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Model Mentoring Teachers and Parents as an Efforts for Brushing Teeth

Behavior in Preschool Children

Article · January 2021


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4 authors, including:

Tedi Purnama
Politeknik Kesehatan Jakarta I, Indonesia, Jakarta


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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4 3511

Model Mentoring Teachers and Parents as an Efforts for

Brushing Teeth Behavior in Preschool Children

Tedi Purnama1, Ngatemi1, Indrayati Fadjeri1, Rini Widiyastuti1

Lecturer Departement of Dental Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic Jakarta I, South Jakarta, Indonesia

The dental health problems of preschool children are higher compared to primary schools, this is due to
children not being able to do independent activities in brushing their teeth. The teacher and parent mentoring
model is a model of learning to brush teeth in an effort to form the behavior of preschool brushing teeth with
a period of 10 days. Methods: This study is the Research and Development (R & D) and test the model using
experimental quasy pretest and posttest with control group design. Preschoolers research subjects were
divided into 2 groups: 1. Intervention model of mentoring teachers and parents brushing teeth 2. Model 21
days as the control. Data were tested using intraclass correlation coefficient tests, repeated measures anova,
friedman, t-test and mann whitney. Results: The application of the teacher and parent mentoring model
was equally effective with the 21-day brushing model for improved tooth-brushing skills (p> 0.304) and
equally effective for increasing plaque-free scores (p <0.788) compared to the control group. Conclusion:
The application of the teacher and parents mentoring model effectively as efforts to establish the behavior
of preschool children brushing teeth.

Keywords: Mentoring; teachers and parents; behavior of brushing teeth; preschoolers

Introduction maintenance and recommended by way of brushing your

teeth. That is the simple act of brushing teeth to remove
Dental caries in childhood can interfere with
plaque and food debris with a toothbrush and toothpaste,
mastication system and interfere with the digestive
because plaque and leftover food is a major cause of
system that can be detrimental to health and child
dental caries, therefore, required the establishment of
development. Riskesdas in 2018 proved that the
maintenance behavior of oral health from an early age.4
prevalence of dental health of children aged 5-6 years
by 93% with def-t index of 8.43. Such conditions do not Early childhood is a “golden age period”, meaning
meet the WHO target and FDI is 50% of children aged the golden period for all aspects of human development,
5-6 years free of dental caries.1, 2 One cause of the high whether physical, emotional and social cognition, where
prevalence of dental caries for dental health maintenance the development of intelligence in this period increased
behaviors are less than the maximum, this is evidenced by 50%. Early childhood is the ideal time for a child’s
Indonesia’s population had brushed his teeth with the motor skills, including brushing teeth, so that will cause
categories of behavior really only reached 2.8% and by a sense of responsibility for the cleanliness of himself.6
2.8 West Java Province.2, 3
Changes in a child’s behavior depends on the
Efforts to prevent the occurrence of dental caries ability of adaptation to the stimulus response beyond
can be done through the behavior of most major dental himself. It fits in the Roy adaptation theory (Sari et
al, 2012) suggests that changes in a person’s behavior
depends on the incoming stimulus and adaptability
Corresponding Author:
Tedi Purnama of the person, that is to say through the right stimulus
Department of Dental Health, Ministry of Health and the appropriate development of children, will help
Polytechnic Jakarta I, Wijayakusuma Street No. 47-48 in entering the next phase of development is well. It is
South Jakarta email: [email protected] also affecting the child’s behavior change is a stimulus
3512 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4

