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A group of people who share the same interests and way of life is called a society.

is the science that examines human society. The term sociology is derived from the Latin word
socius, which means “companion, union of people.”
Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew. They also study the
levels within society. For example, the child is part of the family, the family is part of the
neighborhood, and the neighborhood is part of the community. There are many different groups,
and sociologists are interested in the effect that these groups have on people.
A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 1830s. He
suggested that a new science was necessary to study a society of people. A famous book, Principles
of Sociology, was published by an Englishman, Herbert Spencer, in 1882. This book had an
unprecedented effect on the science of sociology. In this book, Spencer theorized that a society’s
customs evolved, or grew, from very simple to more complicated and advanced. This theory shows
the influence that Charles Darwin (who believed that man had evolved from very simple forms to the
present human) had on Spencer.
(from : Folse, S Keith , Intermediate Reading Practices, Building Reading and Vocabulary Skills)

A. Vocabulary
interest : kepentingan

B. Comprehension
1. A good title for this selection is ....
a. People’s interests
b. Sociology
c. Society in different nations
2. The word levels in line 5 of second paraghraph means
a. groups, classes
b. beginning, start
c. music, art
3. Sociology had its beginnings as a separate science with
a. Comte
b. Latin
c. Spencer
4. The book which had a great effect on sociology was written
a. by Spencer
b. in 1830
c. both A and B
A giant dam was built many years ago to control the Colorado River. This dam was built to
protect the land and houses around the river.
This huge dam is in the Black Canyon. It is possible to drive a car from one side of the river to
the other on a road which is on top the dam. This dam is so big that there is an elevator inside. The
elevator goes down forty four stories from the road to the bottom. There is enough concrete in this
dam to built a highway from New York to San Fransisco. Thousands of people worked on this dam
for five years.
This huge dam was called Boulder Dam when it was finished in 1936. Later it was renamed
Hoover Dam in honor of a president of the United States. Hoover Dam, one of the highest dams in
the world, is located between the states of Arizona and Nevada.

(from : Folse, S Keith , Intermediate Reading Practices, Building Reading and Vocabulary Skills)

A. Vocabulary
protect (v) = melindungi
dam (n) = bendungan
side = sisi
around(adv) = sekitar
bottom = dasar
huge = besar sekali
honor = menghormati
control (v) = mengendalikan

B. Comprehension
1. A good title for this reading is.....
a. Building a Dam between New York and San Fransisco
b. A Dam to control the Colorado River
c. Jobs for thousands people
2. The word stories in lline 5 at second paragraph means ....
a. a short history
b. something that is not true
c. the floors
3. Workers probably began to build this dam in.....
a. 1926
b. 1931
c. 1934
4. Hoover Dam is located .....
a. between Arizona and Nevada
b. in the Black Canyon
c. both A and B
5. Boulder Dam was built to ....
a. protect the land nearby
b. honor a U.S. president
c. make a highway
6. Later it was renamed Hoover Dam in honor of a president of the United States in line
8 referred to....
a. Hoover Dam
b. Boulder Dam
c. Black Canyon
Dialogue untuk kelas X-1 TKJ

(The telephone rings)

Ella : Hello
Susan : Ella. This is Susan. How are you?
Ella : Fine, Hi Susan. What’s up?
Susan : I just wanted to thank you again for the towels. When I got home from the shower I checked,
and they just match our curtains.
Ella : Oh don’t mention it. You deserve a few towels for putting up with that guy of yours!
Susan : Yeah he has something else.
Ella : Seriously, though, I wish you all the happiness in the world.
Susan : Thank you, I know you do. That’s a sweet of you. Well, I suppose I’d better get going on my
list of errands- got to call the bakery or there won’t be a wedding cake!
Ella : Well, let me know if I can be of any help.
Susan : Thanks.. I might take you up on that
Ella ; OK. We’ll see you later.
Susan : Yeah. And thanks again. Bye
Ella : Bye—bye

Dialogue untuk kelas X-TKJ2

(The doorbell rings)
Linda : Oh hi, welcome back! Have a nice trip?
Janet : Oh, it was fantastic! Fresh air and sunshine every day. We were really lucky with the weather.
Linda ; Come on in . I’ve got the coffeepot on.
Janet : Thanks, but I’ve got a ton of laundry to do. I just stopped by with this—it’s for you.
Linda : Oh, thank you! It’s beautiful! I don’t have any plants like this. But you shouldn’t have.
Janet : Well, Jim and I just wanted to show you how much we appreciated your looking after the
house and wafering the plants while we were away.
Linda : Well, what are friends for? By the way, I tried to buy you those towels you wanted on sale,
but they only had these really ugly ones left . Sorry.
Janet : Oh, that’s OK. Thanks for trying.
Linda : You are welcome.

