinking technique or tool to
Use one appropriate tool/technique to compare all
compare all feasible solutions.
feasible alternatives with one another. Include:
You must confirm that no bias, or perceived bias exists and that they have
• a description of the tool or technique used
made an objective comparison.
• proof of your comparison (e.g. table, financial If you use the case study, a sample answer may include:
analysis etc)
The two feasible solutions were compared to one another by assessing the success
• an assessment of bias in your decision- criteria and choosing the option that meets the most success criteria.
making (actual or perceived) Customer Shareholder Penalty free Meeting budget Continued TOTAL
satisfacti approval supplier liquidity
on relationshi

No bias factored into the decision - alternatives were

Shorten No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
compared to one another using facts, not feeling. Numeric customer
proof substantiates comparison. terms

Offer discounts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5

to pay
Prepare a brief on your proposed solution
(use “Brief template”).
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to
attach as outlined in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.a
summary of the relevant legislation

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 2. Submit to your assessor for review. You will use the work
done in this section to meet with stakeholders and then complete Sections 3 of the Project Portfolio.

Arrange a meeting with at least one of the key stakeholders responsible for decision-making.

Before you continue, read through the requirements of Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. Make sure you have
your brief available and ready to present.

As part of Section 3, you are required to develop a feedback register to use at the meeting. Do this before
meeting with the stakeholders and use the register at the meeting.
In section 2-Prepare a brief
Use the work done in this section to prepare a brief to share your proposed solution with key
stakeholders (use “Brief outline” template if applicable).

Attach the organisation policies that guide brief writing to this section of the portfolio.
Stakeholders meeting 3
Meet with the relevant key stakeholders (at least one other person,
such as your assessor or another student). Take notes so you can
complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio after the meeting. The
meeting should last for approximately 10 mins.

At this meeting:

• Present your brief to key stakeholders (use the brief prepared in Section 2 of
your Project Portfolio).

• Record feedback in the feedback register (developed prior to this meeting).

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication

skills including:

• Identify and articulating ideas clearly and persuasively

• Use a presenting style and vocabulary to suit the audience and situation

• Seeking the views and opinions of others by active listening and questioning
In section 3-Develop a feedback register
Develop a feedback register to record You should develop a feedback register according to
organisational requirements (to be used in the next
feedback from stakeholders. stakeholder meeting.)
Attach the organisation policies that This can be in any format they like and may be
guide recording of feedback. completed in Word or Excel for example.
In section 3- Incorporate feedback
You must use the feedback from the stakeholder meeting (as recorded in the
Use the feedback from your meeting with feedback register) to refine their brief. The refined brief and completed feedback
stakeholders to refine your project brief. register should be attached to this section of the portfolio.

Attach the refined brief and completed If you are using the case study:

feedback register to this section of your The feedback register should contain the date, project number, name of reviewer,
person receiving feedback, comments and action required (Document Policy).
Feedback may for example include the need for more numeric detail around
forecast sales and the size of the discount. This information can be obtained and
represented using for example a graph as part of the refined brief.
In section 3- Seek approval
Use an appropriate format to seek You must seek approval to implement their solution e.g.,
complete an application form.
approval to implement your proposed
solution (e.g. draft an email, complete an If you are using the case study, a sample answer may
application form ready to be lodged etc.) include:

Attach proof to this section of your A draft email to all key stakeholders (e.g. CFO and Sales and
portfolio. Marketing General Manager) to proceed. Their drafted email for
approval would then need to be attached.
In section 3- Self-evaluate your performance
Self-evaluate your performance You must complete the attached self-evaluation document, and then
attach their personal evaluation to this portfolio. You should list their
Perform a self-evaluation: strengths and weaknesses and say what they plan to do to improve
their weaknesses.
a. Complete the self-evaluation checklist (add
as an attachment). Examples of weaknesses might include oral communication and
using numerical data in analysis.
b. List your strengths and weaknesses.
Examples of strengths could include using digital technologies and
c. Identify areas needing improvement. ability to generate alternatives.
d. Attach the completed self-evaluation (Self- You could suggest taking an ESL course as a way of improving their
Evaluation checklist) to this section of your oral communication and a statistics course to facilitate their use of
portfolio. numerical data.
Review your decision
Complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio as part of your evidence for this step.
When you complete Section 3, you need to:

A. Use the feedback from your meeting with stakeholders to refine your project brief

B. Use an appropriate format to seek approval to implement your proposed solution (e.g.,
draft an email, complete an application form ready to be lodged etc.)

C. Perform a self-evaluation to identify opportunities for improvement.

You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the
documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 3 of the Project Portfolio and
make sure you attach these upon submission.
Submit your completed Project
Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions,
provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary.
Remember to submit all necessary attachments as indicated.
Simulation Pack case study –

Revenue and net profit

2019 Actual 2020 Budget 2020 Projected

Revenue 35,000,000 45,000,000 55,000,000

Profit 7,000,000 9,000,000 5,000,000
Simulation Pack case study –

Cash flow

2019 Actual 2020 Budget 2020 Projected

Balance 1,000,000 6,000,000 - 2,000,000
Net cash
flow 4,000,000 5,000,000 - 3,000,000
Your support resources:

Project Portfolio (Assessment Task 2)

Brief Outline template (Assessment Task 2)

Self-evaluation checklist (Assessment Task 2)

Simulation Pack (Assessment Task 2).

Each student your Assessment task 2 –presentation duration will be required
to do around 2o minutes.
Leave your student id ,your full name and the time you booked in the
conversation chat
I will check if the seat still available or not

Book your
Presentation booking period:

Presentation 10th Mar 2022:16:15pm-20:05pm---- 11seats available

appointment 11th Mar 2022: 16:15pm-20:05pm---- 11seats available

in the class 16th Mar 2022: 16:15pm-20:25pm ---- 12 seats available

17th Mar 2022: 16:15pm-20:05pm ---- 11seats available

18th Mar 2022: 16:15pm-19:05pm- --- 8seats available

Mar 2022 Mar 2022
STUDENT Duration: STUDENT Duration:
1 16:15-16:35 1 16:15-16:35
2 16:35-16:55 2 16:35-16:55
3 16:55-17:15 3 16:55-17:15
4 17:15-17:35 4 17:15-17:35
5 17:35-17:55 5 17:35-17:55
10 mins break 10 mins break
6 18:05-18:25 6 18:05-18:25
7 18:25-18:45 7 18:25-18:45
8 18:45-19:05 8 18:45-19:05
9 19:05-19:25 9 19:05-19:25
10 19:25-19:45 10 19:25-19:45
11 19:45-20:05 11 19:45-20:05
Mar 2022 Mar 2022 Mar 2022
STUDENT Duration: STUDENT Duration: Duration:
1 16:15-16:35 1 16:15-16:35
2 16:35-16:55 2 16:35-16:55 1 16:15-16:35
3 16:55-17:15 3 16:55-17:15 2 16:35-16:55
4 17:15-17:35 4 17:15-17:35 3 16:55-17:15
5 17:35-17:55 5 17:35-17:55
10 mins break 4 17:15-17:35
10 mins break
6 18:05-18:25 10mins break
6 18:05-18:25
7 18:25-18:45
7 18:25-18:45 5 17:45-18:05
8 18:45-19:05
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10 19:25-19:45 7 18:25-18:45
11 19:45-20:05
12 20:05-20:25 11 19:45-20:05 8 18:45-19:05

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