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1-2 The Scientific Problem and
Lesson 1
In this lesson, you are expected to understand what a research question or a
scientific problem is, things to consider in formulating a well define research
questions, know the difference between applied and basic research problems,
describe a research hypothesis as write clearly define hypothesis.
A research problem is a specific issue, difficulty, contradiction, or gap in
knowledge that you will aim to address in your research. You might look for practical
problems aimed at contributing to change, or theoretical problems aimed at
expanding knowledge (McCombes, 2020).
It might seem easy to formulate a problem, but it requires considerable
knowledge of both the topic (focus of the study) and research methodology (Kumar
2011). As researcher it is your task to formulate a well-define research questions that
is align to your research topic and can be answer through focused research and
careful decision-making. Understanding what a research problem is important
because this will serve as your guide in formulating a good hypothesis.
According to McCombes 2020, a good research question is essential to guide
your research paper, project, or thesis. It pinpoints exactly what you want to find out
and gives your work a clear focus and purpose. All research questions should be
 Specific-Focused on a single problem or issue.
 Measurable- Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a
paper or thesis. An instrument to be used in data-gathering should
answer the research questions.
 Attainable-Specific enough to answer thoroughly.
 Reliable-Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources.
 Time-Bound- Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical
The statement need not be lengthy, but a good research problem should
incorporate the following features:
Compelling topic-The problem that you choose to explore must be important
to you and to a larger community you share. The problem chosen must be one that
motivates you to address it.
Supports multiple perspectives-The problem most be phrased in a way that
avoids dichotomies and instead supports the generation and exploration of multiple
perspectives. A general rule of thumb is that a good research problem is one that
would generate a variety of viewpoints from a composite audience made up of
reasonable people.
Researchable-Choose research problems that can be supported by the
resources available to you.
Writing a statement of the problem should help you clearly identify the
purpose of the research project you will propose. Often, the statement of the problem
will also serve as the basis for the introductory section of your final proposal,
directing your reader’s attention quickly to the issues that your proposed project will
address and providing the reader with a concise statement of the proposed project
Basic and Applied Research
Basic research (fundamental or pure research)- is a research approach that is
entirely theoretical and aimed at improving or expanding the knowledge base on a
particular field of study. It focused on acquiring knowledge for “knowledge sake.” The
main objective is to expand one’s knowledge rather than creating or inventing
For example, basic research probe for answers to questions such as:
 How did the universe begin?
 What is the genetic code of a firefly?
 How do algae reproduce?
 How was rainbow created?
 What are the secondary symptoms of the Human Papilloma Virus
 What is the blood type of the person most infected by a Corona Virus?
Applied research is designed to focus on providing practical solutions to a
specific problem. It is a form of investigation that entails solution-oriented inquiries
into a phenomenon, a field of study or research subject generally employing empirical
methodologies. Solve practical problems of the modern world, rather than to acquire
knowledge for knowledge's sake.
For example, applied researchers may investigate ways to:
 improve agricultural crop production.
 treat or cure a specific disease.
 improve the energy efficiency of homes, offices, or modes of
 develop an effective vaccine for Corona Virus.
Differences Between Basic and Applied Research
 Applied research is a research methodology that creates practical solutions for
specific problems while basic research is an approach to research that seeks
to expand knowledge in a field of study.
 Applied research is action-oriented and synthetic in nature while basic
research is explanatory and analytical in nature.
 Applied research helps organizations and individuals to solve specific
problems, unlike basic research that is simply focused on expanding
knowledge without providing solutions to existing problems.
 Applied research is useful for finding practical solutions to defined problems
while basic research is useful for gathering novel information about a concept,
phenomenon, or field of study.
 Basic research is theoretical in nature while applied research is practical in
nature. In this sense, basic research generates theories and improves on