from the environment, namely the involvement of collection on the measurement of tooth brushing skills
members of the family and the school. Through the using an observation sheet to brush teeth and a plaque-
active participation of parents it will be better the child’s free score using a free plaque examination sheet for
behavior in brushing teeth. In addition teachers who can preschoolers scores. The statistical test at the expert
provide guidance brush after lunch to reduce the number validation stage uses the intraclass corelation coefficient
of plaques students.5, 7, 8 while the test phase is analyzed using repeated measure
anova/friedman test and independent t-test/mann
According to the theory of behavior change (Maher,
whitney test.
2014) states that a person is required to change the habit
of a constant period and conditioned for 21 days in Result
order to change the habit.9 as innovation researchers to
A. Information collection
model the formation of the behavior of brushing teeth
with a time of intervention 10 days through the approach The results of the information gathering concluded
of the teachers and parents in phases: first 2 days of that to shape the behavior of preschoolers in brushing
the formation of consciousness which aims to create their teeth, it is necessary to provide education on dental
knowledge, this phase teachers provide stimulus in the and oral health by providing education and practice of
form of counseling, simulation and practice brushing brushing their teeth through the assistance of parents
teeth consistently using a variety of instructional media and school teachers, who have previously been given
video brushing and parents accompany brushing teeth training by dental health workers.
at night before bed, 2 days arouse interest in the second
stage with the aim of having the ability to identify the B. Product/ Model Design
child; 2 days of the third stage of formation the ability to
The result data from information gathering is used
assess (evaluate) aimed at children have ability compare;
to design teacher and parent mentoring models as a
2 The fourth day is awaken the ability to practice (try)
model for the formation of tooth brushing behavior for
with the purpose of the child has the ability to practice.
preschool children.
Based on this background, researchers are interested
C. Validation Expert
to prove that the application of the model and the teacher
mentoring can shape the behavior of brushing teeth in 10 Table 1. Statistical test the validity of the expert
days, especially preschoolers.
Validity Expert *
The method used in this research is the Research
n f (%) p-value
and Development (R & D) with quasy experiment (pre
and post-test with control group design). This study aims
to develop a learning model of oral health in preschool Relevant 10 100
children. The procedure of research and development 0,000
include the 5 main steps, as follows: 1) the collection
Irrelevant 0 0
of information, 2) design of products/ models, 3) expert
validation and revision, 4) testing products/ models, and * Correlation coefficient intraclass
5) the product.
The results of the validity of the experts pointed out
The sample used in this study amounted to 123 that the p-value = 0.000, which means mentoring models
people divided into 2 groups: Sample I: the sample for relevant teachers and parents as a model of dental health
the information gathering stage with purposive sampling education in preschool children.
amounted to 9 people. Sample II: sample for model
testing of teachers and parents with purposive sampling,
6 teachers, 54 parents and 54 preschool children. Data
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4 3513
D. Trial Product / Model

Table 2. Test the data pairs in the intervention group and the control group

Skills brushing teeth* Free score plaque**

Mean ± SD
p-value Mean ± SD p-value

Pre-test 28.63 + 13.63 60.33 + 10:41

Intervention Post-test1 98.33 + 2,304 0.000 91.70 + 4,331 0.000

Post-test2 99.63 + 0688 93.00 + 2,961

Pre-test 32.19 + 17.61 56.77 + 7334

Control Post-test 96.26 + 3108 0.000 86.85 + 4.120 0.000

Post-test2 98.74 + 2.330 90.11 + 3,683

* Friedman ** Repeated Measure Anova

Table 2 shows the results of the effectiveness of paired data on tooth brushing skills and plaque-free scores
showed the p-value of the intervention and control group was 0.000 (p <0.05), meaning that the 10-day brushing
model was accompanied by teachers and parents and the 21-day brushing model was equally effective Improve teeth
brushing skills and plaque-free scores for preschoolers.

Table 3. Test data is unpaired intervention group and the control group

Skills brushing teeth * Free score plaque**

ΔMean + SD
p-value ΔMean + SD p-value


Intervention Post-test1 70.81 + 13.70 32.96 + 9460

0.304 0.788

Control Post-test 66.37 + 17:49 33.59 + 7526


* Mann Whitney ** Indepenedent t-test

Table 3 shows the results of the effectiveness of unpaired data on tooth brushing skills and plaque-free scores
between the intervention group and the control group showed a p-value (p> 0.05), meaning that the model of
assisting brushing teeth by teachers and parents 10 days and brushing models 21 days the same- is equally effective
at improving preschool brushing skills and plaque-free scores.
3514 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4