Dialogue untuk kelas XI-TKJ 1

(The telephone rings)
Tom : Hello
Don : Hello Tom. This is Don, how are you?
Tom : Oh , hi Don. Good . How have you been?
Don : Fine. Listen, Jerry and I wanted to go bowling tomorrow night out at the bowling alley on
seventy nine, but we don’t have a way to get there. If you drive, we’ll pick up the tab for the
bowling. How about it?
Tom : Well, it sounds like fun, but actually I’ve really got a lot of homework to do just now.
Don : Oh, come on, Tom. It’ll be fun. Make you relax. You’ll study better.
Tom : I really can’t. I’ve got a chemistry exam on Monday and a book report due on Tuesday in
American Lit. that I’m really getting nervous about. I dont think I’d enjoy it much. But thanks a lot for
thinking of me. Sorry I can’t help you out.
Don : Oh. don’t worry about it. Maybe next time. Good luck on your exam.
Tom : Thanks . see you
Don : Bye
1. Who calls whom on the telephon?
2. What kind of invitation here?
3. How does Tom reacts to the are you?
4. How does Don feel at the end of the conversation
5. What is the level of formality in this coversation

Dialogue untuk kelas XI-TKJ 2

(The telephone rings)
David : Hello?
Cathy : Oh, hello, David, how are you?
David : Just fine thanks, Cathy.
Cathy : Say, Dick and I were wondering, are you and Shirley free this Friday?
David : Friday? Oh ... it seems Shirley mentioned something about having to work late on Friday.
Why, what did you have in mind?
Cathy : Oh, we just thought it would be nice to have you over for dinner, but if you’re not available.
David : Well, let me check again with Shirley. I’ll call you tonight and let you know for sure, OK?
Cathy : All right. I’ll be waiting for your call.
David : OK, till then

1. Why does Cathy call David?
2. What form of address do the participant use?
3. Notice that Cathy does not identify herself. What could explain this?
4. What can you say about David’s attitude toward Cathy in lines 6-8. How eager is he to
accept an invitation from .
5. What is the result of the invitation?

Kelas XII
Hello.. Good morning,
Interviewer: Mr. John.

John: Good morning, Sir.

Well, though I’ve been reading your CV and resume, what if
you tell me about yourself.
I’m a fresh-graduate from psychology and I took industrial
and organizational major.
Interviewer: And then…
I led some pretty interesting and successful projects on
college, national scale.
Interviewer: And then…
That should show you that I have leadership skill. I’m a very
fast learner, dedicated, and responsible.
Interviewer: Why did you choose your college major?
I’m actually really passionate about industrial &
John: organizational psychology. It’s like the core of HR in a
Interviewer: So..
From the recruitment, to the training and development. It
cares about the well-being of the people in a company.
Interviewer: So..did you have any experience related to this field?
I’ve worked as an associate on some consultants and have
experienced some of recruitment process.
Interviewer: So..
So.. I have pretty good grasp about what I’m going to do in
your company.
Interviewer: Why do you want to work for us?
I’m actually a long-time user of the products of your
company, Sir. I think that’s the number one reason.
Interviewer: Then..
And the way I can contribute is from the human resource
department, as my education permits me to do so.
Interviewer: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I see myself either already got promotion twice, or getting a
master’s degree that’s related to my job.
Interviewer: Do you still have the urge to study, Mr. John?
John: Oh, of course, Sir. Especially if it helps my career, sure.
Well, I guess that’s all I want to know from you, Mr. John.
You will hear from us in a week. Thank you for coming.
John: Thank you so much for this opportunity, Sir. Have a nice day

Mike: Good morning, John.

John: Good morning.

Mike: How are you doing?

John: I am doing fine. Thank you.

Mike: First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Mike. I am Finance Manager here.

John: Nice to meet you Mr. Mike

Mike: John, please tell me a little bit about yourself.

I was a student at West Coast University, and I just graduated with a Bachelor
degree in Finance.

Mike: Any experience?

John: I have been working part-time as a payroll clerk the last two years.

Mike: What are you looking for in a job?