existing theories with the aim of contributing to an existing knowledge bank.
 Applied research, on the other hand, is practical and more descriptive in
nature. It is more concerned with the utility and value of research outcomes
in terms of their end usage, that is, how they can be used to solve existing
problems and develop innovations.
Hypotheses state a prediction on what will the result of your study. It
clearly defines what will be tested or investigated next. It is not just a guess but
should be based on existing theories and knowledge so when the researcher has a
strong hypothesis, he has a prior knowledge on a current problem. Hypothesis
proposes a relationship between an independent variable and dependent variable.
According to Kumar 2011, hypothesis is important in terms of bringing
clarity to the research problem. Specifically, a hypothesis serves the following
1. The formulation of a hypothesis provides a study with focus. It tells you
what specific aspects of a research problem to investigate.
2. A hypothesis tells you what data to collect and what not to collect,
thereby providing focus to the study.
3. As it provides a focus, the construction of a hypothesis enhances
objectivity in a study.
4. A hypothesis may enable you to add to the formulation of theory. It
enables you to conclude specifically what is true or what is false.
 Simple Hypothesis- Prediction on the relationship between two
variables. Example: Lower the use of fertilizer, lower would-be
agricultural productivity.
 Complex Hypothesis-Prediction on the relationship between two or
more variables. Example: Lower the use of fertilizer, improved seeds
and modern equipment, lower would-be agricultural productivity.
 Null Hypothesis (H0)-there is no relationship between an
independent and dependent variable.
 Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)-There is a relationship between a
dependent and independent variable.
Example: We can take an example on the effect of the type of soil
used in planting a tomato.
Null Hypothesis: The type of soil has no relation on the growth of
tomato plant.
Alternative Hypothesis: The type of soil has a relation on the growth
of tomato plant.
In null hypothesis, researcher is trying to explain that relationship is by
chance, there is no statistically significance relation between two variables and
relationship is occurring just because of chance. However, in alternative
hypothesis, researcher is trying to prove that there is a relation between the two
variables. (Anumpama, 2018).
Here are some of the example of a research title, research question and hypothesis.
1. Title: Characterization and Sustainable Development of Biomass Integration
in the Production of Bio briquettes
Proponents: Ebora, Mariah Kaye R., Mendoza, Angela Beatrice A., Suba,
Isobel M.
Research Questions
The study “Biomass integration in the production of bio briquettes” will
answer the following questions:
1. What is the best biomass concentration of the produced briquettes from
banana pseudostem, water hyacinth stalk and bamboo leaves?
2. What is the briquette proximate analysis in terms of its moisture, volatile
materials, ash, and fixed carbon analysis?
3. What is the briquette intrinsic aspect in terms of its heating value?
4. Is there any significant difference between the biomass integration of the
final product from commercially available briquettes in terms of proximate
analysis and heating value?
Research Hypothesis
Ho: There is no significant difference between the biomass integration of the
final product from commercially available briquettes in terms of proximate
analysis and heating value.
Ha: There is a significant difference between the biomass integration of the
final product from commercially available briquettes in terms of proximate
analysis and heating value.
2. Title: Synergistic effect of Lantana camara (kantutay) and Tinospora rumphii
boerl (makabuhay) as plant-based mosquito larvicide.
Proponents: Centeno, Danielle Erika R., Lim, Jillian Patricia R., Opiniano,
Arci julleanne G.
Research Questions:
1.) What is the percentage of larval mortality in:
a. Lantana Crude Extract Pellets
b. Makabuhay Crude Extract Pellets
c. 70% Lantana, 30% Makabuhay Crude
2.) What is the percentage of LC50 and LC90 in:
a. Lantana Crude Extract Pellets
b. Makabuhay Crude Extract Pellets
c. 70% Lantana, 30% Makabuhay Crude
3.) Will the combined Kantutay and Makabuhay plants present a more
effective mortality capability than that of the individual effects of the two said
Research Hypothesis:
Ha: The combination of Makabuhay and Lantana garners a more effective
mortality capability than that of the individual plants.
Ho: The combination of Makabuhay and Lantana garners a less effective
mortality capability than that of the individual plants.
Notice that on the given example the research question and the hypothesis
are connected to each other. The hypothesis state the prediction on the possible
outcome or answer on the research question, likewise this will help the researcher
to determine the data to be collected.