F. Product Results their teeth so that a school-based dental health program

involving teachers and parents is effective in brushing
Products such as training curriculum and monitoring
children’s teeth. Teachers and parents are given training
sheets brushing teeth is the output from the learning
aimed at improving knowledge, attitudes, actions for
model development and media for the dental health of
maintaining dental health towards the implementation
preschool children. Implementation of this model by
of the model, so that it is expected to be able to transfer
providing a stimulus undertaken by school teachers and
knowledge of skills to children. In accordance with the
research of Gao et al. (2013) the model of dental health
promotion to preschool children should emphasize
promotive and preventive involvement by involving
the role of parents and teachers in their implementation
children.11 School teacher for 10 days interventions such
as counseling with simulation methods brushed his teeth
using multiple media learning. To create awareness
of children, the first 2 days every day a children is
given counseling by watching the video brushing teeth
followed by a simulation using pillow books and puzzles.
Next go 2 the second day up to 2 days five children with
a given extension by using a simulation method pillow
Figure 1. Monitoring sheets brushing teeth books and puzzles as well as the practice of brushing
mentoring teachers and parents your teeth.

Discusision The initial phase of school teachers do themed film

The collected information can be concluded that screenings brushed his teeth using audio-visual media.
to establish the independence of preschool children in The response of samples in initiating more passion and
brushing teeth need for efforts to provide education enthusiasm, which means that the stimulus given to the
child succeed. This video media will make the child to
methods are appropriate and supported a variety concentrate to follow the activities because the two senses
of media that can attract attention so that children are are used simultaneously view and hear. Children will
able to carry it out and giving education/ stimulation in understand the messages conveyed through animation
early childhood should be appropriate aspects of child moves seen concretely in the video that encourages the
development. The learning model brushing teeth suitable birth of a child’s emotional response that ultimately
to realize it is a model of mentoring teachers and parents. children become enthusiastic or motivated to follow
The results of the validity of the experts pointed out that the next activity. This is consistent with the theory of
the p-value = 0.000, which means mentoring models behavioral change Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR)
relevant teachers and parents as a model of dental health which says that the different causes behavior changes
education in preschool children. depending on a given stimulus or stimuli.12

The validation process is essential expert in the The results of the paired variable data effectiveness
development of products / models in order to produce test showed that the intervention group’s p-value was
a product / model useful in improving the quality of 0,000 (p <0.05) meaning that the teacher and parent
education.10 Based on the characteristics of preschool mentoring model was effective in improving the teeth
children have not been able to do their own hygiene brushing skills of preschool children. Teeth brushing
activities including brushing their teeth so they still need skills in the intervention group increased because
help from others both teachers and parents. Teachers and intervention was provided with simulations using pillow
parents have a role in their dental health maintenance book and puzzle media, demonstration methods using
behaviors, besides that they play an important role phantom and brushing practice methods. Using multiple
in a child’s learning process such as learning to brush methods can improve a child’s ability to brush his teeth
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4 3515

according to the objective indicators that researchers set. model facilities found in the intervention group, each
This is in line with research by Ruhaena (2015) using child has a toothbrush and toothpaste as well as a storage
various methods to improve the skills of preschoolers.13 mouth rinse for personal storage so that children find it
In addition to using various methods, the implementation easier to collect and store toothbrushes without the help
of the model also uses learning media so that children of others. Facility support is one of the successes of the
are directly involved in the use of media such as pillow dental health program at school. Hayat Research (2013)
books and puzzles and it is possible for many senses to factors that influence the success of UKGS are health
play a role. service facilities.15

The more the five senses that are used will facilitate Conclusion
understanding of the material, someone who has an
The results showed that the teacher and parent
understanding of a concept, that person will easily do
mentoring model had been shown to be effective in
the practice. The practice of brushing teeth for 10 days
increasing the teeth-brushing skills of preschool children.
consistently brushing their teeth in the morning after
rest accompanied by the teacher and the night before Ethical Clearance: This research was approved by
going to bed with the assistance of parents has brought the Health Research Ethics Commission of the Faculty
significant changes to the intervention group. of Dentistry of Sultan Agung Islamic University,
Semarang, Indonesia under number 048/B.1-KEPK/
According to the theory of behavior change revealed
SA-FKG/ III/ 2019. We explained the objectives to the
to change a person’s habits, it requires a constant period.9
participants and received their written.
The success of this model is also seen an increase
Source Funding: This study was done by self-
in plaque-free score preschoolers. The test results
funding from the authors.
showed that the effectiveness of the data pairs p-value
intervention group was 0.000 (p <0.05) means that the Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they
model mentoring teachers and parents to parents and have no conflict interests.
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