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DLP No.: 03 Learning Area: ENGLISH Grade Level: 9 Quarter: First Duration 60 minutes
Learning Competencies: Use the appropriate segmentals (sounds of English) and the supra segmentals Code:
or prosodic features of speech when delivering lines of poetry and prose in a EN9OL-Ia-1.15
speech choir, jazz chants and raps.
Key Concepts/ Speech communication is done via segmentals - phonemes, phones, allophones and
Understandings to be suprasegmentals - Stress, intonation, pitch, rhythm
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the segmental and supra segmental features of speech.
Skills Present a poetic music video.
Attitudes Perform assigned task with optimism and cooperation.
Values Team work, dedication, cooperation, optimism, respect
2. Content/Topic Segmentals and Supra-segmentals features of speech
Lesson 1 Discovery Task Group 5 Poetic music video
3. Learning Resources/ Books:
Materials/ Equipment Kto 12 Learners’ Material pages 10, 22
K to 12 Teachers’ Guide pages 6, 15

Laptop, LED/projector (manila paper/cartolina containing the example sentences and exercises if
equipment is not available)
Researched notes/references for each group

Downloaded powerpoint presentations: Segmentals and Supra segmental s
(Teacher may use another ppt presentations)

downloaded motivational videos: Importance of learning English
(Teacher may use another video materials)
4. Procedures Parts under procedure may vary and is modifiable.
4.1 Introduction Preliminaries and daily routines: - Prayer, Checking of attendance, Drills/Reviews
5 minutes Quick review on previous lesson.
Let students watch a short video presentation on why we should learn English.
Ask: “What was the video about?”
“What is the video telling you?”
Explain/simplify relevance of the video and connect to today’s lesson.
4.2 Activity a. Have students read the following sentences giving emphasis on the highlighted word in each
30 minutes sentence.

b. Ask for students’ observation about the words, sounds, and even on the meaning of the sentence especially
when the emphasis was changed.
c. Using the researched notes/materials on segmental and supra segmental feature of speech, assign a topic for
each group to study and brainstorm for 5 minutes.
Group 1 – Segmental and supra segmental
Group 2 - Sounds of English (consonants, vowels, dipthongs)
Group 3 –Pitch, Volume, Juncture
Group 4 – Stress
Group 5 – Intonation
d. Students will do the Travel to learn. (One member will be assigned as traveler whose task is to hop from one
group to the next and presenting to each group their assigned topic. They will stay with the other group for 2-3
minutes while they present their assigned topic and will move to the next group after 3 minutes until they return to
their original group.)
4.3 Analysis Ask:
5 minutes - How was the activity?
- What did you learn from the other group?
- What questions do you have for the other group?
4.4 Abstraction Present/Simplify the concepts/ideas of the lesson using guide questions:
10 minutes - When do we use rising intonation? Falling intonation?
- What is pitch?
- How do we distinguish the meaning of words with the same spelling but with different
4.5 Application Ask students to work on Task 14 Group 5 activity found in page 22 of LM
5 minutes

Rate students’ performance for assessment. (maybe made to be homework if impossible to be finished by
5. Assessment
(Indicate whether it is thru Observation and/or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of Learners’ Products and/or Tests)
Minutes Rate students’ performance for assessment. (maybe made to be homework if impossible to be finished by
(carried out during students) using the rubric below.(refer to attachment)
the application

6. Assignment
(Indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or Preparation for a new
(carried out during Enhancement
the application Students will video record their poetic music video.
and assessment
7. Wrap-up/ Concluding Activity
5 minutes Is pronunciation the only thing to consider when we learn English? What else, if not?

Prepared by:
Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: Cebu Province
Contact Number: 09483436712 Email Address: [email protected]

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