Learning Task 1: Craft a Research title, Research Question and Research Hypothesis
from the given situation below. Write your answer in your notebook,

1. Zhiejia Cailene is very concern in the environment and because of thus she wants
to investigate the potential of cyanobacteria in degradation of industrial effluents.
As a young researcher she wants to know if the cyanobacteria can help reduce
the industrial effluents.

Research Title:
Research Question/s:
Research Hypothesis (Null and Alternative)

2. Zhiejian Paulo has an asthma when he was a young and based on his readings
one of the contributing factors of having an asthma is the air quality. As a
researcher he wants to make a device that will monitor the quality of the indoor
and outdoor air. He wants his device to be economic friendly, durable, and

Research Title:
Research Question/s:
Research Hypothesis (Null and Alternative)
Learning Task 2: Assess the quality of the research question you crafted by
answering the checklist below. Copy the table in your notebook and put a check (/)
if you think your research question has the following characteristics, then explain
why you marked it as such.

Research Questions S M A R T
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-Bound

Learning Task 3: Answer the following questions scientifically. Write your answer in your

1. What is a research problem?

2. What are the characteristics of a good research problem or question?
3. Compare an applied research question and basic research question.
4. What is/are the importance of having a well-defined research question? Explain your
5. What is a Research hypothesis?
6. What are the different types of research hypothesis? Describe each.

Learning Task 4: Identify the given statement below. Write BR for Basic Research and AR
for Applied Research. Write your answer in your notebook.

____________1. Main objective is to enhance one’s knowledge about a specific topic.

____________2. Used to solve existing problem in the community.
____________3. Explanatory and analytical in nature.
____________4. The application of basic scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.
____________5. useful for gathering novel information about a concept, phenomenon, or
field of study.
Great work! It is good that you were able to craft a research question and
hypothesis. Assess a research question that you crafted from the given task. You are also
familiar now on the characteristic of a good research question, basic and applied research,
and research hypothesis. It means that you are now ready to write your research question
and hypothesis for your chosen research topic.

Learning Task 5: Formulate a research question based on your chosen/ approved

research topic or research title. Write your answer in your notebook.

Research Title/Topic Comments and

Suggestions of Research

General Question:

Specific Question:

Null Hypothesis

Alternative Hypothesis
Learning Task 6: Write a self-reflection essay about your learnings in this topic. Refer to
the Rubric below for the criteria.
 A self-reflection essay is a paper that describes your experiences/learnings from this
lesson that have made you grow as a student.
 Essays on self-reflection require students to evaluate their academic development.

Criteria 10 7 4 2
Reflective Thinking Above M eet Approaching Below
The re fle cti on The re fle cti on The re fle cti on The re fle cti on
e xplai ns the e xplai ns atte mpts to doe s not
stude nt’s own stude nt’s de monstrate addre ss the
thi nki ng and thi nki ng thi nki ng stude nt’s
le arni ng about hi s/he r about le arni ng thi nki ng
proce sse s, as own le arni ng but i s vague and/or
we ll as proce sse s. le arni ng.
i mpli cati ons
Analysis for future
The re fle cti on The re fle cti on The re fle cti on The re fle cti on
i s an i n-de pth i s an analysi s atte mpts to doe s not move
analysi s of the of the analyze the be yond
le arni ng le arni ng le arni ng de scri pti on of
e xpe ri e nce , e xpe ri e nce e xpe ri e nce the le arni ng
the value of and the value but the value e xpe ri e nce .
the de ri ve d of the de ri ve d of le arni ng to
le arni ng to le arni ng to the stude nt or
se lf or othe rs, se lf or othe rs. othe rs i s
and the vague and/or
e nhance me nt uncle ar.
M aking Connections of the
The re fle cti on The re fle cti on The re fle cti on The re fle cti on
arti culate s arti culate s atte mpts to doe s not
multi ple conne cti ons arti culate arti culate any
conne cti ons be twe e n thi s conne cti ons conne cti ons to
be twe e n thi s le arni ng be twe e n othe r le arni ng
le arni ng e xpe ri e nce le arni ng or e xpe ri e nce .
e xpe ri e nce and conte nt e xpe ri e nce
and conte nt from othe r and conte nt
from course s, course s, past from othe r
past le arni ng, le arni ng course s, past
li fe e xpe ri e nce s, le arni ng

Bwisa, Henry. 2018. Editage Insights. 05 15. Accessed 02 03, 2021.
K., Anupama. 2018. "Hypothesis Types and Research." International Journal of
Nursing Science Practice and Research 79.
Kumar, Ranjit. 2011. Research Methodology -A step-by step guide to the beginner.
3rd Edition. Far East Square Singapore: SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte
n.d. Organizing Academic Research Papers: The Research Problem/Question.
Accessed 02 01, 2021.
Sanjay Kumar Dubey, Jaisheree Dubey, Sandeep Mehra, Paradeep Tiwari and A.J.
Bishwas. 2011. "Potential use of cyanobacterial species in biorediation of
industrial effluents." African Journal of Biotechnology.
Shona, McCombes. 2020. Scribber: Developing Strong Reserach Question. 08 22.
Accessed 01 11, 2021.

Centeno, Danielle Erika R., Lim, Jillian Patricia R., Opiniano, Arci julleanne G.
2017, Synergistic effect of Lantana camara (kantutay) and Tinospora rumphii
boerl (makabuhay) as plant-based mosquito larvicide. p. 8-9. Unpublished.

Ebora, Mariah Kaye R., 2018, Characterization and Sustainable Development of

Biomass Integration in the Production of Bio briquettes. p. 4. Unpublished.

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