The job should help me see what Finance is all about. I’ve learned a lot of theories at
school, and now it’s time to put them into practice.

Mike: Anything else?

John: I also hope that it will help me grow in my field.

Mike: What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?

I am a hard-working person and a fast learner. I am eager to learn, and I get along
fine with people.
Ok. Now, let me ask you a few quick questions. You do not mind working long hours,
do you?

John: No, I don’t mind.

Mike: Can you handle pressure?

Yes, I can. When I was in school, I took quite a few courses while working at least
twenty hours every week. I handled that situation very well.

Mike: Do you have any questions for me?

John: Please, tell me a little bit about the position.

It is an entry-level position in Accounting Department. He will have to deal with the

bank on a daily basis.

John: What type of qualifications do you require?

I require a four-year college degree in Finance. Some working experience would be


John: That is great!

Mike: Do still have any questions?

I have a pretty good understanding of the job. I believe that I can handle it with ease,
and I hope to have the opportunity to work with you.
John, nice meeting you. Thank you for coming. Will let you know about the result
Thank you very much. Nice meeting you too and I am waiting for good news from

Dialogue untuk kelas X-1 TKJ

(The telephone rings)

Ella : Hello
Susan : Ella. This is Susan. How are you?
Ella : Fine, Hi Susan. What’s up?
Susan : I just wanted to thank you again for the towels. When I got home from the shower I checked,
and they just match our curtains.
Ella : Oh don’t mention it. You deserve a few towels for putting up with that guy of yours!
Susan : Yeah he has something else.
Ella : Seriously, though, I wish you all the happiness in the world.
Susan : Thank you, I know you do. That’s a sweet of you. Well, I suppose I’d better get going on my
list of errands- got to call the bakery or there won’t be a wedding cake!
Ella : Well, let me know if I can be of any help.
Susan : Thanks.. I might take you up on that
Ella ; OK. We’ll see you later.
Susan : Yeah. And thanks again. Bye
Ella : Bye—bye

Dialogue untuk kelas XI-TKJ 1

(The telephone rings)
David : Hello?
Cathy : Oh, hello, David, how are you?
David : Just fine thanks, Cathy.
Cathy : Say, Dick and I were wondering, are you and Shirley free this Friday?
David : Friday? Oh ... it seems Shirley mentioned something about having to work late on Friday.
Why, what did you have in mind?
Cathy : Oh, we just thought it would be nice to have you over for dinner, but if you’re not available.
David : Well, let me check again with Shirley. I’ll call you tonight and let you know for sure, OK?
Cathy : All right. I’ll be waiting for your call.
David : OK, till then

6. Why does Cathy call David?
7. What form of address do the participant use?
8. Notice that Cathy does not identify herself. What could explain this?
9. What can you say about David’s attitude toward Cathy in lines 6-8. How eager is he to
accept an invitation from .
10. What is the result of the invitation?

Kelas XII
Hello.. Good morning,
Interviewer: Mr. John.

John: Good morning, Sir.

Interviewer: Well, though I’ve been reading your CV and resume, what if
you tell me about yourself.
I’m a fresh-graduate from psychology and I took industrial
and organizational major.
Interviewer: And then…
I led some pretty interesting and successful projects on
college, national scale.
Interviewer: And then…
That should show you that I have leadership skill. I’m a very
fast learner, dedicated, and responsible.
Interviewer: Why did you choose your college major?
I’m actually really passionate about industrial &
John: organizational psychology. It’s like the core of HR in a
Interviewer: So..
From the recruitment, to the training and development. It
cares about the well-being of the people in a company.
Interviewer: So..did you have any experience related to this field?
I’ve worked as an associate on some consultants and have
experienced some of recruitment process.
Interviewer: So..
So.. I have pretty good grasp about what I’m going to do in
your company.
Interviewer: Why do you want to work for us?
I’m actually a long-time user of the products of your
company, Sir. I think that’s the number one reason.
Interviewer: Then..
And the way I can contribute is from the human resource
department, as my education permits me to do so.
Interviewer: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I see myself either already got promotion twice, or getting a
master’s degree that’s related to my job.
Interviewer: Do you still have the urge to study, Mr. John?
John: Oh, of course, Sir. Especially if it helps my career, sure.
Well, I guess that’s all I want to know from you, Mr. John.
You will hear from us in a week. Thank you for coming.
John: Thank you so much for this opportunity, Sir. Have a nice day

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